IVIMH TIIUHIO, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON mondav, rnimuAiiY 2,020 fr, . V ? T f Y t t f T f Y t t t f Y t Y Y Y T Y y t f Y Y f Y Y T Y T I .! Money Hidden Away is not always safe, as may be thought; it is often found by others, and the owner suffers complete loss. Then there arc other risks: a careless or thoughtless act may destroy the savings. Money deposited with this Bank is well protected by mechanical equip ment a steel safe in a fire-proof vault by burglary insurance, and again by careful management. Your money in this Bank is always ready for" you when you want it. ' Klamath State Bank The Daylight Bank Corner Si)Jth and Main 1 Y ? Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y t t t ? ? ? v f Y i t Y t t Y f Y t t Y f f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v CHINESE TO BUILD $5,000,000 COLLEGE BIIANUI1AI, Dec. 2C, (Ily Mall) An Industrial unlvoislty to cont ffi, 000,000 will fo erected In Shanghai If tho plnns of CIiIiichu educators and Industrial loaders tiro attained. Tlio Ic'c-ii wan Biii:i:('ttcil by Professors C, W. Woodworth, 0 tho unlvorslty of California, 011 11 tltnu a lecturer at Nanking university ' It In Intended to conduct tlio uni versity 011 American lines, wltli (Mliilpiiienl nml Instructors frim tlio United Stolen. A novel feature of tlio proposed iinlverHlty will ho tlio Incorporation In It of 11 comploto cotton mill which will (-in ploy Its students and require lliein to perform productlvo toll ns well iih school work. Threo leading ('hliicxn of Hhnnklini have (,'onn to the I'lillol .Slates to vlnlt schools and oh tn til lileaH for the establishment of the iinlverHlty. Mel Coogan Is another ono of those boxers who hellovo they can padillo their own canoe. Coogan Is nowhla HERALDS CUSS ED COLUMNS FOR S ALE Real Estate VOll 8ALJ 10 acres, with houno' anil Imrn. 5 A, under Irrigation Joining railroad right of Vny. Oppo! site side of Chelsea Lumber Dot Co. Inuutro Ham Kfng.'SliIpplngton. 2D-4 ,. , VOti BAM-: lly owner, first clans. new, (J room modern bungilov. Terms. Address Mux (J. Herald office 30-2 MISCELLANEOUS CITY (JAfUIAaE When you want Garbage removed phono 91. v 11-tt I'rintW. Htntlonory and office snpitllei). l'loneor l!rlnllng and Hta tlonery company, 12G Main St. 0-tf I 'if ON ft PEYTON for wood. 187' liemprcst, Dentist, over man's Storo, Cth and Main. Hugar- 2-tf it , 301 l 7""5. vvrt.iiij&L , FOH SALE -Rooming house, he-t lo cation in town. Inuulro 801 Main Ht. , 29 All r 1 a , tin. . r t .", .; it , run iiai.i'. i8u. ncrcs improved KWnnUZNCKV hookkoeper (malo) innrBli land; 31 hciid of nhneU: 7" lihi Bnaro tltnn (n'linndir, nmnii.... nngorn Koata; 3 head of hiirsei. Jlnrr' of liookij or'niako up lncomo tax. Tel. Woithrook, Phono 4C7W, Klamath 23011. j . rails. 27-3 I " own manager, I ()- : AT THE THEATERS o j "The I-'euil," In which Tom Mix Is starred, opened yesterday at tho Lib erty Theatre. Jiidrjnf; from tho en thusiasm of tho audience, this will b6 the most popular, locally at lcasi, of tho productions of this favorite actor. As tho title indicates, "Tho Feud" deals with tho heritage of hato be tween two rivnl clans of tho Dlue Braiw region. Tom Mix Is scon as Jero Lynch ,who is In lovo with IJotty Summers, a daughter of tho enemy family, played by pretty Eva Novak. Tho early incidents of tho play nro tlio tensest or drama, ino in tense bitterness of tho feud is ex- FOR SAl.E-MiscelioT; WANT TO SELL? VOn HALIC- Ono Maxwell and two If yo" ,mro Property for salo, tell . Fords nt an un'imi i!lv nv nrir.. nbout It, and we'll tell it over and Howie (larngo. S0'4 0Tur Baln to tho other fellows. If . L;yonr price and terms aro in lino with FOIt 8ALK A five passenger Ilulck tl10 '"'""ket. we shall very likely bo C. 1'rlro $950. C. L. McWIllinms, a,'l ninko a sale. Como In and ' Phono 103, . 31-3 taltt H-over. . - Zi CIIILCOTE & SMITH FOR SALK No. 1 JerBoy milk coWi,2 m:t Ml,i" ' I'hono OO steer calves 0 and .'I mo. old Also 28"3 some nlco chickens. 24 IT, Harrow Av. .7V-..,, .,... . , . . ' Mills Addition. ni-2 MADAM IOINA, Palmist World's fJreiilcst Phrenologist, " I'nlinlst anil Medliiin. Ttcads your entire life east: pnfnYed"!-, llTTrZ'. l &2&"'J td ffoeaS"0-?fin pf- I)om"rost- Pi,J So ' badStod to :Z what toTS Pox 30 1, office Phono 4,0. 27-3 )t0 ,)Cltcr .,tlr condltIons ,n ,lf "' ,.,--.. 1 !!, i,i .. . t b VOIt SAt.RA llnl.l ..V .1 .l "'"'""' "-"" "Ur ,,anU aS yon. ,,:,.' , ', ".""' " ,, ",' ""'iivoiiui an open Hook. A ...v i.. iildh ill ,'A .IMJIil. LIIIIUI' tlon. Inquiro HeraH office. FOR SALIC A big bargain now 7 passenger, 6 cylinder touring ear. I Call 124 Sixth St. 28-3 i .!1()0 IlKWAItl). readincr h '"-. her will meet your hlghfi3t expectaif "'Jtlons, nnd you will bo wiser and. i nnppicr, artor consulting her, she) (having tho gift of removing all evil 44ftt4AASV.4A9.4'A4AA4AAAAAfcAAA.4?AAAA4A4tA4ftfc4ftfc4&4ftfc4 V V V V V V V W 'V '"T V ' V FRUIT JOBBERS '' III MNIOTMM. rliiiluil Friday. ,lm 1)cpn nrraKeili particularly for Threo group gatherings wore pro-tl( W()lm,M wh() wu ncc0lnpnny tll0 grammed for today, tho Whole.ml.Tj ,,,,,,.,, hor0i Tho ..act ToKCthor.. and JohberH bureau meeting .under ,, ,,,,, ., ,.,,..,, ,ii and a cabaret entertainment. Athletic Night, u luncheon In Chinatown for mooting under tho chairmanship of )u) ,mP8t u forlmll ,m tMontcr tho direction of K. T, Scott, chnlr- SAN FHANCISCO, Fob 2.- Rail road transportation and other p' lib it) inn of distribution rniifvr-tiilug tlio Western Fruit JohberH nisoi'latlonl will bo discussed nt tho nuuiril con vention of tlio organization which opened hero today. Delegates from districts through out the west and im far east as Chi cago began arriving early yost'irday for tlio meetings which VIM bo con- ' party, luncheon nt the ocean front William II. Roylaiico mid tho Ilrok 1 urn iiiinmu mm, i.uiiiimk u iiii-uiimj,. ,.,.., ,. imn,m. .lr ..i....,,, i -" Tomorrow n trip will bo tnken to llerkoley, iicross tho hay, whoro Uni Terslty of California experts will ills- cvihh fruit preserving refrigeration, llmluatlon of wiiHto and stundarlzn tion of fruit and vegetables. C'ATTliK IIAVK "FLU" POPLAR, Mont., Fob. 2. Federal i veterinary Burgeons, nftor iniiulry In to tho mysterious malady Hint has Tho annual meeting of the issocla-;1)con carryK 0ff stock In northern tlon jiroHir Is to bo held Wednesday. Montana, nro said to havo decided niprDJiu... Ithat It is influenza or hemorrhagic An unusually gay social program septicemia. Feeling that my reputation Is nn-i Influences and placing you in an en dangered by malicious reports In cir-! vironment of happy thought and eolation, to the effect that I have, contentment. Readings: Sunday and been convicted of crime 'anil nnrvpi! ' dally, 0 a m to 9'30 n. m. Located' ceptlonally visualized, as well as tho' sentence In tho penitentiary, I herejiy! a, Jlpom, 1, Moore Rooming Jlouse,' pretty lovo affair which, unfortun ately, serves only to rekindle tho feud. The scene then shifts to tho west In fruitier days mid tho action be comes more spectacular. Including an Indian attack on a wagon train. Tom Mix does less "stunt stuff" and moro acting In this production than in most of his recent features. However, there Is no question about his acting ability. "Tlio Foud'" will conclude its showing tonight. offer $innn to any person who can '"' Mfl'n SU between Broad and produce evidence that I u. nvr. In- Spring Streets, ono block pant nt dieted or punished Tor crime or that' vv,,,ln TcHcan Hotel, Klamath Falls,1 any criminal nctlon was over brought 0rc- I'hono 471. 27-10 . against me, anvwhere or at nny'tlmo. : 4 MARVIN WILLIAMS, Sr. , Xc"' records February 1. Earl 29-31 .Slienhrril'o. inV, MW A TIOIITKX C.VSORSHII,".. .n i A r-t ' $j:$ . iMmmrf i Ono of tho most thrilling scenes in tho new picture, "Tho Girl Alaska,' is that of the boat carrying the girl her pal, nnd their guido being caught underneath tbo fallof a glacier. Tho threo adventurers nro travol ing along a stream at tho footof a mountain of ice nnd sriow, when sud denly far up nbovo their heads, part of tho faco of tho glacier comes crumbling down upon them. Tho boat is crushed by tho huge mnss of falling lco and snow as 'though it wero mado of straw. Tho threo occupants of tho boat dive down Into tho water and then ijwlm for tho farther shore of the stream. Tho girl nnd hro pal manage to reach tho land in safety, but the poor guido's body is thrown upon the bank, n mass of crushed bones. This is-but onp of tho big scenic features of "Tho Girl Alaska," the electrifying picture of tho Alaskan gold country, which Is scheduled for showing at the Liberty Theatre1 on Tuesday. JET some today! - You're going to call Lucky Strikes just right. Because Lucky Strike ciga rettes' give you the good, wholesome flavor of toasted Burley tobacco. Oy aunrnnteed by toasted High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WOBKMANBIIIP LATEST STVIiES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED , Prices nro very rcusoimblo Your inspection Invited Chas. J.Cizek MERCHANT TAIIOK ftm'Main St. MEXICO CITY, Jan. 31. Tro Un ited States government, in its fight against Holshovlsm, is exorcising a strict censorship on mnil from the Mexican states of Tamalipas,' Yucif ,nn, Vera Cruz, Sinalna and Sonora, say newspapers of this city which as sert the Information conies from gov ernment? sources. It Is said hero that the nbovo named states nro regarded as Ilolslievlk centers. ' NOTICE OF ESTRAV. Ono bay gelding weighing about thirteen hundred pounds, branded K with quarter circle above, on left stlflo, came to my place at Crystal Oregon last summer. Tho animal is now on njy .feel-yard. The owner may have tho same by Identifying his property, paying for his keep and ad vertising. 1 ' If 'tho animal is not called for ha will bo advertised and sold at auc tion. . i 20-2-9 (Signed) P. G. DROWN. ' - Typewriter dealers in New York report that nn ever-increasing num-j ber of society women nrcusing the machines for their private corres pondence. "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY GOLD! "That's Dr. King's New Dla covery for fifty years "a cold-breaker" , NOTHING but sustained quality nnd unfailing effectiveness can nrousesuch enthusiasm. Noth ing but sure relief from stubborn old colds nnd onrushliif? new ones grippe, tlfront-tenrlng coughs, nnd croup could have nuide Dr. King's "New Discovery tho nationally popu lur nnd standard remedy it Is today. Fifty years old and always reli able. Good for the whole family. A bottle In tho medicine cabinet means n short-lived cold or cough. COc. nnd $1.20. All druggists. Regular Bowels Is Health Ilowcla that inovo spasmodically In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Klamath County. . In the Matter of tho Estate of Thom as Drake, Deceased. Notice of settlement of final ac count and of hearing of petition for discharge. - ""-I Notice isA hereby given that tho un dersigned, as executrix of the estate of tThomas Drake, deceased, has rend ered) and presented for settlement, and filed n said court, her final ae count of the administration of said o'tnte, and, a petition for her dls chargo, and that the 23rd day of February, 1920, at 10 o'clock a, m. In tho court room of said court, at the court house. In Klamath Falls, Klnpinth County, Oregon, has been fixed by said court as the time and place for the settlement of sild ac count nnd tho hearing of said petl t'on for distribution and discharge, nt wMcJi tlmo nnd place any person intprp,ted In said estate may appear in.i f"n fcoot'ons in writing to tho said f'onl recount flntl contest the "m. nml Jimv cause. If any there iio. win- n f'tnl distribution of said o-ito ov.n'iW not lo ordered, and the ntr...!1-. ,lQplintftrt ""oil this 23rd day of January, fn. TTTTTT TIHAWP -pciitrix of said Estate. in."c.".n.ti; ' free ono day and stubborn tho next shoulu bo healthfully regu lated 'by Dr. King's New l.Ife IUlls. In this way you keep tho Impurities of wnsto matter from circulating through tho system by cleansing tho bowels thoroughly nnd promot ing the proper How of bile. t q Mild, comfortnblo, yet nlwnys ro llnble, Dr. King's Now Life Pills work with precision without tlio constipation results of violent pur gatives. i!5c. as usual ut all drug-cists. ! ! Klamath Lodge No. 137 ! i. oTo.f. s Meets Friday night of each week at f I. O. O. F. hall, tith aiul Main streets. .) Hyman.AVeschler, N. G.; W. C. Wells. Secretary; W. D, Cofor, Treasurer. I Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I., O ' O. F., meets Tuesday night of each 1 wook nt I. O. O. F. hall. W. H. North, I C Ii W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred HuoIi'!?.. Treasurer See THE NEW FAIRBANKS-MORSE BOSCH MAGNETO EQUIPPED ENGINE , and the CARLSON PUMP JACKS AND WINDMILLS at ' LORENZ PLUMBING SHOP 123 Sixth Street It will save you Time, Money, and Patience SEE D ORDER NOW .t it T Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phone 87