I'Aou hi:Vk. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY HI, 1020 M. J 'Ml STEPS TO K UNDER N NI3W VOIIK, Jim. 21. Old-fashioned, l(0()i-)(iiir-(llHliiiit(! (laiicuti, nro to (llHpliico tlio modern Jnzz MlopH, If (lit) nationwide reform mnvemolit un dertaken by tlio Amorlruu Nutluiuil iiHxnrliitlun of Mostors of Dancing proves successful. Tlio (liuiclni: mas torn, ll In announced horo, count up on tlio support of niolliurH fiithurH, daughters, hoiih, iliiiicii hull proprlo torn, (liuiclni; touchers unit IiohIokho.i niul If nccomiry tliu police depart innnt to exterminate tlio ''Imlf Nel son," "body liolil," "Bliliiiiny lock" niul otliur Imported Imllrooin ktIjih which nro practiced liy some iluncorH, Clinnp unif vulKiir music Ih iiImo to como undur tlio him niul, according to a circular Just Issued liy tlio uhdocIii tlon, tlio.io In clmrKo of community or pulillc dances mo urged to hIiow tholr opposition to iitiiliiHlrnlilo dun ces by distributing "you will please lonvo tlio hull" cnnlH to thosu who persist -In offending. Tlio ttomofi, It Ih charged nro of ten n much to blninu lis tliulr part ners niul, In Home cases, ilnnco hull proprietors nro ndvlsod to pick out ten or n tlozon ohjcctlonnblo couples a ml, If u winning Ih disregarded, tp oust them at onto. "Vou will soon soo," tho clrculnr rends, "Hint j on hno raised tlio Mtnndnrd of our establishment nud that tlio loss will ho moro tlinn niudo up liy doulilo tlio numhor of person who liuo roHpoct for you niul your . dances." Rome of tlio rules and regulations which nil nro urged to olioy follew: "Dnnco iiiubIc bIioiiIiI ho hrlKht and cheerful, properly accented and tho phrases well divided. Cheap, vulvar muntc of tlio oxtremo 'Jnzz typo In vltes cheap, vulgar meaningless danc ing. It la u ro I em to expect refined dancing when'tho music lacks all re finement, for, uftor nil, what lit dnnc Jug hut nn Interpretation of mimic? "Tho association him udoptod tho following tempos, It being Impossible tho masters sny, to reguluto fast dancing: "Wnlli- 48 measures to minute, f "Two-slop G4 mcnsuroH to minute Ono-siop CC mcnsiircs to mlnuto. 'Fax Trot 40 measures to mlnuto '"'Dnncors should liHsumo a light, graceful position," sny tho mastou. ''There should bo no Jerky half-stem forf.tbosa cause vundealrabla varld- CLASSIFIED 1 . I l ' -,,U l- " ADVERTISING tiff WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world if you M have something to sell that belongs among little ads that you find ; 7 in The Herald. , j 1 ' ' JUST TRY IT ONCE If you have something in your attic, your basement; your spare room, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, try The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. ' . IF YOU WANT SOMETHING ' Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some- . - one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find it for you.It costs youbut a few cents a, day. ' Classified ads costyyoUj6 cents a line a day five words tothe ' line, They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received v over tfie telephone that is why they are so cheap. . ' 'I 0 J ' ' r-jj pol fj I 'i .- s-j IMIAD INDIAN WOMAN 'iH rA.MKI) IN Tlllfli: Whlto Cliida Chlllz, n well known Indian woman at Klamath agency, died In November and wuh burled on Tliaiiksgl) li g day. Hha wiih at most 8fi yoaiH of ago, and had great Influence with tho Indians, largely on account of her fame as an Indian doctor iyid her extraordinary knowl edge of old tlmo mytliH and legends Kho ordinarily wiih gonurous and loyal, but fierce and Implacable when angry, and wiih feared by many of tho niOHt HiiporstltloiiB of tho Indian people. tlonsi I'urtnors should not dance with cheeks close or touching nor should tho clasp bo tight. 'Neck IioIiIh' nro positively unpardonable Tito gentleman' arm should encircle his partner's waist, his hand resting lightly Just above tho waist lino. Tho lady's loft arm should not encircle hor partner's shoulders or neck. "Stops or movements that cannot be controlled should not bo taught by dancing teachers. Short sldo atops, .first steps, first right, then left, when done continuously, nro not ronducho tr refined dunclng and should not bo permitted. 'Shimmy dancing', a sbnk lug or Jerking of the upper part of tho body while tnklng short Btops or standing still, should not bo tolerat ed. "Tho propor dancing step should bo tho snmo as a natural walking ono o.vcopt In exhibition dancing, which proportly belongs to tho stage, not tho ballroom. Exceptionally long or short steps nro not In good form. "Dancing should bo from tho waist down not from tho waist up. Copy ing of tho oxtromes used on tho mod em stage is In bad taste. Remember that tho mnjorlty of dnneors desire according to tho best accepted stand ards, that Is, without tho sllghtoU race of offense to dignity or decor- urn," Mrs. Trollcpo. tho novelist, novjer attempted to write n book till after sho was fifty. After sho hod failed in her romantic project to rebuild tho fallen fortunes of her household in America, sho wroto a book on tbo Americans. From this alio realized n sum sufficient to lift hor household from dlro distress. Sho continued writing till pot hor seventy-fifth ' enr, and hnd nt that tlmo produced 114 volumes. In his postotflfo department uncle Sam keeps no fe.wer than 250 women nt wor.kd,BXnndlinilght pending rnall sacks; , -.-, r , i iiJi.t ei ; nf ""ri'jr'Vf nK7ii , - .-.- BRITISH SOLDIERS TAKE HOMESTEAD' , VANCOI'Vnit, IJ. C. Jan 21.- Of ficial survey of tho activities of tho returned servlco men who have (:il: en up homesteads In Ilrltlsh Colum bia dining the pust year, bus c lusod provincial officials to pruJIct that ! tho various soldier coionkn establish o-i In J 910 will bo noigeil Into ono great colony, direct-1 by soldi';) s who fought In the Orp. '. war. S-iiTrsH of ISr I if Columbia's tiol (i - colonies nm iittr.icted aticntli'ti throughout the Ilrltlsh Empire. Tlio only serious problem which has aris en In tho piovlnco Is tho heavy In flux of returned soldlors from other provinces. It has been estimated that several thousand returned veteran, who enlisted In 'other parts of tho Dominion, nro seeking to becomo re sidents of Ilrltlsh Columbia. Records of tho soldier settlement Hoard jthow that more than 5,000 soldiers have decided to take up land and that 2,500 nro actually on home steads. Various soldier settlements have sprung up, th'c leading ones be ing at Camp Mervillo, on Vancouver Island and Cnmp Lister, near Crcs ton. About 10,000 acres near I'rlnce George also Is to bo colorilzed. In tho soldier Colonies, no ono but servlco men and their families re side All of the officers, even'reprc scntatlvcs In the provincial parlia ment arc men who fought. Some weeks ngo German and Austrian col onists mndo vigorous efforts to set tle In a fruit region, adjacent to one of tho smaller colonies. They were "Informally deported" despite their protests. Tho government did not take nny action, as tho "deportation" whllo rather vigorous, was bloodless. A man prominent In tho Jewelry trade In Now York city says a large nuiribcr of society women are wear ing Jewels which they believe to be real, but which arc only clevor Imi tations, originally bought or later substituted by their husbands. As labor-saving machines are al-' most unknown in Korea, women's vork Is .done by tho crudest and hardest methods possible, from shell ing rice with a heavy -wood or stone pestle to washing clothes by beating them In tho .streams and ironing thm with sticks. Pitcher Hod Eller's announcement tiat ho hnd quit the game for good must have made Manager Morn of the Champion Reds sit up as qclcK asnhatr i .i f-M- .,.., ,... mr . tr . TUT BECOMES FOR EST R ESERVE OdDEN, Utah, Jan. ?4. Idaho's Thunder Mountain 'area, comprising 1,110,000 acres, lying approximately 100 miles northeast of liolee, the capital, by act of Congress hns been crcuted a national forest reserve. For administrative purpgsea, which will bo governed by tbo forestry hcad'iunrters In Ogdcn, approximate ly 000,000 acres will be udded from the new reserve to tho Idaho national forest, which bdrdors it on tho north and west, and approximately 500,000- acres will bo Joined to tho I'ayctto forest on the west and south. Tho Thunder Mountain area Is n high, rough, mountain region, dis sected by deep canyons. Tho ex- ticmeri of elevation run from 3,000 to 9,400 feet. Of tho entire region 90 per cent consists of rocky peaks, ridges and slopes, and approximately 80 per cent sustains a forest cover of mature timber or reproduction. The remaining 20 per cent Is barren rock, Only about 10,500 acres of the"l, 110,000 aro privntely owned, leaving a net area of approximately 1,100, 000 acres of public land. Not to exceed 5,000 acres, or less than one-half or one per cent of the wnoie uisirici, according 10 surveys, has soil or topography suitable for agriculture. Practically the only agricultural possibilities are in the river bedsrlver beds and where allu vial soils are found at comparatively low altitudes. In 1902 the Thunder Mountain nrea was tho scene of great mining activity; and- thousands of miners and prospectors located In tho north western part. The mineral deposits, however, did not prove to be largo and, of high quality. In many, places tho district is honfjycombe.l with abandoned mine shafts, fc'lnce' the collapso fot, the. minim; boom tho population of the area has been steadily decreasing and it Is estim ated not more than 100 persons now lle In the entire area, elnoln hrdlu tool hrdlu taol shrd et At present there are no habitated settlements in the Thunder Mountain district. The log buildings of the first town, Thunder Mountain, are today standing for the most part, but no one has lived in them for years. Ed wardsburg, another settlement dur ing the boom days, Is lso abandoned. The town of Roosevelt was establish ed in 1901 on Monumental Creek. In 1907, however, a landslide dammed the waters of the creek and now the site is covered by a lake; Many of the more substantial buildings of Roose velt are now floating around in It. The region contains fully three bil lion feet of timber such as yellow pine, douglas fir, englemann spruce and lodgepole pins, it Is estimated. The best ofthe commercial timber lies in the northwestern portion of the new reserve which is as yet quite unaccessible. Lumbering Is an un known industry despite the great amount of timber. There has never been any commercial mills but there are a few, run-by the settlers for their own use. x It Is estimated lhat a fotal area of 300,000 acres of timber having a val ue of at least $1,000,000 has been destroyed by repeated forest fires. The worst of these swept the district last year. Tho forest service plans to take flro prevention steps next year. Tho region, according to local for estry officials, Includes no natural wonders, largo lakes or features of special scenic Interests. Deer and trout, however, are plentiful, and there are said to be a few mountain sheep and goats. At present the roads are in bad shape but tho forest service is to im prove them and restore bridges, many of 'Which have fallen down due to years of neglect. It is estimated ap proximately $400,000 will be needed to open up the country to modern travel. First improvement steps, ac cording to present plans, will begin in tho early spring. , Sheep to the number of 300,000 head, have been grazed on the area without restriction during recent years buf yixb forest servlco plans, to decrease this number to about 130,- 000 as ,they beliove tho land over-l grazed. Mrs1, Jean Hr 'Norrls, 'recently ap pointed 'a city magistrate In New York', will receive' a 'salary of eight thousand "dollars a year, or one thous and ciojllfrs more than the salary paid a 'United States circuit court Judge. ' Following years of agitation, the general faculty of the Unlverslt,y'pf .Virgin has finally decided recom mend tna' all "departments of the Uni versity be'opened to women students. BUSINESS CARDS KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 10IO MAIN ST. i '- AAAWWWWVW Phone 810-J 1V Main (it. j O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONER? Formerly at 45 Main St. Homc-Mado Piea and Cakes. .Cold Meats A Lunch Good. Ice Cream and Fruits. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-DavIdEon Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMAItK 115 8. Oth St. Klamath Falls NOTICE Wo onen store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:60 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Many are the good things we can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be In debt and have to skip It you buy your goods from ' ' LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of 6th St. : 1 Let 'your Glass Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazlng done In any part of the city E. O. STUCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. J t 1 J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 617 Main St. Phenes: Office 160, Res. 102J -urlrlJunrlnnnonr""rl ,t ,. -. .. O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all ' stock placed ih our barn. Horses, harness arid Vjargoris bought, ? sold and exchanged. 'WWMMWWMMMWWWWWMWMWWWNMWA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. "Wisecarver PHONE SS4 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Beventh and Main Streets VVWWWMMMAMMMNMrMMMMAMM4K Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring, Face Mnssago Scalp Treatment by appointment MRS. GILL Lee Apts., 5th and Walnut VAMAMMAAAMAMAAAMM HENRY SMITH Carpenter and Cabinet Maker 106 Main Street Phone 457 A. MAUR1TSCH ForrYpur favorite Furniture Phone 176J 10 Main St. F J Professional EXCLUSIVELY Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy ''Open A,Fourthan6V)?ine,StreettA PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIHT Phono 434W. X-ltny Laboratory Loom Is llldg., Klamath Fall DIt. C. A. KAMJIO Dentist L O. O. F. Dnlldlng PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for ' Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDanJeU, 301 High St Phone 455 MAMAMMMAAAMVMWWWVVWM Office Phone 177W Ilea 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'bjslclan and Burgeon White Building Klama'th Falls Oregon MAVWMWWWWW,WW DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. P" Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rooms 4 and 5 Phones 17W 17R Swnnson Dldg. (Over Gun Store) &&&fryr'r:r'W4 KATHERINE SCHLEEF Physician and Surgeon Office, White Bldg. .;..X.4444 WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bide DR. G. A. MASSEY SBccessbr j? Dr. Tnua - ' emt aibe, i.jO. o. f. Bids OrBcepVoae 6AJ Res Plume MM Phenes: 1S1J Office. 1S1M Residence. DR. SOULE Office 420 Main Residence lOOO Slain SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing MiUs, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. AVe contract to build any cjass of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office In K. D. BuUdlng KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and , Blacksmithlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED, Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Ave. I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity, that may be desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. CITY AND COUNTV ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Mala; I - ' ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager I Pharmacy -Soon In'the Hospital,