The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 21, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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HATt'nn.w. February 21, leao..
HP W 9RftjfvL.t
' '
lll'lCNOH AIJUCH, Jun. 20 (lly
Mnll). I'ollco guards luivo boon stn
tlonud to protect the offices of nows
pnpurH huru against vlotunt manifes
tations of polltlrnl imrtlHonM during
the present political campaign for the
loctlon of mmiibors of tlio House of
Deputies. Tho office of ono nowspap
or rocontly wnii stoned by paradors
from a political mooting and lu small
or oltlou thoro havo boon several at
tacks upon nownpapers. In two of
those cases tho offlccH worn wrecked
SIIBPFIRLD, Kng Fob. 4. (Hy
1Mall).Thls city Is said to bo tho
first In England to produco moving
Dicturos to ndvortlso It activities,
ricturos of tlio, stool manufncturlnR
processes for which Shofflold Is fam
ous, will bo sent to tho Unltod State,
Canada and South America, Manches
ter, Glasgow, I.lvorpool and lllrm
Inglinm havo all embarked on a simi
lar ontorprlso.
V. - 'r
Oiflcrcnf'Colors of Piper
4lny butlntmnhave aiytUm ol using
SMtanl colors oi paper for different printed
tiotms, thus dittinguUhing ack form by
a ts color.
"Wo can work this system out for you, iteiaf
dkm Utility Business Paper, and you will
ad that it saves you time and money.
tt us show you the advantage 'of 'stand
ardixinf your paper and your printing.
W. O. Smith Printing Co.
Phono 03 110 South Fourth St.
J. H. Garrett & Son
Automobile Experts
522-538 S. Sixth St
When at last Spring
arrives, you will wish
that you had fixed your
car sooner; so we are
suggesting that you
bring it in to us to-day
and let our expert me
chanics start to work on
it. We have a modern
and complete repair
shop and can assure you
of service and depend
able work.
jOVVVVVVVVMMVirsMrfrifia i i ,
to drive n truck and nnothor
to know how to load It. In
addition to I10I111; competent
cliiuilToiiri), our moil nro ox
porlonrcd In tlio hnndllnj:
mid delivery of cnscu and
packages. Try us and lot
uu prove It
Western Transfer Co.
701! Main
riioni! 187; Hon. 2(1011
IIUKN08 AIHKS, Jan. 20. (lly
Mall) As voyagorH entering the har
bor of tho groatost city of North
America behold tho majestic Statuo
of Liberty, so within the present
year thonu coming to tho greatest
city of South America will behold n
majestic sentinel, n towerluR statuo
of Christopher Columbus.
Tho monument of the groat nnrl
Rator will not, like tho Liberty statue
In Now York, stand In tho haibor.
for IlucnoH AlroH tins no reul harbor,
but will rise nearly 100 hundred feet
In helRht from a point nenr the wut
or'H cdRO. Tho site selected Is In the
broad I'asoo Colon, In front of the
Government House, whence the stat
ue will overlook the beautiful I'laza
Colon and tho wide expanse of the
Iltvor Pluto as It enters the ocean.
Representing 10 years' labor of the
Amaldo Zocchl, appropriately a nat
ho of tho country In which tlio dls
'co vol or ot America was born, the
monument goodwill, bo
tho artist's workshop in Home, to
Uuonos Aires, according to recent- nd
viceg, Tho imago of tho navigator Is
Itsojf 22 foot high carved out of n
single block of marblo. 'It will there
fore lutvo to .bo brought over lu one
filoco. , -
Critics who have visited the sculp
tor's workshop recently and soon tho
work, virtually completed, writo that,
for symbolic beauty nnd grandeur ot
proportions, tho monumonf will be
ono of the roost Impressive In tho
'"Too column supporting the statue
of tho navigator is placed upon an
ample socio covered with sculptured
scenes and figures" says a Rome cor
icspondont ot La Razofi. "Tho front
part of the socle Is the bow ot a Latin
ship about to bo launched Into tho
sea by four youths with naked torsos
bent with effort. Tho scono repre
sents tho start of tho caravels ot Col
umbus from tho port of 1'ulos, Spain.
"High up on the bow ot the vessel
Is the flguro of Civilization, In tho
togn of a Roman matron, she extends
with naked arm tho torch whlch-ll-lumlncs
tho new lands and toward
which n youth besldo her Genius
gazes with Inspired countenance
"From this baso rises the podestal,
slender as tho tower ot a light-house,
and on Its summit, straight and up
standing, In his hands a navigation
chart half unfolded, towers abovo all
tho yet youthful figure ot Christo
pher Columbus.
NOME, Alaska, Doc. 1. (BY DOG
TEAM MAIL) Touring movies will
bo displayed at towns and Indian set
tlements In tho lowor Yukon Valloy
during tho half-light winter by two
Nomo mon who loft hero recently
with n dog team nnd a moving pic
ture outfit. They Intended to set up
their show nt every camp on tho
frozon rivor. Whenovor tho white re
sidents or natives havo no monoy for
admissions, tho "theater" will tnko
furs for tho door fees.
I am propared to do plowing with
a Holt caterpillar and eight gang
pIowb, See mo for prices. J. H,
Ramos, Klamath Falls, Oro.
you get our moats. Our
refrigerator Is maintained
At a uniformly low tempera
ture day and night the year
round, and aall moats hero
are kept fresh, tender,, Juicy
and appetizing. Our roasts
ot beef, Iamb, veal, mutton,
etc., are of superior quality
at all times. Order a "first
cut" from us today.
Pfaoae M "-' "
tion by Congress of an oxecutlvo
budget system Is oxpected by many
to lead to tho reorganisation of tho
executive branch of tho government
no as to include the addition of at
loust one, nnd probably more, now
udmlulHtratlvo departments, presided
over by cabinet officers. Tho Imme
diate extent ot this reorganization
will depend largely upon whethor
Congress adopts tho budget plan con
tained In tho Good bill, passed last
October by tho House, or tho plan
contained In tho McCormlck bill
upou which the Senate select com
mittee on the budgot has Just con
eluded its hearings.
Under the Good plan no new do
Dartment would bo created In the
executive branch ot the government
and nono Is In vlow, although If the
Good bill becomes a law there would
be created In the executlvo branch, of
the government a new Independent
bureau. This would be known as the
bureau of the budget and would be
located In tho office of the President.
The Good bill also proposes an inde
pendent auditing and accounting de
partment, but In no way responsible
to the executive branch of tho gov
ernment, Representative Good hav
ing In view an organization of
accountants and other experts re
sponsible solely to Congress arid free
of criticism from the executive
The Senate bill, sponsored by
Senator Medlll McCormlck, also does
not creato any now executive depart
ments , The proTWr8xetOTWrnotthc
McCormlck plan, ho wcvorvvwlllf de
pend largely. In the opinion of ex
ports on budgetary .procedure, upon
a thorough reorganization, of tho oxo
ctitivo branch of tho .government so
as to Jead to the establishment ot
ut Jcast ono new executive depart
ment presided over vby a 'cabinet
officer. This would'Ue'known. as the
department of public works.
That largo spending committees of
tho House at least are convinced of
tho urgent need for heavy reductions
in annual federal expenditures was
Indicated when the annual rirer and"
harbor appropriation bill was placed
on tho calendar for the consideration
by the committee of tho whole. Es
timates transmitted to Congress
requested tho appropriation of more
than $42,000,000 for the fiscal year
ot 1921 for Internal waterways and
harbor Improvements. The House
committee on rivers and harbors has
roported put a bill, carrying only
$12,000,000,' representing a cut of
about 71 per cent. Tho bill roported
allowed only $7,000,000 of Its total
for expenditure upon existing pro
jects nnd the remainder for the
maintenance ot already completed
projects, thereby not allowing a cent
of money for any now projects. It
seems doubtful that It will bo sub
stantially added to by tho House be
fore it Is finally passed and sent to
tho Senate.
Tho Senate budget plan, as con
tained in the McCormlck bill, speci
fically provided that tho secretary of
the treasury, whom tho McCormlck
bill makes responsible for tho pre
paration ot the budget, shall not
have any powor to' revise tho es
timates of expenditure for river and
harbor improvements. Section 13 of
tho bill says that the secretary of
war shall annually submit tho budget
estimates referring to these Im
provements to the secretary of tho
troasurey, "to bo incorporated by
him, without chango, into tho budget
which ho submits to the President."
Witnesses before tho Senate select
committee on tho budget criticized
this provision. River and harbor im
provements havo cost tho country
hundreds ot millions of dollars and
tho money spent has shown littlo or
no beneficial results. The "log
rolling" method of getting largo
sums from tho public purse to bo
spent in congressional districts has
long boon manifest in tho rlvors and
harbors bill, among a few othors.
Senator McCormlck stated that the
reason ho excluded estimates of ex
penditures for river and harbor im
provements from the secretary of the
treasury's power to revise depart
mental estimates, proposed in his
bill, was because "they are now sort
ot a lost child in the war depart
ment," Intimating that he believes
tho rivers and harbors of the country
should bo under the direct super
vision ot an individual department.
A department of public works was
recommended Jiy-Tnoma&nRLIll; ot
New "York, when ha testified before
the Senate ielctt committee on the
vtfryw. Kl&kr
An important
part of
every child's
be cleanliness
And keeping the throat and mouth and
nostrils clean is even more important than
seeing that the surface dirt on face and
hands is removed.
Children and some adults,
too should be taught to
brush their teeth correctly-
from the gums upward and
from the gums downward,
not across the teeth. Then
they should use a reliable
astringent mouth wash and
gargle. When you use
tuDi aim
you use a zinc chloride anti
septic mouth wash astrin
gent, healing and deodorant
useful for pyorrhea, catarrh,
tonsilitis, sore throat and as a
preventive for contagion.
ThU puarantee appear! on tvery
PUROLA package: The Blumaver
Frank Laboratoritt and the drug
gift uho told you thit preparation
guarantee It to the tatti faction. If
it ihnuld not, return It to the dnif
tet from tehom It ww purthated.
He vill cheerfully refund the price
vo paid for It. PUBOLA. Prepara
tion tntut tatlify.
PraparaJ aa4 CSsaraataW
budget. He also recommended a de
partment ot education and a depart
ment of public health. Mr. LIU a
tew years ago reorganized the Mexi
can financial system.
Ogden'L. Mills of New York rec
ommended, when ho ppeared before
the Senate select committee on the
budget, that a department of admin
istration, presided over by a cabinet
officer, be established. Ho deterred
to the views ot Senator McCormlck,
however, that such a department
would hardly be necessary It tho
secretary of tho treasury is mado a
true fiscal officer, as his bill proposes,
given tho machinery with which to
adequately prepare the nation's an
nual financial program.
The keynote of what an executive
budget system would mean to the
organization of tho oxecutlvo branch
of the government was sounded dur
ing the hearings of tho House select
committee on the budget last Sep
tember. Assistant Secretary of the
Navy Franklin D. .Roosevelt said, ln,wh,ch ,a goIng to do the ,ntectuai
endorsing tho adoption ot tho sys
tem, that ho looked to it as "tho
opening wedge" that would eventu
ally bring about a reorganization of
the executive branch. Later develop
ments havo revealed to the exponents
of a budget system that this reor
ganization will not alone include the
co-ordination of tho executlvo estab
lishments but also perhaps tho insti
tution of at least one new executive
department to supervise the coun
try's rivers and harbors, public
buildings and grounds, and all other
public works.
The first woman to hold office as
a United States commissioner and
examiner in chancory was Mrs.
Marllla M. Rlcker, tho well-known
suffrage leader of New Hampshire,
whair.eqelTdthe appointment from
the supreme court ot the District ot
Pl Cj ra jti.'M
LONDON, Feb. 2. (By -Mnll). Vis
count Grey of Falloden Uld the
American Rhodes scaolars who cross
ed the ocean as fellow passongors
with him on the Adriatic on his ic
turn from his post as Ambassador to
Washington the: he hoped in time
British scholars would go to Ameri
can and Canadian universities as they
were going to Oxford.
''I believe the more association ot
this kind there Is the more tto coun
tries will find points of agreement
with each other," he declarod.
"Ynu hnlnncr let thn pennrnHnn.1
work and shape the thought and pol
icy ot the United States and Canada
in the coming years. You will meet
at Oxford some ot those who are
going to do the same for Great Brit
ain. It you form some such friend
ships with British undergraduates
and they with you, they will do some
thing to help the countries on each
Side ot the Atlantic to understand
each other, to keep In touch and to
like each other. It was tho Idea of
Cecil Rhodes that they should work
together. This he believed to bo for
their own interest and for that of
t,he world. Many ot us think that Is
true and believe that the thing most
necessary is for the loading minds
of each country to become acquainted
with those of the others."
Anyway, they can't blame Charles
W, MurphyforraeT boss'pf tbe'Cubs,
for the many baseball squabbles now
being aired la the big leagues.
wa r
Hi -pQROtA : I s A&:'
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 6. (By Mail).
American capitalists are reported
to be planning for the development Ot
cotton growing in the Laguna dis
trict in the State ot Coahulla. This
district has grown large crops ot cot
ton for many years. It Is understooft
also that the Americans .will plant
thousands of acres In Tamaullpaa to
wheat. The government Is said te
look with favor on these projects.
IE DH 1R '"
Grandmother kept her hair beautU
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with woa-j
derful effect. By asking at any drug:
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulpha
Compound,' you will get a large bot
tle of this old-time recipe, improve
by the addition ot other ingredient,
all ready to use, for about 50 cenUk.
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color a4.
beauty to the hair.
A well known downtown druggist'
says everybody uses Wyeths Sage aa
Sulphur Compound now because ta
darkens so naturally and evenly tha
nobody can tell it has been applied"
it's so easy to use, too. You slmpjf.,
dampen a comb or soft brush !
draw It through your hair, taking oa
strand at a time. By mornlag ta
gray hair disappears; after another
application or two, U U. restored-to Un
natural color and looks glosay, t.
and beautiful.