V i,.' va(i:tiiiii:k THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUICSDAY, MAHCII 10, irao WIIV I'AV HUNT WIIKN YOU .v mv a iie.mi: with tiii: SASII-J MO.VKVV l.oolc over I lio following mill lnl(i) your rhelcu: r -1 ooin Iiouhii, 11 1 oil orn , mil Kt. $r,- 00(1. ?2,l)0() diiuii jiiiyiuuntH. d-ronm linilHit, modem, !i iiort'lioa, $'200; hoo down, iinyiuontH, I pur coin, MHIh Aililltlon. l-iooiu lmni;iiliiw, modern, good linrii. $l!,t(i(), JMMl down, Imlmicn euuy lormu, ri-ioom iiioilniii Imugulow, lili: pim tiy, illli HI on 1! IoIh, iiimi planted In chuliu r tilt. $1200; olio llilnl cusli, hiiliuico oiiii) Iitiiih. 4-iunin liiiiii;iilnv, iiioilorn, on t'tli. Hiicririco IIiIh place fur J 1,000 ciihIi. ri-rooin nioilo n l)tiiii;nlnw on 01 II, $4,200; $2,il)0 down, Imlii'K'o cany terms. . ri-rooin iioiIt l bungalow, in lioi.t purl of Hot h.ihKH Aililltlon; hi;; front porch; H.r.oo; n.suo down, liiilimco oiisy turniH, Groom bungalow In MIIIh Addi tion, iilro lot, citn bo Irrigated, $2, S00, liuir cash, biilitncu tunnii. (lootl corner lot In best part Of MIIIh Aililltlon, covorod with alfalfa, wuter on lot, $:!2r. Hero's your chance, Reed big lot, 2 Iiouhoh,, onu 3-room house, bit? rooms, runtH for $2d; ono largo 7 room house, two baths, city limit: ,nli-u fruit on lot, block of Main, till 'for $ 10,500: 2,000 down; Imlmico on lern: tlmo at Reed terms. " "" """ 1 also lmvo sevcrnl Reed proposl. tlonH In riincli property, which nru bargnlnn nt thin tlini). 12-room modern house, partly funildluxl, 8 bod-rooiiiH completely furnished, 120 x 120 foot lot, fur nnco, RiintRo, hot and cold wntor In ouch bodroom, $10,fi00; ronHimablo payment down, bnlnnco easy terms. 10-ronm modern houxo, lot 120 x 120, full hIzo bimomont, furnnco boat, )7,ri00, ItiNifloniiblo payment down, balance easy terms. This In u hiuip. iVroom modern bungalew: 2 nlco porches, on l'lno Btreet. K,2t0. IteiiHOimbln payment down, bnlnnco easy tonus, MHH. NATK OTTKIUIKIN ni!7 KlutiMith Ave. 12-13 J. H. Garrett & Son Automobile Experts . 522-538 S. Sixth St When at last Spring arrives, you will wish that you had fixed your car sooner; so we are suggesting that you bring it in to us to-day and let our expert me chanics start to work on it. We have a modern and complete repair shop and can assure you of service and depend able work. THE MODERN WAY to got ro-,-yults nowadays Is to go nftor thorn. High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP IiATEBT STILES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILO BJ8 Mala St. PUBLICITY BRINGS BETTER RELATIONS "llWKNOH A I RICH, 1-Vli, 17 (Ily Mall ) Interchange of iiowb be tween North and Houtli Aiiierlrn lliroiutli lonnectliiu of the Hi ntli A nun lam liDUMpnptiiH with the uewii iiKeui'li'H and noWKpaperH of the (Milted Ktaten Iiiih liroii;lit nlioiit "a bettor mill limit) thorough feeling of roiiimeri'lnl and nodal brotherhood In every nation than would have been poHxIhlo In anything Ii'hh I ban deiadi'H under other coiidltloUH," Don Jorgn Mitre, dheclor of La Naclon, (old inemberH of the Auierlrati club of lluenoH AIivh at a luncheon re cently. H pea It I n i; as a publlHher, Mr Mltro hiiIiI, "I cuiiHlder thin to be ono of the groat iiiIhhIoiih of JournallHin." "After all," be assorted, "the gruatcHt mirvlco n newHpaper or a nous agency van render to the coun try In which It Ih located, In particu lar, and to the world In general, Ih to spread Informative Ileum that will iishIhI nrospuctlvo Investors, merch ants, bankers or nny otbor porsoiiB Interested In obtaining a definite and truo knowledge of conditions In a country where tholr futuro may llo." Mr. Mltro said tho Ideals und duties of tbo newspapers In the upper and lower halves of the west ern humlsphoro wore tho sauio. "Tho methods of newspaper making are different," ho added, "and oven these differences nro becoming smaller and smaller." MAKE lllltl) HOl'SKK I'AltHONS, Kuns., ilar. ir-In preparation for tho 'bouse bunting" Hon ho n of birds here, tho City Keder utlon of Womon's Clubs Jinn offered cash prlzca for the best bird houses made by l'arsons boys and girls. Tho houses, as defined In tho rules of the contest, mny bo just plain little Jenny. Wrun bungalows or even "apartment houses" for colonies of mnrtltiH. ORINDAI.i: NOTES Tho country In general Is being blessed with u nice storm of rain and snow. It certainly Is being appre ciated by all farmers. A. Swltzer bus tils now house al most enclosed. It makes a gbed showing In tho vnlloy to have nn othor dwelling built and thero Is room for several more families to llvo hero. P. S. "Wlnnlfred has commenced seeding his wheat. J. A. Cregan and C. O. Hunt woro business callers In Klamath Falls Saturday. P. II. McCunack purchased ono of tho thoroughbred bulls sold In Klamath Falls Saturday, M. E. IUal und Wm. Lambort of Hound Lake were business callers In tho county' seat Saturday. Robert Cllllln Is helping A. Swltzer do his farming at present. School has begun horo again after sevcinl isecks vacation on account of Influenza In tho district. Jim Straw has turned a bunch of cnttlo out on the range ho has leased of Hufus Moore. It Is almost tlmo for tho farmors In t Ills locality to prepare for a squir rel poisoning drlvo. Robert Qlflln was tradlm; with Klamath Fulls1 merchants thta week. Geo. Sholl has sold his ranch to II, 1J. Vanvnlkonberg, and Qoo. ex pects to travol this summer In his Ford back to Kansas. Hcavllln Ilros. have thelr.farm!ng well under way. BIG EATERS GET ITU E Tho American inon and' women must guard constantly against Kld- noy trouble bocauso wo oat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood Is flllod with uric acid which tho kid noys Btrlvo to filter out, they weaken from ovorwork, become sluggish; tho ollmlnatlvo tissues clog and the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weaknoss and a gonoral doclino In health. Whon your ktdnoys fool like lumps of lead; your back hurts or tho urlno Is cloudy,-full of 'sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or tbroo times a night; if you suffer witn sick nonaacno or aizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism whon tho weather Is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad ' Salts: take n tablespoontul In glass of water bo foro breakfast for a few days and your kldnoys will tbon act fine. This famous salts Is made from tho acid of grapes and lomon Juice, combin ed with llthla, and has been used for gonoratlons to lluah and stimu late cloggod kidney; . to noutrnltzo tho acids in the urlno bo it no longer Is n sourco of irritation, thus end ing blnddor dlsoidors. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot Injuro, makes a delightful efferves cent HUtla-water boverago, and bo longs In every homo, becauso no body can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. 50C T ft "S IN STOCKHOLM. Feb 23. (Ily Mall) Adoption of a prohibition plat form by (i vole of UK to 10li, nnd passage of n resolution In favor of t tin Hcpaiatlon of church and state, wore two or tho decisions taken by tho Swedish Socialist I'arty Congress whoso Inborn hero lmvo Just como to( a rloso I These) decisions, however, woro overshadowed by Internal party m- ( heavols which lasted thiougbout the Congress, much to tho Joy of the bol shevlst and other extremist factions,! as well as of rival political parties. During the economic crisis, profit-! enrlng reared Its head In Sweden. and sevcrnl leading Socialists wero alleged to Iravo been connected with coniMinle accused of making oxces slvo profits. Whereupon, n cry was ralBcd to read all of thorn out of tho pnrty. HJJalmar Ilranting. ex-Mlnlster of Finance and a loading Socialist, de fended O. Kallman, formerly chalr mun of tho Ways and MeanB Com mittee, Varnor Hydcn, formerly Min ister of Education. Horman I.lnd uulst. president of the Second Cham ber and Senator C. O. Magnusson, burgomaster of Stockholm, In re spect to ccrtuln charges brought them. Idint November Kallman, Ryden, nnd also tho Liberal minister. Axel Hchotto. resigned their offices. Now, In consequence of the nctlon taken by tho Congress, Ryden gives up bis seat In the Scnnto, nnd burgomaster Magnusson. although popular with all classes In Stockholm, rotlres and will no longer sit on the numerous municipal committees of which he was a prominent nnd actlvo member. He will also lay down his senator ship. Herman, Llndqulst nlono weather tho storm. Ho was chairman of a company called tho Arbotorbraenslo, which Imported coal and coke from Oormnny during tho war through Parvus, tho German socialist finan cier. Ilranting succeeded in having Llndquist rotaln his scat as, president of tho Second Chamber. The Socialists nro suro of retain ing tholr numerical superiority In parliament at least until after tho gonoral election next October. I IUH T R E SALEM, Ore., Mar. 1C, That It is of vital interest to the property owners about Malheur lako to or ganize, employ the best legal talent available, and make a fight beforo tho state land board to keop tho Mal heur wild fowl breeding resort In tact, was tho opinion expressed in n letter written by E. W. Nelson, chief of tho United States bureau of bio logical survoy, to Fred Otley of Law on, Harney county, and roforrod to l'orcy A, Cupper, state onglneor, bore. "As you are aware," roads Mr. Nolsou's letter, "tho biological sur voy has charge of tho federal bird reservation and Is deeply interested In maintaining Malheur ns ono of tho great wild fowl breeding resorts or me united states. Tlioro is no question that if the water of tho Sil-' vies nnd Dlltzen rlvors is diverted for tho benefit of the lands now be ing exploited by two companies tnnt tho marsh lands around Malheur lako will become worthless alkali flats. 'I estimate that tbo value of the lands which will bo destroyed around the lake by tho diversion of water nocossary to keop It nt the or dinary level would bo more than a million dollars. The Interests of land ownors around tho lake and tho government In maintaining this bird resorvo are identical, and I shall be glad to be of any assistance that I can In liolplng maintain a water sup ply in order to perpetuate the lake. "W. L. FInlay has been conduct ing a campaign to have the state cedo Its jurisdiction over the Mal heur bird reservation to tho United States. If this were done and the land nccopted by tho government, tho lattor could then take part In dofondlng Its Interests, At prosent tho active defenso appears to llo In tho hands of tho land owners," Tho Malheur bird resorvo was tho subject of a bettor fight In the 1919 legislature, the Bportsmon of tho stato contending that It should bo kept intact for bird breeding pur poses, whllo sevoral corporations urged draining of the lake lu order that the lands might bo dovoted to agricultural interests. j s Sheepmen's Ball -AT- MERRILL "A WEDNESDAY March 17, 1920 Peerless Orchestra JXrjnj,VMMMVVMMVMW,MWVMNMVVVMMWMVMMNMMMrfMMMMrfMMrfMMMMMMVMMMMrfWWMMMMMMW, Kentucky clubwomen have raised and expended f22,000 in the fight for legislation to carry on the Illiter acy campaign. Each-tUtiBearlyta -quarter of a million people use the Charing Cross station of the London underground railway. In" a -ton of water fronrthe 'Atlan tic there Is thirty-one pounds of nit as against 187 pound in the I quantity from the Dead Sea. -' N, "tiZttmt' iwKsMa&s. .;:- You Take No Chance For Every Can Is Guaranteed Buy the Five Pound Can of rt :t. raBia u!bf HBBbI VbBBBBBBv BBBBb0BBBBBv Also sold in one nd three pound vacuum packed cans "The Quality Coffee of America"' You will not only make the greatest saving Lut you will enjoy a coffee first in flavor and unsurpassed in quality and economy. OUR. WORTH WHILE GUARANTEE "Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for M. J. B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can" ,- ? . . i