The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    RATenn.w, lEnuu.vnv t-i, touo.
The Unpardonable Sin
Is a tremendous subject
BLANCHE SWEET stars in it
HARRY GARRISON produced it
The Super-human Picture
The Crowds tell the Story in Every City
broken records everywhere!
Matinee 2:30 Evening 7:15 and
Prices 15 and 35 Cents
-It has
less meat If you feel Hark-
acliy or have IHndilcr
Meat forms uric acid which ex
cites and overworks the kidneys in
their efforts to filter it from the
system. Regular eaters cf meat
jnust flush the kidneys occustonally.
You must relieve them like you re
lieve your bowels; removing all the
acids, waste and poison, else you feel
i dull misery in the kidney region,
sharp pains in the back or jtck head
ache, dizziness, your stomach sours,
tongue Is coated and when the
WKSTKItVlLUK, O., Fob. 14.
Will the Ittsuo of prohibition figure
In thu nomination of presidential
candidates and the election there
after? The Anti-Saloon Leaguu of America,
thrrugh n statement issued today by
j;B. 11. Chorrlngton, secretary of lis
executive committee, endeavors to
limswer that question by declaring
that prohibition, or 'rather safe
guarding of prohibition, will bo u
very live Issue In not only the presi
dential campaign but In the election
of congressmen. On this mntter the
j statement saya:
"Prohibition Is here, and, ns wj
believe, to t.tay. Tho question at
I Issuo Is not whether prohibitum Is or
Is not desirable That was a ques
tion on which men might honestly
differ before prohibition Irccamu the
law of tho land and part of tho fed
eral constitution. Triumph of pro
hibition was mado possible only by
I a will of the majority, and that same
will, working through the lawful
processes by which prohibition bo
came law, can, If It chooses, take
prohibition out of tho constitution.
"Tho question at Issue now Is
shall tho law bo enforced? To that'
question thcro can bo but one an
swer. Whether u man believes in
prohibition or not, ho must comply
with the luw and old In its enforce-
i ment or be n lawless citizen. As the
LONDON", Jan. 10 (13y Mall). J Anti-Saloon league sees It, two im-
Plans for tho great Marche du Monde. ' rortant things nro involved In the!
or meeting place for the buyers of coming nominations and electiens:
the woi Id, which Is to be established .Firstly, that tho chief executive of
Coblenx, (lermanv, Jan. 21 (My Mall)
Claims for damagen to streets,
buildings, farms and oven Individuals
all reputed to have been done by Am
erican soldiers or American equip
ment of some kind since tho Army of
Occupation reached, the Hhlno, aggre
gate something more than 6,000,000
marks. Those allowed total approxi
mately 250,000 marks. Many claims
are unique and some without any Jus
tification A woman who contended that hur
faclnl apper.ranco had been marred
tor life, owing to cuts caused by fly
ing glass due to an explosion at an
ammunition dump, sent In the modest
claim for 250 marks, it was allowed.;
IIKUI.IN, Jim. 22. (Hy Mall),- -All
tho press organizations of Ger
many, thu representatives of all pub
lishers organizations, thu official
Wolff lluieau, tho Dutch news agen
cy "Trans ocean", and tho Herman
wireless propaganda service, gathered
In Merlin recently for a (IIhcushIoii of
the wireless possibilities In Germany
for transmitting news.
Dr. Ilredow, who Conducted the
conference, that there have been dis
tributed dally a report of the Assem
bly at Weimar, and news summarle
by the Wolff lltireau and Dutch
agency. Tho" news messages have
been received by tho government
wlrelesi stations at various points In
the country and turned over to the
4n..tfa.. , II. , .'lll,Cl, llllullllllll
, , . ,,,,,, , I, il'apers. 'Iho conferees cone ndci that
had been k led by an American mlll-i,, . , . . . ,, .
. , . ... I tho wireless s not yet able to supp l
the full needs of the press nor any-
tnry policeman who was chasing ills
trlbutors of contraband liquor, sub
mitted a claim to the Americans for
250.000 marks, contending that her
solo support had been takon from
her The Americans maintained that
the German hud been killed by the
Amcrlc?n soldier who was acting
v.!thln his rights In lino of duty. The
claim was dftaoproved.
Rome of tho claims are humorous
where near It. for the wlrelets stations-
are overloaded with peisonal
mosages. However, tt'oy decided that
I the wlrolo.s Is capable of handling
brief fhshes on Important stories
which are paralleled by telephone (
telegraphed by the news agencies, so
that tlieitu'ws'ls imillahlo for a larger
circle of pcoplo. i - '
The' conference was com lured.
J. H. Garrett & Son
Automobile Experts
522-538 S. Sixth St
When at last Spring
arrives, you will wish
that you had fixed your
car sooner; so we are
suggesting that you
bring it in to us to-day
and let our expert me
chanics start to work on
it. We have a modern
and complete repair
shop and can assure you
of service and depend
able work.
., ii....... ..i...i. .it., i in.- luiiii'iimi u twin uini'iic vu, in iii'i'ui'ii i .in inn summer, the l.lgnty-nlnth dlvl-. ..... ,, . ... mti.iniiiiir nmi
, , , , , , , Ihowover, that the jproadlng of surlil", "'" nitoipuiiir anil e
slon borrowed a goat for n circus nt , , ' , , i p ows. See me fir prcei
ltd headquarters. Hr-centlv a claim j """ ''," "'. IW '-' Ita.nes. Klamath Falls. Ore
In Paris in two years, contemplate the
erection of a vast building nine times
the size of Trafalgar Square and con
taining not only 5,000 shops but
many special features, including the
most luxurious club and the largest
banquet hall In the world. Details of latlon."
the scheme were given here by Sir
this nation, who is tho chief law en
forcement official, must bo a man
wholly committed to thu enforcement
policy; and, second, that a congress
must be elected that will take no
backward step In prohibition lcgls-
vi as filed with the American town
rrjjor asking damages on the conten
tion that the health of the goat had
been Injured. This claim was pigeon
holed. A nhliielrnd farmer recently de
manded five marks for n bean pole
alleged to hrve been stolen by an
American soldier. An army commis
sion heard tho caic mil threw out the
claim on t"o ground there was no
evidence to si ow that an American
had committed the theft
ucrs oniy wnen me wireless tele
phone has been Installed, as only In
this way tho hiring of special wire
less operators can be avoided. They
decided t lut t for the present the send
ing of news will have to continue hy
telegraph for It was too expensive to
'fit up each telegraph offlco with wire
less equipment.
In a few weeks the group will meet
again to discus any further techni
cal experiments with wireless tele
I am piepareil to do plowing with
ght gum;
M. .1. M.
Yellow, signifying "tho 8oro anil
yellow leaf." Is tho mourning color
, f the widows' caps In Brittany.
weather is bad you have rheumatic Charles Dundas, secretary of the As
lf?SZ. wUA!..20i fttiJ Uoclatlon of Great Britain and France.
Ul bVUliUCUL, lut; mamiciD wucu feet
irritated, obliging you to get up two
or mree- times during the night.
'To neutralize these Irritating
clds and flush .off the body's
urinous waste get about four ounces
ef Jad Salts from any pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast .for -a few
-days. and. yourj kidneys will then act
nne. ana Diaaaer aisoraers aisa
vpek'r.' This, famous 'salts Is made
from the acid' of '.grapes and lemon
JBle, combined wltlvllthla, 'and-has
Been .used for generations to clean
and stimulate sIurrJbV kidneys and
stop .bladder' irritation'- Jad Salts
is inexpensive; harmless i and makes
a delightful effervescent llthla
wat'er drink Which millions of men
arid women take now and then, thus
"avoiding serious kidney and bladder
MXifmtH lORlM OE
H . H.H..K..' - 7
I ., - , ?T " - 4 J
"The object," he said, 'is to give
producers and buyers of the world
the facility to perform all their trans
actions in one place.
. "It wjll be the only building in the
, world where the rentals will decrease
according to the. length of the leases,' EL pASO TEXAS. Feb. n.Lus
and where the tenanu will be consId-rCabrera( Secretary of the Mexican
erea as vaiuea cnenw. ana not s'Trea8ury. nos assured the Mexican
Objects Of speculation. ,nn, Intprvlew In the Excel
4 '
"The building will be of six stories,
with a frontage of 350 feet. It will
NEW VOIIK, Feb. H. A cam
palgn to recruit 30,000 young women
in training schools for nurses arid
a prize of $500 for the best three act
piny oy an ymencaii uumui i
sior tnai me Mexican govemmeni lncI(iPnt8 in the life of Florence
rtnoa nnt at nrpcont pnnfpmnlntP an ln F . nt . . .... .. .
be nine times the size of Trafalgar J""" raner """' "": ha8 b Nightingale, will oe among me .ea
Snnare. nd wiii t nroxlma.elv 8Ue ' paper mne- ha8 been res of the celebration comtnemorat
" -rM ' i Mima nm prv n .-pxirnn nusmaas cir- i . . - ..
, , . .ting the loom anniversary oi iu
,cles regarding the possibility of suchi f h whose work a.
4,000,000 pounds.
'This enormous building, contin- an issue.
ued Sir Charles Dundas, '-vim con-. Senor Cabrera stated that other
tain 5,000 shops, the most luxurious 'mpMUrp9 were belne studied bv the
club in the world for buyers and pro-1 government to relieve the situation I
queers, bwiuiuiiuk uu lurmau uaiui, resulting from the scarcity or silver
in most of the world markets; but
mong the sick and wounded in the
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 14. (By
Hail.') Holland is slowly but surely
losing the one characteristic of its
landscape made famous in art and
known to every schoolboy the
squat, fat, lazy-looking windmills
that for centuries have stood out all
over the country's flat surface.
These quaint structures are gradu
ally giving way to highly practical
out ugly steam and electric plants.
Dutch technical men say the wind
mill Is doomed.
Now and then a large group of
them is replaced by one electric
plant, and In the course of each year
a number are destroyed by fire
presenting a spectacular blaze with
the big burning wings wheeling
around like fiery arms. They are
never reconstructed. ,
The existing type of Dutch wind-
gymnasium, restaurant, grill room,
roof garden, several lecture-rooms,
industrial cinema, and the world's
largest banqueting room.
"Briefly, what is contemplated is
the erection and operation of a verit
able city. In which It may reasonably
be estimated there will be a floating
population of manufacturers, produ
cers, merchants, buyers and the nee-
Crimean war laid the foundation for
modern nursing.
Pageants, public meeting and for
mal ceremonies will be held on tho
nnnlvor.nrv (Into Mnv 12. It was an-
the nature of these measures was dls-1 nounced fay by the NlBhtIn.
closed. . pn,nnii rnmmlttpn of the Na-
American statistics are quoted by ; Q Izaton fpr PuDc Health
a t?Tro1alnr tn nhnw thnf fhn nnnrt-1 ...
the Excelsior to show that the short
age of the white metal is due to a
monopoly obtained by India and
China. Between 1913 and 1913. these
two countries accumulated 760,000,-
000 troy ounces of silver or ."even
exceeding 30,000 eighths of the world's output. It Is
Nursing. Nursing organizations, wom
en's clubs and colleges will take part.
The prize for the play, was offero'd
by the, Illinois council for Nursing
Education to stimulate Interest in
the nursing profession, In which
there Is a low rate of enlistment at
encourage aspiring pinywngnis
colleges. Manuscripts must be sub
mitted before August 1
WASHINGTON, Fob. 14 The first
Rotary Club in tho country to report
plans for a Road of Remembrance to
the American Forestry Association,
which Is registering nil memorial
trees In a national honor roll, Is
the organization at Tampa, Florida.
At n cost of 17,000 a tree will be
planted along the West (,'oimt Road
for every mu'n In tho servlco from
Hillsborough County.
At Mlddletown, Ohio, the Wellfure
Association will plant 1,000 trees
along the Dixie Highway next spring
and nt Chattanooga, the National
League for Women's Sorvlce will
plant a Road of Remembrance lend
ing out of that city. In Minneap
olis a Road of Remembrance between
two parks is being pnved, laid out
now and tho trees will be planted In
1921. The Woman's Club of York.
Pa., will plant twenty-flvo miles of
the Lincoln Highway with memor
ial trees.
Try 'em. Herald Want Ada
Orny hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know tbtr
advantages of a youthful appearance.
Your hair Is your charm. It makes or'
mars tho face. When It fades, turns'
gray and looks strenked, Just a taw
application of Sage Tea and Sulphur
enhances Its' appearance a hundred
fold. Don't stay gray! Look youngt
Klther prepare the recipe at homo or
get from any drug store a GO-cent bot
tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound',' which Is merely the old)
time recipe Improved by the addition
of other Ingredients. Thdusands or
folks recommend this ready-to-us
preparation, because It dorkonB the
hnlr beautifully, besides no one ca.n.
possibly tell, as It darkens so natur
ally and evenly. You moisten a
sponge or sort brush with It, drawing:
this' through the hair, taking one
small strand at a time. Hy merning:
the gray hslr disappears; after an
other application or two, Its naturab
color Is restored and It becomes thicks
glossy and lustrous, and you appear
venrs younger.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of tho City of Klnmnth-
Foils, Oregon, that the grades on Pacific Terrace, a Btrcet In tho City of
Klamath Falls, shall bo changed from tho grades now established to thfe-
West Curbs
essary employes,
npnn p i i-
--- i - .
.!!rlel.!1?"-- Commenting editorially on the fin-.'"5 '
laeea i mia xubc p.ujcti iu me om- ancJaI situation, the paper says:
ish buyers and sellers would be enor- "Credit has been lost. All of usf
mous- have lost it, but especially the gov- . rses In the Southerly line of Huron 230.G0
"One of the principal objects of lernment An(1 for this reason, to in-1 There are faP t0 , , ,1 ' South
having this world's market in Paris, ! -. ,hfi rrpsq of nnnther issue ofl"n,ted StBtes to mC " . , H',n " westerly lino Pacific Terrace 230.00
... normal times, it wus saiu at mo neau-uiuron on easterly lino Pacific Terrace 24U.UU
paper money u wou u oe necessary ps of th(j Nutona, organization
to surround it with all kinds of pre- pWc HeaUh NurBlnBf and tlln
cautlons-especlally that of not 1m- a U)0 ,nfIlienza opd.
posing It on the people The volunarycmlclmB em Th(jro aro ot
co-operation of tho public should bo, than 00 Wc llpalth nurf)CS
j buugjll.
ho said, "Is because the French capi
tal Is the pivot of the railway centres
of Europe, and the advice of the buy
ers of the world has been taken on
this matter."
The Dutch windmill, however!
much it may look In pictures to be MIJCH CASH GOES
a toy, is tar irom mai. u is a siuruy ' "
structure, as big as a good-sized! INTO MEXICO PORTLAND CENTER OF
j In tho country, whoreas at least 50,
j 000 aro required by federal and state .South lino Earlo St. 300 ft
legislation either passed or pending
mill was Invented about the year j house, and the machinery inside Isi
1400. The great disadvantage of! extremely powerful. i JUAREZ, Mex. Feb. 14. During
the windmill, of course. Is its abso-l Naturally a great many of them , the flr8t 20 months since tho resump
lute dependence on weather condi-, remain, but tho number becomes i t,on of International money order ro-
tions. For this reason they are be- j less year by year, and, so far as can
ing replaced, when possible, by . be ascertained, tho erection of a new
modern machinery. 'one is seldom undertaken.
NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Mrs. John
Homy Hammond, president of tho
'lutions between tho United States and , Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Asso-
Aloxico, 105,440 money orders, total-1 elation, announced today that tho na-
Ing $3,442,027.39 were issued in tho tional officers upprovo tho plan of i
United States for collection In Mexico, Mrs. A. W. Nicholson, chairman for
taccordIng to a report received by Ed- Oregon, to have tho state activities
West Curbs
Northerly lino of Huron 234.20
Thenco by Stations
50 ft. from Huron St , 230.45
100 ft. from Huron St 238.70
160 ft. from Huron St 211.35
200 ft. from Huron St 244.70
250 ft. from Huron St 248.30
from Huron St 252.00
Earlo on westerly lino Pacific Torrnco 253,00
Earlo on eastorly lino Pacific Torraco 202.00
West Curbs
Northerly lino Earlo Street 257.00
Thenco by Stutlons
50 ft. from north lino of Earlo Street 260.00
100 ft. from north lino of Earlo Streot 202,00
150 ft. from north lino of Earlo Street 203.00
175 ft. front north lino of Earlo Street 203.30
200 ft. from north lino of Earlo Street..
250 ft. from north lino of Earlo Streot..
East Curbs?
' 236.60
East Curbs.
East CurbB
262,50 2C5.80
Alfalfa Seed
nuy aeed that you can see before you pay for It
Buy aeed thv. ycu can return If you are not aatlaned.
ton anT prcjron comPllc w" the Seed lawa of Waahlng-.
We can eh'lp carloads or less from our warehouses at
Seattle. Portland. Yakima, Walla Walla, Ellenabure'. Wapato
and tht'ouch local atrents.
Has a reputation In the Northwest for the last 20 years
Jou cannot buy better aeed and you cannot set as Bood eeed
for Jeea money anywhere.
1L3 The Chas. H. Lilly Co. J
I ward A. Dow, American consul horo,
(from Andres O, Garcia, formorly Mex
ican consul genoral at El Paso, now
director general of the Mexican pos
tal service.
Senor's 'Oarcla'a report shows that
23,313 money orders have been Is
sued In Mexico for collection in the
United States since May 1, 1918. The
money value or tneso orders was
rne iact mat tne vnio ofu monoy
orders issued In the United States
payable In Mexico is about six times
that of orders mado out In Mexico to
American payees Is explained by Am
erican officials hero as due to tho
number of remittances mado to rela
tives In Moxlco by Mexican laborers
in tho United States.
of the Association center In Portland
under tho name of tho Roosevelt
Civic League Contor. The committee
on Its administration, Mrs. Nichol
son reports, will bo drawn from edu
cational Institutions and organiza
tions Interested in Americanization
It Is tho hopo of the national offi
cers that several autographed vol
umeses of Rudynrd Kipling's works
donated to Mrs. Nicholson for hnr
state organization will, ultlmutoly, bn
presontod to tho llbrarv In Roosovolt
House, tho restored birthplace of
Theodoro Roosovolt at 28 East 20th
Tho quota assigned by tho Won
mi's Roosevelt Memorial Association
to Oregon Is $8,000,
West Curbs
East Curbs'
South lino Melrose, 300 ft . 266.50
East Curbs
South line Melrose, 300 ft .. 267.00
Melrose on west lino Pacific Torraco 205.50
Melrose on east lino Pacific Terraco 275.50
WobI Curbs
Northorly lino Melrose 268. GO
Thence by Stations ' i
50 ft. from north lino of Melrose..:...- 271.00 275.80
100 ft. from north lino of Mo,Irose 273.40 278,20
150 ft. from north lino of Melrose 275.30 280.60'
200 ft. from north lino of Melrose 276,80 282;00'
' 250 ft. from north lino of Melrose 277.70 283.80'
305 ft. from north lino of Aiolroso :. 278,00 284.20' .
South lino Portland, 360 ft 277.00 284.00
North South
Portland on west lino Pnclfic Torraco 270.00 275.50
Portlund on oast lino Puclflc Torraco 28C.G0 286,00
West Curbs East Curbs
Northorly lino Portland - 275.40 281.80
North South
Esplanade on wost lino of Pacific Torraco 263.00 203.00
Stute of Oregon, County of .Klamath;
I. A. h. Leavltt. Police Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon.
do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a duly oiu-ollod copy of tho Resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Council on tho 26th day of .January, 1920,
relatlvo to changing certain grades on Pacific Torraco.
10-20 A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judge. .