The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 15, 1920, Image 1

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- joImaw
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Fourteenth Year- No. 3869
,Pric, Fir. Cfa f
SJj& Euettutn Hrralti
'iV ty-
tV s
. --; t
Tho Bliorthorn ctt)o, solo hold
'Saturday was. a decided success. Not
wlthstondlng tho stormy day a good
crowd of buyorM was presont. Whon
ono considers that this Is tho firnt
. nolo, of thu kind over hold lu Klamath
county. It must bo suldtthnt much
oredlt la duo to tho livestock com
mlttco of tho farm huroau for their
united effort In gottliiK In n lino of
good stock und In Rotting tho pooplo
of tin) county Interested' ln It. In
addition to Introducing now blood
Into some herds ulrondy In tho
county, throe now hords ot regis
tered Shorthorns wore started from
purchases at this' salo. V. L. Popo
of Merrill has Ion ft boon handling
v...inr.inv. hnwovor.
good cattlo.
laid tho foundation for a purebred
hord by buying' four cholco cows
Oliver Martin of Merrill also starts
a herd, which ho heads with u Una
young bull, Scottish King Second.
The two cows which Mr, Martin
boughti wuro among jtb'o hlghost
priced cows of tho sulo. ' W F. liH
of-Jserrllt laid the foundation for a
herd by tho purchase of two cows
and tho bull Hampton's Model. vMr
Hill bought tho hlghost prlcod cow
In the sale, Lucllo (twin), which sold
: . . -i .... ,.i .
for 1775. sno Mas a lino rod noirorj
ecu at root, in soyorai msiancps two.
or nioro nciguuors joinou logomcr w
the. purchnso of cholco bulU.iJ'.Evpry
nlmsl In thosalo was a.crluVlo
addition to KUmath county. ' xUm
ath cointy jj forftfatvlla fcayii
aalraaUbf Ujlii'typs of breeding for
JU fouadatlo'tt'ljcrds. The blgkest
price bull was Lord 'Sultan from the
.$ UarrsttiberdUt dlendale'. ., Silas
Obenchaln bought tlilajiull at $70p.
The following' Is tho list atitae talef:
Oklahoma May, lIoa04Vr jJ , I
1 ... .-. ".i '';;.' .;r
16J Vlii. ?.
TiiNolBon.jfiOOOypai,!,,,, waB sa,j hero today.
1 0 4c 1 & h o.m a,.
c 1906&6.tNred:!t rnlvtjU
' February 38.'U0l4k F.
February 28,U9l4k
L. Pdpe i.....).....'.j
Qladys. 2403a. . ,rod;
I1 calved 'Jun'o ' 0,
f P13.
' C. V. Noison,...J..v.M...
A'fma Jray,Hi0083, rcd;
alyod March" C l,tH2j
' II. J. Lostor..........V.,
Hod' Butt9r Cup, '067710,.,
redfcalyed Boptbmbor ,
, l"3Vift'6.VF'.L. Pope..
Oaklafdld,''' l?0697r
red;"' calved ilarch 7,
1812. Oliver' Martin.-.
Princess Bcrnlce', 634578, ;
IJ roan; calved' Docombor
, 20, 101.6.." William. ' , ' '
"' Tlngloy .'.'. DJO.OO
Cheney 11. 4th, 1006SC,
rod; calved April 6,
XT.nrnal. fTwInl. 034K77.
Iii -red. little white; calved
'4 January 1, i17. j(.
' F Hill w -..
Jesslo Lind, 240433, red;-
:i calved, May 19,
'I F. L. Pope ...'.iX
ifRoso Hampton, 240443,
j rod; calved July 4,
1916, Olivor Martin....
H - h ' W '
3Hampton's Modor,'si2556,.,
redr.calrodi Soptombor-i
l-lMfc'-te F.Hill:....
. Vi
(Bramptdapuko, 758D20t'
rdd; calved , May "26, -,
1918', F. B. Maston.ahd . H
H. 0? Tipton....,
.,V 'T f
i . i. 1009. F. h. Pope
y-i J'tfRod -Hose,-? '746471,' rod;' . "M,
:i -TJi&i,caved'y:February' ''4.4V'oi0?
P 5"191'8. r.W." p..HIU...-i--T67C;,0.0:
Red Rlchey; 884oi3,tred;
' " '' cva March. 19, '1917.
r;M k)toberjt Gheyno
'Orphan' Boy, 860027t.redl;
,& calyed May 10, 1919,
'!. Joe' Robustelllnl ,
tj Haraptoij'B 'Beauty, red;
'i ' f,6 Juafy ,2v19'
''. "iCJiirW Drew l.?...',,..;.....
US iVScbUiali.King .2nd,, -rod; . .
' , f Ollver;la(tl:?,4......( Bpofq'
V''" V toalatbr-WAi.rWj calVed V
' McCornack ..,.!?....:.. !400;00
f , .,
Two marriages woro porformod
Saturday ovonlng by tho Ilgv. H. P.
l.nwronco, tho' contracting pWtlos iii
both coromonlcfl bolng" young local
Hay John Harrows, who 'conducts
a trualc hauling buelnowv and MIm
Georgia A. Hbattuck, of 1411 Oregon
uvenuo was thci first' couple united
In 'wedlock, JThp marriage was wit
nessed by tho brido's parents.
Tho other couplo woro Alvln W.
Walker and Miss Uosslo E. Itoberts.
lly Axsorlntcd Presi
PARIS, Mar. 1C A Ilarlln dis
patch this evening says an agree
ment has been reached and tho cris-
hM '" oiulcd. A nov government for
J0"' J"11' bo constituted under
tho agreement.
Summary Ait unverified rouort
from llorllu says that tho rovoiutlo'n
(stsJiava reached, an agroement with
President Kbort to,, avert urgenoral
railroad strike. ,11. Is ,roportedthat
tho Routh German generals and Sax
on-'troops ndhoro to Noske. ltldo
podded communists have dodded to
proclaim a soviet government accord
ing to ndvlrcH. i
Prussia appears to bo the strong
hold of tlio revolution, to which
strong opposition ,1s developing else
wlioro., ;I)avar(a, Wurtomburg and
Saxonln unnqunco loyalty to Presi
dent Kbort.
Fatal fighting Is roportod between
troops and workmen at Frankfort
and many aro reported to have beoij
Kiiioa. rance wui aoupie aer, mil
tary forces on the Rhlaa. .
Ay-ASH1N0T0N rMa,riiaSK.-ftntt9
technically under, the command of
Marshal Foch, Amorlcan troops on
the Rhino will not participate in an
Allied advanco against Gormany
nk'ithout jipeclai .orders from' the
Walter .Lincoln Toozo, Sr of Sal
em, Is In Klamath Falls in thoilntor-
festa of tho candidacy of ju,iftoard
-. . , " r rt
Wood for'th'e Ropubllca nDmlnatioH
foi" Proslt'oht. Mr." Tooto k the
organizer ot the Wood Campaign in
Wostorn Qregon1, and Is cnthOBlastle
over-mo prospects ,gi uo Hijiiur
Uorcnlco's Boy, ' roan;
. ca'lvod March' 'S.l'OlD.
Frank Grohs ......
Hampton's, Goods, rod,
calved July 2, 1919.
J. A. Gordon ;
Scotty Boy, red; calved
k 280.00
March 11, 1919. H. E.
Wlnnurd ,...,
Scottish Leo, rod; calvod
.' 24, 19i9. .Var;, ...j...av
Bcot'ttslx.- 'CHoney,t.'?fo"d,T
. calved, Juno
jVbI Enman
3.', '819
, .t ." Stf
Scottish Horo, roan;
calved March 12, 1919.
George Stephenson .....:
Scottish-Lad, roan; calved J
April 2, 1019. W.. C-
Dalton ....'. .;.., j
Precious Sultan, 717892,
roan; calved April. 28,
1918(- W. B: Lloydi
Goidon Stlllr 717888,
groans calvod July 6,
.' 1018. , O. MV Kirk-
"potrlck i !,..,
L6rd ' Sultan, "717889,
roanV calvedf April'- 21',
!t'aoi, 'Silas Obenchaln
Felix, 868?84,;.red; calvod.
3, ;i919.-Ed
' , 813,405'00
Average for bulls,
Average for cows. 1678.00.
Average for ail, $449.00.
Nolo. Readers interested in live
stock development In' , Klamath
county uro advlsod tO'save-toregoiag
list, as; wjn bovaJuttble .Jorreftpjr-
Bh,a. In .Mniii.'.liiff -.n.!,.. .'m ..4.. an
vT:;j v:,"f " t'.''"?- ? .
sales1 and as a' edneral referahca'llRt
Yxi connoctJon l-wlth Shor&afndiT'
. -- ' 9, r - - . i- x A"
yuiopmoni. .
ftCharlos Gordon, alias 'Charles
Draper, who was recently arrested
for the theft or'a rifle and bedding
from .J., J. B.toljorfs togging camp
nea Cblloqulri aid,ou ileferred fsen
tehco pending good bohavlor, Is und
er arrest again on suspicion of being
an escaped convict, from tho Califor
nia penitentiary at San Quontln.
Bhorltf George Humphrey han ovl
donce lit" his iissesslon that convinces
him Draper?.! tho in ah wanted by the
California authorities. He received a
telegram yesterday from Warden
Johnston, saying a guard would bo
sent after- Draper at once.
Gordon, the escaped convict,, was
sentenced to eorve ten years In San
Quontln for an assault to commit
murder In Imporial county. Ho serv
ed two years of tho sentence boforo
his cscapo last. August. Ho was 17
year's old when he" was sentenced.
This, tallies, with tho age of the pris
oner in hero,' who says be'-i',20.
' Shorlff Humphreys also'lins'o.1 lot-
icr, (jwruiei dx ine prisoBcr to niS'
motborj in Arkansas, iaWHJch he' told
her .io noddrem him licro 'under tho
nnrno of'DFapcr.'showlrig the nnmo
Is evidently, ensumod. Tho sheriff
has not tho envolopo' to shovr the
mother's name.
Whon roloasod from thd Stolgor
scrnpo; Draper wen to work for thd
Unlqn Oil company. 0n his person
was found a chock flltod a lit for $75
and tearing tho signature of O. C.
Colvln, local manager of tho com.
psny. Draper admits thd check Is
bogus, but nys ho had no intention
of " pasrtpVaiOlle sal(l 'found, a
blankcheck l.ntlio pfflco ndsat
down and filled 'ft ouV "for fun."
iU . .br.S
D. J, Dosniond, a resldent'of Klam
ath Falls at' ono time and naif owner
for several years with W.- Paul John'
son of tho Klamath Packing com'
puny, died In -Los Angeles last week
Tho following; from a.)Sart IFranclsco-
papec gives details: ,
W o '
! D.. J. 'Dcsmou'd, organlzor and
president of tho Desmond Park
J3brvieoC'o in the Yosomtto Vol-
ley, died it the 'home ot his moth-
''or, "Mrs! )anlol 'Desmond, in Los
i'AiiBoles Thursday afternoon. Dos-
hiond' was in Los .Angeles on 'a
business trip when he bocamo 1)1
suddenly' Wednesday efterno'on
and was. taken 'to, the homo ot hut
mother. Following, tho "receipt of
a telegram telling of his serious
illness, Mrs. Desmond and their
eight-year-old son left for Los
Angeles -Wednesday night and
woro at his bedside at the time ot
Ills death.
Desmond eamo Into local promi
nence at rtjio ttmo of the fire, when
ho established the Desmond Soup
kitchens' in various parts of' the
city, and in 1915 operated a ser-
'les f6f ' kitchens at tho Panama-; ;
f- Pn'olf le' Kxnosltlon. ji .
( In 1918,Desm6nd,( organUedi
ineuosmona rars oorvicoj wmo;,
' pahyi nn-d' under contract with' tho"
1 Federal Government, built a num
ber of camps In Yosemito L valley
and'arrangod for tho ' commissary
supply. Desmond' was a former,
member of tho Bohemian and
Family Clubs and was a1 member
of the Elks lodge in, Los Angelea.
Ho Is survived by his mother, his
widow and thoJH" olghtyoar-old son,
- . ' v , -
Dr. Eugene C.Shaw, a dentist of
Sacramento, Caj.,' and Miss Bernlce
Ella Anderson, also of Sacromento,
arrived last night from that city
Bind thIS'morninp secured' a marriage
license and Ayoro' married, by the. Rev,
E. I Lawrence of the pVesbyterian
church, t
The bridal couple, were accompan
ied at the altar by R. E. Smith, whose
home Is at the WHltePellcan hotel,
and wlo. as anjold friend, voluntooredj
tp stand' sponsor foMthem at the
marriage license 'bureau' and witness
the weeding. ,., , ., '
, '.j.y'" ,, .. ' f
Tha'-tuVefat JotrPauli Francis Cal
., r' . "VB'i -i"(, . -'.,. ' . .
qufl.TBwajoiiOTr, nfi'Mr.B. , ooscpn
uefflki:nJeAthkftern'oon. ai
La'tor At 3 o'clock this afternoon
Shcrfff Humphrey ,rccolvcd,word that
Hyaii had been retaken by Dorris of-
flcors. Ho ran six miles'1, from whoro
.; ' . . " t.. . , . .. .
no jumpoa train. jinn xooi
wore, frozen)' but otherwise" ho is bet
ter. "Is tomperaturo was lower to
day 'than whon ho cscapod. Ho will
be brought io tho hospital here to
Exposure, following two escapes
Irom tho custody of officers, will
probably mean. the death, of Robert
Ryan 26 years old, who became de
ranged bore and, was committed to
the etato asylum by the county court,
according to Sheriff George Humph
reys, who was Informed last night
that Ryan bald escaped for' the
second time by throwing himself
from tho local.-itraln near Dorris.
Ryan loft hero Thursday In cus
tody of L. Scott, 'an attendant at the
state hospital. Ho escaped from the
train and wandered about for a
couple of days.- He was recaptured
Saturday by the constable at Mac
dbcl. Up to this time Sheriff Humph
reys was not officially notified ,ot
the escape, afthough it was rumored
hero that Rya-n had. got; away.
The Macdocl cpastablo, when he
found Ryan, Jalephpned Sheriff
Humphreys, statjBg;thatho fugitive
was very 111 'with paeumonla. Th,e
siiarlf f .wired .the- Buperlntondent ot
tho asylum at Salem ;and the latter
ordered Ryan' returned to a hospital
horo for treatment." The jshoriff made
arrangements", to receive, iitm at tho
suuion lost nigM, out instead receiv-
e.d a message' that, Byan had risen
from a cot' lathe baggage ' car.
enrown open uiesugor ana leapea
.. j . ' - ..
but. He
wast clothed,! except that 'he
i i
wore, no
eumrtr.iHiia Mtohi
Dorris. The iraln.backed upland
search was made In the darkness
bHt Ryab. was notlocated. At noon
today Sheriff HtHnphreys was await
ingwerd from searchers. It Is be
lieved; that if the fugitlvo was not
klliod by tho fall, the. exposure will
so aggravate his condition that he
will perish from pneumonia.
.The,, placing oft the purebred Short
horn calves took place' as scheduled
Saturday mornln'g before the sale.
The calves wore numbered and each
calf carried its .cost prloe. Tho prices
ranged-from $225 to $325. The club
members applying for ..their calves
drew .numbers corresponding to' the
number of the calves. The heifer
calves were placed with the following
members:7 Olive Hllll Phyllis Lester.
Donald ,Paltersqn.f Beth. Klrkpatrick,-
joyeiaxingey;ia arina;iuigiey,- iaie
West. TheMftlfewlhg members took
,bulj:,cajves: prftt'Reatler,'' Ellta' Kirk-
patrlck( Verne leseltlne, Ricbard
Bradbury, Carl 'Ferris, Dorothy
Short. -
The chairman ot the farm bureau
livestock committee, L. A. West, Is
to W congratulated upon the selec-1
tlop of such a good bunch' of calves,
It Is very dlfRcult, indeed, to go into
a roflablo breeders' herd and induce
him. to part with as promising a
bunclt of calves, as "ho, prefers wait
ing' until, -, they develop. Tho com
mittee expects to. assist tho club
membors,.vthrough the county club
,leader(f Frank W. Spxton to develop
thesp calves into tho, promising
animals which they should make. It
is the" pi an to have all'bt these calves
exhibited at the couhty 'fair this fall, sne carves win oe exninu
ed again next year at the time of the
annual sale. Arrangements will be
made at this time so that any mem
ber wishing to sell his calf may
place it in the sale. Members will
pot. be compelled to sell their calves
unless they so desire, but .they are
requested to enter them in the.ah.ows
at-both'Jthe faif ' and ,aler. This
proraJsMto be one of themost Im
portant feces of extension work car
rledrlniiih'eitatjihjs. year, aecord-
ois ip u. j Alien,, aiaie leaaer or
boys' and girls'- livestock, clubs.
a ii in rainmn
II 1 1 1 1 llli IILIJ II I"
lil Mil lUlrliMllr M I
i i.
't .. . ft i' - , I: . -
Tho Klamath Packing compwjy
today purchased from Dick Brc'lten
stcln and Kmll Egbert a bcrd of ex
tra fine beef cattlo at prices which
aro said to set a record for beef in
Klamath county. They paid 10 cents1
for cows and; 12 cents lor tho steers
on the hoof.
Tho cattlo lrtivo been' especially
fed for tho' block- for the post' 125
days and are said to be one of tho
finest bunches ever turned out of
Klamath teed yards. With 150
steers that tho Klamath Packing
company have been feeding In their
own yards, they will be slaughtered
and used to supply the- 'company's
local trade.
The annual Irish gala day, St.
Patrick's day, will be observed in
Klamath county by the gathering of
those of Gaelic nativity and alt their
friends at Merrill for a big celebra
tion. The arrangements committee .has
plans well laid for the entertainment
of the big crowd which is expected to
attend. The committee is composed
lor Maurice Kean.e, Maurice Quintan
nnl Ctillnm IaIvav.
The all-day celebration will begin
at 10 a- m. with services In the
Catholic church. At' noon the ladles
of Merrill, will "tender a banauet to
Klamath lrishmen-and the'ir guests!
Thd .banquet wlllbo presided over
ttj" v wuuaw. u bv T
promised, a varied', program of ad-
dresics.and tocal, aid instruawntal
music. v-4 n t . . j. .. x.
In the afternoen: the much-talked-
ot rodeo, under the, management of
Oay etttn "and "'silm'f Christian,
.will f arnlsU,. thrills "for the crowd.
Daring- 'riders' and outlaw horses
from all parts of southern 'Oregon
and northern California are -being
gathered at MerriU for 'thls-exhlbi-tien
of range skill. "
In. the evening the third' annual
Sheopmen's ball will be held at the
Houston hall, concluding a .day in
which there will not be a dull or
idle moment. .Music for tho dance
will be furnished(bythe Peerless or
chestra.' ' V.
On, the following day tliero:wllt be
tho conclusion ,ot the rodeo sports,
tho decision 'of, the judges la the
fiuals'and plenty doing in the riding
a,nd roping- line, to' make excitement
for everybody.
., : " " i ' r i
' ThejJt'v Rey. Robert L. Paddock',
bishop of hQ'astern Oregon diocese,
In order tp form a better acquaint
ance with the men of this city, will
play host at a "smoker", at the I. O.
O. F. hall tonight, opening at 8
o'clock. The' affair Is purely social.
ana ,opeu io ine geperuiiiuuuu. iw
Is designod'as a' gafcquauifed")
gathering for men and" masculinity
will reign supreme'durlBg'. tfiaerM-Ing-,
although, the ladles -wilt prob
ably have a little surprise in the din
ing, room at the conclusion ot the
smoker. During the evening Bishop
Paddock wilt give a talk on "The
Beginning of the War", as ho ex
perienced' it in China and the Far
East. t
Tuesday evening, there will, be a
meeting of men interested in the
matter at the home of Air,; and Mrs.
Ed Martin to discuss the 'prospects
for a church building on the lot at
the corner ot Seventh and .High
streets which was secured, tor a
tjutldltig site a foupleot years ago.
Wednesday afternoon at, 2:30
o'clock the blshoo wll meet the lad
les of the guild In the I. O.. O.j Fj
hall 3nd at 4 p. m.r wHt hpW com
munion services. Wednesday evening
at 8, 'O'clock he, vlll. lecture at the
Temple theater on 'flellglbn tbr. the
Nbw Wnrlrtf ' t
'Catiirlion voatoi1 av In Ihn T f f
F, ball were welt attended, Bishop
Paddock delivered aan ' interesting
lecture last night at the
jfylgjwearW'Swast'afc Its
about 150' yeara back:, whou'everi
boy8,foulC(M five!years!old;.hadbjr
heade-lDMdtfn'frsadlrieas te: wear a
wig, , .
an ited
j ii
' MONTERANrt. WmIi.. .Ibr:
Britt Smith, O. C. Bland,, Ray Bick
er, Jaraea Mclnersey, John Lfcesb,
Eugene Barnett and Bert Bland ,
wen fnund rulltv of' mnntiir l tka
second degree in the CentralIaArai
lstlco Day case by a verdict returavd'
late Saturday night. They are beiagj
held in the Gray's Harbor cotyi
Jail, pending the decision of um ap
plication, for a .new triaL -,
Elmer Smith and "Mike Sheekaai
were found not guilty. They will bl
taken to Centriilia to be irniftM'
for the murder, of Arthur McElfresk,-.
another' Armistice Day victim. oraa"
Roberts was declared iassae by""tlw
Verdict and Is "held, In Jail (here 'for
further disposition. The jHrers ra-
fused to discuss "the verdict.
The first attempt, to .return a Ter- '
diet at 7 o'clock Saturday evealBS,
met with the refusal of the coHrt be
cause Eugene Barnett' and JoW
Lamb were found guilty of tWrd de-
gree murder, a .finding at rarlaace
with the instructions of' the "ceurt:
Judge Wilson refused to accept ska
-Verdict and sent the, Jury back for
further 'deliberation. t i
f Tho ten. defendants all .'members
of the I. W. W., according WaajBtai,
fioks otj their eounsel' r ilntlagtjkj
inai were i-iwigua vi OK'JBBflMT
f Wjimm1 0T1
r rv
eras who, ledt
n intrlMtim.mmdm'.iaLi mi
k. .WaskvMkv'lil'jlMAl&a T''''
Ice? fttJS ' ' .,!-,.' f. -l "
..!. ;j... k
ThiriBra"BMM. weret ek
Grimm's'HiuWtir. Two .if jbc
appreheuddf' Th7cae aialtMtvBett''
ranianer was aismi;iscjaes:s r:
evidence when the- stte, 'Misiw;'tit
The "defease ''M-llSwHiisesk'
on. if.:min-iWi
that ItiKin'aVdM'ra: '
aB'tallefed'tinrkd rTfviJvU'jL' Wi'W.
hall aa'tBafe:no 'skiiMp'giieiivreJ,,
unUl uniformed niem rwhi t;Us.
naiust. ?l
The state contended ttafelbwa-'
; raid until afterthe' efcbeihtg 'u4
that tho defendants had no fright,
even la defending tneir nau;to;aUn
tion men. In rooms in hotels oppMtaJ
the hall djupoa a jkltf ij9!'fet
distant to fire upon 'the marchers,,
it was allejged was done. The )prMA
cutton also sought ,to prove tkatj
primSi'-as notaear 'tk :hali::at:tlM.
time of the' purported 'raid. Btfertal
fn ntrolneti nvlMaca to show tkara.
had been'a-cestglracy to 'raliUH;! -H& ,
hall were -stoppei by the court' Mbi?. fto
and again, the ' ' "
fore such evi'deseouid be' tatjuc- '
ed ,lt .must be showirtlraf GriraBc'fras 1rw"
a party to It, or that Grlmm'waa kiil-t . "
ed while committing an overt actT. , .
uspTP3 "e-' ,f vt"W fiit ft.
... Hi n innii-
of Insanity; was; entered.-. Jm allegssfi:,
confeeVfon of Roberts was tntredae-. - "i
ed'by the state, and defence contend
ed that this purported confession wa
made while Roberts was insane. U
Th'o tfia'l started January'26.TwJ5
weeks wore required to' obtain ji.
jury, nearly 100, veniremen being x
amlnod; ' I j
' GRANDV1EW Texas., Mar. U.-
'f. ,...- . " .''i'
inis.wn is in ruins irom lire, waico
destroyed seven, business blocks aad
.200 'residences". The 'loss ;., 1(5,60,1
000.' to 3joqb,00p One hpusanijr
sons are homeless. There was no.lpiw
of lite,' ff" s t -- i.
' , - ,"" ..... ii
FORMI?A.l3rifORXEV,5f6w-W L
J. S, Kent, former attorney of vthla
city wbo,(ls nowChe PMjfflq Coast
representative, oPJUt Oermain IMfr, t
ber' company j of1 plt'tiburg. r irrlwd
on lasi night's traln TifiOttmilik
dumber1 'company js.,one,"of,,lhe'vlrg-
. .t '- r. .."'"? -" . !.
st, ,buy,ers-JotvjijBe-' luml;,tTltl', jjt "
'XtlA CAM V ': & ' " . i .vr-
"During MlAt last -few moJUtaV UMl
Kenth9"8-k'pu'rhaMd aevejra) ntilll
ceet irom. tocai producers t ana 'tat ?.
eiptnnK we lumutir.veagi as iw mm. -j..
iuo turn uro uvaiiaum. . -.i -...
, 'SS?I
. '
c P- -
. fc,. church.- ' ,
'5 , KV V i
1. I
" . ;
i. , .
jfl rr Ti'lf