The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 07, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I '
Personal Mention
i. R. Ktrkham, who has been ns
sistant manager ot the Standard OH
company tor the Klamnth district
for tlio past six months, will leave
Monday for Orland. Calif., whero ho
has been promoted by his company
to the position ot district manager.
Bath Mr. and Mrs. Klrkham hare,
mado many friends In this city who'
will regret to have them leave, but
who will be glad to know ot their
good fortuno.
Frank 11. Robinson has obtained
the services of Professor Francis
James Perusso to assist In the War
ren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy. Prof.
Perusso Is at the present time In
structor ot pharmacy In the North
Pacific College ot Pharmacy In Port
land and prior to going there was
Instructor In tho University of
Nebraska, and before that in the
"University ot Colorado. Mr. Robin
son expects Professor Perusso to be
here In time for the opening ot the
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Johnson and
little daughter, Myrtle, of Merrill,
will leave Sunday ' for Nanteka,
Calif., whore they expect to reside In
the future. The family came from
Kansas fourteen years ago and have
resided in Merrill since that time.
Klaraathites are predicting the re
turn of the Johnsons In about a year.
H. M. Mortensen, president of the
Pelican Bay Lumber company, was
elected a member of the executive
committee of the California White
and Sugar Pine Manufacturers'
association at their recent meeting
in San Francisco.
Antone Prarie is holding the posi
tion of janitor at the courthouse
while John Fountain Is taking a
month's vacaation.
C. J. Ferguson, attorney, left
yesterday for a business visit In Port
land, Tacoma, and other northern
Charles H. Collier has purchased
a Paige car from the Imperial gar
age, and not A. M. Collier, as" an
nounced In this column yesterday.
mien nunc
The Ducks missed victory In three,
straight games by two pins In the j
first gnmo of the contest with tho
Duffs on the Klka alleys Inst night.
They captured the other two games
by a wide mnrgln. The scere: ,
1st 2nd
Smith 1R9
Diamond Grid
Sixth Between Main and Klamath
Battery Service Station
Houston .... 105
Moore 197
Houston.... 1S3
3rd Total
159 196
176 E GS
147 46S
3rd Total
ISO 504
222 628
twelve Inches, and tho highest flttoon
i Imriik!) Tint rnlrin nrn uiiiiornllv
NAME IN LAND DEAL' most neveio during the month ot
.Mnrcn, wiin inoiM or loss rain uur
(Continued from Page 1)
Arc you enumerated?
. America's oldest bell hands In a
rectory at East Haddam, Conn. It
bears the date "A. D. 803," and Is
believed to have been brought to
America from a Spanish monastery.
704 645
1st 2nd
Laventk, 174 150
Kelley ..'. 144 155
C. Moore . 201 1S6
Jester 183 223
702 714 750
Standing of the Clubs
Won lost
Sawdust S 6
Neversllps . S 7
Rookies 8 7
Spark Plugs . 7 7
Duffs 7 8
Ducks . 6 9
Are you enumerated?
Although the connection between
the cost ot alfalfa and tho high price
of clothing may seem remote, C.P.
Bishop, of Salem, president of thoi
Oregon Retail Clothiers' association. They appear to me to be
stations on the tract, namoly, Mid
land, Ady and Worden. Thoro nro
two spur trncks nt Ady, ono being n
mile long nnd tho other halt n
mile, which appears to mo to give
very ndequato shipping conditions.
You will nottco In tho blue print
tour pencllmarks, ono In Section 17,
two In. Section 29, nnd ono In Section
2. At'thcso points I dug holes throo
foot deep, and found n very typical
peat soil, occasionally mixed with
silt and clay loam. From tho naturo
of tho soil, I bellovo It Is Ideal tor
potatoes, onions, nnd in fnct all tho
"crops that are now being grown sue
cessfully In the Dolta. I was assured
by Mr. Jacobs nnd Mr. Smith that
thero wore no nlkull present In any
detrimental quantities throughout
the entire tract, and I saw no tracos
in tho land that I rode over and ex
The general contour of tho land Is
very level nnd lies very similar to
most ot the Islands at Stockton. Tho
tules were burnod threo years ago,
and at present there Is a slight
second growth In the places I saw,
not over two to three feet tall.
I am sending you In a sack a
sample ot the typical soli I examlnod.
taken from the first three feet, nnd
I think you will ngreo with mo that
It is of excellent quality. It doc3
not appear to bo as raw as many ot
tne sous at Stockton, and I found
none of the "buckskin" peat, which
is more or less common In California.
From, the natural lay of tho land.
etc., I do not see any danger from
alkali, as the water which flows
through the land, and which form
erly formed tho lake. Is used for
drinking purposes nt tho Falls, nnd
Is typical mountain water.
To sum up the soil conditiens:
all that
lnir Anrll mill uliciwor itlirlutr June.
As a rule, no rain tufts during the
mouths of May, July, August and
September, but during October thero
Is more or less liability from rains,
ulthough thoy are not especially so
vxro nt this time. I prosmno that
during tho winter It Is too cold tor
very much rain.
Ttiore nro sovurnt mou In tho
vicinity of Klamath Falls who havo
been growing vegetables for a mini
bor ot years In tho commercial way.
Mr. Klmor Applegate has been in
this valley for u long time, nndjius
successfully grown potntoos ,nr"well
as otnor vegetables, llo nas tnou
nearly forty varieties ot potatoes
Jacobs' tract, nit ot which Is na furj TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY
rrom mo mini lis unrKnvna is uum
Oh Joy, oh hoy I Wo nro going to
tho Hot Spring Until House It
WANTHI) To hoar from mvnur ot
good ranch for snlo. Htuto cash
price, full particulars. I). F, Iluuli,
.Minneapolis, Minn. (Hut.)
tholr money. I further suggested
that tho HBO of tho U. S. mall for tho
dissemination ot such stuff not In-
nnu nnus mm mo pieueu uem is fronuontv nmnirml tho sorlous at-
Now, in my denunciation ot tneso
people for lugging mo Into tuoir
dnvlleht. I want It distinctly under
stood by nil concomod Hint tho use
of my nnmo In connection with tho
oxploltutlon of thoso marsh-lands
wiis never nuthorlrod, and you nro
certainly udvtsod not to do so ngaln."
Then I go on to explain In no un
certain terms that most ot tho state
monts made In tho lottor nnd roport
concerning tho gonornl chnracter of
tho land nnd tho conditions sur
rounding It boII, wator, wntor
rlghts, cllmnte, nlknll, vtc. do not
conform to tho truth, nnd might de-
culvo tho credulous Innd-huyur, n
method of proceduro sometlmeH fol-
lowi'd bv those who practico mo rait hunt N coy turn hthn.l room
gentle art ot soptirutlng tools from; furnuce heat uso ot phono and
bath Phono 435. 7 at
Thoro will bo u mooting of tho mon
of tho Sncred Heart Parish utter tho
Second Muss tomorrow. .
In his opening address at the first an
nual convention at Portland, insisted
that a trebled cost ot hay has its part
could be asked for from soils ot this
type, and I havo no hesitancy in
recommending that thoy would bo
adapted to tho crops that you desire
eeMeem y,, M,Mw-M--w.w-w-M-t-u-jfvo
Houston Amusements Today
Firing Line,"
sure," Chas. Chaplin, "Break The
News to Mother," founded o'nffie"
famous song by Chas. K. Hafrl
TEMPLE ''The Misleading Widow',
mine Burke.
Anita Stewart. adv.
In the boosting of clothing prices, to grow,
which, though minute. Is as direct as I . VAJ . . .
... , i - , , . I The reason that this land Is now
the Increased wages of heeplierders.LJ0t subJect t0 overflow nnd w, not
shearers, carders, designers, cutters i be In the future, Is due to tho fact
and salesmen, or the mounting costs that tho Southern Pacific Company
nas put in a largo tlood-gato at Ady,
which regulates the water supply.
tnlnod a 10-ncro miscellaneous
vegetable garden for a period ot 11
years, and states that ho had found
the "Netted Com" to bo preferable
tor potatoes, and has had very good
success with other vegetables, and
I was especially interested in the
statement that ho can produco head
lettuce ot cxcellont quality during
tho summer months. All the men I
spoko with omphaslza tho fact that
potatoes and onions should bo plant
ed as early In tho spring as possible;
and not lator than Juno 1. Tho crops
nro generally harvested the latter.
part ot Soptombor and first ot Octo-bor.
I am sending you in the sack ot
soil a sample ot Australian Drown
onions, which Mr. Nltcholm grow
and which I took ns fair samples ot
his crop from his warehouse.
Respectfully submitted,
Signed) S. S. ROGERS,
Assoc. Prof. Vegotablo Culture
Univ. ot Cullf., Davis, Calif.
gamo, and in my rerutntion ot a 101
of things thoy say, I used torms so(
Thoso desiring to loam Spanish
from n Spanish teacher call phono
374. 7-14
strong, short nnd to tho point, that
The Herald didn't think thoy would
look nice In print: honco this mild
translation of my lottor.
Yours vory truly,
OFKICB FOR HUNT Main stroet,
front room Swanson Ilultdlng. In
quire 625 Main St. 7-9
Store. Call tonight nftor 7 o'clock.
." Itfli
'A Gripping Melodrama of
bociety, in seven parts
; Also- V jzw
Peerless Comedy
1 Starring
Fatty Arbuckle
of dye3, linings, boxes and tags
This was part of a defense of tho
charge of profiteering, made against
the retail clothier, he 'insisted, with
out knowledge of real conditions and
uasea on aarott nguring wmen as
sumed that a large slice of the profit
and the ?" paid for the suit into
and the ?100 paid fir the suit Into
f$hlch It was woven was the re
tailer's share.
( Opinion was general that tremen
dous high prices could not continue
Indefinitely, though none were so
bold as to predict an early break. All
speakers hoped for a slump In the
fall, they said, but none would pre
diet such a state of affairs.
In general the retailers will buy
light for the fall trade and hope for
the best, but this will not be,a un
animous rule and the convention
adopted no definite policy toward fall
buying, though the question was dls-
cused from every angle. k j? i
If the Industry Is to prosper and
the' supply kept up with the demand.
not less than a 48-hour week Is es
sential, declared the clothiers In a
resolution adopted favoring a six-day
week of eight hours a day. It was
of Ilutto Is chalr-
ot tho stnto commlttco on tin
'Introduced by Ben Selling, who ex
presed himself as unalterably opposed
to less working hours than 48 In ono
H .W. POOLE, Owner.
HARRV DOREL, Musical Director
r .
A story of mistaken identity-ftm's1 picture will please
you '"
Features Mrs. Joe Martin the educated Orang
TKe most timely picture of the day a picture every
man should see 'The World Aflame"
Two Matinees Sunday starting at 1:30 and3:30 p.jYI.
and the extra water Is now diverted
to a point further up the river than
it was In the past,
The water for Irrigating purposes
Is the Klamath River, which Is
shown on the bluo print. This Is a
body of water varying In width from
eighty to one hundred and fifty feet
throughout the tract, and Is off a
depth of from twelve to eighteen
feet, making a navigable water-way
throughout the entire tract up to the
tjoutnern racinc railway at Ady. The
Klamath River flows from Upper
Klamath Lake, n body of water
which is 37 miles long and 10 miles
wide at its widest point. You will
find the lake on the Klamath Countv
mnp, which I am also enclosing, and
you will further note that the entire
tract of land is located In this man
directly around Lowor Klamnth
Lake. The land slopes about two
reet on either side of this river, mak
ing it ideal for irrigating purposes,
nd if you will note on the blus
print, tne area which Is for sale lies
on both sides and up to tho river
In speaking with Mr. Jacobs, ho
stated that all this land carries with
It permanent state rights for water.'
as siaieu Derore, tne water which
flows through this tract Is used by
me city or. Kiamatn Falls, and Ift
typical mountain water, containing
no alkali.
Weather Conditions nt Klnmatli
In speaking with several of tho
farmers In this community who have
been growing vegetables and other
crops, ahd'who havo been here a con
siderable time, I procured the fol
lowing 'informatien: As a rule tho
Plowing starts in Anrll. nnrl thn innf
killing, .frost is about the mlddlo of
amy. Tne coldest' months aro In
December and January, at which
times tho fhormometer has reglster-
ea SIX DCIOW zero but this Is rnthnr
unusual , weather, but It evidently
freezes every night during these
months. Tho first killing frost is
during tho month of October, and it
is desirable to got tho crops out of
tho ground as near tho first as pos
sible. 'In tho summer tho tempera
ture goes from eighty to ono hun
dred degrees In tho day time, but at
night It cools down considerably.
The government reports for tho Inst
fifteen years havo shown an average
annual rainian or tnirteon Inches.
The lowest during tho period was
To Whom It May Cencern:
Referrnlg to tho foregoing lottor
and attached roport, under date ot
February 2, 1920, I wroto to J. W.
Wright & Co.. Sun Francisco, Calif.,
in part as follews:
"My attention has boon called to
a certain letter, dated January 23,
1920. written by your firm to J. D.
Mannos, Redding, Calif., rolatlvo to
tho Jacobs' Lower Klamnth marsh
land tract. Rofercnco Is made to tho
successful growing of certain crops
by me, with an apparent attempt to
Convey the Idea that I am onoratlne
on land similar in character and virtnrio. whirl. n. ..,.,.i i t i
same conditions as tho . ,., n vnn
r"vi twv j j wm t a i(u
Mv nnmo hnvlnir been used In the
sjuno way ns Mr. Applogato's,'I wlshl
to endorse his statement concerning!
this matter.
Aro you cuuiimruttHl?
IIUTTE, Mont., Feb. 7 Local com
mltteoi hnvo perfected preliminary
organization for tho cnmpiilmi to
raise the $100,000 nllottcd Montana
of the $10,000,000 bond drive for
tho "Irish republic" In tho United
Tho drlvo will begin Fobrunry 12.
James E. Murray
drlvo nnd It Is said that county chair
men nnd comploto organizations aro
to bo named in tho state
Aro jou enumerated?
Ono ot tho tow oquostrlonno
statues of women to bo found any
where In tho world Is that of Queen
FOR SALE Whlto English Dull
puppies. Inquire 720 Mala street.
MONEY TO LOAN on old. aa well
ns now buildings. It you wish to
buy or build a homo, compaw, total
amount ot Intorcst on a straight loan
with our monthly payment plan.
Monthly payments roqulrol ... pay
oft a $1,000.00 loan In
3 years $;i2 2(5 p-r morth
4 yoars 2.30 per Month
r years 21.21 pa" month
years 18,52 por month
7 years lG.tlO por month
8 yonrs 15.17 por month
Other amounts In tho samo proportion.
Tho unpaid. Imlanm of principal niny
do mii nt miy time,
l'arlflc Itulldlnsr Loan Ass'n
Aro you onumcrntwl?
Through orror tho prlco of tho plpo
organ ordorod by tho Presbytorlnn
church hoard was announced by tho
Herald yesterday ns $2000. Tho act
ual prlco Is $4000. Unit that amount
hns been raised.
When wintry rain.,
and icy wind
chilled you
through and through
When you nre compelled to be out in all
kinds of wenther nnd go home with a
headache and sore throat, chilblains or
rheumatism then you will appreciate tho
real value of
o ;; i o
Horeafter tho Herald will publish
the mean and maximum tempera
tures and pj-pclpltatlon record as tak
en by (he U, S. Reclamation service
station. Publication will cover tho
day previous, to the paper's issue, up
to C o'clock ot that day.
Feb, 1...... 45
Feb, 2.u;. 51 28
Feb. $.L). 47 28
Min. clpltatlon
-.... .uu ..... ,-uuu.wuu:, ua (UU . , flf
. X
f pi win a
1 W ntWfr,''
VJ 'llfw
r 1M
&. V jmrtlSTi l.l
r WkM i
X-s&m Kill
APrHi-A i fTTti i I It I I iWI. II .fflJ i
k WHilM !
sz- tzKM'mm A f
ill! f xBjwBhI! 1 m Wl K
'lv E? .-ARMXSMag k llllld 1' ' ImiblM W GUARANTEE
J 5s BBBwH!9tHraBl I MM I flrHI if??a llol 'Af gwminlee appturi on
Jfcafatg.-fl BBLIMMEllliWK J7j' fill IT -.vtr Jiut JKICA(WC1
SSdlSreSEjEISflKn iTRV ll J, f 1 1 D The Blumautr-t'rank I.nbo.
finbSMrlBf'fWtSISC m'l I SIH I rmorles nnd thv dri4gl$t
pa. Jj 'QKPiSlfin tni i tTBm Ss' ' 'Cl! I tBl'" ,0''' vou "'' Pf'Vnra-
BtH-4ZP-SffiKX'9l r2, H 2aL . rlf" I r "" twnrantee it -to give
0 3eimammnmmmFSmm-i " l .irrtiim Km&. it iaoum not,
1 MM-JlE IK&jatJLD5KIMLJL3ittt-. -,JLl return it (o the ilruggiit
WtBSKKSMffMSESSiUUiysS. from whom it vol pur-
UM m t if ii I li H cnaiea. lie will cheerfully
)iBHHHHrrBOffiwaBHHiSKKZH refund the price vou paid
( TlBlMlHMrn7TllllP lfl fS !?r " rOKOr.A prepara-
Jl IjinH mmKSim Jllllli FbU d U tum mutt lallifv.
' lUlBvB '' laMIHfnSI III Prepared and Guaranteed
ollBibv IfSmRSIriTI I by THE blumauer-frank
2S rfKBfe"'. HwATAltlllll M LABORATORIES
- ' iiiiiiii t uia iiu wi m , ,n
. gzz v rrt!'r'.r.-",r? ' . .,
uSS 0,1 aumftwrrfl nm mwa" , ...
It is a volatile crystallized liniment that it
immediately absorbed and affords quick
relief from pains incident to wintry
PUROLA Crystalin is compounded of
healing ingredients and smells as' pure and
helpful as it is.
Your medicine cabinet should
have a regular place for its
bottle of PUROLA Crystalin
a penetrating liniment that
eveVy family needs time and
time again.
Feb.' , 'f...... G4 26;'
Fob.'' t'i&J S5J ' 26"
Fob. 6...... 62 30