The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 20, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, FKIIKUAUY 20, 1020.
(Continued from page ."!)
K. J. Chapman, Justice foes
St. vs .lolin Don (L. Robin
son 4.20
N. J. Chapman, Justlco tecs
St vs D. Naur Boniiuin 10.90
A. I.. Green. Coiistablo fees
St. vs B. Nour Bonnnin
If J. Chapman, Justlco fee
St. vs J. A. McLaln
A. 1.. Green, oonstablo fees
8t vs J. A Mclean
N. J. Chapman. Justlco fees
St vs Gray Chamberlain.
Bulck, et al
H S. Wilson, constable fees
St vs Oray Chamberlain,
Bulck. et nl
N. J. Chapman. Justice fees
St vs B. F. Shepherd
K J. Chnpman. Justice fees
St. vs C. P. Holt
N J. Chapman. Justice fees
St. vs Sid Frailer
E. I Thompson, witness,
State vs. Sid Frailer
Mrs. E. L. Thompson, wit
ness. Stnte vs. Sid Frailer
A M. Shidlor. witness, State
vs. Sid Frazicr l-'
"Walter Cofer. witness, btate
vs. Sid Frazier
Jlrs. Clara Lake, witness.
State vs. Sid Frailer
E. V. Lake, witness. State
vs. Sid Frazier
N. J. Chapman, justlco. State
vs. Ray Walker
J. W. Hilton, constable, State
vs. Ray Walker -
If. J. Chapman, justice, State
vs. "Wm. Simms 14.05
J. II, Freddlnburg. witness.
State vs. Wm. Simms 1.70
3ercy Haskins, witness. State
vs. Wm. Simms 1.70
Trod Haskins. witness, State
vs. Wm. Simms 1-70
Grant Pope, witness. State
vs. "Wm. Sim tit's 1-70
"W. H. True, witness. State
vs. Win. Simms 1.70
C. Soloman, witness. State
vs. Wm. Simms 1.70
Wrein True, witness, State
vs. Wm. Simms 1.70
Earl Whttlock, coroner's ex
amination, body of P.
Jackson Crogan 11.00
Roberts & Whitmore, county
aid 33.43
Oxceto Welding Works, re
pairing vault, Clerk's otlice 2.25
The following road claims were
allowed and the Clerk instructed to
draw warrants on the Road Fund for
the respective ameunts:
T. L. JucksOn. county roads.. $ 9.00
C.K. Blacksmith .Shop, sup-,
plies and repairs, " county
Toads '. S2.54
Southern Oregon Automobile
Co., supplies and repairs,
county roads G7.20
TheiGun Store, rent on boots,
Prowto Tank 9.00
Southern Oregon Automobile
Co., supplies and repairs,
county road3 49.74
Oxceto Welding Works, sup
plies and repairs, county
roads, trucks . . 15. S5
Ford Garage, supplies and re
pairs, county roads, July
and August 126.16
Whereupon Court adjourned to
meet Wednesday, September 11,
Wednesday, Sept. l'l, 1919.
Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment, when were present Commis
sioners Burrell Short and Asa
Fordyce, when the fcllowing pro
ceedings were had, to-wlt:
?n the matter of the cancellation of
Current ExpeS3 Warrant No.
. 1936: Order.
11 appearing to the Court upon in
vestigation tl at Current Expense
Warrant No. 1936, drawn in favor of
"W. O. Snwth Printing Co. for print
ing for the Klamath County High
School should hare been drawn and
ordered drawn from the High School
It Is therefore hereby ordered that
Current Expense Warrant No. 1936
"be and the same Is hereby cancelled.
and Clerk is instructed to cancel the
Eat lees meat, also take glass of
Salts before eating
IJrie acid In meat excltc3 the kid
neys, they become overworked; get
fslugglsh, ache, and feel like lumps
jot lead. The urine becomes cloudy;
Jhe bladder Is irritated, and you,
jnay be obliged to seek relief two or
jthree times during the night. When
,th'e kidneys, clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous
waste or you'll be a real sick person
ahortly. At first you feel a dull
misery In the kidney region, you
Buffer from backache, 'sick headache,
dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue
coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when tho weather Is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of
water; also get from any phar
macist four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoon in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days ana
your kidneys will then act fine.
(This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with Hthia, and has been used
lor generations to clean clogged kid
jieys and stimulate them to normal
activity, also to neutralize the acids
fn urine, so it no longer is a source
of Irritation, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot
Injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent llthla-water drink which overy-
one snooia taxe now ana tnen to
Jceep the kidneys clean and active.
BDrngKlsta here say they sell lots of
Uad Salta to folks who believe In
orertomlng' kidney trouble while It
same and place In tho flies with
other cnnrclled warrants
Done September 10, 1919.
BURRELL SIldftT, Contm.
The following current expense
claims wore allowed it ml tho Clerk
Instructed to draw warrants on the
Current Expense Fund for the re
spective ameunts:
Underwood Drug Co.. sun
dries. Clerk's otllco ? 17.35
Undorwocd Drug Co.. sun
dries. Sheriff' office 3.S5
I. O. O. F. Assn.. rout Dlst.
Atty. office 30.00
Klamnth .Superior. Laundry.
laundry, county Jail
Wstorn rnlon. services
county officials 94.5
The following road claims wore
allowed and the Clork Instructed to
draw warrants on tho Road Fund for
the respective amcunts:
Hen Callett. labor. Co. roads,
Ft. KlamatU-Aspen Lake....? 7S.00
t.. n. Jackson, labor. Co
roads. Merrllt-Mldlnnd .... 250.00
Andrew Jackson, labor. Co.
Roads. Merrill-Midland .... 77.00
Earl Jackson, labor. Co.
roads. Merrill-Midland .... 70.00
Charles Jackson, labor. Co,
roads. Merrill-Midland SO. 50
Vnmiim Jackson, labor, Co
roads. Merrill-Midland .... 70.00
Wlllnnl Jnckson. labor. Co
roads. Merrill-Midland 3.50
E. D. Briscoe, labor. Co
roads. Ft. Klamath Agency 91.00
nini I.onsolv. labor. Co.
roads. Ft. Klamath Agency 6.00
C. M. Briscce. labor. Co.
roads. Ft. Klamath Agency 21.00
Jim Wllev. labor. Co. roads.
Ft. Klamath Agency 3.00
Bert Nelson, labor. Co. roads.
Ft. Klamath Agency 9.00
Jack Rrlscoe. labor. Co.
roads. Ft. Klamath Agency 6.00
Carl Nelson, labor, Co. 'roads,
Ft. Klamath Agency 3.00
Auto Supply Houso, spark
plugs, truck 3.00
Perrin Dixon, labor, Co.
roads 34.00
Roy Dixon, labor. Co. roads.. 34.00
The following library claims wero
allowed and the Clerk Instructed to
draw warrants on the Library Fund
for the respective ameunt:
Underwood Drug Co.. sun
dries, library $ 2.10
Whereupon Court adjourned to
meet Saturday. September 13, 1919.
Saturday, September 13, 1919.
Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment, when were present Commis
sioners Burrell Short and Asa
Fordyce, when the following pro
ceedings were had. to-wlt:
The following current expense
claims were.allqwed and,, the Clerk
instructed. to) 'draw warrants! on the.
Current Expense 'Fuhd'tor-the re
spective ameunts:
Pac Tel. &. Tel. Co., ser
vices, Co. officials k $
Mrs. L. B. Hague, . typing,
road- petitions ,....-.,'.....
Bruce Heuston, rabbit bounty
The following road claims
2. SO
allowed and the Clerk instructed to
draw warrants on the Road Fund for
the respective ameunts:
Baldwin Hardware Co., sup
plies. Co. roads. July $ 18.43
Baldwin Hardware Co., sup
plies, Co. reads, August....
Coast Culvert & Flume Co.,
culverts, Co. roads 1
Bryant Mountain Sawmill
Co.. lumber, Co. roads 136.00
Klamath Auto & Machine
Works, repair Co. trucks..
Tom Dixon, cash advanced,
-freight, express
Union Oil Co., gas, oil, etc.
Co 122.17
The following library claims were
allowed and the Clerk Instructed to
draw warrants on the Library Fund
for the respective ameunt:
Baldwin Hardware Co., sup
plies, Co. library $ 2.55
Whereupon Court adjourned to
meet Monday, September 15, 1919.
Monday, September 15, 1919.
Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment, when were present Hon. R. H
Bunnell, Judge, and Burrell Short
and Asa Fordyce, Commissioners,
when the following proceedings were
had, to-wit:
In the matter of the road between
Klamath Falls and the reservation
Resolved, that this Court recom
mends that the standard width of
the macadam road to be placed on
that portion of The Dalles-California
Highway extending from Klamath
Falls to the reservation line be
changed from a width of twelve (12)
feet, as heretofore planned, to a
standard width of sixteen (16) feet,
R. H. BUNNELL, Judge.
Whereupon Court adjourned to
meet September 16, 1919.
Tuesday, September ,16, 1919,
Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment, when were present Hon. R. H.
Bunnell, Judge, and Burrell Short,
Commissioner, when the following
proceedings were had, to-wlt:
In tho matter of Frank Smith, an
Indigent person.
This matter coming on at this
time to be heard upon the applica
tion of Frank Smith for funds to pay
his faro and expense to Humboldt
Countv. Calif., for the nurnosn nf
living with relatives tho rest of his!
It appearing to the Court that tho
said Frank Smith Is without funds
and that it would bo to tho best In
terest of Klamath County that the
said Frank Smith should bo allowed
to go to Humboldt County, Calif.,
tnoro to live;
It IB therefore hereby ordered that
a warrant be drawn on the Current
Expense Fund in the sum of $25.00
In favor of Frank Smith to pay his
tare to itumDoiat county, calif.
R. H. BUNNELL, Judge.
In the matter of Petition of Ethel
M. Rahn and Louis N. Rahn of
Klamath County for alteration of
Swan Lake Rqad.
Be It remembered, that term of
the Honorable County Court of
Klamath County, State ot Oregon,
begun and held at the Court House
In Klamath Falls, .in said County, on
the 16th day of September, A. D,
i9i, huu iium uay iu uuy inere-
(lliur it ll 1 141 s nit itniiiiiuoiivu vi nit tii
Present! Hon. R H. Bunnell,
piv tinieii. itnn Burrell Short.
CommisMone i. Hon. t. H. Hup.
01ThV 'oUowmg 'ffiSKS
The follow lug proceedings
bad. to-wlt
In Ihoiunltee of Petition of Ethel
M. Rahn and Louis N. Uahn of
Klamath County Road Swan Lake.
On this day emtio Ethel M. Rahn
and Louis N. Rahn, who represents
to the Court the petition of himself
and 12 others, praying for said
Court to lay out. tiller and establish
a county road within wild County, on
ithp following Hue of route, as fol
lows, to-wlt:
At the point whore tho nbovo
north boundary line lutorsects the
rmiiro line and townshil) lino, at nr
near the southwest comer of the
northwest ounrter of the southwest ,
quarter of Section 30. T. 37. S. R. 10,
K. W. M; thonce north on said,
township and range lino a distance
ef approximately north 4 1 degrees,
east. 2970 feel more or less, to a
nolnt 30 feet north ot tho 40 lino
through tho north half or Section 19,
T. 37. S. R. 10. K. W. M.; thonce
east paralleling said north lino to n
point 30 feet north of corner ot tho
northeast quarter of tho NKV4 of
above said Section 19; thenco north
on the north lino for a distance of
three-quarters of a niilo, more or
less, to tho SW comer of tho SKU
of the NE,4 of Section IS, T. 37,
S. R. 10, E. W. M.; thence east ono
fourth mile, more or luss, to tho
quarter section comur on tho east
side of the abovw said Section IS;
thenco north half mllo, more or less,
to tho northeast corner ot tho nbovo
sold Section IS, and thoro terminate,
the nbovo location to be tho center
line of the road and said read to
have a width of sixty feet.
And It satisfactorily appearing to
the Court, from proof filed horeln.
that due notice ot tho pendency of
this proceeding has lioen given as by
i.iiv n'wiiii cu, iit.n uiuiw in,,., k v., v ,,,, twenty chains to too nuarter,ll,u ouufcll"wow u.i.mhj, ami im, uinui
of said petitioners aro legal frco- conu)r on tho Township lino between Jwest quarter of tho southwest quar
holdora of this County, residing !nis.,(i Townships 10 and 4 1. said Range; tor ot section twenty-six, In township
the road district In which said road! ' , ., ,.. w . thince north 'thlrly-nlno south, rango twelve enst
is tb be located, and that n good mid
sufficient bond has been fllod.
It Is therefore ordered by tho
Court, that Robert Emmltt and G.
P. Van Riper be appointed viewers.
and C. T. Darley surveyor, and that
they meet on the 19th day of Sep
tember. 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and
i case of their fulluro to meet oni
:ild day. then within flvo days thero-
after, to survey, view, lay out. alter
or straighten out or re-establish tho
monuments, and dualy qualify within
flvo days thereafter, and enter upon
the discharge of their duties In this
(Sd.) R. H. BUNNELL,
county Jiuige.
Tho following
current expense
claims wore allowed and tho Clerk
instructed to draw warrants on the
Current Expense Fund for the re
spective ameunts:
Frank Smith, transportation
to Humboldt Co.. Calif $ 25.00
Patrick Co., sundries, Sher
iff's office 1.10
Baldwin Hardware Co., sun
dries. Clerk's office 5.75 i
Geo. Sparreton, rabbit bounty 10.90.
G. C. Lorenz, plumbing
Court House .50 I
The following road claims wero
allowed and the Clerk instructed to
draw warrants on the Road Fund for
the respective ameunts:
S. P. Co.. demurrage on cars
of bridge steel $ 20.40
Judge Short, services, county
roads (Odessa) 17.&0
Baldwin Hardware Co., sup
plies, roads
G. C. Lorenz, supplies, roads
S. H. White & Son, repair,
Co. trucks
T. E. McLeod, labor, Co.
trucks 60.00
W. D. Fraln, labor, Co. roads
(Topsy) 21.50
Whereupon Court adjourned to
meet Saturday, September 20, 1919.
Saturday, September 20, 1919.
Court met pursuant to ndjourn
ment, when were present the Hon. R.
H. Bunnell, Judge, and Burrell
Short and Asa Fordyce, Commis
sioners, when tho following pro
ceedings were had, to-wlt:
In the matter of the Petition ot A
E. Gale et al for a road across
Langell Valley.
On this day came A. E. Gale et al,
who presents to the Court tho peti
tion ot himself and 12 others, pray
ing for a county road as follows, to
wlt: Beginning at the corner common
to Section 34 and 35, Township 39,
S. Range 12, E. Willamette Meri
dian, and Sections 2 and 3, Town
ship 40 S., Range 13, E. Willamette
Meridian, said point of beginning be
ing on what is known as the
"Lorella" road, now established;
thence south on the lino common to
Sections '2 and 3 and 10 and 11,
Township 40 S Range 13, E. W. M.,
to tho one quarter common to tho
said Sections 10 and 11; thence west
of subdivision line 80 rods; thence
south on subdivision line 160 rods to
tho south boundary line of said Sec
tion 10; thence west 160 rods along
tho south boundary line ot said Sec
tion 10 to tho terminus of said road,
being a point on the present estab
lished road known as tho "West Side
Langell Valley Road," at tho south
west corner of tho SEU of tho SWM
of said Section 10, Township 40 S
Range 13 East Willamette Morldian
And it satisfactorily appearing to
tho Court, from proof fllod herein,
that due notice of tho pendency of
this proceeding has been given as by
law required; that more than twelvo
of said petitioners are legal free
holders of this County, residing in
the road district In which said peti
tioners are legal freeholders of this
County, residing In the Road District
In which said road is to be located,
and that a good and sufficient bond
has been filed.
It Is therefore ordered by the
Court, that A. L. Marshall and Fred
Busoslng bo appointed viewers, and
C. T. Darley surveyor, and that they
meet on the 26th day of September,
itfj.v, at a o ciock a. m., or in case
of their failure, to 'meet 'on said-day,
then within' Ave '.days thereafter, to,
i it in1 iMiui v ii iii i in 1 1 iv" onui' in
I Oregon tor Kl un'vtti County
In tho Matter of Tho Organisation of
To u, llom,rn,,(, County Court ot
Iowh That they propose tho or-
gnulr.atlon oi an Irrlgnttnn district, to
bo known is I'aiier.son Irrigation Dis
trict, unib'i the provisions of Chapter
357, I.tiws of Oregon for tho year
1917 A. D.
That Hie boundaries of the said
proposed iirlgutlou d. strict are us
Beginning at a point rop'ose'itlnn
the North West Corner of the south
East Quarter, of tho south West Quar
ter, (SWV, ot SWU ) ot section Twen
ty Nine (29). In Township Forty.
I'jni .,,,, i, ,.r iimm t'l.ivnn fill
RM of ,,, williunotto Morldlnu.
Klamath, Oregon, thence oust
,, s.,,,i NUU,iivlslon line. Olio nod
one-Half miles to the North Kst
corrr r tl0 South West quarter or
t10 st Knst naurtcr of section 2S.
... ..,., T0wllHt,ln and rango; Thence
South Forty Cholns. thence ICost
twenty chains, thenco south twentv
chains to the M cornor on the sec
tion line botweon 33 or 31, said Tp.
and range; Thonco east twenty
chains. Thenco South sixty chains,
moro or less to tho South East Cor
nor of Lot numbered 4 of section 3,
In Township 41 south of Range ele
ven (11), E. W. M. In Klamath Coun
ty, Oregon; Thenco West twenty
chains to tho section lino botwoan
sections 3 and 4, In said township
nud range; thonco south to at or near
the South Hast cornor of suction 4
In said Township and Range, wnoro
said line Intersects tho north Hue of
the right ot wny of what Is known as
the Adams Cnnnl. Thence northerly
and westerly aloug tho north bound
ary of tho snld Adams ("anal to a
point twenty chains west of tho liast
lino ot Soction 5. In said Township,
nml r:inirn! llionc.i north to tho North
t,0U,l(jUry of said Township; thence
........ -w. - . - - - ... - ,--.
through Section 32, Township Forty,
South of Range 11 Enst. distant Sixty
chains; thonco West twenty chains;
thonco North Forty chains to place of
That your potltlonors constitute n
majority of tho owners of said land
nnini.pnllv n , (1 It, nrmflPii ntlil lllflt
(, susceptible ot Irrigation.
T, . v(jur .)otltl(mur3 proposo tho
organization of said district to pro
vide for tho construction of works
for, tho Irrigation of sumo and tor
tho' purchase, operation or mainten
ance of works nlrouily constructed,
I aim lur im uM.iiiuiiHiuu ,i -uui jiuu
or guarantor of Indebtedness on ac-
rmml of (1,strlct InmJs to thp United
, states under tho Federal Rocl.imntlon
Whereforo your petitioners pray
that said Irrigation district ba organ
ized under said Chapter 357 of tho
Lows of 1917 A. I).
J. L. Norton
J. Frank Adams
Walter Kjblson
Anton Klein
N. H. Hadley
James I.acoy
A. J. Deans
J. G. Patterson
Stnto of Oregon, Klamath County,
I, John G. Patterson being first
duly sworn, upon oath depose and
say, that I am one of the petitioners
I 'n the foregoing petition and thnt
oild petition Is truo as I verily bo
Subscribed and sworn to boforo
mo this 27th day of. Jan. 1920.
Notary Public Klamath County
My Commission expires Jan. 14th,
survey, view, lay out. alter or
straighten out or to ro-establlsh the
monuments, and duly quality within
flvo days thereafter, and enter upon
the discharge of their duties In this
R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge.
In the matter of Petition of J. F.
Gertson et al for a County Road.
On this day camo J. F. Gortson et
al, who presents to tho Court tho
petition of himself and 12 others,
praying tor a county road as follows,
Beginning at a point two rods west
of tho southeast corner of SAVVi of
SWY. Sec. 16, Tp. 40, S. R. 10,
E. W. M.; thonco north flvo rods;
thenco northwesterly in a straight
lino across said SWV4 of SWVi to
a point 25 rods north of southwest
corner of Sec. 16; thence continuing
northwesterly about 535 feet ncross
part of Lot 6, Sec. 17, Tp. 40 S., It.
10, E., to east end of bridge across
Griffith latoral.
And It satisfactorily appearing to
tho Court, from proof filed herein,
that duo notlco of tho pendency of
this proceeding has been given as by
law required, that moro than twelve
of said petitioners aro legal free
holders of this County, residing in
tho road district In which said road
Is to bo located, and that a good and
sufficient bond has been flled;
It is thoroforo ordered by the
Court, that w. B. Barks and J. E
Emman bo appolntod vie'wors, and
C. T. Darloy survoyor, and that they
moot on tho 26th day of Soptombor,
1919, at 9 o'clock a. m or In case
or inoir rauuro to moot on said day,
then within flvo days thereafter, to
uurvuy, view, lay out, alter or
straighton out or ro-establish tho
monuments and duly qualify within
flvo days thereafter, and entor upon
tho discharge of their duties In that
R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge.
The following road claims wore
allowed and tho Clerk Instructed, to
draw warrants on the Road Fund for
the respective amounts;
Loo Jardlne, labor on county
road $ 56.00
(Continued oa pas 7)
H'lHlly No. 1121.
i j i iii ij mn iiiuii
stni. Land Hoard of thu State ot
.. 1'lMlnt.ff,
Mury It I'uMsntt and William Has.
sett. Colin V. Dyinoiit, Frederick
W Camions mid Mary O. Car, and Jntiies A. linker, Do
To Mury R, Ilnssott mid William
PitNsett. Colin V. Dymeiit, Frederick
W. Coi'steim and Mary O. Camions,
mid .lti'iios A, linker, the nbovo
named defendants:
Mi are hereby Htimmoiiod mid re
quired to appear mid answer tho
complaint 111ml against you in tho
ilmve entitled suit within six wooks
r f .: in tho date of tho first publication
,r this summons In tho KvoiiIiik
Herald, 11 newspnpor, which said
dai h tho 30th day of January.
. H. 1920.
And you will tnko notice that If'
ou ran to appear ami answer, or
otliurwisn plead, within the said
time, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for tho rollot prayed for In lt
complaint, to-wit:
For Jiidgmont ngnlnst tho said de
fendants, Mary R. Bnssott and Wil
liam Bassett, tor tho Bum of $100.00.
with Interest upon tho said sum from
the 9th day of October, 1917, lit the
rnto of six par cont per annum, and
tho nddltlonal sum ot $100. no us at
torney's foosj nud for tho further
sum of $133. GO. with Interest oil
said sum from tho 4th day of Octo
ber, 1919, at tho rato of six por
cont per annum mid Its costs ami
dlsbiirsumonts heroin.
And for a decree of this court
foreclosing tho mortgage described
In the complaint filed In tho above
entitled suit, which mortgage Is upon
the following described real prop
erly, situated In Klamath County,
simo 01 urogen:
' ' SOUtllWCSt
quarter 01 the
1 southeast quarter; tho east half of
i itiiii...ii.. r-i.ii.... i ii...
,.r,.. irn.i.ii.... ,,
ui n iiiuuiuiiu iuui iuiiiii, iwhri'i"! ,
with all water rights appurtenant to
said land or to becomo appurtenant!
to said land during tho existence of
tho mortgage sued upon herein.
And ordorlng that tho said urop -
erty bo sold by tho sheriff of Klauimh
1 ouiiiy, urogou, in ino manner ny
law In cases of this kind provided.
and that tho proceeds of such sale
be appplled.
First: To the payment of tho costs
and expenses ot (ho snld nolo, audi
tho costs and expenses of this suit.
Secend: To the payment to this
plaintiff ot tho amount for which It
asks Judgment herein.
Third: That the balance, if any
thoro bo, bo deposited with tho clork
of this court for those entitled to It.
Thnt the court nlso decreo that nt
such sale any party to this suit may
bocomo the purchaser of any part or
all of said real property, and decreo
that Immediately upon tho purchase
ot said property the shorlff shall
placo the purchaser Into complete
possession of tho property so pur
chased ;
That the court also decreo and do -
claro that iilalntlff's lion unon nil of
tho said real property by vlrtuo of
said mortgage aforesaid is prior In
tlmo and superior in right to any
right, tltlo, Interest, cstnto or lieu
ot tho said defendants, Colin V. l)y-
ment, Frederick W. Carstcns and
Mary O. Carstens and James A.
Baker, or any porson or persons
claiming or to claim under the said
dofondants or either or any ot thorn.
And also decreo that all persons
claiming or to claim by, through or
under tho said dofondants, nud tho
defendants thomsolves shall be for
over barred and foreclosed of all
right, tltlo, estate, Interest mid lien
at law or in equity, and all equity
ot redemption In, to and upon tho
said real proporty, And every part
and parcel thereof, and that plain
tiff may have such other and further
relief as to equity shall seem meet.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of tho Honorable
D. V. Kuykondall, Judge of tho Cir
cuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
Klamath County, which ordor Is
dated January 28th, A. D. 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P, O. Address:
Loomis Building,
Klamnth Fulls, Oregon.
Notice Is horoby given that by vir
tue of an execution and Ordor of Salo
limed out ot tho Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, Klamath County,
on January 22, 1920, upon a Decree
made and entered January 16, 1920,
In fuvor of J. W. McCoy, plaintiff,
mid ugnlust Ernest M, Heppo, defend
ant, directing tho salo of tho proporty
hereinafter described, to satisfy the
sum of $757.8,7, and tho furthor sum
of $14,20 as plaintiff's costs mid dis
bursements Incurred in this suit, nnd
such further sum necessary to covor
expenses of judicial salo, I lutvo lov
lod upon tho proporty described as:
Situated in Klamath County, Oro
gon, tho Lots numbered Two, (2),
Threo (3), Four (4) and tho North
east quartor of tho northoast quar
ter of Soction Thirty-four (34),
Township Forty (40) South, Range
Nino (9) East of Willamette Mori
dlan, containing 120,99 ncrcB. And
will, on February 20, 1920, nt 10
o'clock In tho forenoon, at tho front
door of the Court House In Klamath
Falls, Oregon, sell at public auction
to tho highest bidder, for cash In
hand, subject to redemption accord
ing to law, all right, title and Inter
est of the abovo named defendant, In
and to the aforesaid roal proporty.
Dated: January 23, 1920.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
OEO. L, HUMPHREY, Shorlff.
By, nURT B-. HAWKINS, Deputy.
Best ret Herald Want Ada.
721) Main St.'
Jack Miinrou, Prop.
("Igam, Tobavro, Soft DiluM
Peel i'iikI llUllnriN
llaiber Shop In oCuiioi'llon
out .Meno
"Courtesy mid herileo"
Lot Your GLASS troubles
bo Mine
Rc-GInzing and Cabinet
Phono 477 W
Eleventh and l'inc
Billard; Parlor
MiikI rp.lo.D.ile llllllmil Pniior
In the I lly
ni(j.(; ki.viis
ci(!ARi:rri:s mui tobaccos
Courtesy nml Service our .Motto
Klamath Locfee No. 137
i w
- g g -,
I. vJ. U. r.
''" M-lday night of each woolc at
J. O. O. K. Imlt. &tli unil .Mutii atrcotH.
,")'" J" ;'r. '"" v., . v.. hi,
Secretary; W. I). Cofor, Treasurer.
Ewuiinn Encampment No. 46, I. O
O. F., moots Tuesday night of oachi
oek at I.O. O. F. hall. W. II. North,
" P.: ". I). Cofer, Scribe; Fred
i Hueslng, Treasurer
tho undersigned, as Administrator of
the estate of Richard Tarrant, de
ceased, has filed with tho County
Court of tho State of Oregon, for
Klamath County, his Final Account
of tho Administration of said Estate,
and that the said court has fixed
Monday, March 1, 1920 nt 2:30
o'clock p. m, as tho tlmo, and tho
County Court Room in tho court
hotiso at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as
1 "" P'co for iiouring o ojoctions. ir.
any. to said account mid tho sottlo-
iiiaut thereof.
JOHN BRETT. Administrator of
tho estate of Richard Tarrant,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon fur The County of KliuiintJi
In tho Matter ot The Organization ot
tho Patterson Irrigation District.
NOTICE Is haroby given that a
petition for tho organization of tho
Pattorson Irrigation District, to bo
organized under tho . provision of
Chapter 357 of tho Laws ot tho stnto
of Orogon for tho year 1917, will bo
presumed to the County Court of tho
stnto of Orogon for tho County of
Klamath, on tho 1st day of March,
1920 at tho county court houso lit
sutd county, nt 10 o'clock In .the foro
noon of snld day.
Dated February 2, 1920.
Timber Bale, Klamnth Indian Reiser.
vatlon. Sealed bids, In duplicate.
marked outsldo "Bid Eggsman Unit,"
and addressed to tho Superintendent.
Klumath Indian School, Klamath
Agency, Oregon, will bo rocolvotl
until twolvo o'clock noon, Pacific
tlmo, Thursday. March 11, 1920, for
tho purchase df tlmbor on 640 acros
ot tribal and allottod land on tho
Sprague Rlvor In Sections 22, 27 and
28, Township 34 South, Range 8
East of tho W. M Klamath Reser
vation. Tho salo comprises about
two and ono-hnlf million foot of yel
low pine, for which no bid ot loss
than threo dollars and ton cents
($3.10) por thousand foot will bo
considered. All tlmbor must bo ro
movod prior to July 1, 1921. Each
bid must bo nccompanlod by a certi
fied chock for ono thousand dollars,
payablo to tho Superintendent ot tho
Klamath Indian School. Doposlt
will bo retained as liquidated dam
ages if bidder fails to oxocuto con
tract and bond within sixty days
from acceptauco of bid. Tho right
to reject any and all bids is reserved.
Form of contract and other informa
tion may bo obtainod from Suporln
tondont. Washington, D. C Janu
ary 23, 1920. OATO SELLS, Com
missioner of Indian Affairs. 3-cod-28
Tho artificial breeding ot flsh was
n common Industry among tho an
cient Greoks and Romans.
The gorgoously colored wings of
buttorflles, mountod in gold or othor
metals, aro being used for Jewelry.
Upright wrinkles hotwoon the
oyos nrlso from worry and study, and
will usually bo seen on tho faces of
Flvo grammes of radium, about a
hoaped tablospoonful, and worth
$500,000, wero obtained from th '
old guns used lahe late'vrkr,
Phono 460
It o ("remit