rAGB SEVEN I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, J0BO. TT" BUSINESS CARDS J PROFESSIONAL CARDS WW- X m- v, v, - Companion IIIIH ROM, rtuto Clmrnctor Valuntlon MIIIh Htntn and County $17,385,222 00 n.fi Itoad 14,172,331 P0 C 7 HcllOOl 17,3hr,,222 00 31 High School 17,386,222.00 1.0 Library 17,385,222.00 0.1 Agricultural Cottage ICxt... 17,38D,222.00 0.1 Now Court Houso 17,380,222.00 - 1 2 Interest on State Highway Bonds Warrant Redemption , Total levied by Statu City or Town Bonanza Klamnth Kails Merrill Total Unto No. Dint. Vnluntlon MIIIh 1 $3,047,079 00 3.4 2 470.000.00 7. 3 097,378.00 1. fi .'.!.".'.'".'.'"."" 134,889.00 2.0 0 ... 172,290.00 3. 7 .. 044,794.00 4. H ..: 9 .. 10 ., 234.801.00 2. 11 109,379.00 1. 13 ...'!!".!i,J""!.!!!!!!...'"" i9o.soo.oo r, 1 14 ,.. 104.913,00 8,2 10 ..... - 100,233.00 2. i o ....: ;. 17 , 18 - 120.G09.00 3.1 19 .- 20 . ....-. 09,093.00 2. 21 407.334.00 1.0 22 100.003.00 3. 23 70.040.00 2 20 82.073.00 0.5 20 028,133.00 2.4, 27 ." 28 302.903.00 7. 29 .. 841,080.00 2. 31 30 .,. 73.834.00 14. 36 .' 171.420.00 7.4 37 232.607.00 4.0 40 20,140.00 10, 41 80.731,00 4. 4 2 07,679.00 3. 44 146,447.00 1.0 40 47 - 04,685.00 0.5 49 80,103.00 9.0 52 943,805.00 1.8 53 . 64 Total..." - 'Vt ft 1 ' i -It 6 TAX SUMMARY SUMMARY OK REPORT SHOWS STATE TAXES GREATER AND LOCAL TAXES SLIGHTLY LEhS. In another column Is pilntcd tho ABsesosr'B nnnunl report Bhowlng amount raised for tnxatlon by tho various tnxinu bodies duilng tho yoar and tho purpoae8 for which raised. A comparison la also shown between this year's nsscssmont loll and laBt yoar's showing tho valuation for taxes as fixed by tho County Court, tho City Council and tho Board of Directors of tho various uchool districts. ' Included in tho "Stnto nnd County fund" Ib Klamnth County's contribu tion for Stato purposes. Increase liij n...i., i nnl1a.nf1 hv tlin RtlltG aB COm- pared to last year amounted to $1, 369,806.00 of which 'Klamath Coun ty's proportion of tho increaso la ALLEGE COMBINATION' FOR PROFITEERING LONDON, Fob. 4. (By Mnll.j Accusations that both tho govern ment and Yorkshlro spinners vtoro making "coIobsuI profits" in wool woro mado by Mr. Mackinder, a woolon warehouso man, at a rocont mooting of tho central profiteering committee. Ho jsald a committee which investigated tho plcos of wool found that 'the Yorkshlro spinners of Taxes Levied 1918 GENERAL TAAEH LII VIEII FOE Tax 100,030. 1(4,963 00,003 1,738, and County . 20.0 $413,102.80 SPECIAL TAXES LEVIED l.V CITIKH AM) TOWNS 1018 ROLL Unto Mills 10.0 23.0 17 0 Valuation $ 70,102.00 3,047, 483. 00 91,441.00 , Tax 701.02 71.010.80 1,004.00 HI'KCIAI T. 1IIIH ROLL Tux 12,402.10 .1,320.46 097.33 337.22 516.89 2.079.18 409.70 169,38 1,003.90 r. 800.29 200.47 392.18 119.39 080.00 31G.G1 101.28 404.70 1,007.02 2,120.07 1.682.1G 1.033.08 1.208.00 1.040.73 251.40 322.92 173.04 219.67 305.40 700.98 1,698.85 $ 37,123.76 HI'KCIAI TAXKH IN OTHKK .TAXING DISTRICTS Nnrnn of, Rlttrleti- V ' 19IS Roll" 1919Roll Lir-gell. Valley IfrlKUt.'on $ 21,210.60 K1.iu.mh Dili iiuko" $ 6.347 30 7.215 86 Klninath Irrigation 37,810.09 112.087.18 Sunnys.do . .. .r. 1,492.40 Upper Van Ilrlinmer Drainage 49.83 Kntorprisu Irrlgulion .T. 2,314.40 7,301.48 Horsefly Irrigation . 12,009.06 16,199.69 ,1'lne drove- Irrigation -.I 3,178.30 3,335.50 Willow Valley Irrigation . .........d... 1,290.09 Shasta, View Irrigation.... ....: 702.90 ' Hro' Patrol '" . 4,216.70 2.524.07 Total $ 66,929.40 $172,016.61 VALUATION PUBLIC UTILITIES AS FLYED I1Y STATE TAX COMMISSION ,. 1918 1919 Central Pacific Railway Co $ 906,072.00 $ 892,007.00 Ca1Ifornla.-OregonTPowerCo... 110,135.20 110,271.00; American-Railway. Express Co. 2,610.00 ; Wolls Fargo &'C6. "(Express) 4,235.01 WcstonuUnlon.Tel.-Co. r. 7,863.73 8,730.00" Pac Tel. & Toh Co....J 41;360.34 42,966,00- Morrlll Tol. &fTol. Co 795.20 , 784.00 Spring Valley .Telephone Co... 437.36 451.00 Poo Valloy &.Klatoath Fals Jolephono Co. ...,..:.,. ., 351.46 336.00 LnngelK Valley Telephone- Co. 1,107.60 1,138.00 Klamath Tel. & Tel. Co 2,832.90 ' 2,800.00 Hunting Telephone Co 273.35 262.00. La Pine & Southern T. & T. Co. 234.30 231.00 Keno Power Co 11,786.00 15,050.00 Total Valuation Public Service CotiMUHtJoiis ,.9 1,080,484.04 9 1,078,130.00 local Hscsmi'Jits 10,208,787.00 10,545,550.00 ToinP Valuation nil Taxable .. .. Property $17,383,222.00 $17,023,002.00 $22,233,70. Notwithstanding this Increaso tho County Court managed to slash this fund something over $34,000.00 as compared to last year, and In splto of Inctcases necessntyjn other funds managed to teduco tho tax rnto by 0.2 nitlla on tho dollar, Tho City of Klamnth Falls mnn nged to teduco tholr tax iato 0.5 mills hut ralbed $3737.09 moie than last year. Theio has Kon soma Increaso In vnlue within tho City duo to tho following principal leasens: Tho mills and box factoties had laigor stocks of moichandlso on Imnd on March 1st, 1919, than on ptovlous years on account of car shortage; Considerable new onstiuctlon has been done between March 1st, 1918 and March 1st, 1919, within tho City and the vnluntlon on some piopertles hus bean raised In cases of a consid erable mnrkot value of same. Increases in spoclal school levies has been duo to a number of reasens: Tho growth of this community has been very rapid and tho school fa cilities have had to keep pace with wero making' 400 to 3,200 per cent over tho margin of profit allowed by the government. Member sof tho profiteering com mitteo complained that tho govern ment was wilfully withholding -publication of tho reports of the Investi gating, committees. Publication of those repQrts was demanded In a re solution. They predicted a "howl of execration" when the public lonrnod th'o facts, "What is happening in worsted Roll (Payable 1919) and 1919 Roll STATE ANI t'OUNTV PI'ltPOHKH 10IU ROLL Unto MIIIh 9.4 CO 4.0 2.0 Vnluntlon 05 $17, 623, 092.00 20 14,161, 003.00 84 17,023,01(2.00 Tnx lien, 002. 70 84,000.02 70,404.77 27.H10.3Q 17,023,002.00 .in, 247.38 62Includcd In "State am County" Fund 1, 738,02 17,023,692.00 0.2 3,024.74 20,802.27 17,623,092.00 1.0 17,023.09 17,623,692.00 2.2 38.f72.12 24.8 $410,235.02 HMD KOMi ltuto .Mills 10.0 23.0 14.0 $ Valuation 76,190.00 3,270,210.00 120,908.00 Tax $ 761.96 70,302.94 1,692.71 . $ 73,931.97 AXES LEVIED IN SCHOOL DIHTEIC $ 77,807.61 HMD HOMj Tax Ilnte Mills 10. 6.7 1.7 3.2 5.7 4.3 9.0 2.9 1..1 1.3 2.8 3.8 G.8 3.2 1. ST2 3.8 16.9 :. 13.5 3.3 8. 4.7 1. Vnluntlon .$3,778,178.00 039,000.00 708,434,00 123,011.00 118,778.00 108,080.00 670,832 00 034,130.00 4,008,101.00 236,930.00 104,380.00 1.13,210.00 188,591.00 102,080.00 92,990.00 08,000.00 103,709.00 L10.074.00 231,000.00 60,200.00 430.740.00 134,201 00 00,080.00 83,740.00 G.16,213 00 273,190 00 344.090.00 844,740.00 203,800.00 79,918.00 234,710.00 230,000.00 25,290.00 78,300.00 62,640.00 138,152.00 42,190.00 50,405.00 67,302.00 940,610.00 007,610.00 04,505.00 $ 37.781.78 3,610.32 1,204.33 393.63 677.03 681.89 0,439.08 1,839.07 3,280.26 308.01 460.20 066.20 1,282.42 328.57 278.97 185.79 153.77 1.070.70 877.80 1.102.98 1,350.79 1,812.52 186.71 009.92 2,990.20 273.19 0,008.19 0,575,32 1,055.20 400.03 1.049.09 1,383.30 442.66 704.70 690.30 1,795.97 090.66 656.43 464.79 3,480.25 3,299.44 54.55 14. 6. 4. 0. 7. 6. 17.6 9. 11.1 13. 14. 13. 6.9 3.7 0.5 1. $ 97,013.53 au. i t' tho Sheila's office is $112,687.18 it which they have just managed to do. Tho bonds floated to build schoolhouses at ono tlmo or another bear Intel est which has to bo paid as well ns the principal of the bonds. A drop in tho bucket is tho raise of salaiy gi anted tho teachers at tho lccent special election. As a lesult of this lalso tho teachers aio pam not adequately, but enough to get by on, which keeps Klamath Falls out of tho awkward prcdlcnmont of , many communities which have had to close their schools down on nc-1 count of their inability to got teach-' ers for tho salaries set. A lecent. number of the Literary Digest sera tho number of sucn teaching vacan cies In the United States at 40.00U. I On tho 1919 tax roll are tho ns-J sessmonts of a number of Irrigation (districts not making a levy last year which assessments will bo collected ' by the Sheriff witn the other taxes. ! The total amount -collected by the Klamath Irrigation District (tho .mniu Government project) through yarns s happening also in cotton and metals," said Sidney Webb. "Tho safoguard of competition has been swopt away and business Is honoy combod by combinations nnd agree ments to keep up prices." London tutlors have announced that men's suits may soon cost as much as 25. SERVICE CLUB IS f ORGANIZED, CHINA. SHANQHAr, Jan. 23. (By Mai!).' (Payable 1920) Tux Increase Decruano $34,267.30 10,043.67 4,430.93 7,431.02 on 1919 rolls 1,738.02 20,802.27 1,780.22 17,623.69 38,772.12 170,043.98 $00,91181 $ 3,132.17 Tax Increase Decrease $ 0.34 3,737.09 138.21 $ 3,875.64 Tax Increase Decrease $20,379.68 289.86 006.90 393.63 339.81 160.00 .1,860.80 1,839.07 3,280.76 290.88 000.20 278.40 78.50 185.79 153.77 078.52 877.80 983.59 004.79 1,490.01 30.43 210.22 1,482.08 273.19 2,937.02 3,893.16 1,005.20 280.54 336.63 191.21 381.78 522.26 1,576.30 590.66 300.98 1,781.40 3,299.44 54.55 161.09 531.72 078.15 290.19. $59,889.77 ,1 t, . 7 r - "V ''V . tin " this year against $37,810.59 last year. This increase is duo to tho fact that the collection of tho Building and Operation and Maintenance dirges of the United States, ns well 'as tho Water .Useis Association as sessment will all bo collected by the Sheriff this year instead of part of tho charges by tho Reclamation Sorvlco office and part by the Sher iff ns was dono last year. , Combined tax rates for this year's lolls in mills on tho dollar of as sessed valuation aro as follews: City of Klamath Falls N51.8 School DIst. No. 1 outside 34.8 City limits City of Meuill 47,5 City of Bonanza 35.5 In other districts combined rato is the state and county rato (24.8 mills) plus special assessment rato for school district in whlcji property is located. Copies of Assessor's report can be had at the County Assessor's office on application. Twenty-five American residents In Shanghai, who saw service in tho war, either in the army or the navy, have organized tho American Set vice Club ofChlna,' It is hoped that this may be made a post of tho America! Legion. Major Arthur Bassett is commander of the new organization, A native of Ashanti bears one of seven names, corresponding to tho day of tho week on which ho was born. KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 1040 MAIN ST. AAAAAVVWMWWA Phone 84G-J 1122 Main St. O. ft. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 46 Main St. Home-Made Pie and Cake. Cold Meat A Lunch Good. Ice Cream and Fruit. WWWWWWWrthWVWWWi HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus Ively. Also bay, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tabes. C. E. BISHARK 110 S. 9th St. Klamath Falls NOTICE We open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. rn. to 4:00 p. m. Many are the good things we can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be In debt and have to skip if you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of 6th St. Let your Olass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazlng done in any part of the city E. C. STOCKY. Carpenter ft Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 617 Main St. Phenes: Office 100, Res. 102J aVWWVWWWWWSWWAM O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets r- Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring, Face Massage Scalp Treatment by appointment MRS. GILL Leo Apts., 5th nnd Walnut 'maaaaaaam HENRY SMITH Carpenter and Cabinet Maker 106 Main Street Phono 457 A. MAURITSCH For Your Favorite Furniture Phone 176J 10 Main St r DENTISTS j Professional Pharmacy EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy Open Fourth' and Pine Streets SAAMMAMMAMMtVVVVWI FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 434W. X'llny laboratory Loomls Dldg., Klamath Fall MAAAAMAAAMMMAMMAAAAAAAAAAMAM r DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 aammmmmmmmmwmmmwvwwmamwwmC PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Casee Mrs. Rosa McDaniete, 301 High St Phone 455 MAMAAMAAAMMAAMMMMMAAMAA Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon MMMMMMMMMWMMMMAMA, DR. F. R: GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rooms 4 and 5 Phones 17W 17R Rwanson Bldg. (Over Gun Store) Afr-9-X-HM-M-M-K- KATHERINE SCHLEEF Physician and Surgeon Office, White Bldg. 5,"8",," WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Barcessor to Dr. Traax Salt 206, 1. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 86J Rea Phone 86M Phenes: 151J Office. 151M Residence., DR. SOULE Office 420 Main ' Reldence 1000 Main SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills. Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Bine Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building uvrtftyXJJXVVXfVXXAr'W'V'' KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS; We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair- ; Ing ew unes wauo a umip Axle Straightening and Blacksmithing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phono 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. I am now prepared to furnish. Shasta Sand from the Hooy, Cam., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity thut may be desired by contractors and builders. ..,, AL F. GRAHAM. CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY S17 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager Soon In the Hospital