The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other $
5 good shoes are here in the new Spring styles
Leading Clothiers and Hatters
,.. M I 1 I Ml ! .HhJlllXlHn
BH( I:
j1 null ii i" " i iifliii j I t M 1 ii- i
1 1 n
J. H. Garrett & Son
.Small farmers' caii clear 10 acres
of logged oft land a year la, spare
times without detriment to the usual
farm work by the'comblnod methods
developed and tried out by H. D. I
Scudder, head of farm management I
at o. A. c.
"The cost ot clearing can, be re
duced approximately SO pot- cent,
says Trofessor Scudder. 'When it
la considered that the cropped area
of the stnto la not Increasing, the
need for development of new acreage
can readily be seen."
The new and, cheaper method is a
combination ot stump-pullers and
powder with .stump burners tor the
larger stumps.
Former methods have not only
been cosily but largely unsuccessful
in promoting settlement ot logged
off lands. Jiyst as soon as thq cast
mounted to $100 per acre clearing
largely ceased, becauso lands al
ready cleared could be bought for
Actual cost sheets hivo been kept
for the new method over a poriod of
four years and show that the cost
figure is not a mere guess.
Demonstrations ot the new meth
od will bo made by the college in co
operation with county agents wher
ever sufficient interest warrants.
Air is a very bad conductor of
heat and cold. Were it good, we
should all be roasted or chilled to
NEW YORK, Mar. . While ath
letes ib almost every form of Bport
will represent nearly every country
on the globe during the Olympic
Games at Antwerp, Belgium,, this n rprpnt nlirnr nf iha flaM nn
"""""i rB"- " fliau- ,. . ei .... i- !
American manufacturers are spend- of an extended entering of Spanish
. Ing millions of dollars in the estafe- renrPsflnfatlYM In man of th vntB
iisaraeni or orancfies m ttieir bust- OR tn arled .,.
ness In Canada, according to rep'e- AU eKorta t0 wean tne Spaniard
KfintfltlVPS nf th nVArctpner ifnnnrr.l . ... ... . . . ...m.
. - - -,,.u u ., Trnm n 1 nniinnm nnavimov nr nun
11. X' . . . ...
Automobile Experts
522-538 S. Sixth St
When at last Spring
arrives, you will wish
that you had fixed your
car sooner; so we are
suggesting that you
bring it in to us to-day
and let our expert me
chanics start to work on
it. We have a modern
and complete repair
shop and can assure you
of service and depend
able work.
FW1TT75 :
. i 1 v
&r i Ml -.mL
IJLmhJUT jv..,V: YwSm
. ',--ii"vi a. f r vA - -jr "V vj m 'x.
VW.t. fosvALW flVv X -a-' ycv
jm&ssMOFm v $
i SmMrmmBtJiJV
xt 'w,'s, r,5 f hrr rr jvxr
w ,y 4'wy? ,,b - - c
Reproduced by permission New Xork Trlbuue, Copyrlgtit, 1U1U.
ment of the Board of Trade". This
enables ihem, It Is stated, to export
products under trade arrangements
guaranteeing speciiil benefits to
"British-made" goods; to handle the
export ciders received by the parent
. fighting and pelota have met with
scant iavor so lar. ne may say mat
bullfighting is conducted mainly for
foreigners on Spanish soil but just
the same if all the foreigners in that
country were gathered together they
companies In the United States for would form only a very small propor-
shlpments to .the United Kingdom
and other parts q the Empire; and
to handle the Canadian market at
close range. r
American manufacturer of chem
icals, amomomies, welding com
pounds, toilet preparations, proprie
tary medicines, inetal and wood
working tools, gas engines and wire
goods, it is said, have taken a lead
ing part.Jn Oils ".Americanization"
of Canadian industry.
Wo have moved our place of busi
ness from 1315 Main St. to 224 Main
St., second door east of Post office
and are prepared to d your repair
work as formerly. Mayer & Wood
Garage. 25-tf
Woodworking Plant
For Sale
Medford Sash & Poor
Factory and GrounTds
'- A good plant in a gopd
location in a' good city with
plenty of btaineu offered.
Will be sold at bargain.
Other business will not per
mit owner to operate. Lessee
has insufficient capital.
W. J. IHartzell
Medford; Oregota
t'on ot the qrowds which flock to
.I'laza de Toro in Madrid and other
bull rings throughout the country on
By getting together quite a large
stable of thoroughbreds. King Al
fonso has endeavored to interest his
people in horse racing and with the
support of some of hl8twealthler sub
jects has succeeded In organizing
race meetings at Madrid, Barcelona,
Santandar and San Se'bastian from
Spring until Autumn. Rich prizes
both In money and plate In addition
to the King's patronage as a regular
attendant fall to attract many pat
rons. From Eastertide until Novem
ber each year, however, the bullrings
are generously patronized In marked
contrast to the attendance at the
counter attractions, on the race
courses every Sunday during the seas
on. Golf Is played In the vicinity of the
Spanish cities by foreigners and
Spaniards who have lived abroad.
Casual Interest only has been aroused
In the Scotch game, however, so far
as the public is concerned. Last Janu
ary this difference was Illustrated
forcibly when the final match round
for the King's Cup was played on the
Madrid links last January and a lead
log newspaper announced that fact
the following morning but failed to
mention either the name or the score
01 tne winner.
Attempts to Introduce tennis and
football have not produced a national
following as yet and as for boxing
some or me newspapers nave criti
cized it severely as a brutal pastime.
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair Is grand
mothers recipe, and folks aro ngaln
using it to Keep their nair a good,
even color, which is quite sensible,
as we are living In an age when a
youthful appearance Is of the great
est advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't nave
the, troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy mixing at home.
All, drug stores sell the ready-to-usa
product. Improved by the addition of
other ingredients, called "Wyeth'a
Sage and Sulphur Compound" for
about 50 cents a bottle. It is very
popular because nobody can discover
It has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time: by morn
ing the gray hair disappears, but
what delights tho ladies with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, Is that,
besides beautifully darkening the hair
after a few applications, it also pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
jot abundance which is so attractive
Tho first woman over admitted to
a, trade union In tho United Stntos
which wns composed of men is bo
liovcd to liavo boon Miss Mary Baker,
who in tho late '-0s was unanimously
elected to momborshlp in tho Chicago
branch ot tho Typographical union.
Air, under prossuro'nt a very low
tompciaturo, can bo turned into a
liquid, or even a solid.
Tho two w'wVs beginning Juno
1.1th nml umllng Juno 'JOth wilt bo
nmdd notltifo by tlio coming to Port-
lmul, OioRon, ot tho lliroo grant nn-
tloiml conventions tho mooting ot
tho Klw mils Clubs ot Amorlcn, tho
national convention of tho Trnyollnir
Men's I'rotuctho Association and tho
Torty-Slxth Annual Bosslon of tho
liupurlitl Council ot tho Mystic
Shrlno. Tho first two will ho nt
tomloil by ordliuiry crowds, but tho
Shrlnars oxpoct tho largest nssomb
Iiiru that tins over vlsltod tho Pacific
Const. Cnrnvnns nro nlrondy bookod
from onch ot tho 146 American clllns
whoro Shrlno Tomplcs oxlst,- mnny
will coino from tho Tomplcs ot Cnnn
Hln, nnd yet othors from far off Hon
olulu and tho Cnnnl ZonO.
Tho Shrlno convention will ho tho
most spectacular ovont oyor Btngod
In thts country, Soventy-tivo bauds
ami patrols ot marching men will
tend It color, each organization try
ing to pull some stunt that will outdo
tho others, and all ot them bent on
having as much fun as can bo crowd
ed into throo days.
Tho annual Roso Fostlvnl will
follow tho Shrlno, nnd becnunc ot
thore being to many Eastern visitors
in Portland tho offort will bo mndo
to put on the finest show that tho
Roso growora bavo over staged.
Realising that many thousands of
Northwest cltlions will want to visit
Portland to enjoy theso spectacles
and that the hotols cannot enro for
tho crowds, tho Shrlno committee Is
preparing to assign visitors to rooms
in private homos of tho city. A res
ervntion may bo mado after April
1st by writing to 802 Gasco building,
HUiiiMotfrf roll puni.ifiATioN in"
roitKCi.esuiti: ok tax mijn
lii Iho Circuit Court of Iho fltntfl ot
Oregon for Klnmnth Ouituty.
11, Ai McDrnnm, AHnlhtmo of)
Gilbert Uplmm, I'lnlnllff, )
y, , )
ltnnry V. Taylor, Dufomlnnt )
To ltnnry V Taylor, tho atmyo nninoil
Dofcmlnut. ,
In thu Name ct tlio Htnto nt Orn
keiv: You aro hereby notified tlmt 13.
A. Mcllroom, AsHlimon of Gilbert
Lnplinni, Ih tho holder ot Cortlllontu
ot Dolliuiuuiicy numbered 07S, (turned
on tho 21th day of July, 1017, by tho
Tax Collector of tho County of
Klamath, Htuto ot Omkoii. for tho
amount of Tour and (14.05) or.1100
Dollars, tho tmmo being tho amount
than duo nml delinquent for taxes
for tho yonr 1014 togothar with pon
nlty, Intercut nnd costs thoroon upon
tho rent property nsmeflNcd to you, ot
which you nro the ouuer as npponrn
at rocord, tdtunted In said County
and Htuto, and paitleulnrly bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt:
"Tho Scuth Unit ot tho South Halt
ot tho SoutheiiHt Quarter of thu
Southwest Qunrtor (SVj 8H HKVi
8WU) ot Section 2R, Township 39
South, ltnngo 1C, Kant Willnmotto
You nro further notified that ld
plnlutllf Is tho nsslgneo ot Gllbort
I.aphum. who has paid taxes on said
promises for prior or suhnequont
yours, with tho rata of Interest on
mild amounts us follews:
Year's tax, 1915; dalo paid, July
24, 1017: tax receipt No., 6690;
amount, ts.GG; rnto ot Intorent, 12
por cent.
lcar'H tax, 1910; data paid, July
24. 1917:
receipt No., 4031:
rato of Interest, 12
LONDON, Feb. 5. (By Mall).
The London Safety First Council
has resolved again to offer money
prizes and diplomas to drivers of ve
hicles 'for freedom from accidents . receipt No., 1263;
('.urine (ho ensulne year. The Coun-.rato of interest, 15 per cent.
cil will also provide a Safety First L "a! ??ia, April d; tax receipt o.,
i.i. ,iiii uiHouni, i.iu; one 01 inrar
obuuiaiDujj', duu iJiiuD, &ui lua ucBk.pQf 15 per cent.
In tho Circuit Court ot tho State ot
Orogon for Klamath County.
E. A. McBroom, Assignee ot)
Gilbert Lapbam, 'Plaintiff, )
vs. )
W. L. Roberts, Defendant. )
To W. L. Roberts, the above named
In the Name of the State ot Ore
gen: You are hereby notified that E.
A. McBroom, assignee of Gilbert
Lapham, is the bolder of Certlflcate
ot Delinqnency numbered 899, issued
on the 5th day of February. 1917. by
the Tax Collector ot the County of
Klamath, 8tato of Oregon, for the
amount ot Four and ($4.06) 06100
Dollars, the same being the amount
then duo and delinquent tor taxes for
the year 1914 together with penalty,
Interests and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, of
which you are the owner as appears
of record, situated in said County
and Stato, and particularly bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt:
"The Scuth Half of tho North Half
of the Southwest Quarter ot tho
Northwest Quarter (S N SWU
NW44) of Section 25, Township 39
South, Range 15, East Willamette
You aro further notified that said
plaintiff Is the assignee of Gilbert
Lapham, who has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years, with tho rate of Interest on
said amounts as follews:
Year's tax, 1916; date paid, Tob-
ruary 5. 1917: tax receint No. 6374:
amount, $3.50; rate of Interest, 15
per cent.
Date paid, March 26, 1917; tax
amount $2.55;
At Upsala, Swodon, thero Is n
curious and famous translation of
tho Blblo Into tho original Gothls,
which is supposed to dato back to tho
end ot tho flttoonth century. It Is
wrltton in silver on crimson parch
ment, with tho headings and many
of tho principal passages vIn gold.
essays written on the subject by
children attondlngi schools in ' tho
greater London area.
In the last week in February, a
special Safety First publicity cam
paign will be held, fncluding lec
tures for school children and posters
for display on all classes of vehicles.
Tells Hew To Get Quick Relief
tnm Head-Cold. Jt Spleadkll
in certain Amazonian tribes, on
the day of his marriage, while the
wedding festivities are going on, (he
bridegroom's hand is tied up ia a
bag filled with Arc ants. If be bears
this Uorture smilingly and, unmoved,
he, is considered fit for the trials of
matrimony. . "'
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
scuffling, blowing, headache, dry
ness, No struggling for breath 'at
night; your cold or catarrh will
be gone.
G$t a small boltlo of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic, healing cream in your nos
trils. It penetrates through every
air passage of the bead, soothes the
inflamed or swollen mucous mem
brane and relief comes instantly.
It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed
up. with a .cold or nasty catarrh-
Relief comes bo quickly,
Date paid, March 13, 1919: tax ro
celpt No., 568; amount, $2,50; rato
ot intorest, 15 per cent.
Said W. L. Roberts, as tho owner
of tho legal title of tho above de
scribed property as the same appears
of record, and each ot the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that E. A; McBroom will
apply to the Circuit Court of tho
County and State aforesaid for a do
cree foreclosing tho, Hen against tho
property anove .described, and men-
are .hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days after, the first pub
lication of this summons, exclusive
ot the day of said first publication.
nd defend this action or pay tho
amount duo as above shown, together
with costs and accrued interest, and
in case 01 your iauure to ao so, a
decree will be rendered foreclosing
tne lien 01 said taxes and costs
against tho land and premises above
This summons Is published by or-
uer 01 tne Honorable a. V, Kuyken
dall, Judge of the Circuit Court of
the State ot Oregon for the County
of Klamath, and said order was
made and dated this 20th day tof
i'ouruary, lyzu, ana tne date of first
publication ot this summons Is the
21st day of February,. 1920.
AU process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned, residing within the "Stato
of Oregon at the address hereafter
Attorkeyjtor Plaintiff,
Address: 208-210 Odd Fellows
Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stato of
Orogon for Klamath Couny.
E. A. McBroom, Assignee of)
Gilbert Lapbam, Plaintiff, )
vs. )
Bort If. Drown, Defendant. )
To Bert H. Drown, tho above named
In the Name ot tho Stato ot Oro
gen: You are, hereby notified that E.
A. McBroonV the Mlder-ofrCortln-
caie ot ueunquency numbered 7C,
issued on the 24th day of July, 1917.
by the Tax Collector of tho County of
Klamath, Stato of Oregon, for tho
amount of Fopr and (4.1G) 15100
Dollars, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1914 together-wlth penalty,
interest and costs thoroon upon the
real property assessed to ycu, of
which you aro the owner as ap
pears of record, situated in said
County and States, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to-
wit: Tho North Half of tho South
Half of tho Northwest Quarter of tho
Northeast Quartor (N'-i SH NWU
NEK) of Section 36, Township 39,
South, Range 15, East Willamctto
You aro further notified that said
plaintiff's assignor, Gllbort Lapham,
has -paid taxes on said promises for
prior or subsequent .years, with tho
rate ot intorest on said amounts as
follews: '
Year's tax, 1915: dato paid. July
24, 1917; tax receipt No., 6688;
amount, $3,67; rajo ot interest 12
por cent.
Year's tax, 1916; dato paid, July
24, 1917: tax receipt No,. 4029;
amount, $2.60; rato of interest,' 12
per cent.
Year's tax, 1917; dato paid, April
, mis; tax receipt No., 3596;
amount, $2.75; rato ot Intorest, 12
per cont.
Year's tax, lpl8; dato paid, March
13, 1919; tax rocolpt No.. 566;
amount, $2.60; rato of Intorest, 12
por cent.
Said Bort H. Drown, as tho owner
of the legal tltlo of tho above de-
scribed property aa the same appears
of'record, nnd each of tho othor por
sons above named aro hereby furthor
noiuiecl mat E. A. McBroom will
apply to the Circuit Court of tho
County and State aforesaid for a do-
cree foreclosing the Hen against the
property anove described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
aro heroby summoned to appear
within sixty days after tho first pub
lication 01 tnis summons, exclusive
ot tne day 01 said first publication,
and defend this action or pay tho
amount duo as-above shown, together
witn costs ana apcrued Interest, and
Id case of your failure to do so. a
decreo will be rendered foreclosing
the lien of said taxes and costs
against tne land and premises above
named. ,
This summons is publlshod by or
der of the Honorable D. V. Kuvken.
dall, Judgo ot tho Circuit Court of
me mate e: uregon for tho County
of Klamath, and said order was made
and dated this 20th day of February,
1920, and the date of the first pub
lication of this summons is the 21st
day Of February, 1920.
All process and naners In this nro.
ceeding may be servod upon tho un
dersigned, residing within the Stato
of Oregon at the address heroafter
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Address: 208-210 Odd Fniinwn
Building, Klamath Falls. Oreeon.
iur com.
Year's tax, 1917; date paid, April
5, 1918; tax receipt No. 3598:
amount, $2.70; rato of Intorest, 12
per cent.
leur's tnx, 1918; dato paid, March
13, 1919; tnx receipt No., 567:
amount. $2.50; rato of Interest, 13
per cont.
Snld Henry F. Taylor, as tho own
er of tho legal tltlo ot tho obovo do
Rcrlbeq" property ns tho snino nppoars
of rocord, and each of thu other per
sons nbovo named aro heroby furthor
notified that E. A. McBroom will
npply to tho Circuit Court ot tho
County nnd Stato aforesaid for a de
creo foreclosing tho Hen against tho
property nbovo described, nnd men
tioned in snld certificate And you
nro heroby summoned to nnnnnr
within sixty days nfior tho drat unit.
Ilrntlon Ot tills summonn. nxclnalvn
of tho day of snld first publication,
nnd dofond this action or nav tlm
amount duo as nbovo shown, tnirnthni.
With COStS and nccruml Intnt-nar. nn.1
In enso ot your failure to do h
decreo will bo rondorod foreclosing
tho Hon of said taxos and costs
against tho land and promises above
This summons is publlshod by or
der of the Honorablo D. V. Kuykea
dall, Judge of the Circuit Court of
'no State ot Oregon for tho County
of Klamath, and said ordor waa made
55 dated thia 20th day ot February.
1920, and the date ot tho first !
ilcation of this summons. is the Slat
day: of February; llio. ).
All process and papers in thia pro
ceeding may bo served upon the un
dersigned, residing within the But
Of Oregon at the addrau h,..
a .. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: 208-210 Odd Follows
"" "" '"' inmin . Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for Klamath County.
. . Equity No. 11BC.
Agnos L. Dodd. Plaintiff vs Warren
L, Dodd, Dorondnut.
To..'n.rro,n L- Dod1- t'o above
named defendant:
In tho nnmo ot, tho Stato of Ore Ore
eon: You aro horobv ronuimi tn .
jiour and answer the complaint filed
ubuiudi. you in mo bdovo entitled suit
on or boforo Saturday the 13th day
of March, 1920, that being the last
day of tho timo prescribed In the or
dor of publication ot this summons,
and If you fall so tp appear and ans
wer, for wan thereof plaintiff will
apply to the Court for tho relief
praod for In her complaint on fllo in
tho abovo entitled court and suit to
Wit! Tliattha hnnda nf !..
!,,.. j "".-:. " ""
rr-.iV.'u H."u ""existing uotween
plaintiff nnd yoursolt be fo rover dis
solved and sot aside nnd that plain
tiff bo awarded a docrco of absolute
divorce from you; that plaintiff '
maiden nnmo, Agnos L. FolBom, be
restored to hor and that plaintiff
have such other nnd furthor rellof as
to tho court mny scorn moot and
oqultable In tho premises.
This summons is. sorvod upon you
by publication in tho Evening Herald,
a dally newspaper printed published
a!V? C Konoral circulation In Klam
ath County, Oregon, onco a week for
six successive weeks by ordor of Hon
arable Dt V. Kuykendall, judge of
tho aboyo entitled court, mad.e and
?oonreJn t.h'.8 act,on on January 29,
1920, tho date of the first publica
tion neroof being January 81, 1980.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. o. A
mislnoss Address: 409 Main St..
Klamath Falls, Klamath County.
3 1-7-1 4-2 1-2 8-fl
tho undersigned, as Administrator ot
the estate, of Richard Tarrant, de
ceased, has filed with the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Klamath County, his Final Account
of the Administration of aald Estate,
and that the. said court has fixed
Monday, March 1, 1920 at 2:80
o'clock; p, m. as the tlmo, and the
County Court Room In the court
house at Klamath Falls, Oregon, aa
the place for hearing objections, ir
any, to said account and ther settle
mnnt thereof. ' .
JOHN BRETT, Administrator ot
the ostato ot Richard Tarrant,
1 r
"" 'Hi
wif'T ia. nipaM.j,., swW,aii.mii mm
1 lif i W B W
:jwjyr ,, a. , milii jmumwmikti