The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 07, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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tV?T" - .
I '
unr inii iinnL i n i
fl lUUlL HAT
Best of Everythinj
Perhaps you cannot afford the best of every
thing, but you can afford the best coffee that
money will buy Folger's Golden Gate.
I Jazzz ORIGINAL Jazzz
' !
Different in
taste from other coffee and
if FLEERS m,
ss? v. iy
JV. r r
NEW YOHK, Fob. 7. Plnmbors
who !my Incoino tuxes iiro no longer
the "aristocrats of lnbor," according
to William II. Edwnrds. United
Status Internal Ranmuo Collector for
thu Second and thlid Districts of
.Vow York, In wlioso district this
tar muro thnn $l.r.00,000,000 will
lie gathered up for Undo Snm.
High wogoa mul profltalilo over
time, says Mr. Edwards, huvo raised
to tho Incoino tx pnlng list buoIi
Workors ns longshoromon, Rnrmont
mnkors, paper hangers, railroad
brnkemen, chauffeurs, sailors, truck
drlers nnd piano movora. 'And
don't forgot the chmus Kills, tho
movio stnrs nnd tho hotol waiters,"
doclnrod tho collector, adding thnt
so mo of tho latter aro making nioro
thnn 5,000 a yeir In tips nlono,
Streot car conductors nnd motor-1
Kay-Jay Orchestra
men In lirooklyn, for Instance, ho
said, hnvo mntle ns much ns $C0 a.
week nnd, If their j early Income ox-j
coeds $1,000 for a sIiikIo man on
$2,000 for tho head of a family, thoy'
will he required to contribute their
shnro toward the co-U of running the.
government. Mr. Edwards rlted a
few Instnnces without, of course,'
mentioning nny naiue.s. of bootblacks, I
mllkwngon drivers nnd hollhoys who I
In 1919 earned In excess of their ex
emption und who will bo required to
fllo returns.
Payment of tho Income tn began
onJanuary 1 nnd will continue until
riiMlght of March IS nt wnlch time
all returns must bo In to escape tho
possibility of a maximum of $1,000
fine for delinquency. Whllo Collector
Edwnrds was opening his mall tho
other day out fell a check for $2.
8S3.515.39, representing tho payment
of a corporation tox with penalty and
Interest. Tho next letter he opened
was from Montclnlr, N.J., which Is
also In hid district. It had been reg-'
istered to pay an Income tax of $1.37.
A recent cnller nt the Collectors of- j
flco was n woman whose net In
come was C5 cents. Her tax amount
ed to four cents. She wanted to
now know If shetcK eht hrdl hrdlwy
know If Bhe would be permitted to
make tho payments "quarterly."
Whtlt told she could she smiled nnd
said she guessed she would pay It all
at once, handed over four shining
pennies and took her receipt.. An
other patriotic citizen foreign born
filed a careful return showing that
he had no Income which wns subject
to taxation. At the bottom of his re
turn was the following notatien:
"No tax due but would like to pay
Thrift and
Little Things
Who are the men and women that
become masters over great things?
They arc those who first of all become
masters over little things.
Dollar bills and silver dimes are only
little things, so little that they often
trickle away in every direction and
yet they have formed the solid foun
dation for many a comfortable income
through the following slogan :
Start a Savings Account today.
clothing, no footwear and very, very
little food."
Colonel Lantry, next to Colonel
...crauu, ,.UB oeen in ennrge or tne some tax and enclose for $100
actual operating work attempted by
the American railway experts. Ho
has ended his work in Russia. Form
erly he was first assistant to the vice-
First State &
Savings Bank
Envelopes to Match
Use envelopes to match the color of your
We can supply you with fine letterheads
; printed on Hammermill Bend and furnish
envelopes to match in any of the twelve
colors or white.
Remember we are letterhead specialists. You
will find the quality of our printing and the
paper we give you very high and our prices
i - very low.
Let Us Show Yoa What We Can Do
Phone 93 119 South Fourth St.
Collector Edwards said that, under
the law he was not permitted to nc-
i cept the check but that ho forwarded
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 23. (By
llall) Representatives of German
commercial houses have arrived here
to arrange for shipments of cotton
and wool to their country. They are
prepared to buy all of Mexico's sur
plus of such stocks.
y. is hid
i ii tn ffmrrtBatnnftTt Tt nrtnt In Wnalt.
president of the Northern Pacific lngton t0 (1Igpose of a8 ne aw f
railway. . , ... . , ,
This year the Income tax rnte te les
Colonel Lantry said the Americans than last. Mr. Edwards said, tho
had made little improvement of the normal rate being 4 per cent on the
Siberian lines, duo to tho many dlf- first $4,000 of net Income above tho
flcultles encountered. exemption nnd 8 per cent on tho rc-
"Ssmenoff, the Cossack leader un-jmalnlng net income instead of C and
der Admiral Kolchak, who guarded 12 Per cent as In 1018.
part of the railway In the Chita dis
trict," Colonel Lantry said, "has
been one of the niany obstacles."
(General Semenoff has since been
appointed commander-in-chief of tho
All-Russian armies.)
"When I was on my way to Shan
ghai," Colonel Lantry added. "I
passed through Andrlanovaka, 200
miles west of the Manchurlan bor-,
der, and I learned that Just a few
didn't have the money. A 5 percontan udoptlon of tho mask invented by
pennlty was Imposed and he hustled Captain Dement Wood of tho Ilrlt
around and got tho monoy. His Itill-jlsh Army. Tho work owes its origin to
uro to provldo for the tnx cost him Mrs. Mnynnrd Ladd, of Iloston, who.
Just $2,000." I devised the American mnsk, nnd to
Tho Second nnd Third Now York'"" Marie Urcnt, of Columbus, O.,
districts, Mr. Edwards said, raise wlln l)nI charge of tho "portrait
moro than one-quarter of tho total I n,"l,k studio." Miss Hront rocontly
i mnrrled Uesproaux, director of ono of
tho most Important libraries In Paris.
.n jciii I'liuiiu'ratcd?
amount collected throughout tho en
tire United States.
Aro joii enumerated?-
"Offhand," said the collector, "one
would hardlv think that a longshore-
PARIS. Jan. 20. (Ily Mall). Tho
"Society of tho Men with tho Copper" has Just held Its- first annual
man came within the requirements or, convention nt tho Val do Grace Mlll
tho income tax law. Certainly ho ciict tf"ry Hospital, Paris. Tho society con
not n few years ago when many of,8'1-18 f Fronch poldleis, sufforlnK
them found It hard to make a llvlnc
In tho past year or two, however,
many longshoremen hnvo been mak
ing from $0,000 to $i",000 n veai.
''The Incomo tax also hits somo
members of the thpntrlcal professum
General Semenoff had i pretty hard. Somo of these actors,
from facial wounds, who have boon
provided with a set of now featuies
by tho American Red Cross.
Tho most successful address was
made by n woman's hnlr-dresHor who
j lost his noso through n sholl explos
ion. As ho told his comindcs in n
I speech: "Without my noso my Job
days before
nrrlnrpr thn nvrtrmHnno nt n in Innliifiini, n.,nn t...Hn ..,
sons In that little town in a single ' haps make as high as $200 nnd $300 ! '" Bonn; for how, co"1'1 n "n,oloss , -
day." la week for six months in tho vear ""'"" "'" " '""" """
m, .. . . itoinprs.' A ready mulnnc mlv liiil
marked mo for Its own, whpn
MISSOULA, Mont., Fob. 7. Speak
ing no English and trailing alone,
tho French girl brldo of a horolc Yan
kee who lies burled In Franco han
i come to western Montana to live with
tho parents of her husband, 8ho made
tho Journey of fi.OOO miles without
I Mrs. Aloldo .lotto was mnrrled In
Paris, whoro sho met her husband to
bo when ho wns on leavo from tho
front. After tho closo of tho war,
.lotto died of Influenza in route
home. Ills brldo did not hear of his
doath until his patents, In Grnss Val
ley, near hero, wioto hor about It nnd
jtfkod her to come and II vo with thorn.
Mrs, Jotto snld horo thnt "ovory
body helped hor to mnko tho trip
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
gainful consequences by taking
tbm world's standard remedy for kidney,
Iver, bladder and uric acid troublos the
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
..Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggist.
laek for dm nun Gold MmU on mwnr fees
ad accept DO ImMaUoa
j SHANGHAI, Jan. 7. -(By Mall.)
Bolshevist sympathizers in Siberia
I have so torn up rails and ties along
(the Amur lino of tho Trans-Siberian
I railway that it will take two years to
j repair it, according to Colonel J. L.
j Lantry of tho American railway mis
sion to Siberia, who came to Shan
ghai early in tho winter on his way
home to America. That particular
section of tho railway, ho said, had
been under tho care of tho Japanese.
"What will happen In Siberia this
winter," said Colonel Lantry, "is
terrlblo to contemplate. Thousands
and thousands of peoplo there aro
going to dlo of privation. Thoy n,vo
worn their only suits of clothing all
summer an dthey have nothing moro.
"In spite of all that the American
Red Cross is doing there, and It Is a
tremendous work," he added, "un
counted numbers will perish from
cold and hunger. Tbero Is no warm
T nntrW .vnMAnnn.1 ,1
4...ij uaj cancu IJ1U I
greatest admiration for tho Russian
railway workman.
"Thoy have been entirely loyal."
ho declared, "working for threo or
j four months without pay, riding on
tops of trains In bitter weather with
never a caboose for shelter, poorly
clad and taking trains dally through
regions marked by frequent wrecks
nnd derailments caused by a hostile
peasantry. Through it all tho Rus
sian railroader has dono his work.
With tho right kind of co-operation,"
Colonel Lantry declared, "tho Ameri
can railway corps, working with
these men, could have rehabilitated
tho railway nnd made it a marvel of
Colonel Lantry said he had found
tho shelves of tho stores In the larger
centers he had visited recently load
ed down with Japanese goods. "I
would not have been able to buy a
single unsued article manufactured
by any other nation," he said.
Aro jou enumerated?
Men who put the musical shows on
Broadway for the statement that a
considerable number of young school
teachers havo becomo chorus girls be
cause of the higher salaries paid,
They llvo well nnd bv tho tlmo thelt
incomo tnx payment Is dun may bo
out of an engagement. The aro con
fronted with a good sized tn wUhout
nny Immediate means
tn thnm tn prtt H '
"Last year my Investigators found
mnny diamond morchnnt3 havo betn
doing business In this country four
or five years without paying taxes.
We got after them and Increased our
returns by moro thnn $1,000,000.
Somo of tho nctresses who woro delin
quent Inst year said they did not pay
bocauso they could not flguro out
Just how much they were exempt be
cause of the cost of thoir gowns, taxl
cnba and other luxurlos. A CO por
cent pennlty wns Imposed because of
thoir failure to pay when tho taxes
wore due.
"Incomo taxes," snld tho collector,
"should ho figured as n liability Just
as insurance, interest on a mortgage
or your winter's coal bill. Then whon
tho tlmo comes for payment It will
not bo a hardship. Nearly 20,000 per
sons wore fined last year for failure
to file returns. A certain stockbroker
made" $200,000. Ho f'ilo dhis return
showing a tax of $40,000. Ho default
ed In his payment, however, and In
a personal Interview with me, said he
Tho Olllv woman nvm- Imnn,..!
own, when tho ...,.,. . ,, ,. ... ,,.,.
,mnsk oxpoit took my caso Jn hand, (on ,, r wno "','.' "'"""".
, ...... ion, i). l., wns Muc a Ilurns Van
mnd so successful, that I nm now Mo. ,. . , . , """m v'"'
i , .... . . Ness, noted soclnl lender nnd nbllnn-
It Is then up trnclo." , throplst, whoso death occurred in
These Amorlcnn "portrait masks",
which nro tho only ones In Franco, Elnboroto preparations aro being
aro mado of light weight copper pinto mado In Christians for tho ontor
nnamollod In flosh tints. Thoy con- tnlnment of tho International Council
cenl fnclal scars and hido tho nb-'ot Women, which is to moot In tho
senco of missing foaturos. Thoy nro'Norwoglnn cnpltul noxt Soptomher.
Alfalfa Seed
nny ttta thnt you can aee before you nay for IL
ton aK&r' 'P"Ki wlffi t; fieSd-aw".".
c..yo nn..shl.p earloftda or lesa from our warehouses at
2KVfro,Vh,lf.Bc'ii;s.TS' Wtt,,a Wa"a . w.WS
-r.,IiaSJ.rW,?. J" W.e Northwest for the laet 20 yean.
f.r,,'.rhr' ana ou can"t Bt a. good" (ecd
eea money anywhere.
The Chas. H. Lilly Co.
CttoHlwktif Hj
mt, 'M