'zAUeJUL I THE EVENING HERALD,. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TllU.lWDAY, MAnCH 18, 1020. Xf Sirs NOW GOOD HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN WN SVWWWWWW1'' IP ' r ' . The Last Day of the BRANDENBURG'S SALE is SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1920 Saturday, March 20, Specials Children's Hose, size 7 to 9 1-2, sale price 39c , This is a heavy school hose and a bargain. A few ladies' Black Hose left at 39c apair. DISCOUNT ON ALL COATS SUITS AND DRESSES ,A new line of Charmeuse Satins, Georgettes, Crepe de Chines and Pongees just arrived. Brandenburg's Dry Goods Store TIT Here's a HUlo one 4 0 acres. 4 miles from Klamath Falls, all under Irrigation; nearly all In alfalfa; good house ljarn and out-bulldlngg. This ranch Is furnished complete for dairying and poultry raising, and is n snap for $8,000. $3,000 down; terms. Several other good bargains In ranches and some good buys in Hty property. .Mil n.ti: ormmKi.v Tt'll Klamatli -Ale. 17-18 Two lots on Mortimer Btrcet near! Main for sale will build home fori you on terms. Seo Thos. Johnson,1, 117 El Dorado. 17-18 423 Main Street " WHERE THE LADIES SHOP MMMAMMAAAAAMaXaMAMMAAMMAAAMAAMMMAAMWMWMMi Phone 465 FORSA'LE Real Estate' ' HO VOl' WANT A MOOD RANCH That this Is a good time to build ; UU1 OK LiTTLnV and that the prices of lumber are Here's a big one -500 acres: 8.1 to stay up Is the opinion of A. 8. under ditch, 4 00 In cultivation, $50 rimppoll expressed In nn article' !"'r "crejO miles from town, good published In Salesman and Trader.. '""nd "y'",wJinK and K.00'1; , big barn, bearing orchard, (lood Ho states that the price of lumber terms can be arranged on this buy. now is nigh only in comparison to prewar prices which are gone for good alid all, and gees on to show that the high prices are due to caus es which will not ho removed. The writer gives the reasons for the higher prices as follews: "Standing lumber Is growing scarcer every year. While there Is much misinformation, such at you ! have read In articles which appar- I antly demonstrate that fifty years from now there 'won't bo a tree standing In North America, the fact j remains thut timber Is being cut, j manufactured and destroyed by for- ' est flro nt a tremendous rate and replaced to only a slight degree by i reforestation, which is now In 1U i in fun y. I "It is true of the actual stand of timber and Is especially true when .one considers timber that Is avail able economically. Hy this we mean I that every year It costs moro to' produce lumber as the logs have tol bo hauled a greater distance to the mills Only it few years ago the mlllman hauled his logs but a short distance, perhaps fire or ten miles, while now he builds costly logging roads and hauls It fifty or sixty miles and In some cases one hun dred miles, It naturally seems a tremendous added expense." Tutu to Pacific Coast The writer shows how other parts of the country have been cleared of timber and that the cnuntry now looks toward the Pacific coast for supply. Ho writes: "Pacific coast lumber is now In brlBk demand as far east as Ne.v IIliDHOOM TO RENT Hither trans- clhnt or by week, 51 6 Klamath. 171.1 , ,, f MISCELLANEOUS It you want a really high grado product. Iluy Silver Thistle Sugar Corn. Ask your grocer for It. 17-23 KJectrlc Appliances II. Shldler KOIt HIHE 100 head work horses. Inquire Klamath Record office. 15-1D We Jiavo a new supply of Incomo blanks and anyone wishing sarao may call and recclvo same. Tho First National Bank. Electric Wiring ..II. Shldler I Seo Harry Telford for tractor plowing or discing .Phone 18F1K. i 15-20, FOR SALE 3 room furnished house, large lot, chicken house and yard 1800, $500 cash, bal. $15.00 per month. Inuuiro 321 Grant St. 1C-20 fir Serves you right Club Cafe G-tf CITY GARBAG'E When you want garbage removed cull b2J. PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Storage Batteries Charged..!!. Shldler NEW HOUSE: Price: cash, $-3606.00 , Terms, $3890.00., half flown fcal- tionery compaqy, 126 Main St. fttino in nn fill v nnvmonta Q nor ponl I Call at place, 1923 Main St. 15-20 Printing, Stationery and offlca supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta- 9-tf WANTED FOR SALE 1C0 acres good alfalfa land Irrigated no alkali call I room 112, Wllllts Bldg. tf WANTED One or more, lots at end ' of :6th, 7th, or 8th St; FOR SALE Miscellaneous- M- " Heralt- on hill 1C-18 : WANTED Bronze turkey gobbler. Used cars for sale one 1918, state price. Write Ilay Freuer, Chevrolet, first-class running condl- Bonanza Ore. 16-19 Hon. Prices aro right. Central Gar age. 16-tf I VCITL SAI.K fJnnttn vnnnir horse and nearly new saddle In quire G, Fouch, West side, near res ervoir. 13-18 Steam and Electrical :n,m, also sawyer wants Job for summer. Box saddle,: Herald. 15-17 FOR SALE or will trade for cattle. 100 ewes E. W. Roberts, Poe Valley or Box 76, Bonanza, Ore. 12-18 WANTED To buy five or six room modern house. Must be In good condition. Phone 365. 13-19 lJVXlnr-WrVVlrrl"""r - " " -" WMWWfi MMMWWWWWrfA PRESBYTERIAN DINNER TOMORROW NIGHT!!! ... JJVVVvvvvrnnrlr1rlr"lll"l""rl' " - -. .-.-)- ---- inrYirTir'ir-if-ii- 'HOMESTEAD. LANDS DECLARED WORTHLESS WILL MAP MEXICAN BORDER FROM AIR EL PASO, Tex., Mar. 17. Air maps of the'Arfzona-'MDxIcan border will bo raado by tho army afr'sorvlco roconnalisance branch as soon an landing fields for camera-airplanes are located and" charted, according .to announcement at Fort Bliss. Pre liminary work already Is under way. Long stretches of the bordor aro I tnoiintnlnouH, out by deep ravin unu guicnes tnat cross tno. Doraer and) tho terrain is said to bo extreme ly difficult to survey and map in the ordinary way. After photographs of tho lino havo been taken, from air planes, the negatives tiro to be re duced to a uniform scale and Joined. This Is said to result Ip a. map not only wholly accurate, but which" will how features of tho .terrain that en gineers surveying from the ground would bo almost certain to miss. March 22 and 23 , BIG CONCERT BY 4 36-piece 0. A. C. Cadet Band Composed of all ex-service men on their fourteenth annual tour of the state. Classic and popular music. Every man a soloist. Played in Oregon building at .Seattle and San Francisco Expositions. Represent ing our state college. DANCING EACH NIGHT AFTER CONCERT Auspices American Legion, Klamath Post No. 8. HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE r ' Admission 50 cents. $1.00 for reserved seatsr Seats on sale at Harry Richardson's, after Friday MARCH 19th. K A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. .. A V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Vv V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V i PORTLAND. Mdr. 18.T-The Asso- i elation ot Fathers of Soldiers and Sailor has adopted a resolution warning ex-service men not' to come weet ror tho purpose of settling on the lands opned for settlement with in the Oregon & California grant in Western 'Oregon. The lands were characterized as "untlllable and un desirable' for any purpose whatso ever and practically of no value." The conduct of Captain Convlll of the American Legion in the matter was commended as In the interest ot protecting the ex-soldlers in tho mat ter. It was further hold In the resolu tion that the publicity given to the opening ot the lands to settlement with preference rights to veterans Is being used as propaganda ''circulat ed for the purpose of defeating the bonus to which our boys are Justly entitled." The committee roportn constitu tion and by-laws for placing tho or ganization on a permanent basis forj continuing Its work was received and adopted. Tho principal discus sion of the evening centered upon the resolution, and views of mem bers as to the character and desir ability of the lands within the rail road grant that have been thrown open. FOR SALE 10-20 tractor, first class running order; 1 3-bottom 14 Inch tractor plow; 1 tractor double disc. Terms If desired. P. O. box 54. Merrill, Ore. 11-17 Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf FORSALE 20' Duroc Jersey and Berkshire bogs; 1 dozen Barred rockIdylng hen and 1 rooster. Ad dress Tom Lynch Merrill Ore. 6-17 England and manufacturers, who a jfew years ago were glad to sell their j ZntCoTonTikl J pruuiiciH in mis tiisirici, now nave a choice of markets. At tho same time the general production of lumber In the United States is fall ing off. Tho decline is startling." Total Cut Decreases Figures are given to show the cut in the United States for the next ten years. The total cut in 1909 was .44.500,000,000 feet. It fell down to. 32 billion feet in 1919. The writer centinues: "The Increased demands for west coast lumber products which are ex pected to satisfy the needs of this district and the decreased general production' In the covin try these two conditions combined can have only oho result Increased values.'! The Increase in the cost of latinr and material is also given ob addiJ tlonol, ,cau,ne of the high prices of lumber. He states that the country. is short "one million homes and can predict e$Jx high prices for next WANTED Alfaira dairy farm, 80 A, with or without stock, under ditch, no alkali. Address 210 South 3rd St. rr, r..,. r-u. . , I Klamath Falls. 13,-6t FOR SALE One Shire stallion, six! years old. Several head of young i pnsivinKr want-kit i. rhnnffonr work horses. Inquire of Enterprise . , rnorhr.ir . DTno,i. 12-tf or auto mechanic, 8 years experi ence. Room 17, Washington House. 13-19 WANTED A stock saddle; must be in good cbnditlon. Phone 253J. 9-tf WANTED A iriese&ge from you to , the readers of The Herald, .if you have'. anything' for sale, for rent, lost or found. Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf FOR SALE A double drawer Na" tlonal Cash register. Just like new Rex Cafe.. 12:tt -WHEN YOU1 1 "WANT ANYTHING In a tfarry adveirtlse' for it here. .FOR .SALE Leading maKe3, Ph'ouV graphs, .Pianos, Records. &an Shepherd. 507. Main St. 24-tf ; Serves -you right Club Cafe 6-tf year. BIG ICE PliANT VISALIA, , Cal., Mar. IS. The Peoples' Yce corporation of Fresno is planning- to construct a thirty-ton ice plant in Visalia, according to an announcement ot J. H. Wooden, manager. . In China English has been adopt ed as the second official language. The smokers in the United States consume '127,000,000 cigarettes a day. FOR-;SAL& 1. GlobeWerneckebak. file wse jetjer, size j arawer, verttele-3r4. i.-'compartmento Price 150,00 Jqsflike'new. J. H. Carnahan; LfOomiSjDuiiuiac; nuuui.,. j-h LOiTANDrFOUND LQST Stravfc fiolt case on hill road to Merrill Geo. P. Kohrer, Rec lamat ion 'office.-, .16-19 FOR SALE Used cars, 1917 Elgin. Imperial Oarage. 2 6-tf 5 -9H -(."vTa:'. - FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR nENT-r-Pnrtly furnished three room house $20.00. Will only rent to man and wife. Dunham Auto Co. 17-18V , t FOR RENTr-:Space in these columns .. at five. cents a line a day. A line W i ,1s read r by thousands every night' , rt,-v FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near Klfimnth WnllBiinrier ditch. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-ttinere. LOST A golflea bfpAttunlty to sell r r-'yoar hofae.'your farm or anything you ish todUpose of, If yqu do not use-'the classified columns of The FOUD A chance to dispose ot any ortbe-iBBiTsaerahle articles that you 'have stored away ifl.your cellar, attlc.'fnvbarn.TTttnj ytrar waste into cash. There is 'always someone who .wants Just whqt-youibavo for sale. Find, him through ''the classified columns orchis paper. LOS1!? A bby's 'niacklnaw, red ana grayplald. Reward Herald of fice, - 9-tf HOUSE MOVING. If-jrbu "waot your- house moved, Call O. Willard Smith Phone 251R. 17-J9- - -- TO Q ET- quick results advertise FACTS NO. 308 WON'T KEEP KIDS AWAY FROM GAME. WICHITA, Kas Mar. 18. While there Is considerable discussion a mong baseball managors the coun try ovor as to tho advisability of let ting tho small boys into tho gaino either free or at reduced ndmlsslons, Frank Iabell, ownor of the Wichita Western league team announced that hd intended to continue tho plan ho has maintained for soveral years of lotting boys up to 12 years old In free. "Tho kids of today nro tho fans of .tomorrow," ho explained. 'Tin strong for the kids. They nro tho roal funs," LARGEST COUNTY BOND ISSUE St. Louis County, Minne sota, by a voto of 9 to 1, will issue road bonds for $7,600,000. This Is the largest sum ever voted or set aside for road building by any county In tho United States. Tho expenditure will bo made eftectlve if tho pavement used Is WARRENITE BITUUTHIC WAHRE.V BROS. CO. All main Klamath Falls, Grants Pass and Ashland streets aro paved with Wnrrenlto - Bitulitlilc, all over 10 years in sorvlco, TEREDO DAMAGE TO WHARVES. $150,000 MARTINEZ, Cal., Mar. 18. Rav ages of the teredo, a worm which bores into and consumes submerged wood, has resulted in the destruction of two big wharyes here and thous ands' of dollars ot damago to others, according to Vs. G. Metcalf, superin tendent of tho Union Oil Company hero and James Bulger, agent of the Southern Pacific Company nt Port Costa. Recently a 1,000 foot wharf of tho Union Oil Company and a 330 foot wharf of tho Southern Pacific Company collapsed, and the rem-, nant ot theso structures had to be towed on tho mud flats In order that they would not'bo a menace to navi gation, the officials said. Inovstiga tions are being conducted as to the fitness of concrete and creosoted piles to take tho placo of the present type of piles in all future wharves in this district, they said. Big wharves of other Industries lire threatonod, according to theeo officials, and the activity of the ter edo extends for miles on either side of this placfe According to Metcalf it will cost $i50,0001to-.repair the dam age done the Union Oil-company. SHOCK KILLS HIM. .' - A TOPEKA, Kas., Mar, IS. So great was tho Bhtjck when '.Charles M. Ba- fcon, 76, civH war voteran, discover ed his home in flames, he dropped dead from heart failure. EX-SERVICE iMEff," ATTENTION I , The regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be hold at 8 o'clock p. m at the City Hall in Klamath Falls, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades aro in vited. Those desiring to Join the Post may secure application blanks from O. K.. Van Riper, Frod Nicholson, or T.'H. Carnahan, all of Klamath Falls. . FRED NICHOtSON, Secretary. SEE D ORDER NOW Murphey :sFeed Seed Store J26 SoulK SJxth St. ' ' Phone 87