The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1920, Image 1

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    '"',,ir,"('r t
'JBfr '.!?. isWfSZA
"V rTT?B5TBCTO7tfrPIAit.
Wt$ Tfatemnij Herald
... Hii'ii ti.
prFin.tii i .
fourteenth Yonr No. 3872
Price, Five Cents
r,Tsi. sci jsiK?ang x.ic
inVDON Mar
flfK0t l ' r
II Rumor
Wolf UniiK
,k, b.M Urn t .irtUiimry mm-rn-
f.'i ..Ifnrd yesterday. ! lomtllll-
4 iclJ-. acrorilliiK l n Am.lnr
i,B Jl.patcli to tli Kichttmt" Tele
,r,ph toininx inn rupon " "
Hr Wmr.ii lliml j W11(, tt ,
1 """ rin ii inha uli', iigU,
friim iii'Muiia Injury )i-li-r.!, fii r
liooii. when hi irylliK In ii,1 nIli
Hill with mi niilu Iionmuiik III" nr
Into I'.lKliili street from Mam ami
run lulu the KlKluti Htrci.t , f
f I oil ( oil I'hitlh iiiir,, 'I'll.. .I.....I.
r ! Jttrf",l rn" frt tliii shelve Inside
Knpp. '"" ",or" ""' '"! ' serious
I i- II . ..A ...
i FOR 1244,000
Hr Hunt' automobile.
it urn uk ml nn, I U in tint
Mar. 18.
members In
HflllTI A Mil Mr..
WB Ijmtly , CihiiiI v .'Ivl.nri l.imr.l
Karaite for n-1 convention today at tint cull of the
I Ufl.. k .1 ., I.. ...... Il...l .. V. -. U..l..
I iiin in vi ii j i j mmm ui i lie mi ITU
imiron Mali ur mint
wna ennt. I n.... a ......... ii it . .., a
Inr ilnwh llli. .i. i ....
"" '" '" ""' kiiik wmi, ni , ivio enthusiastically
I'AHIH Mf " OlllCim (UVIWI j ' ' " "' u"- rxi ururiiiy were uir uciegaie in
, ller'lln today dn.crlbli.K rnnill. l,"fll'l". turning completely , accord with the plan that they added
V. ll nUlil. null tltnt u, """" nlloi.mi ki-rplnieiu, io thin budget approximately r0.-
w.,t, uf the city or& fUlo4 ,,iulllt.rum. before crashing bend on ooo to purchase and re-open the
'Tciowd. in n UKly hum... nd I """ "'" '""'"" . I l.lio. Hcotl school and on., hundred
" . .. . "" """ " i I nrrtM ftiMn Intnl V tutt til II In
. Miiitiry mHmrml In nrruKnitt
it - - - .... i
..MiltloD Many of tint Maine ,
t:p. dvlcr added, had Julrmd
Uttit wltb tlm ltldnndl1U, otil
ini ho wrr riHrtd ho 11,000
irsJ tata ftt tbclr eomuiaud
fOPK-VIIAUIIN. Mar. H.- Oonnr
il V Lutlwlli fnrn hi wlliidraw
tl from th" hpad of thn Kapn Mill
Tim Ktaiidard Oil company )!
M nJ HHy memlmrn of lhi 'ier
r Vitlnniit AiUcmtllV llin'. at III
it mrmbcri weri4 aanenititlne.
AMRTKIIDAM. Mar. IS - (U-nural
Tea Uttxlli rommniider of thn
ncft which uiuirlKil td Knpp
Kfitof, liai left llerlln with armvd
oftl, ntcordliiK to a tttltilinnn mc-
u( from llrrlln
W.VDON'. Mar. IS. I'renldont
nft arrived In llcrlln Ian! iilclit.
icrdlni to a trlnphiiliit iuenRO r'-
tihfj at Amntnrdam hy thn !'
thtro Trloeranh. Ktiort hn ardor-
ti Ike Imperial court to brine uc-
t!co KiHnt llu revolution loadnni.
iU court Haul
LONDON, Mar IS Tim London
Tlse umteriiinmlii that n litlecraiu
from a well informed auurro of Her
l!, rtrehed In London Wednexdny,
toattji tlu impri'itNlim that tlio hIIii-
illoa la (if rmany I it nurloUH.
I '--'
.r. ii in llerllu nrotmiMfd to i day purrhniiKd the knrvice Mnlliin at
Uli ,t-- -
Irtit lUumlC. thn Bpartlcan leader, i tho corner of Klamath ntetiue and
ftfaitlon of a Bovlet ltu;nilih utultr JHuth trwl from K II llainaKer
clllury prolrction. nccordliiE to a , mul Initialled L. A Hchone in rharicK
iVflln rorrritiolident of the 'Tolltl- Mr Kchoiir fame hern from Kiicrnm-
enlo to lako I In- ponlllon
Within a rouple of week the com
pany will put a crew of men to work
remodellni; thn ulatlon In ronformllv
ii wild the Htandard Oil Rlyle A cein-
im t..M ii.i. nfinrtuMin. Tim inllllitrv ent floor wilt bo nut In and more
tfttplfd a ureal own placn beforn window will lt added In the rear.
lit hill. No dUordnr occiirmd while urn approacuiii jrom tne mreel will
ue paveu. new piimpii iiutaiieit ami
the bulldltiR painted lunldu nnd out
Thn ileal wan cloned for the com
pany by A S. Brotherhood, nnxlutiint
timiiiiRrr of the Sarrniiiento office,
who wan formerly In charKa of thn
Marynvllle office and during that In
cumbency constructed tint Standard
Oil company' plant hern.
"If gimollnu tin it not advanced 2
cm In a gallon today," nnlil Mr
llrotherhood yenterday," we would
be telling It for 31 renin, thrve centa
below tho price llnteil by local gur
agi'. An II In, wo will bo forced to
charge 33 renin, which Ih ntlll one
cent below the local retail price
prior to the mine." Thin la nn actual
gnln to thn consumer. Doubtless he
giilim the full threii cmiU. na the two
cent rise would probubly have been
charged to him by thu reiallum, hut
In any event the Standard Oil will
relnll Kimnllne at n lower price
deKpIlu thn rise, Ihnu It wim Helling
for locally beforo tho Increanu bo
came effective.
"Ilowevor, It Ih not our policy to
buck other mtallorx They haudlo our
products nnd we do not view the in
a h competitors. We fix a fair prlco,
from our viewpoint, and endeavor In
our own distributing Htntlou to give
maximum Horvlro to tint motorist."
Tho local Htatlon will ho conducted
nn the kuiiio lines an the hundreds
of other Standard Oil servlco Bin
(Ions throughout the country. It Ih
Just another link In tho chain of serv
ice for tho motorist, ono of our most
valued customers, that wo nmlntnln
In nil thn lending towns of tho coun
try." In speaking of tho reasons Hint In
duced tho company to PHtnbllsh u
servlro station hero Mr. Brotherhood
'Wo hnvo had our oyos on Kliun
nth Knlls for Home tlmo nnd wo nro
pretty good guosserfl. Wo bolluvo
that It Is n growing field for tho dis
tribution of Standard Oil products,
nnd nti moro plants aro Instnllod moro
truckH nnd tnu'tors omployod In tho
dovolopniont nnd ittlllziitlnn of fields
mid forests, mid moro motorists nt
trncled by tint scenic bounties of tho
county, thoro will bo Incronslng de
mand for Standard Oil sorvlco In nil
Its dlffmont branches."
Thn Ilov. U. I. Lnwronco tndny
i-ncolvml nnllflcntlon Hint tho jtows
COUI.KNZ. Miir. .IS -Two hull-
foil American utt iiildiir the l.elli-
illlrhnv telegraphed or telephon-
i tho conunander of tho American
ray of occupation, urgently asking
Wo to leave I.elpilg, where they
tocrlU'il conditions lis dangerous. A
Pll train has been aont to lirlng
t'n Mrny
The firing was nlmost continuous
l rlom part of Lelpilg and wn-
'(rind llellt Knl-vli-iiu urn pill off. IIP-
tcrdlni; to thu marooned Aniorlcaus,
to aro principally buyora from tho
""ea states,
it i:vaih:il'4
Hi:!.!) 11V MKXICANN.
AQUA I'lm.'TA f.. Mm. 1
, ,.,
CCOrdllll? tr, f.fflnl..! ...I.. I.... rritni
MtrmoiHio, two alleged Amorlcnn
ovailers. Kdwnrd Plllmoro nnd
"'"nan Rldway, giving tholr mlilronn
L YorI W(,ro tn,ti,n lnto cUH'
'My last week by Moxlcnn socrot
Kits nnd charged with conspiracy
0 'urn,l rniH nnd uinmimlllon to
,r"ng Vacfjul Indian trlbos. Thoy
V0 bunt, ....i . . ...
. "iiiuruu rniunvuii io iiiu-
0 clty, whom thoy will fnco trial.
1 tlio Pnclflc coaat.
(,,, "" "' eniill
tcni Buutliwoatorly winds
...n ,M,,( M(... (,1-a, I WII1IJ ,( I,.
Vu tn ti II 1 county for a Salvation nr
j my Industrial homo and agricultural
school In which to take care of tuln
' or ca'w of Jutenllu delinquency and
A hundred dnllgnte heard commis
sioner Mrs Kstell of Chicago ex
plain the Salvation Army work
among the women nnd Dr. C'hns. T.
Wheeler tell of the work on the bat
tlefield John L. L'thrldgn wn chos
en tn bundle thn financial campaign
and bis organization which will be
built thruoul the state wilt be en
dorsed and aided by the advisory
boards of every county.
Iteprohentntlves of tho county
board present Inspected the White
Shield home which I being taken
oer by the Salvation Army as Its
I esc we home
The budget endorsed by tho coun
ty advisory boards Is to bo raised
half In Multnomah county nnd half
In outside counties.
Klnmnth Tost No. S of tho Ameri
can Legion, after much effort, has
made arrangements with tho Oregon
Agricultural College band to play
hero two nights. Octobor 22 and 23,
nt Houston's Opera House
This Is tho fourteenth annual tour
of the Corvallls boya and tho first
tlmo thoy hnvo visited Klamnth
Fnlla. Heretofore, tho exponso of
bringing In so largo a number has
been considered prohibitive and
wojild probably have boon considered
so this tlmo had It not been for tho
fact that every member of tho band
Is an ox-survlce man, most of whom
had overseas servlco. This holng so
tho local post of tho American Le
gion was able to convince thorn of
Klamath's Intorcat In things musical.
Tho band consists of 36 pieces, nnd
every member Is n soloist. Tho O. A.
C hand hns nlwnys been known to
he tho hardest thing In college to
"mnko", and being n membor Is con
sidered by tho coIIoro mon to bo one
of tho greatest honors possible
Visitors nt tho world fair In San
Francisco will romomiior that tho O.
A. C. band played at tho Oregon
building and wns possibly tho most
popular ono at tho fair. It also play
ed nt tho exposition In Soattlo, Wash
ington. Not only will lovois of tho classi
cal bo dollghted nt tho music but
thoso who like tho military march
and tho latest Jazz will also hnvo
their turn. At tho conclusion of tho
program each night thoro will bo a
big danro under tho nusplcos of tho
Legion- tho first night at Houston's
hall mid tho next at tho Mooso hall.
Tho bund brings with it two com
plete Jazz orchestras which will prob
nhly bo combined to malui a troat
for tho largo numbor of local dan
cers, Tho band will play at Ashland,
MccUord, lloBohnru, Ornnts Pass and
I'm Maud before coming hero, and
owing to tho Imnmnso oxpenso In
volved In bringing In tho largo num
ber uf muslclnns, mouthers of tho
II llieiu in ii" .,.... -.--,.-
thn Hhlnmont tho dedication sorvlcos , local post of tho Legion hopo that
- I ..... , .... 1 .....ln I.. I.-l.t...
.Tn,,i,.i. -... win nkn i.laco April 11. tlio first every lover oi goou ...... ... w...
""'wn iiiiu i' riling "
BAN PIMUninin ...... i n 1 mill in iv
( Wm can of ltnwllns, Wyoming, !"
1 i.i. i'. loiegrnpnin Borvico
. n, AuMoolnlod 1'rosH through n.i i,init ftirnltiiro for the I'roshy-
roiiiiectiou with tho Cnnndlan i,i ri,i.cii nro at Inst on their
teJ, """""'"tlon, Hitppllod tho world wy from tho factory at Cleveland,
'" 10 tho Pnolfl- .... . . ,., i.. l,.... nlmn
Uhio, nun snouiu " ...
March 30.
If thoro Is no delny In receipt of
Klamath County wool growers aro
willing to do everything within reas
on to stamp out scabies In Klamath
county but tbey want co-operation
from California sheep men and auth
orities This was thn sentiment of
thu big meeting at Merrill last night,
largely attended by sheep raisers
from all parts of the district. In
spector Armstrong, representing the
federal livestock department, ad
(I reined tho meeting. He spoke of the
serious nnture of the situation and
advocated two dippings of all sheep
beforo moving to spring ranges.
In connection wltb this demand
thn following telegram wan prepared
and sent today to Dr J. C. Krllne,
district federal livestock Inspector at
Wnlla Walla. Wash., by J. H. Coma
ban, secretary of the' wool growers'
Inspector Armstrong demands
two official dippings of Infected
sheep before they mny be moved
to lambing range In California.
The few bands Involved will be
lambing within thirty dnys or less
and must be moved for feed and
water. Two dippings at this time
will cause an enormous loss and
work an unjust hardship as north
ern Modoc and Siskiyou counties
ute hnrborlng many bands of In
fected sheep. If dipped twice
sheet) must cross to Infected range
where reinfection will be practi
cally certain. We ask approval to
dip once here and twice In Cali
fornia after lambing and shear
ing, nnd under official supervis
ion nnd quarantine. These aro
Oregon sheep and must return to
Oregos after shearing.
letters will also be sent to Fred
Klllnwood. of Ited lMuff, Cal., presi
dent of the California Wood Grow
ers' association, and Dr. A. J. Payne
of Sacramento district federal live
stock Inspector of California, ask
ing their co-operation In the fight
against scabies by closer supervision
and treatment of Infected sheep.
Oregon sheep men assert that the
scabies Infection travels northward
from California ranges. The principal
spots of infection In Oregon aro al
leged to exist near the state line and
further northward the Infection
gradually decreases.
It was openly charged In last
night's meeting that 300,000 Miller
& Lux sheep In California, ranging
from Kern county to tho Oregon line
wore infected with scabies but owing
to tho Influenco of tho corporation
the authorities were lax in enforcing
laws to free the Miller and Lux
flocks from disease
W 1) H-irlan. mill superintendent
for the Klamath Lumber & IIox com
pi ny. had his leg fractured yester
day, when a log slipped through Its
loose bark from the carriage, and
struck Mr. ifarlan, who was stnnd
' ing behind tho carriage. The log
J crushed his leg against the wall
fracturing it between the knee and
'ankle. Drs. Johnson nnd Stewart rn
I duced tho fracture and Mr. Harlan
Is Improving today and. Judging
from his voice, wns quite strong and
cheerful when ho answered the call
of tho Herald representative through
the phone at his bedside and gave
the above facts regarding his Injury.
George Chastatn, local attorney.
yesterday ovening filed his declara
tion of candidacy for tho offico of
county judgo on tho Democratic
Mr. Chastnln Is no tyro In Klam
ath politics. Ho has been a resident
of tho county for moro than thirty
years, was county clerk and circuit
clerk hoforo ho was admitted to tho
bar and Is well-known to Klamath
county votora. Ho will undoubtedly
provo n formidable opponent In tho
raco for tho county Judgeship.
Tho St. Patrick's Evo ball at Mer
rill last night attracted a crowd that
filled tho hall to overflowing. All tho
Irish lads and colleons wore thero
nnd frlonds of Ireland from all partK
of tho county turned out In forco to
colohrnto tho gala day of Ireland. Tho
Peorless orchestra of Klnmnth Fall3
furnished tho music.
Sunday after Faster.
I nth county will turn out.
A mnrrlago llconso was Issued by
tho county clerk last evonlng to Roy
P. Anderson nnd Hazol Dlancho Cav
itt, both of Klamath Falls.
Readers of Bret Harte will doubt
less recall the lay of the Gelger
grade, embracing the old stage-driver's
tale of a breakneck descent of
the mountain grade with the wheels
of the coach slipping off one by one,
until the coach proceeded like a pro
jectile, suspended In the air sans
nry n wheel, by the velocity of Its.
Something akin to the tale of the
California poet is the story related :
by Dr. A. A. Soule, who was called
Into the country on a professional
visit yesterday. Tho tphyslclan was
bowling along downhill about 20
miles per hour when a gray streak
flashed past him. As It came farther
Into his field of vision he saw that
It was a runaway automobile wheel.
If this wero fiction It would bo
easy to say that the doctor, on three
wheels, stepped on 'er and speedily
overtook the runaway. But the fact
Is that as soon as the rear wheel
came off, tho axle dropped and he
bumped uncomfortably along for
several yards before he came to a
standstill. The eloping wheel sailed
smoothly along for 100 yards or so,
then settled down In a fence corner.
A repair man was called by phone
and replaced the wheel, which was
released from the axle when the nut
slipped off of wornout threads.
Spring Is here, although tho
weather of the past few days would
seem to belle the fact, and along with
spring weddings, poets, and the
feathered harbingers of the vernal
season the annual Impulse to do
some community house cleaning Is
stirring In the breasts of many of
our wide awake townspeople. There
Is a general feeling that this Is the
psychological time to look Into tho
sanitary conditions of the city and
to give careful thought to the health
situation. Two years of influenza
have taught Klamath Falls that
health Is a matter of public concern
and that It other epidemics are to be
avoided, the community must ascer
tain the causes of disease and des
troy them if possible.
Considerable Interest has also
been expressed In securing play
ground and other recreational facil
ities for the children. Serious moral
delinquency are bound to appear
problems and an excess of Juvenile
when children and young people are
not provided with clean and whole
some recreation.
A very serious housing problem Is
facing Klamath Falls. Strangers
coming to the city to make their
homes find it practically Impossible
to find suitable living accommoda
tions. If our city is to grow as we ex
pect, we must provide living condi
tions that will attract the right kind
of citizens.
These and many other problems
will be discussed at a meeting which
i3 to be held Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock in tho Masonic ball. It is
hoped that this meeting will result
In arousing civic pride and an inter
est in a constructive city betterment
movement. In order to accomplish
this the co-operation of every for
ward looking citizen will be neces
sary. Everyone who has the good of
the city at heart and Is Interested In
the future development of Klamath
Falls is urged to drop business or
household duties for a short time
Friday afternoon and attend this
MTORRILL., Oro., March 18. A
building used by tho Merrill Meat
Market us a smoko houso, caught
flro on Tuesday afternoon nnd was
snvcil from total destruction by tho
timely arrival nml efficient work of
tho Volunteer flro department.
Renovated from top to bottom,
thoroughly equipped throughout
with nil the latest conveniences for
tho manufacture and service of all
the products of the up-to-date con
fectionery, "The Bluebird, Sweets
and Eats," will be formally opened
to tho public Saturday. The new con
fectionery Is located at 519 Main
street, next door to the Star theater,
in tho store formerly occupied by the
Parisian Millinery and will be con
ducted by B. L. and E. N. Harden
brook, well known from long resid
ence in Klamath Falls.
Bluebirds nro everywhere In the
decorative scheme of tho now place.
Flocks of bluebirds perch upon tho
tablo-tops, swing upon the tapestry
and hangings and daintily skim along
tho edges of tho china.
In fitting up tho place the pro
prietors of "Tho Bluebird, Sweets
and Eats," hnvo hit a double koy-
noto attractiveness and sanitation.
In fact tho two go hand in hand.
Naturally tho sanitary cleanliness ol
tho big Knight's All-Whlto fountain,
constructed throughout of vitreous
material without a crovlco for lurk
ing germs, tho marble counters nnd
Plato glass show cases, show up
pqunlly woll from tho prophylactic
or nesthotlc vlowpolnt. But sanita
tion does not ceaso at tho countor.
It is enrrlod into tho kitchen of "Tho
Rluoblrd" and descends Into tho
bnsomont ns woll. whoro an oloctrl
cally driven freozlng mnchlno is lo
cated. Ilomo-mado ice-croam, candlos,
pastry, oto., will bo served by ''Tho
niuoblrd, Sweots and Eats." It Is not
that tho proprietors distrust othors,
, but thoy know that on tholr own
1 premises tho product will bo nbsol
lutoly pure Thoro'll bo no guess
about it.
A rntsod floor at tho roar of tho
building Is partitioned off from tho
I main salon nnd supplied with booths
Mall). Thus far Brazil has been
immune Trom the epidemic of Influ
enza that visited North America.
Health authorities declare there is
no case of the disease in this city
now but they are making prepara
tions to cope with it should It ap
pear. Rigid quarantine Is being main
tained ngalnst ships coming from in
fected ports and several trans-Atlantic
liners having influenza cases
aboard have been quarantined.
School buildings are being trans
formed Into hospitals where patients
will be isolated and every effort will
bo made to stamp out the disease in
its beginning.
Constantinople was occupied Tues
day morning by the Allied forces un
der General Sir George Milne of the
British Army. Only one untoward
happening occurred, a serious clash
at tlio war offico where tho Turks re
sisted tho Allied troops. An ei-
chnngo of shots resulted in several
Turkish and a number of JunJabI of
tho British east Indian forces bolnir
killed. Tlio situation calmed betom
and tables, and as an additional
feature has qulto n space of smooth
waed floor for dancers, for whom a
phonograph will bo provided.
Light lunches will bo served in Tho
niuoblrd, bouillons, salads, home
made sandwiches, liom))-cooked pas
tries, otc, All ninnnor of hot and cold
drinks will bo provided. Sanitation
on tho comprohensivo scale it occu
pies in Tho Uluobird is costly but tho
proprietors bollovo that tho peoplo of
Klamath Falls will npproclato serv
lco soldom mot with outlsdo metro
politan centers and thoy staked a
considerable penny, In added cost
of tho very host obtnlnablo equip
ment, on tholr Judgmont, Saturday
tho placo will bo open to the test ot
public approval.