ivi. W$ lEuemtta OFFICIAL PAPER OK KLAMATH VAUM OFFICIAL PAPER OF .KLAMATn COUNTT Fourteenth Ycnr No. 3870 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1920 M, Price, Five Cents C T OK INCREASES PHY f Twonty-flvo dollars n month In crease each wm Krniitttil tho pollco .i)ml)orn anil city teamster taut night by tliu city council on motion of Councllinun Uip. Mr. Upp stig jjtvilcil that tho pollco forco consist of two momliura hereafter, nnd that 7.". of tljo II 10 paid T. M. Durham, thn patrolmnn who resigned lnnt week, bo used to Increase the snlar- of the remaining two men and thu city toamater. This wilt give Cblof Wilton $150 monthly, and J, W. Hilton, patrolman, and Jolin kiUag,-taauU.T. IUQ each. The Jioaltfe..hoard reported that -thu Southwell barn In Falrvlow addl- lion, against which clUionn of the -neighborhood filed a petition for condemnation as a , nulaanco last week, would bo removed by tho own er as Hoon an possible It appeared that ho was farming at present and would liko from 30 to 60 days to fin ish the work. Tho council wan sntls flod to await ilho conclusion of tho forming for the barn's romoval. Tho ordinance closing portions of certain stroota, avenues and nlloyH on tho luko front, requested lost week by Uurgo W. Mason nnd M. 8, Went, wub Introduced without opposition nndpowied two readings. C. .J. Fer guson, attorney for petitioners as sured tho hoard tluat If tho streets worn closed a manufacturing plant 'would bo placed on thn bUo at once. Ho alno said ho would havu a' dcod to rights of wayw for any future Raw urn that tho city might wish, to build crops the'Vroperly would bo prepar ed and fllodMiefore tho 'ordinance comes up for rtftiY pasifage. ' Michigan RVtulun , resident, peti tioned tho coiincll to ehforce tho building or sldowalks from Main to Spring street, nnd asked that stops 1)0 taken to keep existing walk free trom obstruction of trucks of lum- tier, etc. They also aak that a sldo -walk bo built along tho lot 'at tho corner of Boat Main street nnd "Michigan avenue, 'Tho mattor was re ferred to tho street committee Paving of Pine stroot, hotweon Eighth nnd Klovontb, was requested! In n petition signed by W. P. John- H Bon, 51. P. Evans nnd others. Tho petition was filed and tho city en gineer Instructed to obtain estimates. Most of the' toobj that enmo with tho flro truck have, boon lost or dis appeared, tho mayor roportod. Tho council ompow.ored Flro Chlof Am hroso to ordqr nil tools nocessary. Hydrant plugs Jiro not uniform, it r -developed In dlscusslon.flnd tlio Cnll-fornln-Orogon Powor company will V bo Instructed to, reduce all, plugs to one slzo, so that thoro will bo no do layJn adjusting wronches to fit tho plug In enso of flro. Tho following permits woro Issued: .J. C. Rlchtor, flvo room bungalow, $2D00, Lot F. Block 68, Nichols ad dition; O. A; toughn, four room bungalow, Lot 3, Block 93, Klamath addition,. $1400; two bungalows, Lots 4 and r, Block 28, First addi tion, cost of both H000. An amendment to tho garbage or dinance, Increasing tho cost of haul ing ashes and other dry rubbish from 50 cents to ono dollar por cubic yard was Introduced, and passed two read ings. Fred Grenn'on, garbage collec tor, said ho figured that this would iput his Job on a paying basis. Tho Tates on garbago in containers ro maln the , Same 2 R cents for ton gal lon cans or lees, not moro frequent ly than twice a wook, and for larger canB or more frequent emptyings a proportionate increase in cost. BISHOP WILL MEET, WITH GUILD" TOMOnilOW AFTERNOON Mombors of St. Paul'o "Episcopal Guild and persons who haro recently come to Klamath Falls and haro not yet 'bocortw affiliated aro urged to meet with Bishop Robert L. Pad Hock tomorrow afternoon, nt 2:30 o'clock, at tho I. O. 0,a F. hall, for gonornl discussion of church work. At 3; 30 o'clock thoro will bo bap tlflra and confirmation, 'and at 4 o'clock' thoro will bo a communion service wood i,i:.dh i.v tiii; MINNESOTA I'ltlMAItV. ST. PAUL, Minn., Mar. 10. Tho Itupulillnui presidential primary closed last night amid rain, Hle't, blizzards and howl ing gains. It gave Wood a plur ality of suvunil thousand over Johnson, uccordlng to available returns. Hoover, although not a candidate, ran third ahead of Lowdon. Aftftoclntcri PreNM Nummary Dateless Civil war In Gormnny scorns Imminent as the result of tho refusal, of tho government at. Stutt gart, under control of President Etwrt. lb- carry on negotiations with the react lorinrlt" Ebert 'demands tbe unconditional surrender of tho royol utlonlitn. Fieri In, In tho grasp of a general strike, keeps threatening thn strike leaders with death If they Impair tho public service. , Kxtromo measures are promised today and It Is posslblo that the cris is of tho revolution wilt quickly fol low. Tho details am obscure, Kbnrt controls tho southern nnd western sections of Germany and .the Kapp soldiers northeastern Prussia and Silesia. Severe fighting Is report ed from various points. Tho shooting of a young girl and killing of four civilians ' In south 'lerlin has angered the working Classes. Several were killed by. troops In Lelpslg. The Dutch nro closely guarding tho frontlor and watching tho former Kaiser and Crown Prince. Thirty persons, in cluding women and children, were killed In "clashes , In Hamburg, and 15 fatalities, aro reportof.' fStag Inltz. A Coibgno .dispatch saya' that' Hindcnburg advises Kapp to resign. COPKNHAGEN, ,Mar. 16. The Hanover Tageblatt says Hindcnburg Iras' published a declaration that he M not connected with the Gorman rovalution which ho disapproves. COBLENZ, Mar. 16. -Tho Ameri can occupation army, of 18,000 men Is nelng issued full field equipment, under orders Issued before tho revo lution. Thercnro no military activi ties, however. OENEVA. Mar. 16. A Stuttgart dlspatnli quotes Premlor Bauer of tho Ebert government ns saying ono of tho conditions proposed by Von Luettwltz was tho repudiation of the Versailles treaty provisions provid ing for tho demobilization of tho nrmy, anjjthoflesrvu'ctl6nMwnr mii torlals. ' jyThOf.preWlor djocjared that Luott'witj; safd tftp.onfpTrhould propnro for a now wnr. STOCKMEN HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING Last Saturday, a vory Interesting meeting wfts hold at Mpntaguo at which thoro woro representatives from tho Farm Bureaus of. Shasta, Tehama, Siskiyou Countios, Califor nia and Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Counties of Oregon. 'Grant Nelson represented the Klamath County Farm Bureau. Some of the largest cattle interests In Northern California were represent ed. Tho ob'ject of this mooting was to launch a plan of markotlng beef cat'tlo direct to ithe packers, thru a Bales association, slmlVar to the plan that Is bolng used In marketing hogs In the San Joaquin valley. The packers aro back of tho move ment as well as the cattlemen. The general plan Is ito arrange for a ser ies of sales at convenient, points whore several loads of'cattle, either coming off tho grass or out of the food lets, can bo assembled. At tbeso sales tho cattle assembled aro grnd- od, irrospoctlvo of ownership, ,the sales manager In charge kooplng ac count of tho number of animals each owner has In each lot. Tho buying Is thon dono directly by tho packers on a basis of tho grade of eattlo. , WEATHER HEPOni'. OnEaoN Tonight and Wednes day, fair; moderate Northoast winds. GERMANY CLOSE on ill in ' M MB Homewhoro in this state or In Cull forula there Is an cx-Canudlan sol dlor who no doubt feels that thu government for which ho gave so many months of his young life has forgotten him, and that all tho prom ises made before and utter he enlist ed to the effect (hat tho boys who Joined tho colors would be "treated right" when they came homo, were a delusion 'and a snare. Several months od C. W. Can-lean called upon the Home Service worker of the Klamath County- Chap ter of tho Bed Cross to secure Infor mation regarding bonuse and other benefit the Canadian government is granting to veterans of the late war. The Information was promptly forth-, coming and the nocevsary letters of application written. In due time an, important looking letter lncioaea in tin official envelope arrived by regis tered mall. The letter was "held at tho Rod Cross offlco for a tlmo In tho belief that Mr. Carriran would call. When he failed to appear an In quiry was mudeat the postofflec and It was learned that ho had left town. supposedly to some point in Califor nia, but had left no forwarding' ad dress. Tho Bed Cross feel certain that tho letter contains papera of great value to Mr. Carrigan.Jf not the bon us Itself and Is very anxious to turn it over to him. Unions this article chances upon the eye of some friend of Mr. Carrigan or should como to tho. attention of ""the Canadian him self, It will perhaps never occur to htm that the failure to receive what Is due him from bis government la owing to his own carelessness. Th,9' Bed Cross has found that Canadians are not the only 6nes who "are miss;. Insr nut mt rntrftrnniAnt hnnfliiik tww cause of their own neglect. Manyel: our own ooya woo ieei most oiuer towards the government for what seems to be unnecessary delays In re plying to thellr Inquiries or applica tions' for compensation find upon In vestigation that they have failed to' give a correct or adequate address land that every effort of the govern ment to reach them, even with the assistance of tho, "Bad Cross, has re sulted In failure. MILLMEN BUSY IT Sawmills In tho Chlloquln terri tory aro actively preparing for a big output and an increaso over Jast sea son In many plants, according to re ports from there. ! Bedford & Crane, of tho Spraguo Rlvor Lumber company, are putting siding on their m(U. which was loft open last year, and will bo In shape to start within a week or two. The mill Is located about flvo miles above Chlloquln on tho Spraguo river. The Modoc Lumber company is shut down for alterations on tho powor plant. When the mill starts It Is planned to work two shifts part of the season and the output will be increased materially over last year. Tho Chlloquln Lumber company Is also making power plant alterations, besides generally overhauling the mill machinery. They will run this soason with a considerably enlarged capacity and plan to mako an exten sive cut. The J. J. Stelger mill, a new plant that is just In process of. completion three and a half miles wesCjpf Chllo quln, are sawing timber for their own construction purposes. They sawed all the timber for use in the mill frame. , , RESTAURANT EMPLOYES UNITED IN WEDLOCK Thomas Stoele aui Miss Beth Holloway, both employes of tho Box cafe, wore married at 10; 30 o'clock this morning by tho Rov. E. P. Lawronco at tho Presbyterian manse, Tho wedding was a quiet affair. Tho brldogroom was attondod by Boss Nlckorson, proprlotor of the Box cafo, and Mrs. W H. Powell, mi cashier, was the brldosqiald. I IT T Not to bo outdone by the J.owden supporters, the advocates of Leonard Wood for president have decided to form an organization for Klamath county and with that end in view aj meeting will bo held in the council chamber this evening. Walter L.I Toozc, who Is here In behalf of the candidacy of General Wood,- will ad dress thn mooting. Tho fpllowjng epitomizes Mr. Tooze's estimate of the candidacy of the man he .wants to rce In the White Heuse: We support Leonard Wood for, the presidency because his ' record 'la Cuba as Governor Genernaad'in'tJie Philippines prove htm to be one of the most masterly and successful executives of modern times. Aa Gov ernor; General' of Cuba,' he found a country disrupted; disorganized-aad seething) with thevcune' of' yellow fever,, with not a pubUc'scbool on tne Island, under the power of bis ag gressive, ceaseless' and untiring' lead ership, the scourge- of .yellow feyer was erauicatea nor only irom Cuba, but from the entire world. ' A stable government waa firmly established and when his work was finished he left behind blm one of the most sanitary and best governed republics on the Western Hemis phero. Moreover, 275,000 children were attending the publlcsT5h"oofs' of Cuba. -. i He was almost immedlatelypalled for a like duty In the Moro Province pf the Philippines, where for 400 years Spain had fought with' the na tives to establish at leasta' seml clvlllzed government aqd had failed. Tafc was Governor General of the Philippines, and Leonard Wood's duty was to establish a civilized and aane government InTthai country of Malay, pirates, slave dealers: Mohom Jtoedans and Christians, and he did It after suffering untold 'prjjatlq'lja w'Jth" his Amertwa soldiers.., Cuba: and Morbland. stand as lVving; monuments' o the. wonderful executive and nr. tanlzl'ng. capacity of Geier'ai Leonard nr j w .. rT- ; . iiuou, lo.uwuiuu wooa ana ineo- uure iwuswroi. win,. -mrougn an. ume. he givea.-tna credit of preacbtag-tbe, years before' the great war and to them this nation-owa a'debt of grat- uuae wntcn.it never can repay. Lest we forget, Wood and his two ions were In the late war. and ever stood ready to do and die ton-pur beloved country. We are proud' that Gene'r- al Wood, who has. come9 up from Che ranks, is recognized as at B military genius "not only in America but tho world over. With the- ' Bolshevists, anarchists,- communists and the I. W. W.'s and kindred orgaaizations run ning rampant in this .nation and. threatening the destruction, of the American government am, the low ering of the American. Flag, whom do tho. voters desire for, President? Surely not aiplumber, anartbit, or.a school teacher, but: it. strong man who haa proven on the" field of ac tion .that he is a. great, executive and a peerless- organizer of good, govern ment. The election; of. Leonard Wood means peace and a stable, govern ment that will always function, Thfr vigor of the- campaign for General Wood la .no- ways; dismays the followers ot Governor' Lowdeiu One, of. tho leading- local supporters ot .the. Illinois governor today de clared: "Just wait until the yotes are,, counted. The people ot Oregon,. when they learn the real character of the man, will love Governor Low- don as the people of Illinois lovo htm, Americana always- have and al ways will admire and. back a self made man, and no .man place the Jtlme, ot Lincoln has aspired to the' White House who. so closely fits into the Idea ot ''salt-made" as does Mr. Lowden. He haa shown; that he post sesses all ot the executive ability of any ,of the other andidwtea and he has that which none other has a knowledge of the plain people front personal experience." LUMBER BURNED. PENDLETON, Mar. 16. Fire of .unknown origin started- this morn ing at Boardman and destroyed a million foot ot lumber insured for, ? 3 0,000, tho property of tho Ballan ger Lumber company. Hasklns storo and several other buildings woro dostroyed. Tl senate leaders woiik TO REACH AGREEMENT. WASHINGTON. Mar. 1C. Senate leaders are working to day for an agreement to vote on the ratification of tho peace treaty this week. A new reser vation setting forth a general ' declaration of the Republican policy Is under consideration by party leaders. H Is understood that if the ratification program falls the Republicans will submit a res olution declaring that a state of peace exists. lEf'SALOi (This is a tale ot the quest of the brimming 'chalice, and the plot of the; story la spread along a couple of thousand- miles of Pacific shore line. so one must not expect to encompass all Its' romatlc and adventurous de tails In a few brief newspaper para graphs. But the reader with experi ence, Intelligence and imagination wlll doubtless piece out the missing parts suitably. When J. I. Johnstone, ot the John stone furniture company, and R. J. Sheets of the Link River Electric company, on prosaic business bent, reached San Franicsco. they found the old town Just" as one would ex pect to find It after tho never-to-be- fnrcntlAn .Tanuarv 16th. "r From a "wee drapple" ihe queen ot the Pacific had turned to the wee; Jee, and everybody was doing it. A small Inyestment in one ot the myo tic boards and a little manipulation produced startllnglr divergent re sults: Ran' one run as follews: At Tla. JuaaaYsMexlco, k"BinithaJiouthelm,un,- is Tbe'goMet'- flrps,' men rattle chips," The ponies stiU do : run. ! But a pecuKai--thing about the wee-Jee is- its versatility. The next l decipherable message read; Parched and dry is Tankeeland Diy- from' sea to sea East, or west, north is best, Vancouver, B. 'C. " ' Further than this events axe mere surmise, except that Mr. Johnstone's business' called him" to San Diego, Cal., and Mr. Sheets, by a peculiar coincidence, found. he had urgent matters awaiting attention across the .Canadian line. The tale might well end here If It had not' been for a remark dropped by the northern traveller after his return" home, for both, are "now back in Klamath Falls, anent the 'peculiarities of British ar chitecture-.' English.- craftsmen, he says, have much. to learn In connection with the use1 of the plumb line. Not a building In Vancouver but is out ot plumb and: they lean in many divergent directions-. Telegraph Tabloids I O : O ST. PAUL, Mar. 1G. Tho north west is in the grip of one ot the worst blizzards of the winter. Rail and wlrocommunlcatlon are serious ly Intercepted. South Dakota wire service is virtually cut off. SEATTLE, Mar. 16. Two masked men early this morning held, up the I international, revenue oftice.escap ing with I'le.OQO'in cash.'" : LIMA, Mar. 16. The, Peruvian legation and-consulate andseveral private residences in ' La Paz, the Bolivian capital, were attacked by a mob last night. Feeling between Peru and Bolivia over the question of a sea outlet runs high. WASHINGTON, Mar. 16, Fuel oil bids opened today- by tho navy department, covered less than ono- fltth- of the 5,000,000 barrels asked for and prices quoted were 100 per cent abovo those ot current con tracts. WASHINGTON, Mar. 16. General Wood today asked and was1 granted two months' leavo of absence to con duct his presidential campaign. Municipal suffrage was givon to single womon and widows In New Brunswick in 188C, TIL WINK y.c.Eii SEES SECOND OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE., Corvallls., Mar. 16. Klam ath county Is recognized by the col lege as a place of great opportuni ties. The college recognizes that he water power so Ideally located be tween forest and agricultural, 're? sources in this county will stimulate rapid growth and development. Tna college through Its various depart ments has helped the county out In many ways. C. J. Mcintosh, agricultural prefs editor, who is well acquainted- with the people and conditions of the county predicts that Klamath Falls will be as large as Spokane, within 10 or 15 years. Klamath has the largest body 'of merchantable timber on the coast which represents an Immense source of income. Great waste is being ac- , complished, however, through thB work of Insects. "A board walk four feet wide and reaching from Portland to New Yerk: could be constructed from all of. the timber that was destroyed In Klam ath county last year by the yellow pine beetle," declares A. L- Lovett, professor of entomology. . ., The department. Is always ready to help the people In combattjng .la sect pests ot all kinds. A bulletin on the Dine beetle has just been put one ta-aAiJ available. Hints wilt be give on iignung grassnoppers. The soils department has held three "short courses in Klaaath ajid. maintained soil agent for 'the last three .years. Some previous ftndy , was made of Irrigation iatters ok developing marsh and alkil Malal TWswMf reported in Bathnlm 117. Jaauajy-'lMfc -fryjj - Examination and repdrt-has ibeeti made of several reclamation :prsJof inciuding' theLbneoPine; t Horiflly and "Liangell Irrigation' districts, ii the,,Norih Van" Brimmer drainage district. "Some progress" has beeft.-. made in improving the structure ot heavy alkali soils and deep, .rooted sweet clover, has been made to grow. Much, wild hay andtule land has been made to produce exceH6h't yields of forage crops. -with water controlled, as the wild .growth re quires much-less water. An Immense acreage ofthls.tule and wild, mead ow land await.. development. The snow .storm has played havoc with the .pig .rodeo, that was to have been held in' Merrill tomorrow, and as a consequence It has been .in definitely' postponed. The racetrack and grounds are too muddy to per, mit of the show, even. .It the weather was such as to encourage the big attendance that was expected It the present storm had not occurred. The postponement ot the,; rodep, however, will have no effect upon the Sheepmen's ball and banquet, which will be held in the Merrill opera' house and Riverside hotel to morrow evening. DERANGED YOUTH IS FAST SPRINTER Robert Ryan, the young logger who escaped from the guard taking him to the Salem insane hospital, and after being recaptured es caped' again by leaping from a moving train near Macdoel while be ing brought back, to this city fop treatment, for pneumonia, was safely delivered to Sheriff Humphrey last, night and placed in the hospital. The Macdoel constable who brought Ryan hero said that ha jumped trom tho train bare-tooted and In his underclothing and ran five or six miles. He had only a short start when two cowboys; took his trail on horseback but he circled about and beat his pursuers back to the Macdoel station by five minutes. Ryan's feet aro frozen but if; is be lieved that the condition will yield to treatment. Tho pneumonia is inv- proving. ! SPOKANE HERE ounuiii it.J t