(J) ir - ft wUbxesdav, jamjakt as, 1020. f v THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON lA(Jia FOUR Personal Mention anor Ouf First Event to Rcduco tho H.GofL. liy reducing the Price of your Clothing nnd Shoes. For tho man who is snvins, yet wnntt the w 41H" DAYS LEFT , ' " XI Koss Ruttou was In (ho city today XI from Dnlry. Ho states that already best, "We Have It" "the farmers nro getting things ready r W( ,r t 1 or spring plowing, tlio Indications bo Ing thnt tlio ground will lio nhout fc right for this work curly In Fobru , Vi. 3 1MK: I . V ! tf ' T7 1 Hr - 1"' : T t - WW BAHV GRAM) S300 l"f '4 J w w T ! aU3LASTr Baby Grands i! -. .V- -- ... J. .-. ... v.., -. .T'. . .. ...-. : -" No one will question the Tact that the waiting list . . ' -r. ct Tt.-V1L t. ; 1 1.1 .t a.t. .. ; v ior ouiiuru. .riiuiipgrapus is lungur uuiu iur'uny -outer. Ihmake. si :s nro 1 mor. .Minor mnioii lomiy mm 1. 1 lio lintl taken n position with tlio ' 'l Judd Low gnrngu nud will roslgn-tho 'I affairs of tho department to Kulth I'tmlitiiiaH llt. ff. .(.. f.llll.f ..'111. .' I 1. I OIIHMV'U, IHU autiiii'i '"ivi "tin mm recently re-Instated by tlio city coun- JP ell, probably Monday. Mrs. ICtlznbeth Rungo ot San 1'riiu cleco, and mother Mrs. Agnes Flvhor tf Swim I.ako, an Ivod Inst nlRht from ri-ndloton, whuro they Imvo boon vis UIuk. and nro tho ruosIs of Mr. nnd Mrs. KiiRono Fischer hero. Mra. M. UttKhcs nnd dnimhtor, Mitts Alltn. and Mlsa Frieda Uertol nrrlv ou on last night's train from Oak land to ninko tholr homo In this city. Mrs. P. A. McKlwIn Is In the city tlilay from Chlloquln. f;" S6J)6ra plays anVifecoisvithout exiji(;t'foch!" : me6tvandvfeceivd "highest. awatd for roflat' the' ; rt Panama-Pacific Exposition. .; ; rTCelTare'cthree;'Sonora Phonograpiis owned" by " '; "jhusicians -'and-prominent'1 business --people -of :; fKlamathto'b'nM? df-afiy other makel "s-i... . : 1 'Soriqraand four iotherleading makes, as well as .; tlie best.stQck QfXq'cprds, aCoui'stre. ' l v ' I J- Earl Shepherd Company V xvsy &-t -. 4iTimeJell8 The Trutji'ik ., , 507 MAIN ST. h" SLOW PROGRESS IN L GETTING I. W. W. JURY i ) . i5?- -MnKTV.SKKn Wnah .Inn 2S Al. .,..... -;"'- -.- .tcrnoy VandoVeer, dofondlng cloven ! V. V. membors chnrged with tho Ccntralla murders, during tho oxa ,i l:.iillr.:i ot prospective Jurymen tod'iy charged thnt V, II. Abd, ot the coun sel for tho prosecution, was omploy- ed by tho lumber companies of tho (.lay's Harbor section to alii tho pros OL'utlon. Abel replied by sn)Ing that his op ponent's statomont was a "dollberuto lio". Tho court stopped further ar gument. Vandevccr moved that Abel bo removed as a prosecutor. It Is bo jlovcd that tho Jury may be secured Ui another wcok. More speed was shown today In examining tho Jury but only two havo been tentatively accepted. 1 iu LBEffiffiAIRE , . , THE PICKjOP TH:,PICTURES" UW. POOLE, Owper.v, , v HARRV. BOREL, Maakal Director Jnrvfirifrpni" " iv iiiO"iJtvMr'vvvvvriiyii "iryy virvvMnrtnrtnru'ur-xunr-. n V- . k wdiclerlurpliotdpiay of Ha'lF-Mrfe's 1 gtedMoel r o- AT THE THEATERS -"Hufiitoi,aiia'Wiia-MnM ' - -'l!-- hmidMiflo. BFPjffc' KINOGRAMS-T-Th.e, Visual Newa of the World ' v ; iThurlGlSgwgll ffiggJflSAK" 'lit. ,!ttT' t,b? naTi HYuninE win Miuterrthe dainty star ot st hundred, ladles attendioK the Liberty Tours- r' '- i ' - . '. 1 - ' a . . tf - ' aay' evening win eacn receive a oeauiirur picture of Mary Miles -O -J,; William Farnum Is at tho Liberty again tonight In "Tho Ilondman" thoi (tragic novel by Hall Cnlno. Mr. Farn-j irnt lakes a dual role, playing tho pari 01 00111 lamer anu nun. i uu oienes nro largely In Iceland and the If Jo of Man and liio story Is falUlfullyj larrle.d out. In tlie climax, vrher'cV Jns-J on becomes tho bondman for ills hair; Jirthor, Sunlocks, Mr. Farnum is, given an excellent opportunity to dis play the great talent that has muilo I-'m famous. . To buy your needs for the man and boy in your home, at 15 per cent Discount For boys, wo show tbo host clothing made Leatherized Ask to see thorn. They'll stand tho test and are tailored like Dad's. Dozens have taken the opportunity. You should buy your supply of wearing apparel now, as your sav-, ing now will bo appreciated more in the fall, as every article you get is priced at loss than wholesale value today. 1 "9 TJeSIGNr.D!f?l 5UIFJMIAN, KOI IN CO; WEATHER RECORD Hereafter tho Herald will pirblUh the mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation record as tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation service station. Publication will cover tho day provlous to the paper's issue, up to G o'clock ot that day. Max. Min. Precipitation Jan. 21. 40 24 trace Jan. 22. 41 32 .17 Jan. 23. 41 "28 Jan. 24, 47 31 traco - Jan. 25'. 47 37 traco' Jan. 2C! 33 37 Jan. 27. 47 29 traco Six Windows Display tho season's stylos and colors of Suits, Overcoats, Hats' and Shoes in this evQiit.' Styles"' and sizes for men of 'every build. SHOES When you look for a pair, think of FLQRSHEIMS We have -a complete stock. 15-Per Cent Discount on every pair. SPiaAIgKNfY K. Sugarman "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" Hart SchafTner &Marx Clothes I Clothes "Anne oi-urecn uaqics. i ' i i III f f "" '- ,-h, ' " Tl ' -it i . . . I IWE WltL BE IN OUR ii h ,. 4'"' ir 11 j Monday morning. ' a .V I r r.X ,)!' '.' , r.Y i , i it v, . , , , w, -w mem ti J'- I . '- i? ome It is at 426 Main Street, formerly the Winnek Grocery. Our telephone numbers will be the same ftf-n i 326 and 34 ''C' We want to thankWur customers for the patronage tr .', possible. We appreciate, (H beyond expression. We ? ' to merit your contirtuetl'support, and we want to assur i& .- Jlh::i'i2 ur. . i. c '.? ri that has made this change hope we shall continue '' '-; to merit your contirtuetl'support, and we want to assure you we shall do every- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt SALIJ Lot on Jefferson street, two room house, $Su(i; Suven-room plastered houso, closo in, $32SU; lot on Fourth St, ono block from court- liniiRn. J1000. terms. Address r. IIox 4Ti2. 2S-20 POSITION WANTHIJ by expoilcnc od lady book-keopor and c.ishlor Iloforenccs furnlbhed IIox II. Herald office. 1R-31 FOR SALE A big bargain now 7 passenger, C cylinder touring car. Call 124 Sixth St. 28-3 STItAYni) Two bjack yearling holfors, brand ed J. H. F. connected -on loft hip; marked split In loft nd nolo in right oar. ROSS SUTTON, Dairy, Oro. 29-30 GOV'T CONTROL FAILS. STOCKHOLM, Doc. 31 (lly Mall) Sweden is losing nionoy by operat ing railroads. Tho loss in state rail ways In 1010 was $2, 000,000. WORN NERVES .':;.' , thing we can i to give; you the'iiame "Garich Service.'' that you have had in the t'"' X past We will still continue our own delivery system two deliveries day. MMWMAMMWMWMWMWMMMMMWMMMWMWyMM ,T' 7. I T' atcn these cplumnsjforGarish's; Grocery News, which will be Issued from ,j-l m'. 7, 'ir-i; . ? time, to time. 31 i F; Ml Garich x ( Nervous troubles, with backacho, dlzy spoils, quoor pains and I 'regu lar kidnoys, glvo reason to uiiivncl kidnoy weakiroBs and to tiy tho rem- ody thnt has helped your neighbors. Ask your nolghhor. Mrs. M. K. Sovits, Klamath FaIIs( says? "I wits subject to kdnoy dis orders for a great many years. I bad a weak fcollng across tho small of my back all tlio time. I couldn't stand very long as my back was so lnmo. My kidnoys woro In a very weak condition. I was so nervous and restless that I had to got up in the night and sit up for hours nt a tlmo. My feet and ankles swollod so badly, I could hardly got my shoos o'n. I took about six boxes ot Doan's Kidnoy Pills and they cured mo. Since then, I have enjpyed splendid health." Price 60c, at all doalors. Don't simply ask for a kidnoy romody get Doan's Kldnoy'Pills tho same that Mrs. Sovits had. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Vi Theatres Today STAR ''Lord and Lady Algy" Tom Moore. TKMPLIO ''A' Very flood Young Man" Ilryant Washburn. ndv Tiy natures gloat gift a hot min eral bath at tlio Hot Springs Hatli Houuu. . 28 AT THE MONDALE TODAY "Till: PHANTOM IIOXKVMOOX" Codling 'lliuiMlay, 'Trail ot (ho Octopus, or Tho Doll's Trndo- Murk." Tho reel uicry Thune ilny mill Pilday. This Month is Our ANNIVERSARY . And to show my appreciation of your patronage the past year, I call your attention to my lines of tailoring LAMM& CO. and SHAYNE BRUN which are topnotchers in everything but exorbitant prices. Our prices range from $35 up and we have hundreds of wool worsted samples at $50 to $60, including serges. I expect an advance by the middle of February, so order your suit now and make some easy money . You are welcome whether you buy or not. We invito your inspection of the finished garment. A comparison will convince you. N. B. DREW Men's Togs Exclusively CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN