WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 10, 1020. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " lAH TWO I 11 K I I I'l I'll i iti' 1 Hi iti A M r t i t S i The EveningHeraId 3 I H K. J. M U K U A Y Ktlitnr v n n seuli: City Udltor MQUT9 Published dally, except Sunday, by The Herald Publishing; Company ot Klamath -Falls, at 1IG Fourth Street rrn'i Entered nt the postofllee nt Klam ath Falls,, Ore, for transmission thru the malls ha second-class mutter. Subscription terms by mall to any address .in .ho, .United States: I Ono, year .......,.. $5.00 One month -.. 50 i Icmbcr of tho Associated Press, I Tho Associated Press Is exclusively i entitled to tho uso for republication ot all news dispatcher credited to It or not othorwiso credited In this paper, and also local news published, herein. j All rights of republication ot spo-' clnl dispatches heroin are also ro-j served, I WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 10, 1V20. LIVING IS CHEAPER SOUTH OK 110ROKR JUAREZ, Mex., Mar. 10 Compar ison of tho prices ot groceries In Juarei with those that prevail in El Paso, opposite here, reveal that most foodstuffs are, cheaper on the Mexi can side of tho river, according to a compilation just prepared by Steph en E. Agulrro, "vice consul for iho United States at Juarez. Rice and sugar are three cents a pound less In Juarez than In El Paso. High Grade Ladies' & Men's Cloth es MADE TO OltUER FINEST MATKRIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices nro very reasonable Your inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOB 51 Main St. Letters From The People LEGION MAN IN ANSWER TO SEEHOHN Tho Marchioness of Crowe, ono of England's first women magistrates, is tho second child ot Lord Kosobory, tho former premier, and betoro her marriage was Lady Peggy Primrose. Serves you right Club Cafe Gtf 04-M-H-' I'll 7 f' Am-Ad- t ?? - - M. . ahkaI liilfi( I swiaa wammvVM J OUIIS maue IU vuur CAdkl lliuiviuuai iuucuicuui j Step. in and select your Spring and Summer Suit now. We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, stylish Clothes, made, by I KKK STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters ! MAMMMMMMAMMAMMMMAMMMAAMMMVMVVVWVVWWWVVWWVWWUV, I : Western Floral Shop WOMAN'S TOUCH is what makes homo homo like. So with lovely flowers they- add to a room fra grance, sweetness and tho tender memories of summer days and waning twlllghta. Bring summer into your homo by letting us supply tho flowers to you dally. An investment for good cheer. MRS. L. C. MOORE Proprietor 70S Main Phono 187; Res. 200R I To Tho Editor ot the Evening Herald: I It Is tho Intention of tho wrltor In j this letter to conflno hla, remarks 1 principally to n certain nrtlclo, pub 1 lished In Tho Evening Herald of tho Issue of February 27, tho chnrncter ! Isttcnlly aloquont essence ot which, as I seo it, was to warn tho public , mind ot n cortnln alleged Impending ' catastrophe to tho county and Its citizens by "obstructive propaganda" perpetrated by tho American Legion, i At tho outset, I will stnto n uni versally admitted precopt that con i slstency Is ono of tho most admirable I virtues of mankind, and since tho ! nrtlclo In question, so oloquontly punned by a certain official, and to I which .Mr. W. E. Seohorn nppondod ibis name, is tho direct antithesis of an mat is consistent, it Is porfectly natural that tho honest rltlzons of this county nccopted It with mingled chucklos and grunts ot disgust. It Is unnecessary to dwell upon tho past enroor of tho official who wroto Mr. .Soohorn's nrtlclo. Tho Dubllc Is sufficiently cognizant of his notori ous reactionary policies, particularly to his opposition to tho Strnhorn rail road. Tho statoment in Mr. Seohorn's article, "that the farmers woro In full possession of their faculties when by tho result ot the straw voto thoy repudiated tho Bradbury nron- osltlon," is In itsolf sufficient to render his contribution worthless, since tho "Bradbury proposition" was not repudiated that anyono knows of. The exact opposlto Tcsult prevailed. Either Mr. Seohorn did not know this, or ho nccopted an other porson's word for it as a littlo child accepts tho counsel ot n parent. It citizens ot this county, nnd farmers particularly, actually be lieved that tho fight maintained by tho Amorlcan Legion against tho usurpation and monopoly of tho public domain for a term of years, at tho termination ot which most of ns will need a wheel chair more than a homestead, is really as pernlclons nnd destructive to tholr lntorests and to tho futuro of their posterity as Mr. Seohorn and his contemporaries would have them bollovo, I sny if tho citizens really believed thnt. they would havo been long sinco on tho war-path, with n bomb in each hand. Again tho inconsistency of Mr. Seehorn is anDaront. It Is hardly possible that if put In tho balance the Judgment and past records of Mr. Seehorn and his asso ciates would outwolch thoso of membors of tho Oregon delegation to tho national congress nnd of ovory Klamath county official but one, who havo repeatedly and consistently en dorsed tho action of tho American Legion and Just as vohomontly con demned tho attltudo of thoso In terests and tholr local emissaries against whom our attacks are directed. A perusal of tho article In Ques tion, and others of similar trend, would lead ono to bollovo, if they woro to bo taken seriously, thnt our participation In tho Job ot putting old Bill Kulsor nnd his bunch of Junkers on tho blink for good de prived us ot nit natural rights to an expression In tho affairs of our com munity. As lone ns wo members ot tho American Legion bollovo thnt wo nro upheld In our action by right and Justice, wo will continue to wsgo a relentless warfare against wrong, whether It bo In tho form ot a misguided, boastful nation or greedy corpornto lntorests. Just what Impetus Mr. Soohorn has given to tho "clock of progress," which ho says has been sot back In definitely by tho American Legion, I nm not In a position to say. How over, citizens ot Klamath Falls probably nro famlllnr with his rec ord. Although ho was not of mili tary ago durlug tho war with Ger many, ho undoubtedly was during tho Spnnlsh-Amorlcnn war, nnd ho did not enlist thon. It Is a known fart thnt those who Intentionally took to tho bushes lnstend of dun ning tho uniform In truo mnnly fashion nro constitutionally opposed to thoso who acquitted thoinyolvos honorably In tho service CLIFFORD W. SEVITS, Amorlcan Legion, Indianapolis Is n great contor ot tho automobile Industry nnd has a largo number ot nutomobllo Bales- mon, hut tow ot thom havo boen more successful than has Miss Joanotto Smock Kettslor, who lias been soiling motor cars for several years. In tho County Court ot the Stnto ot Oregon for Klamath County. No In tho Matter of tho Estato of J. A. Livers, Deceased. Notlco Is horoby glvon, thnt I havo boon appointed administrator of tho Estato of J. A. Llvors, deccasod, by tho abovo ontltlod court; nil persons having claims against mo sniu en tuto nro notlflod to present thom to mo, with propor nnd lognl vouchors attached, at my offlco, Sulto 1G Loomls Building Klamath Falls, Oro con. within six months from Febru ary 25th, 1920. Administrator of tho Estato of J. A. Livers, deceased. 2C-3-10-17-24 wwvwwvwwwwww1 We've got them in the clincher sizes for Fords, Maxwells nnd Chevrolets. And we're specializing on tire service to the owners of these lighter cars. We're maintaining complete stocks of Goodycnrs in the smooth, anti-skid and all weather treads. We've got your size at just about the price you've been ac customed to paying for ordinary tires. Come in and look them over. m mperial Garage Goodyear Service Station Phone 130 WT-'.'.iT' ll Gold Horseshoes Expense is not efficiency. Don't pay forgold horseshoe when you buy your printing. Sensible printing on sensible paper Hnmmermill Bend will save you money and get results for you. That is the kind of work we do and the kind of paper we use. Use More Printed SalesmansnJD. Ask ns. W. O. Smith Printing Co. Phono 03 110 South Fourth St. .....;...:..:..:......:..:....:..:...:..;....;..:..:..;..;..:..:..:..:.4.4,.5.4. Peopled Market ont ItltKAKFAHT ItACOX Is simply Irresistible. It Is all sugar cured nnd comes from tho finest young plgH. Try Home tomorrow morn ing Our hams, too, urn nwny above Iho average. Mild and sWoet, thoy tnstii list perfect. Eaten either hot or rold, they are, tooth some and delicious. All weights to suit your noodii. Phono 83 n-a-n-H"?";-;...;.-:..;..:..:..:..:..;..:..:...;. -M"r-t"l4 &irifH'ii ' H" WrWrW1tWri&W l $ Drug Facts, No. 14 , X Toilet Goods Our stojjes will bo stocked nt all times with toilet goods, both patent and of non-secret manufacture, nnd of national reputation for quality and purity. Among tho many Horns usually found in toilet departments wo hhall include creams of all hinds, fa'to powders In variety, rouges, dentifrices, manicuring pivparutlons, prepara tions for tho hair, talcums, and many other Hems. If wo haven't In stock joiir favorite toilet preparation n word to us and wo shall bo glad to get It for you this sonvico Is cheer fully free, plca.se uso it. Exide Batteries X i Service Station 100 Per Cent Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim First-Class Automobile Repairing Done on Short Notice Judd Low Phone 22M 'Mi1 vvwvti"! vvvti T4 49 Main St rTTTTTTTTTTTn AIIfTSftN 1 II In n m If II t it v v A 1 v 11) KLAMATH FALLS Saturday, March 131 The Herald tells you today's new today not tomorrow H.M.,M.fHHHH-MH..tMHi..j.f..Mt. " SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE, Klamath Falls RED CROSS DRUG STORE, Merrill ; I JMETTLETOMI ft) Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other good shioes arc here in the new spring styles K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters Send to E. H. Thoman. Cnnntv Anli....i Agent, Klamath Falls, Ore., for catalog of animals f iu ue soia. PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SALE! SaIe, at O. K. Barn, to begin at 1 P. M. 4" Cattle can now be inspected at O. K. Barn. THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION AND THE KLAM- ATH COUNTY FARM BUREAU WILL SUPER- - VISE THE SELLING OF I I 31 Registered Shorthorns 31 I Consisting of Bulls from 9 Months to 3 Years and f Cows from 2 to 7 Years Old. i Some of cows have calves by side; others due to calve soon. C.nn ri an n A mninlv fmm 1X7 f r .- i ---a- -..-....j ..u.. ,Y. rr, uiccii noted 3; herd at Union, Oregon, with five head from C. O. vjarrctc, Vaientiale, Urcgon. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered i: , .UV , " Kansemen ot this community to get :: Choicelv bred bulla nnrl hoifnra ne UA i . .. r 1 . 1 . o ..i,vt nupiuvcrg or . , as rminrlnfinn horrle n rvv.-., ..!,., .. 1 1 ..1 k. W. s'unuijr, luiicu lype wiin ,k auuiuvcu uiuuu lines ueninri thom. i' !HHK'H-l....H,..,,.. ' ...i.. W.,..4.4..t I $s, ..-,.-- .,....- , rai""Miiiii j. !-.A4.J.AA.!..!,AAAAAA.t.AJ .aaj. . ,. . . ..:..... -tT,,.... rr-rrvTT7TyvVrV9tttttt t