PAQH THREW "" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1020 '.i' i t ftv 4 ' Xv .J Lakeside Lumber Co. NELSON ROUNSEVELL, Mgr. & A MM. J Mi MM K M & MM K : 1 1 i 1 1 inniinrn w " ' man fltiuuatu Br DISCHARGE OF X Announce the Purchase of the Planing Mill and Lumber Business of J. F. Goeller & Son and are prepared to serve your wants in every line of planing mill work, promptly a ? Y T Y Y t ? Y f ? T ? Y 2 t Y T Y f t Y v DUBLIN, .tnn. 29. (Ily Mull). -DIsiiiIhhiiI of Sir Joseph liyrno, ttiu In Hpnclor (ionornt of tlio Hoyal Irish Constabulary, linn provoked an out cry In nil nurtloiiH of tlio IrlHh I'rca'a. Hlr Joseph Iiiib been at tlio head of tlio pollco xlnco tlio Irish rebellion, mid linn administered all tlio pollco measures taken io suppress tho Sinn Fain puity. IUh friends say that ho has novor disobeyed any government onto rglvon him. Nevertheless his dis missal Is treated ns If It were tho xacrlflco of a popular official. It Is no secret that ho disagreed with tho government on tho question of enforcing conscription for tho ar my Inst year, and reported strongly against thn possibility of its being carried out. There Is reason to sup poso also that tho various measures lately token for the protection of the pollco, tho arming them with bombs and so forth, seemed to him more likely to mako tho position of the HERALDS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 'in FOR SALE Miscellaneous! ,,I0NK Peyton for wood. 187 irnn uiii- ,,.,.. : T Wo are .offering on unusual value 1 Zlollr 5 "mi, fiU-imZSr (Ur,ne Car at ,r,CIrftWo'- KOFI BALK Used cars; 1910 Reo,! 1918 Ilulck Six, 1917 Elgin Slx.i Imperial Oarage, Phono 139. 13-tfi WANTED KOFI SALE About 30 tons firsl-U. ,..,,.,.. ,.. . class alfalfa hay in stack-near Mid- "lSVT""LI,?I,--Ve,Ve "" . ..w-.uv., s. UHimillAi I U UUU- lls. Salary $'80 a month year round; also living rooms, light, heat, water, fuol and uso of telephone. 14-tf land. Sco Chllcoto & Smith. CSS Main St. 13-10 FOR BALE One Ford Touring car In first-class running condition. Nowly painted, f3.ri0.00. Central gar age 13-tf FOlt SALE Dodge Car; good condi tion. Apply 438 Wash St. 11-1G , JOB WANTED By experienced ranch hand, competent to take charge; single man. References. Ad dress J. M Herald Offlco. 13-19 'V x Y. V V & .4 : Lakeside Lumber Co Mill and Yards. Klamath Ave. and Center Street Teleph one 128 pollco difficult and dangerous. Tho explanation of tho dismissal most widely current la that tho gov ernment contemplate further meas ures which would mako the police still moro of a military force, an1 possibly associate soldiers with thorn In thn execution o ftholr duties, anil that Sir Jospch Uyrne disapproved.. Among tho few supporters of the government the opinion prevails that tho dismissal 1s due to iiient of the government at tho fail uro or the police In the past three years to prevent, detect, and sec.ire tho punishment of crime. Crime, they say, has Incerased, and none of It Is detected. Nobody has been punished for any of tho outrages thai have takou place, and the identity of their authors remains a mystery. Ho the government dismisses tho head of the machine which has failed. I Y f Y I JL z f Y t t Y t Y Y Y Y V Icokwim aT FOIl SALE A double tlonal Cash register. Just llko new, Ilex Cafo. 12-tf WANTED A bronzo gobbler. Ad- drawor Na-j dress C. J. Bradbury. Dox 297. i-ia n FOIl SALE Ono used Ford, in ex cellent condition. See Horaco Shld lor, Cth St., between Main and Klam ath. 10-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE WANTED 2 green lumber pliers. Good wages guaranteed to good men. W. Hi Kltts, Dairy, Ore. 13-19 WANTED To engage a complete mill crow to start March '1st. flood wages to good men. W. H. Kltts, Dairy, Ore. 13-20 FOIl IIBNT Two-room apartment WANTED Dy man and wife, posl- for light housekeeping; also a gar-l tlon on a ranch, or take charge of ago. 1313 Main St.-Phone 471. ll-tf farm. August Bucher, Klamath Falls, Oro. 12-18 MISCELLANEOUS We are offering an. unusual valuo ,, T,St?rtn -a Iteo touring car at ,Cno. Ho.JSirW rr rag0- 1,J'1G Monthly payments rei In garago Ask for Silver Thistle Syrup. All grocers have it. 12-18 IIKi ROI.D STItlKK i Q$iQ&&&i"li&fr&HH$ uik;k itKoir. QENBVA, Switzerland, Jan. 2S. iUBy Mall) IJire numbora of Dol- BheTlit pamphlets,- urging a revolu tion is Swltxerland In 'tho hopo that lilt might ipread to neighboring coun ItrioateTa boaa' confiscated by the government. k Want Ada bring raaulta. Taking Into account tho powor al ready iisod or proposed to bo used, it Is estimated that the total water power in Jupuu wll lreach over 8, 600,000 horse-power. Tho total production of radium In the United Stales up to tho closo of 1918 la catlmatod at approximately CG grammes, which is understood to bo mora than half of all tho radium tho world baa produced. IIK80MJTION i 1 7 1 ' . nR IT RKSOLVGD by ibo Common Council of the City of Klamath Palis, Oregon, that tho grades on Pacific Torraco, a atreet in tho City of . Klamath Falls, shall be changed from tho grades now established to tho '"follewing: ,'f rr West Curbs -Southerly. lino of Huron 230.60 T South t Huron on westerly lino Pacific Torrace 230.00 (Huron on easterly lino Pacific Terrace 240.00 V West Curba Northerly line of Huron 234.20 Thence by Stations ' 60 ft. from Huron St 230.46 1 100 ft. fro'rt Huron St - 238.70 160 ft. from' Huron St - 241. 3G 200 ft. from Huron Bt ., 244.70 '. 260 ft. from' Huron St. 248.30 South line Earle St! 300 ft. from Huron St 262.00 k South SCarle on wosterly Una Pacific Torrace.. 263.00 Xarle on easterly lino Pacific Terrace 262.00 7 West Curbs Northerly Hn Earl'o Stroot 267.00 EThonce by Stations 60 ft. from north' lino of Earlo Street 260.00 100 ft. from north line of Earlo Street 262.00 160 ft. from north line of Earlo Street 263.00 176 ft. from-north line of Rarlo Street 263.30 200 ft. from north line of Earle Street j 260 ft. from north lino of Earlo Street .Bouth line Melroae,r300 ft 1 2660 M East Curbs South line Melrose, 300 ft....:"... - 267.00 :i North East Curbs 236.60 North 230.00 240.G East Curbs 240.90 243.33 245.75 248.18 250.60 253.40 257.00 North 263.50 262.50 East Curbs 262.60 265.80 208.20 269.80 Melrose on west line Pacific Terraco 265.60 Melrose on east line Pacific Terraco 276.50 jj .- ' . West Curbs Northerly line Melrose - 268.50 Thence by Stations '4 60 ft. from-north line of Melrose 271.00, f 270.50 271. 2G 272.50 West Curbs 272.00 South 265.50 275.60 Hast Curbs 273.40 V 100 ft. from north line of Melrose 273.40 -, 160 ft. from north line of Melrose;..: 276.30 v 200 ft. from north' line of Melrose 276.80 ' 260 ft. from north lino of Melrose 277.70 305 ft. front north lino of Melrose 278,00 South line Portland, 300 ft 277.60 tt . North Portland on west line Paclfla Terrace 276.00 Portland on east line Pacific Torrace...'. 286.50 g D West Curbs Sortherly line Portland - 275.40. North Esplanade on west line of Pacific Terrace - 263.00 " tate of Oregon, voumy ui mumum; Si I, A. L. L.eayltt( Pollco' Judge-of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Vo hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of tho Resolu tion adopted by-the Common Council on the 26th day ot( January, 1920, tttlatlre to changing certain' gredeaoh Pacific Terraco. 10-20 A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge 275. (TO 278.20 '280.60 282.60 283.80 284.20 284.00 South 275.50 286.00 East Curbs 281.60 South 263.00 ' STItlKK SKTTI.KD. FAIRBANKS, Alaska.. Jan. 23s (By Mall). Quartz development In tho NIoti Fork region, near the Kus- lllver. Is creating consider able excitement In the district, ac cording to special dispatches from Mcflrath, received here. The ledge, which propsectors saldJ was ono of the richest In Alaska, Is of granlto and Umo formation and Is IIONOMTMJ, r. If., Feb. C. (B j roportcd to bo four miles In length.- Wo are offering an unusual value In a Reo touring car at $550. Howie garage. 13-10 Printing, Stationery and offlco supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 12G Main St. 9-tf CITY OARBAOE When you garbage removed call 62J. want MONEY TO LOAN on old, aa well as new buildings. It you wish to Ixiy or build a home, com pari), total straight loan payment plan. Monthly payments requlr! ... pay off a $1,000.00 loan in 3 years J32 26 p-r mcrh 4 years 21.3G per Month 5 years,.. 2!.2t pe" month C years 18.52 par month 7 years ., 16.60 per month 8 years 16.17 per 'month Other amounts In the samo propor tion. The unpaid balance of principal may be paid at any tune. Pacific RuJldliur & Loan Ass'n J. II. DRlSCOLL, Agent. 7-tf Get the Genuine 0t2 and Avoid aSgftm5gJ L&iGF Economy ljSP '" v0y Cake CITATION' .Mall). Urantlng of a $25 quarterly bonus has untied u teamsters' and truck drlvora strike, which for moro than a week blocked cargo handling on the waterfront and glutted the whnrvoHj wRh delayed freight Drivers for tho Honolulu Construc tion and Drnylng company, refused moro wages, walked out. At tho end of a week they agreed to return to work at tho old scale, but with tho provision that teams showing speed and caro In handling freight would recolvo a $25 quarterly bouu3 to bo divldod between tho driver and his helper. Most of tho claims In the district havo been staked, according to word from Mcflrath. W'11,1, l-'I.V OVER ROCKIES. CAI.OARY, Alta, Feb. 1C. Cap tain Fred McCall, a former army avi ator, will attempt a non-stop flight across tho Rockies from Calgary to Vancouver, U. C, in tho early spring, bo announced recently. Ho will uso a Bristol machine, .capable of carrying two passengers and making a speed of 100 miles an hour, ho said. Ho linni in mnkn the trill In seven I hours. km-":":--j":":";":C":,,:"J,:"J,J',J,i Heels? Heels? Heels? Heels? i CUBAN WOOD LEATHER FIBRE METAL RUBBER OR ALUMINUM AUTOMATIC WE CAN PUT YOU ON A HEEL JUST LIKE THE ONE YOU HAD ON YOUR NEW SHOES QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO OUR PRICE MOST REASONABLE Bradley Shoe Store "The Foot Comfort Store" 727 MAIN STREET '44'''4wlHM4 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, In the matter of the Estate of Andy O'Malley, deceased. To the Unknown Heirs of Andy O'Malley, deceased: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the above entitled Court on March 6, 1920. at the hour of 2:30 o'clock, p. m , and then and thero to show cause, if any you nave, why an order Timber Sab-, Klamath Indian Rescr. spouiq not oe mane auinoming wai vnt Ion .--Sealed bids. In duplicate ter J- perklns, administrator of said marked outside "Bid Eggsman Unit." 1late ?. f:11 a Private sale, to the and addressed to tho Superintendent " nes,1 mouer lor casn in nana, ine Klamath Indian School, Klamatb " """"' ,c"' i"ijr .'""'"f l" Amnpv. nnn. win lm rnrir.ii tald estate, to-wit: Lot Five (5) of until twelve,,, o'clock noon. Pacific ;;'"K timo, Thursday, March 11, 3 920, fori The total annual income of weekly wage-earners in England has moro than doubled in the past four years. the purchase of timber on 640 acre! of tribal and allotted land on the Sprague River in Sections 22. 27 and 28, Township 34 South. Range J Seventeen (17) of North Klamath Falls Addltlon'to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Witness tho Honorable R. H. Bun nell, Judge of the above entitled Court, with the Beal thereof affixed East of tho W. M.. Klamath Reser- j thIs January 31st. 1920 (Seal.) By (iairett K. Van Riper, Deputy. 2-9-lCi23-30. vatlon. The salo comprises about two and one-half million feet of yel low pine, for which no bid of lea than three dollars and ten cent; . ($3.10) per thousand feet will be considered. All timber must bo re-1 in the Countv Court of the Statu nf moved prior to July 1. 1921. Each I nren-nn fnr Klnm.ith Pnnnfv, bid must bo accompanied by a certl-, in the Matter of tho Estate of Thom fled check for one thousand dollars I ig Drake, Deceased, payable to the Superintendent of the Notice of settlement of final ac Klamath Indian School. Deposit rnnnt nnrl nf IiphtIiip nf npfftlnn for will bo retained as liquidated dam ages If bidder fails to executo con tract and bond within sixty days from acceptance of bid. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved Form of contract and other Informa tion may bo obtained from Superin tendent. Washington, D. C. Janu ary 23, 1920. CATO SELLS, Com missioner of Indian Affairs.. 3-cod-28 fiHEST CLOGGED UP WITH HEAVY GOLD? Don't give it a chance to "set in" use Dr. King's New Discovery ' 'TUIAT- dangerous stage where n a cold or cough or caso of - grlppo might got tho better i If you may be nearer than you ; think. Prompt nctlou with Dr. 'King's New Discovery will avert n leig siege: J For fifty years It has loosened t- congested chests, dissipated tlght , packed phlegm, broken vicious colds aud coughs. Give it to tho young- siers tako It yourself. Thero will 1 be no disagreeable- nf tor-effects. ' i COe. nnd ?1.'20 a bottle. At your , druggist's. Glvo It a, trial. i ; Bowels Become Normal 5 liver livens up, bile Hows freely headache, biliousness, tonguc-rur, Biwnnch-sourne&s, disappear when ijDr. King's New Life Pills get in their natural, comfortnblo action. - Purgatives, never pleasantly cor Irectlve, sometimes hnbit-fonulng, should not bo taken to ruck the Hvslem violently. Naturo's way Is "tlio way of Dr. King's New Life .Tills gently but firmly functioning the bowels, eliminating tho lutes-tine-clogging waste, and promoting ,the most gratifying results. Cleanse lithe svstem with them and know tho tiboou of regular bowels. 23c. at all Ijjdrugglsts. i discharge. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned', as executrix of the estate of Thomas Drake, deceased, .has rend ered and presented for settlement, and filed in said court, her final ac count of the .administration of said estate, and a petition for her dis charge, and that tho 23rd day ef February, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. in tho court room of said court, at the court house, in Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, has been fixed by said court as the time and place for the settlement of said ac count and the bearing of said peti tion for" distribution and discharge, at which time and place any person Interested In said estate may appear and file exceptions in writing to the snid final accouht and contest the 8amo. and show cause, if any thero be, why a final distribution of said estate should not be ordered, and the executrix discharged. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1920. RUTH DRAKE Executrix of said Estate. 19-20-2-9-16 B. C. EXPORTS. 1919. TOTAL 52 MILLIONS VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb, 16. British Columbia exports of manu factured goods and raw materials during the last year totaled $52, 85G,225 in value, according to figures compiled by F. M. Ryder,' United, States consul general hero.. Exports in 1918 were valued at $37, 291,705, Mr. Ryder said. Lumber exports, Including logs, shingles, pulp and paper, were valued at $24,G87,488 during 1919', as compared with $13,240,765 io. 1918, according to Mr. Ryder's figures. "" Best yet. Horald Want Ada. aj ORDER NOW 4 h!f : H $ E E D 126 South Sixth St Phon 87