The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 16, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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march m, iae.
t t
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I 1
Gifts to Women
Jiff y-Jell Users Need Them and are Welcome. Sea Below
Jlffy-Jcll made with Sun-Maid Ualslns or
Non- Su.h Mince Meat. Made with
S., Ic G Mold-Pint Size.
J- JL4&UL rg
S3 thij riftf
Crushed to Flavor One Jiffy-Jell Dessert
in'nffS tS n "f xaTttPlc oi the wealth of fruit
m J my-fell desserts.
r,0y Cr.U-Sh p4ScaJyles '" Hawaii-fruit tor.
ripe to ship. The of half a fruit is con
densed and sealed in a vial to flavor one pint
Yet the whole dessert costs but a few cents,
ready at your call.
t n 'm1 cfght ri,ch fruits which come in Jiffy-
. .... ,v, muu iiuiii irriisiipci Trmfr in -...
People need fruit daily. Now, when fiuii u
costly, this is an ideal way to serve it.
Complete desserts
J"y-Jell comes ready-sweetened. It is acid
ulated with evaporated fruit acid. A rare
grade gelatine is in it, and the fruit-juice cs-
otm.c in ,i vial.
lousimply add hot water as directed on
-.Jii.r,,?,., ii ,. '.'?"cu ii an arc i'"-n " -uoi. men a pacKagc ot I illy-
abundant. AH come m linnlrl fr -.i i Te scn-cs civ r..,i :., .i.i'r " . ,J
.i t j ------,. .W...I, .jum;iivii v. ' " "' ivi"' n iiiuiu lurui. or twelve
and sealed m glass a bottle in each package. f .v" whip the jell.
-1" ""? "'i-inauc aainiy, ricti m truit, costs
triflf If frCC lnrr !,.. . .
Real-fruit flavors in bottles
Mark this Jiffy-Jell distinction. Note how it
vCrr ,f.rm 0,d-,styIe quick gelatine desserts.
Jjfiy-Jell alone has these bottled fruit-juice
essences. '
Jiffy-Tel desserts are fruit-made dainties
ncli in fruit. The ffuip taste is not mere flavor
71 tin tinl- n a4( nanl
. jiwik U1WIIWUI,
a trifle.
It costs less than serving apples.
'Twill delight you
, ?ry :fiyrcll in various fruit flavors. Try lifce
fruit flavor for a tart green salad jell. Try mint
for a mint jell to serve with meats.
Learn y, hat these dainties mean to you. Compare
them with old-style desserts of this type.
We offer ou choice of several 50-ccnt molds if
you will do this, and at once. Cut out our offer so
jou won't forget.
A7--rt "
Ten Flavors In Glass Vials
Bottle in Each Package
Mint Lime fherry
Rwpberry Lotrutbcrrr
irenjr rineappie
v "tg7
T t . m .
, iBiuviuuu aesserc moias
StyW t-Tlte ubm In pint size Stilk-C
la assorted styles of alumi-
-wa. k;$ the t The six
, wffl serre 'a full package of
'jay-Jell.' Send 5 trade-marks
far iu six assorted.
iinFj .3
S?to!TO331to'J "f IWterwrvn Sit .ov
"""""""""""dSi "x3--i r'IIV!2HlilHi'ii99B9''
v 'jlfc- T!WW-"
Jiffy-Cup for measuring
An aluminum half-pint cup.
Fill twice with water to dissolve
one package Jiffy-Jell. Use as
an exact cup measure in all reci
pes. Send 2 trade-marks for it
tf-L -" ?'
rer DeAsert'SeoetM. FexnoAn aize. in a favnrlt nMti f Wn T?nirrii
. fclr plate, cnataateed 20 years. cFor the first spoon sead-2 trade-marks.
ku lie for postage and pacldaf. Then we will offer yon tbe.balance of the, set.
t t::3. ji a
Fre tomefi
) t tif c; t -i
JSf. Orf it the,tra4axks in the circle on the
! t'inMt JiBj'Jdi packages' Send 4, for any. pint
m saeUorthe;Se'tiiSixindiridtiai:Molds. Send 2
Sfor the JMrjr-Cuji, or 2 and 10c for, the .Spoon.
.The pint molds are as follows all aluminum.
Style B Pint UoW, heart shaped..
5m Style C Hal.MaldV fluted as ibo're.
Srjd-D Piat Salad Mold.
-....BtTl 0
. . . . JtttfrCvp f
... .surer BMa
8nd S'elrelM
(or nj pint meld
or the Ht fialx.
sa j for jibt-
Cu. Snd'l
llo or yon.
W.uketha, Wis., THIS
I enclse... trade-marks
for,, which .send the gifts I
check, at side.
Enclose 10c for postage and
packing on the spoon alone..
..,.. ssss.s......,..
I NKW YORK, Miir lfi In (ornw
'of tlio ndvorllHliiK imuuiKcr, Scr'- J.
tnry of AKrli'utturo Morodlth t Id tlio
iiniMiilipri of tlio Mori'liinittT Axsoclu-
jtlon ot Now York of liN iiuitililon to
Inrrcnso tlio output of tlio doiuirt
inont'a tlilof product, sorvleo It n
tn first mlilri'EH iiuulo by Mr. Moro
iltth kIuco IiIh iipiiolntiurnt niul suin-
liuiirlzud tlio uork of i!h dcpnrt inent.
nl thu 8UIIIO tliuo iirKinK InrrtMisiMl
tippinprliitlona for curryliiK on tlio
"Are yen roIhk to kop this won
dorf ill product sorvleo from
poeplo: this wonderful product ou
nro manufncturlnK?" ho asked his
uiidloiico, whom ho rhiinu'torlzcd ns
tlio ownor of u business concern upon
which ho wns malt In a roport. "It
Is mil wholly tlio pioliloin of tho do-
imrtmoiit nt iiRrlcultiiru," ho con
tinupd, "hocnuso wo tiro only )our
nituntt. Yen nro nuiniifuctiirlnK this
jiroduet mid Hint produ t Is sorvicv
I would llko to douhlo tho niimhor of
customrrH. 1 wiint to Ineroiino tho
salos of this orK.inlziitlon. in otlior
words. I want to IiiIiik hom to oorv
J man and woman in America this
wondortiil honlco."
He doplorcd n tendency to discuss
"wasto." "Kraft." and "s3ft snaps "
"I think It Is wrong. I think It is
poor advertising to ho talking all tho
tlmo about tho waste, and nbout tho
grafters and soft snaps and all that
In Washington. There may bo some
ono standing around who believe
you moan it Thoro might ho some
foreigner who is not ncniinlnied with
our ways over hero and ho hoars you
and gees out and repeats our Btato
ments to others.
Secretary .Meredith explained that
only about one-third of tho regular
appropriation of $33,000,000 Is actu
Get This Fact Impressed
On Your Mind-
That in spite of nil you may rend or henr
about fnrm lighting plants nnd wntcr sys
tem, the lowest priced nnd moot efficient
They cost leas to install nnd less
to maintain. They nre dumbly
built, but simple to operate.
AH we ask is n chance to demon
strate them to you nnd you
won't be under any obligation to
Southern Oregon
Auto Company
i:niTmi i, hTArr-or
rill'ltri! yi'iT. BPrlborn."
"rniiHH disturbance among 'tho mili-
IIOSTON'. Mar. IC Tho resigna
tion of William II. McKoiulo as edi
tor of tho Christian Science rientlnol,
n wivkly piihllnitlon, and tho I'hrls
tlun Sclonco Jounial. u monthly, lias
' ' i "" " iuir' to mi in
m'im announced. uiiriHiior wilh mih imfm (iru ,. m. ui. i .1..
ivv la iutiia ... j . iiii inn ii niiwi v tiuu inn
ially used In tho Interest of agrlcul-! l'Un " l,oaG. associate editor, and palms too broad. Tho hatiilH of tho
IKII.I.. r ....!.... I.1....1 .n. .. . ... . -
turo. Tho balanco goes to tho main- "l"""1 " owiuj. umuhiuiu minor. Kronen, Italian and Hpanisii girlM
'tonanco of woather service tho 'r McKenzIo said that tho reslg-Miny ho called indlftoiont Next to
forest service, tho administration of nations wero duo to tho fact that tho 'tho Irish girls, tho dauglitorx of I'o
the food and drugs act, and other trustees Had insisted upon tlio publl
Irish girlH aro said to havo tho
most boautlrill hands. Kngilsli girls'
-iro too plump mid flesh. Tlio hands
of tlio American glrsl aro too loin;
and nui row. Tho fingers of tho (ior-
subdlvlslons of tho department
cation In thoso two papers ot matter
"Tho department was pictured ns which tho editors did not think suit
i . . .
ami iioservo tno paim so tar iir mo
beauty of tho hand Is concerned.
servlne an ltlVOntfed anitnl of mom
Jthnh iSO.OOO.OOO.OOO, tho nmountj
.unvested In agriculture Tho acrl-.
culture and livestock product last '
year was $25,000,000,006," ho add-,
ed, "equal In ono year to our 'na-i
tional debt at tho present time ono-)
half of the wealth of France,"
A man of statistics was placed be
fore the association to show the
work the department was doing and
these were enlivened by brief ac
counts of some of tho agricultural
developments thatnow nre common
on Amprlcnn fnrma hai.naa .
search "wortf conducted, byj scientists
mpioyja4oy me department.,
Attention was called to the dlffl-
cultleaetbrQwn, In thewayfwben at-
icuiyiB, wero maue to obtain larger
appropriations for the work and he
pleaded for a broader comprehension
of the needs of tho dopartment.
In concluding, Mr, Meredith said
ho desired that all the people of
America know what the department
is doing, so they can avail themselves
of Its service to a greater extent, and !
that the work of the departraont may
bo still further broadened and extended.
able nnd which they feared would
A Ilorald Wnnt Ad will soil It.
"You Can't Gel Away from IT
says the Good Judge
A little pf the Real Tobacco
Chew gives more genuine
satisfaction than the big
chew of the old kind.
Saves money, too because
this class i of tobacco lasts
much lqnger. The rich to
bacco taste stays right
with it.
Any man who .uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
w m lm
X: iBECOlll
MANCHESTER, Eng., Feb. 25.
(By Mall). Lancashire's entire cot
ton trade, at a recent conference
here to urge upon the govemment
-tho Importance of Increasing the
supply of raw cotton within, the BrlU
1l "Empire, heard Lord Derby, pre
sident of the British Cotton Growing
Association, declare that failure of
the government to preserve the In
dustry would "turn Lancashire Into a
howling wilderness."
Sir Herbert Dixon, formerly Pre
sident of the Cotton Control Board
during the war, said the United
States could not seriously increase Its
growth of cotton, and that tho de
mands of the United States for cot
ton for Its own use were becoming
greater. It would be a mortal blow to
Lancashire, to Great Britain and the
United States as well, he said, If,
prices continued to soar.
Kdwln Stockton, president of the
People's Market
Manchester Chamber of Commerce,
presented a resolution, which wa3
unanimously adopted, expressing ap
preciation of tho cotton employers'
decision to contribute a levy of six
pence per bale toward the cost of ex
panding the cotton fields and asking
the government to make financial
provision which would, in combina
tion with the money subscribed in
tho industry, give effect to the pro
posals of tho Eraplro Cotton Commit
tee to promote cotton growing with
in tlio Empire.
Vice-president Shuto of the Liver
pool Cotton Association said he be
Ilored a well thought out project in
volving the purohnse of land for tho
cultl ration of cotton could be made
an absolutely noun dproposltlon.
rv 'liwA
.. .... ....
is simply Irresistible. It Is
all sugar' cured and comes
' from the finest young pigs.
rj Try soracC -toraorrowr morn
ing. Our bams, too, are
away above the average,
f Mild" and sweet, they taste
vst perfect. Eaten either
' hot or cold, they aro tooth
some and dollciotis. All
weights to suit your needs.
rhone 83
I Aberdeen, Scotland, Is popularly
known as the Granite City from,tho
1 fact that it has more buildings of
' solid granite than any other city of
Its size In the world,
China had women' sailors long ngo.
During the Tae iPIng rebollion in
1 1850, women as well as men served
, Jn, tho rebel Jnnks, while tho rebel
army also recruited women,
In China .actors and bankers nre
exejudqd from (Competitions nt liter
ary examinations. Every other man
In the country can complete, and tho
successful candidates are often proc
ablo mandarins.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Real Distilled Water H. Shldler
In the old colonial statute books
of New Jersey may bo found a law
which provides that "all women, of
whatever ago, profession, or rank,
whether maids or widows, who shall,
after this Act, impose upon or bo
tray into matrimony any of his Ma
jesty's subjects, by virtue of scents,
cosmetics, washes, paints, artificial
teeth, false hair, or higb-heolod
shoes, shall Incur tho penalty now
in force against witchcraft and like
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
eerioug disorders. Tho .world's
Etandard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
Exide Batteries
Service Station
100 Per Cent Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim
First-Class Automobile Repairing Done on
Short Notice
Judd Low
Phone 22M
49 Main St
brln quick relief snd, oftart,wfd off
deadly diseases. Known as the national
remedy of Holland for more than 300
years. All druggists, in tbraa eites.
Lattfc lot Uw nuit Cold Medal am nr bos
aa4 accept bo Imlt.tlnq
ot ours aro at your sorvleo
to call for and mako de
liveries, near and far, of any
slzo shipmont, largo or small.
No express package too big
or too llttlo for us to handlo.
Our trucks mako good tlmo
and aro In chargo of oxporl-
oncod, rellablo mon. Call
us up for any transfer Job.
Western Transfer Co.
702 Musi,
l'hone 1871 Res. 200R