The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 09, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, FEBRUABV 0, 1020
The Evening Herald
sn i
&.,?. MURRAY,
.City Editor
Published dally except Sunday bv
The Herald Publishing; Company ot
iwamam tarn, at nr Fourth Street.
Entered nt tho postotflco at Klam
ath Falls, Ore., tor transmission thru
tho malls as. second-class. matter.
Subscription trms by mail to any
address In tho United Stalest ' -
Ono year . $G.OO
One trioUtir; ,."., .50
1 : 1 ' LI;
Member of tho Associated Press.
The Associated Press Is exclusively
eatltlSd, Jo the use for republication
o( nlllnaws dtspatchos credited to It
or knot othorwiso credited In this
paper! nnd also local news published
All rights of republication .of spe
ciai dispatches herein nro also re
rights ot tho statu ns against fodornl
constitutional prohibition, must deal
with n legislature controlled by the
Republican party whllo ho Is 'a De
mocrat. Now Jersey not only failed
to ratify tho federal prohibition n-
mendment, together with Ithoilo Is
land and Connecticut, but wont fur
ther than any other stnto in tho Un
ion nnd Its legislature absolutely ro
Jected tho amendment. Tho governor
has urged tho loglslaturo to refrnln
In Its present session from now giv
ing Its ratification.
Although Governor Kdwnrda holds
liberal Dersonal views concerning tho
use ot Intoxicants, his friends say
that ho has not taken n drink ot In
toxicating liquor In uioro than SO
years, upon ndvlco of his physician.
Kdwanls Is n mnn ot action rather
than nn orator but, In his campaign,
mnilo an Impression In his speeches
by directness and frankness. Ho Is
considered' a staunch party orgnnlin
tlon man, ot more than nvcrngo busi
ness ability, tolornnt nnd loyal; a
home-loving man, ono whoso greatest
pleasure in life is In playing games
with his llttlo grandphlldron. Ills
home Is In New Jersey. Ho Is 06 years
old, president of they First National
Bank' ot Jersey City, served for six
years as state controller In which of
flco ho established a "pay-as-you-go
policy" for New Jersey, nnd for about
ono year was stato senator. Ho Is
married and has one son. Captain Ed
ward I. Edwards, Jr., who, sorvod
overseas in the war, nnd a daughter.
He Is n vestryman of St. Paul's Epis
copal church of Jersey City.
Are jou enumerated?
Stage Coach
Our forofnthors soloctod
thulr own, glasses. They
also traveled In stugo
coaches. Thoy did both tor
tho samo reason thoro
was no other way.
Today stage, coachel nrfa
it curiosity their Utility
has passed with tho Inven
tion ot more modem
methods, just us "seloqt
Ing your own glasses" has
given way to scientific oyo
Our methods of testing
nro tho latest and most
Bclenttllo known nnd our
work Is fully guarnntood
to bo satisfactory. Call nnd
seo us.
Phone 14DW
700 Mnln
TRENTON, N. J., Feb. D Tho bat
tie In New Jersey, led by Governor
Edward I. Edwards, for state rights
at against constitutional prohibition
la .being fought along two lines: An
effort to Induce tho legislature to
contest tho validity ot the 18th a
mendment in the United States Sup
reme Court and to enact a state law
permitting the sale In New Jersey of
beverages containing more than one-
half or ono percent of alcohol.
Steps necessary to fight the prohi
bition amendment In the Supreme
Court have been considered in con
ferences between the new Governor
and the stato attorney general. Two
' tills have been Introduced in the leg'
lalature, one to permit the sale ot
beverages wltbT fdur percent of alcoh
ol content and- the other five per
an issue of "personal
gave apledge in his campaign to in
afst tfie'rigni of the people of New
Jersey to say hW they should live.
His attempt to fulfill that pledge has
made this state one nf thn tavr ro.
al"?Jn4( battlegrounds tor he rtgfltUne writer has saved a minute InMfoe
t 1 t , 1
overnor Edwards was elected on
liberty.'" He
of a man to buy a drink and has at
tracted attention throughout the
j; couniry.r
!, iue uovernor, in attempting to as-
I aert and maintain the sovereign
LONDON, Jan. 21. (Dy Mall).
Tho largo key of tho front door of
trie Mnnslon House, official resldenco
ot tho Lord Mayor, which was missed
last summer after an entertainment
given to American sailors, has Just
been restored through the American
' Tho Lord Mayor regards tho Incid
ent as a Joke and says that tho key
will now possess additional Interest
Qrnbon or tho smart shop ntroots
that, radlnto from thorn, but tho
owner ot tiny ono ot thorn will Bull
you mora, readily for bitcou, Hour of
BUgnr than for crdwns'. ltoloiitly
many sWps hive refused 'to soil ex
cept for established foreign moneys,
although such a procoduro Is in
direct violation ot tho law.
Tho government dnlly quoted tho
offlVml truto ot exchange at .which
foreign money will, bo cashed In Its
own bureau, but this menus nothing
ns affect liis prlvato transactions In
banks and with money chahgors.
Somb dnys thesn' wlllglvo from ton
to, twenty points moro or loss than
tho official' rnto, according to their
own' Judgment ot conditions Thoro
nro dally raids on illicit monoy
changers In cafes, hotel corridors
and In tho side streets of tho Dourso,
often netting millions ot crowns, but
tho gnmo goes on.
Aro jou enumerated?
With These Farm Conveniences
, You're Living in the City f
IO AiikvIc .Woman HA She Coiihl
iot km flieniN or urcmi ror two
Yciii-s- Gains 18 Pound Taking
1 .. 1 : . i4(lir
"No ono"couldspo the'woridbr
after Its Atlantic voyage.
LIVERPOOL, Jan. 22. (By Mall).
"Save-a-mlnuio Club" has been
started at one of tho large North of
England factories, whose employees
receive a weekly Jprlze for the best
one-hundred word letter ns to how
execution of work. There is keen com
petition among the employes, who not
only save several minutes dally hut
increase the production of tho fac
mSvSSKfw : I
,1 LI A 5f?ms0
b f I PKiM er a hcarty I
rrf& meaU you'll I
r vfy "7 "O av01? Tnat I
&!:. s a'stfcK of t I
IB 1
wt Other benefits: to teeth. H
I breath; appetite, nerves. I
I That's a 20'0'd deal to I
;, fiet for 5 cents! 1
1 Sealed f ight-KePt Right !
-Tlti riaiiAr I acteil
VIENNA, Jan. 12. (By Mall.)
Tho authorities recently nuthorlzcd
tho population to cut and tnko from
tho municipal forests that Burround
Vienna ns much wood as could bo
borno on tho. back three times week
ly. The plan was meant to moot tho
pressing need ot pcoplo who could
not buy or obtain from tho public
ration enough fuel to cook with. ,
A fortnight's experiment showed
that, with the. complete, destruction
ot ono superb forest park of ISO
acres, only a fraction of tho wood
went as intended, while organized
bands of profiteers cut and sold 20,
000,000 crowns' worth.
Tho incident Is typical of profiteer
ing' conditions In this capital. The
papers dally report tho frustrated or
successful smuggling in and out of
the country of contraband articles
and commodities. A band of Span
ish smugglers recently wero .caught
on the southern frontier with large
quantities' of gold, silver and pla
tinum which they wore trying to
take out In automobiles. The low
exchange valuo of tho Austrian
crown makes smuggling a tempting
game and men take desperate
chances. Tho frontiers nro guarded
closely and everyone searched, but
the left-hand trade is unchecked.
Monoy can still buy any necessity
or any luxury here. While tho mass
ot tho peoplo 'nro hungry and cold
and ill-clad, the splendid hotels and
restaurants continue so crowded that
It Is impossible to bo served unless
a reservation is made for a table. In
change In'motanddpubtUhat, Tnnluc
Is Jdst agrandnfedlclnei" said-Mrs.
Louise Rogers ot 4,017 Drooklyn
avonuo, ,Loa Angolcs, Cal, Mrs.
Rogers formerly lived nt Wonatcheb.
Wash., whbro sho Is also woll known
"My health was bo had for years
that I bocamo almost a physical nnd
norvous wreck," sho' contlnuod. "I
had nervous Indigestion, dlsordorud
Kiunoys ami otnor troubles. I was
perfectly mlsernbla nnd for over two
years I could not eat any bread,
milk or meat, nnd had to live on tho
very lightest ot foods. I suffered so
that sloop was almost impossible nnd
I tell off to a moro shadow ot my
former solf, I was under cnnstnnt
treatment ,for eighteen' months, hut
kopt getting' worse Instead of bet
ter. I nearly gavo up all hopo and
my husband, too,-thought I was go
ing to dio. Ha dccldod to sond mo
to a health resort, hut I was so low
I had to bo carried and havo nn at
tendant nil tho tlmo.
"It was .then that n lady from
ancouyer persuaded mo to try Tan
lac and It was Just threo days bo
foroT notlood'n chnngo'for tho bottor.
I havo now taken fivo bottlos, huvu
gplned elghtoon pounds and all ot
my old troubles aro cone entirely. I
ent three good meals ovcry day and
sleep like a child all night long. I
Just want to toll ovorybody what n
great medicine Tahlac is."
Tanlac is sold. in Klamath Fnlla hv
tho Star Drug' Co. nnd In Lo'rolla hv
tho James Merc, Co. adv.
lty hiuluir iiinnliiK venter In
our Iioiim1, Imi )i mill outbuild
Inpx, nnd t'levtilo light
tlmiiiKhoiit, )ini Hill lmo nit
the t'imwiili'iMCN of it city
Inline. '
Anil nt tho Mii-pi lilngly low
cost at ulilili lint PAttr
I'll It lid ItlslMllt'll Jllll cm n
nllotil Ihonil
,'ATKU KYP'I'KM nnd. ,UNI l'
KKSAIi I.KillTi.Vd Pla'TH1 T'
Ask us for further information. It will bo a pleasure
to figure with you, whether you decide to buy now or
? .
n.l. JCr. rJ2 .W''.. I7 . -". . i m
frkr '
HONOLULU, Jan. 12. (Ily Mall.).
Forty-eight persons In Ilnwiill.j
nfTllctod with leprosy, weio cured
during 1910, nrrordlug to thu stute-r
incut ot Dr. J. T. McDonald, attend
ing pliyslrlau nt thu Knlllil leprosy
Investigation station hero.
Tho products used In trontlng tho
disease, said Dr. McDonald, are n
llned from a wegctnhlo nil by Dr. A.
L. Dean nt tho cnllegu nf Hawaii.
Tho Burgoon-genurnl nt Washington
tins asked for a detailed description
of thn work for publication In the
United States Health Itoport, and
this now Is being prepared,
Until nrinugoutmitR can bo
miiilo (hut will Insure n supply
ot paper sufficient to ennblo
Tho Herald to return to Its re
gular hUo, It will remain as It
Is today, with tho exception of
l'rliln( when wo nio permitted
I to print eight piutes. Wo nhitll
return to our regular alio at tho
eaillest Unto pohhIIiIo.
To tho swimming pool. Tho
wutor Is llnu ul tho Hot Snrlnic Iluth
lllouso. it
A. M. A
Dr. King's Nw .Discovery
has a successful record
of half a century s.
Kay-Jay Orchestra &
crowns the prices are fabulous. A
simple meal costs the month's salary
of nn office man, yet profiteers and
alien speculators throng them as
well as the cabarets and night
amusement places of all kinds.
On the ono hand is luxury and
reckless spending, and on tho other
starvation. .Tho swarms of stroet
beggars Increase men, women nnd
children with their Insistent ap
peals. The cheaper coffee houses
are filled", from opening to closing
with those drawing their 15 crowns
dally of out-of-work subsidy. Strikes
and threatened strlkos bring enorm
ous Increases ot pay, and prostrate
under it all, Is tho middle-class, the
professional and clerical Tanks, who
have neither organization nor re
source. Th'oy are not entitled to out-of-work
pay nor enabled la any way
to increaso their incomes.
Vienna presents curious contracts.
Nearby is a shop once famous for Its
delicacies. Its windows are dressed
with tinned salmon, a fow sardines,
both to 'bo had only on a fat ration
card, somo Imitation liquors and
scalylooklng bonbons.
In tho great shopping streets of
tho inner city the windows are filled
with magnificent furs,workB of art,
tailored costumes, da'ln'ty silks and
other women's wear, Jewels and
other articles de luxo. But for
sturdy clothing, for shoes and wool
ens, for those things that a -populace
needs in a hard winter cllmo, for
fats and flour and sugar, one can
search Vienna in vain. A diamond
or rare painting, tapostry or sable
coat, dainty glassware or exquisite
leather and porcelain things can be
pj found In the Krfrnestrasso or tho
TIME-TIUED for more than fifty
years nnd today at tho zenith
of ItS'iidpularltyl When you
think of, that, you nro. bound' to bo
convinced that Dr. King's New Dis
covery does exuetly what It Is meant
to do soothes cough-raw throats,
congestion-tormented chests, loosons
phjegm-pack, und breaks the most
obstlnhtoicold and grippe nttuck. '
vr. 1ukA sum ror your cow,
for your mother's' cold for tho kid
dle's cold cough, croup. Leaves no
disagreeable, after-effect. 00c. and
$1.20 bottles nt your druggist's.
Bowel. Act Sluggish?-
Irregular bowels often result in;
serious' sickness and disorders ot
the liver and stomach.; , Make them
act a they should. with Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Keep the liver ac
tive thn system free from waste,
25c. a bottle.
and the
123 Sixth Street
It will save you Time, Money, and Patience
and Avoid
Bi Zl
WikiSP' in Every Cake
Timber Sale, Klamath Indian Itescr
vatlon. Sealed, bids. In duplicate,
marked outside "Bid Eggsman Unit,"
and' addressed to the Superintendent,
Klamath Indian School, Klamath
Agency, Oregon, will be received
until twelve o'clock, noon, Pacific
time, Thursday, March 11, 1920, for
tho purchase of timber on 640 ncres
ot tribal and allotted land. 'on the
Hprague iwvor in sections zz, zi una
28,t ,Townsnlp ,34 South; , Uango - 8
East of the W. M., Klamath Reser
vation. Tho sale comprises about
two and one-half million feet of yel
low pine, for which no bid of less
than three dollars and ten 'cents
($3,10) per thousand feet will be
considered. All timber must be re
moved prior to, July 1, 1921, Each
bid must be accompanied by a. certi
fied check for, one thousand dollars.
payable to the Superintendent ot the
Klamath Indian School. Deposit
will be. retained as liquidated dam
ages it oiauer ibub io; execute con
tract and bond within sixty days'
from acceptance' ot bid. The right
to reject; any and all bids is reserved,
Form, of contract and other informa
tion' may be' obtained from Superin
tendent. Washington D. C. Janu
ary 28; 1920.' OATO SELLS, Com
missioner ot Indian Affairs. 3-ood-28
Having sold a part of my place and having more
tiquijmiunt man i neeu, x win sun ai ruuiic .miction at
I Thursday, Feb. 12 1
The following described property, to-wit:
10 good Work Horses, 6 sets of Heavy Work Har
ness, 14-Disc Superior Drill, 3-Gang John Deer Plow,
3-Gang Sanderson Plow, 2-Gang Plow, 6-Gang
Stockton Plow, Deering Header, Champion Header,
Potato Planter, 4 pair Stretchers, 4 Log Chains,
,3-inch nearly new Bain Wagon, 3Vi-inch Ruther
ford Wagon, 2 good Farm Wagons, 18-inch Disc
Superior Drill,- and many articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale Sums of S20.A0 nnd unrtar onah.
Sums over $20.00 nine months time at 8 per cent '
juwiu&b wiui uuimuuiu nptu. rive per cent discount .
for cash on all sums over $20.00.
Sale Begins at I o'clock Sharp
E. L. HOPKINS, Owner
C. G. Merrill and H. C. Moore, Auctioneers"
11 &