Tiicttsn.vv, ri.nur.utv tt, tm;o. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A(JI0 TWO The Evening Herald JB. J. MU1UI.VY Kdtlor v n i: i) s o v u 1. Clly IMItor- Published dally, occpt Sumlay, by The Herald Publishing Company ot Klumiith Falls, at 116 Fourth Street Unterod at the postorilea at Klam ath Falls, Ore, for transmission thru the malls as s.econd-cIass mu'ter. Subscription tonus by until to any address In the United States Ono year .. $5 oo One. month 50 Member of the Associated Proxs. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tho uso for reiuibllcnttou of nil news dispatches credited to It or not otherwiso credited In this paper, nnd also local news published herein. All rights ot republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also reserved. ltl.'SOM'TIO.V DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urir.ntinc, often mean serious disorders. Tho world's standard remely for kidney, liver, bladder and uric cctd troubles GOLD MEDAL Ite.Mduthm Proposing to Change the t.rmto of Poi thins of Klghtli Street, Mfci-xmi Street tutil Lincoln Sheet 116 It resolved by tun City ot Klamath Falls that tho grades ot portion of nnld streets bo chuugod as follows- Present elovatlonsot Klght.h St. At WashliiRtou 170.00 At .lou'oison I03.ni) ? At Lincoln 217.00 At Ornnt , , ... At I'roapect 28r.00 ht contor line To bo changed to tho following tirades: tilflUTU ST. West Curb 170 00 17R.R0 13,1.00 101.00 2tr.no 210 GO Last Sidewalk 170. :10 Contor lino of Wnali, 103.00 10 1.00 211.00 210. GO THL'llSDAV, KI.imi'AKV ll, 1IK10. It is Just fifty years since the method ot grinding wood as raw ma terial for paper was introduced in the United States. Shlownlk Washington St., south Hue 170.00 Washington St., north lino 170.G0 Jefferson St., south lino . . 100.00 Jefferson St., north lino.... 107.00 Lincoln St., south lino. SIS DO Lincoln St., north lino , 223.00 btlnir quick rtllef nnd ofttn ward off !n0 ft. nortu of north lino dadly diseases. Known ns tho national of i.tucoln St 23-1.00 remedy cf Holland fi r moro than 203 years. AH druggists, in three bUm, LaaIc for II.M nam. f!.M Hf.l.t .... ...... I.-.. nd .cc.pt do tmit.tioa I Tho eastorly sidewalk on Eighth St. from Lincoln to Prospect to bo as follews: I At Mucoln Elevatlou 310 GO. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ibbbbbbbb FScMtrL a v. K. W iaBBV 4. P'-VH BBjBjBjBjB MpM ff.fiBMB-ww.jJB- BBpMipkHBBB 2.11.00 230.00 oa , ThoUCO the curbs to lmvo ft untronn grade of ir..r. per cont to a point i. nt .r'Fhl n"S,ps to Llghth St. opposite tho northeast corner of Highlit St land Prospect St. to elevation 284.00. Tho world's iatlwns ore estimated ut T.00.000 miles. No gold has been coined in Kng land since October, 1917. A man employed by n London firm of pencil-makers has worked on tho snnio machlno for skty-threo years. Impoit duties on butter yiold tho IlritMi Government an estimated an- inual profit ot moro that $1G,000,000. DIAMQUAUTY' W s f i "i?"" -Blovntlon 311.00 ;thon stops, C-C Inch risers, G-18 Inch & 1910 Plant 0ily Tf 5 N. i ft Tg? "-n i iimWMi a I k xjSf -v I . jf Ml? I flip 3 N- , IM Ml i1Wffl -hoU ' W f? ' "' Vii' r a?c5' y&VJ&XL& iii ""first Of Liflfe?! Alder miiw-Jitst?iiiii.' tfao,zv5tticru;rtt5aiS!ftv.fti EaBBBBMBsWBMBBMBBBlMBSBBBBBBBBBlMBBBB-SBMOiS BJPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpBBBBBBJBBJBBBJBJBBBKJBBBJBBJB. fclj.t ftfrWi.VifMy j-EL uSyjfyiY fit" JS bm-1 tccuuszv Tnc increased cost of farm ing makes necessary the careful selection of steds un proved varieties that produce profitable crops. A Safe Guide to Quality and Fair Price Our Seed Catalog and Planter's Guide is the standard reference for growers of the Northwest, listing our complete linesof beedTrcen and Plants. I-ertilirers. Poultry onJ 1! bupplin. ijprajs and Sprarrs. Dairy Supplies and uquipment Thss 2iands?ie boots. is more' shsru a diOk& IVs a true uidG 5o 107 5 K. (ram eofner of HIghth nnd Lincoln lClontlon 227.G0; then stops, 4-0 Inch risers. 3-18 lueh trond. 132.5 ft. from corner of Eighth nnd Lincoln novation 230. GO: then stops, l-G inch risers, 3-18 Inch troad. 100.0 It. from cornor of HIghth nnd Lincoln Elevation 23G.G0:.thun steps, 0-0 Inch Hsor, 8-13 trend. Southerly lino of Grant St. Elovatlon 210.00; then stops, 2-0 Inch risers 1-18 Inch tread. 13 tt. from southerly lino ot Grant Ulevntton 2G1.00. I2.G ft. from southerly lino ot Grant Ulovntlim 2GG.00: then stops, G-0 Inch risers, t-18 Inch trend. G7 ft. from southorly lino of Grout Kiovntlon 203. GO; then stops. 3-10 Inch risers, 2-1S Inch trend. CG ft. from southerly lino of Grant IClovalion 207. GO; then, stop-). 1G-6 inch risers, H-1G Inch troad. Tho westerly sidewalk on Eighth St. from Lincoln to Prospect to bo af follews: , corner of Eighth and Lincoln Sts.-BIovntloti 223.00; thonco, U0 ft. up Kighth Elovatlon 237.60; then stops, 0-0 Inch risers, G-1S Inch tlUUM 14S ft. up Eighth-troad. 100 ft. up Eighth Elovatlon 2IG.00; thon stops, 4-6 Inch risors, 3-1S inch trend. t 170 ft. up Eighth Elovatlon 217.00. 200 ft. up Eighth Elevation 203.00; then stops, S-G Inch risors, 7-1S Inch tread; level for G ft., thon stops, 7-G Inch risors, G-18 Inch tread; lovol Tor G.GG ft., then 7-G Inch risers, G-1S inch ttvad; lovol for 0 ft., thon steps, S-C Inch risors. 7rlS Inch tread. JEFFERSON ST. GRADES. North Slilnu-iill.- Joffcrson St. at 130 ft. cast of tho east lino ot Eighth St 1SG.30 LINCOLN ST. GKADES. Lincoln St. nt 100 ft. cast of tho oast lino of Eighth St . 202.GO 201.70 200.70 Stato of Oregon, County ot Klamath, City of Klamath Kails, ss: I. A. L. Leavitt, Pollco Jmlgo of tho City or Klamath Kalis, Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a duly onrolled copy of tho resolu tion adopted by tho common council on tho 20th dny of January, 1020, relative to changing certain grades on paits of Eighth, Lincoln, and Juffur son Streets. 10-20 A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judco. 1. 2. 3. 4. Curb 1SG.00 South Sidewalk 1SG.30 OUR POLICY Honesty of purpose. Purity of drugs. Prescriptions compounded promptly, accurately, nnd exactly as written by the physician. Guaranteed satisfaction to our customers. DISINFECTANTS l()ltM,l,li:ilVIU: ITMMUTOItH No No No No. 3 No I Sullhieut to fumigate IOOii cable feet -Sultlrleut to fumlKiit I GOD cubic feet 211 Sulllelent to flimlcalo 2000 ruble feet Slllllcleul to fumigate nilOll cubic reel Sultlileut to fumigate Goon ruble feet l :1.1c one 8,1c .1 lleuctol . Sulphur, Lysol pound :i()e and ijtl.UO Xoe J.le and Ode Carholln Acid. 3 ost U.le t'reollu, Pearxou . . JMIe, We Kormaldidide, I'lnt , 7.1c lKVKIt TIIEICMOMETEItS One Allnuto Guaranteed Accuiato 92.00 HOT WATEK llorii.Krl (liinruutccil Ono year Made In euu piece; 2tiurt sy.u.i PURE DRUGS Your Name should be on our Math-- ' ASK FOa CATALOG No K5Q SalMrooro SJ.Cwv Front anci Varnhai" Su. GLOSEQ GA SHOW FEATURE PORTLAND, Oro., Feb. 17. Ono ot tho features of tho coming big' Oil EurnlypliiH, 2 oz .. .. Camphorated Oil, 2 oz. Doboll's Solution, pint Aromatic Cascaru, 2 oz. TastelesH Epsom Salta TastelesH Castor Oil, 3 at. Spirits Camphor, 2 oz. . Peroxide ot llyilrognn, lb Witch Ma70l, pint .. Itochelle Salts, 3 oz. . Tincture Iodine, 1 ut Milk ot .Magnesia, 12 nt. :t.1e :i.1e :t.1e il.le J.V ilOc Kit- noe ,10e !J.1e :,1e .Ule HOME REMEDIES Mustard Ointment :t(c and (K)e lteMill Mentliolliu) Halm, 3-ur Jur . Wlc 1'iiealypliiM Cough Syrup, bottle :t.le and 7.1e Jii) lies HalHiim of Tar :t()e, HOe ItuMill Cherry Mark Cough Syrup . ... .fl()e I.iixatlM) Diomo Quliiluo. ilOe Weeks' Cold Tablets . . SJ.V l.lsterlno . . :iOe, (l()e, ijil.UO Aspirin Tablets, do. Hiker's Grippe Pills Hi-Mill AnalgcHlc Halm a.1e J.1e sou of closed car models. At least one- third, poihaps eeu one-halt of tho 17G models to bo shown, will bo of tho enclosed type. It doesn't requlro a vory long mem- 5V oiy to remember back to tho da)s when tho only closod automobiles In this part ot tho country were tuNlcnbs or costly limousines, ownership of which automatically rated a man ns u millionaire In thoso days (oiks on tho street used to speculate as to how much ho paid his chauffeur whon tho great man rolled by in his limouslno. I 111 t timp linvn plinni'oi! TsJnwn- . ..... . .. .... nv... -. Portland automobile show, tobo held dajs the.ro aro closed cars within in tho Ice Palace, Will bo tho dispia. reach of tho purse of even the vory Those prices do not include war lax The hrtJal Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly moderate Income And tho day when such a ehlclo could bo driven only by ti paid chauffeur in uniform also U I past. In tbe4o times tho closed car diler driven his own. i Thev uuko 'em In all sizes and stles now coupe, brougham. lc I torln, sedan and variations thereof, ! nil of which will be mi exhibition ut jtho Portland show In many different I makes of ears. And today tlie.elosed t' ih of automobile Is pushing the oi)on -ir hnrd In populurlty; so hard ti'at approxlmatoly 10 per cent of the entlro output of automobiles aro i now closed cars, with the tendency to i build een moro of that type. Tho leusuu for this tiend to the i rlosed ear Is easy to diagnose. The , closed uiitoniobllu combines comfort j with utility in a manner with which ( the open ear can never eouipoto Modern engineering methods have re I duced tho weight ot automobile cbas i sis and body to such an extent that it no longer Is necessary to mako a j closed cur wolgh half as much as a locomotive. In fact, tho latest models ! weigh surprisingly little more than the open cars and can go anywhere I th it an open car goes, w'th Infinitely linoio comfort in disagreeable uonthor. ! Tho number of entries of closed ' cars already mndo for thu Portland uu'omobllo show emphasize tho trend of the present day. Tho visitor to tho big show will tee, howovor, not only nil llio vory latest types of closed cars, but tho latest models of open tars, as woll. In all, GO dlfforont makes ot pas senger uutomoblles will bo on dis play, nnd 170 dlfferont modols. Still nnothor featuro of tho Port land show Is tho truck show hold in connection with It. For tho first time 1 on tho Pacific Coast, a show will bo 'devoted oxcIiiBioly to trucks. I Tho truck section of tho show will 'bo hold In the Portland Armory, only 1 a few blocks from the Ico Palaco, andjA one ucicui win uiimu ino uuurur in both shows without additional cost. 'Tlioro will bo GO different makes of trucks on display, and npptnxlmutoly loo dlfforont modols Don't ask for Crackers say Skcw Flakes t. .j iz-iuif .jir - . i, v - oj t&wjr' , .v-n " nx H Lonk f.tt iiu tt.d 111 tl vn all l; C. It. JUItu.;rs SOME MOKE 1. C. U PRODUCTS Annlr Liturl' Slmrt Itrcail An vi u.t Illbcuit A i.ttd Cukes llullrr'lhlii ClKi-sebai-ilwldi ( iTnannt Wufcia I iff sultana (iinfir Wfcr rJ II nev JuinLIn ,.iuu lir jutfi bullincriakcs Fresh from the Oven Crisp, light, daintily delicious crackers- salted just enough in other words-SNOW FLAKES! rnawruinuw In Canaila women aro eligible both for tho federal paillamcnt and t'u provincial legislatures. No woman luu. yet boon elected to tho Dominion parliament, but several have been ehoBon to seats in tho iaw-maklng dependent, was elected to the Alberta legislature In 1017, and In thu (mine year Miss Itobmta MacAdams was leturued by tho oversens Cunadlau f oices. Mis. llalph Smith was also elected in 1017 to tho Ilrltlsh Colum bia legislature, and Mrs. Hiimsden, bodies of thu different provinces, ju Liberal, was recently returned In Mrs. McKlnney, who stood as uu In-1 Saskatchewan. Fish Is tho star swfmnior of tho Nnv.il Academy. Tboy'io all groat iiwimmert). Iluving disposed of "IJabo" Ilutb, Presldont Krazeo now lias only 18 of tho lied Sox to sign up for tho coming season. ., .. . . . . . ,. .. A , A A A A A A A AAA1A1 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Vvl'TTI1 People's Market i KIOIIT OKK '1'IIK IOR j on get our meats. Our icfilgcrutoi' is maintained at u iiiilfoimly low tempera tine day and night the year ioiiihI, mid nail meats hero urn kept fresh, tender, juicy anil appetizing. Our roasts or beef, lamb, veal, mutton, etc., mo of superior quality at all times. Older a "llrst cut" fiom us today. Phono 8.1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ..J a. .........a V V V V V V V V V V V y V V V V V V V V V VVv V V V V V V V V V V V V Vvt7TVVVTtlTTiHr J-.