THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 1 rXtofc' Kocn. The Evening Herald b. j. MunnAr Editor FRED HOULK City Editor mXx:m The Mutual Life Published dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Comimny of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. Kntercd nt tho postofttco nt Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru , the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any. address In the United States: I One year . .. ."......$5.00 1 Ono month .................................. .50 i ' fiATTODAY, FEBflUAJlV 14, IMO. T " SLIGHTED . , X g Member of the Associated Ircs. ' The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thlsi paper, and also local news published heroin. i All rights of republication of spe-l clal dispatches herein aro also re-i served. 1 SATURDAY, FKIUll'AKY 14. 1020. EXPLORERS IF FOR BAFFIN LAND IN 1321 "&zMUUk & LjSk UH BOSTON, Feb. 14. Secrets of Baf fin Land, one of the portions of the Arctic still unexplored, will be the objective of the MacMIUan expedition "which Is in preparation now for de parture in the summer of 1921. Al though the region was visited sever al times before the Pilgrims crossed Evelyn and Lucille Frances cele brated their eleventh and eighth tfthe Atlantic to Cape Cod. Baffin Land I birthdays with a party Wednesday Miss American-'Why didn't they gtveyouadlstlnauishedservlcemedalF The Yetran-"It seems mine wasn't a distinguished service." Society rfma the point'of view of explorers 'and scientists Is still one of the rlch ittt and most alluring fields of re tearcn in the north. evening at their home. Til Oak street. The evening was spent in games, after which all .enjoyed a de licious Runner. Those nrecent were: lU.wbole western shore, more than . skiiiinrton. Mv and Mart l.ouu miles in leagia is- uni thruoij defined on the charts. 'Eskimo, have Georgia 'Whitman, Morris 'Elizabeth Powell, Crystal, Deffenback'er.' Helen Cofer", Francis Gllmore, Alma Vanable, George Banta, Charles Johnson, Elton and Vernon Frances, and Evelyn and Lucille Frances. '- told1 wonderful tales of vast lakes and towering mountains in the' In ferior but white men have never visit ed that section. Its flora and fauna aave never been studied; little is Tb- r m rf 4ia mnrAmflnte nt tliO ttrifll - wrents along its shores; and facts' M'9S l1 l0?0 f0""'0 Toast t0 K C' H' s" Scott Mc' ot geology, mineralogy and meteorol- t0 thve 500 cJ,ub' f whlch , she ' aKendree; "Them Compositions." the coming of scientific """'""' DU -luluu Dm.u6. .. Garrett Konop; to Miss Armstrong, There will be a us well us the to increase tho 1 their needlework. business meetlug social afternoon membership. St. Paul's Episcopal guild held a business and social afternoon at the White Pelican hotel Tuesday after noon. The class of 1920 of K. C. H. 8. 9 ? t t T t T ? t T t I Insurance Company of New York OLDEST IN AMERICA STRONGEST IN THE WORLD Largest margin of assets in excess of legal liabilities. No company more, economically managed today. No capital stock ; company belongs to the policy holders. Low net costs. Large dividends to policy holders. High cash and loan values. Our Policies Contain the Best that the T T" T T T r r T T T T T r T T r r T Science of Life Insurance has Yet Devised & T T T T Let us fix up your insurance needs. It's worth doing. Ask Office Phone 373 gave a party at the home of Mlssi itS Perl? FrlJa? cveo'B Febr fr$Mfr$M$fr $$& $ ary u, izy. aiums, caros ana' music filled the evening with joyous Geo. C. Ulrich District Manager "The Insurance Man" Office over First State aad Savings Bank Residence Phone 19SR VVTVt entertainment until a late hour, De licious refreshments wore served, durfng wbclh toasts were given, iilss Meta Chastain presiding as toaBt- mlstress. The toasts were as fol- ogy await observers. The party headed by Donald Mac Millan, Peary's Lieutenant on the ex pedition that reached the North Pole, plans to leave Boston about July 1, 1921, and to reach Baffin Land in less than a month, with good luck, high score was won by Miss Nellie McAndrews. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Those' present were the Misses Nellie and Calvin Peyton; to the Annual. Mar caret Upp; to "Smiles," Ledu Hur vey; to the boys, Lillle Jones. Those present were: Miss Arm- Esther McAndrews, Minnie Bnrnum. stronB faculty advIsor; Margaret Upp, Winnifred McCormick, Anna Waive Lytle, Drew, Elsie Fisher, Grace Gertrude Parker, Margaret Tho following winter will be spent on Johnston, Anna May Johnston, Mrs. the western shore in latitude 69. The rva Earnest and Miss Jennie John camp will probably be Just south of(ston the entrance of the dangerous Fury and Hecla strait where the ships ofj The regular meeting of the Mis Captains Parry and Lyon, seekers of slonary society of the Methodist anorthwestern passage, were blocked, church was held at the home of Mrs. a century ago. That Is 160 miles C. V. Fisher on Thursday afternoon, north of the Arctic Circle and 700 'After the regular business meeting miles south t)f Etah on the short ofj and the study of the missionary northwestern Greenland where Mac-, topics, a social hour was spent. Re Mlllan's Crockerland expedition pass-if reshments were served by the hostess. Miss Joy Evans entertained with a jolly masquerade party In honor of her birthday last Saturday even ing. All of the sixth grade at the Central school, of which she Is a member, were Invited. The evening ed four winters. During the winter attempts will be wade by dog teams to explore the coast northward and in the following summer the interior of the island will oe penetrated. The plans for the ex pedition call for an absence of two years from this country. In case a IknnnB in a ra Ann A (nr n Vnllnf ,uuBCi al, ucc.,. " waa 8pent In garaeB( a(ter which a expedition will be sent according todeHcJoHs supper wag tQ present arrangements. If the ship is is Tnoge nt vm crushed in the Ice, the party plans to DorrJg Ruth retreat by dog teams to Fort Church-1 ... ... ... ...,.. Helen Cofer, Maryellen Bradford, 111, the trading post at the foot of , ' ' ' '. , . , . . ... .Veronica McAndrews, Zepha and Hudson Bay and to return to civlll-i T , ,,,,,, ., .. . Jean Rogers, Walker Deer ng, Tom . Watt, Gordon Smith, Richard Bogue, m Basil Brown, Jennie Delzel, Dolores 1 North, Bonnie Lucas, Ward Mortell, HEAVY INVESTMENTS Meredith Hutchins, Chris Meredith, IN ENGLISH FIRMS Charles Johnston, Harry Wemey, mm LIddy, Gertrude and Slegrlfrled Von LONDON, Jan. 28. (By Mall.) Brekelstorf, Burge Mason Jr., Kan The enormous amount of money now ten Hamaker, Esther Veatch, Addle being put into new Industrial and.Jenklns' Florence Robin, Lena financial concerns in this country is Lewin. Goldle Lewln, Alsa Massey, shown by figures just published for the past six months. During that period 5,414 companies were regis tered in London, with a capital of 252,734,282, while those registered in Edinburgh and Dublin totalled 451 companies, with 13,260,400. , Of the above amount, textile and clothing companies absorbed 30, 000,000; mines, 24,000,000; ship ping,. 22,000,000; banks and fin ance, 22,000,000; oil, 20,000,000; motors, 18,000,000; engineering, X13.000.000; food, 14,000,000, and insurance, 1Q,000,000. CAIll) OF THANKS. I desire to extend my thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown by kind friends In my bereavement, thru the doath'of my husband, the Rev; M. (C. Rossman. MRS. M. C. ROSSMAN. Wont Ads bring results. Miss Bend, and Miss Nellie McAn drews. Mrs. R. C. Groesbeck, .Miss Augusta Parker and Miss Alta Ralph enter tained the Kedron club at the Pres byterian church on Tuesday evening. After the business meeting the evening was spent in needlework and conversation. Refreshments were served to the Misses Ruth Avery, Fannie Virgil, Avis McLaughlin, Waive Drew, Jennie and Anna May Johnston, Agusta Parker, Alta Ralph, Mrs. Bert C. Thomas, Mrs. W. S. Slough, Miss KIdd, and Mrs. R. C. Groesbeck. The ladies of the B. P. O. E. will hold the first of a series of enter tainments to bo given by the club which was recently formed by the ladles, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Cards will be the principal entertainment of the afternoon, but It Is expected that many will bring Hackland, Leda Harvey, Jean Perry, Meta Chastain, Lillle Jones, Esther Haines, Lucille Larkey, Wendall Lawrence, Martin Ramsby, Garrett Konop, Raymond Harlan, Calvin Peyton, Charles Yadon, James John ston, Scott McKendree. Mrs. Byron Hardenbrook enter tained at cards In her apartment h In the White building Monday night. Five hundred was played and .he prizes fell to Mrs. G. B. Cozad and Mrs. Everette Hardenbrook. The hostess served dainty refreshments at the close of the game. Those present were: Mesdames Lottie Martin, Glenn Jester, Harden Car ter, Gerry Cozad, Roy Durban, Everette Hardenbrook, Merle Hous ton, Jimmy Wutkins, Frank An drews, the Misses 'Bess Kllgore. Verda Cozad, and the hostess. Elaborate preparations are being made by the management of tho White Pelican hotel for tho valentine party to be given tonight and a large number have expressed their Inten tion of being present. Approprlato decorations ore being arranged and everything possible being done to make this one' of tho most enjoyable evonts ever given at the hotel. Manager Short Is hero from San Francisco to usslst Mr. Milne and those who attend are assured of ono of tho most enjoyable entertain ments that the winter season has witnessed. CHASED SLAYER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN CODY, Wyo., Feb. 14. Peter Per rin, 100 years old, who was In the audience at Ford's Theater at the nn tlonnl capital the night vfen John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln, and who came to Wyoming as a settler during the dnys when this state was a pnrt of the Dakotn terri tory ,was a Cody visitor recently Mr. Perrln, or, ns his friends pre fer to call him, ''Old Peter," enjoys nothing more than to relate talcs of Ihe frontier days dnys when he come west to help lay the steel for the Union Pacific nnd to aid In the con struction of Fort Steele. He has not yet been compelled to resort to the iifio of glasses in reading and to nil outward appearances possesses much of his mental and physical vigor. Mr. Perrln was n member of the which chased Booth out thru the stage entrance of the Ford Thea ter, and later killed him after he had teen surrounded In a barn in Virgin ia. He was also a soldier in the Un Ion army during the 'dvll war. SERBIA LAND OF I No " maiden will consent t- CRIPPLES REPORT b0 mnrr'c' Intay, Certain days or ' the week, too, are prohibited Mon- LONDON. Fh. 14. Sir Jnhn i.vnn dl,'r' "" Instance, to hold to bo un- Thomas. the widely known orthopeolc lucky lv ,uluro Beneratlons. Satur day is reserved for widows, Tuesday Ix considered Impossible on account of Its being n duy devoted to wltch&t. nnd evil spells, nnd Friday and Wed neMliiy iiru fust iluys. Sunday there fore Is tin day almost always chosen for the celebration. XOTICH OK FINAL ACCOUNT surgeon of Cardiff, who returned re cently from Serbia, says tho land Is filled with cripples, many of whom could be cured or Improved If modern orthopedic methods were available. The state of the wounded and dis abled holdiura of Serbia Is said to be piteous. Theso men aro without the simplest appliances nnd tho country, lacks surgeons with tho requisite , i knowledge of now methods. The fr.r!- In ",0 tol""y Co,,rl (,f lho St,,l of tun Red Croxs Society In Great llrlt-' 0ruRon f(,r K1'l"'n" County, nln Invited Serbian surgeons to entna1 In tno ,m,,",r ot U,u C8"" of " to Unglnnd and study British orthop- " ?ulrc1"' k'cenci1- yjjj.g j ,untir m iiuiiiii Kiven nun urn un dersigned has filed In tho abovu en titled court and matter his final nccoiint and that Saturday, March 0, 1920, at 3:00 o'clock p. m In the court room of tho above untitled ! court In tho County Court House at H- The Klnmnth Villi. KInmntli r,inlv . ... . .-...., ......... UW.....J,. MONTANA WILL UUILD MANY STATE 1TOADS 1 B H n M AT THE CHURCHES Sacred Heart Churcn, corner 8th and High streets. Rev. Hugh J. Mar shall, pastor. Children's mass 8 o'clock. Adults Mass 10:30. Evening service, 7 o'clock. The Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are welcome Tho subject of lesson for Sunday, "Soul" The Sunday school session is from 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday morning. The free reading room and free lending library is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. SHANGHAI, Jnn. 13. (By Mull). Fear of Bolshevism entertained by employers In Shanghai Is n factor which Is making more difficult tho hard lot of the hundreds of Russian lefugees who have been fleeing In In creasing numbers out of Siberia Into China. ' The growing colony of theso Rus sian refugeos, whoso numbers swell ed after the Siberian capital of Omsk fell Into tho hands of the Bolshnvlkl, has become a problem in the city of Shanghai. One handicap upon their efforts to obtain employment has been the reluctance of employers to give work to persons from Siberia be lieved to have been exposed to the Bolshevik Infection. Members of the colony here which numbers several hundreds have es tablished a school where English Is being taught to the new-comers. At first one or two of the colony Itself acted as Instructors. After a few weeks volunteer teachers came for ward nnd classos nro now being held day and night In the shabby and cramped quarters provided at No. 73 Range Road. Another undertaking In the colony Is a community food kit chen, Unwillingness on tho part of many of the Russlnn newcomers to recog nize the Kolchak administration as the government of Russia tins kopt many from registering at tho Rus sian consulate, which, it Is statod, can extend aid only to regularly reg istered Russian cltlzeoB. HELENA, Mont., Feb state highway commission and tho Oregon, has been fixed by tho court Montana state college are cona- n8 (ll0 mo nm, pnce , whch ho borating in work In tho laboratory of wl h(.ar Ul(J ,,, rna, uccounl an(l the college at Bozeman, testing rock Hett)e ,lle snn)0( nmI ,., nnv for road purposes. Rock and con- lnB objections thereto shall fllo their crete, or both, may be used for the sa(1 objections or uppeur personally extensive work to bo begun In this aiul 0,,Jecl t0 the conflrmntlon of tho state this year, and to contlnuo. It Is Ha(1 account on or before tho said planned, on a large scalo for a do-, duto above mentioned. cade. Tho results of the test, which will be continued In the field after tho laboratory phnso Is passed, will bo submitted to the commission and to tho federal road authorities, Dated ut Klamath Falls, Orogonr this 1th day of February, 1920. II. M. MANNING, Executor of tho Estate of II. G. Fnlrco, Deceased, r,-l 2-1 9-20-4 bi!HM.Mt!it!i!lUi!,AAVH&AAAAAAAA Jewel Cafe Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00 SOUP Cream of Chicken, Jardlnloro RELISHES Cold Slaw Ripe Olives FISH Salmon Cutlots, Parsley Butter Banana Fritters, Vnnllla Snuco Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream 1 i Choice of Fricassee of Chicken with Needles Young Klamath Turkoy with Dressing VKGETAI1LKS , Creamed Potatoes String Beans . Pumpkin Pie or Hot Mince Milk Coffeo Tea JEWEL CAFE 610 MAIN ST. nr H,,M(,,tt,(,,,f t ,,. JtMajMH '"" ifj'u hjjjswwm jiiiM'w.'.iit'"tti'"'' jy 'iwmmnK'Wwww nm r- fnyr tr-wr 6' '