Wqv tetsttmux Herald 33 I OITICIAL I'APKIl OK KliAMATII VAU.H opfictaij paper or KLAMATH COUNT Fourteenth Year No. 3873 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 Price, Five Cents kA ( EXPECT N PLANT W BE STARTED in. 1 Tho Pelican liny Lumber company fool confidant (hat they will bo nblo to Htiirt thntr saw mill on April Int. nlthoiiRlt In orhr to do no, It linn boon nnc'Hnry to ship n numlinr of Inrgo mnchlnory HlilpmontH by ex press. nH mntorliilii of nil klndii urn xtroinnly difficult to got. Tho now plnnt In to consist of two linndH nnd n rt'Riiw which Ih llio iiamo tilzo nH thu old plnnt. Thorn linyt. Iiowovnr. boon n great number of -rndlcnl ImprnvromntR Installed, ns ' thu now plnnt will ho drlvon com pletely hv olortilrlty. Thin electricity will ho supplied by nlO00 kilowatt tnrhlno which will prmlure In lln neighborhood of thirteen to fifteen hundred homo powor, nnd will drive tho nnw mill, pinning mill nnd nn chlnn nhop. All mnchlnoR nn Individ unlly nnd oleetrlcnllv drlvon, nnd directly connected to thu motors, nnd thorn will only bo flvo holtB of nny conRoquonco In tho mill. About two hundred inon will bo employed In tho nnw mill, planing mill nnd Rhlp plng dopnrtmont. During tho closed period occasion ed by tho flro. the compnny linn lmllt n lnrgn nnd cnmmodloiiR now dining room, kitchen nnd cliibrobm. TCvorv now nnd sanitary convenience linn boon InRtnllod In tho culinary! nnd baking departments. Tho build ing which contained tho old dining room nnd kltchnn ha boon remodel ed nnd divided up, Into Unlit nlry ldnRterod roomx, nnd "ench of tho rooming Iioiihoh nro equipped with two shower bntliR. Tho woodR operations of the com pnny nro starling. Tho very first ..work to bo dono In tho wood Is tho laying of a number of miles flf "rail Tond bo that n number of workers wll bo required Immediately for truck laylnR nnd rond building. The -woods operntlonH will glvo cmploy mont to three hundred mon. Tho company In very buny Junt nt present getting tho enmpa In shnpo for occupntloti, An quickly ns It enn ho dono thoy will pnlnt tho ItiRldo of tho cabins, nnd will equip tho camp with mnny convcnloncoR. Tho company bus on hnnd Iors sufflclont to run tho Raw mill for two moutliH, nnd will nlwnys keep on hnnd theso resorvo HtnckH. Now oporntlotiR contomplnto run ning tho riiw mill elovon mnntliR out of tho onr. The exhaust Htenm from tho .mill Is bolng Installed so nR to iliu ,11111. in imuih ..mill. mm. ww .in .w , dlschnrgo In tho log pond, and Ihu. keop It from freozlng throughout tho winter months, nnd In this wny will onnblo tho mill to run until Fobrunry 1st, nt which tlmo It will bo necos snry to closo down for a month In j ordor to glvo tho mill a proper and thorough overhauling, nnd put It In nhnpo to begin operntlonH ngnln on M.Mnrrh 1st. Tho mil! nnd woods will opornto eight liour shifts. LAST MINNESOTA PINE TRAIL SOLD ' DULUTII, Minn. Mnr. 19. -A snlo of standing tlmbor, practically tho last largo whlto plno possibility In northonstorn Minnesota, has boon closed; vnrlous holdors aro sollors nnd tho Cloquot I.umbor Company, a Woyorhnousor lntorest, Is tho buy on Thoro nro from 400,000,000 to 500,000,000 feet of plnoln tho pur chase and nbout as much of othor woods, spruco, tnmarack and birch. Tho purchnso also moans tho build ing of n railway across I.ako and Crook counties, at a cost of nbout $2,000,000. In tho samo district tho Btoto of Minnesota owns sovoral hun dred million foot of tlmbor. Mlnnosotn Is nearly tho ultlmnto whlto plno stnto, nnd Its production Is now reduced to that of two domln ntlng companies, with a numbor of smnllor onos, tho two bolng tho WovorhnoiiBor nnd tho Hlnes, tho former with mills nt Cloquot, nnd tho Inttor with mills nt Virginia, both nonr Dtiluth. WEATHER nRl'OHT OREGON Tonight nnd Snlurdny, fnlr oxcopt probably rnln nonr coast j modornto enst winds, SENATE CONFIRMS ' COLBY'S NOMINATION n. y . V ,i JHKfrtt l fcVf' j WAB1IIN0T0N, Mnr. 10 -Tho I iiomlniitliiu of llultibrldgo Colby -to ' bo hecrotnry of statu wiih reported by tho Konnto foreign rolntlons commit too today without u record voto J ITndiited Ilerlln Rtlll Is under bayonet rule but troops loyal to the Ebort government patrol tho streets. Tho Knpp forces loft Ilerlln yester day. Withdrawn! of these Holdlors, however, loft chaos behind an the rear guard turned ngalnst the Jeer ing crowds and fired nt them kill ing many nnd wounding scores. Whllo the nutlcnl elements huve i not made any organized attacks on cnpltol, economic conditions nre des cilbed ns serious. LONDON, Mnr. 19. Hundreds of persons-hnvo been killed in the mill Ing districts of Cormnny In colli sions between tho minors and troops, according to German reports receiv ed at Copenhagen. LONDON. Mar. 19. All Gormnny with tho exception of tho southern states Is rebellious and lierlln Is a barrel of gunpowder, which may bo Ignited nny tlmo," says a Ilerlln dls- pntch to tho Exchnngo Telegraph' company filed yesterday. AMERONGEN. Mar. 19. Evl donco that nn extromoly closo guard lias been placed by tho Dutxh govern ment ovor tho former Kaiser was ob tained today. I'ollco havo been do tnlled to follow him, a fow stops In tho rear, ns ho walks about tho gar den of Ilctlnk castlo hero. COPENHAGEN, Mar. 19. War rant hnvo boon Issued for tho nrrest ... .. . . , r Oonernl --onilor nnd Colonel Ilnllor, characterized nR Iytidendorff's right hand man, says a dispatch to tho Serin! Domokraton from Ilorlln. LONDON, Mnr. 19. A bomb ex ploded outside tho' iirltlsh Embassy nt llorlln'Mast night, mi tho irinVal di vision wns inarching ptiRt, aDorlln dispatch today says. Sovoral por sotiR woro killed nnd Injured, but tho Embassy apparently suffered no dnmago. JAILOR STRANGLED SPOKANE, Mar. 19. William R. Nolsnn, city Jailor, wns choked to death enrly todny In tho Jail corri dor. Tho polleo declarer Stovo Potns koy, nrrostod yestorday as nn insan ity suspect, was tho only prisoner outsldo tho colls nt tho tlmo nnd bo llovo ho fna Nelson's slayor. TO ITAVE I1IRD PRESERVE IN LAKH COUNTY SECTION. WASHINGTON, Mnr. 19. Crea tion of,n bird prosorvo ln tho Wnrnor Lnko section of Lake County, Ore gon, nwaits advicos ns to tho deslro of rosldonts of tho section affectod. Tho Interior Dopnrtmont has notified Roprosontntlvo Slnnott that an Exo cutlvo ordor sotting nsldo tho pro sorvo is hold up until ho can com municate with his constituents. ODD FELLOWS AV1LL HOLD MEETING TONIGHT. Tho I, O. O. F. lodgo will hold nn Important mooting tonight nt tho lodge, rooms in tho I. O. O I Hall. 1 Tho business to bo trnnsnetod Is of! ennntilnrntitn wnmnnf niwl n full n ' vw ." .. ...wi.u.b .. ,v .1,1. .1.- tondnnco Jb roquostod. Tho mooting opens at 7:30 o'clock. fr ..J r-mafw-sna- . te&.y&ms s scumiu-bujvi'ij .- "", aVVBK'Hs,, m MYOIf TS STILL RDLEfBERLIi CJL.-0REEON CO. STAFBANQUET Tho emiiloyecH of tho Callfornln Orugou I'owor Company wero enter tulned nt an Informal dinner In tho i;rlll room of tho Whlto I'ollcan Ilotol hint evening by I'uul I). McKce, (ten oral Manager of tho company. Tho ovunltiK wan npont In Informal din- cusslons of tho problems of tho com - puny to glvo tho omplo)coi a moro Intlmato ItiHlght Into tho flnanclnl nf fairs of tho company nnd to create' it closer relationship between l,r employees mid officials. In his tnlk Mr. McICeo emphasized w.u iin'i urni. i-uiuiuiy iu i. lopulnr Idrn. corporations do hnvo poiiIs und nro really nothing moro' lll'in ft Anllnflltnn tt lutiiic unlilu un n . "" ' v .., """"" III IIIUIII I'MIIUIIJUIIIIH 11IUI1U 411)11 home contributing personal services, eml Hint the i orHotulltles of tho Sev ern! led, vldtiiilH mnklng up tho cor- Tiiriltrm. eatinnlfillv llinu., rMntrtl.iil. ing-servlco. have much to do with tho Impression, formed upon the pub- lie concerning tho corporation. Following this tho flnnnclnl condl - Hon of tho company was graphically shown by a stack of blocks on n (hart showing whnt becomes of tho lovenunH and how the expenses nro distributed. Tho local problems wero gono In to In detail nnd tho plans of tho com- pnny In its efforts to assist In the development of the country wero out lined. First of these Is that water must bo provided for the hundred or moro thousands of acres In tho Klamath basin which nro now prac tically mid. The government not bolng prepnrod to do this probably for many years to como, there Is.no ether ngency In a position to under take it, speakers said, unless it bo tho power company, which Is also vitally Interested In the conservation of wator for power purposes at Cop co and It Is believed that thero is water enough for all if tho wastp can bo snved. At any rate, the pow- or company has gambled that there will be It was noted with pleasure by the officials of tho company that more than a third of tho employes present woro ex-sorvlco men nnd of these tho company Is Justly proud Questions on various matters were frooly asked Mr. McKee by thoso present and It was generally folt that tho net results of tho meeting woro highly satisfactory to nil con cerned and hope was expressed that those events will become an Institu tion of the organization NEW MISSIONARY BRINGS A BRIDE Hardly off their honeymoon but eagor to get to work ln tho now flold ot'.tho ondoavor, tho Rov. R. T. Cooklnghnm nnd Mrs. Cooklnghnm arrived In Klamath Falls yestorday nnd this morning set out for n trip through tho Klamath reservation, in which territory tho Rov. Mr. Cook ingham Is tho newly nppolntod mis sionary of tho M, E. church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cooklnghnm were mnrrlod a week ago at Scobey, Mon tana, and bolng popular residents of tho community tho wedding was a crowded church affair. Immediately aftorward thoy loft for tho pastor's now flold. Tho Rov. Mr. Cooklnghnm hns bcon doing missionary work In Mon tana for tho past ton years. During threo of tho3o years ho represented tho citizens of his district In tho Montana legislature. Ho was In Klamath county last January lo-dc-Inf over tho fields and his brbl rc iiunlntqnce has impressed him very h'ghly, both with tho countv and the friendliness of tho people. Tho now missionary will mnko his hoadquartors In Klamath Falls und ns bo organizes his flold will hold services nt tho ngoncy, Chlloqutn, Fort Klamath and Ynlnnx, arrang ing a schedule for, recurring nervlcs at thoso points. Later ho will proh- ably hnvo a couplo of nsslstnnls to ' holp him In tho work. , BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Mnr. 10.- Tho Scimto this afternoon ile- fentcd tho penco treaty. 4?O60 LOIENISA SEE IDE IN Ah tho day for the selection of the Republican candldato approaches, tho name of Governor Frank O. Low den, of IIHiioIh looms largo upon tho political horizon, an thq probablo cliolco of the Republican convention! nt Chicago. Various candidates fori ! tho nomination nro spoken of, among; w,om nro Genoral Wood, tho mill-! nry candidate Hardlnc of Illinois i0ndoxtor, Governor Johnson andi others, nil of whom have excellent' 'qualifications for tho exalted office; ' . Tir.,ui,iOIlf -- - .i,---. jjt cac)l dy Bcemg , )n(1cato! Umt (!overnor howdcn wII, ,l0 lllo! ,v, ,,,..,, i,M , ,t, T-..i. 1 mva, niuiiuuiu uruiui ui nil? Ill-)'UI!- ncnn party, for tho renson that ns each candldato is subjected to thu closo scrutiny of tho American pcc-l plo ho sociiiH to possess those many nnd Mirled qualities whl"h tho na- l 0'' l,emnnds that ,ts xt ruler "',aI1 "ave- " ln Prty, tho son lot n vllIa5 -. t town l01 ounr,8 " -"nnesoin, in isui. nis inn wu (lusiiiiuti iu i)u ono oi con- stnnt strugglo against adversity. In tho latter part of tho 'COs, Gov ernor Lowden then a seven year old boy, (trudged across the dusty prulrles of tho then scml-wlldcrness of Minnesota, behind his father's pralrlo schooner, as tho family wend ed Its way toward Iowa In search of a now homo. In Hardin county, Iown, tho family settled upon n homestead, and It was there sur rounded by the hardy American pioneers, that Governor Lowden spent his boyhood-- and absorbed thoso sterling Ideas of American In stitutions, which have so character ized him, since entering public llfo. His-parents being unable to assist him, young Lowden, like Lincoln, acquired his early education by study at the f(roplnco when his days work on the farm was 'done. So great was his ability as a student, that at the age of 15 years he secured a position, as teacher ln the country schools in Hardin County, Already the spirit of the young farmer boy was filled with tho desire for an education, and for five years he taught tho country school, doing his own Janitor work nt tho school to, obtain a few addi tional dollars with which to defray his education. It Is a long call from tho back woods of Iowa to the governor of six million people in tho state of Illinois. It is a long call from tho farm of Hardin county blacksmith to United States congress. It Is a long call from poverty to tho position of being one of tho brainiest lawyers ln tho Unit ed States, but that Is what happened to Frank O. Lowden, now tho fam ous war Governor of Illinois, nnd if tho signs of tho times nro truo to their present Indications, the next President of tho United States. Unlike Governor Johnson, he was reared In poverty, while Johnson was tho son of one of California's prom! nent mon; unllko Oonernl Wood, who was educated at considerable ex pense, at Harvard University, nnd was prnctlcnlly unheard until Theo dore Roosevelt rapidly promoted him ln tho army; unlike nny other Re publican candldato before tho Amer ican people, Frank O. Lowden sprang unnldod from tho ranks of the com mon people, nnd llko Abraham Lin coln fought his way unaided and without friends thru college until nt last he stood at the bar of Chi cago lnwyers, tholr, leador. A groat America, with the Ideals of an American; backed by a great record of achievement; a man of great executive ability; a great law yer, but above nil a man nnd an American citizen. CONGRESSMAN'S BROTHER IS DEAD. PORTLAND, Mnr. 19. Roger Sfn- nott, well-known Portland lawyer nml bfotU01' r N- J- slnnott- rI,re" soninuvo in congress irom eastern Oregon, dlod suddenly from heart dlscnso Tuesday night at tho family homo. ' Mr. Slnnott was nearly -JS yoars old, hnvlng boon born nt Tho Dalles, July 15, 1S72. Ho had lived, In Port land for tho pnst 20 yoars and was a member of tho lnw flfm of Slnnott 1 & Adams In tho Chamber of Com-1 morce building, " ' iilizzariw axi) oalim svi:i:i middle west. ST. PAUL, .Minn., Mar. 19. A Htorm, which In intensity equals an thing experienced this winter, still prevails In northern Minnesota, South Da kota, northern Iowa and north Wisconsin, Klcctrlc light and power wires are down In the twin cities and telegraph and telephone service Is Irregular. KANSAS CITV, Mar. 19. -"Sh winds continued today over the greater part of Kansas where, according to reports, considerable damago to the Bowing wheat crop has been caused. I DENVER, Mar. 19. -Normal conditions were restored In the I eastern Rocky Mountain region i today followfng tho worst wind storm In 19 years, which yes- terday crippled wire and train 1 1 communication nnd caused ' thousands of dollars worth of 1 property damage and tho loss of at least four lives. DEFT. MONDAY The Palace Market announces that a new and up-to-date vegetable and grocery department will bo opened Monday morning In connection with Us meat market at 524 Main street. In preparation for handling the addi tional stock the market has been thoroughly renovated and painted and new counters and vegetable cases of the most sanitary and mod ern type have been installed. Vegetables will be kept ln nn air tight, solitary glass case, connected wlththe. ft-JrTgerator system and dur ing ineienure zi nours 01 me nay a constant' spray of ice-cold mist from the Willis mist machine will be dis tributed equally over them. This will insure customers of fresh, cool, crisp vegetables and melons at all times. In addition they will have a 16 foot glass case also connected direct ly with the refrigerating plant, la which all other perishable foodstuff that Is likely to deteriorate during the warm weather will be stored. ,Once placed In these cases the veg- m n n a etablcs, fruit, and other foods will,. , ,.,..., ., j . . , ,, i,, , . . .. tence In default of fines fixed by not uo luuiuieu unui sum iu uih tun sumer. The cases are fly proor, dust proof and ,It might be said, germ proof. Now lighting fixtures will be In stalled and the proplretors claim that when their improvements are com plete they will have the best lighted nnd equipped plnco ln the city retail ing foodstuffs. They expect to make a specialty of catering to the fresh fruit and veg etable trade. A complete line of Del Monto fruits and vegetables will bo received each morning, insuring cus tomers against stale or cold storage goods. During the canning and melon season, fruit and melons will be un loaded directly from the refrigerator car into tho market's refrigerators and they will thus bo protected from deterioration from tho tlmo they leave the grower until placed In the hands of tho consumer. In tho near futuro the proprietors expect to install a complete delica tessen department. Tho grocery and fruit department will bo operated separately from the meat department,' ns nn entirely dis tinct department, under tho charge of Pat Brownlee. Each visitor on tho opening day will receive a choice carnation. MACHINE GUN DRILL INTERESTS MERRILL MERRILL, Mnr. 19. Tho St. Patrick's Day ball, an annual affair ln honor of tho day, was a marked success, holnjT largely attended both by residents of Merrill, nnl vicinity t.s wqII ns by a numbor of visltora from Klamath Falls, During tho ny a dotall of U. S. army recruiting officers gavo an In teresting exhibition with Browning Machine gun which In a moasuro compensated visltora for a postpone ment of tho Rodeo Mrs. F. C. Grimshaw and d.iugh- ter Margaret havo returned from nn Uxtonslvo visit to'Onklnnd, Cal fflO JAILED, CAR IT N McKlnley David, an Indian resid ent of the Klamath reservation and Den nourhroalse, known generally ns '"Tex", were remanded to the cus tody of the sheriff last night by Bert C. Thomas, U. S. commissioner, In j default of bonds required to appear Marcn 24 ror neanng on cnarges or .naving mtrouucea liquor into tno 4 i Klamath reservation and of having ' sold, bartered or given It to the Ind- lan wards of the government. Tho complaint was made by Wal ter G. West, superintendent of tho reservation and the offense Is alleg ed to have been committed March 12, last. It appeared from the superinten dent's story that he discovered that liquor had been Introduced by tho defendants and immediately took steps to check its distribution by ar resting the two men and locking them up. Because of the storm at the time and condition of the roads he was unable to bring his prisoners to Klamath Falls and "Tex" made his escape, aided by a friend with a pony. Mr. West brought David in and lodged him in the local Jail, and in formed Sheriff Humphrey of the es cape of "Ter". In searching for tho fugitive the county was combed and Mr. West made a trip to Jiei Bluff, returning yesterday to learn that "Tex" had been taken by the reser vatloa police at Chiloquin. David's new Studebaker car, which Is alleged to have been used to convey the liquor, has been confis cated. The men are said to have se cured the contraband cargo ,in Klam ath Falls. Commissioner Thomas fixed DT- , id's" bonds' atfoOO "anc? the-boniJl.2, his companion at- 11000. FOUR FID ONE FELONY CHARGE Henry Ackel, John Hanrahan and Plvfln Ollvor nro In Inll co-rln" bar. Police Judge Leavltt, and Leo Stokes, known In the pugilistic ring as Sailor Bosco, is at liberty after payment of $19.75 In tho police court, for alleged drunkeness, dis orderly conduct and assault upon an officer, Firo Chief Ambrose. Oliver, who wns not charged with assault but only with ''drunk and dis orderly conduct, Is facing prosecu- 1 tlon In the Justice court on complaint filed by Chief of Police Wilson with (the district attorney last night. The complaint charges defendant with threat to commit a felony, based on an alleged statement made in tho Deerhead Grill, prior to the fracas with Ambrose, that he was going to kill a person who had angered him. A charge of assault with a deadly weapon Is also being considered as the result of an alleged attack, with a knlfo recently upon nn opponent at a dance here. Ackel, Hanrahan and Stokes pleaded guilty in the police court to the charges of assault upon Ambrose. Tho officer's story was that the trio attacked him after he had attempted to arrest Stokes. All, Including Oliv er, he said were disturbing the peace, of Main street by loud and offen sive language, late Tuesday night. He warned them to stop and when they persisted seized Stokes. Shortly thereafter thoro was a warm time in the vicinity. Ambrose emerged with consider able disfiguration, including a black eye, but triumphant and with tho aid of Patrolman Hilton, who camo to his aid, landed the quartet in Jail. Oliver did not tako any part ln tha assault according to tho officer. Ho was fined $7.50. Tho others were fined '?19.7G each. r. , FINED FOR DISORDERLINESS A. Popard was fined $7.50 for drunk and disorderly conduct by Police Judgo Leavltt yesterday. Hq pa)d tho fine. 1 4 k