The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 21, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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yyjVJijVArVVVw" i w
Jewel Cafe
jl njuujVu-","iii !' jjjjj
Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00
Chicken Noodle Soup
Dill Tickles Rlpo Olives
Beet Salad
Halibut Steak, Maltro d'Hotel
Pineapple Fritters, Natural Sauce
Choico of
Chicken Fricassee, Steamed Dumplings
Roast Young Turkey, Sago Dressing
Creamed Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower
Choice of
Cottage Pudding, Mince or Pumpkin Pio
Tea Coffco Milk
if' a
nsigj ' "
Domestic JJcience department I
Conttuctcef A'
Mrs.JSefeDe Gmf
Jtomcstic Seieticv Arrcfor
610 MAIN ST.
-O Mr. Farnum never hns appeared In
I a more affecting love story than .Is
i "Heart Strings." It Is n story of self-
Admirers of William Farnam evl-f sacrifice through devotion for his sis
dwitly have a great treat awaiting; ter, for, when fame seems within his
them in his newest picture, "Heart' Grasp as a struggling musician, ho
Strings." which comes to the Liberty elves up all for her,
Theatre on Sunday. From the rough,
Btout-hearted man of the Duanes, the
brave adventurous soldier-sailor off
The scenes are laid in n little vil
I lage in Quebec and In New York city.
j The picture, it Is said, has been finely
"Wings of the Morning,"1 he changes directed by J. Gordon Edwards. In
, ,- ...... ......,. j .....
iu u aiuiiue. icuucr-ueitrieu juuuk
musician whole life and whose whole
heart arc wrapped up inhls little sis
ter. It presents this fine actor in a
character that should win at once the
love of all who follow It'through the
scenes of love ond devotion, of sacri
fice and righteous revenge. v
the supporting company are Betty
Hllburn, who plays the part of the
sister; Gladys Coburn, ns leading
woman; Paul Cazeneuve, Robert
Cain, Rowland G. Edwards and Kate
Best yet Herald Want Ad.
i tl5VW
are now on display. We invite
your early inspection. Hat
Shapes that are worthy of their'
name, priced
$1.75 to $5.00:
. Our line of Trimmings is large,
-which injures a selection that
will conform ,in quality equal to,
your hat.
5-10-15-25c Store
419 Main Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Your Family Will Relish Home-Made Small Cakes
and Cookies
Attractive small cakes and cookies, a shout of cake, each onn should bn
may bo easily made nt homo and will) dipped In a glazo beforo Icing, Make
be found very desirable to oorve nt j this with one-half cup of sugar, pour
small Informal evening supper nndUner It ono-hnlf cup of hot water;
for children's parties. The differentiate until dissolved and boll until It
household departments can supply n forms a hard ball when dropped In
large variety of attractive little pans cold water. Cool slightly and dip
In which to bake these rakes, also nil each cako In the syrup. When dry Ice
sorts of shapes In cookto cutters and deco'rate.
many of theso tu designs especially, Very attractlo cakes are made by
suited to children. lining patty pans or muffin tins with
Tho ordinary shallow muffin tins rt K,i pHStry, coloring thu bottom
may bo used for many of theso cakes, 0f pastry with Jam or marmalade,
or the cake batter mny he poured In then pouring over that either a
n largo baking pan and tho small sponge or other cake mixture. Nar
cakes cut from that, in diamonds, r0V strips of pastry may bo placed
squares, or oblongs. Cookie cutters across tho top of the cake In lattice
or a sharp knife can be used to cut fashion, then Imku.
the cake In the various shapes deslr-' There Is an endless variety of theso
ed. I attractive small cakes, and 1 1 1 1 a
1 standard cako recipe, a llttlo tlmu
innd originality, success Is assured
Any standard cako reclpo can bo j
used for thin llttlo cnkes7 Pound ""H"'. "mpil
cake keeps well and if iced on touiSIim"1 V"U,'H '"nl
with chocolate, pink or white Icing' Thoro nro three types of cookies i
these cakes will make very attractive ro,u(1 dropped and sproail cookies
gifts. Tho dovira food cako formula loc(, cooUus nro n vory Btlff lloURn
enn be baked in muffin pans nnil nm, should be thoroughly chilled bo
when cool remove a portion of tho foro rolng nnt, cuttlnB. TluJ. ,. be
center. Fill this space with orange cut nn). desired shape and decorated
marmalade, then cover tho top wlthiwh rilillR. , or r,m,ii.i
chocolate icing. i
Bako spongo cake In muffin pan; I topped cookies aro thick batters
when cool Ice. split hnlf way open and,n"a nro topped franm spoon In well
fill with whipped cream, sweetened seised " lt two Inches apart,
or flavored, or with a cooked French , sread cookles nrc , lhlck but'
crenm filling. Cut a thin slice off the tor nml UHUttll cln or short-
top, removo a smnll portion of the "'" "'"" u,u' """ "'"f
5 J Any Standard Cake
llrrlm. Miiv ltt Um-iI
The Government Took Over
The Possession and Management
ot certain QUASI-publlc concerns, and, with tho asslstnnco of a
largo part ot tho previously formed orgnnUntlons, rcnlUod somo
success In operation, but nil a total result tho uxporlmont was a
failure. Kvory day that pusses furnishes uvldonco to Justify this
assertion. Tho property and businesses tnfccil over linvo boon or
will be returned to tho owners for tho real reason, It not admitted,
that tho undertakings were too big and complicated for now nnd
unexperienced chiefs to manage. What tho results of this experi
ment will bo as to tho future value of the properties no ouo can,
with accuracy, predict. It cannot ho entirely satisfactory to tho
owners or, for some years nt loast, to tho general public.
There was clearly demonstrated during' tho wor thti vnluo and
practical bonellt of private mnungement as compared with public
management. If It bo snld that government (or municipal) conduct
ot business lias sometimes beun successful, tho auswor Is that tho
same business In thu hands of prlvatv, responsible Individuals, with
capital and success at stake, would have resulted more favorably.
California-Oregon Power Co.
center, fill with whipped cream. Ibc 8Prclul ln ono 8hl'l on n ceased
snrend a laver of whlooed cream over cookle nnn- Whun b5l " ar u
the top. replace the slice of cake and!1" wares and rolled while hot. This
sprinkle powdered sugar over tho
top, or the top slice, which was re
moved, may be Iced before replacing
Instructions Given for
Preparation of Glaze
When making the little cakes from
Is more easily accomplished near the
oven, for It the dough cools It cannot
bo rolled.
Filled cookies are made by putting
two cookies together with a fruit and
nut filling between and pressing the
edges firmly together, then bake.
Note All measurements are level
and flour is sifted once beforo meas
uring, A half-pint measuring cup Is
j Spongo Cakes
Ever Tried Any of These?
Confectioner's Icing
Threo tablespoons boiling water,
enough powdered sugar to make of
a conslstenc'y to spread.
This Icing Is to be used to Ice the
mix well; ndd dry materials, raisins
and nuts. Chill and then roll out and
cut In any desired shupe. Hake In n
moderntu oven.
(Ingvr Bread , )
One-third cup molted butter or It Is Not Possible to Build a
This is the Tire
substitute, one cup brown sugar, one
half cup molasses, one egg, two cups
flour, ono-hnlf cup sour milk, one
half teaspoon soda, one teaspoon bak
ing powder, ono teaspoon cinnamon,
ono teaspoon salt, two teaspoons gin
ger. Hent egg, add sugar, gradually
and continue to beat. Sift dry In
gredients, add alternately with sour
milk to egg mixture. Add molasses,
melted shortening, mix well nnd Pour
In well greased pan and bake In n
moderate oven. When baked cover
top with marshmallows, return to
oven until marshmallows are melted.
Cut In squares and serve.
Better Tire
No Better Material
No Better Workmanship
No More Scientific Construction-Can
Enter Into the Manu
facture of a Tire than you get
When. You Pul Goodyear;
on Your, Car. .
Three egg yolks, three egg whites, tops of cakes. Fruit Juices or hot
halfcup sugar, half cup flour, hilifvcoffee.mny replace tlP bo'llp.g watwr
teaspoon lemon, one-eiglith teaspoon nlnn dSrterrnt fru't colorings, may Jim'
("salt, half teaspoon vanilla. used to add arlety. f
Sift flour and bull. beat olk un- t ,,,,. c
til uiitK and Jemuu culoitd. Add tug- i
:ar gradually, Dealing well. beat ' "" h " v-....M.
UhitP. nt ...r until tiff ..n.i fni.i in "locoiate. one teaspoon uutter, one
alternately and carefully with the aml one-hn,t fufs P ear.
Hour. Bake In a very moderate oten one--ln,ru cuv uomnB wnler'
ln uugreased
pARMING and lumbering are two industries of the
Klamath country which will develop in greater pro
portion by the support and co-operation of everybody
and everything.
The First National is banking headquarters for much
,j ot that class ot business and is doing Its sharo to make
l-r It prosper.
K. R. Rcnmes, President
Jolin SI, Moore, Vlcc-Prcsldeni
A. M. Collier, Vice-President
Leslie Rogers, Cashier
E. S. Vcutch,, Asst. Oishlcr
Lloyd Ii. I'ortcr, Asst. Cashier
pans. Invert pans to
Melt chocolate and butter over hot
wnier. When melted add sugar and
hot water. Mix until smooth. Vanilla
Baking Powder flavoring, cinnamon nnd chopped
Sponge Cakes walnuts mar be added.
v i ------
mk ann Ann i annnn lnmnn
, ui:q 66., " .v-wu ,, ,LUlc Iound Cakp
one cup sugar, one teaspoon vanilla, ,
three tablespoon., water, one . cup One-half cup butter, one cup flour.
flour, one teaspoon baking powtlerne-hnlf CUD "' one teaspoon
Sift flour and baking powder.
.Beat eggs until very light, add sugar
vanlllq,-three eggs.
Cream butter until
gradually,, beating well, then water BU8ar gradually, beating well; beat
... . . .. ... . 'eccR Hpiinrntnlv. Add linaten velks:
and flavoring and flour, Bake In a
jnedium oven In greased pans.
Htundard Cako
Half cup shortening, two cups
fold, in stiffly beaten whites; then
fold ln flour and add flavoring. This
batter will mako little cakes or drop
ped from a teaspoon on a cookie shoot
flour, one and one-third cups sugar, j several Inches apart mako tho vory
two teaspoons baking powder, three 'nicest of cookies.
n mm ...lib- .m ..... Mint'
UgfeD, 11U11 kUf 111111 Ul nillVl, uuo
teaspoon each lemon and vnnllln.
Sift flour and baking powder.
Cream shortening well. Add sugar
gradually, mixing until all Is creamy.
Add eggs unbeaten ono at a time,
beating each egg in well before add-
Threo egg whites, ono cup sugar,
one teaspoon vnnllln.
Beat eggs until very stiff; odd'
sugar gradually, beating well or until
mlxturo will hold Its shnpo. Flavor
m another. Add flour and i,oui,i , mid shnpo with n pastry hnB or spoon
alternately, beginning with flour, I on II 1,onrd or ',an covore1 wlth ,,oav'r
inlzlnir wall: flavor. Half of this mlx-H'r Hllshtljr greased. Bako about 30
turo will mako a dozen small cakes. I mlnutoa ln a vcry sIow ovo- Coot
The flavoring may be changed, glv-iand removo from 1)a"er-
I .- ..,. t ,.., rnl.lri fln!r, , .. I. ,.!-. l I
iiifS vuiici Atua wunu may uu ujjiuuu
or hulf dup of linely chopped nut
meats may be added. Hako in Binall
. i i r
"WASHINGTON, Fob. 21. The
eastern section of the country and1
the Mississippi valloy sustain damage
by forest fires fnr In excess ot that
In tbn wrst, great as is the devasta
t'on of t'mlmr In thnt region, th'e
forcht Korvlrn announces. With an
avctnpc annual 'loss over a period of
'htuu carB amoiinilng to 120,727,
917, tho region lying east and south'
ot Ohio, Kentucky and Tenncsseo
sustained 32 per cent of the damage
In tho Mississippi valloy, excluslvo of
Mississippi state, the" annual nvcrago
damage was 61 per cent of tho' total.
uQb' Mil
Tlie cost In no moro
I linn you jmy for many
Inferior tire.
IIKIiVKUIi There Ik.
no Kxtrn Charge.
Imperial Garage
ririne i:to-
('udear Hrrvlce
These facts are cited to show tho
great need of more efficient flre-
i preservation measures," east ns well
.as west. The reports Indicate that
1 fhft erenfftnt nnmlinr nf flroa riri.
This nverage for the Mississippi val-',nr,'t . ;Pm ,,,,' lir.w
ley, Includes tho unusually heavy
losses In Minnesota In 1918, which I
alone aggregated 128,000,000.
and by railroads.
A Herald Want Ad will sell It.
Thrift and
ft ' t ( ". ri
Sfo Tirst National Bank
cake tins ln a moderate oven.
Cl.ocolato Cukes
First Part One-third cup short
ening, ono and one-third cups sugar,
two-thirds cup milk, two cups flour,
three teaspoons baking powder, one-
half teaspoon ground cinnamon, one
teaspoon vanilla.
Second Part Two squares of un
sweetened chocolate melted, one
quarter cup sugar, onotlilnl cup
Melt chocolate, add suga,r and milk
and cook until thick; cool. Sift flour,
baking powder and cinnamon. Cream
shortening, add one-halt tho sugur,
SiiKftr Cookies
One-half cup,shortenIng, two teas
poons baking powder, one cup sugar,
two eggs, ono teaspoon vanilla, ono
and three-fourths cups flour.
Cream shortening; add sugar gra
dually, beaten eggs, then flour sifted
with bakln povdor. Chill; roll on
board to about a quarter of an Inch'
thick cut with a doughnut cutter,
brush over with unbeaten- whlto of
egg, sprinkle with sugar-and bake,
One-half cup shortening, two eggs,
one cup brown sugar, two and one
half cups flour, one-half teaspoon
salt, one-quarter teaspoon soda, one
teaspoon cinnamon, ono teaspoon
baking powder, one teaspoon nut
mixing until creamy. Beat egg until meg,, ono-half teaspoon cloves, one
light, odd rest of sugar and combine cup raisins, seedless, ono-half cup
mixtures. Add flour and milk alter-, walnuts, chonnod.
natoly, beating well. Flavor, add
cooked chocolate mixture and hake'fn
small greased- tins, r ,
Cream shortening, add sugar. Sift
all remaining dry Ingredients.' Add
woll-beaton eggs to butter and sugar;1
Little Things
Who are the men and women that
become masters over great things?
They are those who first of all become
masters over little things.
Dollar bills and silver climes are only
little things, so little that they often
trickle away in eveiy direction and
yet they have formed the solid foun
dation for many a comfortable income
through the following slogan :
Start a Savings Account today.
First State &
Savings Bank