The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1920, Image 1

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mp Exwitim Memtft
Fourteenth Year No. 3833
Price, Five Cents
1 v-
( aijI.iks asic Hrititi:ni:it
, op(ji:kma. li:aii:iw.
PARIS, Jnn. 31 Included In
Ihu 1Th( of Gorman whoso sur
render by tho Berlin govcrn-
mont Ik demanded ly thu Allies
I'luilriiiiiii Hii)'h Announce Choice of
Men mill. women Wlio Will Draft
l'lnf fftrm nn,l Atinmitirn PrlnrlnliMi
of Republican Party.
will bo tho fornior crown prlnco, , Ulukosloo, fourth assistant postmas-
uupprocnt or Havana riold Mnr
nhnihi Von Iluolow and Von
Mackonson, Huron Von Dorlncjt
on, tlio formor civil governor of
Inf (rnnnfnl linffiin (tin .,.. .n.j4
offico committee today, predicted do-
BAN FHANCISCO, Jan. 31 Names
at men and woman who will compose
thu committee on platform and prln
clplos which tlio republican national
comlmttoo at a recent meeting auth
orised Chairman Will S. Hays to
nanio wore announced here tonight
.r"r Mr. Hays, through regional ropub-i
.1 f llcan headquarter. In a statement
IX accompanying tlio announcement, Mr.
3$ niaya said:'
"There rodts on tho republican
'party Iho tremendous responsibility
orascertalnlng fully tho needs of tho
nation, and frankly, honestly and do
finitely stating the fundamentals of
'(ho party's plan for tho solution of
'tho problems In a comprehensive pro
gramme of constructive measures.
This situation, Mr. Haya said, tho
(republican party recognlzos. Ho con cen
tinued: (' f,Kr ,
"IlocoiriilztaK that the iilntfnHn nx.
tahtlBhcs a contractual , rqlqllon'' bo-
? twoon tno pnrty and tlio people, It
mhall be (ho supremo- duty and pur
' ' poso of tho party when entrusted
With 'power to square It purfor-
. innnco with Its promlsos " , ,
" Mr. Hays saltl- n number of (ho
.& commltjoo members, would ibjwito
? -"vtliulr ontfro ttyno to Its work unll the-
farm production noxt year
, and consequent Increiuio In tho cost
Ilruflsols, Admiral Von Cappolle, (of living, duo to tho dissatisfaction
oi larmqrs. uver 40,uuo answers to
and Flold Marshall Lltnan Von
Sandors, commandor of tlio
Turkish forcos, It In reported.
It Is understood tlio Herman
government will resign If m tho
entento Insists on tho dollvery
o tlioso porsons, bocauso of the
allogod impossibility or the oxo-
cutlon of Its ordors.
A republican national conventlpn. Those
,v momborB, he illscloacd, would eon-
It- stltiito nn executive commtttoa on
4 I platform, of which, Ogden.L. Mills.
iSMk . . .. .. .... . .
.jr., or inow ock. win no cnnirman,
and Joint Cifllnn O'l.oughlln, of III-
. f
8P0KANE, Wash., Jon. 31. A
court of law whero lawyers will not
bo pormltted to appear, except per
haps In 'their' own' behalf, is tho'o'x
porlmont to'bo tried hero shortlyuin
dor thu prorislons.of a 'recently enact
ed state law. - . '
. j y.
Total court fees, under provisions
o.tho acrJ'wIll'bVthBq Jl.OQ, for
an appoarancq by plaintiff having a
claim notjto oxceecLJSO, and GOonts
Wditldnnl'to iho 'cttnstablo or deputy
shnrlff-'BorvIng a' summons on the do-
fondant, .
'r lloth, parties to actions mus ap
pear "In person and.iuny summon wit
nesses. No assigned claims can . ho
tiled 'In the "gmnll clolin'q" court,
ind no atttirnoy or ijny person bthor
!thnn tho parties dlrec(ly concerned
'with tho suit may "copcern himself dr
In any other manner Interfere? with
200,000 questionnaires sent to farm
cm, ho said, Indicate a condition that
h "disquieting and portentous of dls
astrous consequonoAs."
Dlakeslce said that tho farmers ob
jected to low returns for long' hard
toll, while city dwollors had easy
comfort. Shorter hours, middlemen's,
exorbitant profltB, farm labor Bard to
obtain, and the hlgh'cost of imple
ments and fertilizers all units' to make
obtain, and the high cost of Implem
ents and fertilizers all units to -make
the farmer's lot discouraging, he
Member of the committee ald
thai the replies to the questionnaires
seemed to come 'mostly from a
bunch of bolshevists."
I'll Braved memorial certificates,
significant of France's gratitude to
America, will bo presented tho near
est relatives of all Oregon boys who
died during tho world war In tho uni-J tho special blanks required for mak
-"" i
All partnerships must return an in
come tax statement, regardless of tho
I amount of their net or gross Income,
under the Income tax law provisions.
O. V. Wimberly, deputy collector,
who will bo at tho Jury room in the
courthouse building all noxt week to
help local residents In preparing in
como tax statements, said today that
i' M,r. Hays' statemetUsald
J- ''Forty progrn,mnipa must always
bo subject to n moti (Intent and change
hy the responsible lUIng thought ox
' prossed within the party by men and
womoji alike. ' .
i "Tho republican party's holt ton-
, tury of uchleemcnt Is tho host guar
anty to the country of futuro fulflll-
munt, but It Is only on future fulfill
' incut that Its 'usefulness will depend.
'Tho party miiHt continue to be tho In-'
istrumont to apply to iew and chang
ing conditions tho wisdom of oxporl-l Shorlff Oeorgo Humphrey, today
'Onco find tho efficiency of honest, I closed tho small grocery conducted
zcnloui ,ojvIcn It Is tho party of tho' by W. K. Smith, two doors below the
tho prosecution or dofenso of (tip liti
gation without t,he consent of 'the
Tho novel court Is to bo presided
over byMS. C. Hyilo, n Justice of tho
peace. .Ho Siiny enter a Judgmenffor
T payment of rlnlms In any manner ho
sees fit, and In case of refusal to sat-
Isfy-such a Judgment on the part of
tho losing patty, ho may makp affi
davit to that effect, whoroupon tho
claim may be collected through Jus,
tlce or suporlor, court'proedduro, with,
consequent Increases -ln( co to tho
losing party .
Dairymen and milk distributors
held a meeting this morning in Uie
office -of Dr., A. A. Soule. city health
Mficer, artd decided to submit an ordi
nance at the meeting of the city
council Monday evening, making It
t . . . ., .. .. . r T ,
umawiui io soiiotnor than pasteuriz
ed milk or cream in Klamath" Falls.
The council will bo n8kedrto passitho
ordinance ,'' :
KTOIti: IS (7IX)Si:i).
form qf their country. Ceremonies
throughout the stato will be under
tho auspices of local posts of tho Am
orican legion on February 22nd.
France selected the American, Le
gion as the representative of this'
country's fighters and the agency
thru which tho delivery of the mem
orlals should be made. The certifi
cates are delivered to the war de
partment and distributed to all "parts
of the Country through the recruit
ing offices.
The army recruiting office at Port
land Is receiving the memorials for
this district. As soon as complete lists
of soldier dead have been compiled
and checked over, the certificates will
be turned over to state headquarter
or tne American- Legion at Portland
and from there sent directly to local
Relatives of boys who made the
great sacrifice have been requested
to turn In their names to the nearest
post of the American Legion, with
trit-Ir address on place they can be
fcund on February 22afl. Local lists
will be submitted In fcUipllcatf!, to
fcia-e neaaquarters. Every effort Is
being made to have ths lists com
plete and correct as pojslolr, that, no
"he will be overlooked ' '
Memorial programs being'preparod
in hrnor of tho joung inenipre;un(i(or
local pofct direction, c-mmlteeb hav
In;; been 'appointed io arrange the
details, f, j
The .'inemffrial certificate are the
worjc or Franklin Booth, an American
arCist, and are commmoratlvo of the
service of the American doiiKblioyJ
fiuu iuiu leaiueruecK
of wars. Each
naipo of the dead fighter whose near-
test of kin receives it.
Ing the partnership statements arriv
cd last night. Several inquiries have
been mado during the two days he
has been here for these forms but he
was forced to delay action until tho
arrival of the blanks.
Two Locations on Pine Street tp
parcntly Available Resident- on
Thoroughfare Maintain that Slight
Ascent from Main 4s no Drawback.
At a meeting of the city health of
ficer and school authorities yesterday
it was decided, pursuant to a letter
received from the state board of
health in regard to smallpox vaccina
tion,' to request parents to hare their
children vaccinated, as a precaution
ary measure. ..
In communities where smallpox ex
ists the health board is empowered to
close the schools unless pupils are
vaccinated, but there Is no smallpox
In, this community, and unless the dis
ease develops no action will be taken
beyond recommendation that child
ren attending school be vaccinated.
Telegraph Tabloids
futuro or there Is no uso for tho par
"To men ntul womcn'nllko Is otfor
ed tho tight or political, selt-dotor-mlnntion.
Tho duty or thu ptuty mem-
"bcrshlp Is to say hat tho party's pur-
peso shnll ho wlint Its polcles shall
becomo. Tho ruulnmentnlly .cssontlnl
right within n political' party Is tho
opportunity or tho munibeialilp to ox
picas Itself. Thcro Is no hard nnil fast
sot of lilies, no uiurttcrablo list of
i dogimiH to bo presented bynny arid-
trnry power within tho patty, saying
Hlioro It la tnko It or loavo.' In-
stnnd, with tho open forum or tho
patty organization mid n comploto
participation, It Is' tho problem or
tho piuty nion(bnrHhlp to dotormlno
wliat tho pnrty stands for Through
It nil, howovor, shoulirnin n supromo
mot(J. nnd In tho ropubllcnn pnrty
that supromo motif Is tho honoat, tin
' solflsh, patriotic and Intelligent of
fcrt to promoto nnd snfegumd tho
best Interests of tho republic nnd Its
"Pursuniit to tho resolution ot tho
ropubllcnn nntlonnl commlttoe nt Ud
Docembor mooting, thoro Is being In
dicated u special commlttco on poli
cies and platform. This committee
consists or thq 12 mombora or the
national committoo heretofore np
pointed and about ono hundred men
and women roprosontlng all groups in
intorost In tho country. Tho purpose
of this committee Is to Invito tho ad
vlco anil co'-oporatlon of tho ablest
mou and women from all groups, sec
tions, Industry, business, professions
and Interest In the nation f to" gather.
portlnont facts and data; to study in
tensively tho larger problems con
fronting us, nnd to qjtor the result ot
their otforts as suggestions to the
platform committoo at Uio republican
'national convention next June for the
consideration ot that body. - i
'Tho potontialtty for usefulness ,to
tho country and the party of such a
postoffico, undor a writ of attach
liipnt issued to tho KInmnth Stnto
bnnk It Is undorstoodtlint Mr Smith
nnd family bno left town. -
able In mngultudo nnd complexity!
Tho majority' 'of. the citizenry of tno
country bolloro tlufl th6vrepubllcnil
party mny best! bo trusrod with the
solution. Tho country wants nnd Is
entitled not only to this faith in the
honesty ot Intontlon nnd fundamen
tal ability of tho ropubllcnn pnrty,
but to n woll-dcflnod statement or
purposo nnd ptuty. programme. It Is
obvious that tho comontlou enn do
fuller Justlco to ti platform conunen
surnto to tho' needs if thoy have for
their consldorntlon tho rollaYilo innt-
orjal thus furnished by some of tho
best brnltis In' tho'pnrty working ta
f Ivo months in tlio" evolution' of tho
"Tho organization Tor tho co'mmlt
tto's nctUTlIcs will bo enlarged nnd
additional membcis of tho committee
c'etilgnated as tho scopo of tho work
broadons." 1 "r
Tho cominlttoo members mid the
states rrom which thoy woro nnmod,
Include: Jmes B. Dnhb, Idaho; Trux
tcn Bo'nlo, District of Columbin; Mrs.
Itobort J. Hurdotte, California; Wt H.'
Cowlos. Washington; S. S. Downor,
Nevada; Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Ore
gon; Danlol C. Jacking, ItopresentU'
tlvo Julius Kahn, California; A. L(
Mills, Orogon; Representative F. W,
Mondoll, Wyoming; Miss Marlo.L.
Obonhauor, Washington, D. C; Ed
gar D. Piper, W. D. Ayer, Oregon;
Jonathan Bourne Jr., Washington,
D. C; Governor Robert D. Carey,
Wyoming; Joseph M. Dixon, Mon
tana; .Oeorgo C. Hazlett, Alaska! J.
O. Luhrsen, "Washington; Bishop
Charles Nlbloy, Utah; Representative
John J. Nolan, California; W. D. Rlt
ter, Utah;' Henry Suzzallo, Washing
ton; John M. Switjer, Manila, P. I
"WASHINGTON, .Jan. 31. Unoffl
!ii! bi-partisan on the
icservatlons of the peace treatyisud-i
Judgo F. M. Calkins of Medford
has oerm'Iod tho demurrer In the
courthouso qise, argued when ho oc
cupied tho circuit court bench here
lost Monday, and set the hearing ot
tho case for February 1C, before Mrs.
C J. Ferguson, as referee, nccordlnc
to notification received by nttornoys.
This moans that In all probability
n decision in this embnrasslng litiga
tion Is not fnr distant. Taking ot tes
timony will not requlr"Q more than
throe or four days, nttornos believe,
and' tho preparation or n trnnscrlpt'
bj tho referee may require n fort
night, but n decision should bo forth
coming within a month nftor tho
hem lug, It Is bolieed.
Tho community nt large, oven
tl.oso who htivo been deeply partisan and Presented by the Democrats.
1 1 tholr attitudes In onrllor stages of' Senator Hitchcock announced he
tho courthouso controversy, will w el- J would move February 10, to take a settlement of thp question tl10 treaty up for debate on tho floor
CHICAGO, Jan. 31: Indictments
against 37 I. W. W. members have
been returned by a special grand
Jury investigating radical 'a'ctlvitfes,'
Chief aming-those. Indicted, were Wil-j
liam'D. Haywood, former secretary of
the organization, now at liberty from
Leavenworth prison under bond, and
Thomas Whitehead, .who' .succeeded.
Haywood as secretary. ., .
LONDON, Jin.- 31. The. MoscSr
Ifthe stories that are going tho
rounds today have any foundation,
the postofflce" department will have
more than, one site to consider when
the matter of locating the local post-
office again comes up for bids. One
oT the sites that will probably be sub
mitted will" be at the corner of Fifth
and Pine streets. When It became
known that the Sixth street site bad
gone by the board, Frank Ward and
Charles Loomis waited on tho gorenl-
,ment inspector and stated that when
ho agai nasked for bids, they would be
In a position to submit one for his
consideration. It is understood that
tne site these gentlemen have in view
is at the corner of Pine and Fifth.
This makes two possibilities for '
Pine street, the other being the one
suggested by G. A. Bellman. There is
considerable speculation ot la'te as to
whether the business district rwIH '
work towards Pine street or Klamath
avenue, as it is reclgnized that if
Klamath Palls is going to be a 'city
ot the size its friends believe It will
be, business houses will undoubtedly
be erected on other thoroughfares
than' Main street. To date Klamath
avenue haa the best ot the argument.
but whether It is going to',hol4 its
leads depends upon many angles of
the case. Those who advocate Klam
ath ayenue point to the tact tJat to
reach Pine street is up grado and the
wisei ones say business never works
un Vm2 1 'PLna atraat Qvn.ataj Iftticpll
l."r-r -"" .. ..w.w,, v-p-
srhec Tn-tho-,greatitreIe3M",serv'?P-na.s 'transmitted aulat.lhisJdjSia, and afncm"that I
'is inscribed with the! extract from an arti,cl? inihe off IclaH most Inijerceptible grade will
I Dntilinnll. AHvns. n . J 1 ll!l'Vnl am n tinnllAnn JPknn' nnlllm
I laiigh
Bolshevik organvPravda, stating that
"only a few days ago Supreme Ruler
Kolchak was hoisted on his soldiers
bayonets. '
LONDON, Jan. 31. Officials here
nro rlortrlorlte obonHiel nf Vin n
,. aW,v.. L ,UO .-
port received yesterday that Odessa
has been captured by the Ukrainian
...- IT" ' '
jnuiMtsAniu, Jan. 31. Kieven
acl as a handicap. -They declare that-
the depot, garages anl other Indus
rrIes""on Klamath" rut that thorough
fare out ot the running. "Tho m Jve to
put the postofflce on Pir.-j Street Is
the first one to swing the business In
that direction, and'it is admitted that
it is a real one.
Other locations, however, h ve
been mentioned in connpetion with,
this postofflce locatfor, but nothing
definite has been presented to tho in-
temporary Jurors had been secured 'spector outside ot the two mentioned.
the I. W. W. murder trial here I One site suggested is thy old Fold
.ionu.. a.wi&.i ... "...i, .... r, I when tho court onened the aftd-noon Garage building, but Mr. Wmrd,
crctlc Senates, fail-a- it a last t- ss,qn- Th( American Legion speaking for the new owners, today
-ompt to obtain a con uromlse on ar-' "i" w" not listen to the evidenw1 stated that they had given the post-
tlclo ten. walked nut nn,i annnnrn,i , Plained. The Idea has been given ' office 'no serious consideration, for
-. .,.... V.WU
thoy would seek some cthor method up-
of obtaining ratification.
Tho break came when Senator
Lodgo refused to accept tho rese-va-
the reason that plans were well ad
vanced "to lease tho entire Jmildlng
to one party, and It this is done none
last few dnys enn bo taken ns1 nn in
dention. . ,
The court's oidor sotting tho date
of hearing nnd appointing a lefereS Is
ns follews: , '
J. M. Dougnn Company ot al.,
Pinliitirfs, e. KInmnth County, et. al.,
Defendants, '
WASHINGTON. Ja'n. 31. Frank
lin W. Cutcheon of New York city I of it would be available for other
Hon on article ton, drafted by Tatt,was nominated by tho President to-'tenants.
day as director of tho war finance ino iounn sue menuouems 1,1 mo
corporation. I new Evans building at tne-c, ci
Tenth and Main streets. Mr. bvans
t61d the inspector that he had nut
considered the postofflce, but If po
other more suitable site could be
found he would be glad to Investi
gate the matter and might submit a
LANSING, -Mich., Jan. 31. Peti-
cxprcsslona of gonaral sentiment of t,l Senate. It is a question wheth-i1'?" to place Herbert Ijoover's name
from scores of porsons during the or lle CQn secure a majority for tho on the Democratic ballot at the presl-
dentlal preference prtmary, April 5,
has been received.
PORTLAND, Jan. 31. Fifty-seven
new .cases of Influenza nre reported,
The Rev. II. E. Marshall ot Longi bringing the total In Portland to 170y
Beach, Cnllfornln, will conduct sor-jNono aro critical. Thete were no
vices at the First Baptist church, coi-,nioio deaths reported todny.
Tho domurror to tho roply in the! ,lel' bE Eighth and Washington streets
tomoirow, and will continue through- it.MSA, Jan, a. The chptur of
nbovo entitlel Cause having .been
ovorruled, nnd tho case being now nt
Issuo; and it being important that
the Issues be tilol nt ns early dae as
posslblo, nnd It being Imppsstblo for
tho judgo assigned to said enso to
nttond said tilal for sovernl weeks.
It Is therefore ordorcd that said
causo bo Jrled nt tho City Hnll In
Klamath Falls, Oregon beginning
Monday, Fobrunry 1C, 1920 at ton,
o'clock a. m. .
It Is furthor ordored that Mrs.
Louise E. Ferguson be and she hero-
by Is appointed refereo to take and
report the testimony In said causo at
said time, and that sho continue tlio
taking ot said tostlmony from day'to
day until tho testimony is comploted;
and that sho thereupon report said
testimony to the court.
Done this 29th day of January,
1920. .
F. M. CALKINS, Judgo.
George H. Walker, Washington; Marlf
committoo Is very great, Theaprobt E, Requa, J, II. Rossoter, California;
loms which, are ahead are Immeasur- A. V. Swift, Orogon,
The Danner-Patty Motr company
lias purchased a lot, 120 by 80 feet,
at the corner of Klamath and Eighth
out tho woek to hold evening meet-f Odessa by tho, Ukraine forces, com-istroets, from George Biehn and Mrs.
ings at 7:30 o'clock oach eening. J mnnded by General Pawlonko, wds George Humphrey, with the inten-
rri.n T?r.. itf r..i.nii i. n.. i.Ih nnnniitieod tnnnv itx tnn ulrfalninn'.
1UU "D, A.44, .llUiOllUti 13 Ull IO .-- rf h..w w...u.4..uu.
Weather report.
way north on an evangelical tour and Press service.
stopped In, Klamath Falls nt tho re
quest of old friends. He has visited t
hero before but never held services
in this city. Those who have heard
him elsewhere say that ho Is a force
ful, magnetic speaker. A general in
vitation to attend thi5 services Is cord
ially extended.
SOIL expert here
Prof. W. L. Powers, or the soil de
partment ot the O, A. C, who has
boon in the city for the past two days
In connection with the move for the
drainage ot tho lands embraced in
tho recontly. established Van Brim
mer -district, .will leave In the morn
ing for Corvallis. The land within
tho district in question is becoming
water-loggod and the owners havo de
cided to construct drainage ditches
and place tiling and It isto offem
OREGON Cloudy in west, fair in suggestions and advice that Professor
e.ut; gontle.soiithoauterly winds, Powers was asked to come here. '
Tho home of James Lenzl, in Long
Lake' with all Its contents ws burn
ed to the ground yesterday. It is
thought that the fir6 was caused
from an overheated stove. There was
no insurance, according to 'report and
the loss Is estimated at $1000.
The D. & M. Cleaning company has
added a steam room to their cleaning
establishment and with this improve-
Infent It is stated by Mr. Drew it will
be possible to eliminate completely
the objoctlonahlo odors remaining nf
tor clothes aro cleaned, especially in
the winter. Work on the Improve
ment, which Is a decided advance In
cleaning methods, was completed this
tlon of erecting a garago there at
bqiuo time in tho future.
The Danner-Patty company start
ed business hero a few months ago,
handling Ford cars and accessories.
Their business has increased and
shows such signs of further develop
ment that they feel tho need ot their
own building. Their plans have
been completed to a certain, extent,
but MrvDanner said today that no
definite date had been fixed to start
building, but that the company In
tended to erect a garage at soma
time in the near future.
Application for judgment forgclos-.
ing tax Hens has been filed In the
circuit court by II. Childora against
D. Slatr and Wlllipm Corley, on Lot
12, Block 18, first addition to thq
town of Benania: and by the Njilte-
Utley Realty company against O. H,
Whitehall nnd others, nn 40 acres ot
section 21, township 39 south, range
13 east, Willamettemarldioij. '