The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 09, 1920, Image 1

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) i U T -''ri m 55rw fts J ' JHsKfY'ssssi L
I .mvifif 11.
l Kpg icugtif tig atigrato
Fourteenth Year No. 3864
iiitchoock quki:iu:i
with dry" apohtlk.
"Coino propurod to stay nwhlln
next Monday nlKht," wiih Mayor
Htruhlo's purling mlvlca to tho coun
cil tnomborn Inst night, whon tho
mooting adjourned ut a compara
tlvoly early hour. "It'll ho nn nil
nlKht session."
Noxt Monday night was fixed at
Innt night's niootlnp for honrlnK pro
tests ngnlnnt and action upon tho
petition to vncnlo portions of cortnln
streets on tho lnko front, To mnko
room for n mill nltn. Tho petition
In signed hy llurgo W. Muiion, M. K
West and ISmma Wont, who niiscrt
they own 78 per runt of th proporty
In tho nron thuy nro necking to cIomo
to t runic.
It In understood thnt vigorous pro
tests will ho mado hy other ownorn
) nffoclrd, Although tlmrn wait no in
dication of argument loot night.
Tho streets and alloys In tho nrna
involved nro of no Ijonoflt to traffic
now, nnnart tho petitioners, hut If
cloned would mnko nlno blockn nvnll
ablo ns tho iilto for n manufacturing
enterprise Tho nnmo or nuturo of
tho contemplated onlorprlRo was not
specified, hut It Is understood that
tho nrea figures In tho expansion
plans of tho Big Lakes Ilox compuny
a mill site. Tho petition Books
to closo tho thoroughfares at tho font
A of Fourth ii mt Seventh Htroots nnd
Willow, Elm, Klnlock und 1'acltlc
ihvcnuos, with tho connecting alloys.
1 - Onlinnnco Adopted
i An ordlnanco "lovylng costs of
sldowalk built by tho city oa Lewis
jCPivBtrOBt, Lakosldo addition, -against
tho property, and '"instructing tho
pollco , JucJro 'to dockot lions against
'property 'ownorn affected, was
'adopted. '
4 A roHOlullon of Intentien: to pavo
'Washington street from Third to
M-'Ifth was passed, and Monday, April
12, fixed us the date for hearing
protests or remonstrances.
. Act m Peewit
. Tho roquos'l of.'S. W. Martin for
permission to- V$brato( u ..shooting
LINCOLN, Mar. 9. Opposl-
tlon io Sonntor (1. M.- Hitch.
cotk ns tho Domocratlc candl-
(lulu for 1'roHldont was ruii-ntm.
od hy llryan In a statement to-
day. Ho said ha would not votn
for Hltchaocjc'if olocted a dole- f
kiwi in uio uomocrntic convon-
tlon though the atato so In-
Btructed him. ills reason wits
that Hitchcock votod against
prohibition, woman suffrago
nnd opposed tho Currency Bill.
Price, Five Cenis
y f. .
0" v
gnllery on Main strcot, In li'icnt noxt
tho Liberty theater. wnH rnfimnil.
Councilman Upp said no other busi
ness could got permission to operate
In n tent on Main struct, ninr why
should a shooting gallery? Tho
council unanimously ngrood.
Pormlts issued woro as follews:
J. B. AutonUo oroct woodon sign In
ironi or nis truck sulcsroom, 12,7
Fourth stroot; F. L. nnd O. A. Smith,
one-story framo storo room, 24 by 80
feet, southoast corner Sixth nnd Kim,
$1,200; Big Bnsln Lumber company,
ono-story dwolllng, 28 by GO, nnd
prlvnto garage, lot 8, block 43,
Nichols addition, $5,000; Hlrvl Bak
ing company, oloctrlo sjgn nt bakory,
1015 Mnln strcot; M. J. JonBon, four
room' bungnlow.-lot 1, block 10, First
SAN FRANCISCO, Mnr. 0. Itnin
began falling In northern California
Inst night and a gonorous wetting of
"the -whole stato is promlsod. Oregon
and Washington will also bo glvon a
soaking, iho woathor buronu stated.
With tho oxcoptlon of four or five,
who hnd business further north, tho
local MnHons who nttendad the con
claxo or advanced Masonry at Eu
gene Inst woek have roturned.
Nineteen local Masons mado tho
tilp, all of whom took tho advanced
work of tho order. The majority
took till the work from the fourth to
thirty second and tho Shrine bosldos.
glng them plenty to keep minds
nnd hands busy during the three
dnys of the convention.
TIiobg who went trrough all the
work nre: Marlon Hanks, L. L.
Brownell, C. F. SoCsor. George Bur
ton, W. C. Van Emon, J. Kr Bratton,
A. J. Voyo, A. B. Epperson. Davo
Lenox, Will W. Adams, C. J. Fergu
son, Oscnr I'oyton, Jack Kimball, M.
8. West and, Ollyor Splkor.
W. UisLm"m nlid Olcnn Garrett
hail Jglpn "tho other degrees bo to re
ana took tho Sbrlno work only,
wbllo E. E. Magoo and Frank' Ward
roTened tho process, hTlag kad the
Shrlno work, before they took the
Masonic dogroo's.
Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass,
Bqeoburg, Mnrshflold and Eugene
had candidates present, making a
class of no in nil. Tho class bold a
meeting and olocted officers nnd In
tho selection Klamath Falls draw
twb plnces Frank Ward, treasurer,
and C. J. Ferguson, clans orator. In
putting on tho work ono member of
iho class was choson for tho exempli
fication of each dogroo nnd Marlon
Hanks took tho work of tho fourth
nnd L. Ii. Brownell of tho sixth for
tho ClflhB.
Tho party had an unjoyablo trip,
although n busy ono. Mrs. Jack
Kimball, Mrs. C. J. Ferguson and
Mrs. J. E. Bratton made tho trip
with thoir husbands. Jhe local Ma
sons hnd n prlvnto Pullman both go
ing nnd returning.
Without- pausing (or breath, the
common council Jast night accepted
tb resignation of T.'mV Durham aa
night patrolman,, effective tomorrow,
March 10. It went something like
Movowocopt-soc'nmotion all'nfa
vormakei tnownsay In'aye ayeayoaye
ayo contrar'no (a pin drops 0mo-
wboro) aycsavlt.sorderod.
"Durham la -tho first man to quit
tho city police or 'Are department as
tho result of tho low wacea nalcf.
and jborter hours and better wages
elsewhere, but It Is said others bars
similar Ideas. ' t
Thortf was nearly a-wholesale de
capitation last night. 'Tho mayor
broached tho possibility of cutting
tho pollco force to two members
one day and one night man, as being
n une .witn nis conservation policy.
Councilman Upp asked for-a week's
delay, by which time he', said lie
might have a solution. ,He carried
his point. For the time being, at
I A A I4I lla .aa
,r," '" t"7 nncsi" arc ail on
the Job.
Persona, who maul around and
mistreat their garbage cans, fall to
sesarato. the, kitchen refuse , fronfl Chairman Fordney.
broken glass, and. have theln win-' Washington Committee resum-
.4V. A. .A. A A A ' . -.
Charges that members of the
Houso Ways and Means Com-
mlttco wcro endeavoring to kill
4 bonus legislation for exrserviCe 4
men by delay were madn hv a
when t the
s aggregation of tin cans acaU d its bearing today on soldier
t T
Light snow began falling horo this
afternoon. Any additional contribu
t'onto the rosorvo supply of wator
for s"utninpr uso will bo gonorally
welcomed. Springs nnd wator
courses on tho stock ranges are badly
in need of replenishing and tho wator
suppiy ior irrigation is greatly
diminished. Thoro was a trace of
(-precipitation last night.
rNEW YORK, Mar. 9. Anthracite
operator's and minors of the Pennsyl
vania .fields opened negotiations horo
""today for a now wage agreomont, ef-
Tho Bhlpmont of Shorthorn cattle
which Is bolng brought In for salo,
Saturday, was unloadod this morn
ing. Accompanying this . shipment
woro.ja head of-calves wnlch. will be
allotted-to the mombors ofithe:CalC
Club -t, ip a.- m. 8atnrdayi morning.
L. J. Allen, State Livestock club
loader Is horo and will have charge
of tlio allotting to the members.
Thoro will bo an Interesting program
In connection with this and not only
tho club mombors but othor boys and
girls nnd their pnronts will find It
Interesting to be present. Tho pro
gram will begin promptly at 10:00
a. in. In order to bo over before, tho
salo of tho bulls and cows, whtch will
begin at 1:00 p. m. -
Tho cattlo are now at the O. K.
barn on Sixth street where the allot
ting and salo will take place next
Snturday. Miss Twyla Head, county
school superintendent, and FrankW.
Sexton, county club leader, will en
tertain the mombors of tho Pure
Brod Calf club at luncheon, Satur
day noon.
Very like the negotiations; between
the Domocratlc administration and
mo European premiers over fh
Adriatic situation, as 'regards-In tor-chang'e-of
notea, is' the parley be-
twaenuaa city administration, 'and
tho lumberman's Trust company, of
roruana over the $50,000 Mills ad
dltlon tower bond. And wbllo ithe
notes are passing back and forth
both the population of Flume and
the people ot Mills addition are do
ing widely separated but similarly
realistic poses of patience on a
Mills addition would like to see
the dirt flying now on the sewer for
which tho tax payers voted the bond
Ibsuo last fall, but the Lumberman's
Trust company attorneys found flaws
In the bonds and advised their rejec
tlon. Note No. 1 from the bonding
nouse set out this fact and the rea
sons, to-wit: that tho period of ma
turity, ten, twenty and thirty years,
exceeded tho charter limitation.
Which Is 20 years. Also that the city
had exceeded its, bonding, limit as
prescribed by the charterwhlch Is
true If the Strahorn road 'bonus Is
Included, but not true It It is ex
cluded. Tho city's legal advisers
contend that tho Strahorn Issue does
not count, tho bonding company that
It does. The .bonding house has
yleldod on tho point that the. period
of maturity was exceeded, but stands
nrm.on the other nolnt. v
sThp m-wwdlsssedibr tft
utfcBDioec jnconcivv last-. night f
but another communication, is;, duel
smJ ....111 1A , ?i-
,tu uuin ii iB reaa rney win nat
Know where they stand definitely.
Perhaps not then, for the expected
note may call for an answering note,
and -that" may brings on other notee,
so that no man knowoth when the
end approacheth.
The families of
congregation will
the, Presbyterian
have's, potluck
fectlve March 31, the dato when the supper tomorrow, Wednesday, nght.
M -
present' agreement expires.
OoodTeeltng prevailed on both
.smeB, la the, opening psslpnr .The
,-v ww qemanas ajo somewhat similar
td. those of ,'theW coal minors
Neither Side Jcares o -proceed to
definite conclusions until an award
Is mado by tho bituminous coal com
mission, Is wna announced.
at the church, to be followed by the
mission study-hour. Come-andbrinr
yqur poUuok; Junch -for. y?un family;
and,wowtll lunch 'and :atudv. to
BathAt0h MPi&&V9& M
I rr . .- iv-nmie ine DarnstaBat.-'---
rtV VAnra alnnii nrnmn ml.- .. . i i -?
Condemnation and ( removal, on
sanitary grounds, of a barn In the
midst of a growing residence district,
In the Fairvlew addition, was re
quested of the city council last, night
in a petition signed by W. O. Smith,
Frank Ward, Don Beldlng and 15
other property owners.
The barn Is located near the
corner of Sargent avenue and Up
bam street and is said to be owned
by William Bouthwall of Poe Valley,
It Is rented at present. It Is a hor
rible example of Insanltatlon and a
regular -fire iraiwujcordlng to peti
tioners. - r
Forty Rewv-resldesrcea-'hitTn- hnan4
. i . . . .. . . . i
ereoiea lis tlu TjcUmytreccnty and.-;
w Jawnerst wouia uxe ttto tbulld,
hut tlaaMl 4lt&r'jiA.u .2a 5
tendiall over the lot when they send
tgi the city garbage collector, have
retribution coming 'to them. Fred
Orennaa, 'city garbage man, Issued
aaj ultimatum 'last night at thoclty
Koancii'meeiing, wuicn ii not an
opfa 'declaration -of war amounted
at .least to a -breaking off of diplo
matic relations with tho thoughtless
portion of tho public'
Orennan isa-rantd-fira tiirr fen
bVjin'reeled his, tale' of woe with;
ceienty ana dispatch. but;It took 45
rolBulos by tbe:cfock for a complete
naon, or the problems that
rant a, garbage. man in connec-
wlh he well "known H. C. L.
ennan dramatically sketched the
en,' end that. had come to some
--WOTth Of Choice bnim. -arhn
dlsWd 'unwisely on ground glass and
kitHion swill, some hanny-eo-lnclrv
hewiieholdor's contribution ' to the
day's 'collection, Ho told, of wran
glftg 200-pound' garbage cans for
25cents an hour, chasing scattered
tintcans all over tho lot for two or
three hours, and then drawing down
tkejiwrath of his client because of a
7C 'cent bill .rendered; of'" stalled
trucks in muddy alleys; of mistreat
ed garbage cans and ble rpnnlr hliia
He said !he had spent $600 for gar-
oage cans for customers, although
the charter provides that tho cltlten
who, Wns the. garbage shall nrovldo
ffhtt TflfanfantA
Tho harrowing tale la 'not half
told but .spacer forbids full repetition.
8JceTft to say thatMhe -council was
deeply stlrredandrorHbredthe fty
attorney to redraft the garbage, or-'
dinanco to bring prices tb a point
where Mr. Orennan 'can make a liv
ing ana ouy a new; truck. Also 'Mr:
Grennan was lnstnicted vthat rub-'
blah should be ready in boxes or
barrels when he 'arrived, and "any
iime lost in chasing cans should be
charged to the householder, in addi
tion to tho cartage' charge.
Tho net rcsultt of tho mrho
man's kick Is going to bo an Increase
to dwellings of 60 to 100 nor. cent.
Some restaurants now'paylng &and
$10 will kiss a $20 bill good-bye
when the monthly bill comes round.
"I expect them to kick," said
Grennan, "but with the' help ot the
great. Jehovah 'and the common
council of KlamathTails, I am going
io ngni it out on1 this line If It takes
me to there "and back. . Pvo lost
$1,600 cash since the first ot the
year and $200 worth" of hogs. I've
worn out a tru'ele and miiat nn
$2,000' for a'nWonel but I'llthold
the Job down until the Pacific ocean
freezes over' If L'can Just est thn
council's moral support."
Relief bill and members sug-
gested a postponement ot tho
commltteo hearing until the
w meeting of the American Le-
glon, March 22. Officers who
had good pay don't want a
bonus, said Fordney, but the
privates who suffered are over-
whelmlngly In favor of some 4
relief plan.
The gathering of funds for the
Armenian sufferers, which, should
have been made the middle of.Febru-
ary, but was postponed on account ot
tho influenza, is soon to be made in
Klamath county under the direction
of E. P. Lawrence and Arthur Wil
son, who have handled the former
campaigns. '
Thousands Of mothers and chil
dren have been cared for and saved
thus far in that stricken country by
the orphanages and asylums and
camps established by the relief
agcricies supported by the fqnds con
tributed by Ameslcaa sraaithliers
- . W I . I'K .
xmo country nut Amefuajta la any
position to.glre them aasTstaace.
The RevMr. ,and, Mrs. Rambo,
termer residents, of Klamath .Falls,
arp r among tne workers on the
ground to aid in the distribution of
the relief supplies, and the local
workers will appeal to the citizens of
Klamath Falls to give liberally to
make their self-appointed 'task mora
j ... '
That Seventh street is going to
challenge the supremacy of Sixth as
tho center of the business activity of
the city is indicated In tho an
nounced development of that thor
oughfare where it Intersects Klamath
avenue. Main and Pine streets. The
latest announcement comes in the
statement that the K. K. K. Store is
to move from Its present location to
the new building! that is to be erected
by John M. Moore and Andrew Col
lier n the property adjoining the
Rex Cafe, recently purchased by
them. That this change Is going to
have a stimulating effect on property
values in this section of Main street
Is fully recognized. "
Harry Poole-'has served notice oa
those occupying the property he re-'
cently acquired, between Seventh and
Eighth streets, and extending back
to Klamath avenue, to vacate by May
1. "You will see visible proof of
the theater I am going to erect on
this property in a very short time,"
was the terse statement made by Mr.
Peel yesterday when asked about
the removal notice he had served on
the tenants.
John Brett has about completed
the plans for the new 'building 'that
is going to occupy the northeast
- -j Wii ' j t l-ifaiit. j
l"DNO timmib wonmiR; -,
coMMirrE mo hospital
Rofcert Ryan, 26, who has been
employod in "the Lamm lumber camp
recently, -waa commltteed to the
state hospital .for insane by the
county court-yesterday. He appears
io oe suffering from melancholia.
Ryan was brought to this city .from
me L,amm mill and placed In the
local hospital. He was there for
several days, but grew worse and an
insanity complaint-was made against
mm. , He says he has a sister ,in
SSfe35" eomgeltoa to taKcha3 &Cl
PskIntaore,attatfcH-n Tclttis ih1 street
,r " f -j- ' 2 1 and butt ilav, M tj.. n,M-i. r-l
Earl Whltlock. who alleges he is
a creditor of the estate, has peti
tioned the caunty court to appoint
William Marx;-Merrill attorney, ad
ministrator of the estate ot William
Burns, deceased who,, left property
valued at $360. The. 'decedent .has
a sister, whose whereabouts are un
known at present., - a v-w.1
It Is Just fifty years since women
woro ndmlttod to the famous Swedish
universities of Upsala and Lund.
The council instructed the health
board to investigate the matter and
report next Monday night.
MU. Lakl.. Mar. ,9.--Mr. and Mnr,
F.)Q.jWlIlia,msand Max C&Icota and,
family went on 8$ flshlpg 'trip down;
the Klamath driver Sunday, They
report bad,, roads, but showed some
Miss Carrie Oleson, home service
worker of the 'Red Cross engaged by
the local chapter to aid ex-service
men in Klamath county to obtain the
benefits and privileges due them
from the government, arrived last
night from division headquarters at
Seattle and will remain here until
matters affecting ex-service men and
their families are thoroughly
straightened out. , She has opened a
temporary office In the office of Hay-
MtesOIeson -will 'at -obco .get fa
touch with all ex-service, men, or
dependents ot men still in the ser
vice, who need help in securing dis
ability allowances, vocational bene
fits, allotments, insurance reinstate'
ments or any of the other numerous
benefits that the government has
provided.. Many men are not aware
of the vocational training privileges
offered. The local Legion post has
promised co-operation in furnishing
names of ex-service men, but no man
who feels that he has something
coming should wait for the Red
Cross worker to hunt him up, but
should communicate with her at
once, There are other communities
calling for the same service, and
thore is a -shortage of workers, so
Mlsa, OleBtm wishes to complete her
work here as quickly as possible.
It has been estimated that It may
take four'months to completely cover
the county,
corner of Seventh and MalcLtasd ex
pects to letfoe contract tea tew
days. . . '
A. A. Bellman Son are coats
plating the erection of what aaay ; '
a hotel on their property at, the ear
ner of Seventh and Piae, jAtJevakV
erected at Seventh and Klamath..-1
As an indication of the activity
centering around this corner, a faetl-
tion has been circulated asking the.
postal authorities to, place, a larger
mail box at this cofnt. as thn .
now there is too email to accommo
date all of the'letters. Tha'lnvesti
gation as to thV best JlocattonIor the
newipostofflce developed the fact that
there are more lette mailed .at this
point than at any otWinth1; city,
except the postofflcefitself.
One hundred and seventy-six nn.
pils of the Riverside school, besides
many adult ..-pedestrians, daily pass
over Main afreet from the Baldwin
hotel to the itver, said Senator Bald
win last night. In urging upon the
council the necessity of a sldewafltS
frop the hotel td Center street. Be
cause there is no walk the pedes-
vTMt. children ot the Jairvlew
schoolwni give an "entertainment
noxt Friday evcnlmri March J 2.
SOhOOl nroeram. A'dmlnnlnn In 2K
nice trout, and say it was a worth- cents.; cHildren under 12 years of
while trip. ago. 10 cents.
noxt Friday evening. March
"The q'ljrien MJnstrel,' Troupe'' wl
give ar? comedy "in addition to th
and anyr dajv said Judge' Bald win.
may- bring" about'a tragedy soma "
child run down and crushed by a
reckless motorist.
"I wouldn't want to have th
responsibility, that this council will
then have, on my shoulders," said
the Judge,
Councilman Upp explained that
tile council ordered the sidewalk
built, but the property owners have
fajjed to obey the order. The work,
about two block, would cost $4,000,
t la estimated, and Mr. Upp said
the city had no funds to start It. Ho
Placed the blame on tne electors who v
a the last special election refused
to authorize the budget Increase'-
"The council (s willing to put'-the
walk In if you will show us how It
can be done without any money to
do It with. I puUlt right up to you.
Judge. You show us how and we'll
gladly do It."
The discussion developed quite a
dispute but led to no definite re
sult. At one point of the argument -Judge.
Baldwin flatly stated thathe
though he "was d n poorly 'repre
sented ', by the members. ot the co'iin
f obnlfc?hy. a MerrllLwoolVrfwi
er; was! admitted to citlzeeahlfi after- V'l
I At T. m v ' S
cAuimuaiiuii ueiore Juuge XJ. V, n.Hy
kendall in the circuit court yesterday
" "'