'C.tv 4ATUKDAY, MARCH , 1MM. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAGR TWO1 U STUDY IWUH OF i SJ. INDIANS ENGLISHWOMEN .-,.. , M..i - J t 'Ale, STOCKHOLM, Feb. 11. (By Mall) Br. Gustnt Bollndcr, Swedish ox fctercr, who some years ago sado a notable Jonrney of ex--"oration to Colombia and Venezu ela, will start again shortly for these eoanlrlos'to study.tho Indian tribe? in liiclr northern territories. As bo- Toro, Dr. Bollndcr will bo accom yanled by Itfs Intrepid wire. '? Daring their last trl they lived ,orA year wllh tho Indians on the :terra Nevada do Sancta Martn. Later ho produced facts said tor rove thnt these Indians were closely jreTated to the Incas. ?Trv Bollndcr told a. correspondent et.tW Associated Press that the new- New York., Mar. 6. Tho Silva tion Army in tho British Isles, work- OLYMPIC GAMES MnsriFii NEW YOIIK, Mnr. . Copies of tho official program of the Olympic Ing in co-operation with tho govern-' names to bo slngod in Belgium ilur inentt Is promoting emigration of op-' ing a period from April to October, proximately 1.250,000 women In ex-' recently recoiled In this country, ills' cers of tho mnlo population thoro, , loso arrangements for ono of the Commissioner David fi5 Lamb, I.on- most ambitious international meets don foreign secretary of "tho Army In tho history of tho athletic classic on a mission to tho United, States) Close to thirty different branches of lias announced here. ,, sp6rt competitions nro provided In- "Splnsterhood or emigration Is tho eluding Individual and team contests fate of these women, tho commit' r-pgrogatlng sovorol hundred events, stoner assorted, adding: ; All tho famous competitions which Wo offer no apology for . nctlve, havq made the Olympic, (fames' noted piopaganda designed to procure a' In past revlvnls, Including tho Mara- better distribution of .tho sexes, than race, Pentathlon and Docath There aro n million and a quartor'lon nro continued and early advices Jnoro ronton than mon In. tho Brit'sUi'iidlcato t larger and jnoro varied tour-ot exploration would, be direct-jYsles today, and one of the biggest enfry (iy nation's than over boforo. -a inalnly toward a study of tho jtifter tho war tasks assigned tho Sal- ( Elaborate distribution of prixos tribes between tho Magdalene River Nation Army In Britain is to stimu- and trophies Is provided, heavy gold, lato femalo emigration, ami direct it ; s'lvor and bronto Olympic medals to those colonies In the British Km ! being, tW award to tho first threo plro such as western Canada and competitors in nil of the track and poitlons of Africa nnd "Australia 'certain other contests. In addition where thoro are mo'romale than fo- there will bo special diplomas,' cups, mnlo Inhabitants. The prospect of ' statues, bowls and oilier prizes' for placing female domestics in tho, tho winners of tho more important Y7..II...1 Clnlnn I. n irtt liABn mrAr. ' n-Anla lrt ff .line,. .'n. ilnnnMil ?,.. - , . . 1... .!. lt. 1 .!.,. "The Salvation Army has des-'of .Euwcan countries for pnat (Patched several shiploads of eml-i Alympfads and are in tho pos.ses.ilon The Indian tribes living here nro. grants to Canada' already. Wo, help! of Individuals, or nations having ol great Interest and among them I j them moke arrangements to leave won temporary" (Title to, tho prizes at expect, to fino' traces of the old, tho old country, provide transports-1 Stockholm in 1912. "'auffl LakeMaracatbo. These parts tit the world, ho aaidwere wealthy and 'bad' a big population when the Span tarda first-crossed over.. The, con querors, however, soon laid')wwste to tho country, and tbo Indians now are found .only- in'tho Isolated mountains and the: Jungles. Thoro nro as yet' large,unknovn territories, especially on the frontier between Colombia and Venezuela. . .1 mountain, culture," said Dr. Bolln- tlon w"ien necessary, and through : der. '"From the mountains here our world-wide organization see tc whero tho folk of culture lived, the. it that tho emigrants are safely set enlightenment of. tho so-called, gold- tied In tho now land, ago was widely spread. The tribes' "Our records -show that of thr were in possession. of so much gold 'girls who emigrated some years ngc when discovered by the Spaniards ' to certain sections . where women they- willingly exchanged tho precl-jwere in the minority 60 per cent ous metal for objects of copper and; were married within three years of Iron." ' . i their arrival. TI1I3 fact and the op- jportunltlcs for work at goud wages tin other lands are not without slg itc-st jot Urrnlil Want Ad. AT THE CHURCHES WOMEN MAGISTRATES. ' DUBLIN, Feb. 12. (By Mail). thoughtful and onterprlsing Lady Arnott. Lady Redmond,. Lady '. in the British Isles.' t. -- 1 Dockrell and ,Miss Palles have been appointed as the first women niagisr .trat'es tor County Dublin. No changes will be made In this column unites the copy is nt 'XIic 1- cuius Herald office by 3 o'clocl; l-'riday evciiln;;. jniflcnnce to thq tons of thousands of Sacred Heart Churcn, cornor 8th bARD OP THAXKS. - We wjsh.to thank our friends for; ttiA!r,flVninritfiv nnil Vianifttfnl flnw. Wf)lirftlp tfl clr-lrnnaa nnrl .lanttt nt Said jBr beloved brother- 1" MRS MARY A. DREW :r MR. C F. FAITH AIRS C. "WANDSTED MR. AND MRS. B. S. QRIGSBY Other after-th'e-war conditions Iq tho British Isles Included the virtual disappearance o'f the vagrant, and the shortage 'of agricultural labor Cue In part tq the wartime cultiva tlonVof more iMjFn 2r000;()00 acrestot grass land, .. yommissioncr A Herald Want Ad will sell it , BAIjE OF TIMIJKR KLAJIATH IXDIAX KKSKRVATIOX AGEXCX UXIT. ind High streets. Rev. Hugh J, Mar shall, pastor. Children 's mass R o'clock. Adults Mass 1030. Evening pcrvlce, 7 o'clock. Tho- Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services nt 113 Fourth -Biref-eveiiy Sunday mornlncJ t .u- . .. . .-' . ." - . . fi"1 tuiiiu ai 11 o ciock anu every weanesuay (evening at 7:30. All are welcome Tho. success .or failure of ''idcai i The subject of lesson for Sunday, option" in Scotland wlll'furnlsh aj Sunday school session Is from "good indication" on the prospects '9.45 t0 lOMfrevery Sunday morning, for prohibition In .the Jsles, he said.j -The free reading room ,and fre adding that the "probabilities arc, lending library Is open from 2:30 to that the public houses will go ln'4:R0 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fouiuruuys. AAA First Baptist Churcn, corner Wash- tnctnn nnil 1Tfvitli striction on the sale of liquor- ln( .Sunday school, at 10 a. m., C. R. public houses corresponding to the OeLap, superintendent. American saloons and continuation' Preaching at 11 a. m. ""' 1ui1.1t.. t. mi. I Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. -tenaent. " "" -.. " 1 Bvery second and fourth Wednesday Klamath 1 makes for temperance rather than 4VAie wlii h dvntrt o mi.innnr4 However" much they . work. '.many parts, of Scotland. ,. . x .... , 1 . in ureal uruain as a wnoie, noir-i T ever, the tendency Is toward a re- Sealed bids In .duplicate, marked AlllslriR "nirl ironi'V Tlmlwr Unit". MVkA nr1rfrAf)H in Siinprlnfpnrlon-f Of ,-. - - - - -- - -;--, 'Klamath Indian School, Agency; Oregon, wjll be received inn.- prohibition. U twelve o'clock, noon, pacific time, . Enellsh 'brewers re tak Wednesday, March U, 1920, for the', 7 ZVJ. . Dre,!e58 are ,al 3urcnase of timber on a tract. In township 34 south., range 7 east qt te:,-,VYlliamette jHeridian In-Klam Starts The Day Right ' ,"' A cup of Folger's Golden Gate :' A "brisk .wall ; :;'What jazz! ' . -V 1'i,WhrLt! nlnv .' -v " - --v '-"--, y. -.-( vfw-'-twe ifflHtrSaiffiE&a' r f V:4 ' ',r, , mn-n ?; ur .?& mil ry ' ;v .--" "'v- "rS'?l. vjj - ,-y 1" '-si si-Vi' . '," Diffferanl: in taetci irom other r.offeo iinti'iettfii-MiWSi w -- -- - ..v. Wr .--, ., -w - -, .,- " n 1 I t I II 1-. , t-- - t . h n , ' irt' . . - rt- lit ." . -. -' ".:.. ' ., - . ' .-."J ' i f. -'V , I -?- ",;' ". " ., ' ::'. . ; ;$)? K ' - AMMtf jf f '.' t ' "" .,; ':- VACUUM PACKED 0 .'' r "..' ' HOT WATER FOR ath Indian Reservation. iTiiur be tween' the' J. J. Stelger Sale area and Ing the prohibition threat .much more seriously Jthan' they are willing to admit, and are "spending'' large sums in counter-propaganda'. They tlM nn.rnUDit Knrlnr. PaV Sofa.r.iare ObVlOUSlV 'wOrWed'.- jwi.". The i;fald bbR) incladea.j;1360 1 "Everybody Is waiting to analyze apes unanotteJ.Iand.wJtbiaB eai thereshll's 6t natloh-lde prohibition .tei'wWch contract- wHMeade-w!th 1n lne Vn,ted 8' hoiSHperntendentand about i;800l . -"i- v awesjof-allotted-landsiwithian sstlm- KNIGHTS OF'BATH ARE TO INS ated. .stand, pftbree million feet as to which, separate approved con tracts with the- Indian- -owners may probably be made. More than ninety per cent of the timber Is western yellow pine and the remainder la white fir, Donglas fir and BUgar pine. Each bid must state the price, per thousand feet Scribner Decimal C. Log Scale that will be paid for' timber cut and sealed., No bid of less than three, dollars and fifty cents ,t$3.E0) per M. foot for yellow ,pino andone dollar and fifty cents ($1. 50) for other species will be consid ered. Each bid must be accompanied by 'a certified check on .a solvent na tional bank, payable to the Superin tendent of the Klamath Indian School, In the amount of one thous and dollars ($1,000.00), The deposit -will be returned If the bid is reject ed but retained as liquidated dam ages if the required contract and bond are not executed and presented. tor. approval witnm sixty days from the acceptance ot a bid. The rlghtsto reject any and all bids Is reserved. Conies of the bldand contract forms and other information may bo ob tained from Superintendent Indian School, Klamath Agency, Oregon, : 'Washington, D. C, Cato Sells, Fe.b.-'-.S, 15)20. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 2G 26 28 2 4 6 9 11 INSTALL 13 LONDON, Mar. 0. A solemn In stallation of Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath will take place with all' the historic ceremonies in tho Henry- Vfl chapel 'of West-minister Abbey during May says the Express.' The Chapel holds 36 stalls and the 'scene when the' King revived tho ceremony seven years ago was one of magnificent splendors surpassed only by a coronation ceremony. An outdoor procession from the Princess Chamber In the House of Lords, where the Knights and Com panions put' on their crimson robes and white plumes, to the Abbey, will bo followed by a complete procession al and a rendering of tho To Deum. The solemn Bath Ceremonies in the chapel Include tho redemption of their swords by 'the Knights about to be Installed; the actual Installa tion by the Sovereign as Grand Mas ter, and :the taking' 6f tho Solemn Oath of the Ordor.' MWAAAAAAAWWM MECCA Billard Parlor fMH MALV STREET j. Most Vp-lo-Date Billiard Parlor -' " in'-tlie City HIGH-GRADE CIGARS CIGARETTES nnd TOBACCOS KOFT DRINKS Courtmy nud Service OHr Motto "DRYS HARD AT IT IN LAND OF RYE. "',-,,-,WVV-VWVMWWVW EDINBURGH, Feb. 14, (By Mali) Scotland's new local option Jaw will come Into effect on June I, and the prohibitionists aro projecting a lively campaign throughout the coun try" to persuade the people to vote their districts "dry" at tho next 'elec tion, Tho prohibitionists express the hope that if Scotland can be mado dry under this law, England and Wales may demand similar legisla tion. B. Y. P. TJ. Sunday evening at p. m. A cordial Invitation Is extend ed to all to attend these service. First Presbyterian Church, corner Sixth and fine,-streets: Rev. Ei P. Lawrence, minister, 437 Third street. Phone7-29.. "Sunday school 10 a. m. Christian' Endeavor service at 6:30 p. m. There .will be no preaching service in the evening. ' Methodist Episcopal Church, Tenth and High, Rev. 8. J. Chaney, pastor, ,1117 Ea street. Phone 07W Sunday -li-icl at H'.Oft A M. Mornlng'Worshlp at 11,00 A. M Fpworth League at G:3(Tp, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday oven- ing at 7:30 p. in. All are pordially invited to all the services at the Methodist' Church. The young people can do no better than spend an hour with the League from ti:30 to 7:30 n. m. each Sun day. First .Christian Church, corner Ninth and. Pine streets. G. F. Trim ble, ' pastor, Sunday School, 10 A. M. Sermon 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing, 7:30 p. m. , Emmanuol BantUt Church. Eleventh and High streets. sunuay scnooi iu a. m. No preaching service until further notice. SICK HEADACHES Tells why everyone should drink. hot -water with phosphate in it before breakfast Headaches are causod by auto-intoxication -which means self-poison- is;VuckedUntoWtheJ Wood S3toPWr "h,ch httd conc,udsd a? the heart which pumps the blood so fast that it: congests-. Jn the, smaller arteries and veins .of, the head, pro ducing violent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You be come nervous,, despondent, sick, fev erish and miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanilld, aspirin or the bromides, which temporarily relieve but do' not rid tho blood of these Ir ritating toxins. A kIusb of hot water with a tea- spoonful of llmestono phosphate in it, drank before bicakfnst will not only wash these poisons from your system and euro you of headache, but .will cleanse, purify and freshen tho alimentary canal. Ask your1 pharmacist for a quarter pound of llmestono phosphate.- It is inexpensive, harmless as sugar. 'If you aren't feeling your best, If tonguo Is coatod or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds, Indigestion, biliousness, .con stipation or sour, acid stomach, be gin the phosphnted hot water' cure to rid yoursystep of toxins and pois ons. GOES ON ERRAND. FIND SUBSCRIPTION RATE INEFFECTIVE RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 27. (By Mall). Tho fourteen dally newspap ers of this city which on January 1 doubled tho price of their papers-because of tho increased cost of all material, especially newsprint paper, entering into their production, have restored their old price of 100 rels (about 2 1-2 cents) a copy, One yantageous contract with 'a Scandin avian firm for paper onnullbd Its ngroemont with the other papers to malntuln tho price at 200 rots. In announcing their return to tho old prica, tho newspapers stated that 100 rels did not covor oven tho cost, of thd whlto paper. 1FTOU READ THIS so will thou sands of others road your measago If placod In these columns. The nails on Invalids' hands arrow considerably faster than ' osrtho hands of 'a -person' in good health. , ,,- ifiil (J .'Mfp-i-- ..,... tin We Do LETTERHEAD PRINTING on SLi BOND BERLIN, Feb. 13. (By Mail). As Instancing tbo laxity with which the Prussian state railways are now administered the Tageblatt cites the case of a "Bremen ongtheer who took an Idle engine and rodo to a point nearby to buy yeast for his wife and to visit his aunt. Then he returned the' engine to tho Bremen round house f f I 1 r f r--s Suits made to vour exact individual reauiremenU. Step inand ifilect your Spring and Summer' Suit now. We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, itylisii Clothes, made by NEW GLASS METHOD Ma Wl t" ur c c :u d:i! r ITT. Vf U11I1MI 1 riming v.y. Phone 93 110 Soath Fourth St, LONDON. Eng. Feb,, 14. (By Mall), A new Belgian process 'of glnas manufacture Is boing, Introduc ed into this country. 'A factory al- Touuy esiuuiisneu ui wuiesuen is Do ing, extended for tho purpose and Belgian experts will teach British workmen "the process which so far has been the secret of Belgian manu fncturers. KKK STDRI Leading Clothiers and Hatters lT-T-HrHiMMi-T,THH-HMMITT(TI te t fi T