SATimn.w, MAttcm co, isae THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'k MnHT II utm m-m- M4-n4 1 4 -4 1 4 4 -t4444444444444444444444-4444 444-M44 H-44 44444444J-LU-U..1444 -144-1444 -H44 1- MH-H-W -H 44-t-wJ4mw-M TIT We Want You to READ ALL OUR AD And be familiar with our " MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS " Products FOLLOWING ARE REDUCED SIZE REPRODUCTIONS OF SOME OF OUR RECENT ADS. m Mi 1 H irf i FllOU HKRAI.U KKllKUAKY 10 LAKESIDE LUMBER COMPANv Nelson Rounsevell, Manager Announce the purchase of the planing mill and lum ber business of J. F. Goeller & Son, and are pre pared to serve your wants in every line of planing mill work promptly. FltOM HKHAM) MAKCII 8 CHEAPER WINDOWS Suitable for bams, garages and outbuildings. We have a line of 1-inch sash, cut up in three, four, and six lights, in various sizes, made especially to sell at a lower price than the standard window can be sold for. For many purposes they are just as good. We make the standard l,s-inch windows in the best grade too. Any size, in any grade, supplied on short notice. Buy a "Made in Klamath Falls" product. FltOM HKHAM) ma urn TANKS We manufacture fir tanks in any size desired and at present have on hand one 800-gallon tank all ready to set up. This tank is about 8 feet in diame ter and 26 inches deep. See us when in need of anything in the tank line. Buy a "Made in Klam ath Falls" product. FltOM IIKRALII FKUKUAKV SO GLASS Our stock of glass is practically complete and our glazier is subject to your immediate call at all times for any glass work. Telephone your needs in this line to us. FHOM HKKAMl FKimUAItY 17 SCREENS We have a quantity of wire screen (both black and galvanized), bought at 1918 prices, and while it lasts will take your order for screen doors and window screens at a lower price than will be possi ble next summer. If you need any screen work, place your order now and be assured of certain de livery when you need them, which may be impossible after the spring building rush is on. FnoM HKiiAi.n MAiim a HOME INDUSTRY When purchasing windows, doors, cabinet work or other manufactured lumber products, we ask you to consider the importance of buying the product of Klamath Falls workmen and thereby contributing to an increase in the home payroll. Consider whether your money is going toward the support of workmen who live and spend their money in Klamath Falls, where your interests lie, or to workmen who liv ard spend their money in Portland or Sacram " where you have no inter ests. When you buv nroducts, every dollar you spend stays in Klar Ivlls. Not one dime of the money -you send to I'oriiand or Sacramento ever comes back to Klamath Falls. FHOM iit:iiAt.n MAIICII A ntOM HKHAM) MA I t(H I MILL WORK Our planing mill and our crew of skilled mechan ics are at your immediate service for the manufac ture of anything you require in the mill line. De livery guaranteed at the time promised. Service, quality, satisfaction and fair prices is what we aim to give you. ' FHOM HF.HAI.O MAKCII 2 SHINGLES "We have a good' supply of Extra "Star-A-Star" Cedar Shingles ready for immediate delivery. Also a few pine shingles for considerably less money. ntOM IIF.ItAI.II MAItrif 10 WIND SHIELDS In our glass department we have a complete line of Wind Shield Glass and our glazier will put them in for you while you wait. Headlight glass and other circle cut work a specialty. No delays or waiting if you bring your work to us. FHOM HICHAM) FHIlHUAHV a I MOULDINGS A complete line of stock patterns always on hand. Special patterns run to order on short notice. Band sawing: We are equipped to do anything in band sawing and scroll work to order, promptly. Small ordinary jobs gotten out while you wait. Turning: Anything and everything in turning and pattern work. MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS In buying windows, doors, mouldings, screens, niilmint work and huildinir sundries vou now lmvo nn opportunity to purchase a "Made in Klamath Falls product at the .name price which you have been paying for a "matte in I'omnnu or a "Mmw in Sacramento" product. Your orders will be prompt ly filled, material and workmanship guaranteed ami it will be "Mndo in Klamath Falls' if you get your mill work from us. FltOM lir.IIAI.ll MAItnt II CHEAPER DOORS We have a line of No. it doors in stock sizes. For closets, outbuildings and many other purposes they are just as good as the more expensive grades. We make high-grade doors, too, and can supply any size, in any grade, promptly. Buy a "Made in Klam ath Falls" product. ritoM iiKitAf.ii ii:ittttr.iiv 2.1 INSIDE FINISH We have moulded, casings, base and trim, in Fir, on hand, ready for immediate delivery. , Or will run to order anything you want in special pattern. It is no longer necessary to order mill work from out of town and pay excessive freight rates and suf fer the delays incident to freight shipment. Order from us and be assured of prompt delivery, speci fied quality and fair price. ritoM iii:iiam ri:mtt;.itv at ROOFING We cany the Certain-teed line of roofing, shcath- imr nannr 11ml flrMidnnmo- foil, in snvnrnl wades. TIlO Certain-teed quality and guarantee are too well "known to be questioned. We will appreciate your orders. FHOM HKHAM) MAIIf'll lit SHOW CASES, COUNTERS, SHELVING, CUP BOARDS AND BOOK CASES , We will build to order anything you may need in cabinet work and can give you delivery in shorter time than you could ship in from Portland or Sacra mento. Buy a "Made in Klamath Falls" product. LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. Nelson Rounsevell, Manager Mill and Yards at Klamath Ave. and Center St. Phone 128 i.t..LA.i.j..i.Aj..t.j..!...ij,4M.. ..... . . ... . ... ...t..ii..i..iwi..i..iH-irttiife, i.1 1 e"M"vm-"- - -- -. .- - --..- - - ',T.,.-,,i i.iii 1 .. --ri i 11 1 -.i.; M. - - .. .fMMiMM., , - ,..,..,..g..,..l....),.,T,t)rT,i,,iH,riHr,rT,ri,...r.,. ill .:1:,.H..w....w.iH-m "n