JM6M K1VI THE EVENING .HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON kATVRDAY, MARCH fl, 1939, t 'K "i Sunday at the Liberty IIIHHHV JdHrosHH EHRiHLK HH IMEtmZLIIIIIHraJSMV''' Jilt:')!!!: I Ul icy K hiroesevelt: "sized up" the HO HENZQLLERIUS NEW YORK, Mar. fl.An intim ate pon-plcturo of (ho former Empcr .or ofj (lormnny, drawn by Colonel t'toosevolt In a letlor to Sir Ocorgo Olto Trovolyan In 1011, which shows hint In tho light of an ''ndored" of Lngland, appcarH In tho March num ber of a loading miignzlne. It Ib tho concluding portion of Roosevelt's personal 25,000 word ac count of hi utrnvols In Egypt and Eu- opo following his return from his memorable African hunting trip, Tho fonnnr President wrote that William agreed with 'him, during tho couruo of n long Interview at Pots- CEMENT PRICES OUT OF SIGHT SACItAMKNTO, Cal Mar. 2.- Cement at sultablo prlco Is a prob lem confronting tho state highway commission, members said. At a recent meeting when tenders Fit IDS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE ICO acres good alfalfa land Irrigated no alkali call rodm 112, Willltg Bldg. c-tf CITY GARBAGE Whon you want garbage removed call b2J. FOIl SALE Oood G room houso completely furnished, good loca tion, big lot. outbuildings and oilier wcro sought of Portland cement In Improvements. Only (2100, Look at lots of G00.000, 750t00d and 1,000,-' JM0??'' ch,lc6to & Smith, C33 Main OOn hnrrnli nn hl.t. ... ...l l ol" " "u" "- v y ,. vinf aiw trixtn iniju JVVUTtll Of the cement situation a report by tho commission said! "Tho bid was asked by tho com-1 mission in the hopo that a lower pnro migm ob receiveu uy tno com mission from tho cement companies of tho stale than that now being given by these companies, In a mo tlonadopted by tho commission somo weeks ago, whicii preceded tho re quest for bids on tho large quanti ties, Jt was tho sonsp of tho com- ihtit u'ni linltL-nM 1inth,(i Mn.i i .. i i ... .. " ; vt..Vw -,. , mission, inai mo present cement con- Oermnny would J.o "on unspenknblo ' dltlomil surrounding tho prices mado calamity" Tho Colonel cld that .by thcement companies for Tort Irlnco iranry of Prussia, ?, whom j,i ccnumt aro iniolenble and as ti.o then Kalsorwos'-ratharjoalous-'fioori as rh'nv i. if.n .,&,,.., V0 STARTING HOURS ON SUNDAY Mat'ncen: 1 :30 and 3:30 Pv M. - 'Evcninge: 7:00 and 9:p0 P. M. St sao;:-yng.ig?j:u.zafflyxayas3M i. ,,ii ,, 7 T V T'U ftna BhouJ'1 Bcclfrc PropqaalB for alitor a Sf th hoJPer- part of I0 Bum)ly f ce,cnt W or and that of the wd.Wwj U' mated to bo npeded during tho pdriod mwj jimbliih tfj I'-nKinmi- ': . i i; 1920-192G. Inclusive, such proposal, FOIt 8 ALU or exchange, 320 acno ranch, good well, soma Improve ments. 703 2nd St. G-C FOR SALE Brand now fniir'rnnm houso on big lot nicely located at tho very low price of $2750. Only' ouu casn nna balance like rent MISCELLANEOUS I'ilONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Printing, Stationery and offlco supplies. Ploncor Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf LOST AND FOUND LOfeT Sido curtaFn to Ford Car. Notify Itoss Sutton, Dairy, Ore. 4-5 4 LOST A golden opportunity to sell your homo, your farm or anythlnc you wish to dlsposo of, if you do not C-lad to show you. Chllcoto & Smith, ,7 " f,V c,aBamc" ""nins oi rne C33 Majn Si. Phono C6. 5-7 "era1''- roil fiAT.l! Knw miit ( t,nA FOUND A chance to dlsposo of any capacity Mted rca v o oS Sp of tho innumerable articles that tapawiy ueueu reauy to oporate. I TnlI !, Rtnrn( nlffnv in vr'nur, h pSlIa Ore "'" " ""' Wiitltt-0' ft. Tu7n your'wastc toto cash. Therp Is always someone who wants just -what you hard for sale. crtn out' m . r :""""" "-" tdiiu, lien. tnfl hfm ,llrnh Ihn Mnlflo,1 town, on gooo roau. Kquipped for " " "2 ", VLZ -rt,-" - dairying .and poultry raisfnK. Somo alffilfn, good potato land. Easy lerms. Aourcss u. iicralcl offlco. fl" FOR SALE Miscellaneous , ."?. .-. .?H3i W' to be upon' ata S viiiiunits ii.-iii;iuiui 'rocepiions in ' t, ti, ,,,r.t .... , . '., .potelum, "r nonmarEKorwny I ;:"'"'" ... "L .u ,r"u SS" nd Swodon. tho Colonflrwroto.thati.r.V"" ."". '. " """" uo l" co? a Ore. l i J.- r nTin(ifinmiivtiAiyfkBn Jh' the tlermun ataiioritlos ami- pHople, . "rJlZrZ , , , . " .: thdw-d him oveyy courtesy indIvtI-L,,I'xf,m,na01n " deter- ity but that, excepting tVaSlf n' ll,,.c" "JetttttU10"" w!ro to. ,K? l.iiv rnfi,. -!. JnL :., !"w..l. "" V certified PUblie accountants. fL - "-- - r .to ece me." America, he, said. Va-f rT"1 PrVW-CfU VC' Wd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.' Ivf'r? unnomilr ( n,,,,- rp(, .lwa3 t0 "a.arcompanlod by a stato- r'TT''rT '''";" ' - - .......,. ,-.v -' J rOR SAT.E or will trade tor cattle'. l.lilOO KwesG. W. Roberts; " Poo rValloy or Max 41. Klamath Falls. 1 . . Por rcSird.d democracy, he"! t ..1" " "H x 2 ' It. . jtk. A. . I , jT.74,"TTj DON'T GET MARRIED Till j'ou go to the JAZZBO HOP at Moose Hall Tonight' Local Jolly Jazz Band v V Tlrpltr, tlton the Secretary of. War, J v-s nfforded by the Colonol'3 rofor iid, n8 "Irregular unnatural"" and V ' ilebaulng. Tho lower i'lojjes, onthe Y t otl er hand, wore SoclnllstV wJ-.o re- jgarrted mo na an enemy rather than ii friend. Tho mlddlo class looked 44 i upon mo as a loprcsciitutjva of an Amoilca which consisted of business rivals whoso rivalry was irritating and obnoxious." "', An interesting sfdollght on" Voni V J. CAHI OF THANKS. -1 Wo wish to kindly thank the , friends for their kind asslstnnco in , tho IllnefH and denth Of our do - - - - i.oxu pi.vr. m:vm, - - enco to an interview with tho man who later Inaugurated tho rulhles3 submarine wnrfaro. Von Tirpitz, ho Bald, was intensely interested In tho VOVaira'of tho Amprlrnn lm t1ottmi Lnround the worfd, and ho told the made in ccllusion or agreement with anyjthcr cement company. "The presont practice of tho ce ment companies Is to submit, prac tically Idontlcal bidrt when requests for prices upon cement to be furnish cd to tho commission are made." 4-10 .bne Chevrolet, good order $4QP. 00, Inquire Spring Works S. Sixth JSt., opposite O. If. Darn. 3-6" FOR SALE Household goods. . 12nd St. 70s tf-c FOIl SALE Oakland five passenger thllrin?? Mr ClnnA " rnmllrlnn Torms. Also small Dulck truck. Ini quire 900 Main. 3-tt FOR SALE: 1 Olobe-Wernecko oak file case letter size 3 'drawer, vcrtlclo 4 compartments Price $50.00 Just liko new. J. H. Carnahan. Loomls Building, Room 4. 3-tf columns of this paper. WANTED WANTED Rlrl for general hc-use-jvork. Phqne 343. 3-ti WANTED To hear from owner te good ranch for alo; Slate cash price, full particulars. D.'-F. Bush. Mlhiicapolls, Minn. (Bat.) f WANTED A message Jrom you to the readers of ,Tho Herald, If you have anything for salo, Tor rent, lost or found. WANTED Maid and seamstress at White Pelican Hotel. 3-tt HELP WANTED. r . I.nvl firirrith of Vnn Vntlnv vlnllnrl livmlhHH i alulHH nlilrt fi Din liAIIHf I. w --- . rntMlit IIlnMniit ! ! 1..1 I cal flon.1 o roRT " "' ,h - Tuesday. ye dVwo con d do t7u ces3fu .; HEN C. MITCHELL. Work has started ptl Mr. Hosloy's-j ,,,,, iL .h n-m T , , i .r. MlHyi.vn4 JJOItfJAN ., place, for thew hlghwi , -, .Irt "", - r?!, nfaln1 t MRS. MVRTA McFADDEN ,' mi n,-w i,.l-- ,- iri.-.-,oro'W-mP! lmd fotI tho sa V IIU ikjt.-c v .tviniv " -"- ....... ......... ,,, ..., ., ., jr . ...'. ..k. .......v..... x MRS. GENE LEMMON ath rails anAIIss Fisher to Henley . to take up their schools. ' All of those who had tho Influon.-,-iza aro getting bettor and school will Hiun nguin lonuuy. $tvr ttf expected Japan would attack tho fleet while It was on its wny round. "I told hlb," ho wrote, "that Jhad not expected such an, attack, hut 4 u IX' i Wh Do Glasses fAe&n to You ? to tho-A. C. Ilunnelt placo, which they hought-from Dr. Patterson. P.IS.SKXGIWS WANTED FOIl IJKN1) 1 1 Do rlusscs mean to IpJ you Just so much mer-i- .rehnndlso, to be bought with no, moro caro tnnn in'huylng'a pound of cot feasor a can.ptboansT Perfectly fitted classes are "constantly perform perferm ing: marvelous work in tho 'relief, of eye-strain and detective vision. They roprosont a groat deal moro than more merchandise they repre sent a high degrco of professional skill in tholr prescribing, and almost, as much mocbanlcal skill In tholr making. Dowcro of "bargain counter" glasses don't take any such risks with YOUR eyes. Call and lot us fit them . accurately, scientifically1. I Soven passenger cdr will loavo Monday or Tuesday Faro $16.20. 'Mecca Taxi Service 531 Main. Tel. 103. o Sorves you right Club Cafe 6-tf B I H. J. WINTERS !rRWIXER AND OPTICIAN Phono 140W. 706 Main I? NOTICE Any one who has bills against the Isolation hospital, please .present them not later' than Monday' eve, wth vouchers attached. " f, n C. a' LOW'KVMgr. essssssssssssmmmBesgesssmfsm EX-HEnVICE MEoATTENi Tho -regular meetings of. Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will bo hold at 8 o'clock p, m at the City Hall In Klamath Falls, on the second and rourtn Tuosaays oi 'each month, AH Comrades are in cited. j' Those desiring to Join tho Post Jmay secure application blanks from PQ; K, Van Riper, Frod Nicholson, or 'L 11. Carnnhan, nil of Klamath Falls. FRED NICHOLSONt Secretary. Faith or Facts Do yoU guets at the qua lity or blindly believe in the worth of the tires you buy for your car? OR Do you know that you have the bettnd why it it the best? ' " Iet nt tell you Just why OOOD YE Alt Clincher tires In sizes 80x8, 80x8 H, or 81x4 aro the best for you. Imperial Garage Phono 130 fiooilycar Service HtiUIon Hint I liml! Hinnrrhf It nncll.l. In Mr. Klger and family have moved' othcr wordii that xJt 'tna chances wore against. ltibut there was a chance for it.'JIy WJlnofMcw if tho Japancso attacked It, It was n certain sign that they.were intending to attack! us at thof first favorable opportunity, I had been doing my best t'o be polite to the Japanese and had fin ally bocomo uncomfortably conscious ot a very, very Blight undertone of veiled truculence in their communi cations in connection with things that happened on the Pacific slope and I finally made up my mind that hthey thought I was afraid of them. tt "Every particle of trouble with tho Japanese government and the. Japanese press stopped Ilka magic as One of tho best-appointed and most, up-to-date Institutions of Its I kind in , Washington, D. C, is tho now clubhouse Just opened to seryof as n headqunrters for college women In the national capital. Tho ven ture is sponsored by the National Association of Collegiate Alumnae, an organization representing eighty colleges and universities, and with a membership of thousands of col lege women throughout America. Jimmy Wilde, tho English fly weighjt champion, Is to receive J10,- oop fcr boxing Franklo Mason at Toledo on March 12. Jack Brltton and Jack Bloomfield will furnish the main bout at De troit on March 10. Case of a pair of Jacks being "closers" instead of "openers;" FOR SALE Used cars. 1317 Elein. Imperial Garage. 25-tf FOR SALE A double drawer Na tional Cash register. Just like new. Rex Cafe. 12-tf Plaining Mill hands ot'nll kinds. Carpenter for bench work and out3ldc. Sticker man Draughtsman Turner Hand sswycr Sash and door men Cnbinot makers Lakeside Lumber Co. Klnnittli Aicnuo and Center St. Phone 128 FOR SALE Led ling makt Phouo-j Kmiius. i-iunus, tieroroa. .an Shepherd, 507 Miln St. 24-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE soon as they found that our fleet had dctunlly sailed, and was obvious ly In good trim. As I told von Tirpitz, I. thought it a good thing that the Japanese- should know there were FOR RENT Sjface In these columns atllfeehlaaline a day. A lino here? is readTliy thousands every night. " . NOTICE. Carpenters' union No, 190 Klam ath Falls, Ore., voted to raise scalo ot wages from the present rato of $7 per day to ?S per day and also voted closed shop tho above to take effcot April 1st, 1920. C. E. SOLOMON, Rec. Sec. 4-5 ' " , - ESXRAYS Strayed from my pldce near Stukel Bridge one small light red cow, (Jersey color, branded JH (connect- FOR RENT Inside office. Room 214 ed) on right ribs,' has short curved Wllllta Bldg. See W. C. Van horns. Has other brands. Address-in-Emon, Atty., First National Bank formation- to J. R. "Elliott, Klamath Building. 2-6 Palls, Ore. r 4-9 pllcity of tho. rulers of Norway 1m- are aylne, serious, powerful lot ot pressed him deeply. "At Chrlstiania," men aDj WOmen. But they have tho he wrotewe were taken at once toUogt genuinely democratic society 'to the Palace where we stayed: and lUg found Jn Europ0( not exceptmg cjpto ! hardly speak too strongly ot SwIUer,and; lher(J aro only two or KingHaakonQueen Maud and little three state ,n tn(, Amerlcan UnJon Olaf.They wereMears; we were gen- wn,cn are reaL democracle. They ... . .. .:. r."! ueeiq oi iue wniie races wnicn wereliilnory sorry when we left them to . - toniiv Hiffrn f,m .h -? r "rJl I V? 7! e" "?: rve no nobles, hardly even gentry; . ...-. . .. . .x. ..... luiuH. inui wa wouia never see iiiem .!,- ;- -a on poor Rojestvensky." Von Tirpitz and ' galn, . ,eyer Norwa, declae8 t0 JJITJJTI William, he said, told him that they i regarded the .voyage ot the fleet as having t'done more for peace in the Orient than anything. else that could po8sibly,have happened." Other portions of the Colonel's letter to Sir tieorgo teem with anec- f dotes and reference to his associa tion, with1 .European royalties. The simple, unaffected, democratic slm- ,&K iv0 I ' IyyV I m WkM iw Sight or Unseen Which? In buying a monument, like anything else, you want to seo what you are getting. That is r -why J have purchased two car loads ot monuments, one ot which has Just arrived. 'It is now possible for you to come- to our establishment and make a selection that will harmonize with the surround ings ot your loti In dealing if with us you are dealing' with a, friend and neighbor who values your good opinion and good will as fully after you buy as before. We give each order our individual attention for we want you to get Just what wjll be suitable.. haye an Interview with you." Klamath Falls Marble & Granite Works ' QEORGE D. DRIZZLE, Prop, 57f? towns- tumnlo-fnrmflrR. nflilnra fiahnr fnllr. turn Republic wo should, love ?.lmeCnanlca-ali BmM traders. On this have tiem .come to live near Saga-communlt7a royal family Is sudden more Hill. I piunvped It Ja mlcil as lt Vermont "Norway Is as-tunnay a kingdom . should-prf band try the experiment as was ever imagined outside of op-(of baving'a king. Yet it certainly era bouffo; although lt isn't opera seemed as If the experiment were bouffOjaV.aU, for the Norwegians enli'relyBuccessftil." The Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner i $1.00 Olympla Oyster Cocktail Soup -H - ,.. cream ot Chicken, Royale? , V ; j v $ t 5.V f jjciisues Ripe Olives California Almonds Ml . A, .' Salad Celery and Apple , I , Cholco ot yc t Young Chicken Fricassee, 'Rex Style ,- " Roast' Young Fig, Celery Dressing, Apple Sauce k IF" J l J r - -u VcgctJibles r- Cream Whipped Potatoes r Sifted Eena J Choice of - Cabinet Pudding, Custard Sauco Hot Mince Pie Applo Pie iv , - Coffee Tea Milk . AWWWWWW.VWAWWWVWWMWWWVWWW SE F ORDER NOW Murphey's Feed & Seed St 126 South Sixth St ;' ' r Phoi 1 wwk mtkiii''mi&fi m'-m- witj-., r , V -i S tlf- V m "US, - 1 l J v ,"-