The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 12, 1920, Image 1

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.OFFICIAL lfilljlt or
SMltelfiHtfttrt WiJIAR5Erl
iJ "B mjso M' q b. fj. A"P flfc m .JL, B fl I. I
Fourteenth Year No. 3843
RAMnmflnY for
t,- Jay Upton of I'rliiotrlllj, who him
juBt retired uflur two tnrmn iih I'msl
dent of tlio Oregon Irrigation con
gress linn announced tliul lio will ho
'ft cnmllilnln nt the nrlinurloH for the
Republican iioiiilimtlon for stato 8onu
ylor from tho tllntf let coniirlBliiii
- Klnmnth, Luke, Deschutes, Jefferson
.mid Crook counties.
''My reason for making tho mi
nouncemonl nt thin tlimi." ho tuilil, "Ih
to set at rcBt ruinorH Unit I mli;ht ho
n candidate for other offices that
-Jniva horn mentioned. I do not Inland i
to mako any ncllvo niniinli;n. think
timi my orrorin during tho flvo
LONDON, Fob. 12. Awlro
loim dispatch from tlio Rovlot
government nt Mobcow Bays:
It In rojiortoil that when tho
voluntoor trnnsiiort Knruntln,
with kolll(iiulH, wives nnd chil
dren abonnl, numbering 1400,'
lull Marupolln, In tho UuhhIiui
provlnco of Yokutorlnonlnv, on'
tho approacli of tho IlolHhovIkl
army, the voluntoor army do-
funding tho placo wan no In-
censed at being loft bohlml that.
Holdlors Urud on tho nhlp. A
Hiioll piorcod tlio boiler rind tho
traiiBport iiitnk with till on
board. ,
l rami iiiiMTc nriTunnc
Price, Fire Cents
rho local post of tho American
Legion linn gono on record an oppos
ing Jnpaucao immigration and
colonization, gonornlly throughout
tho nation and particularly In thin
county and Btnto. Tho resolution
passed by tho legion at Us last meet
ing, by unanlmiiB vote of 100 or
moro inotiibora present, Ih tho first
local organized
Japancso InvaHlon.
Widespread grief will ho occasion
uu, iniiiusi'oiii mo rity ny mo an
nouncement, of tho-ileath at noon to
day of -the Rev. M-C. IlosHmnn. pas
tor for tho past thrco years of tho
Lutheran church of thin city. In tho
passing of thin .young and earnest re-
Hgloun'.workcr, tho flock that ho tend
ed ban lost a faithful shepherd, his
It reads:
Wo, members of tho Klamath
Kails I'OKt, No. 8, American Ix-glon.
thoroughly believing In tho policy of
"Allinrlril fixf Amnplrnhu' mlwti l.ns.
yea, to Becuro tlio Irrigation of tro I KAN KllANCUK'O, Fob. 12. An
vnt' uriuiB of nrlil land In Central j "for to paKluro 40,00(1 bend of Call
Oregon and my efforts oh n goiilf"nil.i niltlo In Texas In ordor to cb-
.roads booster huvo enabled tho pro- capo lows from tlio drouili thrcat
lj?.ynflbbi "ntrlct to determine unhg somo scctlonn of tills stato hna
- whether or not I will mnko them n been rondo by-tbo cattlo razors' a
BiHUfnctory iionator, and If tboy want
ina'to roprosont (hem In Unit rupa
olly, I nui nt tbolr dlnposal. r have
not prepared n platform, but I wll.
do bo when tho tlmo for filing arrlveii.
I can-any, bowovor, that I am iiRaliiBt
tboradloalM nnd rods of every kind. 1
nmn Spanish war veteran and my en-
tlro-Bympathlcij nru with tho Amerl.
. can Legion In their fight for 100 por-
&&;ccnt Americanism. Wo nood moro nnd
" bettor roads In this district nnd wo
need moro Irrigation development. I
will do my utmost to bring this n
bout. Tho groat lumbering Interests
of Doachutca and Klamath counties
nro ontltlod to bettor transportation
facilities. Tho Isolutod country
achoola nood moro assistance This
',- senatorial dlntrlct which comprlBos
nearly ono fourth tho area of ho
" tat-oi-0!'i)oii-.lii iiiitltUid tnpioro
representation In dm stato IorIhIii
turc, lioth In tho Beiiatn and tho houso
and It will bo my purpose to Bccuro a
propor IncroaHo so that each county
mny hnvo n propur ropreaontatlon In
tho legislature. I will not roprcsonl
one town or ono county but will re
present tho ontlro flvo counties and
will work for tho entire district."
Mr. Upton owns a largo Irrlgnlod
., farm at Prlnnvlllo and Is also engaged
In tho'prnctlco of law. Ho was never
social lou or Texas, David J. Stollory,
surrelilry of tho California calllo-
mou'n nsMiclntlon, nnnounccd today,
mis in tuo iosiiil or measures
taken by tho California association to
meet tho drouth nlluntlon.
A commuted of tho association is
negotiating with tho railroads to ob
tain low rates for rattlo shipped out.
Tho association in iiomlln;; roproiieii
tatlvcs to Toxiib, Arizona, Imperial
valloy and southorn Oregon to detor-
mlno exactly tho availability of pus-
turn go there and to mnko doflnlto ar
rangomonts for shlpmonts.
proteBt ngalniH. friends havo been dejirlved of broth
erly companionship nnd all mankind
lias lost a friend, for tho dead man
stroyo humbly and diligently to fol
low In tho footsteps of his Master,
earnestly doing good to all his follows
and waking oven tho ehanco ucqualn-j
tanco feci tho power of tho personal
ity that is built upon a truo Chris
tian lifo.
Tho Kov. Air, Ilossmun was a young
man. Ilia ago was about 27 years. Ho
is survived by a widow, whom ho
married last September. Sho was
Miss Olga Uaado of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Jio also lias parents at Jonosviiin.
Amorlcu for Amorlcans" whotlmr
nallvo born or naturalized and In
tho traditions nnd nrocresslvcnctNH nt
our civilization ami tlm tiled inn,i.
urn in our living coniiiiioiiB, and tho
hopes "and aspirations of our citizens
In hot only maintaining but ralslnc
our present stanilnrds. for tho bono-
iii oi an American citizens; and
Wberens, there Is now, and has
been, a situation and condition nrls
ng by the immigration and Increnso
In population of tho Mongolian raco
111 tllO Pacific Coast ntntp-l Mini linu
demanded tho attention of all pro- Indian;!, and after funeral services at
President Wilson today selected
John Ilarton I'ayno of Illinois,
now chairman of tho United
States Shipping board to bo tho
BCCrOtarV Of. tlln lnlnrl,.r an- A
, - , ,.-
ceedlng' Franklin K. Lane.
Paynd will tako over hs now
duties March 1, -when Lane ro-
tires. 1'ayno's successor as chair-
man of tho shipping board Is not
yet announced. Payne is a. Vir.
glnian, aged CC, but has been
living In Chicago, whore ho has
boon tho gcnoral counsel 'for
tho railroad administration do-
partment of tho Emergency
v I'lcct corporation.
her eie "
rLHiii uuimiiib
grcKNlvo eltizons; and
wnoreas, tlio Mongolian peoples
vniK-biuiijr juii assimiiaiing and ro-
i using to no nsaimllnted Into tho
Amorlcnn Btandards of living and co
operation; and
Whorens, n nunibar of communi
ties In tho ntnten of tho Purine Coast
region being heretofore driven to
Protest, in varying degrees, iu tho
into Of till:! MnilL'nll.m ln,,,i, ,.f
t!mr civlllatlou In their respectivo
couimunitlou; and !
wtiercas, thin county, from rc-
SALEM, Or., Fob. 12. City offic
ials should bu elected on tho first
TileHday after' thu' first Monday- In
November, tho date of tho rogulur
gonoral olcctlon In Orogon. nccordlng
to a legal opinion given by Attomoy-
(onoral Drown- today. Tho opinion
was requested by Martin Whlto, dis
trict attorney of Columbia county.
Although Mr. White's letter mndo
particular roforonco to St. Ilelons, tho
opinion applies to nil Incorporated
(owns and cities of tho state.
tho Whltlock chapel hero tomorrow
afloniooa, tho body will probably ho
sent to Joncsvlllo for burial.
Doatli was caused by acuto pneu
monia, following nn attack of influ
enza. Thu pastor returned last Tues
day from n trip to Gold Hill, Oregon,
apparently well. Tho first real signs
of illness wore manifested Saturday
and two or thrco days ago pneumonia
lb In rniintv. frnin rr. dovoloped. Tho Itov. Goorirn e. Thine
rerd: nnd recent published reporto In ot Etn;enoH an old friend and class-
i.;-V ."'.,-.. ,".lr,.,,iW '?" ymato vras
u mmuuu uy iiiirciiasoru or lands
wAumwtjTON, Feb. 12. Tho
national conference of American ship
workers yesterday sent a memorial to
President Wilson, recommending that
an experienced workman bo appoint
ed to tho next vacancy of tho shipping
board and that shipyard workers bo
given tho first opportunity to
From tho small whisper that had Ita
first Impulse In San Jose, California,
has grown a rumor that is spreading
in Klamath Falls with over lncrnanlnr
indications of authenticity, that there
in to bo added to tho Industries of
Klamath county another of tho mam
moth packing nnd warehouse com
panies of tho Golden Stale. This great
concern la nono other than the Grow
ers' Packing and Warehousing com
pany, with headquarters In San Jose,
but with branches and connections
throughout tho great wealth produc
ing fruit valleys of California. Ita
local point of activity Is to be the
Chelsea Box company. Not that the
Chelsea Box company has sold out
and merged Its identity with that ot
tho Packing company, but rather that
somo of tho stockholders of this very
prosperous, efficiently managed,
growing concern have received offers
for their stock that were attractive
nil r-
chaso houses erected by tho govern-1 enough to Justify their selling.
Jihcanui(inio for public office, but
onco, wnon no was oloctod to tho leg
islature from Multnomah county In
ino Novorsllps Bllppod throo
straight games ovur on tho Duffs In
the Elks' bowling tournnmont last
'.nlght nnd nchlovod first place In the
porcontago column, loading Ackloy'a
HnwdtiBt fllngors by forty points. Tho
'Nevorsllps havo made a spectacular
f apurt .for first pluco over slnco they
Ciinorgod .from tho cellar thrco wooks
go,nftor clinging to tho lowost rung
.jfhce tho opening of tho series. Last
night's scoro;
'lky NoversllpH
IbI 2nd
Van nellcn .... 190
. Noel 182
'Bogors 177
", Mason 175
. J ' '
Smith ir.8 181
J. Mooro 139 131
L, Houston ..,. 190 -191
,C. Mocfre 204 146
cows for
7has been
at. County
3rd Total
203 C80
184 540
C55 '733
1T.9 518
1G8 428
.104 514
C97 G49 084
Standing of (bo Clubs
. Won Lost
Neverallps 11
'''SawduBt '. 8.
' Ducks' r., 9
0park Plugs 7
'Rookies 8
'" 8 ., 7
. 3
A mooting ot tho Farm Bureau
livestock committee, which has
charge of tho bringing to Klamath
county this spring of n carload of
thoroughbred shorthorn
distribution by auction,
called for. 1:30 o'clock,
Agont Thomas' olllco.
Itoprcsontntlvcs of tho commlttoo
will loavo soon for tho northorn part
of Oregon, and Washington, on a
buying trip, and it Is desired to dis
cuss questions In connection with
thu mnttor In full dotnll Saturday.
PorBOiis, not mombors of tho com
mittee who nro Interested In tho
proposal of Introducing registered
Shorthorns In Klamath county nro
Invited to attend tho mooting. If
any Individuals doslro to buy regis
tered bulls their orders will bo taken
nnd tho bulls, will bo purchased' on
tho coming trip, hut without a do-
llnlto buying, ordor no bulls will be
purchased by tho livestock commit
tee Tho cows that aro purchasod
will bo nuctlonod.
Tho committoo's representatives
on, this trip will nlso buy tho can of
Shorthorn calves for distribution
among mombors of tho bova' nnrt
girls' clubs.
, iouniy Agont Thomas urgently
bsks nit Intorostod persona to nttend
uio commlttoo mooting Saturday
iur japancso settlement to tho
present npproxlmato amount of 4.000
acres; and
Whorcas, this condition being to
tho untold future dotrimont of our
civilization in ovnrv mmmni,
h..n u c;r . . """.,)
i. :J oum" aaa l now.
Bo It resolved by this post, that
v.o bollovo this condition will ho
ron:uintolorablo for tho. future wol
faro of our community nnd In our
country, and thnt wo offer our sup
port to nn onrlv Amnrimn,,n..
of this Bltuatlen: and that wo sug
gest inimodlato leglslntlvo action bo
J..BHH uy ooin utato nnd national
legislatures to bar feo -
nny other forms nt mmninin .....-
ship, or tenure, of lands by Japanoso
In this or other Rtntna nt !. 11..1....1
States of America; that wo heartily
Hupport t,ho action tnkon by othor
1 ., V1 Amor'can Legion to stop
v.,,uj ui iiiih inunaco to our
vuuuiijf, mniiuiimcs Known as "Tlio
lellow Peril"; nnd that a copy of
" ruBoiuuons no sent to tho state
hcadimartors ami in mmh r n,., .
of tho American Legion in U1I3 stato.
On Invitation, of tho high school
faculty H, M. Manning, attorn -y, do
.livorod an Inspiring address to tho!
studont body of tho high school f.ti
tins morning assembly on tho lifo of
Lincoln, dealing with tho idonls and
motlvos that made tho martyred Pre
sident ono of tho greatest figures in
tho world's history.
summoned and arrived
Tuesday. Ho is attending to tho ar
rangements for tho funeral.
Tho Itov. Mr. Rossman was a grad
uato Of tho Concordia Seminary of
tno Lutheran faith at St. Louis, Mo.,
tho largest and ono of tho leadlnc
theological Institutions ot tho world.
In preparation for his lifo work of
ministration ho studied for nine
""" .uru una auer graduation Te
colvod tho appointment to tho Klam
ath Falls pastorate, his first and only
charge. For the- past thrco yoars ho
Jinr, worked faithfully in hla lni
field, building a strong foundation
for bin church and his unassuming de
meanor nnd manly attitude In dealing
wiin nro a problems us they con
fronted him, earned him tho lovo and
respect of all with whom ho camo in
ment during tho war.
A memorial was also adopted unr-
ing Congress to tako immediate ac
tion to prevent tho merchant marine
from reverting to its pro-war status.
Roports from tho bcdsldo of Verne
Houston this morning brought tho
Information that his condition is such
as to leave but slight hope for his ul
tlmato recovery. After fightinc for
days to prevent pneumonia, tho at
tending physicians havo about aband
oned hopo or success. If ho falls avic-
urn 01 mis uisease, his iwoakenea
condition gives llttlo chance' of his
wlnnlntho-Uattlo-that ho has been
so valiantly fighting for daVs.
Tho sickness of Mr. Houston Is
primarily duo to a serious injury re
ceived a short time ago in' tho ware
house ot tho Martin Bros. Mill, when
a pllo of sacked flour foil unon him.
Whilo be was sovoroly Injured, sus
taining a cracked rib and pajnful
uiuiscs, it was not thought he was
nun. uucriiaiiy, out tlio progress of
ins sickness would now indicate that
ho was.
Telegraph Tabloids
Mrs. Sam Turner, ot Wnrron, Ohio,
has arrived in this city with her four
children to mako their homo. Mr.
lurnor has boon In Klamath Falls
for about a yoarand so glowing wor
his accounts of this section, that tho
family has, doclded to adopt It for
tbolr homo and havo taken up their
residence on tho, wosfrvsldo. Hfrs. Turn
or 13 dollghtod with tho climate, ns
Bho states that there woro, at least,
flvo Inches of ico on tho side walks
when sho loft Wnrron a wook ago.
; ( Owing to tho illness of.. Professor
IJoch, who Is Indisposed nnd Is ptny-
jlng at home as a precaution against
Influenza, thoro will bo no session of
' the 'night school at the high school
LONDON, Jan. 22. (By Mall)
The credit for having invontod tho
anti-gas fan, which was used on tho
Uattlofront as a protection against
tho polaonous gases employed by tho
Gormnns, is clalmod by a woman. Sfib
Is Mrs. Hortha Ayrton, tho only wom
an member of tho Institution of Eloc
trlcal Engineers, nnd a wldoly known
wrltor. Mrs. Ayrton horself announc
ed tho other day that sho 'was rb
Bppnslblo for tho Invention, whch
was prosontod to tho War Offlcp for
tlio duration of tho wur.
tho nolghbors of this
Sovoral of
district attended the snlo at Arthur
Hatches' place Tuesday. '
Miss Ethol Mack is at homo on
account of a cold.
Mrs, W. F. Rooco and son, Rny,
took dlnnor nt E. A. Scluolnor's
Frank Pnyno was a business caller
In Klamath Falls Tuosday.
Walter and Sammy Enman and
Miss Florence Wllbor spont tho even
ing with Miss Hilda .Ohneo last Sun
Dr. A. A. Soulo, city health offi
cer, reported that tho old city hall,
which is being repaired as an omor
goncy hospital, will bo ready for oc
cupancy Saturday morning. Tho may
or and a forco of men aro working on
Di Soulo said if conditions warr
anted It tho schools will probably bo
closed in ordor to mako nursing aid
available, but this is not dofinltoly
decided. Ho bus issued ordors for tho
quuruntlno of all suspected cases ot
influouza which includes all casts
whoro -an Increased tomporaturor ac
companies respiratory' troublo aild
on tho evening of February 10, thoro
woro 97 cases reported in quuruntlne:
"I desire to notify all doctor to
placard and report every case," said
tho city physician today. "Quarantine
offlcors will hunt up every caso and
check up on tlio prysiclan or practi
tioner." In advising a method for combut
tlng dlseaso, -Dr. Soulo said:
"When sick go to hod and tako a
laxative. Report your caso and got
holp, Drink plonty ot wntor and
tako light or liquid' diet. Put ilun
nol on your chest nud rub woll with
camphorated or othor oil. Uso a
gurglo to cloanso tho throat and nostrils."
WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Director
Hines conforred with Attorney Gen-
oral Palmer on tho threatened rail
ruau sirmo today. Palmer after
ward refused to discuss a rumor that
tlio government might start injunc
tion proceedings to stay tho threat
ened strike
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Tho en
actment of tho oil land leasing bill
was completed with tho adoption of
tlio conreronco report by tho senate
today. It now goes to President
Rumor is one thing and fact anoth
er, and when tho local stockholders
of tho company were aproached they
would neither affinu nor deny th
stories 'that were floating about the
city. Somo days ago Tho Herald re
ceived information from tho Califor
nia city that such a move was con
templated and since then consider
able activity has 'joen noticed among
thoso holding stock locally. The In
ference was to bo drawn that a deal
wop ponding, sinojt 's but two or
thrco wcck3 sinse tlio election
pud tho mooting of the directors and
election of offico:s of tho company.
As a further Btranglhenln'j of the
rumor, the story goes, there is to be
no change in tho local manageeat
01 tno company, which is, of cosrse,
no great surprise 'to those who know
the success that has crowned the- ef
forts of tho men who have been at ths
helm ever since this company- was
fho coming of this big.packing con
corn is another step in tho fulfill
ment of tho prophesy ot tbo pioneer
of the box business in this territory,
W. I. Clarke. When that gentleman
first came hero and started what is
today tho Ewauna Box company, he '
mndo the prediction that the bor
&hooks ot tho Coast would be manu
factured in Klamath county. A big
start in this direction ha3 alrnnilv
beon mado and the cominc of the
Growors company gives It, another big
boost towards the op.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Tho
Presldont will havo a personal con
ference tomorrow with throo ropro
scntntlvelof tlio. rallroadj brother
hoods tp (discuss wago 'demands o
2,000.000 railroad omployes which
nro to bo referred to him today by
LONDON, Fob. 12. A Moscow
wlrolos? says: 'Tho American troops
guarding tbo Siborian railway aro bo
ing withdrawn from Vladivostok. Tho
Amorlcan mission loft Chita for Har
bin. Tho whites nro hurriedly evacuat
ing ekatorlnodar,- which is about to
Klamath Post No. ,8, ot the Ameri
can Legion, host Friday night,
February 20, at a ball at the Moose
hall and promises to make the affair
ono of the most enjoyable dances ot
the season. Tho entertainment com
mittee has been instructed to spare
no expense in any way that will con
tribute to tho success ot the occasion.
This is tho second of a series ot
public dances that the Legion is giv
ing this season. Tho former one-was-largely
attended and its fame will
doubtless Increase the attendance t
tho next. The Jazz orchestra has
been secured to furnish the music.
Tonlgtit is tbo'reulfir meeting bf
tho( Elks- lodge and locnl'nnd vlsjt
Ing mombors are favltoH "to "bo present.
LONDON, Jau. 28. (Ily Mail)..
Two largo-International aerodrome
nro tp be constructed, b,y th'o Dutch
government,, ono In TJia Haguo and
..... ui.iui Jii .(HunnH'liUHi u-is 511HCU
in dispatch r6c6lvod;hcrn.,Th'ff:cbHt
Of tho vonturo will ho moro than
106,000 pounds.
uanzig, Jan. 22, (By Mall)7-
iho first Gorman paper to Install a
wireless plant for tho collection of
nows is tho Danzig Gozotto. Tho first
dispatches have arrived without muti
lation. This Is tho first concroto re
sult of tho Glosborts plan to establish
an entire chain of wiVoloss stations
connecting tho larger nariors-of finr.
many. . -
WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. While
some opposition to the railroad bill
as finally agreed upon In conference '
has dovoloped, Congesslonal leaders
predict that tho conference measure
will bo adopted promptly, so that the
Legislation will be on the statute
books before tho roads are returned
tp privato ownership. The senate pro
visions, to which there was objection
on including an anti-strike .section,
creation ot a transportation board,
and compulsory consolidations, were
stricken out in conference. A guar
anteed return of five and a half 'per
cent was added.
mostly easterly.
gontlo winds,
i ired Ford, accusod forger, and
Guy ,Chriit, ,hod on two separate-larceny
charges, who escaped from th
local Jail Tuosday night, were still
- - Ij
-k I being sdught by officers today.
"I 1