TUESDAY, MAItCH IB, 1020. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOM Hl.T !i i u ' . ..si Pi5.S- W Sw V-" v . , . I pnr DANCE AT THE MOOSE HALL MARCH 17th UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EMERALD CLUB A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED THE PUBLIC LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED """"" "JvsjPunrunnjgr i lira Thnt coupled with n nystom makes intry Just as good I ImrMi credit jilimcHlt " i Tho conference did Utile formal f business An nddiess by .Inliu J i Arnold of S.in Frnitrlsco, represent ing tho American llauKors' nxsorlu EXPECTED TD if I 111 In Ml" 111! I I lnB ot "" n,,'rm,l,ol,nl mKIiib con lliiHU ilLlJUL I Ulforonc" "' t'10 MtHbllHbmiMit of iui International louring house, result ml In tlii appointment of i committee to draft it tt'Holitllon endorHlng thin sentiment Tin' committee, howeier, fulled to lepurt. Another resolution which lacked for mill sanction pro vlilcd for n system of exchange of American and Mexican universities. ------------------ """ri'i'i'i'i'i'M'i'.'i'innnniinnn.ruiAnj'uwxruxrujxj. Western Floral Shop ill 4s& (jr w' ,, I' I LwrMM smkjfmf maw S.P.WILL ACT AS K GOVT'S ADJUSTER ! SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 16. That an arrangement with the Govern ment, the Southern Pacific company Is to act as trustee tor the railroad Administration In the collection of assets and adjustment or liabilities arising out of transactions with the railroad during federal control. This announcement was made at the com pany offices here today bjr T. O. Ed wards, Auditor.' " - - -As a result of this arrangement. WOMAN'S TOUCH Is what makes homo home like. So with lorely flowora thoy add to a room fra grance, sweetness and the tender memories of summer days and waning twilights. Bring summer Into your home by letting us supply the flowers to you dally. An Investment for good cheer. MRS. Ii. C. MOORE Proprietor 702 Main Phono 187; Res. 200R disturbed, and patrons can continue to deal with the respective railroad officers. It is believed that this procedure will be of great convenience to tho public, reducing delays in settlement of claims .bills for materials and the like to a-minimum. LADIES DARKEN YOUR GRAY HI When a Chinese girl Is married, she must watt four months before etiquette allows her to pay Jier first visit to her mother; but, after this Initiatory call. It is within the bounds of Boclal custom and nronri the usual channels thru which such j ety for her to visit the home of her iruusucuuiia are uanuiou win noi ie,i parents at any time. Do Your Feet Itch? Miss Tickletoes will give you relief " t At the Moofee Hall TONIGHT -Local Jolly Jazz Band L if i if i A A A J. ft A Ji iti ft J . . ,. Drug Facts, No. 19 Stationery Stationery Iiao become a flxed Item of stock In the modern and up-to-date druR Ure. Wo shall carry a general line of school, ollico and household HtuUoncry, and all kinds of stationery sundries, nil carefully selected as to QUALITT. "Kvcrytlilog to, write with and to write o.' SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE, Klamath Fall RED CROSS DRUG STORE, Merrill Service Satisfaction H-fiiiiiiiilt.,it,rt.4..,t,ltlii,,4,f44 MEXICO CITY, Pcb 27 (U) Mali - l.ocnl newspapers refer to tho Culled States .Mexican trndo con ference which recentl cUned Its sed ulous hero us of "transcendent Im- iinrtnltnt nllil lirmlll! Mini IIM !l "0- suit there will Iw "elosor relations j "Indents between between the two lepubll s. better understanding and mutual iiiulty " They express tho hope thnt this con ference will be mndo an annual af fair. That Mexico Is a fertile. Held for American trado expansion was nd mltted by all speakers and all agreed that it the United States is to cvt Its 'share of business itwro must bo a re vision of Its trado methods. A point inslstod upon by persons acquainted with tho country was that tho "ensl In advance" policy must bo aban doned, or at least mcdlfled. Ger many and Great Britain, who np-j peared to bo considered tho principal commercial competitors, nro liberal with their credits, It was declarer and Latin temperament does not take kindly to a policy that oven hints at personal dishonesty. American banks woro severely scored during tho discussion for an alleged lack of co-oporation with American exporters in tho matter of credits and other accommodations that might facilltato business. Rep resentatives of these banks declared la defenso that thero was no dis position to discriminate and that a suitable credit standing is nil that is necessary. F. W. Dunkcrley, local banker and representative of tho American Bankers' association, said that Mexi can banks are opening commercial credits In tho United States, Europe China and Japan, and that a systom of trade acceptances is being worked out. Ho urged larger American In vestments. "Tho opportunity Is here," ho declared, "the time is pro pitious, .and some one Is going to furnish the necessary capital. Wo hope it will be largely American." Prospective advertisers In the re public were given many helpful hints by morchants here, all of them complimenting the newspapers upon their general reliability and worth. ."Send representatives to Mexico who speak tho language Spanish," was another Injunction Imparted by many speakers. "Tho reason Gor- many Is strong here," declared one, "is because every business roan who comes hero speaks Spanish as fluent ly as his native tongue He has been educated to understand the people; no uvea as inoy no, ana lie more than any other foreigner marries in to Mexican families. Moreover, ho has one business policy that few American Arms .follow. He fill's an order exactly as It Is given. One of tho principal objections Mexicans find with American firms is their con sistent substitution with 'somothlng MECCA Billard Parlor r,.U .MAIN HTItlXT .Moot I'p.to.Duto Milliard Parlor In tho City lll(;l.(Jlt.V))i: CKJAltS t i(iitirrri:s mui tobaccos soft DRINKS ('unites) ami Sen Ico our Motto wwvw Remember- Tho Liberty shows you n now ono every day. 21 USK GRANDMA'S 8AGK TKA AND SULPHUR RKCIPH AND NO- 1IODY WILL KNOW Tho use of Sago and Sulphur for restoring faded; gray hair to Us nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er's Mme. Sho used It to keep her hnlr beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever hor hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear plied with wonderful effect, anco, this simple mixture was ap- Dut brewing at home Is mufsy and out-of-dnto. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for n GO cent bottlo of "Wyeth's Sjko and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation, Improved by the addi tion of other Ingredients, which can bo depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to tho hair. A well known downtown druggist says It darkens tho hair so natural ly and evenly thnt nobody can toll It has been applied. You simply damp en a Bpongo or soft brush with It, and drnw this through your hair, tak ing one strand at a time. Dy morn- lug the gray hnlr disappears, and of' ter another application or two. It be comes boautlfully dark and glossy. VOCHATZER BROS. WKUj DRILLKRS dive Us a Trial Phone 295-M Klamath Fall, Orogoa NOTICH OF ANNUAL MKKTING Notice It hereby given that tho annual meeting of tho Klamath Drainage District will be hold at tho Court House In Klamath rails, Oregon, on March 30, 1920, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Datod this 29th day of January, 1920. C. R. DKLAP, Socrotary. RESOLUTION NOW FES FINE IN MORNINGS - . " Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other !: R, good shoes are here in the new Snrino- srvl K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters r:-'-H'4---4MH-f4 Loe Angeles Man Gained Fifteen Pounds Taking Tanlnc Troubles Overcome "Tanlas has not only rid mo or my troubles but ha sadded fifteen pounds to my weight," said Joseph A. Dun- mlro, of 402 Crocker St., Los An geles, Cal. Mr. Dunmlro has been a trusted employo of the Los Angeles Transfer Co. for twenty-sevon years. "Before I started taking Tanlac," ho continued, "I could not eat a slnglo meal without my food fer menting and gas forming bo bad It mado me miserable. I had rheuma tism In my right log so bad at times I could hardly get about and at night I was too restless to got much sloop. I had very llttlo appetite and went down hill so fast that I lost fifteen pounds and got so weak I could hardly do my work. "Well, sir, In splto of tho bad con dition I was in, I hadn't taken more than half a bottlo of Tanlac before I felt a hundred per cent bettor. No wall my sufferings havo stopped completely. I can cat throo hearty moats' every day and Bloop llko a log at night. I havo regained every pound of my lost Wolght and am in as good health as a man wants to bo. I havo started my daughter taking Tanlac, bo you seo what I think of it." Tanlac is sold In Klamath Falls by tho Star Drug Co., in Lorella by tho Jamos More. Co., and in Merrill by tho Southern Oregon Drug Co, adv. Tho City Engineer, pursunnt to the resolution of the Common Coun cil heretofore adopted, having under dato of the 8th day of August, 1919, filed plans, specifications and estim ates of tho cost of improving Wash ington Street from First Street, easterly, to Third Street, including Intersections; and the Common Council having taken tho same under advisement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfac satisfac eory: It Is hereby resolved, thnt said plans, specifications, and estimates for the Improvement of Washington Street from First Stroot, easterly, to Third Street, including Intersections, bo and tho samo are hereby ap proved; And bo It furthor resolved, that tho Common Council hereby declares Its intention to Improvo said portions of Washington Street, in accordanco with said plans, specifications and estimates; said improvoment to con sist of paving said portions of Wash ington Street with cinders, oil macadam, bltulithlc or other hard surfaced pavement. The estimated cost of tho improvoment of said por tions of said streets by placing there on cinder pavement to bo ?7,&90.00; and the estimated cost of paving said strcots with oil macadam, Including cement sidewalks, .curbing and grad ing, to bo $8,73C.OO; tho ostlmatod cost of Improving said portions of Washington Streot with bltulithlc pavement, Including grading, rolling. curbing and cement sidewalks to bo sil.lGG.OO. And bo It further resolved by tho Common Council, that tho following described proporty bo and is hereby declared benefited by said improvo mont, to-wlt: Lots 1-2 of Dlock 11, Lots b-6 ot Ulock 4, Lots 1-2-3-4-5 of Dlock 10, Lots 6-7-8-9-10 of Block C; Lots 1-2-3-4-5 of Block 9, Lots 6-7-8-9-10 of Block 6, All of said Lots and Blocks abovo described boing In Ewauna Heights Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that said property auovo listed and described bo and hereby is declared to bo tho property to bo assessed for tho expense of said Improvement; And bo It furthor resolved, that Monday, tho 12th day of April, 1920, at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m., at tho Council Chambers in tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho time and place for tho hearing of objections and re monstrances against tho said pro posed improvement, and tho Police Judge is hereby directed to cause notlco ot said hearing to bo publish cd as by charter provided. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, uuy or luamatti l'aiis, ss: I, A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge of tno uuy of Klamath Falls. Oreeon. do horeby cortlfy that the foregoing is a uuiy enrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Council on tho 8th day of March, 1920, de claring its Intention to improvo Washington Street from First Stroot, oastorly, to Third Streot, Including intersections, and approving the plans, specifications and estimates ot cost submitted by the City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT, 10-20 .. Pollen Judern. CITATION In tha County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Klamath County. In tho matter of tho Estato ot Andy O'Mnlloy, decoasod. To tho Unknown Heirs ot Andy O'Malloy, decoasod : You and each of you nro horoby cltod and required to appear iu tho abovo entitled Court on March 0, 1920, nt tho hour of 2:30 o'clock, p. ra., and thon nnd there to show cause, It any you havo, why an order should not bo mado authorizing Wal tor E. Perkins, administrator ot said estate, to soil at private snlo, to tho highest blddor for cash in hand, tho following real proporty belonging to said estato, to-wlt: Lot Flvo (5) of Block Sevontcen (17) of North Klamath Falls Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. Witness tho Honorable R. H. Bun noil, Judge ot tho abovo entltlod Court, with tho seal thoreot affixed this January 31st, 1920. C. R. DE LAP. Clerk. (Seal.) By Oarro.t K, Vnn'.RIper, Deputy, 2-9-16-23-30. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION) IS Tho regular mocttnga of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will bo hold at 8 o'clock p. m., at tho City Hall In Klamath Falls, on tho second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades nro In vited. Those doBlrlng to Join tho Post may secure application blanks from O. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Carnaban, all of Klamath Falls. FRED NICHOLSON, Secretary. NOTICE OK IXi: TION In Hid County Court of tho Ktuto of Oregon fr Klniiuitli County. Iu I ho unittor of the Onrniirtntliin) , of the Patterson Irrigation) Dlutiid ) WluueiiB, under the prolntotm of Chapter :tr". (ItMiunil Lawn of Ore gon for 1017. calil County Couit liimle and imlnred nil older tlenlg twitlm; and entalillnlilnn I'lltleimiu lnlKHtl n Dlntilit with the follow ing liolimlai Ion, to-wlt- ItPKluuliiK "I n Iol"t lepreientlni: the wirtliwmt roriiur of the mnitli eut quarter of the HOiithwent quar ter (Ni of HWH) or Hertlou Twenti nine (-'! In Township Forty (40), .sunlit of Ultimo i:ieeu (11), runt of tho Willamette Meridian, Klitmnlh County. Oregon, tlteiuo eait on nald huImIMhIoii Hue i no and une hitlf mile to tin) norllieiitit coiner of the muithweKt iiaiter of thu south eait tjuuiter of Section 28, In mild township nnd range, theiiro south forty chains, thenco eimt twenty rlinlim, thenco south twenty ehtilim, to the iiunrier corner on tho sect Inn lino between KoctloiiH .13 and .14, Hiild township mid ranee; thenrn east twenty chains, thenco south sixty chains, more or less, to thi no nt Ilea nt corner ot lot uuniburod four, ot Section three, In Township 41, south ot Ilango Klnvon (11) K. W M In Klamath County, Ore gon; thonco west twenty chains, to thu section lino between Section 3 nnd 4, said township nnd range ; thonco south to, at or near tho south east corner of Section 4 In said town ship nnd range, whoro nald lino inter socts tho north lino of tho right-of-way of what Is known as the Adatiu Canal. Thonco northerly nnd west erly along tho north boundary of tho said Adams Canal to n point twenty chains west ot tho east lino ot Sec tion C, In said township nnd range; thonco north to tho noitli boundary nt said township; thonco woit twenty rlinlns, to tho quailur corner ou tho township lino between said town ships 40 and 41, said range number HE. W. M.: thence north through Section 32, Township 40, South ot Itungo 11 East, distant sixty rhnlna; thunco west twenty chains; thenco north forty chains to plncu of begin ning. Now, thorcforo, for tho purposo of determining whether or not nurh clU trlcl shall bo organized under tho provisions of said act, an olcctl.iii wltl bo hold nt tho Town Hall, Town of Merrill, In said district, In said county nnd stato, on tho 1st day ot April, 1920, which election wilt hn held at eight o'clock in tho morning, and will contlnuo until suven o'clock In tho evening of said day, ut which tlmo tho qualified doctors therein shall cast ballots which contain thcua words, to-wlt: Irrigation District........ Yes Irrigation District No or word equivalent thereto. Thero shall alio bo oloctod at inek tlmo and placo throo directors for said district, whoso term of office shall expire In one, two and throe yoars respectively, from the first Tuesday in February next succeed ing tholr oloctlon. Tho nomination ot candidates. for said-office may b mndo by petition, signed by at least ten of the electors In sold proposed district qualified to voto for tho olllcers bo nominated, or at an assembly of not less than twenty-five of said electors, which snld nomina tions by petition or by assembly shall bo filed with thu undorslgucd nt least ten days next preceding tho duto of suld election. Datod at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Murch 1st, 1920. C. R. DELAP, County Clork. 2-9-16-23-30. SPECIAL HTATUTOItr PROCKKD. INtlS KQUITV NO. 1100 HEADACHE NEURALGIA PAIN Get a 10 James cent package of Dr. Headache Powders and don't suffer. When your head aclio you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's neeillcan to sufTcr when you cau take a remedy liko Dr. Jamca' Head ache Powders nnd relieve tho jmln und neuralgia at once. Send somcono to tli -'rug storo now for a dime pnekugo o it. Jumps' Hcaduclii Powders, Dunt miller1 fn a few niomi at you will feel fino headache gono no mi or' neuralgia pala. " The Right of Way lilt Printing U the SaUgman Who Hat the Right of Way Your sales letter in the United States mail has the right of way straight to your customer s desk. Strengthen your appeal by using a paper of known quantity Hammermill Bend and good printing which will attract your customer's attention, and sell your goods. That's tho kind of printing wo do nnd the paper wo use. UfMor Printed Salttmanthlp, Atkut W. O. Smith Printing CoT la tho Circuit Court of tho 8tato of urogon for Klnmnth County. In tho matter of tho Petition nt tho Board of Directors of tho Horse fly Irrlgutlon District of Klamath County, Oregon, preying that tha proceedings of said Board and of Bald District authorizing tho Issuo and snlo of bonds of said District mav t examined, approved and confirmed ny tno Court. To tho Horsefly Irrigation District ot Klamath County. Oretrnn. nml In all Freoholdors, Legal Voters and Assessment Payors within said District: Notico Is hereby clven thnt Mm abovo entitled Court has fixed the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, tho 30th day of March. A. D. 1920. nnd tho Court Room of tho abovo entltlod Court in the City of Klamath '"""' uiujiuii, us mu nmo anu piaco for tho hoarlng of tho notltinn r ih Board of Directors of tho Horsofly iiiiBuwuu uiHinci or Klamath County, Oregon, praying that all pro ceedings of said Board and of said District providing for nnd authoriz ing tho Issuo of tho bonds of Bald District may bo oxamlnod, approvod ni,.a,..conn"nod by th0 Court, which petition has boon filed with the Clork of tho Circuit Court of tho stuto ot Oregon for Klamath County. Any porson intorostod may nt any tlmo botoro Tuesday. Hm .iniii h.. of March, A. D. 1920, appoar and contest tho validity of audi procood- IllgS, Or Of anv Of thn net a nr tlilnira therein onumoratod. This notlco is published pursuant to nn ordor mado by tho Honorable u. v. ituyKonuall, Judgo of tho Cir cuit Court of tho Statos of Orogoa for Klamath County, mado nnd en tered upon tho 21st day ot Fohruary, A. D. 1020. . C. R. DELAP, Clerk Circuit Court. Dy Perry O. DoLap, Doputy Clorlc of tho Circuit Court ot the Stato of Oregon for Klamath County, Oregon. 24-2-9-16 Tho most quibbling stickler on In come Is not llkoly to cclJpso tho low record Iu Incomo tax payments made by n slllc mill girl at Altoona, Pa., who aftor caxpful computation docld- od sho owed Uncle Samo ono cont nnd mndo paymont of that amount to Phono 03 llo South Fourth St. tuo incomo tax collector. Y i ""1