iwjuuwHW'WMIiiJWM "Wwj- mmi -JummnAY, FEnntiXhV si, iikso. ill I I HI i JiA THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rton Fount The Evening Herald E. J. MUR'fcAY Editor F It K I) SOVIiK City Kdltor - i ,.. i --' ' Published dally, except Sunday, by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. Kntcred at the postiflice at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru tho mails as second-class matter. Lower Klamath iJake area will be come a dry sagebrush plain fit only tor breeding jackrabblts and cojotes. Do not let tho agonts of tho power company placo their leather spec tacles on you as they have attempted to do In the past. You 'should think about this matter and think fast. ANOTIintt CITIZEN. AXKXT C1TI7.K.VS AltTH'I.R OX FL'Tl'HK OF KI-AMATH Tho incQiitrowrtlblo facts are as set out by Citizen In his article on 5'jJnitne Industrial situation and develop- ' imcnt of this county and city. When Member of the Associated Press. he states, as ho does, "that we have Tho Aisoeiated Press Is exclusively Practically reached tho limit of ro- Subscription terms by mail to any address In the United States Ono yedr - ..- One month entitled 'to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it orrnot otherwise credited In this paper, and also local news published beroln. "" All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. -"' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1020. Letters From The People SAYS rtro'KH company . SHOULD UK CHECKED Klamath 'Falls, Oregon, - Feb, 20, 130, The Editor of the Herald. v , Dear Sjr: l An article appeared in the Her- mid on' the 20th instant, signed ' by "Citizen!" saying that otir';develop ment and prosperity were about to be retarded unless certain things were done. He mentioned timber, irriga Uon and agriculture as the three things upjon. "which the future and prosperity- ot this, pari bMne atate ainges. - s-... ,--', ;.-"" in reply to "Citizen" -tnighUt'-Vo't be well to remind him ha scheme "e upper " . .. ;j. .-. '.-yii ' a... ,-1 inj; the Wei acres, or me oesi lana. in ine woria in " tie Low.er' Klamath Laktf regloVwlll -be deprived ot water.- Such ,1s the aseiOr else a lot of misinformation aasbeehglven put to oufr citizens and -. taxpayers of iafe-Jby public otficials. It Is stated that the -water Tight ap plication of 'the C'alitbrn'ia-Oregon T ''"Tower" ComVany eoverjnltjtlie paters at Upper . KJama'th-, Lake t and the X)amatB river,' If-grant, wlll'abso " vlntely deprive not? only" lhe Lower " .Klamath Lake lands, of water for-Jr name adequacy taking one year with another of two of the prin cipal agencies In the further develop ment of our lumbering, agricultural and manufacturing industries," hu stntes an unwelcome truth. It is truth, however, that needs must be driven home with a ven geance; and 1 propose to avail my self ot the facts so broadly stated by Citizen and assist in bringing homo to our people by a further eluc i tlon of those facts the exact truth of the situation. To begin with. Citizen's teferenco to the necessity for an intelligent and immediate conservation Contribution" is so clesel: the actual situation outlined by Her bert D. Newell, in his latter read be fore the Business Men's meeting in January, -that a brief reference to a few of the salient features ot that let ter will assist, materlallyi in illumin ating the point made by '"citizen." ' Mr. Newell, conclusively "'"d'emon- 'strated that, unless storage is provid ed for in the Upper Lake, sufficient water will not be available-o any ap preciable extent or benoflt-tb tho project during years of 'low runoff without further development.' lie etes a .period from July,-1-to August 3V.1918,. when j the- total outflow "of can V)Q thrown open to settlement as soon u'jj water for Irrigation c.in be made -available; ami within two or thn?6 )eurs that urea will be increas ed to ,u total of 25,000 acrot,; and when tlint time arrives water wilt be needed for something like U.'.OOO uorbs,. T,hpt during yoius of low run? off, mks the regulations oMhu up per lake have been made effective there will be nn Inadequate supply for only iibout 3G.0J)U acres. 1 mil contenting myself with thu foregoing brief referenco to facts dis closed by Mr. Newell, us being sufU-1 dent within themselves to bring homo to our people tho absolute ne cessity ot getting solidly belrtnd any Intelligent plan of action by the Unit ed States Iteclamntlon Service look ing to the impounding ot thu flood waters ot tho I'pper I.ako to the ex tent that will assure nn adequato supply for the development of tho Agricultural resources of the Klam ath Uasln. That development must not be subordinated to any collateral Interests of Unproved and doubtful merit, nor should that doelopment be halted by obstructive tactics of fering no ulternutlve reasonable plan for securing the same result. The -big things tlint make fur development, such ns Is demanded here, require tho emplojtuent of vast sums, of money, avnllnblu only thru t t T t T f f ? T T T ? t t r t T T- I '4 rji iir 5 &. it if of "Natures! combinations of Individuals who nro sly allied to willing to takou "Oamblers chunco" i.X. t t r - the 'upper 'hike averaged" 'only 724 saying; that-'afteVaeduct- ing the West' SlldV power :rfght df05 second feet there -would bersufficJat for the Irrigation approximately 36,000 acres, while the afea-legally entitled to water was slightly less than A 90 00 acres. What .nliht be Mr, Newell's forecast .for .thiSTSeaeon with no snow on the Klamath" WeimJ sheds, Is, 6f course, a matter of-con 'jecture; but it reallykdroesHaqt!!r engaged in Stock raising, Dairying, Agriculture, Manufacturing,- Lumber- on their money or through and by means of large appropriations! by Congress. By the former method the public reaps the immediate and 'fut ure benefit without, he 'expenditure ot a dollar or the assuming ot .a 'sin gle liability while in th.e latter the public must begin advancing! tne freight charges and foot the bntno bill at the end. I That the plans ot the Interior De partment hate beett h'alted by ob structive tactics )ias bee'n 'deflhltely announced by Secretary' l.ano, cam that too lit the absence of'aiiy uer native plan ot relief." ",''iCj-. Congress, owing fo'unprece'deted expenditutW during the war, anttun U8ual'8em'arids tor.'ctfrenVexpeses, 'cawjot" be" rolled uto'o f (ir' an! '- AHttL anitiAHlDHnii i ait, t1kAi work of carrying ont the-plans otbe'J Service.". for the impounding ofhe $ watertOf the Uppcr'Lake in the very near future. .. . ; - 'Isn't It.-about time, thett. wlthv.tle facts before us, that we come outa to the Open we, all" of us, who.1re so deeply.ond vitally interested:. iflj ine aeveiopmeni. oi pur.Agncuiinrai potentialities, in the. developmenTof t t T t T T T Get a Savings Bank and enlist a dollar in the cause of your per sonal success. The dollar that starts your savings account is the messenger you send to success, announcing your coming. There may be better things in life than a Bank Account but, just the same, it's a very convenient thing to own. Klamath State Bank The Daylight Bank 1 , Corner Sixth and Main T , -If t ' ' ' t T T ' T T T ' t ' ' " V T T T I i'1., If'' ,. r- J . 1 y ft A rfi A A A ii A A 11 A ii A' A ii A if i iti ii A 'A Jit A A -- -K A A A A A rf- 4 A - -- - -- 4h ! WACUIMrTAN Inr nr ilm vMunVt 'man' Hi l tWtrl allloT Inrtubtrloa In hn ilmolnnrnankrA- .-. A.VIIIlVlll III! f IT K ..-Z2 aU3 "T! commercial llfe..ot Ihi cltyaiei themercal life pUbf. -.ctt, t m . " S.7X$mtt ZZT. "' -" I brJWw trot we lf flhe.-,,,., argn'ment. iltfl ,upOTtobt.Te obitlrtlv tnctte-that ,&!&" Z , , lIU 1 lULf.l 1 ' . ,v. v -..! : 3ir. .-eHeiiB roRHion.'tcat tno UDiH-": inn aeeiobtueni or ins . coinitr. .. . . ,. .! hoi - , '"" :.rUtur tf ujn-sny . ono 1ake . t be made ,a storaeer-nd city jif.the psychological moment' J" , .QPtTI A I ' '' TuV ,; ''I "1 W5..J ,-i ,v-. - ture,Usj;oing to develop -aa.lt .li-jeJir So ttuthdependainrthelmmeafate I , . . $1 7g 'l f ''thar "! ST$fc01"fi ".titled to. Indeed,' it would be- VUkWare'tm-the- inducements this 1 n '" A , ,i , . the 1 owe'-.r.akejrjc;oc'trr'ritaflrfd -.,,.. ,-. t-i' 2 '. JittL.ii . V,. .-,.. ...r .. .v. . Jj'IX: ' "" '' ' " ' -' . xuiiy iur ion.Kres .10 aDoroonaTA linn 18 asie ujiudiq om io Liie jieh- - 1 . . ' i'. . ." .. . n .. TTj. . - . . e 1 . BaNDABaaABMsaBaaartasBl(ffa-ffaAarBaamwHwwi0iBBBwAFfiBiBs1 i: JkTCSaPlQgs3HESMPnL I yr " jy1" p vCj fcV - r ' - "-S1 " v ' "rkx A mm a 4klawMV mnttff ftMi xi -- -r-. r uAVUiiairifirUV t s i ? iijiiinu iwi ij ikitvim.litk'ttsr i- (,'iab nako CorktalL-T-VulJey Forge - I 1 r J. , . ,4 Supremo ot Chicken, Lafayette ' ' UrVlnn ttlM Ollvos--. - California All armd. ,very foot of. jtc'Spr0rf you will-be ojposeiT to-seeing the'Pttwer ' .mpany Tenure all the wa,',Brs. of Up- per Klomfih I-3ke,and I(timath river ,'. ot hrrrtoifore u.ad. to BaVeit tum- . lie dowp-Kl5,math river -lo 'geti'arate electricityat'the'Copco d2m t6rbe ns- " "in r-rancisco anttjOtner Bay points. The'mattef reslswith yfauV r. v.iuzen:- 'ouia you, prefer to aee this walpr'tnmMo Ann''ri!...'t. Tlver than have It applied "to the' Irri gation of the vast area of agrjcdltural lands in and around Lower Klamath take? The California-Oregon Power com pany Is crowding its application for made an assured fact ' -Mr. Newell further 'showed ?t ms water right every day. If some- for about half that area "i.h is noi none immediately, this present time there application will bo granted. pumping districts. One dlsfrlct?6f'i." 000 acres actually used,wa'ter during 1919. Another, district plans i.to Ir rigate during 1920. The orgarilzh tlon of other districts Ispejiding. When these districts have.-peffcted contracts with the United 'States, water" will be required for" about 70, 000 acres, while without Lake regula tion there will be sufficient supply That at the present time there are over 12,000 ( money for. further extensions o'C.Jthe cwlturallstj the-. lumbcrmarij'the. Stock Klamath Project untll.sueh storage! 'man,- theNDair)-man' and'ttte Slanu- facttirer iar J,ho way of-adequa"tS ficii ities' for'operation, that we must no't fiantf. bordering the Klamath r Irrigatjp. fhut our. ees to the .-facts 'or relax District, there are in-excess of;-2pV(KW our 'efforts to place this section In a irrigable- acres in various' proposed pfasltlon that will enable us to say t'd ji.,.1... n-A jt.lViiCla,?'1' -Af-T. lHJf.n4.fA nJ A iUn fn..nn uiDtrikio. uuo uinfcru;iM ui i, '(hose, industries, and to the investor mvesugaiuig in poteniiaiiiies oi'tnis county,--we are in a position to as ure""ybii" tHat Water 'and rfower are immediately' available"for yoUr oper-' ations .Then the third agency, in- creased'transportation facilities, will be Ins'lgbt". - " '" J. W. SIEMENS. mnm. . 1 - s:.u t' n.s '" RE X CAFE: MfsVIon Hlre Olives--- - California Almonds . 1 i'",' fclSW - ' ' ' Salnidh'-CUtlet", VI n Illdnc Sauce, Admiral Potatoes Parlsenne - i ., HaUd. a -- '' ' 1 Crisp Watercress .with Egg - -. .t Choice' of '' - Roast Klamath Young Turkey, Stuffed,' Glblet Ssuce, .Cranberry -Sauce Young Chicken Fricassee, Rex Stylo Raked Sugar Ciired Virginia Kara, Yorktown Supreme Chicken Patties', American Vegetables Cream Whipped Potatoes' " 'String Dean Saute' Choice of Yankee Pudding', Old South Sance Martha Washington Cake Washington Pie Coffee Tea Milk The first woman to be elected a school trustee in Canada was Mrs. The acres of tho Tule Lake lands which J J. R- Smith, of Brussels, In 1885. ,fr,;,.i,lH,--fr--H-- THE Liberty Presents "iww v, WILLIAM FARNUM IN Heart Strings mii I AVbbHht3MmebvI I A Big Sacrifice of Brother for Sister Sunday and Monday Special Showjs on Sunday starting at 1 p. m. 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p. m,. 7:00 p. m. and 9:00 p.m. V " J 11 l I '5i it,, 't j .a - " .v f. ijk ,-.', tim gy,- J ' v , .J. t i :(: j- ut-'t-'m.'' h H 'K ,1 A-'-' , ,'-'' 'AJltl7xJ3!tI). ihi. jj 4j$ - Atesfaat- ,i . Asm&rMsttmM & ?t ' 1 ab. tfl U11I..I -. J " .' -am i..i' jmmMtLmtimP'----- jiox, yti. j&,sm &&?&,