The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 23, 1920, Image 1

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fourteenth Ycnr No. 387(3
Mlmtmg IteraU.
ft IE IN :
23, 1920
AAAAAaa. . - .
" '''''l
wm.s uii.i, ni.uuii:
.vniiirxjni,-,-, March 23
tloveriiineiil rimirul over lint '
inuUmum prlr.. of liUuininoiu '
tonl wan withdrawn today ,y
l'r'alttni Wilson, to i (fc. '
llv April Int Al Hu. ham.. '
Nino tin. frnnlili.tit Wf,,i lM
iilHtnil hi-m .! ...i - . I
. ... .1 will, imrNr Ihw, ' """ ""'". II0 ,
um ln ... -... - - ' IraiiMnllte.l II,., majority r
Mtm, ........ B """"" ! ,H,r. of i, ,, W11II111
Price, Five Cents
, mini vallev still
, LONDON. Mar. 23. Tho alt-
iween (in, mln,, worker mill
iipiititlota hlmll Im mu.lit "
lly removing lli govern
ment Kiiilrnl of price i rn.
Idem puven (In, way f,)r In-i-rnc
roal prim i absorb
tiitimniMK 1" HlKlllcimiM
. -. ll.ii iiiitlr-4 fit ktfilM
.. iu ran "
,l,tH " Mtt,f"r H,",,,,, "' '""l
.iAi'i MrrllllR " "' '"r iinri,
.... II.hI li hnil ml wiiil.
niBUPr " "
Hif toM I'toff " l'i'll Wllmui mill
.Jaffl I"'' "'" "N "' ,l'" ",,r
!l k trlftr lw ohould hi
J but that ' they didn't Bfi.tii to
nil In do Ii
tu Bcti.t In. llril of
.... .WiinriiiMt mill liml gone Ioi '"" "' -1 P-r cent
f "--- A. .
ijtflherumcMin mwn awl ttiiluM -"""" imm..ii.ii..i In
iWalooopc.ah- l.j. warning theli "!'"r r P'.rt
(fltd ml palnm tn keep Hlililn 'aa
tilled limit Tim llulil.. ll.c
fitt IS mil''" mi lin'ir It win
t'itti by varum memborn uf the
irtjdl lhl i.n.ll.rUls speeded up (
llulki iUd
IiI(IC lllitalire were mentioned
n-i ti the nap!'iiK tt n tuli.t.)niti
kiieti lln irct lit "ick liy ..
put drlrr l.n im,iI m,
Uklb(hl mui liltu ritrapml rar l' rniMi..n
...Mi mm iio
Von cruwfliili on iivcrydiliiR."
' It I ii km two mi'fi to wltnrn nnv
liifiirinliiK ili-m Hint thin niport ' "'"'""""'t y' moke. Ii-iil you hack
HI l- III.. Im.lH upon which !"",' of ""
K' o hi'iluln iiKn-iiiiiiitH In..! 'r,l" ti two of tlin neciiKatlon
mnilit hy Councilman K. M. Uiip
4 Knlnt Mn)or Ktruhln nt lnnt nlght'ii
nipniiriK. nurmif tim nriit open tilt
thni him rlpplcil tin. harmony of
'council niKctliiKH In thu past nix
"I don't craw-fUli on nothlnR,
Councilman Upp." rotortcil tho may
or rirml) hut without hont, nnil the
illnputo r.rniluiilly fllckcreil out.
It aron Ilka n clnml out of a clonr
nky when Upp nnko) -what hail hoon
If MIIIn addition nnil
nvciiiiii ;t u newer thix yi-nr tho
property ownero will most prohnhly
hno to hoar tho cost, wiih tho opinion
of Police JuclBo Latvia rendered hy
rc(ticnt to tho city council laKt night '
Tho Lumbermen' Trust company
i or rortinnu refUHes to accept tho
l&O.OOO bond Ihhuo voted Inut fall
to conxtruct tho newer, on tho ground
that tho city Ii.-ih execoded tho char-j
tor limitation of bonded lndobtcd-1
nenn. I
AnscBslnj: the property would nt
leant douhlo tho cost on each lot It
LONDON. Mar. 23. Tho alt
uatlon In tho Ituhr vnllnv
ntroiiKhold of tho Gorman
"rrd" Ib expected here to re-
main virtually unchanged until
tho pearo conferee hero decide
whether Herman government
troop shall bo allowed in that
Today' official mcMcgc Bald
I that tho red In tho Ituhn dl-
) trlct pocm no effective artll-
, l-ry or tank, hut arc plentiful-
ly equipped with rifles.
j no wnoio western Industrial
unurici or uormany, is held
nuiiuiy oy mo radical and dls-
osier In Incvltablo If govern-
ment troops are not rushed
there, according tn inrnrmiinn a.
was I'stlmated, and probably bring
It to C0 Tho city would still havo
doiu, about the petition of John Mc to hoar the cost of septic tank and
i an ror grading nn approach to his 'rights of way.
Hiiry from Third strcpf botween Lin
coln and Jefferson, filed a month
It appears that no construction
In Berlin this mora-
) received
a no t . ...
' 'inoinor Dattio is reported
Councilman Colvln. who liven In
Mill addition, said that h.. spoke for ,n "roErcss botween tho SparU
hlmself and u number of neighbors cans and tr0PS of the regular
when ho nald that they wanted the' arm' at Wcse!, 22 miles north-
i.'llf ttailmuaerd ('nundliimii Cnl-
iiild ho lm.1 on., or two,"1" 'B I1"01" ') uro IiuIIiIIiik Into'
.illnc to miira mi hour oimo luturu ronttrtntlnn of the kind
U Mfur ut I he tint! done hit M"1 "mhluh a ttmidard by tho city
,w-urk had been donn or ordored and! sower thl enr at any reasonable' WC8t of Essen. Tho regulars,
t'l.I. stated Hint MrPnll una rnnilv tfiln r.n.t 11...1 . ..,. tba rennrf vntil tij u.. . .
1. " "" -" 1 vuot, ii .. null; llltlt tliu nuuill --.--.- iiu, uau UCDU OUC- W
1 i.w ..j nui n iiiiiinuif.
thn city
nt. tat IIirI I"- iinildn'i mien. I to
4 Otadutlm n-id id. imllru duly l.n
tUcr JuJtn l.mitlll thiitir.hl thm
eounn m last mKtit'it meeting.
It.'l'titeiitatlve of the rumpany
pliilleil thul they hud not been
tarn til ...I
r. .. ... ,,,p,do till, work hlinsnlf. If tho pllv Imit n.,...t il.n ,........... .. .......
cnmpieiu ' ,. ri.n .i... ,, ... ,,... ,. ., I
.'"""""n " -t nuuiu vuy i-ngincer i.imwau voiced tlie
(IHW 1.1... WH-.. I ... . . ... .
4.n. . Il l.w .1.,. who- '-, and ttepttakentoreg-r--',- Wfl , I I Z M
our own men and do It oursolves," , let it go unsowered forever before ho
said the mayor would give hi conbont to tho pro-
'Why don't you do it then!" said posal Kor, ho said, It was unjust
I'pp. mid tho "crawfishing" charges for tho city to havo borne half tho,
followed. cost of sowerlng tho wealthier dls-
l pp claimed that he had boon try- trlcts of tho town, anil now that they
lug for a fr tp got tho work done havo como to a unit that Is less ahlo
1 I In Mil fit till Af nPil I " unt-n tirntlKnllt. . 1 1 lmnr llw rl . un.ttl,. (!. t-
week, and had never thought that bBrrw fr0, lnr own whlIol ourdon upo lhu ro)ertv owner8.
pt.rmlt would bo demanded ,,,,., .,, ... .,. .. ,. .. ..' m,.. .... . , ...
. "" "w,n nun uiiuuiir. nn It la lliu I I ,11. lllBUnilliri.lH L'.IUIIl lie IIIIKIC,
largo attendunce u( ., ,,., .h,,- . ,,,.' . ,.... ,,..,
.... v.. vta. tv mull (......fu bIU MUitfeU ,i;ailllt Ul illU t'll-JUUI
and have deliveries made across a Installment plan, and In his opinion
neighbor's lot. because of high banks tho transferring of tho obligation
loft on Third and Fourth streets by from tho city In genera! to tho pron-
il.e Hut.ilIi.Umi of piling, which
nrini.ed iitmi.lerat.le loinmeut last
irrrit am! fine of tpeeder .'n",r" l,l", "hjertinn would arl.i to
tt for Hit. next 30 days woutd
.! 1 Military effect.
CwDCllnun llrandonburg dnfend
'U rolfcoiiirn from clmrget of ret
itlnc it fie In tho station when
f lS.0tlM bo out on thn trout. Ho
1 tkit It wa nccemary to havo
police whern they could bo found
Thorn wat
mill men mid tholr attorneys and tho
matter of establishing dockage or
boom limits was thoroughly thresh-
t nrttlcl As thn situation now "' l" r operators and councllraen.
ii lbre ate only two officers A enferenco of mill men with tho
thief Is on duty In ilitytline mid'''l,' nltomoy will bo hold tomorrow
rolman lliilntt at night, and It Is
eulble fur onn man In patrol
rlty smt aiteml to thu ntnllon nt
ume time
ooDrllmnt. ' tilv In snld that Hil
Bfcdril 11 I raffle officer Im.llv,
no acilcin wus taken on thu nug
a that thn wenthor Is gutting
I the nmmr M.ld that tin. Main
'I parking ordlimnn. should l,
ffl and the Jitney cars mul
lbt iiu.ko 11 practlrtt of park
for hours on Main strent should
'itrlclcil to tho side streets. Il
fc Itn.l Instructed tho pollm to
rf Um orillnanro vigorously nf-
"t 1 Hevnriil couiifllmen
tl tlmt the ears ciiulil umi tin.
ftrcoia for parking now wliboiit
"cnlenro and that tliorn wiih no
0' siting until May 1. but no
K c(m was taken.
5 "! trim, slrnlglil and slim,
'ttnliur of tho 0. A. C. Cndots
mitln n nifty nppi)iirtinco iltir
nfluniomi purnilo on Main
ycMerduy Iloth In at lent rim
""' In tho big concert tlmt Iwlil
"Uy crowd spoil hound for
Ihnn two huura nt tho nporn
lasl "'Kilt tho hand showed
1 w "II, and morn, than lis
fo inibllilty, lioastod. From
,0 imt, solo nnil iinHomblo,
''out the w-holo ropoitolro tho
"n I'rocnedoil fmiltloHsly. It was
' that tho I, Ik uudlonrn at I In.
h"o lust night will not for
on. nd thu iciuiuiitli Post of
Wlrnn Legion Iiiih urlilovoil
1,8 fnnm thitt will last for
n'o to como, through tholr of
J1 "ringing In this superior
1 Tgnnlzntlon.
w'ng tho concort last night
o to tho military strains furu
'"orslon for Torpslchoronn do
,lntll H int,, i,0Mri Tonight tho
evening at which an ordinance will
bo drafted to meet now develop
ment In thn Industrial development
f the lake front As outlined dock-hi-
llinlH will he established S50 to
poo feel from the shorn line, which
ti.kis In the Kunutia bourn limits, ex
it ii. ling from a point nt the wcfct ond
of tin. Arl.ley Urns' slto down tho
Inke The booms are to bn en enclos
ed that wherever it street, or Inter
viulng lot between Industrial sites,
nbuls on thn water n free water way
v III be left extending Into thn Inko,
giving unohslrtu-led navigation from
tin. shore past (ho dock limits to
open water.
, (-Inline was dlsriiHsed, making
(he fiiinchlsi. for docks rovnrablo at
it ti time when It becomes clear that
the gimilen h.-is abandoned Industrial
operations. Its Inclusion will ho de
cided b) tho conference
The navigable water. It was said,
I bevoml the limit to he established"
Tor lion feet, nioro or lesn. from
..liore the sounding Is ten feet or less,
ile.-peiiliii: l.evnnd this point In tho
Mule Itlver channel which follows
the west shorn At thn point whore
the Kvviiuim piling ceases thu lako Is
J 1 00 feet wldo. It l assorted, so that
epprnxlmntcl H9! fL't l lu" c'"'"-
tn navigation
repeat with n concort and
"" to hour tho boys lust
'l"l bnvo nn opportunity.
a BUBgestlon of tholr vow
you'll onjoy tonight ns your
irs "Id last night Don Kmlth,
" ntiko VauBliu, plnnlst, In
"nI Instrumonini skit berlf-s
" Ask anybody.
"obhs, won known Merrill
" was n hiiHlnoss visitor In
1 '''"lis today.
rniiMTV 1.AC.S IN
Thn total iccelpts ror Armenian
ic.,)f to ditto have been $8!I2.C7.
This fulls fur aliort of thu county's
llttotll J.HIUO. Tlin roiuiiiitiuu "
much mieoui aged, how ovo. runiizing
that ovory dollar collet-ted ho far is
from oiio to whom th niuso of suf
fering Immunity really nppeals.
Theio urn mmiy mnro porsons who
would willingly mid gladly sub-
Horlho, tho comtnllteo uoiiuvus .
ot lot tho days go by without doing
Subset Iptlnns cmi ho given or
mailed to tho Itov K. P. Lawronco
or Aillitir It. Wilson.
Tho sfhoolH havo begun to Bend in
city grading.
Ho claimed to havo made a mo
tion to havo tho work dono at tho
tlmo tho last petition was filed a
month ago. and that tho motion car
ried. Tho mayor as stoutly assortod
that there had been no ordor for do
ing tho work, that tho matter had
been referred to tho street commlttco
mid never roported upon.
A search of tho minutes sustalnod
tho mayor's claim, hut Upp maintain
ed thoro had boon a motion and that
Mr. McCall and others would bear
nut tho assortlon. Howcvar, ns tho
minutes had been properly approved
ho said ho roallzod that eontentlon
was useless, and moved that tho
-work bo ordered dono. Tho motion
received no socond. Another motion
hy Colvln was seconded and carried,
Instructing tho city engineer to pre
pare an ostlmate of cost.
Colvln declared his surprise nt a
development oftho discussion, which
disclosed that there Is somo $3000
In the strcot fund. Ho said ho had
understood tho fund, llko othors,
was bankrupt, and declnrod ho wnnt
ed tlmo to consider tho matter. Ho
said Improvements hnd boon .nskod
by others and ho hnd acted advorsoly
on tho theory that tho city had no
money for street ropnlr and improvo-
mont. Having learned his mlstnko,
ho said, ho was opposed to nn im
mediate voto on tho McCall Improve
ment. Ho wanted tlmo to consider
cost and tho - nood of the Improve
ment, and what would bo a fair doal
to othors who had made similar de
mands on tho council.
orty ownors of tho Improvement dls-
wuiiKeu oy mo spartacans.
trlct would removo tho objection of!or vol5
Hoxlng exhibitions In this city took
tho count last night nfter a few
swift jabs and uppercuts had been
landed by various members of the
city council. No opposition was put
up and the revocation of appoint
ment of tho city boxing commission
was made without dissenting voice
tho bonding houso and mnko tho
bond lssuo valid.
Thoro was discussion of tho feasi
bility and advisability of Including
tho flat this side of tho railroad tract
and somo of Sixth strcot. It was
hold by somo speakers that this
might increaso tho sizo of tho ns
Kcssmeuts. by othors Hint It would
redtico them.
Final decision was reached-to put
tho matter in tho hands of tho city
englncor to get cost estimates and
data from angles, find wheth
er tho Mills addition and Michigan
avenuo district, ns at present plan
ned, would mnko construction cheap
er than Inclusion of tho "flat," In
vcstlgato tho possibilities of using
ono soptlc tank for tho ontlro area If
It was decided to Includes tho "flat"
and Sixth atroet, or whether nnoth
or soptlo tank wo ild be needed.
'' 'bo opera house, nnil thono Irotuuts mill mo doing well. Ilotwoon
nn mul 70 Imvo joined tho Klamath
County Armenian club, momborshlp
$10, and ono "dry" farmor sont In
$20 to make himself and wife mem
....a Tim commlttco appreciates
this Biicrlllco. K. Sugurmnn turnaam,.
over it limit check, ft porcontago ot
his latest wilo.
Tho aco nt which mnrrlngo mny lo-
gnlly bo consumnmtod In India Is toil
Henry Ackol, sorvlng sentonco in
default of fine for an alloged assault
on Flro Chief Ambrose, acting as n
peaco officer, was roleasod yesterday
hy Police Judgo Loavitt, on condi
tion that ho carry out his oxprossod
deslro to enlist In tho United States
army. Ho Is reported to havo on-
llstod and loft town.
Clydo Oliver, another youth In
volved In the same fracas, against
whom a complaint had been filed In
the Justice court for threatening to
commit a felony, llkowlso enlisted
and departed,
'.. ' '(
iMedo LoonottI, a youngXltallan,
who has been living In this city, fll
sMloclaratlon of intontlon of Jjecom
luman. American cltlzon with tho clr-
i- A .'- t I
cuif. court yesterday ana to further
A statement of cost of maintaining
tho Isolation hospital during tho in
fluenza epidemic was presented to
tho city council last night by C. C
Low, manager. After deducting tho
rccolpts from patients, n deficit of
$2470.37 rcmnlncd, of which tho
city Is pledged to boar ono third. Tho
county and Rod Cross chapter divided
tho romnlndor. Mr. Low snld that
moro thnn $800 wns duo from pat
ients, hnlf or two-thirds of which ho
wns certain would ho paid, so that
tho city might oxpoct finally to pay
$500 or $000.
Tho stntcmont showed total ex
penses of $'2040.37 paid for supplies
and labor in fitting up and main
taining tho old city hall mid now
courthouses hospitals nnil $12!".$ for
nurses and othor operative salaries,
n grand totnl of $3307.37.
Approximately $1700 wns chnrgod
patlonts for troatment. $837.25 of
which has bcon paid.
Tho council allowed tho claim nnil
Instructed tho pollco Judgo to draw
a variant for $S23, tho city's shnro.
with tho understanding that the city
should recolvxi one-third ot outstand
ing patients' debts when thoy nre
Councilman Colvln moved for the
annullmcnt of tho commission and
was seconded hy Lavenlk, after brief
discussion. Tho motion carried un
animously. Criticism of tho council was not
directed at tho members of the com
mission, tho match-makers or prin
cipals In tho contests. All agreed that
tho sport Itself had been clean and
srpiaro. It wns alleged, however,
that the growth of boxing was draw
Ing many undesirables characters to
tho city, and that the ''roars" made
by disgruntled gnmblers after each,
contest wero becoming a nuisance.
"It's llko a circus," explained Col
vln in making his motion. "It's not
tho show- Itself but tho followers that
mnko it a bad thing for tho com
munity. I'vo seen somo of tho fights
nt the opera house and enjoyed
them, too. nut we had an exhibition
of somo of its ovlls the other night
(roforring to tho alleged assault up
on Flro Chief Ambroso by several
men ho sought to arest for disorderly
conduct) and it is tlmo to call a
Tho boxing commission was ap
pointed last December on petition of
tho rcqulrod 100, or more, citizens
nnd bus proved faithful and very
successful In performing a difficult
show his patriotism Immediately en
listed In tho United Stntes army.
Eugene O'SulUvan , Donnio Konne
and Ned O'Connor, natives of Iro-
ltmd, nnd all rosldonta of tho Mor
rill district nnil engaged in shoop
raising thoro, filod declarations of
Intention to bocomo citizens.
At a noon meeting of tho Com
munity notterment Committee yes
terday nt tho Hex enfo, tho pirticu
Iar phases of community life to be
Investigated wore decided upon.
Tlioso arc health and sanitation, rec
reation, jttvonllo delinquency, de
pendency, housing, city organization
mul activities, and Industrial condi
tions. Spoclnl committees to take
cltnrgo of each aspect of the work
will bo announced tomorrow.
It was doclded that an active ad-
vottlslng campaign will bo con
; ducted prior to and during the stir
voy in order to socure tho coopera
tion of ovory person in Klamath
Falls. It is the Intention of tho
general eommitteo to acquaint ev
oryeno in the city with the purpose
nnd benefits to be secured from
such a community study and a call
for hundreds of volunteer workers
will bo made. In fact It Is expected
thnt ovoryono In tho city will take
n part In the survey.
'We're from Missouri," declared
tho city council with united vole
last night, after hearing a communi
cation from O corgo J. Walton, presi
dent of the California-Oregon Power
company, to the effect that the com
plaint of tho city fire chief that the
nuts on various fire hydrants were
not uniform and firemen had to car
ry an assortment of wrenches to turn
them. The hydrant nuts aro stand
ard said tho power superintendent's
letter, and he believed any good
standard wrench would turn them.
"Mr. Walton has a car," said one
of the council. "I propose wo Invite
him to take the chief some day and
make an investigation of all the
hydrants. Let's Instruct the clerk to
so write him." And It was so ordered.
Committees Report
The light and water committee re
ported favorably on the installation
of a fire hydrant on Main street east.
near Dr. A. A. Soule's residence.
The street commltteo reported a
visit to Michigan avenue, where res
idents petitioned for temporary side
walks last week. They found exist
ing sidewalks narrow and Inadequate
and recommended wider walks, of
temporary wooden construction, be
placed on both sides of the street..
Right of Way Deed
A deed was presented to the city
by Durge W. Mason and M. S. West 4
Of right ot way for sewer, drain or
water pipe, across the lake front
property of Messrs. Mason and West. .
This is the property on which certain
portions ot streets were vacated by'
the city, ln consideration of assur-
ance that It is to be used for a manu-1
facturlng site. '
The ordinance vacating tho streets
came up ror final passage last night
and was adopted.
Paving Discussion
There was considerable discus-
sion of paving the alley between Main
street and Klamath avtsnue. from
Fourth street to Seventh street. It
was the unanimous sentiment that '.
the alley needed paving but no ac
tion was taken.
Tho installation of a sidewalk on '
Main street from the Baldwin hotel .
to Center street, came up again.
Councilman Brandenburg said that !
in view of traffic conditions, an ac
cident was likely to occur there at f
any time and a pedestrian injured. &
As the foot traffic is forced Into the
street by lack of sidewalks, he fear- f
ed that the city would be liable In a
damage action and might be forced i
to pay moro than It would for side
walk, providing the owners of prop-
erty refused to build tho sidewalk.
Because of lack of funds the council v
hesitates about tackling the Job, ,.
which requires considerable rock ex
cavation, and no definite action was f
Permits Issued!
The following permits wero Issued: ,)
R. Madsen, garago 12 by 14 feet, Ldl
14, Block 16, Second Railroad addl-
tlon; Rex La Prairie, to install gaso- t
line pump on Klamath avenue; Geo.
Blehn, private garage, Lots 1 and 2,
Block 43, Nicholas addition, 18 by '
20 feet, $200; W. C. Davenport, re- ,
modeling entrance to building at 121
Sixth by Installing largo single door
in place of two doors; W. A. Shelby,
to conduct rooming house over the
Deerhead grill.
xn. E, Smalloy,.ot Chllo.juln,. was
a Klamath Falls visitor today.
Klamath Post, No. S, American
Legion, will meet tonight at 7
o'clock. Instead of tho usual hour of
8, so that Important business on
hand can be transacted and still
leave mombors timo to attend the
O, A, C. hand concert and danco at
Houston's opera house, announced
T. H, Carnahan, commander, today.
There ate matters coming up which
will not stand postponement, he
3ald, but the meeting will ondeavor
ic- put them through speedily, and
he asks members to attend It at all
Captain H. L. Bea'
the visiting O. A. C,
er of J. O. Beard of the
bank and Is visiting at hut
homo during his stay hero
rd. conductor of