IMGB THttKH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, FKDRVABT 9, 1MV I i T ? T h r A? ' Exide Service Station 100 Per Cent Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim Firit-ClrtsV Automobile Repairing Done on Short Notice Jud Low v i V Phone 22M 4-444 L LONDON, Jon. 23. (Hy Mnll). England I npprohoniilvo lent tlio vo cabularies of lior youth lioromo cor rupted through Incursions of Ameri can slung. J? Truns-Atlnnalc tnurlntn In England not with IntoroHt tlm frequency with SyTilch resort Ih nlndo to Yankno tnlk' by British nong nnil plny-wrlters Seeking to enliven tholr jiroductlaiiH. Band u ud orchestras throuRhout tho .country, whim flaying popular thus lc play Amnrlrnn selections almost c,cluMvol Anlerlcnn songs monopo lize tint English; music-hall nnd miiHl col comnily stage. ' It In tliu Hiib-tltto of the Amnrlcan moving-picture film which, It In foar itd, constitutes tliu moot nu-naclnfc throat to vaunted EnglUh purity of speech. , ' "Tlm child at tho pictures Ih pick ing up a now language from tlm alungy Amnrlcan films," says a crttlc Jn it contribution to thn London Dally News headed "Tho Vulgar Tongue." "I vlnltud' two plcturo theaters In- day for thut express purpoHo of col-, lecung smug purnscs ami in noticing : the effect of tho now language on tho child im well uh on tho ndult. What tho villain ald to tho hero whan tho latter ntartod to nrguo with him was 'Cut out that dope', nnd a hum! rod piping volroB repeated tho Injunction. m N I OFYISW Tho comic man announced his mnr- mantled beciiiiHO of lnck of coal. A tlagojto tho Hollo of Lumhcrtown byj viennii florist botiKht tho wonderful aylnir, 'I'm hitched.' j collection of plnntsj ."Of courso, tho Amorlc'nn chlld'cpn comprehend thono thlnirs much bot- Ar miuiiiwiHii!? tor than tho llrltlnh child, who IhL a campaign to onllst sohool girls in qulto mnfamlllar with such phrases. Mho droHHinnklni; trndn Is to be limit lmnglrio avchild going homo to moth- j unrated by tho Cincinnati 'Dress er and asking tho moaning of 'fly J makers' nHsoclntlon. OciL It c C?C7 B L Si toasted STRIKE Jfe& cigarette livy 11 loa! cu lu "'" I w&vA ,ff' 'H a ' ?: - . crease me goou, m i Wfc vkvv . ; , ,v w iv wholesome flavor l .ffl V - yMf of the Kentucky 1U Wmf Burley tobacco. k JiS? OP-y A, regular man's vSyBB-1 i4' smoke, and deli- ' IJw'SZK .IU.UJ - tra Ul& .' - l7,T,' , , .--7-- . SEE D Batteries 49 Main St. y 3 i X coii'. Wo may admire tho terseness of j tliu phrase 'Koignt it' but dowi tho inili-tltlii 'Tliu Hiiii'h i;omu duffy' con voy itnytlilni: to a theater full or cockneys? "In miothur plcturo a iiiim traffick ing socrotly with Indians, exchanging bottlQH of 'flro water' for boavor flkltIM wiih nub-tltlcd 'Tho Ilootk'C gor.' " Aro joii enumerated? ENGLISH CHEMISTS URGE PROTECTION LONDON, Jan. 22. (lly Mnll). Tho need for government protection of leading llrltlnh koy ImliiHtrlon wiih emphasized by Hiivural exports at a meeting of tliu Society of Chemical Industry. Ono speaker who had visited thn (lormim chumlcal workH of tho Rhine Valluy, doscilhod tbom an "una hugo and highly efficient orgnnlritlnu torn pnrnrlly paralyzed hut rnpabl j of sup plying 80 percent of tho world'H needs of dyes, with tho necessary raw mntnrlalH and labor." II Ih point wiih Hint with hiicIi nn or ganization In (ixlstchco Iminnliiun Mops nhould bo taken by tho 'trlilph government to ensure Home form of -protection to llrltlsh Industries An ou eniimerntcil? H)XSi:itVATOItV C'LOHt:!). VIKNNA, Jan. 18. (lly Mail) Tlio Trroat Rothschild conHiirvatorleH, fnni- )Hh throughout Kuropo have been din s HAN I'ltANCIHCO, Fob. 9, Those who may coino to Ban r'niuclMfo at tliu tlmu of tho ilomiicriHir (.(inven tion tlio hitter part of .Juno with tho idea of oxpurloncinu n thrill by vlcll- S.F. HEsnrr NEARLY HE ylliiK tho 'llnrlmry" will be ills- appointed. ' .Cj Many of tlio'iesorls, colohrnlod In T ntory and vnrHO no tbo hcviiom of don- I'oraio uiivoiuiiro, wnoru vnuuii iiuuiii- liii; lioiiuo oporatorH commonly Known uh "crlmpH", froely pllod thoir tr.ido of nlniiii;liiillni: nallom for nncruim Iouh noil raptaliiH, ato Pflrmnuciith rlosod. OlborH hato but the nem? of tbo pln(oa that onco flamed with col or, music and rovolry. Loiik boforo national prohibition wiih fTonornlly coiiHldorod a pofulhlllty. "llarbary CoiihI," u hpcIIoii of 1 nclflc Btreet (ntcndlnK back from Iho hay front, a half dozen blocks to whew Chinatown touched tbo Italian dis trict, had boon rendijrtfd Innocuous bv tbo prohibition of tho salo of liquor In tho lotiR row of dnnco hnlls 'hep'. Tho main nrlury from this dlnlrlrt to Market Stioot, San FnuiclKCo'n principal tboroii;;hfari), Ih Koarioy Htreet, whnro onco It Ih declared with in an hour enough rccklesH HplrltH could bo picked up to start, almost any sort of deperntn enterprise. Now Kearney Ih ono of tho (inlolcAt and most ruspcrtiiblo biiHlneBs streolii. Are joii eiiiimerntcil? Host yot. Horald Want Ada. KAcrs, M'Miinit noo THE OUTPUT Tho estlmalod output of motor trucks for 1U20 Is .12R.000. These IruckH will solvo the high iohI of living If proper roadH aro con Btructed oer which can be shipped prod ucts of the farm. Tho permanent solution to , the problem Is to pao It rimds with WARRENITE B1TULITHIC i WAItltllN DUOS. CO. All main KlamiUh ' Palls. Crants Pass nnd' Ashland strectH aro paved with "AVar-renlto-Hltullthlc, al over 10 years In service. I . t. , r- OR OF R ''-''',-J' HU1 I IT I Jl'Alli:, Mux , Fob, 0 - Oenoral Mniiuul M. DICKiniZ, fedornl coiuninn ler of military operations In tho stnto of Chihuahua nnd In tho Lugunu (Torreon) dlHtrlct of C'oiihulla, with a forro of from 20,000 to 25,000 men, bfiH driven rtnnclsco Villa almost en tirely out Of Cblhiinhiia and forced him frequently to seek refuge In Coa li ii i lit or Duraugo, nccqrdlng to n fluimiinry of tho military Bltuatlon In Chihuahua given to Tho Associated Press by (lonoral .1. flonzalo IJscobarJ commander of tho Juarez district. -Villi now has no moro than 1C0 men, according to Oenoral Kscobar. In every fnlr-slzcd town there Is n garrison of from C00 to 1,000 feder alw, besides, occasionally, n flying column ready upon short notice to pursue tbo rebels, according to tho Mexican commander. There are 1.C00 fcoldlers In tliu Juarez 'district, of which COO aro stationed in Juarez propnr. Other garrisoned towns aro Chi huahua City, Santa Itosalla, Jlmlnez,, I'arral, Cluorroro, Villa Abumada, Morletima, Oallegos, Laguna. Hor caEltas, Ortiz, Conchoi, Camargo.Ca sas Oraudes, and OJinnga. In most of thnso places tho units arid commanders are constantly shift ing. For some tlmo past, however; CJonoral Pablo Qulroga has acte'd for fieneral DIezuez at Chihuahua City and Oenoral Isldro Cardonn has been In command at Ojlnagn. nnd Colonel t.'duanlo V. Porcayo at Casas Oran des. Other ''Jetes"jiro Oenoral Mig uel Acogta, General Sllvina Oarrla. and Onnernl Joaquin Amaro. In addi tion to acting In tho placo of (Jeneral D'eguez when the latter Is called a wny from Chihuahua City. Oenernl Qulrngo H'tliq commander of tluv gariison at Camargo. All theso troops are well equipped and well provisioned, It Is saldWIth tbo restoration of regular train ser vice, the pacification of Chihuahua has boon virtually accomplished, ac cording to (jenornl'Kscobar. Aie joii eiiiimerntcil? Ai:i:i.ii covi'KST.s LONDON, Jnn. 22. t(Dy Mail). Sueral aotonautlc exhibitions and Uii-Ing meets of noto nro being plann- td for 1920. Among thorn aro tho lying meeting 10 no neui !" - . 23 rtt JuVisy, ncqr Paris", tho Pan American Acr6nnutlcal Congress at lluvana. February 21 to March l.flnd tho Uritlsh Aircraft Kxhibftion to bo huldtat Olympia, in London, next July. ' Are J on enumerated? I.KSS MUXICAX OIL. MDXICO CITY, Jun. 24. (Uy Mall) Petroleum production In Mexico de creased more than thirty poicent dur ing tho Jaat two months of tha year lUl'J, according to government stat istics which assign tho closing of many wells, especially by Araorlcans objecting to logal restrictions, as tbo tuuso., hlovou ol tlm wells wnicn nave been closed wero opened dining the early dajs of January. Arc j on enumerated? Tho criminal records show that tho mos.1 cases of murder occur in January, Juuu and August, and Jho fowost in November, December and February. Many thousands of popplo In Eng land pay iv special tax each year for tho privilege of displaying a crest on their stationery and plato. ' TENTH ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL Saturday Evening February 14, 1920 nt Malin Hall Ten good prizes for best masks five prizes for ladies, live prizes for gents. , A" good time is, guaran teed to .everybody. , Music by Malin Orehes: Proceeds go for the. benefit of the Public Library of Malin. ', NOW lVaTT MO'SICUSSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Miscellaneous VSWVWAWWWWW I I FOIl HALI2- 8 tons Oat liny, C miles from town on Spring Lake road. Phone If. N Moo. C-12 KOIt BALK- -3 rows. 1 registered Ilhonn Durham hull, 1 horse C, M. Held. Merrill On!. C-ll FOR RENT OR LEASE OKKICK FOR flJJNT Main" street, front room Swanson Ilulldlng. In quire C2C Main St. 7-tl FOR IIDNT -Nicely furnished room furnaco beat uso of phone and bath Phono 4 25. 7 tf MISCELLANEOUS Thoso dcslrfng to learn Spanish fiom u Spanish teacher cull phono 371. , 7-t4 CITY OAUI1AOE When you want garbage rumovd call C2J. Printing, Stationery and office supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 12C Main St. 9-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Do.inurcHt, Don'lst, over Sugar man's Store, Gth nnd Main, ?-tf WANTED POUTKIt WANTED at Star Drug Store. Call tonight after 7 o'clock. It WANTED I am desirous of hearing from persons who, like myself, would liko to learn the Spanish lang uage. There is possibility of securing instructions If a sufficient class can lio organized. F. It. Soule, phono 88 or 99K; address 128 Second street. C-9 WANTKD To boar from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Hush. Minneapolis, Minn. (Sat.) W. O. Smith Printing Co. Phone 03' 110 South Fourth St. Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OUDEK riNESX .MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATFST STYIJ38 fa ' PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED ! . Trices are very reasonable Vour Inspection invited , Cks. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAUiOR' AIH Mnln St. NOTICE OF ESTRAV. Olio hav coldinir woichiiiR about thirteen hundred pounds, biaudcd E with quaitqr circlo above, on left stiflo, came to my place at Crystal Oiegon hist summer. Tho animal Is now qn my feel-jard. Tho owner may havo tho buind hy identifying his property, jiajlng for his keep ami ad vertising. If tho animal Is not called for ho will bo advertised and sold at auc tion. 20-2-9 (Signed) D. O. I1ROWN. jf FEINT S I Checks that 1 I caxft he 'Ealsedll XjAFETY H' L ign Grade MurPheys Feed & Seed Storfe 7 126 South Sixth St. Pr?n.l., .1 Phon, 7 WANTED Practical num dctlrar UUKUKUJJIUU13 1I1UUU U1I1, u-iv- WANTED At onio, a good girl t assist at tho Marshall Hou&e. 4-tf STENOOHAPHEll WANTI3D Ocod' salary. Apply Ilenner & Chaataln,' over Klamath Stato Dank Uldc.". Phono 117, 2-tt: MONEY TO LOAN on old, a woll as now buildings. If you wish to buy or build a homo, compare, total1 amount of Interest on a straight loaa- with our monthly payment plan. Monthly payments requlral . par off a Jl.000.00 loan In 3 years J 3 2 26 pr mcrk; 4 years 2C.3Q per month 5 years ...... . .. 2.2t po month. C years .. . 18,52 par montkt 7 years ............ 16. CO per month' 8 years 15.17 per montUv Other amounts In the eamo propor tion. The unpaid lmlnnco of principal may be paid nt any time. Pacific ltulldlng & Lon Af'a' 3. II. DItlSCOLL, Agent. 7-tf MADAM IOINA, Palmist- ' I ' World's Greatest Flircnologlft, Palmist and Medium. Reads your entire life pat, present and future correctly, glT Ing names, dates and figures in bus iness, love, law, marriage and dom estic troubles. Tells you wht yon aro best adapted for and what to do to better your conditions in lit. This lady reads your hand as yoa would an open book. A reading by her will meet your highest expecta tions, and you will be wiser ana) happier, after consulting her, aba having the gift of removing all evil Influences and placing you la aaj ea vironment of happy thought and contentment. Readings: Sunday aad dally, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Locatad at Room 1, Mooro Rooming House; 1313 Main St., between Broad and Spring, Streets, one block east of White Pelican Hotel, Klamath Falls; Ore. Phone 471. 27-10 . CITATIOX In the County Court of the" Stat of Oregon for Klamath County; In the matter of the Estate of Andy O'Malley, deceased. To the Unknown Heirs of Andy O'Malley, deceased: You nnd each of you are- hereby cited and required to appear in tha above entitled Court on March 5, 1920, at the hour of 2;30 o'clock, p. m., and then and there to show cause. If any you have, why an order should not be made authorizing Wal ter E. Perkins, jadmlnlstrator of said -ostnto to sell. at private sale, to tha highest bidder for cash In hand, tha' following real property belonging'to said estate, to-wit: Lot Five (5) of Block Seventeen (17) of North Klamath Falls Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Witness the Honorable R. H. Bun nell, Judge of the above entitled Court, with the seal thereof affixed this January 31st, 1920. C. R. DE LAP, Clerk. (Seal.) By Garrett K. Van Riper, ' . Depaty, 2-9-16-23-30. In the County Court of the Stats ef Oregon, for Klamath .County. In. tho Matter of tho Estate of Thom as Drake, Deceased. Notice of settlement of final ac count and of hearing of petition toi discharge.! Notice is hereby given that tho1 hs dersigned, as 'executrix of the estate of Thomas Drake, deceased, has rend ered and presented for settlement, and filed in said court, her final ac count of the administration of said estate, and a petition for her dis charge, and that the 23rd day sf Fobrunry, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. in tho court room of said court, at tho court bouse, In Klamath Falls, ''lnmath County, Oregon, has been fixed by said court as the time and nlace for the' settlement of said ac count and the hearing of said peti tion for distribution nnd discharge, at which time and place any person Interested In said estate may appear and file exrentions in writing to the aid final nccount and contest the i9iiie, nnd show cause. If any there bo, .why a final distribution of said estate should not ho ordered, and tha executrix discharged. , j" Dated this 23rd day of January, 1320 ' RUTH DRAKE ). ; Fxocutrixot Bald Estate in.?n-2-9-16 ' ..Fine and Exclusive Line for Big and Little Folks. 5 to 50 cents, , PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY COMPANY i 126 Main Street UA$d lb i