neat IEVKN JH 99INr WE WANT '! NOW-AK0 WILL lWUIBAURCll. .fmiMlGE I n,"ofcViftiTotgt 1" .' .?- 'U Mil ft ,, I .1 T If i 1M r. : . IL-A 'MA I a' U'h.' " 4-K rl 7Tli toSHUBER i ; a -t,i. - , . The Higbest Prices Ever Ifeowa- Thai's AVhalVcu'JI Gel from "3HUEERT .:. . COYOTE 8Ui7rrtJ.(JJ30i)9to2S.0O22XJtal315.COtglUQ12.CO(a 9.CQ M100 to 7.10 OvnuVaSm BJOtG 18.00 1 16.00 h MJWJHI0H 11.001 19.C3 to 8.00 MOO h 5J0 MUSKRAT I SbTInT I Ulli 7-6AI &50.U 5i9 5.00 to 13SI 1581b 2.75 1 ,100(0 W Winter L58 U SJQj 5J0 1 101 1 3.50 hi 2.75 1 2i8 to 175 1 150 fr 1.S0 SKUNK KHIUTMUttC NflURGE lima tq svH)ci Black Short Narrow; Broad isjomiso 11 JON 9.50 rfXii'-Es 10.Mll W i0lti'7.W SBSM vaiue. . wp your , .rurs qow wnen .. . ' ' W " . . -. -..-. money" 'imd getttrquicker'-'itoo.,' Then extremely J high jW?""lo1rNOreg6n"Irefb5ed6'n1We'' nau wo, a.TjRo, ,ana aincrwue inferior nuns at hiviiest "SaUBElTir JUETTURNS WUX MAK YOU H HIT TODAY AND BEEF stm Mi vduj runs THElM6ESThWwTHwRtDD& EXCLUSIVELY IN AMERICAN RAW FURS 25-7 W "Austin Ave. DephsraChicacfO. U.S. A. MONEY HAS WINGS THEY SAY, BUT -'' SYDNEY, Australia, Jan. 27. (Iiy t Mall). One of tho aviation dlfflcul tlea rovonled by the flight pf Captain nbss Smith fromKngl'and to. Austral la was, that of obtaining money io pay bills In tho ourrency of the coun- ' try in whioh they happened to alight. . Said one of tho party: ''We would fly 500 or 600 miles and late in the day would arrive in' a country with a new currency', and could not pay for our things:" ' They, passed thru extremes of TO BE NO CORE" WY am? w:ajs.'C.a,tce TAY THE iHUCE TO GET 'EM NIM0IUM I fltlSHSLL I N? 2 " to , tniftrititrpwi tun NflMCDIlM '.rttlSMMl "! OeCDUHFOIMf) in Tpyay .w am uvutt 9i5H'&25 T25U 6-75 UHTZft Oil SiO 4.75 h 4 7X0 M 150 S.MM 3.00 1MI8 2.00 S M US 1 " i )?en- .p- market. wt wan? ;eai. xouu -get Tnc - . M .. ' -'' .. ..-TE-. ." r- n" -i 'V 'EM COMING ;t dibcct to tompornturo. They left England in a snowstorm nnd at an altitudo of 8, 000 feet found their sandwiches frozen and the cotfoo ln vacuum bot tles almost congealed. When they landed In Australia they found the temperature 90 degrees in tho' shade. "Bombay duck" Is not duck. It Is dried-fish, and a great delicacy with tho English resident in India. It 'all the freight cars ln use on American railroads were placed end to end they would stretch continu ously tor over twenty thousand miles. IT IS ONE THING to drive a truck and another to know how to load It, In. addition to being competent, chauffours, our men are ex perienced Jn tho handling and delivery ot cases and packages,, Try ub and let us provo it. Western Transfer Co. 702 Main Phono 187; Res. M6R THE EVENING HERALD, PCX. " t . i ill win III! imisiiiimimi 5f J ",-Ll. 1 ft "' ' a 1a fmtf off a MWV ' Hfatfl - RSSMMMMMMMBaRVBB How to Use Buttermilk and Sour Milk with Flour Mixtures Mnny roquotfl liavo been received on the use of nour milk, nour cream and buttermilk. Willi tho price of milk constantly nourliiB, tho careful Iiounewlfo will prbbubly-not pttrchane an over supply of nwect milk, bo will not accumulate a upply of bout milk for cnoklriff, However, buttermilk may bo purchnaed at dbout half tho price of sweet milk, and can bo used most' natlofnctorUy to replace either Hour or sweet milk, provided soda Is lined io neutrdllzo the acid; this produces tho efforvoHConco which makes tho dough llehti Tho sourlnK process seams to affect, the substances In the milk. and grlddlo cakes, and In fact' all quick breads, which Include "waffles, muffins, Kerns', - biscuits, etc., ' nro moro tondef thun n dough or batter made of sweet milk and bak- InB,powder. Cam Itctilrjl(l..ot to Uso Too Much Hodii Froriuently Iho use of sour mllk'Ts endemr.cilrniid this I? usually wherp tllll mil.!. orn l.oc !, ...,1 A , ., . , , , .... f ' . level teaspoon of soda will swectPn ono pint or two cups of sour milk or .buttermilk. Wburo moro soda lare-l fllllrOfl In nu'Anfnti fin .itllb- I la nn' i. .... t i ........ dry Ingredients and add alternately old to use nnd shculd bo d scardod.. ... , . , , . .' .,.,,, . '. . 'with sour milk to creamed butter wntr-iiiiii iuyui ivaspuun 01 Bonn is about (he required amount to.uso to ono cup of molasses. -....-... .. .--. -. - v.. . When possible, sift soda with thoed ,abo"t frty W,nUt0S' 1,avInB a flour. Do not dissolve It In cither ,-moa'irato ov-en-tho our milk cr tho molasses. Tho . Bou- M,Ik "'"cults soonor the batter or dough Is com-j Two cups nur- on-half teaspoon plctcd. after tho acid nnd soda nro Balt' one-halt teaspoon soda, two combined the better, so It can boi tablespoons shortening, ono cup sour readily seen that all materials should m,,k or three-quarters cup butter- hfl leant clrv until rnnilv in rnmlilnn " t- v ..--- . . waMav then bo mixed quickly and baked at once. V A. few experiments might bo found ItTfcrestlng, Take Ave Klass tumblers,1" thickness, cut with biscuit cutter, dlssolvo a half teaspoon of soda in i pInco ln pnn and bake ln a hot 0Ten ;, Jinlf. glass of .water, dissolve a tfea-l spoon ot cream of tartar In half a glass of water, In tbo third glass have a little molasses fill tho fourth Klass half full of sour milk, and in j th fifth glass have some vinegar. 'Put a little ot the soda into oach ot the other glasses and note tho result. Gas Releawri Quicker at High Temperature Allow them to send a short tlmo nnd see hsw the gases escape. Then dissolve some baking powdor ln cold water, then In warm wator. This Bhows that the gas la released much quicker at a high temperature. These tests should prove to you why It Is better to sift both soda and baking powder with the dry ingre dients, also when' the soda cannot be altted with the flour, It la better to dissolve It In cold water. The gas which Is to make the batter or dough light begins to escape from the soda as soon as it Is combined with1 the one-fourth teaspoon ot soda to each cup of milk and allow one teaspoon ot baking powder td each cup of flour, or use the lovel halt-toaspoon ot soda to each cup ot sour milk or butter-milk; either method will prove satisfactory.. However, Just bear in mind that soda Is cheaper than baking powder. To make cottage cheese, take thick sour milk, turn Into a shallow milk pan and fill the pan with hot not boiling water; lot stnnd about 25 minutes, then drain through a jcolandor, and pour hot wator thru the curd until It loses 'its. sour .taste j and has become contracted, but not hard, Press all the, wator out, salt DISPLAY PATRIOTIC '. COLORS AT DANCES SAWTELLE, Cal Mar. 2, The Presence of the Soldiers' Home here and tho fact that scores ot married veterans ofvarlous wars live in little homes norirby has brought Sawtelle distinction as having the largest pro portion' of elderly people in its popu lation of any California town. Be cause they are old, however, Is not a condition limiting activity, 'The Old Folks. Dancing Club" long Field away horo, with frequent, hops-at which numerous veterans ngod 80 and upwards have disported themselves with majrons of Hkeuge, or sometimes with more youthful partners; while the L'adies of the a rand Army ot tho Republlo have just announced a series ot "DayllghY dances" to bo-'hold the first and third Friday afternoons of oach .month; , The clvi) war veterans and their Indies are not the only dancors here.' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Domestic Science Department Con ducted by Mrs.3eeDo Grf Domestic Science Nice tor " Sierry Flour Co. MMUUVSMMM ad shapo Into small balls or pack In a mold. If tho sour milk Is heated on tho stove and strained through a cloth It will not ho as palatable or as digestible as by the hot water meth od. Note All measurements are lev el; flour is sifted before measuring A half-pint measuring cup is used, flulnln Itrown IlrontI Two cups graham flour," one-half cup molasses, on cup corn men J, ono and one-half cups sour milk or but termilk, ono teaspoon, soda,, one-half cup brown sugar, ono half cup'chop ped seeded raisins, teaspoon salt. 81ft all dry Ingredients but, do not discard the bran flakes in the grah am flour. Add raisins, molasses and 'sour milk. Steam In two wolf greas ed molds about two hours. ' . KkkIcmi I'rult Cnko Ono cup brown sugar, one-quarter cup butter or substitute, one cup chopped raisins, ono eup sour milk, two cups flour,' one-half teaspoon an tt ntiA llnlf 4aitnnn nrwln Mn ' """" """ ""' """"J-"" l " teaspoon baking powder, ono teas- ,..., , poon cinnamon- ono .tcaapoon nut meg, one-Jinlf teaspoon cloves. Cream butter, add sugar, sift, all! and sugar. Jllx well, add raisins and I linVo In n tnnf ofn nrtn urnll f-vnna t U1I1K Sift dry Ingredients, rub in short ening, add sour milk, mixing with .a knife. Roll on board about halt inch Nut anil Raisin Bread T.wo cups Graham' flour, one and one-half cups flour, cno-halt cup cornmeal, two' teaspoons baking pow der, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon salt, one-half cup brown -sugar, one cup chopped walnuts, one "cup rais ins, one-halt' cup molasses, two cups sour milk. Sift all dry lngredtehts, add rais ins, nuts, molasses and sour milk. Pour ln two well greased bread pans, let stand twenty minutes and bak In a moderate oven forty-five min utes. Sour Q-cam Salad Dressing Beat one' c.up sour .cream tint' light,, add' one tablespoon each of vinegar' and lemon juice, one spoon each of salt and sugar, one teaspoon' prepared mustard and a dash of pepper: Bfea't yell until thick. Little Cheese Cakes Two cups cottage cheeso, two eggs, one-third cup sugar, one-quarter teas- pooh nutmeg, one-quarter cup seed less raisins. Mix ingredients in order named. Line small patty pans. with pastry; fill with mixture and bake in a mod; erato oven. Sour Cream' Pie One cup sour cream,, three-quarters cup sugar, one egg, beaten; one quarter teaspoon salt, one-quarter teaspoon cloves, nutmeg and ginger, one-half teaspoon ot cinnamon, Mix cream and sugar together, add egg, salt and spices. Lino a pan with pastry, pour in tho mixture, cover with pastry and bake in a moderate oven. Tho Sawtelle Woman's Club is giv- t tng a series, of dances; the Spanish War Veterans of the local camp $re directing a. similar series; and the, Cbambor of Commerce has announc ed that .tho community dances tor everybody are to bo features of civic life in future. ' , "WeVe mostly got blue uniforms and white-.whiskers" remarked one dancer '.'and by wearing red geran iums we make 'em patriotic affairs'." WILL AID EUROPE. ' MEXICO CITY, Fob. G. By Mall)f The Airchblshop ot Mexico' has di rected an uppeal tor charity to all Catholics In tho republic. This was in response to a letter tram Pope Bene dict Asking that contributions be made toward alleviating tho suffer ings ot tho children ot central Eur ope. THE USE OF these columns will make money tor you. ' 1 BUSINESS CARDS HARLEY-DAVIDSON Scnricc Station We handle tbo Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively, Also boy, aell and exchange an oiner Manes. Pennsylvania! and Diamond Tlrea and Tubes, O.B. K0MAXK US 0. Sill Bt. KUaatb Falkl NOTICE Wo open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 mm. to 4:00 p.m. Many are the good things wo can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good tbngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be in debt and have to skip if you buy your gooas irom AfCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Ctb St. Let your Glass Troubles bo My ; . Troubles. Reglazlng done In any part ,. of the city E. C. STUCKT. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker ' Phone 477W 1024iMaln. C- J. C. CLEGnOR.V CI II Kuglucer und Surveyor ' Office 617 Main St. Phenes: Office 100, Res. 102J lAAVSSSVWWWV O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES ' Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our bam. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. ywyAAyWWVMMWMNVMWWM DENTISTS Dr. El G. Wisecarver PHONE. 854, Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over UadervroooTe Seventh aad Main Streets WArMWWWWWWMMMM A. MAURITSCH For Your Favorite Furniture Phone 176 10 Main St MAMmMMMWWIMMWAAAMM KLAMATH AUTO ' SPRING WORKS We Do All Kiada of Spring Repair lag New One Made to Order Axle Stralgfatenlng and Blackamlthlsg ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 2S-T 617 Klamath Ave. t AAWVVWM Phone 460 Ice, Cream 729 Main St Caadiea f PASTIME Jack Moarow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft DrlakJ Peel and Billiard Barber Shop ln oCnnectloa OUR MOTTO "Courteey and Service' WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY SIT Main ARTHUR R. WILSON v Manager I vt , i& wwt Profpssngl 7 J PSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy - Open Feurth and Pine StreeU 8ATORDAY, MARCH , IBM. PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIBT Phono' 434W. ' X-Ilny Laboratory Loon! Uld Klamatb Falls MAAAMAMAAMAMMrVWMVWWWMWWVM DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. BnitcH I'BONE 61 "iririii JnhrirrwJ(titwtr-rtjjj PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Opea lor Materatty Caaea Mra, Rem .HcDaaleJtf, 301 High St. Phone 455 JAAAAAAWMWWWWWWWWMVW OITlce Phono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Burgeon White Building Klamath Falls Omeon DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and , Surgeon Office and Residence e Phones 321 I. 6. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones 17W 17R Itcoms 1 nnd 2 White Building ' WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. ' DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. TrnaXr--n Suit 200. 1. O. O. F. Bldg Ofllce plione-J Res Phone 8AM . n Phenes: 151 J Office- 151M. Residence. , drTsoule Office 420 Main Residence 1900 Main SAW MILL' ENGINEERING 'tt CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod era Saw Mills, Planing MUls, Baa Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made Dredgina We contract to MuM any class ot a, tmiidlag and lastaB, inacblnary of anykiad. ? Drafttam'of any klad doae. Blae' Priatsnta4e.' ' PHONE 14N OUce 4a K. D. BaUdiag I am now nrenarea to furnlsk Shasta Sand from the Hoey Cam., sand and gravel pit, In any quantity that' may be desired by contractor! and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. .STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making , Phone 77W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No. 13? l IO.O.F, Meets Friday night of each week at, I. O. O. F. ball, 5th and Main streets. Hyman Weschler, N0.; W. O. Wells, Secretary; W. D. Coter, Treasurer. " Ewauna.JtacmDaent No. 4f, L O O. F., meets Tuesday night of aae1( week at I. O. O. F. ball, W. H. North, C, P.; W. D.- Coter, Scribe; Fred Buesing, Treasurer. " ' H f j w.g $& '"v ti est :' i'W f feainapy Soon In the Hasyital 3Q . 1 r -c ,n1