The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 29, 1920, Image 1

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Etyt Curittnxi Steroid 113
Fourteenth Year No. 3831
Price, Five Cents
Prevalence of; Influenza In other
t i'rm ui mo aiuury nnu reports or
m nmun injur iiunu nun ono cnso in
,, Kin ninth Falls lmvo caused local nu
tliorltloii to co-ojiornto with tho Itucl
Cross chapter on plntiH for handling
tho sltiiutlon It nu outbreak occurs
Mnyor Btrulilo, Chlof of Pollco Wil
son nnit Dr. A. A. Bnulo, city hunlth
otricur, conferred yesterday after
iiion with It. II. Dunbar nnd Ilov. E.
r Iawronco, prosldont and socrotary
of tho Red CroB chapter, on tho po
flhlllty of tiMng tho old city hall
building, now sorvlng as u dotontlon
hospital for smallpox and othor en hob,
Into an omorgoncy hospital for Influ-
rnin rimnit. '
MEXICO CITY., Jan. 29.
'Jack Johnson, forme" honvy
weight champion, plane to to-
turn to tho United Status lm.
modlatoly to faco charges pnd-
Ing against him, according to a
letter which ho showed tno An-
HOclntcd Press. The lottnr wan
. written to Charlos Cllno, United
. .7.J. . .. a
Hiato altornoy, at Chicago. '
iJoJinsun hopes to arrange tils
legal difficulties In tlmo to meet
Jjompsoy-liororo tho lattor faces
Cnrpontler. Johnson says that
Dompsoy must moot him boforo
ho can claim tho world's cham-
plnnshlp. 4
CHICAGO. Jan. 29. Uncon-
dltloiiul surrender Is tho only
basis on Which tho local federal
officials will treat with Jack
Johnson, V.B. Attornoy Cllno
stated today.
A visit wan paid tho building and It 111 I II III L UL L I II L
was round practical. A fund wi;l bI fl I . I HnT
nccesary for equipment and cmcrikaW lm9 fc-IIU U I IIUL.
expense. Mayor Ht ruble MnldMnt
tho rlty would hoar one-third o$tho
cxponso u tho county and Ited Cross
would uluiro tliu rumuliidor.
Dr. Boulo went to Olene last ovM-
Ing to Investigate tho Cunningham
homo and found six case of Infill-
enra. Flvo aro mouthers of tho fanjlly
and tho sixth la n visitor from Illin
ois, who Is bollovod to have brdught
the Infection. This patlnnt was taken
III at Wood nnd n physician thoro dl
noHcd tho cnso as Influoiun. Ho was
"1 lo to reach liN relatives homo, how-
vcr, beforo becoming seriously
CLOSE CONTEST of tho patients aro In dnngorous
Tho local caso, tho only ono so far
roportcd, Is a man named Drown wjio
lives in on npartmcn,t on Tenth
slroct. Ho was reported by Dr. Mas
lioy. JDr. Soulq has ordered a strict
qunrantfno of tho apartmonf.
Dr. Soult this morning recelvod n
communication from Doctor David N.
P.ooborg, state health officer, advis
ing on mothods of dealing with the
1. lluenza situation. Last year's plan
closing schools, churches, thoators.
and othor public placoa has been
nbandonod as has tho wearing of
maBks.Thb health authorities in tho
prosont epidemic will roply on ctrlct
quarantine measures to proven', tho
spread of Infoctlon In oory caso
whoro Influonza Is found.
Four games woro necessary to do
me tho winner In tho Elks bowling
contest last night, tho second gamo
rosultlng In a tie, whon the Spark
I'lM and Hookies collided. Tho
KoukIos took the first gamo and the
Spark Plugs tho third. Tho fourth
nnd deciding gamo went to tho Spark
Plugs by a margin of 170 pins and
tho wlnnors also established a blah
team scoro for tho alloys, 844, Tho
provious team record was 818. 8ov
ornl good Individual avoragos woro
also niado. i
Krlda)ittho Novorsllps and
Duffs meot."Last night's scoro fol fel fol
: 'Spark Plugs w
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total
RlggS 1C2 143 155 246606
Wnttors 171 176 170 212729
Darry 190 152 154204700
Itogors 177 179 194 182732
Tho funoral of Charles, Infant boh
of,Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gentry of Mod
oc Point, who dlod yostordny, was
held this attornoon at 2 o'clock
from tho Whltlock chapol. Tho child
was four months old and had boon
ailing for a long tlmo.
690 650 673
Haydon 107 197 162
Carter ..t 210 142 165
Jefferson .... 169 173
Upp 207-138
160 160671
170 194709
organization of tho Klamath
County Chnmbcr of Commerce the
old Klamath Commorcial club
which has been under way for soreral
months win again ;bo. actively start-
-ii, ronowmr a montn DeatBonMnent
ot activity oror the holiday season
Tho committee on soliciting lands
r.old a mooting yesterday and appoint
ed A. D. Epperson chairman In place
of C. A. Math, who was called to Ari
zona last wook for an indefinite stay
by tho death of his nophow..Tho othor
merabors of the commlttco are: Bert
O. Thomas, Goo. C. Ulrlch. Wl P.
Johnson and C. V. Holmes.
Tho records of the work of the old
committee, which secured pledge of
membership In the neighborhood of
13,000 hare been turned over to Mr.
Epperson and as soon as he baa gone
over them and mapped out a plan of
campaign among those who have not
already contributed, or who might
contributo moro whon tho purposes
of tho organization aro more defln
Holy explained to them,' an active
bollcltlng campaign will start, prob
acy somo tlmo next week, At least
twlco the amount now promised to
support the organization Is needed to
put the chamber squarely on its feet,
and threo times as much would In
sure a larger measure of success In
tho dovolopmont work that is
Frod A, Dakor, chairman of tho
committee on constitution and by
laws, states that ho has made con
siderable investigation of the plans
and methods pursued by other -successful
(development organizations
end his committee has brought' the
work delegated to it" to a point where
It is already to report to the orgail-
Somo definite stoDS have been tak
en toenlietthe support of coUntr dis
tricts, and conlsderabte favorable
sentiment has been ascertained. It is
believed that an active campaign of
education will result in many mem
berships. f
Tho Loyal Uoroan class of tho
Christian Sunday School, assisted by
other High School students, will pro
sent "Tho Vlllaao Postofflen" n?t Mm
"church Friday night at 8No'c,lock.3rho)I ty clerk licfore entering court.
wpuuuo.-oi, po piay aro loJbodoVot-f iiorcaitor. Tlld; court madejthei
MONTESANO, Wash. Jan. 29
Attorney Vnndevcor, counsel
for tho defonso of elavon I. W.
W. Members on trial hero for
tho Ccntralm murders Armlsllco
day was. ordered today by Judge
John Wilson to ddposlt his re-
volvcr In tho dfftco of tho conn.
ed to Armoaian rellot and tho lass
nopea that many persons will 'avail
thomselves of tho opportunity to on
Joy a good laugh while assisting a
worthy causo.
Somo of tho chnrnr.fnrn annn In
overy village posloffico, are: Tho vll-
llago Postmaster, Paul Keller; The
"Oldost Citizen, Kenneth Case: Tho
1lt f. - .. . -. !-
Tuiugo ocamp, Aiarsnan Ulbson; Tho
-ounty Editor, Scott ' McKendrce:
(Tbo TowntLoafor; Kay Trimble; Tho
Drummer; Gorald West; Tho School
master. H. ,D. McKlm; Young Am
erica, Eldon McKim; Tho Cuilud Cltl
ienuWoavor Soloman; Tho Village
,Gost)lp, Josephlno McClaln; Tho VII-
logo Bollo, Lllllo Jonos; Tho Mischov-j
eoust Girl, Lucille Deckloy; A Good
Old Soul, Ione Solemon: The Milliner
Sibyl Bambor; The Postmaster's As-
Bismni, t.018 Bailor; Tho Oppressed
Wlfe Vivian Roblsen: Tho Comlni?
request of altornoys for both J
sides hut vandoveer w'as tho .
only lawyer who admitted carry-
ing a wcapdn. Tho bailiff quei-
tloncd each venireman and
spectator as to his possession of
a weapon today beforo admitt-
Ing them, to enter- tho court-
room. Six Juroj s havo ' been
temporarily passed and sir, aro
in tuo box for examination,
iNovollst, Anna Hackland; Tho Hyp
r.otlst, Professor Sleener.
This thing' of issuing a dog lfccnsoTJ-
Jn mnro cnmnHrnlnil titan u .-' -
; csldcs all tho clorfcafformallty'that f,
goes with tho Issuance of K mnrrJoW. v-
or huntidg licenses, thoro is added
si degree of craftsmanship that will
shortly qualify tho county clerk's
force as Journeymen harness makers.
Tho Hornld reporter has wonder
utl why the county clerks of tho" state
objected so strenuously to tho ncw'li-"
censing law, but obscrvatfoifr of ' tho
technicalities that go with tho task of
I.laclng the protecting pleco of leath
er in possession of the dog ownert
have convinced him that they were
justified In any hesitancy they felt la
tackling the task assigned thorn "tip
tho learned legislators of Oregon.
While the process of issuing a ll-f "
r nfc'o is in operation tho clerk's coun- t
tor becomes for the tlmo being a
i leather worker's bench, The clerical.
W. N. Hall, discharged dt New Pvork in connoction belnp concluded,,
York last month after nearly throo the workman Iay out a noat set of
The WhitOj Pelican was a sceno of
unusual animation last night. .The
Ruth) St. -Deals Dancers arrived ,on
753 050 666 674
Htnnillng of tho Clubs.
Won Lost
Sawdust 7
Novor Slips .-. 5
Duffs .', , 6
Spark Plugs 6
Rookies 6
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 5. (l)y Mall)
Tho Amorlran nvlators Connoly and
WntorhouRo, who mot death at Las
Animas, Lower CnHfomln, wore not
k'Uod by Mexicans, nccordlng to tho
.report of tho Judgo of the primary
court of claims at Ensonnda, L. C,
Just received In tho rnpltol. Tho
J.dgo nssohts thoy dlod from thirst
i nu nungor, inai no wounds worn
f und on tholr bodtoB and that mos-
, sagos Bcrawlod on tho wings of tholr
plnno told of tholr slow doaths from
Telegraph Tabloids
LONDON, Jan. 29. W. A. Hughos,
"Australian premier, speaking at Mul
bourno, said that tho next war would
probably brpak out In tho Paclflr. ic
cordtng to a dispatch received today
from Sydney, "Wo must be rend7
with a BUtricontiy numerous army tb
say 'thus far and no farthor' for we
aro hodgod around with nations that
lust after this country,," ho said.
Tho contractor's crew engaged in
repairing the Link river brldgo com
plain that traffic passing over the
brldgo at a rapid rate shakes tho
atructuro and interferes with "tho
progross of tho work. Tho public is
askod to cross .tho bridge at tho
slowest rato possible. The bridge'
win bo under repair for the next1
two weeks. "
Half of the old flooring haB bean
removed and workmen are streng
thening the Joints beneath.
BERLIN., Jan. 2 (By Mall) When
tho surfaco car linos of Berlin woro
takon ovor by tho municipality last
- summer many porsons lookod for a
'decrease in faros. Instoad tho faros
.now havo boon lulymicod to 30 pfon
i nlngs, an lncroaso of ton.
BERLIN Jan. 29. Tho condi
tion of Mnthlas Erzborger, vtco-prom-lor
and minister of flnanco, who was
shot Monday by Oltwlg Vonhlrsch
folij, formor cadet ofticor, is Borao
vhat' worse today. The bullot is firm
ly lodged in tho shoulder blado.
Until arrangeomnts can bo
mado,thfttfwlll Insure a supply
of ,-4ip'ortc suffic
' TtijrWrJij.f to i
sufficient to enable
return to Its re-
gularcfke.olt will remain as It
Is today, with the exception of
Fridays, when wo are permitted
,- t print eight pages. We shall
- return to own regular size at tho
Earliest dato possible.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29. Unit
ed States Attorney Mrs. Annetto Ad
ams, it is announced, Is investigating
charges of Irregularity In connection
with tho oxemptlon of Jack Dompsey,
heavy-weight 'champion, from the sol
ectlve draft.
OSSINING, N. Y., Jan. 29. Gor
don Fawcett Hamby, murderer, bank
rsbbor and tra'n bandit, arreslod at
Tacoma for thp murder of two bank
employes at Br-oklvnt will go tc the
dtath chair at Slag Sing tonight with
out benefit of clergy, if his request Is
rctpected. He apnea; utterly InJIf
ferrnt to his fat's.
ub ivu ujifiuiuuiuaui iuu musi
cal Study, Club and escorted to "the
hotel. '.
After tfeolr ,long ,rjfdo the Whito
Pelican- and its hospitality looked
very good to them and thoy woro very
outspokonjin their praise of the hotel
and their! reception by Manager
Milne, who, as usual, Is doing every.
thing that can be done fors their
Mrs June Hamilton Rhodes, tho
Managing Director of the company,
Was abroad early this morning sup
erintending tho spocial electric light
ing and tho scenic effects for to
night's performance. Tho company
carries Its own properties, '
When soon at tho White Pelican
this morning, Mrs. June Hamilton
Rhodes was full of praise for tho ro
ceptlon accorded to her company-
years service in tho United States
navy, arrived in Klamath Falls last
night with tho brldo he wedded a
cross tho water. Mrs. Hall is an Eng
lish girl and boforo her marriage was
Miss.Florenco May Matthews of Pty
mouth, England. Tho marriage took
place at Plymouth last July,
Mr. Hall served two years and
eight months In tho United States
navy in various European waters. For
the greater part of his enlistment
and up to tho time he started homo
again ho was with tho mine-sweeping
division engaged in clearing up mines
planted by tho, Germans during tho
A warjnvwelcomp.was acsacded,tho
returnodiwilor . by parents, .and
shared heartily. .Thoy aro making
their homo for tho present with his
pajonts, Mr. and Mrs. WIl)lam Hall,
C16 Pine street. While his future
plans aro-still Indefinite, Mr. Hall In
tends to remain hero durfng the sum
mer, at least. '
Ho was greatly astonished on look
ing tho town over at tho building de
velopment on Main strcet.'and hardly
recognized his homo town In the me
tropolitan appearance it is assuming.
i tools, hammer, rivet set, punches and
dies. He picks up the leather strap
?nd buckle, furnished by tho state
and in a neat and workmanlike man
ner goes about attaching the little
leather license tags. During tho pro
cess he only handles a score or so of
The state seems to have bought its
dog collars at the height of a leather
shortage. They would circle tho neck
of a lapdog, perhaps, but tho law Is
?Cigned to deal with the sheep kill
ers, The class of dog that fits the col
lars would he badly handicapped ia'.
weight in a contcstfwith a.cottontail.
There is nothing ornate about-the.
collars. As far as they ecv tkeVnf
iifaiaV serviceable pleceBof '' leather?"
FtenlsT which The .ElSgllshbrJaftf
license tag andIforjn,'for.Mr.Canla,e,.
two dollars for the missus. Lack of a,
Hcenso subjects the dog to the death?,
penalty on sight at the 'hands of any1
peaco officer, providing he is not UV
leash. ' C
DuIng tho last'Jewjdays tho coun
t. clerk's force has been kept busy In
meeting demands, for the licenses, the"
Multnomah circuit court having de
cided that tho stato licensing act If
' Marvin Williams, rancher
By a deal consummated this after-
Capt. J. Wi Siemens becomes
of noon,
Spraguo River,' says that malicious, tho ownef. of 1240 acres of Langell
oiuitua ato ui utuiunuu iu&asuju,l oj lauu, imicuusca iJTUIU J A
his reputation, and declares he will and Hannah Stewart and -Mrs.
and for .the town. Mrs. Rhodes Is give $1,000 to any one proving they,Frances Edlcr. The ranch i3 vory
nnn nf tfin vnnnf rnmnaiant nt fSoifrl-! hnva nnv fnnnrlaHnn In fnnr Wll atilfnliln ? nAA rtinJ ..lit.J
M w mj AwuuuMvawu. auvv.. v - uu4.umiq lUt OUCCU ui LULliq 1MI1UK
OREGON Fair, except probable
rain in tho northwest section; fresh
southerly winds.
BUDAPEST, Jan. 29. Hungary
will bo a monarchy anda now king
will be chosen immediately after the
national assembly convenes, said
Premier Huszar, speaking at a worn
en's gathering here yesterday.
PARIS, Jan. 29 The Jugo-Slav re
ply to the Allied ultimatum regarding
the Adriatic question was received in
Paris today. It amounts to a virtual
nfusnl pf the compromise offered by
the Italians. It is believed here that
tne reply suggests 'a new basis for
compromise alnog the lines of Presi
dent Wilson's. proposal.
' LONDON, Jan. 29. A Rome dis
patch says that an agreement' on all
tho principal points at issue has been
reported between the Italian cabinet
and loaders of striking railwayman,
It Is expected that the1 strikers will
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. NegotI
atlons between Democratic and Re
publican leaders, who apparently
have approachod?,a deadlock on the
treaty compromise, will not be resum
ed until tomorrow, owing to the ab
sence of Senator Lenroot, one of tho
Republican leaders, '
S . i
return, to work immediately.
CHICAGO, Jan; 29? A local thea
er today-announced it will provide a
smoking room for women. "They have
driven me to It," said tho manager;
who deblared that he found irlrla
smoking in tho wash-room nndn'
the boudouir of the lobby, '
one of the most competent of theatri
cal managers of this decade. She Is n
Blading Justification of the claims
made for .equality of women in large
business undertakings.
The young ladies onjoyod their trip
into Klamath and woro anxious to
see tho other side of Shasta. They
are aU thoroughly satisfied' and en
thusiastic ovor the view from this
side and all speak of the delightful
air and the busy city.
They are besieging Mrs. Rhodes to
bring them to Klamath this summor
for a camping trip. Tho idea Is a good
one and Klamath peoplo should en
courage it. To see a group of dancing
beauties inhabiting our woods nnd
waters 'would bring back tho days of
Greek goddesses and. wood nymphs
The young ladles of tho company
are being, entortalned this nfternoon
by their friends with an automobile
ride. They have exprossod curiosity
to see Va real dive Jurabor mill" in
actoaand their, wishes will bo grati-eftfi-t
Tfie scene ls'now sot for tho most
bratjtuIAanosunique entertainment
evor given In Central Oregon and
people will crowd tho Opera Hquso
as never beforo in its long history,
nanis returned to Kiamatn county a
couple of yoars ago after living for
ten years in "California,' and asserts
that there is a general tale in circu
lation , that ho was convicted, of
crlmo and Jailed during his absence.
Notwithstanding that he was never
even accused of crlmo beforo any
court in his lifetime, ho declares that
tho story persistently crops up, con
tlnually humiliating nnd embarrass
ing him. Ho says that hq publishes
his offer of a reward in hope that It
will stop tho gossip, but if this fals
ho will BtarL criminal prosecution
PORTLAND, Jan. 29. E. L. Co-
burn, county clerk of Josephlno
county, today announced his candi
dacy for the Republican nomination
for secretary of stato ih the May
primary. Ho said that southern Ore
gon is back of him and ho will make
an aggressivo campaign elsowhero in
tho stnto. His platform includes pre
servation of , Oregon's natural ro-
sourcos, for&ts, good roads, and
gat Ion..
id irrl-
' rPYlUA Tiff. tf.w.n ft ..... .m..ab A1..K
ranch, insuring unfailing water sup-
'ply. Part of the;i acreage is under
cultivation and four or fivo acres are
planted to orchard, with tho trees
Just coming into bearing.
Capt. Siemons' belief in tho future
t,hat awaJts Langell Valley caused
him to bellevo the land would be a
good investment nnd when the op
portunity to acqujro it arrived, he
immediately grasped it.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Secre
ary Glass has reduced the proposed
(150,000,000 relief loan proposed for
Pi.lnnd,'Au.t;;.,aiand;Armeoia to. m,-j
000.000, " ' " ' ;
Four special trains leaving Chicago
January 29. today, are,. to. brine to
San -ranclsco.' delegates to tho annual
c'dnventlon'ofj'the Western Fruit Job
bers Association of America. More
I tjian 5,000 persons are expected here,
juo ousiness session or tne con
vention will begin February 3, the
two days preylous being devoted to
amusements and sight seolng,
UKNVKK, Colo., Jan. 29. Tho
Denver Civic npd Commercial Assoc-
uuou win senu aotoBatesp tho Sev
enth National Fora'lgn Trade conven
tion, which will bo held at San, Fran
Cisco May 12 .to 15, 1920. and which
is being announced as a "Yorld Con
ference of' American oFreicn'' Trad-
ort," according to announcement by clslon is pending tho preparation-of
Tho Western Union Llfo Insurance
Company, through its district mana
ger, Otto Kluiu, has deposited $5000.
00 In the Klamath State Bank. Klam
ath Fqlls pays out approximately
$50,000.00 annually to tho various
life Insurance' companies, but this Is
the 'first time' it is said, that a bank
has- ever received a deposit from a
life Insurance company in this coun
ty. , $
It is the policyiof the Western Un-
Ion Life Insurance company to carry
deposits Jn local banks proportion
ate to tho business rocolved from tho11 ,
Ideality nnd thoy expect to Increase
their deposits hero as their, business
progi esses. Tho company 19 opening
an office nnd establishing a llfe-ln-surlancq
agency horeThey' are va '
stron"we)l establIsliedconcern! t i, ,
: - .' i W
Testimony was taken in the cir-
cult court yestbrday 'in tho divorce
action of Sybil Robertson against
Lionol Robertson, and tho court's, de-
...u uoautuuiou. j tl,Q transcript.