The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    &ATI)IWAY, .tANtAtlY Jll, 1020
Star Theatre
I Wl I
Sunday-Monday, Feb. 1-2
Rex Cafe
"Back to God's Country "
c -.
There never was a film Uke.this.
Sixteen kinds of wild animals play natural parts
in this picture.
The scenes were taken in the Arctic ice fields, '
north of 56 degrees. .
The intense' cold reached sixty degrees below 1
It is a picture of the open spaces, of the land of j
everlasting snow, wfiere the gaunt wolf stalks its-!
prey, where men settle their feudal battles with knife,
and gun. ' 'J
'. Matinee 2:30. '
' Prices 15 and 36 Cent I
- .
WARNINCOwing .to the limited seating
capacity, patrons ae earnestly requested to take
advantage of the matinee performance and avoid
the standing at the evening snows." i
LONDON, Jnni 3. (By Mall) Sir
Oliver Lodge told tho Royal Society
CHARLESTON, W, Vn Jnn. 30.
Tho mnnufnetuto nnd sulo of moon.
of Arts recently that If inert wore slilno whiskey In tho mountnlriH ot
capable ot harnessing nil tho atomic Southern W'ost Virginia (acclaiming
energy In n small piece ot chalk, or
I any. other matter, ot n similar site,
they would havo enough power to
raise 100,000 tons ton height ot 3,.
nwu toot.
Up to tho present, he sold, they
had not succeeded In making, uso ot
that power but they wore, on tho
verge of doing It. In tho wireless telo
phnne was tho first step In that direc
tion. There tl-o particles given off by
a wire electrically hentcd to white
ness wero emplojed to break the cir
cuit. So sensitive nnd prompt wero
the particles to respond to the elec
trical stumulus that one could send
words nt the rate of 300 n mlnuto by
tho Morse Code. By no. ordinary me
chanical means could this ho accom
plished. ,
Among other possible sources of
energy, said Sir Oliver, was tho other
nnd he warned his auditors not to dis
regard It because It was as real a
thing as anything. With regard to the
energy emanating from tho sun tho
'test thing wo could dq with It was to
utilize it through agriculture. Plants
had found out how to use It without
first "turning It Into heat nnd we
could not better their methods.
Other, possible" sources ot energy
were the tides nnd the waves. With
the former nothing could yet be done
Ion account of the vast areas required
to form reservoirs. The lanU so cover
ed would be ot much more value if
) reclaimed and used tor agriculture.
He preferred to consider the posn-
'b'lllty ot utilizing the waves it any
thing were going to he done in that
" T(1DUII!II TIlDC iii i
nun MMillno I.H
tiu wvn- ::"&-.
'i j
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. The. air
service of the United States army
has formulated uniform rules of fly
ing for the guidance ot its .pilots,'
which no doubt will be the basis. of
all regulations adopted In the future
the closo attention of W. S. Halln
nnn, prohibition cominlMdonor, who
with a largo orco of deputies con
tinues to raid nnd arrest almost
Tlinrn hnvn tinnfl Htana In Din 1 tl fit
few weeks when tho officers hnvo mot J
dotormlned resistance, nnd already
two men,Preston Alliens, an alleged
moonshlnor, and John D. Kennedy,' n
doputy sheriff, hoSro lost tholr lives In
tho campaign. ' r
This fight, tho jiiost serious In ro
cent years, occurod In tho Panther'
Creek section of McDowell county, on
tho Virginia border. Pnntho'r Crook,
1. i. iihj.Ii I til , In. M .. , ! nl, !.. an, la
liiu I'l uiiiuiuuit nuuiuiiuun puj, nil
one of tho moSt nctlvo moonshln'n;'
districts In tho state. Thoro, nccord-IX'
Ing to Mr. llnllnnnn, hnvo boon gath
ered 8omo of tho mot' famous mnnu-1
frfcturers of moonshine from Nucha
nnn county, Virginia. They know nil '
that Is to ho known nbout the Indus-(
try, and .omo of thom arc 'nmod for
tho qualities of their "Corn llqur-r. '
Usually their stills aro extremHv dif
ficult to locate, but gradually the
prohibition officers aro hunting them
out and destroying thom.
Thero Is another kind of moonshin
er In that section who Is giving tho
officers much trouble.. He make his
moonshine as quickly as possible,
markets it wltU tho lean delav, nnd
then moves his still to somu othor '
The country is mountainous nud
rough with many fertllo volleys.
These vnlleys, the comnlssloner 'i"s
discovered, wore this year uijtjdjo a
large extent for the growing of Mig-i
nr cane, the hlrh prlce.of Aijuir hnv(
Ing driven some pf the old time
, moonAhners to producing what thqyj
neeuea tor ueraijupi: uuu luqansma?
purposes. . f
$1.00 Sunday Special Dinner $1.00
'Olyuipln ,0)ter Cocktail
Cieam 0 Chicken. Princess
CnlUornln lllpo Olives
Bwert Gherkins
Celery nnd I'lmontos
, Choice of
Roast Klamath Young Turkey, Celery Dressing
Ulblot Gravy
Young Chicken Frlcusseo n la Peanunt
Crtnmed WhlppAt Potatoes Htoamod lload. Rlce
Cholco of .
Applo Souffle Pudding
llonu-Mude Pumpkin Plo
Hot Mlnco Plo
Cnfo Nolr
. l 1 -J : 1
I The Government took Oyer!
i i" jurtsTV' 1 '
r !
dor of tho Sacrprf Trpn.Qiirp Th or,: when eying becomes as common as
I i , i PIT XJ T lm OA L l.nlltl.H -
'nounctment was made at a dinner auicmoouing. u ( a. A,,Ju.o,r-.,uu.,
.giveB by Admiral Kato, minister of! Some of tDe Pcautlcns prescribed , spheres of Influence In.Chlnn was fo-,
T,,nnn jn hnnhr nfti,. Am,,,.vn n,i. now probably will seem humorous in.commenueu in a resolution nuopieuu
TOKIO, Jan. 30. Every officer miral. Removing the emblem of the that tJm,a t0 come' as the srfecula-jat a recent meeting Tiero of the As-'
nna seaman on tne nagsnip South Da- same decoration from his own breast, 't,ons anu Iear8 concerning motor suciauun 01 iruin v.iiinm;r ui
kota, of the United States Asiatic Admiral K?to said to Admiral cars twenty eafs agb seem to the Commerce In China and Hongkong.
Fleet was warm In his appreciation Cleaves: "Your decoration has been present generation." J This Association includes represent-j
tive3 or most important iiruisn com
mercial Interests in the Far Knst.
Its action Is regarded hore ns nlgn
Iflcant because It has long been
claimed that Great Britain has been)
3. 1
The Possession and Management
of certain qUASI-pubUc concerns, and, with tbeMlitpce of a.
largo part of the previously formed organlxUoDy,reald somn
success in operation, hut as a total mult the expornent. was a,
failure. Every day. that passes furnishes evldeocetp ,Ji)jtlfy ,thii
assertion. The property and businesses taken oMrrbayshceq, or
. will be returned to thevowner for the real, reason, nq( adtted,
rthtAh-Briilngrf 'were too,blral com pllcatedj.for (ew, find
unexperienced chiefs to manage. What the result oth).upBrl
nt'wlll be'iVt6'the luture, valuo pMbe properties , no cBcan,
with accuracy, predict. It. cannot be entirely .satisfactory, to Jhe
owners or, for some years at least, to the .general Public. , ,
There wus clearly demonstrated during the war the yaluo and
practical benefit ot private management as compared with public
management. If It hosald that government (or municipal) conduct
ot business has sometimes been successful the answer Is' that the
same business In the hands ot private, responsible Individuals, with
capital and success at stake, would hnvo resulted more favorably.
California-Oregon Power Ce:
of the cordial reception which they
received while In Japan this month.
The series of official dinners which
was offered to Admiral Cleaves, the, pinned his emblem 'tipon the coat of
commander-in-chief of the fleet, was Admiral Gleaves.
forwarded to Washington, but will' Tne uniform rules, which super
jou w.ear mine when you are received sede carying rules made by different
by His Majesty tomorrow?" He then 'cornmnniiers during tne war, are one
supplemented by varioustother court
A .committee of Yokohama resid-
step toward standardization of all
flying fields. .They are divided Into
four parts,' applicable to hangars,
Some of the
Just before sailing to Shanehal en
route for Vladivostok, Admiral the Ground and the air,
niprtVPft PflVO n llinnTiflnn nn hAar1 ttin
t headed by Mayor Kubota sent a f:agsnlp ,n Y.,kohama In honor of Ad.
little present of fruits and tobacco to" Jral Kat AdmIra, shlmam . lhe
eacn and every on ot the 800 seamen' cnlef of the navv staff. H,nnrt R Iclothlng that might become
aboard the South Dakota and the en-,.jjorr,8 the AmerIcan Ambassador; I tangled In the controls, nor
Til A 4tVftl nf thn nlln .. I 1 1 .
tire crew of the ship were In relays
entertained at various Japanese din
xers and geisha dances.
Admiral Gleaves was officially In
formed upon his arrival that His Ma
jesty the Emperor had conferred up-'
on him the decoration of the First Or
, Mayor Ifubota and a number of ,pth-
er distinguished persons.
February 1.
Jewel Cafe
Special Spnday Dinner, $1.00
Chicken a la Santog
Mission Olives Sweet Pickles
' SALAD s . '
Fruit Salad,tWhlpp'd Cream
fish . r
Filet of Sole, Tartar SaUco
.Your cholca of
Roast Y'oune- Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
.Fricassee of Chicken, Egg Dumplings
Roast Leg of Pork, Apple Sauco
Your cholco of
nice Custard Pudding, Lemon' Saute
Hot Mlnco Plo
! t 1 1 ,' .i
"Instructors and students In flying
will net wear a long coat or loose
loose articles such as waste or rags
that might Jam the 'controls be left
in the 'machine.
"Ambulances to be on flying field
'Earl during all Hying hours, with a sur
30.31 'geon and necessary medical detail in
attendance. '
"Do not taxy closer than 100 feet
to another ship -unless mechanic has
hold of wings.
J I 'It Is advisable to carry a good
I pair of cutting pliers In a position
4. 'where both passengers and pilot can
2 reach them in case of an accident.
"A Are extinguisher will iio car
ried on each machine. ,
"Riding on steps, wings or tails
of a machine Is forbidden.
"In case engine tails on take-o?,
land straight ahead, regardless of
obstacles. '
"Rules about right-of-way are for
' guidance only. Collisions are always
Avoidable. There Is no right-of-way.
. Every, pilot must be awake at all
Jitlmes and prevent his machine from
getting dangerously near another
"Machines approaching head-on
paES to the right at an interval ot
at least '200 yards.
"If .you tee another machino, got
out ofits way.. Do not depend upsn
the other 'pilot having seen you.
"No yerUcal banks, steep climbing
or zooming will bo, done under 300
"All acrobacy, such as loops, wing
over, eights, rolls, half-rolls - and
spins must be completed at no't less
than 1,S00 feet.
. "N8 pilot will fly over n city or
town wlthotit sufficient altitude to
reach a landing place."
GLOUCESTER, N. J., Jan. 31.
RIO 1)1' JANKIIin. -Inn ."In TIiim
I j' -
n .!.. .. I,a hn. n,.nr. """ ht-' uiuuui iir vuiicuiui nib.
able to obtain a dominant position In -i. "' "" ,hor I to facilitate the coming of Immlgrn-
trade In China chiefly by reason of , f doubled since Ju " J tlon from Kuropo to Ilrazll. It has dl
the vast extent of British sphe-ns of " PWWMoa act became effect vo. government-owned ves-
influence. which Is said to overbad- TI'e wunlcjpall y b., .Just drilled two
ow those of all other countries. The " ,lan we"f ,t0 U"n,"B inilon thelr return v uh ""ml
.conference resolved that the. time had iB n anMlaR lni, ns havo been vo.,chod for by
come to reaffirm the abolition of the d,emani1 under, con Altutional prbhibi- Kra2,nn , , , nag
, lecently been chftked because of
I high ratoB for third-class passage-
rfrom Eurono.
''open door" as an essential commer
cial principle and that abolition of
spheres of influence should be ac
complished by International agree
ment. '
The Drltish government was nsl:
el by the Association to emit a por
tion of the Boxer indemnity
ioto It to the education of Ch'nese
Uilong British llofs.
Tho Association oxpmsol Ur, sym
pathy with thedeslM nf tho Ohlnes
to r.bollsh the plnn of oxtra-lorritop
if'.'ty. But declaie,lt,i'tiihle govern
ment first be estnbllshe.I.'a satisfact
ory code of laws enactiMl nudfthat
the Chinese Judicial system should t;o
It asked also that tlio British go
ernment should, put Into Immediate
offect the measures adopted by the
International Opium Coiivi'iitlon n
1912 restricting traffic-wtih Chinese
In narcotic drugs. It demanded that
piracy on Chinese rivers should ho
The Pacific ,Coast league seems to'
have It on the othor big minors when. With tho exception of tho British
It comes to bagging major league parliament, tho Swedish riksdag 1st
players who drop out ot tho speed tho oldest legislative body In tho
circuits, " ' " world. '"
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Senator
McNary wns authorized by tho sonato
public' lands committee today' to reW
poit favorably a bill doubling the bIzo
of Crater Lalco national 'park to take
In Diamond lako 'and much other
sccnlc area,
A camel enjoys his master's cigar
ette In Egypt, quietly snuattlng down
behind him, thoi better to sniff the'
fragrant smoko as it rises slewly In
tho heavy air. This tho animal does
with unction,, closing his nostrils arid
eyes' rapturously after each, Inhala
tion. ,
January Specials at
lie Sunset Grocery
,No. 212 Solid Pack High-Grade Kraut, 2 cans 35c
J No. 210 Solid Pack High-Grade Hominy, per can 20c
?.No..l Solid Pack Asparagus, can. 18c: 2 for....3Se
? High-Gra:de Tomato Hot Sauce, per can...i V2c
. 1-lb. pkg. Folger's High-Grade Japan Tea, lb....;..v48c
' 4 pkgs. 10c Star Naphtha Washing Powder 25c t
f Swift (large package) Washing Powder...X....:..25c
uooa rente rrunes, a ids. ; f ...i.25c r
No. 2 Sliced Pineapple. !"".40c t-
llM. . V.St.P .4 UAHnnit O.llfa.- A 1 1 1 .rf
.vyiuci a uua uj. ucmieit oeuuiing Appies toaay, 'V
How about a gallon of Arkansas Silvertip Sor
ghum? Only a few gallons left.
Also have a big line otother syrups Log Cabin,
Wellman's Pure Maple Sap, Uncle John's, Silver
Thistle, My Wife, Tea Garden, J. R, G., Brer Rabbit,
and Karo. Give us your orders.
, , Phone, 200
tt f ;;