ow TH EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQK WEDNKSDAT, FEBRUARY 4, IBM. KIRK DEMONSTRATION. VH- How'd You Like to Wake Up as Heir to Million ? A unlquo domonstrntlon Is to bo hind tomorrow nftornoon, about 3 o'clock, on Mnln Street, botwoon Sixth and 8ovcnth stroots, whan L. H. Sanders ot tho Goodyear Tire ft Rub ber company will dismount tnnd mount ono ot tho 40 in. x 8 In. pneu matic truok tires that Is bolng placed on tho market by this company. A good' ileal ot skepticism has been manifested by truck owners as to tho practicability, of this type ot tiro, hut And In outrange house, sur- rounded- Kith luxury? And wltK Identification marks on yifer' bodr-ytni never -awher fortV Soma "mystery to 'solv. what?" Well, this happens to I I.i4 "& M GEORGE WALSH this is bolng rapidly dissipated by the- success that Ib attending Its uso. The domonstrntlon will undoubtedly nt tract a great dosl ot attention. In V j . i i ii i. " f "Putting One Over" A William Fox production. ' . And one of tho runniest come dies ever put upon the. screen. Train wreck, crooks and pretty girl all In a fine, jumble. A scream ot a film'. ' LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT " "fWI1 Hi t -.,. XtjfjyjfffyTirrw''i'i j-j IVWMMMMWMMMMWM Jewel Cafe jvxxjjruuvrYiwcwv"wvvviJvif"i"i m 5 THOSE WHO DINE HERE ONCE always come again,, especially when they desire something extra fine jri'the way of food, service, and surroundings. "We only have to induce people to come here once. They come again of th'dir , own accord. , v Suppose you test our service today and learn why. this restaurant is so popular. JEWEL CAFE 610KlAIN'ST:iC.. "vFZ ,3KrV"Off ' i SV' '( i-ruijiiririT"-"tAAA'MAAA"ff I - Ja&-SS:' " Billard Parlor 531 MAINSTREET' Moat Up-to-Date Billiard Parlor in the City , HIGH-GRADK CIGARS CIGARETTES and TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS Courtesy add Service our Motto lted-bloodod nctlon, thrills and myastory nro the elements descriptive of floorgn Wnlsh'B latest vehicle In advance reports of "Putins One Over." the Wllllnm Vox photoplay which Is to open at the Liberty Then tre tonight. A train wreck results In 'the denth ot the heir to a big estate, and crook fix upon llcorge Wtnlsh, rendered un conscious In the wreck, as a meant to ward acquiring complete possession ot the estnto; for, (Icorge. closely renom bles the dead man, a'nd'all thoy have ta dof WdJe MA. kalrlaiika a scar oil lilslfWaa.Ul(oo-hU''arHft!j j?Mla: V, . 4-1 covers consefousnoss In the mansion ot his dead double ha finds himself in hot water and In love. 'The action from thnt time Is declared to be last and at times furious. - DKKR FIOHt'tO DEATH rr ? The Kinogram' this "week shows Oregon going Into action against Har vard at Pasadena at the liberty to night, ., It TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY rWWWMWMWMVWMMMAMfMAAMAAAAAAM WANTED Experienced iwoman for general housejtork. Phono 265. 3-9 FOR RENT furnished Apts.JIrs. O, Peyton. Phone 11 2-11. 3-4 Houston Amusements Today STAR Double Bill tonight, "'Rose O' . the River," LUa Lee. "Up Stairs" Mabel Normand, Also Fatty Ar- 1 buckle in "Back Stage." TEMPLE "A Society Exile," Elsie Ferguson; liyons-Moran comedy, and current events. adv. BUYS FARM ACREAGE. FOR SALE 3 room cottage in Mills '"Addition, city water, electric lights, fenced, young fruit trees, gar- lage" and etc. Price' cut to800, for quick saie uv cssn. Daiance io sun. J. T. WARD CO. , " 1S5 N. 7th Street. 4 Alex Cheyne purchased 60 acres erf tne Anarew iiyan rancn yesieraar This property Is. located close to tUf Spring Lake school house and Join on to the ranch now owned by M$$ Cheyne. ' TTTTVTVfl'I'tl FTTTTTTTTTTTTT VTlfTTfTf f fTTTI E. C. STUCKEY Wishes to announce that he has moved his cabinet ' 4 shop from 1124 Main street to corner of Eleventh ; ; and Pine streets, where the will continue to make your GLASS troubles his troubles, as well as make 1 anything in cabinet work that you may desire. ' " Our hours are from ten to ten on II days except Sunday, whpn w close at six. Hot Spring Bath (House, . .. - -v- lt f i - - FOR 8ALE3 Rooming house- -bt location in tqwn 'nnuire vjt Main St. . 4-C ' beAt - rf WANTED Atloire. a good.jelrt to assist at thefajphall Hou&e. 4-.it i ,' r ' " ' WANTED Furnished-' hous.i ..or , apartment. 449. E. B. Bishop, she Phone 4-7 LOST On Main Styesterday 20.00 BUI. Finder please return to Arth ur Boleo, Phone 480W. 16.00 reward. 4-B ' ' FARMERS ATTENTION. Tile Farm Bureau will offer a pool order on formaldehyde to be closed February 20th. Place your order with Farm Bureau office for your supply for treating grain and potatoes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAsVAAAitAAAiliAAAAAAatAAAsa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LIBERTY THEATRE THE PICK OF THE PICTURES" , ' H .W. POOLE, Owner. HARRY BOREL, MusicaJ-Director' ?? sns TONfGHT ATHLETIC GEORGE WALSH in - "PUTTING ONE OVER" The Comedy,' 'Tootlight Maids" and r Kinograms The Visual News of. All the World ' The Kinogram this weekshows lOJfcJMgjgQing int6 action agafrjstHaward atasadena, at'the'1 : Ojioen-y tonignt tV AT THE THEATERS 7 -o I COLUMBIA FALLS. MONT., Feb. 4. C.A. Robinson, deputy game wardn, has brought In from the hills n photograph ot two buck dcor wtio fought, with horns Interlocked, un til death camo. Mr. Robinson found the pair n an obscuo glade. Tho earth ail about for somo distance was torn up, nncf the battle evidently had lasted a long time. Tho bucks worej- large and powerful, and thejr antlors wore so Interlocked that (hey could not lj separated. "'.'.'' PASSENGER AIR SERVICE . MADRID. Fob. 4. SpanUh goy orraont authorities aro planning to inaugurate a London-to-Madrld pas senger sorvlce by airplane within a tew months. VI Dwrrlrt RhI kMt Mm 4M-4 I'V.. t r h.V Why You'll Like This Sttoe Vou .will find our sales force always eager to serve you. Whejithcy make a.statement about the merchandise, ydir-can know it is correct We'll back everj' statement to the letter. You'llXnd a spirit of courtesy here, and an ability to please your wishes. You'll find y Hart Schaftner & Marx Clothes After yoii buy, if you find you haven't got just what you want irioney cheerfully re funded. - K. SUGARMAN "I ain't mad at nobody" The home of Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Clothes ' lit I ttr t 1 r t H-f 1 1 1 IHIilH t H-H-4-4-H H&44&44:ee4tHWl4& z J. vv ". H-r 'A Makes up a program that at 25 cents admission is hard to beat "Timber Sole, Klamath Indian Rcser- vattoa;-rSealed bids, in duplicate. taarired outside "Bid EggsraanrUnlt," and addressed to tne Huporinionneni, r Klamath Indian School, Klamath I Agency," "Oregon, will be received V until , twelve,. . o'clock noon. Pacific $r time, Thursday, March ll 1920, for -. the purchase of timber on 640 acres i at tribal and allotted land on the ! Sprague River in Sections 22, 27 and . 28, Township 34 South, Range 8 East of the W. M., Klamath Reser- ration. Tho sale comprises about JL two and one-half million feet-of yel- JJ low pine, for which no bid. of less $ than, three dollars , and ten cents AJ (13.10-) per thousand feet will be Z considered. All timber must bo Ire- V moyed prior to July 1, 1921. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi- t fled check for one thousand dollars, payable to the Superintendent of tho Klamath Indian Schqol.' Deposit .. will" be retained as liquidated dam- ages if bidder fails to execute con- ! tratet and bond within sixty days A. from acceptance of bid. The right to reject any and all blds;ls reserved. ! Form of contract and other Informs- Jk tlon may be obtained from .Sunerln- tenflent.-- 'Washington, D. ,C, Janu- ary 23, 1920. CATO SELLS. Com- miBBioner m maian Anairs. J-eoa-ss) WEATHER RECORD . - Hereafter the Herald 'will publish the mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation recprd as tak en by 'the U7 S. Reclamation' service tfrttqn. .PubllciUeiaJ.wtll ,M.ver the f A ifc bmI nil ilk, lkl kanasU fa'BHb ' wf ijyirTMjU My -PT' "' m ioi4Vf up. to 5 o'clock of that day, - ' Max. Min. Palpitation Big Closing Out SALE ow on at the Biehn Garage Forhfierly the Ford GairagiB.J; Big Reductions, to choose from; must go.. large stock everything No credit. .- KV George Biehn, PROPRIETOR Svt v ... n vf t- ! 29 26 2 I veDNZ. .Kef;, jp. 51 47 WTTtTVTTWtTTTTttTTtTTTV h .i