The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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TBtJnSnAV, MARCH 18, 1020.
. V
(HM Tho following Instances of a wlrt-nrui7 PUII AfiPI PUT A CTnl?Ar.P HATTCDV TUP RATTCDV AXITLI A TUr
.lowed mother, who mis saved fro.iii ,... . . ." . ' ihw
.9iife mnrlo In vnnr pxnr.t individual reniiirements.
tHMMtl , V w v.-w ..- -
Step in and select your Spring and Summer Suit now.
We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, stylish
$ Clothes, made by
"?i suffering through Informal Ion oh-
? tn!ned through thin channel, In onlv
$!ono of mnny demonstrating tho lack
1 1 of knowledge which obtains concoru
v f Ing tho personal rights of tho men
, nnri -their tolntlves.
5 ! While In rnmn this woman's son.
who hnil been tho main support of)
tiio Home, wns struck uy iiKiuniitK
'niid killed. Ignorant of her rights or i FLASHLIGHTS WILL
. limv to obtain them, tho mother filed I DCOI ATC I AMTC1DMC Jl
no claim and wns In artunl wnnt
'when tho Red Cross questionnaire! LONDON'. Feb. 33. (lly Mull).
wns hrouRht to her nttentlon by ! One of tho most pictiiroi.iuo fenture
nciKuour. iimuirj v"""" i"" """" ior lio varied outfit of tho London a
ntlon tint durlnK her son's period of , ,,0,eomn,lt ,i,(, ,l.fnshlonod oil dark- 1
. service men wore automatically In-; jntprni iH , KV0 ,,!,,, , tju, ,,or- 1
5. Bured by tho government nnd tl.jc fas,nKi,t, S
Tho London "bobby" has boon no- f
customed when (l.trluiocs foil to light w
his lamp and attach It to his belt at l
f-o back slightly on tho right sldo.
It generated too much bent, wan
cumberioino and when a pollremnn ' a
engaged In a scuttle with u criminal M
6th, Between Main and Klamath Phone
merely applying and furnishing 110-
ccssary proofs tho mother receives
' In monthly Installments the benefits
1. 1 from n JoOOO Insurance policy.
, A reply from n dlschirgod sol-
dior suffering with heart legion din
s'. , closed tie fact that ho lnd not np-
- -,---- -,-- -..--- - -,,
pliod for compensation thinking that,,,,, ci,,n(. waa Kl,0rouly jprlnk-
iliness nut not entitle mm io a ciann. : ,C(, vith kerosene. 1
Tho Home Service Section Interested: w
obtained for him not only tho com-1 j;iit'IIKll TI'KVS
: , neiisntlon due. but medical treat
mont as well; also adjusting matters
, which related to tho weffaro of the
family and the home.
, Miss Oleson, tho Klamath County
j Uoiuo Service Worker Is very nnxl
'? ous to secure n list of service mon
I who left from this county or who
1 are now residing hero In order that
Kit ASCII., lnd.. Mar. IS -The
, i'-'town wag" 'mailed nn Invltat'on to
the. Her. Fdwflrd Hosier to attend 11
''select dnncp" at Clay City recently.
Tho nttnlster caused 'a scnsitlon bv
Leading Clothiers and Hatters
'accepting rind Including In the pro-
I i tit tit it c1t tiitiiiMimi m a nVttnrttnil
S such questionnaires may bo sent to;""" " ", "'" ," ' ,
V ', , ,,, , . , . . , Accompanied by is wife, the Itev
v , them nnd will bo very glad to get In ' ' , ' . ...
. , ..,..,.,. . Mr. Koslcr paid lis dollar entrance
..touch with Individuals or orgnnlzn- , . ' , ... , ,,
. 1.. . , ... . , . ,, . fee nnd pnssed nto the dance hull
a1 tlons bnvlng partial or completo lists, ,, ., ' . , , , , , ,.
51 , ., , 1 .1 1 He then ntticked dancing nnd after
of tho service men In this county. ,
Tl 1 . m .. ..........
1 prayer tor ino "sinnerH" 11 moyt
would kneel. Several did kneel and
The American Red Cross does not
consider its war-developed responsi
bility to soldiers and sailors and
their families finished until every
ex-service man has received what the
government intended he should. In
fulfilling this obligation' and achiev
ing the desired results, a fundamen
tal point is to discover throughout
countrysides and. in cities those who
for various .reasons have not receiv
ed what is due .them for the service
-they rendered.
In many cases, although in most
camps an efort was mnde to Inform
the man of the advantages offered by
the government, it has been found
that he is unaware of them or does
not know how to obtain them. A great
"mass of legislation effecting service
men has been passed since the sign
ing of the armistice or is now pend
ing before congress and the varipus I
state legislatures, and Red Cross
workers have found that many well
informed service men are not famil
iar' with these more recent provis
ions. This is especially true in the
TVest where a large p3rt of our pop
ulation Is transient. There are, no
doubt, many cx-servlce men living In
tho minister prayed.
RIVERSIDE .Cal.. Mar. IS. Two Pnllntt.lnr. ,,, nrnvr , nv
. , , , ,,.., ! families, comprising IS persons un-Mr ,os)or Rnvo 10 Aaavm nnotor
and about Klamath Vails who enter- able to read or write In any langunge; 8ort sormn nm, ,,,,, ,.
i-c serviw irura su:uu inner sinie, were recently discovered in Temescal not kno.v about tho bcuefi.s , canyon, near here, by Fred M. home ta' has made for lis.Balrd. a census -enumerator. Dalrd ; lnnM wcnt ono, but WM lImltted
s" s who joined '.he colors 8nd there were eleven children of nn, .,, ,hn ,,. ,rri,,
., . . .... .... i ..... ...j j ....
Although v-iry little advertising. s;nooi age in tne two lamiiics. Ttie
hi yet been dine by the Klamath I matter was reported to school
suit to send a minister an Invitation
to n dilnre. After the sorvlco tho
County Chapter of tho Red Cross eh , authorities
to Jts facilities for supplying infor-'
matlon and assistance to ox sfrrke
A Herald Wnnt Ad will Roll It.
Anntoln Dolln. the Swedtah middle
dlstanco champion runner. Is dis
gusted with his showing In Amerlcn '
I and Is going back to Swedon. I
It in part of the Goodyear policy and purl of
our policy to he of real service to nil tire users,
Goodyear builds three typea of Clincher cas
ingo for the smaller cars, such as the Ford, Max
well, Chevrolet or Dort, and the name long mile
age is built into them as in the larger sizes.
Wo help you choose the best type of tire for
your needs and we tell you chow you how to
get the longest possible mileage out of them.
Wc have a cOmplelo stock of
Goodycni'K. Casings and tubes of
all sines and types. Tires, Acees-
nes, etc.
It will nay you in many ways
take advantage of our service.
Imperial Garage
Goodyear Service Station
Phone 130
yviiwaw sol
mm .
Vyv j I
vYrN I I
men and their families, enough men)
have called a the Home Fervico 08-; '
fee, located op'iotito tho courthouse 1
in the offices of Deliip & Hayden, to'
Indicate that there are many who are ,
In need of information or assistance.
Answers and requests for service
vary, some being for rnd!cnl or den- j
tal care while a number ure inter ,
ested In government Insurance, lo-l
eating baggage lost while In service, ,
securing duplicate dlschargo certlfl-,
ca'tos, or in obtaining allotments
from service pay which were never ;
received by tho allottee. I
In many countries a successful
means of checking up on thosn who
need assistance In such matters has !
been in the use of a carefully pre
pared questionnaire. It asks informa
tion concerning the man's dlschargo j
and includes matters of Liberty
Bonds, compensation, insurance,
medical care and re-education, clos-,
ing with a direct request for inform-!
ation and co-operation of the soldier
There is great advantage in this per-,
sonal contact since il shows the foI- ,
dler that tho Red Cross is as In'er-,
ested In him at home as when he was '
abroad and brings to light many bad-j
ly neglected 'cases. (
The World's Largest Production
of Tires on the Smallest Cars Alone
aamwhajaaa -. Jtl-rinru-irLrLruin
vllv tod
us your head
q,v yotas sole
.HE sensible, practical
man seeks shoes that will
give sensible, practical ser
vice, comfprt and good
looks.These features must be
built right into good shoes.
And all these features are
combined built into every
part of Buckiiecht Shoes.
w J yfill j
. 7, Ui 5
Buckhcht Shoes for you for active men in all walks of
life are sold in a variety of styles and leathers from ?8
,o 12 by principal shoe dealers in the West.
We call attention, not so much to the size of this
average daily production as to the extent of the
effort we put into the making of these 30x3-,
30x3V2- and 31x4-inch sizes.
The separate factory we have devoted to their
manufacture is not only the largest of its kind
in the world, but it makes fully effective that
experience and resourcefulness which have pro
duced the tires most popular on the higher
priced cars.
No tires bearing the Goodyear name contain a
higher relative value than these tire for Ford,
v,,t"u,c'i "") maxweii ana otner cars
quiring the sizes mentioned.
AAA ill
AAA 111
IA nil1?
mS fill
SK ill
SKSStSttS """"" -" 'Pijtfo' 'l,1"" riv " -' - - T 1' ffl ."fJm
If you own one of these cars, go to the nearest
Goodyear Service Station Dealer for these tires
and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He has
30x3i,4 Gcodyear Doublo-Curo JOQ fA
Fabric, All-Weather Tread .... tj)t). JU
30x3 Goodyear Slnglo-Curo
Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread .
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tulim 1110 thick, BtroiiR tubeii
that rclnfo.To riiHiiiKH pi-oporly. ' Why rlHk 11 ((Mid win-
Inj; with u iJienp tube? Uoodycar Heavy Tourist Tubew
! cost llttlo more than tubes of less morlt. 0 m j-rw
t30x3 1-2 size In water-proof bag pfr.OU