The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1920, Image 8

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    WH",HM m a c ssiJ
iwn w
--IMI wmm
Don't ask for
Crackers say
Snow R.kts
.-&:sEs! i
p $ If: J
aesur.t?" cs; zx i .mi.
U v-2&rV
LOS ANtJKI.I S. Oil . M . IS
All untl-parkliig ordiuutue, barring
automobiles from n large sect I n (if
tho downtown business district here
during seven mid it half hours ou-h
wevk-dny, litis created n ttiiiot t ii
pest hero In nui!ilt'liiil circles, mid
FfflBHI. S.
is mm
jour llurk Iiiii'In of llluililcr
ll itlll'IS Jtlll, (ll'lllK lots
of uuter
PARIS, IVli 10 (llv Mull) ' Winn j cur kldtioya hurt anil your
Abbo Kollx Klein: one or tbo we..-j
known Catholic writers ot I'ltiiici., lu t 0f ,nigs tlmt oxelto tho hid-
1ms arrayed patrons of tin. street car M mMV ,,l,0K- 'I " America in nt untitle ino ontiro urinary
companies ucnlnit tin. win, ,,,,, the Hose of IhiMVur." describes his "'I"' Ittp your ItltlntiyB clonn lllto
lompium.s unum llioso who use ou Keep your bowels clean, by IuhIi-
nutoniohlles and trucks. vlslt t0 u umliliiKti u and tall: lth j Mg them with it mild, harmless suits
The now ordinance effect Ivo Aiirll I'rosidont Wilson. ino visit was which lemoves ino noiiys urinous
10. has
(Hint pe
THICT. Nullce Is hereby given to nil )"r
hoiiii Intotvstud In the liiiiil Included
within tbo Upper Van Ililmnier
Drainage, District, Khtlmith County,
Oregon, lioillltUnl and described an
llcidniiliiK lit lb' point where tho
Vim Brimmer illicit Interned
River In Iho HW'i ' (taction SI,
Townnl.lp 40 South., Rumta 10. Unitl
of Wlllumeltn Miirlillnii; thence
southerly and along said Vim Ilrlm
iner dlt h to n point whore said illicit
Intei hkcis iho mirth line of (taction
28. aii township nnd range; tbtuico
oust one roiirlli mllg, Ibeiu'e Hint t It
Olii-lllllf mile: llli'lice west t" Villi
Briuum r ditih, thence s utberly
3 been attacked with a refornn- l" ' company with ll iloleRiltloil """l" Ml llliulllt OH tllll to tltollMllid nlniiK snld illlill lo ll point where
b utett aitacKiil wttn a reroien-i ' , ... normal activity. Tho functlou of the said dllcb Hiti'iscc's the north and -
etltlon, and It Is stated that "r ' v,,cl1 ","1 '"'' M- '- K!dms Is lo llller tho blood. In ! I south line helw i Pecllons :i:i iiml
Lookfttl (jlu
end label en all
P.CB. Padtaea
Assort pd CakM
Chrese Sandwich
Chocolate Eclairs
Coccanut Bar
Cream Gems
Fruit Biscuits
Graham Crackers
MarshmaHow Sandwich
Ricli, Creamy
melted and poured over toasted
Snow Flakes fresh from the oven
with their crisp saltiness food for
oi ivyi-i.i. I
i cupic 5
I J I niiXLLLliXX!LLiifcsiiiiis 5TIT8 f
is simply Irresistible. It Is
all sugar cured and comes
from tho finest young pigs.
Try some tomorrow morn
ing. Our hams, too, aro
away above tho average.
Mild and sweet, they tasto
ust perfect. Eaten either
hot or cold, they are tooth
some and delicious. Al!
weights to suit your need;.
I'liono 83
nearly nil of tho 15,000 signatures
necessary to forcv a special election
on the question have been obtained.
Tho referendum was started by cer
tain towel supply companies, which
said that tho limits placed on de
liveries would put them out ot busi
ness. Tho ordinance wits passed at the
roromniendiitlon of the state railroad
commission, which advised tho coun
cil that If such a stop was not taken
to rolioro congestion down town,
when, 30,000 antes aro parked on
tho streets dally, It would have to
authorize tho local street car com
panies to Increase their fnrew from
ifivo to probably sivon cents.
The ordinance provides a Mm.
num. oi iwo minutes ror passenger i
nittoinoiiiics stopping at stores,
theaters, or elsowhero down town.
It makes exceptions for ambulances
and some other classes of vehicles.
(and contains less stringent provisions
for commercial tralllc. Tho Automo
bile Club of Southern California has
strongly urged tho now ordinance.
Ono effect already has been tho
raxing of scores of old frame houses
eluding tho bishop of Arras, Do- hours they strain from It R00 grauiH :m, said township ami mime; tinmen
scribing tho meeting, tbo author"' '"' niul wtislo, bo wo can readily north to east and west lino through
..... iiinilei stand tho vital Importance of the ivnlor of .Section 31. hhIiI town-
" ' . , .. ., .. ., keeping tliti kldnoya nctlvo. ship and range; thence oust one-
"Wo entered thu hlto House! liilnlt lots ot wntor you can't fourtti mile; thence Houth lo town-
without any formality. Two negro, drink too much; also got from any ship lino between townships 40 and
domestics opened the door and a boc- ' PJrninclHt about four ounces of J ml u. south; thence east to Lost Itlver;
mi..- rmi.1 ipt...i us to the small re- S"H: "f" tnl'loapooiiful In it glass iu,,uv northerly nml following said
rotnrj conducted us to ino small re-,0f water before breakfast ouch morn- i,0hI Hlver to point of beginning
cepttou room, i no iiirtiisuiugs were ing mr n row uayB una your Kiiiuoys 'rimt the ('oiiiiiiIhhIoihmh hereto-
win uci line.
very plain; the walls were hung
only with tho portraits of presidents;
prominent In tbo ornamentation was
it bust which occupied tho center ot
tho marble ntantel-pleco tho bust
of Lafayette.
"We waited only a few minutes.
An ,1... Mli.rttr u..r,l. tlll tt... 11....L
a uiw .hf.i ail .., i.Mw, iiiu ft I ot .,.., u, , ...-. .il..i. ....II. ... .
. , ,.ii uiifc iiiiiiit-ntivui uillliv w llli:u uvurj
item enioreii, iiowing nun iuukiuk one bIiouIiI ttvko now nnd then to
somowhat stern, despite his sitillo. keep their kldnoys clean and nctlvo
a nn weiromoii us in n few wiiriin Try this, also keep up thu water
, ., i. i i i i iiriiiKitiB, nun no iiottoi you win won-
the severity ot his expression gndu-1 ,,,r whll, wnnio of vour klilnov
ally relaxed. He shook hands with ' trouble and backache,
each as we were presented.
"Tito presentation ended, tho SALMON DEPLETED
President addressed us Informally '
for two or throe minutes. He spoko'
in a calm tone, without emphasis, I
without gesture, and yet there wasl
Thin famous salts Is r,r.. ,,im,,ini...i ,. ,.......- i mu ,,,..i
miulo from tho acid of grapes tttiil ,llmK,, , ,1(, property and IniiiU
lemon Juice, coblnod with lltlilti, and Hllllll(, , ,,, Dralnago District and
has boon usod for generations to ... ...... -..i,,.. ,i i. .., ,...
clean and tlinulato cloggml kidneys; , lm ' ,i;;;H;n' ,' CZvm for
ho It 'nolon wr ta ' .oiuco of IrrltA-f 0 fmr g o, 3 "filstruf within
InAric? "makes n'Kh ? .?.,, i!'1 'V! l!: W 1" !''- ""''?
wu vui iiiu uny in .tiiiruii. iv.u, nui
you and each of you aro hereby
notified that you tuny examine said'
report and .tile exception to all or
any part thereof, cu or before tho
12th day of April, 1920.
C. II. I)K l,AI
County Clerk of Klamntli
(Seal.) " County, Oregon.
Ily (Inrivt K. Van Itlper.
U-l.S-2r.-l Deputy.
and small buildings, hecauso tno slon ot inuguago which Is ono of his
OI.V.MPIA. Wiiflh..
a note of feeling winch stirred each Washington's salmon Industry, one
ono ot use. He said nothing remark-! among tho leaders In tho state's nc
able, but ho spoko with that prod-j tlvltlc. has boon almost depleted l
If you are troubled with palziz or
aches; feel tired; have hesoachs,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pass
age of urine, you.wUI find relief id
The world's standard remedy Carfcldne,
liver, bladJcr and uric aci.-t tjubles rnd
National Remedy of Holland unca IGCfi.
Three sizes, all drugg-M. Gjaranteed.
Lock for tli nimi CoU MeiU oa Tr boa
and accept D9 liitatioa
Palm-srijr-r, callid "Jaggery," is
obtained in India from a species Qf
palm-trees.- The'k sweet' jii'tce fjows
fiom the top shoot ot the tree when
It Is -wounded.' '
Fifty years ago, during the Franco-Prussian
war, the first, anti-aircraft
iguns wero mado by the
Krupp's to enable the Germans to
shoot down tho balloons leaving
.U'AREZ, Mex., Mar. 18. Klglit
Japanese, two Chinese, one Ameri
can and one Turk have formally ex
pressed their desire to becomo citi
zens of Mexico by means of applica
tions filed at the city hall here,
according to a summary ot the muni
cipal nativities ot Juarez during
1919. The applications wore for
warded to Mexico City for action.
During tho samo period, 32,579
persons, chiefly Mexicans, passed
through this port Into the United
States, .the report sets forth. In
owners bollovo thnt hotter returns i8'"8.
can bo had from utilizing tho space
for auto parks.
In many parts ot India tho natives
depend for food upon tho blossoms
rof the bassiatree. They do not
tho flowers ,but mnko a good meal
of them raw. Thcso blossoms aro des
cribed as sweet and sickly In
and taste.
After expressing his thanks tor
tho visit of those representing tho ro-
llglous sentiment In Franco and
England, tho President said:
"Moral force Is the greatest ot
forces. And what a support It gives
1 when one seeks, following thp Ideal
I of tho Allies, only the triumph of
n.,nr priKiu. He are iiul iuukiuk war lor
conquest, but for Justice."
The President also spoko of tho
great services rendered by Cardinal
Gibbons during tho war, utter which
Mr. Wilson saluted and retired.
Summing up the relations botweon
Franco nnd America, Abbu Klein
gays: "Thoro Is a natural nihility bo
Iween tho two peoples which attracts
them to each other by certain traits
In common, nnd by certain contrasts
which compliment nnd complete their
The City Engineer, pursuant to
the resolution of the Common Coun
cil heretofore adopted, having undor
date of tho Sth day of August, 1919;
tiled plans, specifications nnd estim
ates ot the cost of improving Wash
ington Street from First Street,
easterly, to Third Street, Including
Intersections; nnd 'tho Common
0111 nsttl Vioi'ltiff lotrnn t la on m n. umlop
advisement and finding said plans,! w characteristics. Hoth havo
specifications and estimates satlsfac-i vivacity of conception, franknosB of
tery: character, and enthusiasm tcr the
It Is hereby resolved, that said ... n ... .,.oro , tno
Tllnna. snrrlfln.Mnn!. nml ooflmntna "1C.1I. Ull OI10 Il.lllll llicro IS IIIU
this connection praise is given by the ifor tno Improvement .of Washington .'Keen boiiso of tho practical, quick
oiruei iiuui rirai uiti, uaaiuriy, i inuiiuivc, liu(l a muuil ui jjruiaut iiu
Third Street. IncHitlfnc intcrsoctlnns. ' s .. .i...- i.n...i i.k ta
Uemero, to the American' bo and the same are hereby ap-us""".. u" - -.-
proved1 1 1!, rennomeni oi insic, ino an or
And 'bo It further resolved, that making lino shades of dlsftnctlon, tho
the Common Council horeby declares loglcnl order of ideas. Tho French
J.V' whVnn Q?r TMllI: P01?,0n8 Amorlcana will always sym
06 Washington Street, In accordance i . . ... . ,
with said plans, specifications nnd Pathlzo In tho dualities thoy havo In
estimates; said Improvement to con-, common; thoy will always iidmlro
sist of paving said portions of Wash
ington Street with cinders, oil
macadam, bitulithlc or other hard
surfaced pavomont. Tho estimated
compiler of the document, Mayor J
consulate here for Its "conslderato
aiuiuue towaru tno (Mexican) au
thorities and public in general."
On an avorago, absut 10 persons
wero arrested In Juarez dally during
1919, Mayor Romero's figures show
ing a total of 3,5C.r. for the year.
Considerable space Is given in tho
report to tho improvement of the
police force, one of tho Innovations
being tho Introduction, now under
I tho iiualitlcs In which they differ.
"Franco should contlnuo tho close
rotation with thoso countries which
Give Us a Trial
Phono 29G-M
Klamath Falls, Oregon
cost of tho Improvement of said por-ihavo been associated with her In vie-
oanas toy sibJ7b.?d toBnr,,B",,IwwllI, m t!0
j..i u i 4j..i - .! :.; nf tht TTnltoil Sinfoa. with thnlr
i.ii .. .. .. fLIIlU lilt) tittLUIlULl-'U LUSL III IlIlViniT Haill w -- ....-. . , ..
WU.UC, u.u,on ol teiepnones u.rectiy ,street3 with maca(lam ,nciU(nB greater numbers, greater wealth nnd
connected with tho police station. A J cement sidewalks, curbing and Brad- greater strength than all tho others.
nnl(n nitfAl niilntvinl.lln ...!. ... 'tn tn lin t 7 K AH Hin .. I n. .. i .!
added during th. Zn. Ii f Improving said portions "of, " ' ""'7' 'V'" BTl. UT
, , Washington Street with bitulithlc
The citys flro department Is still pavement, including grading, rolling,
a thing of the future. Large fires In curbing and cement sidowulks to bo
the lutonslvo fishing of the past six
yours, L. 11. Darwin, state flxh com
missioner, declared In his annual re
port filed with Govumor Louts !'.
Crentlon by tho leglslnturo of n
fisheries commission to tnko full
chnrgo of fishing operations In Wash
ington wntars was recommended by
Mr. Darwin.
Ho urged thnt foreigners bo bar
red from fishing in the statu waters,
becattso, ho said, 'tho destruction, In
a largo part, has been accomplished
by persons not citizens ot tbo United
Stntcfl. During tho war. ho said, for
eign fishormoii handed themselves
together, took tho lend In the Indus
try anil IncroaBod tho prices.
Sockoyo salmon runs of tho Ptlgot
Sound havo almost boon wiped out
by tho heavy fishing, tho report lut
ed. Tho Sllvorsldo and Chum or Dog
snlntou havo nlso boon reduced In
Miinbor. Tho Humpback salmon runs
probably will bo attacked by tho flsh-
lornien next ind. In a fow yoirs, the
commissioner predicted they, too,
probably will bo doploted.
Columbia Klvor, Grays Hnrhor and
WHInpa Hnrhor waters of Washing
ton, havo not suffored to tho oxtont
of Pugot Sound, Mr. Darwin said,
largoly bocniiso of the greatly In
creased hatchery work. Hut ns tho
flnhormen are beginning to tnko Im
mature salmon and nro proventing
tho fish from reaching their spawn
ing grounds. It Is probabln theso wnt
ors will Buffer morn soon.
Ilonl Distilled Wator :..H. Shldlor
Juarez aro now handled by tho El
Paso fire department, while small
blazes are extinguished by the use
of buckets, tubs and similar methods.
The purchase of a $G,000 fire engine
Is being considered by tho municipal
Many Improvements along tho
lines of drainage, public health, pav
ing, lighting, and education aro set
forth as being tho achievements of
tho city during tho year 1919, In
Mayor Romero's report.
A Herald Want Ad will sell It.
I, A. L. Leavltt. Police Juduo nf
ino uity or Klamath Fa is. Oreirnn.
, . do horeby cortlfy thnt tho foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a resoln.
,i ,'.. . . .. " :.
Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other '' on tho sth day of March, i92o"ndCo-
- uianng us intention to improvo
,; Washington Street from First Street,
good shoes are here in the new Spring styles
i iv. iv. rv. o i kjis.c.
And bo it further resolved by tho
Common Council, that tho following
described property bo and Is hereby
declared benefited by said Improve
ment, to-wlt:
Lots 1-2 of Block 11,
Lots 5-C of Dlock 4,
Lots 1-2-3-4-C of Hlock 10,
Lots 6-7-8-9-10 of Block C;
Lots 1-2-3-4-5 of Block 9,
Lots 6-7-8-9-10 of Block 6,
All ot said Lots and Blocks abovo
described boln'g in Ewauna Heights
Addition to tho City of Klamath
Falls, Oregpn, and thnt said property
abovo listed and described bo and
horeby Is declared to bo tho property
to no asscsscu lor tno expense of said
And be it further resolved, that
Monday, tho 12th day of Anrll. 1920.
at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m.', at tho
Council Chambers In tho City Hall,
bo fixed as tho tlmo and place for
tho hearing of objections and re
monstrances against tho said pro
posed Improvement, and tho Pollco
Judge Is heroby directed to catiso
nattco of said hearing to bo publish-
eu as oy dinner provided.
and its front porll, constitutes tho
advance-guard of civilization, bo
America constitutes tho resorvo
power of civilization. At tho hour
of danger, always possible, wo must
bo ablo to count upon this succor."
JUNEAU, Alnska, Fob. 18. (By
Mall.) Laden with medical sup
plies, tho United States Coast Guard
cutter Algonquin will leavo Juneau
within a fow days for Yakutat on
tho Southeastern Alaska Coast, her
summer headquarters, From Yaku
tat, tho Algonquin will patrol Alas
kan waters to rondor medical assis
tance to fishermen nnd tho fishing
Tho vessel will hall all ships sight
ed nnd rocolvo a roport whothor
thoro Is sickness aboard. Medical nt-
tontlon will bo given on Iho spot, If
rrill r-ni io nmr
bHfll Mill NU
the Circuit Court nf the Slnle of
Oregon for Klitmiith County.
Lexington Itealty Company, a)
corporation, PlnlnUrf. )
vs. )
Snnforil 3. Hulstead. nnd all)
other persons unknown. If)
any. having or claiming to)
have iiu Interest in nr lo the)
real property hereinafter do-)
scribed. Defendants. )
To Simforil S. Halsteail. and all
other persons unknown, If any. hav
ing or claiming to have an Interest In
or to the ronl property horulnuftor
In tho niimn of tho State of Ore
gon, you, nnd each of you, are hereby
required to appear unit unswur tho
complaint filed agnlnst vmi In tin,
nliovu entitled suit, on or before tho
oxplrntlou of six (6) wouks from tho
unio or tno first publication of tho
summons, and If you fall to ho tip
iwitr and miBwor or otliorwmo plonil
within said time, the plaintiff will
apply to tho Court for tho rellot
prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt:
That tho dofoiulantfl ttiiil onch of
thorn bo required to appear horoln
nnd set forth their claim to thu south
half of tho Bouthwost quarter of
(taction 33, Township 32, South of
Hnngo TVj, East of tho Wlllnmotto
Meridian, Klamath County. Orecnn.
nnd upon n honrlng, tho plnlntlff
herein ho decreed to bo tbo nw.n.r .if
said property In fco Hlmplo, free and
clear of any claim or Interest of snld
This HiimtuouK Is published by
order of tho Hon era bio D. V. ICuy
kenilnll. Judgo of tho Circuit Court
of tho Statu of Oregon for Klamath
County, nnd tinted Murch 9th, 1920.
Hutu ot first publication of this
summons Is March lllh, 1920,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Post olllcn address, Grants Pass,
.vetici: or hale ok rkaij
necessary, and In nioro serious ensos,
mate of Oregon, CounVy of Klamath, tho "ntl,ont w, bo rU8"etl tUo cut
uuy or juamam rails, ss
"j I 1. k M. JHLJ , , ' "
'i Leading Clothiers and Hatters cosi
6 "I
'ij'4.4.j.4.l$. 1 10-:
. . easterly, to Third Street, Including
J i Intersections, nnd npprovlng tho
, , plans, specifications and ostimatos of
cost submitted by tho City Engineor,
20 Pollco Judco.
tor to tho nearest hospltnl.
Falso scales, measures and weights,
seized by tho local gonlor, aro to bo
turnod over to tho stnto senior for
exhibition at stato and county fairs,
according to announcement horo. In
tho past accumulation!) of theso wofo
Hair that loses its color and lustro,
or when It fndes, turns gray, dull und
lifeless, Is caused by a lack of sul
phur in tho hair. Our grandmothers
mado up n mixture of Sago Tea nnd
Sulphur to keep her locks dark and
beautiful, nnd thousands of women
and men who valuo that ovon color,
that beautiful dark shade of hair
which Is so attractive, uso only this
old-tlmo rcclpo.
Nowndays wo get this famous mlx-
turo, improved by tho uddltlon of oth-
fir Ingredients by asking nt any drug
store for a CO-cont bottlo ot "Wyoth'R
Sngo and Sulphur Compound," which
durkona tho hulr so nnturnlly, bo
ovonly, thut nobody can possibly toll
It haa been applied. You Just damp
on n spongo or soft brush with It ana
draw tills through your hair, taking
ono small strand at a tlmo. By morn
ing tho gray hnlr disappears; but
what delights tho ladles with Wyeth's
Sago and Sulphur Compound Is that,
besides beautifully darkening tho
hair after a fow upp!!catIona tt nlso
brings back tho glosH and lustro nnd
gives It nn nppournnco of abundance
In tho County Court of the Statu of
Oregon for Klamntli County,
In tho matter of tho Estuto ot
JitmoH II, McC'nnn, deceased.
Notice Is horoby given, that In
pursuance of an ordor of tho County
Court of tho Stuto ot Oregon for
itiuiiimii county, mado on tho 8th
day of March, 1920, In tho matter of
tho estuto of-Jamos II. McCnnn, tlo
roubed, tho undersigned, us nilmlnls
trator of tho estuto of James II
McCnnn, docoased, will sell nt
private Halo, to tho highest blddor.
upon tho torniHjiiitl condltloiiH horo
Inuftor mentioned, and Btibjoct to
confirmation by said County Court of
Kluniiith County. Oregon, on or after
tho 10th day of April, A. I). 1920,
nil ho right, tltlo, Interest and ustnto
of tho said James H. McCunn, do
ttasod, at tho tlmo of biu .i.mii i..
und to tho ronl property horolnnftor
The terms" and r ..,
buIo aro to be: all cash; or upon tho
best torniB obtnlnablo.
Tho real estate horoby advortlsoil
to bo sold is described bb:
Tho north half of tho northoaBt
quartor of Soctlon Ono, in Township
1-orty-ono, South ot Itungo Nino,
KllSt Ot thO WIllai.Hlttn Mn-l.lln-'
sltuntod In Klamath County, Orogon.
All b ds or offors must bo in writ
ing, nnd may bo dollvorod to or ad
ilroKsod to thlB admlnlstrntor, enro
of lorguson, Flotehor & Mifflin, hla
attornoys, Looiuls Building, Klamath,
I'oIIh, Orogon.
1920UO(1 ll'IS 10tU day ot Mnrch
Admlnlstrntor of tho Estnto of
JiimoH H. McCnnn, Doconsod.
Forgtison, Flotehor & Mifflin,
Atlornoya for Administrator.
10 Loomls Building,
u-i8.2Icc.,nat" I"iil,s' oroBo"-
THE MODERN WAY to got ro
suits nowadays Is to go aftor thorn.