ii Ji man ymn S " THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ji,,.,,. BArrERY W1TH A . -wnWYnlit Tll.SDAV, MARCH !M, J20 HORACE 6th, Between Main and Klamath SHIDLER ' HIIAHTA VIEW NOTES tt;;.;4 W fw Suiti made to your exact individual requirements. I aicp in iiuu oicci your spring anu hummer Suit now. ? We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, atyliah Clothes, made by ? When mentioning monoy ralid by box socials remember to put Shasta View nt tho head of tha lint for wo lr ...i. I...II...... (.MM ....... ..l-..l . -ti - i " wi nuiiuu uii buiiuui uimnui x none l7ln t1'" countv cftn toattho following Irouird. The ontortalnrnnnt and box . Uncial Friday evening nt tho Shasti Noiiri; op i:i,i;. tion ! Vluw school house under tlio dime- In llm County court of tho Hinto of Jllun of I lie three teachers and the In ii!.!rmVilrfK.li,,, '' CVul,,y- 1 HulpltiK Hand society was a com "I !in ft in t lr of tho OrimnlzuHnn 1 Of II... I'm .-Viol Irrt.ntl 2 ",ol "r- """l,UU" Wllh CP"n I District j I Idlers. These wise people engaged WIlliroilH. Ulllllir Din Iiriivlnlritm nf Mm Kllimlli Vlnur mlliul r..1. I, film. ? l.,,,.",r!',r, 3,';.7,,-(,"l",,J",,.,''lw" of ro" Uh "" 'tertalnmont which spoke I fn.u.id'ni.'unl'fr drV''" f,,r l""lr ""' Ju"'n'nt '" y imiliiB and establishing Patterson i '"", ,,0l,r Pmurain wan pronounced X Irrigation lilntrlct with tho follow- by many an only half long enough ii,'Z',',',';.V''H; ,0"Wl,t: " wi ' wirorwi of tho artistic I Mu!HhWl'or,,;"r"ofrxr:"u,ll::,,''t'r, ,n nai th i"""0""' J ant iiiartnr of the noiithweiii (uar-j"",,r w'Hdom by engaging Crls Cow IE lor (Hi:'4 of HW4) of Brctloii Icy, tlm I.angell Valley auctioneer tiutVyu'.l!!',' (;s," 'wnihlP Korty who enthused tin. boys to mid. an i til!' TZ:VlZr& l" " ' -a. "luuuiin i ounty, uregnu, thcuro cast I ' " ' ' lMO "oxes, noiio selling i aiu Huiiiuvinion lino one and one- for i-hh than 13 r.O and from that h. ,'."!'.7 '"."'" ",,rt,,(!'",t corner of! to $21.00 each. Talk about men go tlio Noutlnviml quarter of thu south- . ,. , . , ... , , 'ant jnarlur of Section 28. In "aid ! I,,K w"'1 nt tt Bul" of puro ,'r0(1 townnhlp and rnni:i; tlii.iirn notith i nifirk": thcro Is almply no comparl- forty rlialnn, Ihvnro uaat twenty Uon to tho yoiinc man who la dotor rl.aliiH. tlifiim Houth twenty chaltia, mm.,I to K.-t 1,Ih ''b.-nt Klrl" to eat Kyrw:1::: 'H",,,",r wu" "' t"" n"ipinK ,,an" 2wmm g"-M CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate 'MWVWMirfrfiWrf FOR BALE 2 lots at Shlpplngton, near scuooi iiouno. Address Chan. W. Urown, Chelsea Lumber and Uox Co. 18-23 All partlca having cars on storage at tho Olohn garago. formorly tho Ford Oarago, aro to have their cars out of this p.arago by March 31, 1920. GEO DICH.V 20-27 1'IIONE PEYTON for wood. 187 vrt ok l rt . - .i i n,V ilTZL i " K,r.. ' ,. c,Ty aAItBAGB When you want land Irrigated no alkali call. KUrliaco rpranvwl call b2J room 112, Wllllta Illdg. f,-tt! Kunja'q retnov'"' " "J- t -mbV. BKaVsMrKaV pAaBfewBBr,A4 )ajBaVaalBBavMBB3 I I FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR HALE- 18 ft. motor Uunch. good condition Inquire Uort Mus- too, 1C28 Wall street. 22-23 ICIectric Wiring ... .11. Shldler FOR SALI- 2 grado holatoln helf! ,urs, 3 years old. Coming fresh' soon. I.. F. Uoortson, Btukol Bridge 22-23 Printing, Stationery and office HUppllefl. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionary company. 126 Main St. J-tf WANTED FOR HAI.E OR TRADE A No. 1. White sewing maehlne, will trade for 12 or 1C gaugo numo gun. fl20 Jonoraon ui. 22-25' WANTED Position by experienced all-round blacksmith. Have been with Pacific Lumber Co. Humbolt Co., Calif, for several years. Would Hike to locate with lumber company here. Chas. Combs, Townsend Flats. Room 1. 22-24 FOR SALE--Voung fresh cow with heffer calf afoot. Walter Zetz- nian, north side Miller Hill. 20-23 sum KitwiHhip and range; thnttru eat Iw.-niy rhalnn, tbeiico south sixty I'haliiH, more or leas, to the sotillifBHi rormr of lot numbered four, of Hirtloii three, In Township 41. south of Rang.) Eleven (11) E W M . In Klamath County. Ore gon; thence ,mt twenty chains, to l ho scrtlon Hint between Hcctlons 3 and 4. tcilil township and range; wi-iik- miuiii in. ai or near tlio south mines also rcreiveil i;h zs for a ijnlll on which tickets had been sold, making a grand total or J27K.25. Think of It. Away out In tho sago brush twenty-five irillcs from a rail road. Three chcera for Shastn View. Malln and the Carr district were well represented and some woro present from Merrill. Those In chargo of the KKK STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters ., ADVISE FARMERS TO GROW MORE CLOVER wheat where corn orrnplcn the land Iimi long In Hrmlt seeding wheat In lime Ft'rtiiieniH show Hint In I'ontlnii otu rtilture for 2" )ears. the yield of wlmat fell tinin y 21 bushel us an east corner of .Sect Inn 4 in said town-1 affair wish to thank every one most Hl.lp null ranee where mi 1,1 nn Inter- beartlly who so liberally turned their seels the north I tie of the rlght-of- . . . .. . , . ... way of what Is known as the Adams I ,,ockp,B ,n",,,,, oul uml w" tTml the Canal Thence northerly and west-! money will be npont In a manner erly iilnng the north boundary of the moHt beneficial to all. said Adams Canal to a point twenty chains weHl of tho east line of Sec lion C, In said township and range; (hence north to the no 1 1 li boundary "f salil township; (heii'-e wi-it twenty 'haliiii. to the ijuaitor corner on the tounnhlp line between said town ihlpii lo mid II, said range number II E. W. M ; theiiro north through WHoii S2. Township 40, South of Range It East, ttlxtaut sixty cIihIds; i Heme west twenty cbnlim: ihenr.. The Shasta View Sunday school raised $38 !)3 which they sent to the sufferers In Armenia. We feel this Is ipille good ns our Sunday school Is small In comparison to so many, Walter Donart and family visited with Mrs. Dnnnrt's parents, Mr. and Storage Hatterles Charged..!!. Shldler WANTED Men for construction work. Wages $5.00 per day .Mor gan's camp. Dairy, Ore. 22-27 Used cars for sale ono 1918 Chevrolet, flrst-closa running condi tion. Prices aro right. Central Oar ago. 16-tf FOR SALE Ono Shlro stallion, six years old. Several head of young work horses. Inquire of Enterprise; Ranch, or phono 2fi3J. 12-tf Sorves you right Club Cafe G-tf WANTED ON RANCH Man and wife, man for farm work wife to cook for 3 or 4 men. Good house, steady Job. Write giving particul ars of experience etc., and wages wanted to P. O. box 31, Klamath Falls, Oregon. tt FOR SALE A double drawer Na tional Cosh register. Just like new. Rex Cafe. 12-tf WASHINGTON. Mar 22 Decline In clover culture by American farm-! f Menu to Imvn Konn no far as Ini ' niitrii.il in, .in. . f m . ... .'..ii i ... I'll J l-t.l I. II' conil ten yearx. ! while In a 3-year corn-wheat clever inlntloii the )lilil of wheat rose from ' 2 InmhcM In the first leu e:iri to threaten to hn serious and for the ' t,,r the first food of the nation's con and wheat . " ,' J hlw,,"U f,,r ,,,,, " ' ..IiIIm I.I tl l.l'.H, .. mn ll la fl..... ... .., ..... I..... I I...I. t lf" I. .w IIIIIIJ tU ftl'l III!' Illllll llfllKl Into clover, the Departineut of Agri tulturo advises. Produilheiirnn of had under com and wheat decrease root rapidly. Rotation of crops Is ttrnntly advocated by experts who T tho most Important Is corn Tht'Clorrr, with oats In place of 12 7 S lumhels In the second dicaie The best type of man for long life Is rather short and below- the normal weight. a Klamath -- UTILIZE THE MAXIMUM ADVANTAGES OF YOUR BANK pimply using the First National Rank as depository for your funds Isn't bringing you the maximum benefits of banking. (lot Into the habit of consulting us regard ing your operations, the oxpniisloii of your eudeiiMirs, new Investments and surh like. IF TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE, what do you think of uddlng the heads of our full hoard of di rectum to your own 1st working things out? invi-Tt ,,rr,a Ue First National Bank S3mm KLAMATH FALLS OREGON r-i bj . I" 'I ! 1WST AUTO TKUUHM of ours aro nt your sorvlco to call for and mnko do llvorlos, near nnd far, of any Hiiro Hhlpmont, largo or small. No oxprcss packago too big or too llttlo for ua to hnndlo. Our trucks mako good tlmo and are In chargo of oxporl iincod, rollnblo mon. Call uh up for nny transfer Job. Western Transfer Co. IWi Alain Z Phono 187; Res. 2I0K J Mrs. S. V. Moody. Sunday Mrs Itramhall nnd daughter who ....mi r..,.. ..i... '... ..... " '.. i have been spending some time In ii... iiiiii minim ill iiiiii'ii ill iiiii-iti.i uliii: il'orllaud have returned to their Now, therefore, for the purpose of j home here determining : whether or not such ll-j n. j.;. Wilson and family were inci hiiiiii oe organlxeil under the' ... ,,. e...i- uroiihluiiH of unl.l act, an electbhi J ,u""" "l '' " """ '""""' iii ue nein at me town Hall, Town1 ' """' "n if Merrill, in said district. In said j Falls visitor Saturday. ' ny unit slate, on the lnt ilny of prll. 1920, which election will be Mild at eight o'clock In the morning, mil will continue until seven o'clock In the evening of mi Id dny, at which Minn the iiualltlcd electors literal:! hnll cast ballots which contain these woids, In-Hit: Irrigation District. .. Yes Irrigation District No jr words equivalent thereto There shall also bo elected at such line and place three directors for said district, whomj term of ofllcei shall expire in miu. two nml tiiro veurs lespectlvely, from tho first, Tuesday In February next succeed-' utg their election. Tho nominations, of candidates for said ofllces may bo made bv petition, signed by nt least ten of tho electors in said proposed district nuallficd to vote for the olllcors so nominated, or at an assembly of not less than twenty-five of said electors, which said nomina tions by petition or by nsscmbly shall be filed with the undersigned at least ten days next preceding tho dnto of said election Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. March 1st. 1920. C. R. DELAP, County Clork. 2-9-16-23-30. WANTED TO BUY Ono to three healthy setting bens. Prefer Rhode FOR SALE Leading maKoa, Phono- i Island Reds or Plymouth Roclo Call graphs, Pianos, Records. Earl! Herald office. 19-tf Shepherd, C07 Main St. 24-tf i I WANTED Second-hand blacksmith Serves you right Club Cafe Ctf outfit including Forge, tools, etc. j Also pipe fitting tools. Write Box FOR SALE 1 Globe-Wcrnecko oakX. Y. Z. Herald office. 19-24 file case- letter size 3 drawer, vertlcle 4 compartments Prlco; WANTED TO BUY A small house $S0.OO Just like new. J. H. Carnahan.l in good location, with large lot Loomls Building, Room 4. 3-tf l Prlco must be reasonable, with iieruiu ui-tf i terms. Address It. C. S, FOR SALE Used cars, 1917 Elgin., fice. Imperial Garage. 25-tf; FOR RENT OR LEASE ' WANTED Alfaua dairy farm, 80 A. . with or without stock, under ditch. 'no alkali. Address 210 South 3rd St. .'Klamath Falls. 13-6t FOR G22 RENT Garage Klamath Ave. for one car. 22-2C WANTED Light housekeeping I rnnina nt nnnrtmont 1 Imlv. II pr For rent or salo,'aI,I Office, Box J. 20-25 W. i of S. W. i - PASTURE LAND m:ar ..iuiiu. i lie a. n . y '4. Sec. 8. Township 41, It. 12. j Write for Information, Frank Halas,; run. .TnA lltilna ft r. llr Phnnnli I Arl, 'on.or.' WANTED A WANTED A stock saddlo; must be In good condition. Phono 253J. 9-tf message from you to tho readers of The Herald, if you FOR RENT Space In these columns , nav anything for sale, for rent, lost nt flvn con to n llnu n .Inv i linn " luuiiu. he. Is read by night. a day. thousands A line every Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near! Klumath Falls under ditch. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-tf MISCELLANEOUS f4.H"JH.....fl....K....4 f DRUG FACTS NO. 23 Pathe Records Wo shall offer for sale In our Phonograph Department tho well I; n. wn Pathe Records. These records are favorably known for their HiuoothuesH uud deep tone, and may bo played on any machluu with pioper attachment. They aro guaranteed to give one thousand perfect playing, if played with the SAPHIRE BALL. Pathe Itecords will 1k carried in our Merrill Store. SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE, Klamath Falls RED CROSS DRUG STORE, Merrill f. -i--i-;;:: .;.x ;;! !'.; ' "Perhaps You Don't Know' says the Good Judge Sl That nearly every wise to bacco chewer got over the big chew idea long ago. A little of the Real Tobacco Chew gives you more to bacco satisfaction and saves you money. Its rich taste lasts a long time. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco If you want a really high grade product. Buy Silver Thlstlo Sugar Corn. Ask your grocer for it. 17-23 Electric Appliances H. Shldler Serves you right Club Cafo G-tf WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING In a hurry advertise for it here. LOST AND FOUND LOST A golden opportunity to sell your home, your farm or anything you wish to dispose of, if you do not use the classified columns of Tha Herald. FOUND A chance to dispose of any of the Innumerable articles that Would like to have the Piano rolls! you have stored away in your cellar, that were taken from Roberts & Whitman's store Saturday, March 13., with the name of Mrs. B. W. Short on them, returned there. 22-23 attic or barn. Turn your waste into cash. There is always someone who wants just what you have for sale. Find him through the classified columns of this paper. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by . regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL Th. National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wllhsl tnlna. At all druggists, thiee eizes. LdoU for the n.m. Cokl Mail.1 on ov.rr box .nd .cc.ut no tiuit.tlMi Will sell my very choice lota on Wood River at Fort Klamath, to highest bidder. Have owned this property 10 years. Size of lots 100 feet wide by 300 feet deep. Three blocks from center of town of Fort Klamath. Descriptions of lots, two to nine (inclusive) block seven; lots one to four inclusive Blk two; Lots six to ten inclusive nnd lots ono and two blk four all in First Addition to Fort Klamath, Oregon. Ednah Race Capron, Hampton Apts, Long Beach California. 22-27 Want A tN lirlns; resiiltn. RUGS Last Bale of rugs 6x3 at $5.00. San Francisco price $7.50. T. O. Hague, 201 Willits Building. r-r-:S""K":"'-:-'"M"W4- UJtllSANIMI)tUj!Jir, 1 I Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other J good shoes are here in the new Spring styles K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters k.'':'-:'.''-:":'-:":'':":-S".,":":".,:--:" S E E D ORDER i NOW Murphey's Feed & Seed. Store 126 South Sixth St. ; Phone 87 4l m w, S'i