A I 4 H ? . .- A. ' -' ' ' "J 'J. j.v "a;-: 3 r -ws i 4 r " i k m & ' - )-' l ;? r ' .-. ' " Personal Mention Chris. Gray of Olcno Is In town. Wm. Skccn, owner ot White Pine KDrnee nt Chlloqutn, was down on butlness yesterday. R, H. Hoffman of the. l'romlum dairy Is In town on business. , n. M. Hammond, president of tho Wool Growers association, Is In town from Mor7lll. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin nro spending sovcrnl weeks In San Fran-! Fob. clseo. f . . jFob. Patrolman M. U Unrnott, J. W.J Fob. Hilton and Mark Howard loft this Feb. morning for Portland, where they Fob. Feb. Fob. I Fob I WEATHER RECORD I Fob Fob Feb. -will bo witnesses beforo tho federal grand Jury In tho IloWottl "moon shining" case. Miss Gertrude Eckmnn has return-1 Feb, cd from sK weeks spent In Now Yo-k Fob, uuy, wnero sno went to stun t'lo Feb, Miss Kckmnn states oiiriiiK sijics. .hiss r.cKmnn smics p0i. that sho encountered a hltzjnnl In peb. New York, but that It did not Fe restratn her from purchasing tho . j.y1,' prettiest ot Spring millinery for a j-eD country that knows no blizzards. j-cl) A telephone messago was received ., iosi nignt rrom ti. e. .Momyer at Crater Lake headquarters. Mr. Momyer reports only threo feqt of snow at headquarters and found on ,, , rou. raaKing a irip 10 me run yesterday that there was very little more snow there. Ho found Indications that VIENNESE WILL STUDY some one had been In to tho lakei SWISS FARMING from the Sand creek stdo and hadi niado their headquarters In the en-. gnlecrs' cabin below the rim Horenttor tho Herald will publish tho mean and maximum tempera tures nnd precipitation rocord ns tak en by tho U. S. Itoclnmatlon service station. Publication will cover tho day previous to tho paper's Issuo, up to S o'clock ot that day. Pro . Max. Mln. clpltatlon i as 2 Bl 28 3...... 47 2 4...... 54 26 C 55 25 6...... 52 30 7 0 25 S " 40 " 13 9.... 45 19 10 . 45 20 11 53 23 12 54 20 13. 64 27 14. 59 24 15...... 56 27 16. 55 26 17 54 28 IS 62 25 19 53 30 20 30 14 21 40 20 22 49 20 4S 13 47 IS 52 21 Fob. Feb. Feb 23., 24., 25., ELKS MEET TONIGHT. The regular meeting of tho Elks lodco will hft hplri tnnltrht W,.lln,l Ruler Underwood announced today. bo slud,ed' n3 th! Austrlan overn I VIENNA, Feb. 1. Arrangements jhave been mado with Switzerland permitting tho sending there of largo numbers ot Austrian youths to study Swiss Intensive farming mothods. Tho dairy Industry, particularly, will As there was no meeting last -week he requests a full attendance of mem bers at this meeting. ment Is endeavoring to Induce tho farmers to improve and extend this t branch of agriculture. Star Drug Co. DEWEESE & POPE AFTER FLU TONICS PEPTONA An effective compound of Iron, Malt, and Manganese with Extract ot Cod Liver Oil. It will not stain the teeth or disturb digestion and has none of the Cod Liver Oil characteristics so dis agreeable to many. Peptona supplies blood-enrlchlng and tissue building Ingredients so necessary to Impoverished systems. 91.00 per bottle Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Is a pleasantly flavored preparation containing 40 per cent Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphltes ot Lime and Soda. It is a food sup plying, strength giving tonic of well known value. f 1.23 per bottle Rexall Compound Syrup of Hypophosphltes Pleasant to take. Tones up digestive and nervous functions, Increases the appetite and aids in enriching the blood. $1.00 per bottle Home Remedies Eucalyptus Cough Syrup 33c and 75c Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 30c and 00c Sloan's Liniment 85c, 70c Rexall Rubbing Oil ..80c, 60c Fletcher's Castorla .....40c California Syrup of Figs 60c Llsterine 30c, OOc, 11.20 Doan's Kidney Pills OOc Analgesic Balm ..50c Laxative Bromo Quinine ....80c Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules 40c and 75c Jad Salts 00o Rlker's Milk ot Magnesia....50e Mustard Ointment..30c and OOc Toilet Articles Pepsodent Tooth Pasto OOc Febeco Tooth Paste .OOc Colgate's Tooth Paste 30c Klenzo Tooth Paste S3c Kolynos Tooth Pasto 80c Pyorrhocide 91JS3 Lyon's Tooth Powder. 30c Jonteel Cream 50c Jonteel Face Powder 50c Jonteel Rouge ... 50c Jonteel Lip Sticks 85c Colgate's Shaving Cream, powder or stick 35c Mennen's Shaving Cream... .50c Pond's Vanishing Cream . 30c and OOc Mulslfled Cocoanut Oil OOc Pompelan Night Cream 50c Violet Dulce Talcum 25c Stationery Cascade Linen Writing Paper, In ponnd package. 90 sheets of paper and 60 envelopes; regular price, 80c. Friday wad Saturday only, 65c Jonteel Manicure Set Consists of Jonteel cuticle solvent, nail polish, nail creme, nail bleach, nail file, emery boards and orangewood stick, and complete Instructions for manicuring' the nails properly. The set, 91.50 Star Vibrator A genuine Electric Massage Vibrator, with three fittings 'and six feet ot cord. Complete, 95.00 Thermos Bottles Pints, $2.75, $325, $4.00 Quarts, 94.50, 95.00, 9A.OO Fillers, 92.25 Fillers, 93.25 V ,- . Lunch Boxes, $4.00 These prices do not include war tax. The ffttXCLtC Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly r ,tou $r. tv - i'f''. ' V , ..... . ... . - - -.. wmmmimwmimmrmmm!m,m '. . !.- j, .kwjiW fWl l!" LAI ' " 'I, J DikWHU T"UBBELBILT Clothes wear longer, becaus arc reinforced at all wear points. They arc stand roughest handlii... And this added wear is so certain that it is I by the famous Dubbelbilt guarantee: Six months' wear, without rip, hole, or tear; will repair suit free. i The matter of style is taken care of, too. Th J vigorous, American-boy style in Dubbclbiic Clot all boys like to have. All the standard colors and mixtures. $14.75 $16.75$18 75 $20.75 and upwards to$ wDUBBELBILTd une03ShuJifd K Guaranteed for 6 Months Sei KKK STORE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BOYS1 DUBBELBILT CLOTH WKATHKIl REPORT Oregon Tonlgnt and Friday, probably rain or snow; moderate winds, mostly northerly. By means of an Instrument In vented by Dr. J. 8. Owens, secretary of the British committee for tho In vestigation ot atmospheric pollution, It is possible to measure and record the dirt in the air over a town at any and every hoar. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIl 8A1.K Fine oak. Into model, roll top office desk. Phone 10V. 2C-28 UNIOUK HTATUK ATTBNTIO.V MACHINISTS. and AUTO MECHANICS. Machinists Union No. 1473 will hold an open meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday, February 27th, 1920 at Labor Council Hall, 6th and Main Sts. Charter now open. 26 FACTS NO. 504 FROM FARM TO MARKET Analysis of the programme for road construction is 1920 shows that produc tion of food products by connection of rich areas with markets by good roads will be greatly in- ' .creased in 1920. These roads should bo serviceable every day In tho year by paving with WARRENITE BITUL1TH1C WAHKKN imOfl. CO. All in ill n Klamath Falls, Grants Pass and Ashland streets aro paved with War-renlto-DItulIthlc, all over 10 years in service. l'Oft SALE New and Urlc.i mod ern six room bungnlov on pave ment with big corner lot Linoleum, shades, screens n.id Indirect lights already in place. Immedinl) posses e'on Terms. C.'illcoto & Hmlth, C33 Main St. Phono C.i 2U-1 LOST 2 registered letters on Main street this morning. One addressed to Pelican Bay Lumber Co. and tho other -to George Do van t. Finder please return to Post Office. 26-27 WANTED Girl to work In kltchon as cook's assistant. Phono G7J. Klamath Gen'l Hospital. 20-tf FOR RALE Three wagons, ono 20 H. P. 2300 Tolt motor, one truck. Klamath Ice ft Storage Co. Phono 58. 2-2 UODMIN, Kngland, Jun. 2G. (Uy Mall.) A statue mado entirely of Cornish tin Is to bo erected hero to commemorate tho part played by tho Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry regiment In tho war. Tho design of tho statue will bo submitted to tho Prince of Wales, who Is colouel-lu-chlcf ot tho regiment. Houston Amu. ST; "Tho Llttlo Slioi Como," Jack Pic Ambrose," a Mac TEM "Tho Gun Fl; Uruy Plctogrnph wcokly. adv. FOR SALE New 6 room plastered bungalow, completely furnished, two large porches, half basement. A nifty llttlo home well equipped on J paved street large lot, must have money, jaii xu u. in. iu v, in. ur u p. m. to 7 p. ro. 739 9th nt, 26-3 WANTED 3 or 4 2nd hand swivel cow stanchions J.W. McCoy, 31 Pine. Phono 47W. 26-27 FOR RENT 2 largo furnished rooms for housekeeping, 1313 Main. Phono 471. 26-tf FOR BALK I One 1917 Reo Touring car, 1st class condition, flvo good tires. $900.00, CNNTIIAL GARAGK. 26tt Ono pleasant feature about playing soccer at this tlmo of tho year is that somcono olso has to rcmovo all tho snow from tho field beforo tho game, 9 LIBERTY THEA "THH PICK OV THE PICTURES" ----- --i-i-rriv-.-iiv'irv'iytnnAan.aj-uiAj'Lruvi, I "). I H .W. POOLS, Owmer. HARRY BOREL. Mu ... "" v VT v v VVTTpTvvv'vvvrBrfrvvavNVBVV'VvVvv TONIGHT The great emotional actress MADLAINE TRAVERSE Appears in a Powerful Love Stor "THE LOVE THAT DARES" .,. i - Coming Friday and'Saturday "The Long Arm of Mannister" Starring Mr. Henry B. Walthall. The st Phillips Oppenheim NftOtNPttttMtfftl iiw -- - " ; m'j, -.. imy " i" Ui" '-'ii" .1 I