f&t lEutfttftuj Ifeall ac official papkr or KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL PAPEH OF KLAMATH COUNT S Fourteenth Year No. 3828 KLAMATH t FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1920 Price, Five Cents , ' I vr 0f I.IIASMf BE CUE MONTHHANO. W1H1 , .Inn 20 Jtlilgn .lulili M WIImiiii IIiIh afternoon , ilmili'il tho motion for chiing" or veil no In tlio Cmitriillu murdero hearing. Ho huIiI tluil tlio Hliowlng lunch- by tlio ilnruiiHii In lii'liuir of u rliiuiKU wan In ni.f f Idnnt. 'Thn law does not iiiirnill a second (liniign of vimuo In nimm of thin rlnir nctnr In my opinion," milil tljo court. W II. Allln. iittnrnoy for tlio prn.ii oi'tloii, nttnoked'tlin elmnirtor of two H'Kiuirit of iifflil.ivllH prenonted liy the diifuiimi. Ho declared that Itoy I.nniP itt or lloiiulani, who wiih an Invontl i;ator for tlio dofonso, lino boon n Btrlko'orgrinlzor nnd was nrroatcd ns n draft dodgor. Joseph Schrnyor of Aberdeen, was nlno n ilrnft dodgor, lie clnluird. Attomoy Vnndovoor, of tlio dofonso milil Mint organised Inhor wan In lutumly Interested In -Hid trial. MONTKH'NO. WiikIi , .Inn 20.- -A niotlon for rliiuiKU of ve-niui In tlio enmi of ulovon I. V W. charged with tlio CViitmllu inurdorH wnn made to- ilny liy Attornoy Viitidovcur' for tlio llllfllllBO. Ilo offered ILH OXlllllllH dip pings from northwestern nowHpupors which lio un kiitiilnod tended to create prejudice iiKiiIiiBt Hi" ilufctiilnntH. MONTKSANO. Wash., .Ian. 20. Eleven mini. wild to lio itiutnlmrs of tlio IniliiHtilal Workers of tlio World, fnrod trial hoio today on charges of flrnt lUiKrcii mnnlor In connection with tlio klllliu: of Warren ). (irlmin. ono of four nifii win,) woro Bliot to iloath In mi ArmlHlIco Hiy parade nt Contralln. WuhIi.. Nov. II. I'Jl'.t. Two oflmr alleged I. W W.. also (barged with murder, liavn not yet boon iipprehondod. Tlio lrl1nis or tlio .shooting wuro nil Contralln resilient and forimir narvlru Wn; (Srlniin. ti lieutenant tmil forinm1 PuUoixlly or WiiHhliiRton roothall rttn'r; Kiiu-Kt Halo lliililianl, iilioo donlor; Arthur McKlfrcBh, drug, glst anil Hon. ('nHgrunda. bootblack. ' 'In Ihi) prlnonor'H dock of tlio sup erior court hero today worn Elinor Smith, llrltt Smith, Kay IJockor.llort I'alkonor. .lainoB Mclnornoy, llort IlIanil.'MIko Itluslinn. KUboiio llurn-jldock the wheels of proRrcss of tho ott, l.oron HohertH, .lohn I.amh, and dovolopmont of tho. West. Our oast O. 0. llland Thoy pleadod not ullty, orn 'frlonilH iiiiihI know that tho West at ("hohallH nnd worn 'Rrnntod a elecUid tho President, and wo of tho cluiiiKU orvonuo lo Montiwino. wlld-and-wooly know, and moro so . In tho InvoHtlKi'tlou many oyo wit- uvpry day. thi tho West now holds ncHHes Hitld thoJIret sliootlnit wiih ho-( h" huliinco of now'ur, and all wo want Mini without wiiiiiIiii; or provocation Ii fair treatment. Wo demand It and hy thoso Instdo the I. W. W. hull. I nro koIiik to flRht for it nnd ns u l'n Sonia fluid the flriiiB hoRnn Trom thoi Hod West, and Koclamntlon Is what hull nrter a tilnglo hhot from tho Av- wo want. nlon hotol, opposite the hall. It Is Mp tlmo. that somo of thoso At tho coronor's Imiiiost DivKronk. lllcltfoul, Contralla physlrlan and for mer hui'vIco man who wiih marcliliiK In the parade testified that tho shoot liiB' hoRnn only after tho nmrchers Htartcd to riiRh the hall. tl !... 1.1 .. u.. I I .1 .nilit In It II If Ik 1 tltllll ii v v i'j vtii I'ltri. mini in uu iiviju, nn I. W. W. nreaulMir and tho ulayor ft-w 'other puny appropriations will of Hiihlmrd,,'wiH spliltod fiom tho not sntlfy tho West. All of that end Jail In tho nli;ht following tho Hhoot-jod with tho ynr. ' inir. Uio electric lights of tho town Wo huvo patiently waited for tho IiuvIdk hnen cut off. Ilo wan taken ( hy n inoli to. a hrldRo over tlio Che hulls rlvor whole ho was IimiRod. Several servlco men who woo wounded hy shots hnvo completely rocovorod:- ' Twenty-rour men, roiinilod up ut ter the shnotliiR, wore, charged with criminal activities hut snvornl of thoso huvo sluco boon released. .$.-)(()( HIM I IT HALM IS AWAitinoo i.ocaIi Clltl SHATTLIO, Wash., .Inn. 20. Mur Rarot Purcell of Klnmnth Palls, Or., llbtenod BoiloiiHly to the wooing of T. II. ninlr', of'Seattlo previous to April IS, 101S, and then Ulalr wont awny for a whilo.' Miss Purcoll nvowod In cou'rt that she lonrnod ho was unnlilo to fulfill Ills ongiiBoment of marrlaRO with hor hoiyutso ho already had ,n vlfo. It was pn Api'll 18, 1918, thn,t thp, two toenmo engaged, Miss Pur roll 'f old tho court. ' She was suing for $10,000 for l'roach pt promise Numerous lottorB nnd a gold on RnRemont ring woro produced In court ns ivldonco in tho case, .ludgo W. A. Ileynolds of. Pacific coifnty hoard tho case Tho Jury brought In n vordlct awarding Miss Purcoll $fi, 000. Illnir said ho did not havo ?C,. 000 and did not know whoro ho could got that mbch. , COURT OPENED BY MEDFORD JURIST Judge F. N .CalkliiH of Modfnrd opniiud court hero this morning to hoar iicvoral owes In which Jtidgo Kiiykondull Ih illH'iuallllud, Tlio llrHt ncllon Hot for trial Ih tlio oiiiii) or llnllur against Hopkins, In wlilrli tlio Ikhiio la iiiiiIIcIoiih prone (iitlon, AttoruoyH In tlio courthouse llllgn llon expect noun) tingles of this mnt tor to ho hoard at thin session of tlio court. A hoarlui; on domurror Ih scheduled and It Ih pohhIIiIo thai tlio 'court may try tlio ontlro nialtur at t It Ik 1 1 mo. At ImiHt It Ih expected that It will ho dullnltuly not down for hearing, ovom If a later dato for tlio trial Ih llxod. EIGHT. ADVICE Holnw Ih uii uddross hy Fred It. Ittod. of Pocatollo, Idaho, cxocutlvo Kociotury of tlio Idaho Iteclamatlon iiHhoclatlou, which touclioB closely tho sltiiuUoii that Klamath county, In comiiion with all western' projects Is up iiKiiliiHt. Tho addresii was kIvoii liefoio thn recent orRiinlzatlon of tho WoHtoru Irrigation nsKoclatlon nt Salt I.ako, the flrnt 1I; Btep In orKn iilzutlon for the flRht that Itoed nd ocates, iih follews: Let the Wvst ori;nnl7.o nnd flKht, not with hoinliH nnd rlotn, hut with a ritod prlnclplo that pur ran bo I.i Just mid rii;ht and reclamation wo are i;oliiH to hnvo. Tlio West Ih liooidnd with tho Mow er of tho land oiiHt of tho HocklcH. Wu are a liruvoi wholosomo peoilo on t;iiK(id In hulldlnc up a Kronl commbu wealth wost'of tho HocklcH. Wo of tho West nro not aHklnc Tor oharUy or douatloiiH; wo want the I'nltel StnteH Government to loan us on kooiI hccurlty monoy enouch to reclaim our arid, HW.'iinp, nnd cut over lauilH or tho West. ' Wo nro eenorous, law-abhllnR poo- pie, hut wo nro not koIiik to permit no poiiticul acroDats of any party to ensturn' nnd soutliorn "Lords of Poll tics" were proporly Introduced to the leal West, nnd cducntcd to tho fact tlitit west of tho Hockios .n real com mouwonlth Is in tho tanking, nnd that a llttln sop In tho shape of n'fow pub lic huildiiiKS, somo hlRhwnys, nnd n West's share of consreasionul npprop rlatlons for dovolopmont purposes, nnd wo nro, going to orgnnlzo and do nuind our rights. Itoturne'd soldiers and sailors will soon tiro of tho dilly dallying promises nnd hot air tlmt.ls being Meddlcd to them, nnd when thoy make tholr powor folt wo will bo pioporly Introduced and tho West will b6 reclaimed. Honorahlo Franklin K. Lnno, So crotary of tho Interior, nnd ono of thn brainiest mon wo hnvo hnd. In hlglr position.') In public life for many yoars, Is working dny'nnd night for Koclamntlon. Tho citizens of tho West and roturnod soldlors nnd snllois will jsoon nsk tho questien: "Why Is ho unniporod by Congress in tlio RVont hiimuno work ho Is nttomptlng to do, which Is nlso nafo business proposi tion!" Tho constructive dovolopmont of tho West Is n bigger luopositlrm, morb beneficial to humnnMy, moro Important to tho United Stnt'os than nny political party with Its hrokon promises and clip-trap Juggllngs. A long suffering people tro, thnnk Hod, Pt Inst wnklnR up, and tho signal firca of bettor conditions fir human M nro to bo sem In tho Itoeky Moun tain roglon awl Hclnmatlon Is oar watchword. It is rldlculon", unfair nnd mon f.tro"us thnt thor) should be nny quib blli'.g over a. flo hundred million IN T IIIIIIALS FOR IPBSTILLiT IB 10 BIEOj SEi delegate; I I Tlio nonrost relatives of men who died during tlio World War nro ro qucBled to send tlio full'nntno of tlio BoldlorB, sailors, or marlnos making tlio supremo Hiicrldro to tlio Hccrotnry of Klamath Pout, No. 8, American yuKlon, uh Hoon iih posulhlo, In order that tlio men may ho rcmemhorod In tho prcHontnllon of memorial cortl flcatos of tho Kronch Kovornmont. PrcHcntallon' ccromonlcB will ho hold hy local pimts of tho American heglon on Foiiruary a, i-jhi, WaHhlngtou'H birthday. With tho names of tho men who dlod should go tho names and ad dresses of tho next-of-kin and tho prolinblo 0plnco whero thoy can ho renchad on February 22. Amonu tho Klamath county men who nindo tho supremo Bacriflco woro Howard IIorrh, Van Kllon Cornish, and Ilny Peters. IlclatlvuB or friends of there men Bhoiild scnif whntevor Inrormntlou they possess aa to tho n'extof-kln to tho secretary of Klam ath Post nt onto. Thero nro othor soldiers, whoso names nro not re culled, imrhuiis somo who nro un known to tho local post, who died for liborty. Anyone having Information about uny soldier who luld down his Ilfo In tho Bcrvlco of his country should scud tho Information to tho sccrotary of tho local post Imme diately, bo that tho presentation of momnjlnls can bo mudo on Febru ary 22. GENERAL CONDITIONS IN TWELFTH DIST. Heavy siiowb and sovoro cold woathor in the Pacific Northwest and tho Interior sections of this district havo brought livestock off tlio ran ges and forced earlier winter feeding Hum usual, requiring lusnvy pur chases of food, at exceptionally high prices, nccording to n statement Is sued through tho Associated Press hy headquarters for tho Twelfth Federal reserve district. It Is anticipated, however, that tho snowfall will result in satisfactory ran So condition In tho Into spring nnd imrlv mi miner. Winter wheat was practically undamaged hy tho coldj and tho heavy snows will greatly ln,.. crensoa tho moisture content of the bpII, thereby Improving tho prospecta foi lnrgo per acre yields during 1920, Fruit trees in Oregon, particularly poach and pear trcos, havo .suffered from freezing. Tho oxnet amount of damage, howovor, will not .bo ascer tainable for somo tlmo. In. California, barloy is sprouting vory stowly and lack of rain Is causing Bomo anxiety concerning prospects for 1020 crops. Tho major portion of tho Washing ton commercial applo crop of 19,320, 000 boxes, wlilrli compares with' a '191S crop of 12,888,000 boxes, is out of tho hands of tho growors, paving "bton mijrkotcd at rocord prices. Tho denlors are now suffciing a loss ro portod nt approximately ?750 por car through tho iccont drop In prices nnd tlio Jioavy 'losses duo to frcezhiR of fruit in common storngo and In tran sit. dollar appropriation for Reclamation when, without bnttlng'nn oc Con gross npproprin.tes largor amounts for purposes of far loss importance tc tho people A closo scrutiny cf tho Rlvors nnd Harbors appropriation ovory year has omitted a porky oftu vla. Tho tlmo to net Is right now. Wo of tho West hnvo boon tho victims of too much political pussy-footing Wo havo llstonod to tho cooing of tho po litical siren too long. Wo'vo been drugged with too many political nar cotlcs. All of that woro our yostor- days, but our today is difforont. WolW, Houston want a snunro doal and want Con - gross to roclnlm our West. Lot us thoroughly orgunizo Idaho by nil Joining tho Idaho Reclamation Association, nnd all othor Wostorn Stntes each organlzo, nnd then organ ize nn Association of Westorn Stntes. nil on sound business principles. Wo will then havo six million of peoplo nt our" back. Then approach our Un do Snm with n. boiled-down business proposition to loan us. tho monoy to loclaiin, our Wpst and w,o will not knock In valri. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. After a conforeme with the 'secretary of tho Interior relative to tho Icnslng of tho marsh lands In upper Klamath Inko' to I)oak & Drown, San Francisco con-' tractorB, Senator Chamberlain nnd Iteproscntatlvo Slnnott telegraphed toj tho American U-glon yost at KIam - nth Fn1ln requesting that tho postj send a personal representative here. A roproKotitntivo of Doak & Hrown attended the hearing and said tho , fr1 tt()1(, C01B,,Icr !lcccI)tnB cash compenhatlon for diking the public lands on upper Klamath lake In liou of tlfe leasing plan whereby tho lnnd would bo used for SO jcars In pay ment for tho work. Ho said however, that tlio firm would resorvo tho right to cancel Its contract any tlmo within six months. J. II rnrnahnn, commander of tho local legion post, stated today that tho, telegram from Washington had Francisco in eight days'was Inaugur bcon recolvod, but It was not feasible latcd. Today plans are being mado to for n member of tlio po3t to bo pros' out at tli3 hearing as the post has been under great expense In fighting the lenses so far and tho c-jit of send ing a delegate would outweigh the benefit that might be derived. Percy A. Cupper, state engineer is on tho ground and represents tho Legion's attitude, ns also are memters of the. Legion's nntlonal legislative commit-1 too which has hendquartors In wash-, Ington. Emirs np. Fl Two postponed contests In Iho Klks tournament. sclicdtilo woro rolled off yestordny, tho Novcrslips taking thrco straight from tho Sawdust Club In ono, nnd tho Hookies two out of thrco from tho Huffs in tho other. Quito a chango Is mado in tho club htanding by the first match, Ackloy's Sawdust Club no longer holding a porfect rocord, while tho Neverslips omorgo from ' a cellar position to sharo second placo'wlth tlio Rookies. W. O. Smith is still high with an individual avorago of 195 S-9 for ino games; Laenik ranking a colso ticcond with 190 1-3, and Van Bellen third wlfti 1SI! or a liko number. Tho score fo"r tho two games yes terday follews: ' Xcvcrllps - i ui , 1st 2nd 3rd Total Van Bollon .... 195 1CS 1G7 530 Rogers 192 1G3 1S0 Hardonbroolc. 1G3 1S4 221 SOS Mason 170. 17.4 3 53503 72C CS9 721 Nool howled third framo for Rog ors. t Averages: Van Bollon, 17G 2-3; Hnrdonbrook 1S9 1-3; Mason, 107-2-3, Saw dost Ackloy 197 172 177 51 G Lonnox, 12S 14S 1G0 43G UoLap 113 147 15S 448 Ambroso 133 1S1 183497 , G01 GIS C7S Avorages: Ackloy, 1S2; Lonnov 14C 1-3; UoLap 149 1-3; Ambroso 1G5 2-3. Hookies ' Hnydon ....'....'.. 179 1S4 1S5 34S Carter 150 144 1G9 4G9 Jnfforson ........ 158 175 119 4S2 Upp 15S 18G 1,74 51S 'G51 GS9 Avorages: Haydon 182 15G 1-3; Jorforson, 1G0 172 2-3. DUFFS , L. Houston 153,150 Mooro 1SS 137 G77 -3; Cartor 2-3; ' Upp 100 4G3 177502 10S 4G4 1.&3 514 20G 150 15S 173 lomlth 705 G10 G2S Averages; L. Houston 154 1-3; Mooro 1G7 1-3; ,'Vr Houston 154 2-3; Smith 171 '1-3. Standing of tho' Clubs. Won Lost Pet. Sawdust 5.3 G25 Rooklos ...' 5 4 555 Novorslipa G 4 555 Uuffa 5. 4 G55 Spark Plugs 4 5 444 Ducks 3 G 333 POE VALLEY DRIVE NETS 700 RABBITS Tho rabbit drivo hold In Poo Val ley yestordny on tho Stewart ranch was tho most successful of any drivo yet IIiIh ne.ifion. Seven hundred rah- blts were killed during this drivo. A mui drive Mas mado Thursday into t. 8.imc pt,ns which resulttd In killing about thrco hundred rabbits, Another big drive will bo' held In tho i00 valley district next Sunday, February 1 Tho people will meet at tll0 Homer Roberts ranch, near tho upper Vqo valley school house, 0 SAN FKANCISCO, Jan. 2 C Just (G0 ycar ago tho pony express which . carried letters from St. Louis to San establish a transcontinental airplane mail servlco, and trail-blazing flights have been made aa far west as Oma ha. It was a great achievement when the pony express was started to car ry the mail to tho young but bust ling state of California In 1800. Its inauguration was preceded by tho publication in a St. Louis paper In March, of that year, of tho following advertisement. "To San Francisco In eight days. The first carrier of tho Pony Express will leave the Missouri river on Tues day, April 3 and will run regularly weekly thereafter, carrying letter mall only. Telegraph mail eight day's, letters ten days to San Francisco.,' Tho population of San, .Francisco and other California towns eagerly welcomed this 'scrvlceThringlng'Uicm into touch as it did with tho states from which tho gold hunters and oth er fortune seeker's had migrated. Ten riders going each way, with changed horses every twenty-flvo miles, brought the pouches of mall across tho thousand mile wilderness, Tho pony express, with Its fast rid- ors, among them "Buffalo Bill" (Col- onol William F. Cody,) then a young man, was one of tho most .romantic features of tho great western country. Wany were tho adventures these dar ing ri'dors had. They averaged seven-ty-flvo miles a day, but often covered double that distance. "Buffalo .Bill" onco mado a rldo of 384 miles when thd messenger who was waiting was hilled. Often chased hy Indians or ''snipped" by outlaws, the, pony ox press rldors were exposed to death at all times, and they braved rain nnd snow storm, as part of an every day duty. . Ono of tjio memorable achieve ments of tho pony express was the de livery of Lincoln's inaugural address in 1SG1, when all tho western coun try was waiting for tho momentous news, from tho Capital. The address was hurried to St. Joseph, Mo., tho "taking off place" of tho pony ex press. Wrapped In oil skin nnd put in saddlo bags tho nddress was started on its way amid wild cheor's. Fresh horses waited at overy ton miles, and tho final ten miles beforo roaching San Francisco was mado in 31 min utes, Tho message was enrried by tho riders n total or 1,950 miles in 1S5 hours, an average of a little moro thnn ton milts an hour. That was wonderful in thoso days. HANK CLKAIUVUS. Local ban'c tlcurlngs 'cr-the week ending January 24, 1920 woro $282. 424.14, according to tho local clear ing l;ouso statement, against $171, 3G8.57 for tho 'same porlod In 1 310. WJUTHHU ItKPORT. OREGON Rain or snow and cold 'or; modcrato northerly winds. AUTO SHIP.MnXT ARRIVES. Two carloads of Paige cars hnvo been received by tho- Imporial gar ngo and nro being unloaded today. PONY EXPRESS HABATED I 60 YEAR-SAGO PORTLAND, Jan. 2G. Thc convic tion and throo-yonr1 sentence of Marie 13qul for violation of tho ot lounge net by a sneoch at a Portland I. AV. W. mooting will stand. Tho supreme court todny refusod to review tho case. V wi(J M4.WhJU GOVE WENT TO FIGHTTN "FLU WASHINGTON, Jan. 2G. A resp lution carrying an appropriation of $500,000 for flghling tho Influenza was adopted by tho senate today. CHICAGO, Jan. 2G. Today'B In fluenza toll was tho highest eo far, with 250 deaths, but tho number of new cases decreased. Officials bo licvo tho epidemic Is waning. PORTLAND, Jan. 26. A woman died hero today from influenza, the first death so far reported. There are 14 cases here. While there arc rumors thnt a fow mild cases of influenza havo devel oped in Klamath Falls, Dr. A. A. Soulc, city health officer, stated this afternoon that ho had not received a report of a single case within the city limits. He said that he had heard of a case in a family, named Cunningham, in the neighborhood ot the Lost River gap. HUSBAND INFLICTS SEVERE PUNISHMENT Harry Scribner, said to be an ex bartender from Dorrls, who has been living hero for the last few months, is in the hospital with a partly severed wrist and badly lacerated scalp, and J. W. Moorman Is in Jail awaiting hearing on a charge of assault 'with a dangerous weapon with Intent to kill, as tho result of another hot blooded attempt to solve the age-old. equation the eternal triangle of two men and a woman-Mast evening. The third figure'in the equation la Moor man's wife, proprietress of theMoor man rooming-house at Eighth aad Main strects.and the daneeroaa wea- n rrTniThwTl?5Wc3rmi -, force a solution of his domestic prob lem was an ordinary handsaw. Moorman's story to the police Is that he found Scribner and Hn. Moorman in an affectionate embrace and, blinded with rage, seized the first weapon that came handy and at tacked the man he believed was at tempting to wreck his home. Scrib ner retreated before the attack of the enraged husband, receiving some sev ere scalp wounds in his flight. He tumbled down the rooming house stairs into the street with Moorman in pursuit. Finally he fell, exhausted from loss of blood, on tho sidewalk opposite the rooming house, with a gaping wound in the wriBt, which severed cords and arteries. A crowd' quickly surrounded the spot and the police'came to the rescue of Scribner. A tourniquet was bound around his wrist and he was taken to the hospi tal, while the officers took Moorman into custody. Reports frojp tho hospital today said that ScrTfbner's condition was not dangerousTand he will recover in a few days. BRISK SEAT SALE SATURDAY NIGHT The seat sale for the Ruth St. Denis concert took a brisk spurt Saturday night. There are' a few good seats loft and these are on sale at Earl Shepherd's music store, but in view of Saturday's sales it seems likely that tho house will be entirely sold out. before Thursday night, the ovoning of tho concert. . Miss St. Denis, with her company of nino dancers, besides Ellis Rhodes, dramatic tenor, and Pauline Law rence, pianist, will arrive Wednes day night. Tho company carries Us own electrician to provide the proper lighting effects for tho dancers. Klamath Falls is probably the only ono of tho smaller cities of Oregon to sccuro a St. Donls engagement,' and whon tho handicap of distance from tho main lino is considered, in nddltlon to'tlw other obstacles which tho Ladies' Musical club overcame in securing the performance, it adds bistro to tho triumph of their achlov ment. J,g(jj . NEW UNION FORMED The machinists and auto me chanics of Klamath Falls have or ganized a union and expect to re coivo tholr charter Thursday qight, at which tlmo ejection of officers will bo held.