WKIWfKSnAY, FKnitUAllY I, 1020. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOH TWO The Evening Herald LB r B. J. MUnitAY Editor FRRU HOTJIiK City Kdltor Published dally except Sunday by Tho Herald Publishing Company ot Klamath Falls, nt 115 Fourth Strcot. Entered nt tho postoftlco nt Klam ath Falls, Ore, for transmission thru tho malls ns second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: Ono year .. $G.OO .One, month . .. ......... ..... . .150 Member of the Associated Tress. Tho Associated Presa Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication ot nil news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper, and nlso local nows published heroin. All rights of republication of spo clnl dispatches herein nro nlso reserved. WEDNESDAY, FEIlltVAltY -I, 1020. FKOY1SIONS OF THE STOKAGI3 CONTKACT Tho Editor of Tho Herald. Klamath Falls, Oregon. I notice in tho Record for January 30, 1920, what purports to bo an in terview given out by ono of our "prominent citizens" under tho bond ing "Faces Water Shortage." Our erstwhllo prominent citizen bewails the fate of the people ot Klamath county If tho California Oregon Power company Is not permitted to complete its program for the assimi lation of this county. Ho states that It tho dam is not completed by tho California Power company wo may have no water next year nnd tho cost per acre toTulc lako and lower laleo lands would bo increased ?4 per acre. Thoso opposed to the leases on upper Klamath lako do not desire to harm anyone, but they do stand tor tho proposition that tho power com pany should comply with their con tract with Secretary Lane of the in terior department, dated February 24, 1917. It tho company did this it would itself dike these lands and there Would be. no additional cost to anyone but tho power company, and High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OHDElt FINEST MATEMALS IlEST OF WOKKMAKSMU' TjATEST BTYIiKS PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices nro very rcnsonnblo Your inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR S)H Main St. It would cost It nothing but what It contracted to do. Hero Is paragraph fivo of tho contract of February Si, 1917: "5. Tho lowering nnd raising of tho waters of tho lako below or abovo the normal lluctuatlons while in a stato ot nature shall bo undertaken by the company only after making satisfactory adjustment at its own expense in regard to nil interests which may bo affected thereby whether ot the stato for navigation or other purposes or ot any private individuals." Here Is paragraph s-oven ot tho centract: "7. Tho company assumes any and all liability for damage to tho property or rights of any person or corporation or tho property or rights of the stato of Oregon duo to tho operation of said dnm by said com pany or to tho regulation and con trol ot the levels of said lake by said company and hereby undertakes to I a Eqwip If our Small Car " With Goodyear Tires ' - in ii ii li 1 1 mi i ntli n in wn immm annum wumfr witm it iir tit--'i" "-""""""-"-" ..iMM.M..i...i....i..iri....M..th........... ' j , ?! ' II KsmsJijEu -tT I ii ifrfl TillilrPn I I , INDUSTRY PLUS THRIFT EQUALS PROSPERITY "THERE Is the secret of success. And it applies to both the community and the individuals In tho community. Industry promotes earnings; earnings produce bank ac counts; bank accounts supply working capital for practical and profitable enterprise. So you see why tho First National Rank encourages thrift. E. R. Realties, President A. M. Collier, Vice-President John M. Moore, Vice-President Lcsllo Rogers, Cashier E. 8. Veatch, Asst. Cashier Lloyd Ii. Porter, Asst. Cashier e First National Bank KLAMATH, FALLS OREGON mom tnrF The Government Took Over The Possession and Management of certain QUASI-publlc concerns, nnd, with, tho assistance of a largo part of the previously formed organizations, realized some success in operation, but as a total result tho experiment was a failure. Every day that passes furnishes evidence to Justify this assertion. Tho property nnd businesses taken over havo been or will he returned to the ownors for the real reason, if not admitted, that the undertakings were too big and complicated for now and unexperienced chiefs to manage. What tho results of this experi ment will bo as to tho future value of tho properties no ono can, with accuracy, predict. It cannot bo entirely satisfactory to tho owners or, for somo years at least, to tho general public. There was clearly demonstrated during tho war tho valuo and practical benefit of private management as compared with public management. If it bo said that government (or municipal) conduct of business has sometimes been successful, tho answer is that the same business In tho hands of private responsible individuals, with capital and success at stake, would havo resulted moro favorably. MrtMMMt California-Oregon Power Co. mm vrsx ill lll aAvJ Jil I lXwlJF I III! I jt.jF Hill i' tGOtj If1 fJf mm ? VIBv A " 'I wX , 1 1 filrnZsci dy h ' il I rm tMJ lUfV I SW I I IGwIlii sfun I ' 'M .1-1 nHf .) i ' iWi'X 111 wutfnSir ' mil rmmKiWmt. I mil vOBESfmm 1 M. Mr If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Doit, Maxwell oranyohcrcarusing30x3-,30x3,2-,or31x' ihcli1 tires j you can well take advantage of the high relative value built into all Good year Tires. You can well do so because you can secure in the small Goodyear Tires the results, of such skill and care as have made Goodyear Tires the preferred equipment on the highest-priced automobiles of the day. You can well do so because these small Good year Tires arc easy to obtain, being produced at the rate of 20,000 a day, and because their first cost usually is as low or lower than that of other tires in the same types and sizes. Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for these tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He supplies many other local owners of small cars. rvi . .t' , i ir; ft i !. pt. . V 'i lr i i .w5fi 30x3& Goodyear Double-Cure $?r00 Fabric, AllAVcather Tread LJ 30x3'A Goodyear Slnale-Curc "l I-J65 Fabric, Ana-SkWTremd: L -1 i "t ,r r ! ii' n'-a itrfi.i- . 11 ' t---. -"' M'"'r ' lltJl11 -- Goodycar Heavy Tourllt Tube are thick, troii ttibci that reinforce casinuN properly. Why ri!t u r.ooil cutn! with u cheap tubcf tjooilycar llcavy Tourist Tube cot little more than tubes of leu merit. 30x3', !tu in water' $ot)Q prnnf t,.,ji .... J i uff. . . t ? . w -. ' -f . - -r zVt? hold tho United States harmless from any and all liability for damage duo to such regulation and control." As stated, thoso opposing tho 30-ycar leases of the government marsh lands surrounding upper Klamath lake tako tho position that under paragraphs fivo and soven of tho contract of February 24, 1917, tho California Powor company is it self bound to do this diking. If It Is mado to live up to its agreement it will not cost tho Tule lake land owners or the laand' owners In tho lower Klamath lako region oho' cont extra. Socrctary Lane of the interior de partment, In his argument for tho California Power company' ,llkowlse falls to remind .the public that if ho wouia oniy uo nis amy ana mace 111 DIN F WttkMM, Oeaistnj, LUPINS' Helrehli wd Holing Ojs. XMMa Murine lor. Ked ' nets. Soreness. Granula. nrC7c C Uoaltchlng and Burning lUR Li COof the, Eves or Eyelids; taM Afttr Uw MotIm, Motorin or Golf win four con&Vy. Ak your Orutglst wuiiiw wnio yoar artnwa wart. . KwvUM'Kyt Ristedy Cki.,Cblcaso JXO.G, . j-IZ. WHY THAT . LAME BACK? Bird Loosley, dairy business, Box No. CO, Ft. Klamath, Bays: "I hava boon subject to. backache and kidney disorders for- eomo years past.At times, 'Ihave been In pretty bad sbape. ' My back got' so lame and stiff that I could hardly straighten up when I got down. Sharp pains example. That morning lameness thoso sharp pain when bending or lifting, mako work a burden and rest Impossible;, Don't be handicapped by a bad back look to your kidneys. You will mako no mistake, by follow ing this Ft. Klamath resident's caught mo in tho small of my bacx often and for, a while, I could hardly move. I have always found pulck relief from Doan's Kidney Pills. A box or two Axes me up in fine shape." Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply, ask for a. kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that Mr T.nnnlAV linrl. Pnntnr.M lllitlvn tho power company live up to Its contract. thoro would be no extra ox penso imposed upon fho public. Thero has been a lot of bofoggfng tho issues in this matter nnd it scorns to tho writer 'that it is tlmo for tho peoplo to get hold of tho power company contract and read it themselves. Tho moro thoy look Into this matter, tho moro convinced will they become that tho strangle hold of the company should ho now broken. Tho value of tho powor privileges this company Is gottlng for a .more -pittance would in days to come more than pay the cost of oper ation and maintenance of tho wholo Klamath project If the peoplo thom Belvcs retained and1 developed it. ANOTHER PROMINENT CITIZEN. "-:"'5' Exide Batteries Service Station First-Class Repair Work Done on Short Notice 100 Per Cent Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim Jud Low Phone 22M 49 Main St. M'f'M'ff'f'ftTT TTf 'I 4"t a m I Like Putting Money in the Bank ., WHEN YOU BUY A 1 1 ' ;; Litchfield Manure Spreader THE SIMPLEST, LIGHTEST RUNNING STEEL SPREADER MADE V GUARANTEED BY THE FACTORY FOR FIVE YEARS MAXWELL CARS T ATTERBURY TRUCKS HEIDER TRACTORS FULL LINE FARMING MACHINERY , HOWIE GARAGE :! .1 J J Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Mfiifi,.Si..ilJ a V