The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Does Your Letter
head Get It?
The appearance of your letter
bead may mean success or
failure. ,Do yourself justice
in the quality of jour business
We do not advocate extrava
gance." We recommend the
use of a very moderate priced
standard paper ,
whichhas won recognition
for Its quality and the service
it give. We are prepared to
furnish that paper and to print
you a letterhead that is a dig
nified representative.
See What We Can Give Yei
Before Yon Plafce an Order
W.4 O. Smith Printing Co.
riionc 03 110 South Fourth St.
Keep it ha ndy it knows no equal
in relieving pMns and aches
sold for 38 years. Today, it is
more popular than ever. There
can be but one answer it produces
Applied tnlhout r&bbing, it penttralts
to .the afflicted, part, bringing relief
from rheumatic twinges, sciatica, sore,
stiff, strained, muscles, lame back, and
other exterior pains and sprains and
the result of exposure. It leaves no
mussiness, stain,' clogged pores. "
Get a large bottle For greater econ
omy, Keep it handy for use when
needed.- Your druggist has it. Three
sizes 33c, 7ft:., $1.40
That beautiful, even shade ot dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair Is you? charm. It
makes or mars the face. When It
fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances its appearance a hun
dred fold.
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture; you" can get this famous old
recipe Improved by the addition of
other Ingredients for 50 cents a large
bottle, all ready for use. It is called
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.
This can always be depended' upon to
bring back the natural color and lus
tre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage!
and Sulphur Compound now1 because
it darkens so naturajly and evenly
that nobody .can tell It has been ap
plied, You simply dampen a sjonge
or soft brush with It and dra,w this
through the hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair has disappeared, pad after an
other application It becomes bea tl
fully dark and appears glossy and lus
"Bring a warm overcoat," is tho ad
vice given by O, If. WJllson, district
forecaster here, to every person who
plans to attend the national Demo
cratfc convention in San Francisco
June 28. Wlllson's records, dating
to 1871, show that D'8,4 degrees Is
the average mean temperature for
tho four days beginning June 27.
"There'll bo no wilted collars
blamed to tho climate," said Mr.
"Wlllson. "The mornings in' late
Juno are balmy, but frequently there
is a blustery breeze in the afternoon
and' sea fog at night."
Only eight times in nearly half a
century has tho temperature in tho
four days beginning Juno 27 reached
SO degrees. Records show that rain
has fallon in San Francisco during
tho four-day period only five times
clnco 1849.
SVant Ads bring results. '
" a
i 3 . - Ni
11 -Jl ." 8
K . llartMf
Siae&x.. s-..rf
You Can Make the Meatless Dinner a Real Treat
The moatfourso can easily bo ills-
reused with by making attractive vu-
gctablo, egg or cheese 'dishes. Most
doctors and dletarlans claim Uwt the
nvcr.rgo American fanilly eats more The. body nlso requires mineral
meat than It requires, so why notion wlilch nro supplied mainly In
(linn to have at least .one dinner a!
weak meatless? It will usunt:y bo
found lesa expensive and the housu-,
hold would bo benefitted nlso. "j
Of course, the family must ho sup-(
pueo. wiiu ioo iuii, s uuiiu.o io.
tno met as meat, ami in oruor to ac-
complish this tho housewife must
uersianu a low lunuamontni pnn-
clples governing the proper selection
and combinations ot food. ,
nouoewne nnouiu ,
Understand Principle,
ino average uouSeRe,.r win i.u.u
up her hands In despair when food
values aro suggesteu. nnu to nanj ;
tue suujei:i bccuis iuu uiuuulii;
grasp, and in a measure this. Is true.,
However, mo louowing guiuo is iun,nni, .,,. nnrsanrv bulk.
at an complicated, nnu me progres
tsivo housewife ottoday will do much
belter when planning meals, meat
less or otherwise, If she thoroughly
understands these principles.
The body needs material to build
up and ..repaid tho wear and toariuo and digestibility,
caused by activity, also fuel to burn, yield twice- as much'
making .activity possible. I pound as meat and tho number "of
Protein Is a distinct repairing orchecso dishes is almost unlimited.
tissue-building material, and Is found
fn quantities in meat, fish, eggs,
cheese, milk and nuts.
Carbohydrates (sugar and starches)
and tho fats furnish the fuel for.erly prepared, are usually popular,
activity, and Include sugar, molasses, Stuffed poppers or tomatoos mnko
honey, ripe and dried fruits, starchy satisfactory luncheon or supper
vegetables, and cereals. I dishes.
Meatless Meals
four cups ot rapidly boiling water; I
holl live minutes, aram weij ana auu aujv siirring constantly, udok nuoui
to Xour cups fresh boiling water. (look j twenty minutes, then add eggs, olives
until .water is all evaporated,' when f and nuts. Pour into baking dish and
rico should be cooked and each grain, bake fortyflvo minutes. Servo wth
dry.5 Or cook rice until tender, drain or without tomato sauce. Xut3 may ho
and dry In a moderate oven. While, omitted adding two tablespoons of
ricQ,.is. .cooking melt shortening, add Abutter or.ollro oil.
chopped onion nd pepper and cook;
rritit'H?ate! through; then add tom
atoes,' Have 'a well-greased baking
dish and put In a layer of rlco then
sprinkle with cheese, and add a layer
of the tomato mixture. Repeat, hav
ing the last layer chees6. Cover the
baking dish and place In a moderate
oven until cheese Is melted.
Spaghetti n ritalicnne
Boil one-half pound ot spaghetti
I' boiling water for 25 minutes.
Prepare a sauce as for Rlssotto, us
ing olive pil for shortening, and cook
tho tomato souce until onions are
tander. Add the sauce to the spag
hetti, then add cheese, and stir un
til cheese Is melted. Dried or canned
mushrooms.may be added to tho tom
ato sauce if.deslred.
Stuffed Peppers.
Cut the tops and remove the seeds
from swaet green peppers; cover with
boiling water and allow to stand five
t ten minute3.
Stuff with cooked rlco or macaroni
seasoned well with butter., salt, pep
per, flnely-chojiped onion, and moist
en with strained tomato, cover tho
top with buttered bread-crumbs, ar
range In a baking dish an'd bake a
bout three-quarters of an hour.
Clieiso Croquettes
Twa cups cooked cereal, 6"ne egg
j oil?, ono-quarter pound Eastern
cheese- (grated), one teaspoon Wor
cestershire sauce, ono teaspoon mus
tard, two teaspoons salt,
i Mix well and cook ten minutes,
cool thoroughly and form Into cro
quettes. Add ono tablespoon of cold
jvater to white of eggand beat slight
ly.Roll croquettes in bread-crumbs,
then in egg mlxturo, then crumbs
again. Fry until brown In deep fat.
For testing fat for frying drop. a cube
oti dry "bread Into fat and count forty.
If bread, Is a 'golden brown by then
fat is ready to uso for croquettes. For
uncooked mixtures count to sixty,
If bread Is not brown In the number
of seconds given, fat Is not hot
enough; If a dark brown, fat Is too
hit. Food should not bo fried until
the' emporature of fat Is correct.
Green peppers may be stuffed with
the croquette mjxturo, baked and
served with a tomato sauce.
Tiimalo Loaf
Ono can corn, ono can (omatoes,
two tablespoons shortening (melted),
one largo onlom (chopped), one-half
green peppor (chopped), two eggs
(well1, beaten), one cup corn meal,
ono do'zon ripe olives, ono cup chop
ped nuts.
, Season with salt and cayenno. to
ta&te; melt shortening, add onion and
cook unty tender. Add corn, tomatoes,
salt ana. chopped roppor uring to
JJcience Department
tanttuciccf by
MrsQellePe Graf
Jktmesfte Science Jreefor
Sfterrjr Vor Cf.
Foods rich In both protein and car-
uohydrntcs nro pons, bonus, lentils,
oatmenl and wheat products; tills In-
eludes all breads.
the various green and dried, fruits
Hulk o'r quantity Is furnished nlso
in the iHjt-nnmotl foods.
Pi()porly Itiihincctl Meal
wnj t i,o Complicated
ThU of cour30 ony touches vory
...., nn . ... ,,,-., ot fooi, ,..,,...
un-;lmt ft compro,lcn8,vo understanding
.r Just thoM fow r,nclIcB ,)rovo
hb,ptu, when ,annng moa,8 nml n
properly balanced meal need not bo
a -complicated, difficult ono to pre.
pnro but majr bo 0, , grencst Blm.
pUcfty or may ofrer , Krcnt vnr,oly
dCirodf provUlei, tlloy contttln tho
)ropor comblnatlon of fo0(U; , olh
for words, some protoln, somo carbo-
liydrates and fnt; somB mlnoral saUa
What Substitutes
Make Up Lous List
The list of meat substitutes is a
long and varied ono. Eggs nro ftrtly
as valuable as meat, In both food vnJ-
Checso will
protein per
j When added to other foods or saucps
In cooking, cheese Is not Indigestible.
Deans or lentils may take the place
of meat. Doston baked benns, It prop-
That Satisfy
boiling point. Add corn, meal gradu-
IVjlenta ' ,
Ono cup yellow corn meal, one
teaspoon salt, four cups boiling water,
one-half cup. of grated cheese, one
q.uarter teaspoon pepper.
Add salt to boiling waer, then aan
corn . meal very slowly to prevent
lumping. LeJ boll rapidly for fifteen
minutes, then finish In double boiler,
Turn into a greased pan. sprinkle i
with cheese and pepper and placo In
the oven uriW cheese Is melted. Cut
In squares and. serve with gravy or as
a garnish for meat, or plain with n
tomato sauce. Dried mushrooms are
an addition to a sauco for polenta.
Pouched Errs California
Toast rounds of breSd, dip the
edges lightly In bdlllng salted water,
spread with butter.
Set d, carefully poached fresh egg
on each slice. O.ver threo or 'four eggs
pour a cup of sauco made of two
tablespoons each ot buttor and flour,
one-quarter teaspoon each of salt and
1 1 pjier, three-quarters cup of tomato
p .ree and one-quarter cup of milk.
Mi ke same as for plain whlto sauco.
Corn Pudding
Grate six oarsof corn, add two
slightly beaten eggs, ono cupt of mll't,
ono tablespoon 'of buttor, one-half
teaspoon of sa'lt, one-halt tublespcon
of sugar.
Bako in well-greased individual or
large baking d,ish in a moderate ov
en about 35 minutes. Unmold and
servo with a white sauco nnd scuffed
tomatoes or tomato fritters.
Red licansi Spanish
Two cups' bean, ono onion, ono cup
strained tomato or ono can chtlo to
mato sauce, two pimontos, ono table
spoon butter, ono teaspoon salt.
Wash and soak beans over night.
Drain, cover wflh fresh boiling wat
er and cook undor boiling point for
half an hour. Drain again, cover with
fresh boiling watpr and cook gently
until tender, or about ono hour. Qhop
tho onion and pimentos and cook In
tho butter until the onion Is soft, but
not brown; then add seasonlpg and
toma'to. Drain beans, pour ovor tho
sauce and simmer for about 30 min
utes. Serve with boiled rlco or hom
iny. If using chill tomato sauco the
pimentos may bo omitted.
itlssoUo '
Ono cup rice, one-quarter pound
grated cheoso, ono union, ono cup
strained tomatoes or tomato sauco, r
one sweot green popper, ono teaspoon
salt, ono tablespoon shortening,
Wash rlco well nnd add slowly
Movablo sconory was first us$d In
Italy in tho year 1508, It was the In
vention of an Itnllaii arcliltQCt .named
nine dike
Till" HAOUn, Jan. S.. (y Mall.)
Work Is to begfn thls'yoar on tho re
claiming ot tho Kuyder Zoo, ono of
'tho world's Krt'ntost engineering pro-
Joels,' by which It Is proposed to ro
storo to Holland within 35 years
what was onro hers bil was taken;
away by the storms of many cen-
When the work Is finished, not
only tho original In ml wIM bo ro-i
stored but many thousands ot ucroi.
which always have been litMtoath tho
son will bo ready for cultivation, ,
According to pro-war estimates,
tho ontlro work ot reclaiming tho
Zuyder Zoo would hnvo cost prox
imately $SS,!fOO,000, but. with tho
lucronsoil cost ot labor and materials
In thopust six years, It la now he
Moved tho cost will bo woll In excess
ot $125,000,000. Tho work will bo
douo and paid for by tho stnto
through spcclnl loans, and tho statu,
through rental of the'laud'roclalmcd,
expects tho acliomo to pay tor Itself
within a fow years and thereafter
yield a haudsoino rovonue.
Tho totnl amount ot land to bo
reclaimed will 1)0 S27 squnro miles,
which will constitute a twolfth'prov
ince ot Holland, capable ot support
ing a population ot 300,000 ,nnd
wherein several cities of ancient
trading fnmo aro expected to bo re
stored to commercial Importance.
Tho engineering work Is now wollj
undor way.
Centuries ago, at thu. beginning' of i
tho Christian era, whon tho Romnns
had their settlements' In Holland,
much of tho Bpnco now occupied by
the Zuyder Zoo was laud and tho
south,, part of tho present son was' a
lako (Sailed Flevo. Northwest tom
pests swopt tho North son, hashing
away tho tract ot dry land between
the bba a (Id the lake. Ono largo,
shallow body of water tho Zuyder
Zor wns formed. '
Tho towns sltuntcd on Us bnnks
rhrovo as the merchantmen camo
Into their riorts. But as ships ho
camo Iarge and of deeper drnft
traffic was diverted to doepor,Boas,
leaving tho onco famous towns on'
.. . .i-Ei: . . ....
mo zuyder s snores more isiiing vu
lagos, which they nro now, whllo
Amsterdam's commerce camo to her
'through a canal leading direct to
tho Xorth sea.
Dr. A. A. Bcckman, ot Tho Haguo,
who has devoted nearly all his life
to the Ideal ot reclaiming tho Zuyder
Zee, explained tho plans to tho Asso-'
cifttcd Press correspondent. Ho Is
now a membor of tho stnto council
which will carry out tho work.
'"The first thing to do,'.' said-Dr.
Beekm'an,' "is to construct a gigantic
ike to keep oat thb North Sea.
This will be' 30 miles long,, stretch
ing from Wloringon to tho Frisian
coast, whore the vator ranges In
depth from '33 to 11 feet. It will bo
everywhere 1G to 17 feet abovo tho
sea level. There will- bo a doublo
track railway on top of tho dike.
Its construction will take moro than
nine years, and Its cost, by pro-war
estimates, will bo moro tium $20,
000,000. '
''Tho total surface to bo reclaimed
is 827 square mljes. Thoro- will re
main a lako ot GOO squaro miles,
wlilch "will net ,ns a rdsorvolr during
tho periods when, owing to north
westefh storms, tho wators of tho
river Yssol and o'f tho canals cannot
bo emptied Into tho North sea. Tho
water of tho lako will bo let out Into
tho North sea 'through flvo grent
sluices at tho W'iorlngt'n ond ot tho
"Most of tho land to bo reclaimed
now lies 13 foot bonoath tho sea
level. Part of it Is expoctcd to bo
dry within 14 years, ns pumping out
fwlll begin as soon as tho dlho Is com
pleted. Tho last of tho land Is ex
pected to bo dry within 35 years."
Tho Turks bollovo amber to bo an
infallible guard against' tho Injurious
effects of nlcotlno; hence Its exten
sive uso for clgarotto .lloldors and
pipe-stems, ,
Upholstering, Mattress Rehovating. Furniture Repairing of all kinds
. '. -. CRATING AND PACKING ""..!,.,
Who Shot Him ?
See Tom Mix in v
Sunday and Monday
Alfalfa Seed
Iluy aero thnt you can nro
lluy ! thi ycj can return If you are not nullified.
stru mat compiles
ton and Oregon
Wo can alilp rarloailn or Icna from our warohoiMeii at .
Seattle. I'ortlnnU, Ynklma, Walla Walla. Kllantbun;, Wnpato
anil ihi'outth local nKentn,
'im BEST
Una a reputation In tho
You cannot buy belter aeeii
for leas money anywhere.
CstMlJtd ltt
In (ho County court of tho stnto ot
Oregon for Klamatli County.
In, the .Matter of the of ICIIza-
, both M, fialarnoiiti, Deceased.
"Notice Is hereby gl von-Hint tho
undersigned, tin executrix ot the on
tato ot Kllzaheth M. Oulnrnoau, de
ceased, has filed with tho County
Court ot thu ..Stnto of Oregon, for
Klamnth County, her Final Account
of tho administration of said cstnto,
and that tho said court lias fixed Sat
urday, ,tho 14 th day of ,Febn;iyy,
1020, At 10 o'clock a. m. n.i thu tnho,
and tho County Court Room In tho
court Jiouho at Klamnth Falls, Oro
gon, ns tho plnco for lioarlng objec
tions, If any, to said account nnd tho
settlement thereof. ,
Dated Jan. 17,. 1920.
Hxcculrlx of tho estato of Kllza
heth M. Oalarncau, Doccnscd.
NOT I Q 10.
rCntlpA la linmliv elvnn thnt
undersigned will boII at public nuc -
Hon to the highest bidder for cash In
hand, on Saturday, Fobrunry 7, 1920,
at 2:30 o'clock p. m. nt O. K. LI vory
Barn, Sixth street, Klamath Falls,
Oregon, ono blnck Jack, aged about
olght years, wolght about ono thods
nntl pounds, to satisfy my Hen for
tno iionrn nnu euro ot sain niiimai,
from Novombor 1, 1919, nt tho ratoi
of SIS.por month.
Dated: Jnnunry 17, 1920,
17-24-31 M. J. NYHART.
Now thattho wrestling gnmo Is on
tho top wavo ot prosperity,' fear Is
expressed in tho East that tho ''sure
thing" gents will got busy and give
the sport a 'knockout.
wLtal!afiod ItSi
n brnrA vmf ravJap Ir
beforo you pnyifor I
Willi tho Heed uiwa of Yvaihlnc-
Northwest for tho laat 10 years.
and you cannot Kot a booiJ ceed
The Chns. II. Llll in.
Suit In lCqulty for Divorce.
Uqulty No. 1133.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto' ot
Oregon for Klamatli County.
Inas hay holly, Plaintiff, vs Frank L.
Kelly, Defendant.
To Frank L. Kelly, tho abovo nam-
0(1 ,j0fi.niunt
In tliu iiume of tho Statu of Oregon
you nro horohy required to appear
unit utiHwer tho complaint fllod
iiKnln.Tt.yon In tho abovo untitled suit
on or before Saturday, thu Gth day of
March, 1920, that being thq Inst day
Within which you are ruqulred to nil
Bwor, as fixed by tho order of publi
cation of this summons. It you fail1
I to uppcar and answer, plaintiff will
I apply to the court for tio rollof do
jmnudod In wild compliant, to wit:
i thnt tho bonds of mntrlmony heroto-
Ifoio and now existing hotweon hor-
nolf and you no rorovor dissolved nnd
cot aside and Hint sho ho awarded a
decree of absolute, dlvqrco and thnt
jsho hnvo such other nnd further re-'
Hot In tho bromlsos ns to tho court
mnv seem meet and cqultnhlo.
This NiimiiKtiis 1b puhirshcd oiica
oncli wonk for six buItphsIvo and con
sociitlvo wooks In tho Evening Hor
nld. n dally newspaper of general cir
culation, printed, published nnd cir
culated nt Klnmath Falls, Klrnuath
cuinirii nt ninmatii muih. Kimun
County, Oregon, by ordot1 of Ilmior-.
nhlo I). V. Kuvkondall, Judge of said
court, and tinted January 20, 1920;
(lie first publication to bo mndo on
Januarv 2d, 1920 nnd tho last publi
cation thnifof on Fobrunry 28, 1920.
Attorneys for Plnlntlff
P. O. nnd Business Address Loom
Is Bldg. Klnmhtli Falls, Klrliqath
.County, Oregon.
24-31-7-14-21-28 A I
' ' )5