PAOtt HItVKN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUK8DAY, MAflCII 10, 1020. 4mmmM4i.i.4.4.i4.4.4 Suits made to your exact individual requirements. y Step in and select your Spring and Summer Suit now. f We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, stylish Clothes, made by -lailoredlo-UKJer Qofhes KKK STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters httvrrTV?TTvrfWTv?ttttw.tHtt : : - ? fy f yfe&vIS Sgotf Mie utmost powei-vdlue Pure throughout, dependable always, Fed Crown gasoline gives the utmost power-value. It'ismade to meet the requirements of your engine. "Red .Crown" is all-refinery fasolirie with the full and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready,, starring, quick anil, smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power iand long mileage. Look fbr.the "Red Crown" sign before you 11. STANDARD OILtCOMPANV (CilUwal) JjHo GasofjnQ, ofQuafiy The Herald tells you today's i iH STEAKS CHOPS THE NEW REX Ice Cream, Sodas, Sundaes, and all popular drinks served at our tables. THE LARGEST LUNCH COUNTER IN SOUTHERN OREGON The place where the working man is as1 welcome as the connoisseur. The home of High-Class French Pastry. iTHE REX CAFE CORNER SEVENTH AND MAIN FISH M--"H"H r J' I 4- I l ; : ' , .;. new today not tomorrow. m;; 1 1 f ! i i OYSTERS t- m2T 4 ' Br i? tp" ipwwwmwa jijaiiJ''fjji uj jw unm W l ? sK?iK Jjomesuc cience Department J F Is 4&&&W 9fi H ?' i iOT$ v H Conducted Ay 1 W , J Mrs.BoleficGivf ' " a Domcstir Science Jrector j 1 1 ,t y i Sicrr Flour Co. I 5: --',p" A Little Garnish Helps To ganilsh a dish atrnetlvely adds vit llttlo to Its cost Illlll lllllkCH It HO m ti eti miiro plunslug In every way. Dishes wlilrli tempt tliu appetite aro much tnoio easily dlgesti'd tlinn llltMO IMltoll JtlHt bl'CnllKO till) food Is placcil before one, TIiIh Ib why mi In xitlil'H trity Hliould iihsnyii In) dainty. 'Ilio tastefully decorated, carefully prepared food may tempt u ilullcnto appetite. Mimy housewives u ro mucli too busy to hu.ahlo to ghe either tlmu or thought to elaborate garn lnhlngH, hut nil food limy bo timing oil with hoimc Hort of symmetry. Minpli' (innilsliliiK lii-ht for Dully IVe 1'or dully nan Din garnishing should lie Bltniilii and always eatable. Hllcci of hard boiled egg on spinach, water crcBH wltli steak, and ;io iniit- Jltor how fish may bo cooked, It Is fur inoro nppntlslng If served with a turt milieu, and nijicli more nttrac- th't If -garnished with something frcHli wlilch has a llttlo color with p.iprlka, or hIIcciI cucumbers, or jio ttitq balln dipped In melted buttcl jit.i1 chopped parsley. The latter tako3 , Home tlmo to prepare, but the other I garnishes may bo added In a few ' minutes, and mlU greatly to the looks .of the Oiall. i Vegetable IlordelK ! .. . . .. '.untie .im-iicimi Vegetable borders aro very attrac tive. Arrango the meat or fish In tho center of a platter and Hurround nltli mashed potatoes, or peas, or beans, or boiled rice, or a mixture of liot vegetables. Pork or lamb chops may be served on or surrounded with spaghetti cooked In a tomato sauce. Or the pork chops may lie garnished with slices of fried tart apples. Slices ot tomatoes, raw or dipped In crumbs and fried, nro nico served with fried or taikcS fish or boiled chicken. Itolled rice may bo used with meat, fish or eli'cHon and may bo molded eaBlly'hnd quickly by packing firmly In a buttered cnBtitrd'cup and turn ing out Immediately. Small croquettes of rlco, fried a golden brown, and cubqs of cur rant Jolly may Tic served with roast game or ch!ckn. linked or fried bananas will add both to tho IooIcb and taste of Salis bury steak (chopped raw beef). Fmlt fritters, such as apple, pine apple or banana., will always te ac ceptable with "broiled Btcak. Corn fritters may bo served with both steak and Tried chicken. Cooked You'll Like These Note ATI measurements are level and.folur is Bitted onco before meas uring. A halt-pint measuring cup lsl used. Dnnnnn Fritters One cup Hour, one-quarter tea spoon salt, one teaspoon baking pow der, Ihree-qaurters cup milk, one egg. ono halt tablespoon melted hut tor. Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, well-beaten egg bent until smooth then add molted shortening. Uolore mixing tho fritter bnttor prepare bananas. Remove Bklns, cut In two lengthwise, then cut each pleco In two crosswise; sprlnklo with powdered sugar and a llttlo lemon Julco -and allow to stand whllo mixing the batter. Dip each pleco of banana In tho battor and fry In hot fat; drain on brown paper For ai dessert or swoot entree serve ' with a sweot sauco; -as a garnUh for moat, servo plain. Apple or pineapple fritters aro prepared in the same manner. i Rlco Croquettes Two cups of boiled rlco, ono table-jtjeg spoon butter, ono egg, one-hnlf tea-.fnt spoon salt. To hot boiled rice add butter and woll-heaton egg; spread on a shallow Plato and when cold, shape ,in balls, roll In soft crumbs, dip In egg sllghti ly boaten ,thon In crumbs ngnln and fry In hot fat. For sweot rice cro quottes add two tablespoons ot sugar nnd tho gratod rind and Juice of a lemon. Baked Umumas Romoro skin nnd scrapo to lemove the, coarso threads. Molt two table' spoons of butter In a baking rt'3h rtiul add tho bananas; sprlnklo with sug ar and lemon Juice; bake slowly, basting occasionally, until hnnamiH aro tondor.' Tho sugar, butter and lomon Julco will form a sauco which may bo served In n soparato dish if tho bananas nro to bo uao;'. for a garnish. How to Whip Cream Chill tho cream thoroughly, If tho cream is warm the beating will churn a Dish a Long Way like grlddle-cakcs, torn fritters nro both quickly and easily made. Very small portions of left-over corn may bo undo into theeo fritters. For more, elaborate garnishing, a pastry bag and tube will bo required. Very llttlo practice Is required to bundle the pastry bag skillfully enough for thcHO nltnplo decorations. It takes only a few moments to fill I lie pastry bag with mashed potatles, and when forced through a star tube, .ttl.w .... n li...1fk. ...a fn,. .. iiltnrinn which will bold peas or other cooked vegetables, an otherwise plain dloh will assume a ery festive appear ance. The pastry bag and tufio aro also very useful for decorating sweet dishes and cakes. Whipped ('renin Um-iI I 'or ('elallne DKIien Cream, whipped vory stiff, when forced through tho tube In stars or roses, makes very tempting looking desserts. All gelatine puddings may bo garnished In this manner; 'ilso fruit snhd, and even the bumble stoned pruno and apple sauce will look ery attractive and may be sered for tho luncheon dessert. Be sides tho appearance, cream also odds greatly to the food value of these, dishes. Very thick mayonnnlso may be forced through tho tube to decorate salads. Cold meats may he garnished with rlnge of green peppers or pimento, or shredded lettnco leaves may he, sprinkled about the slices ot meat. I'lcklcs, olivc3 or fringed celery also add to the tempting appearance of many meat and fish dishes, as well as salads. Candied I'rults Xlce Kor DemriitlnK Cakes Cakes can be made very effective by decorating with candled fruits, halves of walnuts, pecans or blanch ed almonds. Angelica or thinly slic ed citron may bo soaked in "warm 'water, dried on a towel and then cut Into halves to any desired torm. Combined with cherries, this rorms a dainty decoration for Cirri st mas cakes. Chopped nut meats sprink'lcfi over fruit salads, coffee cakes belore bak ing or over cake Icings giro's dainty appearance. This article only suggests-a teif of tho numerous ways foods -may-be made to look more appetizing. It the liousinvlfe enjoys cooking Trod has originally she will always he able to make dainty, attractive dishes. Tested Recipes the croam'to butter. For a frm clore wlilppea cream use a Dover egg "beater. For a fluffy, light -whipped cream, tiso a wire whip cgtFbf-ater. Celcrjr "Fritters Cut 'celery in lengths or itbout S Inches. "Parboil until tender "but not "broken; drain, season with -salt and pepper. "Prepare fritter hatter as giv-j en above; dip celery tn hatter ami Ty in deep fat: nso as a garnish or -plain, With a tomato snupe. This Is a good way to use tho outer stalks of celery. fHnzefl Carrote Teel "French carrots and cut Into thin strips about as thick as a pencil; parboil In boiling water until tender, but not broken; drain and dry In a cloth. For two cups or carrots -melt two tablespoons ot butter in a trying ,pun, add two teaspoons of sugar; one-half teaspoon of salt and the carrots; shake and turn carrots un-j tn the hutter Is absorbed and the carrots we'll glazed, Corned ltft Hush '! f chop rather fine, equal quanti- of coI(1 con,e(j bf, froo from all j grille, and cold boiled lo- Itatees: heat about 3 tablespoons offl shortening in a frying pan; turn Ja tho chopped ingredients nnd ndd ono quarter cup of stock or milk and senson with paprika; mix together, cover and let allow to brown, watch ing very carefully and stirring occas ionally. Fold over and tarn oa a hot platter; pour n well soasoaed to mato sauco around tho bash and gar nish with baked bananas. Homember: , Tho Liberty shows yon a new one every day. 2t In Uganda, It poms, tho women do not hesitate to secure, an acknow ledgement of tholr rights by force, If necessary. A vUltor to that land declares that frequently women working by tho roadside will capture a passer-by, and, on pain of a severe castlgatlon, will mnko him tako a turn with tho hoe while they have a smoke, BUSINESS CARDS HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handlo tho Harley-Davldaon Motorcycles and DIcycIcs Kxclus Ively. Also buy, sell and exchange nil other Makes. Pennsylvania' and Diamond Tires and Tubes a E. DISMARK 1 IB 8. Oth St. Klftmnth Falls NOTICIl Wo open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10 00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Mnny are tho good things wo can show A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thnga cheap &s you may learn, you will never bo In dobt and havo to skip If you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St. 'Let your Olasa Troubles be My ' Troubles. Iteglazlng done in any part of tho city E. O. BTUCKT. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phono 477W 1024 Main. J. C. CLEGnORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St.' Phenes: Office 100, Res. 102J O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. MMAMMWMMMWWMMMMWMMMMMMMAMA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Caderwood" ' Sereata and Mala Btreea MMWMWWMWWMMMMAWWMJ A.MAUR1TSCH For Your Favmte Furniture Phone 176J 10 Main St lAaMMNMMAAMAAAAMiMMMMSMiWVWWMWWN KLAMATH AUTO We Do AH Kinds of Spring Repair-, tag New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening aad Btacksmittking ALL WORK GUARANTEED Paoae S90-Y 617 Klamatfe Ave. , MmWV0WW. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main Bt. Candles PASTIME Jaek'Mearow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink J Peel and Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy aad Service WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Mala i ARTHUR R. WILSON Maaager Professional Pharmacy EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy Open Fourth and Pine Streets PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAAAMAAAMAMAAMMMVWW S FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIHT Phono 434W. X-Itny laboratory LoomU liltlg., Mlummii Foils DR. C. A. RASinO iDentist I. O. O. F. Iliiilding PHONE 01 SAAMMMWWtMWWVWVMMWWMWMWWWWW PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDonleU, 301 High St Phone 455 MMMAMtWWWWVWM Ofllco Phono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon VWWVMWWWMWWMWWVWWWW DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. I. Temple E. D. LAMB 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones 17W 17R Rooms 1 and 2 "White Iluilding WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trans Salt 206. I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 88J Res Phone 8ttM . Phenes: 151J Office. 151M Residence. DR. SOULE , Office 420 Mala Residence 1900 Mala h . . v HAW Hllili 1SNU1N1UUUKV m CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers aad builders of mod era Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging: We contract to build any class of a building aad install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kiad doae. Bine Prints made. PHONE 14BJ Office In K. D I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., Band and gravel pit, in any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. AX. F. GRAHAM. t s Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No. 137 ' I. O. O. F. Meots Friday night of each week at I. O. U. F. hail, 6th and Main streets. Hyman Weschlor. N. G.; W. C. Wells, Secretary.;, W D, Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O O. F., meets Tuesday night ot eacaj week at I. O. O. V. hall. W. H. North, C. P.; W. D. Cofor, Seribo; Fred Buesing, Treasuror. Soon In the Hospital CijClJ Y