The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1920, Image 1

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    We lEu em ng Uteralft
Fourteenth Year No. 3837
Price, Five Cent
.. .
' i
x W m I p n l I 1 1 1 M T I I I
runiviLti MHIUIHin:
Word wiin rocolvoil huto tmlny nf.
thn ilonth nt Ij f n liniuu In (Inuit'ii Puns'
at 6:30 o'clock Jmit evening of Will-
linn U. Halo, the flrHl county chirk of!
Klnmiilh rounty nflor llti orgnnizu
(ion In 1 882, anil Inter circuit Judgo
of Klnmntli mid Lukn roilntloH. Hn Ik
survived liy 11 widow, n Hon,. Frnnk
Halo of Portland unit u diuii;litor,
Mm. F II. Ilnrtlnlt of Aberdeen,
Hon III Dnkntn.
Judge IIiiIo'h death wns not minx
poctod. Ho wan stricken with pnriily
flu nliout two jr-nrs ngo nnd linn boon
In III health hIik'u.
Tho docodont en mo to Klnniuth
county nliout 187G. Ho engaged In
rnnrhlng occupations for novornl
jpiirs nnd In 1883 wns appointed tho
first clork of tho nowly organized
county of Klamath, by (lovornor 7, F.
Moody. Two yonrH lalor ho was oloct
od to tho offlco again. Whllo In tho
clerk's offlco ho Htudlcd law anil (if tor
two tortus as clerk rotlrud and form
ed a law inrlii) Sin with Fred Cogs
well. TIiIh opportunity rontiiiuod un
til 1892 wlinu ho was oluctml circuit
Judgo for Klamath nnd l,uko counties
nnd hold tho offlco until thu expira
tion of tho term.
About n yonr after IiIh Judicial term
expired, Jililr.o Halo movnd to Ku
gnnn, whero ho established u law
pructlro. Lator ho moved to Grunts
Puss nnd wiih nloctcd to ropro-
Hcnt JoHophlnu county In tho Oregon
legislature. Until Btrlckon with Ill
ness two yonrs ago ho kept up hlH
lnw practlco.
Tho widow of Judge Halo was MIhh
Elizabeth LniiRotl, daiiRhter of a pro
minent Unckbonvlllo family. Thoy
woro married In 1878. Her fnthor's
brother was tho mnn after whom Lan
Roll's Valloy In this county was nam
ed. With the exception that the spe
clal event botweon Young l'apko of
Sacramonto and Mickey Drown of
San Francisco wan cut from ton to
elRht rounds in tho Until arrange
monta, tho boxing content!! nt IIouh
ton'B opera Iioiihu next Wednesday
evening uro na announced in Thu
Hernld yostordny.
The iniiln event, botweon Hilly
Huff nnd Sailor Hosco, Into pride of
tho Atlantic fleet , is tho cause of
much spoculntlvo Imiuiry. Thu
sailor will arrlvo hero Monday for a
couplo of days' training and fans
will get u chance to slzo him up.
Ho la sovoral pounds heavier than
Drown nnd l'apko will ulso nrrlvn
'Monday and put In a couple of days
in final workouts.
taken up the game In earnest mid
hnn attached n tralnor and spurring
' partner nnd Is going through a rcgu-
Inr grind dully, not entirely to snto-
'guard himself In Wednesdny night's
contest, but with tho Idou of work-
. Ing to a higher place in boxing
Whllo not in n position to dofln
. ltely announce tho match, Match-
.maker Knight- stated today that
thoro iu mora than n possibility .that
ho will sociiro "Dicky" O'Drion, Cln-
clnnntl heavyweight, now touring
tho coast, in n bout with Earl Illchoy,
.tho local "big follow." O'nrion has
i agrpod to como horo if an oarly dnto
can bo secured, and Illchoy has ex
pressed willlnguoss to moot tho ouat
ern flghtor. Tho Cincinnati boxer is
a giant In stnturo, standing 6 foot 7
in his ring togs tnu(l weighing nn
even 200 pounds.
ArrungomontB havo boon
mado by tho census suporvlsor
for tho listing of any ono who
has been mlssod by the onumor
atof. Every citizen knows
whothor or not ho, or aho, has
boon listed. If not, or if thoro is
any doubt, call 100W and tho
official onumorntor will call up
on you.
uiilican mi:i;tino
in city hall tonight
Tho nowly organized Ropub
lltnii club wilt hold u mooting
thin ovonlnR, nt 8 o'clock, ut
tho rlty hall. ThlB Ih tho first
mooting after orgunhntlon, and
nM mntlorii nro llkoly to como
up that will lay tho foundation
for political pollcloii of tho club
It Is desired to have u full at
tendance, Tho lenders of tho
organlnllon uro especially de
sirous of havlriR tho opinions
of tho feminine members of
tho faith nnd all women who
uro ainilatod with tho Republi
can parly, or expect to be, aro
urgently Invited to iittend.
Telegraph Tabloid
WASHINGTON, Fob. C A favor
nblo roport on tho (Jronnan bill, ro
injullni; tho wnr-llnio mcasuro under
which tho government controls
wheat prices, was ordered today by
tho M'liulo agricultural commlttoo.
VIENNA. Fob. G. Newspapers
yesterday wild that tho national no-
bembly, March 1, will declaro Uboii
in favor of ii monarchy In Hungary.
Tho live pretenders to tho throno In
clude tho former Emperor Charles,
who novor abdicated us king of Hun
gary, Count AndraBsy, Archduke
Joseph ,1'rlnro. Cyril of Hulgaria, ond
Prlnco Louis Wlndlsch Qrutz.
nUNVLIt, Fob. C Orvlllo Har
rington, 41, a skilled workor In tho
Denver mint, was arrested hero to
day on charges of robbing tho mint
of gold burs worth J3G.0OO. Ho was
trapped ns ha was carrying awny a
gold bar, und tho police say ho baB
confessed nnd showed whero nil tho
gold was hlddon in the, yard of his
homo. Atl aro reported rocovoroa.
1M. l''ASO?Tox.. Fob. n.-iWcTo ft
not for tho protection nffordod by tho
United Stntos troops mexlcan raiders
would mak" oxlstenco of residents in
tho Dig Demi district Impossible, Am
erican customs officials told tho sen
ate sub committee which is Investi
gating Mexican nffalrs, today.
DOUGLAS, Ariz.. Fob. fi. The re
lease of Lloutonnntfl G. L. Ushor and
L, M. Wolf. U. S nvlatorn hold prls
onorii by tho Mexican authorities at
Sonera slnrc their forced landing in
Mexico Monday, failed to materialize
estorday. Army officials aro bring
ing pressurn to bear to obtain their
ImniPilinto release. Tho men nro being
treated coiirtooitBly. Tholr imprison
ment Is only technical.
Aftor dollborutlng for nlno hours
tho Jury in tho enso of Tomnsso
Ainbroghottl ngalnst It. E. Strahorn
rotumed a verdict in fuvor of tho
Grafton hnsl,iufommnt, Undine that plaintiff was
ontltlod to no pitrt of tho sum sued
for ns an alleged balnnco duo on a
contruct for grndlng a rullroad rlght-ot-wny
for defendant. It was con
siderably past midnight whon tho
Jury reported that thoy had rouchod
an ngreomont. Thoy rotlrod to tho
jury room ubout 3 o'clock yostordny
Tho verdict places tho costs of tho
action, which aro consldornblo, upon
Ambroghctti. Tho nmount suod for
wub npproxlmatoly ?2,300
LOS ANGELES, Cnl Fob. C Earl
Durgess, motion picture actor, wns
Instnntly killed horo today whon ho
foil 700 foot from an alrplnno whllo
performing In n comedy film. Tho nc
tor intended to enst a dummy from
tho piano but foil himself.
Tho camera mon thought tho fall
ing body wns tho dummy nnd kopt
photogiuphing tho full, Thoy did not
discover that ft tragody had boon
onnctod until thoy wont to remove tho
supposed dummy from tho tolophono
wlros whero lt had alighted.
Tho flro dopnrtmont rospondod
Into yestorday afternoon to a" call
from Crescent uvonuo, but found on
urrlvlug that it wus u falsa alarm.
n r n - m n r--w- ipiivrnnninr
bLhLm UAtilfMLI ,N MRU
PAWS, Fob. 5. notations bo
tweon tho allied poworH nnd Ger
many sown nt a crisis, duo to Von
Lorsnor's refusal to forward tho list
of names of CSormun ofllcora ami
lenders In tho Into wnr whom tho
Allies demand shall ho extradited
for trial. Tho Incident scorns to find
echo In tho altltudo of tho IJorlln
cabinet, which Is reported to havo
expressed apparent doflanco to tho
ulllcd powers.
It is understood hero that mea
sures Intended to compel Germany
to carry out tho extradition clauses
of tho troaty will bo ndoptcd, but
thoro has boon no Intimation of their
cinct nature.
London advices today said that Sir
Auckland Goddcs declared thero that
Holland might bo required to put tho
former omporor of Germany on somo
island out of Europe
DnilLIN, Feb. B. Aftor a cabinet
session today members of tho govern
ment told tho Associated Press that
the ministers wore unanimous In de
claring tho surrender of tho men
whoso extradition wns demanded is
an uttur physical Impossibility.
LONDON, Fob. !". Tho Gorman
cabinet has decided to send nnothor
note to tho Allies, calling attention to
tho fatal consequences which would
ensue upon tho extradition of the
Germans demanded for trial by tho
Allies, says a Dorlln dispatch to the
Kxchango Telegraph.
A' roport was received in this city
today that Influenza had dovclopod
at Dray. Tho roport is that thoro
aro soven or eight cases and a re'
quost was mado for a nurso to holp
handle tho situation. A. E. Whlt
mun, prcsldont of tho box factory ut
Dray, refused to glvo details of tho
oxtont of tho epidemic, although ad
milting that thoro was an outbreak
Dr. A. A. Soulo, city health officer,
said that moro cases had appeared
in Klamath Falls and ho would hold
a conferonco with tho mayor and
pollco chlof today rogarding strict
qunrantino measures, aftor which bo
would bo in n position to mako a
fuller roport.
Tll!ti;i; "FLU" DIUTJIS
POIITLAND, Fob. 5 Throe deaths
from Influenza woro roportod today,
making n total of sovon in this city.
Eighty now cases are roportod, mak
ing a total of 520.
main hall of tho Exposition Momo
rial auditorium, whero tho national
democratic convontlon will bo hold
Juno 28, will nccommodato ubout
10,000 porhons. Forty-five hundrod
can bo scatod on tho floor of tho hall,
4,4 1C in tho balcony, and thoro will
bo standing room for 1,500 others.
Tho four-story nudltorlum, of con
crete nnd grnnlto oroctod in 191G,
at a cost of $2,000,000, is said by
tho bureau of momorlal buildings of
tho War Camps Community sorvlco
to ho "tho finest nnd most costly
Btructuro of 11b kind in Amorica."
It is ono of a group of public build
ings in tho civic contor.
Thoro aro two largo supplemen
tary halls In tho building. Ono will
seat 900 persons and the othor 750.
In uddltlon thoro aro olght othor
halls and 19 rooms that might bo
used for commlttoo mootlngs.
Through tho 37 Boparato oxlts, it
is estimated, tho building, though
crowded to capacity, could bo oinp
tled in six or sovon minutes.
San Francisco residents consldor
tho big organ In tho auditorium tho
finest in tho country.
Several other municipal audito
riums havo' main halls somewhat
largor than tho ono Uoro. Denver's
I I .
At tho front doorstep of Klamath
Falls u crent transformation is tak
ing place. Somo 2, COO ucrcs of tho '
best land in tho Klamath project,'
lying Just above tho gravity canal,'
nnd on tho sunny slopes of tho;
nearby hills, aro being reclaimed by
irrigation ditches which will bo sup
plied with water by olectrlc pumping
from tho main canal. This project
Is known ns tho Enterprise irrigation
district, and C. T. D.irlcy, who Is be
coming known ns Klamath's irriga
tion wl.ard, is tho engineer who is
working it out.
Tills body of land has long waited
for tho life-giving flow of water
which was all it roiiuircd to mako it
tho front yard garden of Klamath
Falls, and ono can hardly rcalizo tho
valuo to tho community to sco this
land becoming productlvo.
Power for oporatfng theso pumps
Is to bo furnished by tho California
Oregon Power company under tho
provisions of Its contract with the
government, and tho water supply
has been mado possible because of
tho storage of water in tho Upper
Lake, provided by tho Link river
dam. j
MONTESANO, Fob. G. Tho de
fense oxorcised its tenth peremptory
clmllengo In tho I. W. W. trial today
and hnl two left when tho afternoon
session started. Tho stato has but ono
peremptory challenge remaining. At
torney Vandervccr demanded that
tho veniro bo quashed hecauso somo
of tho momebrs were ill. Tho motion
was denied. .
It is oxpeclcd that tho Jury will bo
secured today, and then two altornato
Jurors must bo found. John Lamb,
ono of tho dofcndanls, was Iir yester
day hut had fully recovered today.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. G. Moro
than $4,000,000 worth of furs wore
sold in ono day at the opening of tho
wlntor auction of tho International
fur oxchango Monday. Price ad
vances wero recorded in virtually
every lot sold.
Nino thousand government seal
skins brought $1,282,000 and 4,000
for tho Canadian government netted
$572,000. Tho top prlco on seal was
$177 a pelt, a 55 per cent lncreaso
ovor last Soptombor.
At tho aftornoon session 9,500
Porsian lamb brought $180,000, an
advanco of 30 per cont. Somo cholco
sldna broucht $22.50 a pleco. Rus
sian squirrel advanced 90 per cent.
1,200,000 selling for nearly $2,000,-
Othor lots sold today included
S50.000 moles, which brought $240,
000; 740 fisher, $97,500; 2,800
shlras, $14,000; 2,200 caraculs,
$G.G00, and 14,000 badger, $28,000.
Iluyors assortod tho high prices
rolled tho small visible supply of
furs In tho world, which Is estimated
to bo worth about $50,000,000.
About half tho supply Is expected to
bo sold during this salo, which will
continuo two weeks.
MlbS Emma Schnolder, who has
boon in tho mllllnory business a num
ber of years, on Main stieot, has dis
posed of hor buslnoss to Mrs. Har
rington of tho Parisian Mllllnory.
Miss Schnoldor Intonds to mako an
oxtonsivo trip through southern Cali
fornia, whoio sho has interests in tho
oil flolds, and will probably return
again to Klamath Falls to mako hor
Elks nro requostod to not forgot
that tonight Is past oxnltod rulor's
night nt tho Elks templo nnd all mem
bers of the lodge aro urgod to ho pro
sent. E. B. Hall, first exalted rulor of
tho lo'cal lodge, will havo chargo of
tho ceremonies. A light lunchoon will
bo served,
seats 12,500. Tho ono at Oakland,
Cal., Boats 12,000, and St. Paul's
accommodates a ltko number.'
According to United States
bureau of crop estimates,
Klamath county at tho begin-
nlng of 1920 had on hand
10,080 horses and mules, 4,1C7
milk cows, 34,71 othor cattle,
147, 4C4 sheep and goats, and
6,312 swlno.
Tho livestock cstlmato for
Oregon on January lt 1D20, is:
Horses 382,000; mules, 10,-
000; dairy cattlo, 224,000;
other cattle, 708,000; sheep,
2,C47,000; swine, 314,000.
Farm Bureau Items
Tho Lxccutivo Committee of tho
Farm Uurcau held their regular
meeting at tho County Agents' offlco
jtsterday. Reports of tho various pro
ject committees woro received. Tho
Doard approved a bill of approximate
ly a thousand dollars for strycbnlno
and saccharin, which indicates tho
activities of tho Pest Control Commit
tee under tho direction of James M.
Ezell, County Chairman. Tho bal
nnco of the material used in prepar
ing squirrel poison will bo purchased
The details relative to the bringing
in of pure bred livestock, tho commit
tee of which L. A. West Is County
Chairman, wero discussed. County
Club Leader Sexton reported that
places bad been found for 15 pure
bred calves and Jie expects to locate
ten moro before shipment Is made
Mr. II. C. Seymour, State Leader of
Dojs and Girls Club work was pres
ent and brought word from the Ani-J
mal Husbandry Department relative
to tho possibilities of securing the re
gistered stock which tho Committee
expoct to bring in. , ,
F. T. Nelson reports, that tho flvo
silos on which tbo 25 per cerit.dls
count was to bo allowed by tho Big
nasln Lumber Company and tho Bald
win Hardware Company"havJ been
I lacod as follews:
C. L. HolIIday, C. V. Nelson. Harry
Telford, H. B. Wilcox and James M.
In addition to theso five, at least
ten moro silos will bo built. A, repre
sentative of a Portland company put
ting out ono of tho stavo silos has au
thorized tho committee! to say that a
20 per cent discount from their stan
dard list prico will bo given to any
Farm Bureau member putting In ono
of their silos this car.
Tho Exchango Project Committee
of which Asa Fordyco Is Chairman re
ports pool orders for ovor thirteen
hundred pounds of sunflower seed,
also orders for another car of sul
phur. Two shipments of Grimm Alfal
fa soed havo also been ordered, ono
for 1850 pounds and tho other for
2500 pounds. Ono moro small pool
will bo made. Tho commlttoo- an
nounces that this would bo tho last
pool of Grimm alfalfa seed this year,
and those wanting samo should mako
arrangomenls with tho County Farm
Bureau offico not later than Febru
ary 1 5th.
This committeo Is also arranging
for pool ordors of formaldehyde. Or
ders for this should bo placed with
tho County Farm Bureau at onco ns
but ono pool will be mado.
ANCHORAGE; Alaska, Jan. 10
(By Mall). School superintendents
of tho states, whoso districts are of
ten moasurod in blocks, probably do
not onvy A, II. Miller, suporlntondont
of nativo schools In southwestern
Alaska, who covorod 10,008 miles by
train, steamboat, rowboat, automo
bile, dog team, snowshoes and on foot
In order to visit nil tho schools in his
district last yenr. In all ho was away
fiom hoadquartors horo 245 days.
DENVER, Colo.. Fob. 0. Color
ado educators havo received official
nnnouncomont from J. W. Crnbtroo,
socrotary of tho National Education
association of the United States, of
the Beloctlon of Salt Lake City for
tho next annual meeting of that or
gnnlzatlon, which will bo held July
4 to 10, Inclusive.
It Is thought no loss than 10,000
teachors will attend this convontlon.
Tho local Red Cross chapter Is
badly in need of a homo service
worker to administer tho distribu
tion of government benefits and
privileges among ox-Bcrrlco men and
their families, Miss Elizabeth Tandy,
Oregon representative of tho Ameri
can Red Cross, told officers of the
local chapter In conferenco yester
day, and a meeting of the executive
committeo has been arranged for
tomorrow afternoon, at which the
matter will be gono into In detali.
I At present tho chapter is only at
tending to such calls for assistance
as are mado upon it, but Miss Tandy
says that tho Red Cross should be
in a position to mako investigations
and see that all former service men
and their families get tho govern
ment benefits to which thoy are en
titled. Many provisions have been
mado for their assistance, with
which tho majority are not familiar,
and lt is a task which the Red Cross
is shouldering to find out where the
benefits belong and make equitable
Matters of insurance, government
allotments, railway fare rebates, care
of needy families, aid to injured men,
and vocational training aid, all come
within the province of tho Red Cross.
In fact so many steps have been
taken by tho government in an at
tempt to pay the debt it owes its de
fenders and their families that lt is
tho work of ono person In every com
munity to keep matters straightened
out, so that none of those eligible
for benefits will be overlooked.
Tho Rookies took two games from
the Sawdusfc clnb in last night's con
test on the Elks alleys. Friday night
Ihe Ducks playtfcepaffsyvLMft,
night's score; - $ '
1st, 2nd
3rd Total
175 478
201 492
Ackloy 178
Lennox . .. 138
Do Lap'...'. 127
Watters 160
i en
, iwu
603 671 702
1st 2nd 3rd Total
Hayden 182 162 215 559
Carter 147 188 146 481
Chas. Moore.... 150 203 153 506
Jefferson 169 218 169 556
64S 771 683
Standing of tho Clubs
Won Lost
Sawdust 8
Novefsllps 8
Rookies 8
Spark Plugs . 7
Duffs .
;L 6
Carl Gerlinger has begun suit in
tho circuit court against W. E. Bend
for $131, alleged to bo due on a
promissory note, with interest from
February 10, 1919, and attorney
fees and costs. .
E. M." Bubb, asslgaeo of a mort
gage alleged to havo boon given by
Frank Halasz to tho Lakeside com
pany, on a contract to purchase land
in tho Malln district, Is suing to re
cover $345, which ho alleges is due
on tho contract, and $85, alleged to
havo been paid for irrigation water,
with attorney's fee and costs. Plaln--
tlff asks foroclosuro of tho land in
Oregon Cloudy, occasionally
threatening; gontlo oastorly winds.
Until arrangements' can be
mado that will insure a supply
of paper; sufficient to enable
Tho Herald to return to Its re
gular slzo, it will remain as lt
Is today, with tho exception of
Fridays, when we are permitted
to print eight pages. We shall
return to our regular size at thf
oarliost date possible. i'
, ji