TAOH BIyVEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1020. b - BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS jjomestic Science Department AA'' " 'i-rf-M-iru-u-u-u-u-Lri KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 1040 MAIN ST. "u7 ituciccf hy FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 434W. X-Ilny Laboratory Loomla Uldg., HJunmin Fall Mrs.fleIeDe Graf Domestic Science Micctor J terry Flour Co. it 4 j I V m . i wrwnmirmam let Us Be Business Partner Your partner has a knowledge o your business and you look to him for advice and counsel on important matters. You are en- uueu 10 an tne Help he can give you. Do you cct a partner's help on youn printed -, matter? Do you get the most fionilliespecihjV lzed knowledge which we have regarding.' printing and paper, and above all (he service which a combination of Hie two can rehd?;.. Our job department lias every modern equip ment for doing work on rush orders. For letterheads, billheads, and all kinds of forms, we carry in stock, recommend and use - The Jtilily "Business Taper LetUs Serve You asaPaxstner W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO? Phone 93 1 19 South Fourth St. A Practical Dictionary for the Everyday Kitchen Tin flint essential to uniform re- Rule Applies lo suits In cookery Ih tlio knowledge of Nmffles mid Omelet "J g. - t,u' I"'0!'"'" methods to use and accur-1 This rule also mipllcR to souffles, Jk CJ ILJL X. Incy "f "u:aii,":""wnlH- Materials urn prune whip mid puffy omelets. Hut ' Ki.-iir4u iu uru vutviunsiy, uiiu unices extreme iigntness Ik desired, no miilter how good tlio Ingredients,' eggs do not need to bo beaten scpar If not .properly put together tlio fln-'ittely for muffin or waffle batters. By lulled product will not be a success. If folding and cutting, eggs are added llio housewife doVs not understand' carefully to tlio mixture, tlio batter measurements and tlio meaning of f being turned over the beaten eggs un the varloiiH terms used In cookery, til all have been folded In. If the eggs she will not bo ablo to combine mater- aro stirred or beaten Into tlio mlx- It'U.so tlicy will produce satisfactory, ture, tlio result will not be spongy results. All cook books and tested ro-jaiid light. This method seems to bo vipcs can ior measuring cups and lev- ono of the least understood. el measurements, und floud Is sifted Kneading Is applied to the manner onco .before measuring. This will in- in which stiff doughs are handled. sure uniform results, providing that This term usually refers to yeast oven heat and methods aro correct. ! mixture. After the Ingredients have A Mnndnrd measuring cup holds been mixed, the dough Is turned out Just one-half pint of liquid or half a on the molding hoard and kneaded. pound of butter or sugar, or one- This Is accomplished by slightly Jourth pound of flour. AHevolcupof flouring the hoard and hands, then" any material Is all tho cup will hold, one-half the dough is folded over the Fats should be packed solid or weigh- other half, pressing down with the er. Tlio cups are marked to Indicate,, ball of the hand. linlei. fourths, and thirds. ttnch kit- linking Ponder Dough men equipment should Include at Tho dough Is turned constantly least two of-thoso cups. I'hone 840-J 1122 Main tit. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cake. Cold Meat A Lunch Good. Ice Cream and Krnits. DR. I. C. A. IIAMBO Dentist O. O. F. Bnlldlnfj I'HONE 01 &r,n 11 r' HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station we handle tho Harlcv-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all othor Makes. Pennsylvania ana uiamona Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK 11B S. Oth St. Klamath Falls PRIVATE HOSPITAL Nqw Open for Maternity Coses Mr. Rosa McDanlels, 301 High St Phone 455 "BBjBjj"s'lMs3iMMBBnHfc,MBjJ sr i .. K hbjm m I lovtettd tht Tiri Sol Idta C. 8. Paltnl Wo. 10TIMO, Hfftembtr , lilt. 0 CutTireCosts withSturges Soles Bring us an old, worn tire like this c we'll cover it with a Sturges Tire Sole made of new, live rub-. Der, wiu aeavyi non-skid tread and you'll have the equal of a new tire, which looks like this, guaranteed for 6,000 miles. Sturgct Tift Sole re duce your Ut expense ont half. W apolj KLAMATH RUBBER A IiEATHER CO. iioa iri. a. . -....., um ot. x-nono uu I 0 PROSECUTION OF PROFITEERS COSTLY LONDON. Jan 2:1 (lly Jinll) 'Twenty-four convictions obtained ho- fore thu 1,900 nntl-proflteerlng trib unals hot up throughout Knglnml I have cost moio than 1,000 pounds each, Itwns declared by Cnptuin Wedgwood llenii In the House of Commons during discussion ofi pro- i pomiI to extend tlm I'rnflteorlng Act for nnothor period of six months. I Captain llenn summarized tho re j suits of tho act, during lis firsj six months of life, by stating: "Nineteen hundred committee? I tinVA Imnn 11 ttitlnffn.l 1 Oil mhhm havii' been heard ono case per com cem mittee: twenty-four convictions hare been obtalnod; 25,000 pounds has been spent. And the cost of living ban gono up!" Supporters of the hill argued that bIx months hnd not given tbo admin istrators of tht) law fAlr, opportunity of demonstrating ilts worth, Tho proposed extension of six months was voted. MenMirhiK Spoons Oiitnliiwl in Sets NOTICE We open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p.m. Many are tne good things we can show. A dollar saved is a dollar earn ed. In buying good times chean as you may learn, you will never bo in debt and have to skip if you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. dough is brought uppermost to fold 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St. over eacn time. Tins process Is con-1 tinned until tho dough Is smooth and ( Office Phono 177VV lies 177H Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon aWVWVWWWV 'and in this manner a new portion of J Measuring spoons come In sets con-i elistlc. Ilaklng powder or soda rals-l tninlng tnblespoons, half tablespoon, ed doughs should be kneaded ery teaspoon, half and quarter teaspoons, lightly If at all, otherwise they will The standard tablespoon or teaspoon 'not bo light. may be used, but bo hure measure-! Hulling is quite different from all mer.ts are level. j other processes, and Is used In mak- The term mixing Is a general one.lng pies, biscuits, cookies, dough and may mean Stirling, beating, : nuts, rolls, tarts, etc, Pastry should kneading, or folding and cutting, nc-rbo rolled and handled quickly, and cording to the dish under preparation , should always he rolled In one dlrec and tho quality and texture of thetion and tho rolling done as lightly materials to be used. Stirring is the ins possible. inoit general method used. Liquids are stirred while cooking, thin bat ters, such as pancakes, are mixed by Eggs and crumbs are used for cro quettes, fish and other foods cooked in deep fat. The food to be fried is IIVIIKR PIKlin Itt" EXPECTING BQOM SEATTLE, Wash., Fjb. 14. Hyder, Alasku, center of the Stewart Itiver mining properties, will become ,'a tont city rivaling Nomo-and other I. " ' . " '. . ..- , luinous -siriKO" towns, it tho ex' peeled spring influx of prospectors is J realized, nccordlng to JajpsWJ tys.- Donald, pioneer of tho Klondyjco, who was in Senttlo recently. "Tho world is going to see an 1 other tent city in tho spring," Mr. McDonald said. "Hydcr's future Is assured, and there is every Indica tion that when the snow goes off thousnands cf people will flock to tho llttlo town." Most of the newcomers will bo dis appointed, Mr. McDonald asserted. Hundreds of thorn are Ubed only to placer mining, whllo tho Stewart Itiver properties aro all hard rock. Tho district will not bo fully de veloped for llvo years, ho said. stlrlng with a spoon. Cereals, Jams. first dipped in fine bread or cracker snuces, etc., are all mixed by stirring.1 crumbs, then in eggs, and in the . . ... crumus a second time. The egg should be" slightly beaten and one tablespoon of cold water added: or the egg white slightly beaten hiay be Heating Method t'hed For I.lt;lit-ninj; Kjtk Heating Is the method used to llbt- en eggs, mix cakes, whipping cream, used Instead of the whole egg, etc. Heating, may be done with a ro- Molding Required lury, egg-oenier, lorn, egg wmp or Let your Glass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazing done in any part of the city E. C STUCK?. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W ' 1024 Main., DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residencei Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON1 Rooms 4 and 5 Phones I7W 1711 Rwnnoon Bldg. (Over Gun Store) .x..::::-::xx-h:-:k KATHERINE SCHLEEF Physician and Surgeon Office, White Bldg. MSHfraBHM, perforated wooden spoon. It using an egjfwhip, fork or wooden spoon, the mixture Is beaten to Incloso a quan tity of air. When using a rotary egg beater the' ingredients are well mix ed and light, but not nearly so much air Is beaten into the mixture as when uhing the egg whip. Folding and cutting are usually ap plied to the manner in which eggs are added to cake, muffin or waffle bat ters, souffles or putty. - omelets. Sponge cakes, madg without baking powder depend upon the 'air beaten Into the egg whites for lightness and texture, the air beaten into the eggs expanding with the heat of the oven, J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 617 Main St. Phenes: Office 160, Res. 1923 For Of ratine Dessert Molding la used.for charlotte russe, )y''wvw blancmange and gelatine desserts Foodi is poured into a wet mold or form, chilled and then turned, Into the serving dish. The form shoqld stand perfectly level during the. chill ing, and when ready to untnold ran a sharp knife or spatula around the edge, of the form, turn .over on a flat serving dish, shake the mold, or tap lightly, on the bottom. When the pud ding should unmold. The form should always be thoroughly wet and cold when the mixture is poured into it. Dipping the mold, in warm water for a second 1b another method of un-molding. Try These Tested Recipes I'otato Salad Bell potatoes without paring; then remove sums ana cut in cubes or ttllPOa' mflVo CI P.IIaIi J.nDnlnn nAA four eggs until light; add one-quarter T"""' " , , " """ "". "- jing ope tablespoon onion Juice; pour over potatoes nnd let stand an hour or more; when ready to serve arrange on lettuce leaves with a teaspoon of Scrnnibled Eggs And Cheese This is a good luncheon dish: Heat O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all 'stock ' placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND 8UBGEKT 206 I. O. O. F. Bids. i m I DEVELOPMENT I thick mayonnaise on top. Sprinkle the mayonnaise with capers or finely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Veal Cutlets Wipe cutlets with a damp cloth, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, eggs and crumbs. Melt fat and fry slowly until brown. Then pour 0 part of Oregon hns such possibilities of dovolopmont as tho Klamath Country. Wo huvu tho natural re sources, and tho energy to creuto tho artificial ones. It but remains to bo far-vlslonod and broad-minded. Where theru'B tho Will wo can supply tho Way to accom plish greater upbuilding. While Inokiiift Into the future, the Flrxt Nntlojiul Hank Is not by any menus neKlwtiiiK tho needs of tllO piChfllt. K. R, Ileanics, President John M. Moore, Vicc-Prcsidcni A. M. Collier, Vice-President Leslie Hogcts, Cashier 10. H. Watch, .Ust. Cashier Lloyd Ij. Portfi, Ast. Cutliiur 57?,? First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tenspoon snlt, a little paprika, four tablespoons milk; melt two table spoons butter, pour in egg mixture, stirring constantly. Just hefoie tnk- Ing from tho fire add one-third cup grated cheese. Servo on toast. Macaroni a In Italieiino Ono and one-hnlf cups macaroni broken In one-Inch pieces; cook un til tender in four cups boiling salted; over them ono and one-half cups of water; then dniln and rinso In cold ' stock or hot water. Place over a very water; make a sauce of two table- low fire and simmer gently until ten spoons butter, two tablespoons flour,! der. Thicken nnd season the stock for one-uau teaspoon sau, a uiiio pop-, a snuco to sorvo with the cutlets, per, ono cup of stock or ono cup hot HuKed Prunes wator nnd a bouillon cube, one-half cup tomato snuco; molt the butter, add flour, cook until smooth, then add stock nnd tomato; cook until thick; add macaroni and one-third cup grnted cheese. Lift macaroni with a fork nnd spoon, mix in the cheese thoroughly; ono-quartor cup soaked dried mushrooms may bo added to the fcauce. WWMWMWWWWWWWMWWMMWWWWWt DENTISTS Dr. E. & Wisec&rver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Jfer. Tnuz stit ao; i. o. 6. v. BMg Office phone MJ Res Phone MM Phenes: 151 J Office'. 151M .-Residence. DR. SQULE Office 4aoMaln Residence 1O0O Main SAW MILIi ENGINEERING si CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers 'and tmllders of mod-' era Saw MlUe; Planing iMUls, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals- andrenorts made. Dredging. We contract to bnlld any class' of a building 'and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Bine Prints made. PHONE 149J Office in K. D. Building "- --- -i i-i-i--iryi.inrinn.ru'ux . Hair Dressing. Shampooing, Manicuring, Face Massago Scalp Treatment by appointment SIRS. GILL Lee Apts., 5th and Walnut VWVWtlWVWWrWWMMMj KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do AU Kinds of Spring Repair- ; lng New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksml thing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 017 Klamath Ave. I r -AAAAAAAAVWWVVW ' a Wnsh a pound of prunes and soak for several hours in cold water. Place in a covered baking dish in the ovon, covering with tho water tho fruit was soaked in. Bake in a slow oven until tender, then add sugar to taste if necessary, return to oven and cook ten minutes. A little lemon or orange peol may be added to tho prunoa when put in the oven. HENRY SMITH Carpenter and Cabinet Maker 106 Main Street Phone 457 -... .... Mi'vAVftwvwwumjj I am now prepared to furnish J Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., , sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. VILLA STILL AT IT. rUJ3JSJX)am CHIHUAHUA CITY. Max., Fob. 14. Francisco Villa's porsonal com mand of approximately 50 or 60 men was reported recently as operating near his former headquartors at Sat evo, Chihuahua. Tho rebel leader woa believed to bo planning somo coup ngnlnbt what ho might consider n a vulnerable spot in tho foderal de fenses. Somo other bands of his followers woro said to ho scnttorod noar Parral, Santa Barbara, and in tho Palomas mountains noar OJInnga. Jesus Hodriguoz, chiof of a band of rebels operating near Jimenez, Chi huahua, was shot recently in an en counter with the home guards of that city, where his body was later placed on exhibition, it Is reported. CHINESE GETS MEDAL. TSINC1TO, China, Jnn. 5 (By Mall) Wnng Yu-sbnn, who was Laboror No. 15,333 of tho Chinese Labor Corps in France, ha? received the Meritori ous Service Modal. At tho risk of his life, ho extinguished a firo in an am munition dump near Marcolng, Franco In Juno 1919. A. MAURITSCH For Your Favorite Furniture Phone 176J 10 Main St CITY AND CO0NTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager Professional Pharmacy EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy Open Soon Fourth and Pine Streets In the Hospital BSSVsSBnBBSBBBSSSSSSBsBaHBSWQBZ