The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 22, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OAKttAhV 2a, iter.
! i
i -I
t -v
TheEvening Herald
i i
f 'fc. 9. HORRAS
L' gi". m if BAKer
wr rSED, 8,OU,IiE
fjj Cky Editor
sWlsHed dally oxceptSunday by
neraia I'uousning company of
. m,ai H6 roarta street.
tCed.sit the DOstnfNpft at TDnm.
kJr,,s. re-i or. transmission, thru
m B&iu aa second-class matter.
abscrlptlon, terms .by mall ,t any
Mdresa la the United States:
II ' f
Marnier pt t4o.ssodtd rreaa
The Associated Press Is exclusively
tatltled,to-the Bso for republication
C all news, dispatches credited to It
r not otnerwiso credited la tola pa
Mr," mad also locaV news jmblished
AK right ot ropubltcattea ot spe-
wujouBatcnes nebcin are arise-ressrr-
' The divorce suit ot J. W. Swarls
twager 'Against Rctta Swartsfwagor
waa tried In tho circuit court yeater-durti-Declslbn
Is rxmcllne the nrr iwra-
tlon ot the transcript by the reportcr.
Assorting thai ntter ho had gono
to great cxponfco In propagation for
receiving tieitrle sorvlco front the
Keno Power company, the company
hhs failed to fulfill Us contract for
delivery, Edwanl Sutton, rammer on
thoJClnmnth river n fow mllot bolrw
toTh', yesterday Instltntetl n dumago
suit for SMBri In tho circuit court.
Plaintiff alleges that ho Is the own
cr ot 240 acres ot land susceptible tt
Irrigation by pumping, nnd thnt de
fendant contracted to furnish elec
tric power to operate his pumping
plants and current to light his house
and 'buildings, not to loxcceA 10
horsepower, delivery to bogin May IB,
Relying on this contract, he says,
ho ipent to much expense In digging
dltch'es, planning pumping sites, wlr
in his house and other buildings, niul
otherwise proparlng to uso tho elec
trical service. lie alleges that tho de
fondant company knew of his work
and his plans but when tho thno
caano tor defendant to build connect
ing lines for delivery of tho promis
ed sorvlco It tailed to do so, causing
him great injury and loss.
Itorcatter tho Herald will publish
the moan nnd maximum tomporaturcs
and precipitation record as taken by
tho IT. S. Reclamation .Borvlco sta
tion. Publication will covor tho day
provltuis to the paper's issue, up to
i o'clock of that day.
Max, Mln. Precipitation
Jan. 21. 40 24 traco
y Possibly votf have cone along in your home
these" longVuiter nights "without Music, principally
becaiiseyohetectedto get our prices and terms.
t,, gwirMtcarinstrumeiiisstill reasonable in
price, anti'ourrterms such that no one need denjr
tfeemaelyes;this entertaining and educative influence
for their home.
' Terms of from Five to Twenty Dollars per
monthwill place almost any of our instruments in
your home.
wny not see ior yourseir i
it ! I r
Musical Instruments Exclusively
Phone 282J
it v
507; Main Street
Vfl SG w
-ntiV" o
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon for tho County ot
' Klamath.
t c
f Il(
Endorsed Alike By
Owners and Dealers
LalleLighk ti enthusiastically endorsed by thousands of Lalley
Light -owner all over the world and by over 1,300 Lalley Light
merchant, t ,
ijTbls jve!l:Vnown farm electric light and power plant has proved
deservedly popular because of its simple and reliable construc
tion, its smote eaoadtv for the domestic electrical needs of
If- farnu'riiral homes, lumber camps, yachts, theaters, churches,
tOKnoou, tin fact, anywhere where central-station electricity is
,eJ2not easily aYhie P I t0 costly.
mo Lalley i Lieht dealers have.'foundithat the sale of the Lalley Light
plant and farm, electrical accessories is a Very' profitable business
, with unequaled future possibilities. Any aggressive individual
OQlTor firm wh realizes the great future in the farm lighting business
od in this community should write us at once for the Handbook of
Lalley, Savings, which gives the testimony of Lalley Light
owners. Also he should know our Lalley Light dealer's proposition.
70 t
,, 4 rv . ... juanuiaciurea ana coia ay
SB' AKSlKUSr rar. Michigan. V. S. A.
Capacity approximately
1,000 Watts. Only threo
moving porta. Water-cooled.
Equipped with patent gov
ernor giving 40-volt current
when dla-connected from
battery. Equipped with 16i
celiatorago battery and water
tank. Now being Bold largely
in every civilized country the
world over.
l tot
Haa)afJnerJLIftt PUtflbutor,
Addrew of Lalley JUfht Distributor.
Pltua tend fo a copy of your Handbook of Lalley Savings and
outUno' your Lalley Light dealer", propoiltlon. '
.Hunt. '
t f
'"'"a ps sii-
la xMViviir" "Tyt
Portland, Oregon
KflM I IT ifffli I ll M 1 1
Jn tho Jtnttur ot tno tistato nnd)
aunrdianshlp of Frank ii.)
JlcCornnck, Jr., a Minor. )
It appearing to tho Court from
tho petition this day presented nnd
filed by Frank II, McCornnck, Biiar-
dtau of tho person nnd estate ot
Prank II. McCornnck, Jr., a minor,
praying Tor nn order to sell, nt
nrlvnto sale, tho following described
real estate, belonging t.o Bald miner:
n undivided two-flftoonths interest
Alt ot lots 1, 2, 10 nnd C south ot
tho following described lino, to-wlt,
ItejdnnlnK nt n point 65S foot north
ot tho northeast corner of tho SHU
ot section 7, township 38 south,
rnngo S oast ot AVIUamotto Meridian,
thonco west 2621 feet to a Btono
marked with n cross nt tho onBterly
end of tho cros3 tllko between Wocus
nnd Caledonia Marshes; thonco south
4 degrees west 100 feet; thence
north GG degrees west 1000 foot;
thonco north 24 degrees oast 200
feet: thonco north GG dogrccs west
GO feet to center ot ennnror stream;
thonco northorly along center of
canal 100 foot; thonco west to tho
west lino of lot G said township; also
lots 3, 14, 9 and S and Sh ot SB4,
section 7. Lots 3, 4, o, c, 7, 8, 3
and 10, section S. Lots 4, G, G, 7 nnd
S ot SB . section 9. S otSWU.
soctlon 10. NWVi. nnd lots 3, 4, 9. 10
nnd 11. section 1G. Section 1G. N',4,
SEW, E of SWU. NW of SWU
and lot 2. soctlon 17. N ot NE.
SE& of NEU, NE4 of SEVi. nnd
lots G, G, 7. nnd S, section IS. NEa.
NEH of NWU. N of SEU, nnd
lots G, 7, S, 9 nnd 10, section 20.
Section 21. W, lots 2, 3. 4, G, G.
7 and S, and SW of NEU: also
all that part of lot 1, section 22, nnd
that part of lots 2 nnd G, soctton 1G
which lies west ot tho following lino,
to-wit, beginning at tho northeast
corner of lot 3 of said section 22,
thonco north 11 35 feet to tho center
ot tho "Neck"; thonco north 38 do
grccs Gl minutes west 414G feet fol
lowing "Neck" to intersection of
north and south conter lino ot soc
tlon 1G, section 22. SWU of SWU,
section 23. AH ot fractional section
2G excopt lots 1 and 9. W. SEU.
W of NEU, SEU of NEU, sec
tion 2G. Section 27. NEU. NEU
ot NWU. and lots 2, 3, 4, G, 6, 7
and S. section 28. Lot 8, section
29. N ot NEU. SWU of NEU.
NWU, E of SEU, soctlon 34.
W& of NEU, SEU of NEU, E&
ot NWU. S',4 of SWU. nnd SEU.
section 36. N of NEU. and W,
section 3G, all in township 38 south
of range 8, cast ot Willamette Morl
dlan, Klamath County, Oregon. Also
N of NEU, nnd SWU ot NEU.
section 2, township 39 outh of
rango S east of Wlllamotto Moridinn.
Also an interest in a certain dike
and the land on which samo is lo
cated,, described as follews: Begin
ning a't tho quarter section corner on
the cast lino of section 7. township
38 south, rango 8, oast ot Willamette
Meridian, thence north GG8 feet,
thenco west 2621 feet to a stono
mnrked with a cross, which stono is
tho placo of beginning; thenco south
24 degrees west 100 foet: thenco
north GG degrees west 1000 feet;
thenco north 24 degrees cast 200
feet; thenco south GG degrees east
1000 feet; thence south 24 degrees
west 100 feet to placo of beginning,
insofar as same pertains to the'larids
of Wocus Marsh, .abutting 6n tho
south, 'as tho samo appears In ascer
tain 'deed of conveyance executed by
Percy M. Collier, Executor of the
estate of E. P. McCornack, deceased,
to Ruth Stevenson Addison, this
minor and others, on August 23,
1917, and recorded In Book 47 of
Deeds, page 331, Klamath County,
Oregon, all of said property being in
said county and state.
That It is expedient nnd for tho
host Interest of tho cstato ot said
minor that said interest in said real
estato bo sold, and that tho samo bo
disposed ot at priyato salo.
And tho Court being fully advised
In tho premises,
It Is hereby ordered that tho next-
of-kin of said minor, and all per
sons Interested In said cstato, nppenr
ueroro tins court on tno 7th day ot
February, 1920, nt tho hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day, at tho
court room of this Court, at Klamath
Fulls, County ot Klamath, Stato of
Oregon, then and thcro to show
causo why an order should not bo
granted for the sale of said real
It is further ordered that a copy
ot this ordor bo published onco a
wook for four successive and conse
cutive weeks, before tho said day of
hearing, in The Evening Herald, a
daily nowspapor of general circula
tion, printed and published at
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Rated this 7th day of January,
R, II. DUNNELL, Judge.
Stato of Oregon, )
County of Klamath.)
I, C. R. DoLap, County Clerk and
Clerk of tho County Court, in and
for Klamath County, Stato of Ore
gon, do horoby certify that tho fore
going copy of Ordor to Show Causo
has been by mo compared with tho
original and that it is a correct
transcript thorofrom and of the
wholo thoroof as tho samo appears
on filn and nt record in mv nfflrn
and In my custody.
In witness wnereor, I have horo
uoto sot my hand and affixed tho
seal of tho County Court this 7th
day of January, 1920.
n ,
$ Nut Size
Analyzing 36 per cent Protein
And ... 42 per cent Protein
Swift & Company
Animal Fpod Dept ' T ' u NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON
. Thoso who read and enjoyed Oeo
Unrr McCulchoon's novel, ''Coward
ice Court," will bo interested In tho
photoplay version which Is boing
shown tonlgh nt tho Llborty Thea
tre. It Is n William Fox production,
starring I'oggy Hylaild, and porhups
Is most remarkable In that It retains
all the flno touches of humor which
wore such nn outstanding feature of
tho book.
Miss Hyland Is given wonderful op
portunity for flno character Inter
pretation ns Ijnclopo Drnko, tho Eng
lish girl who sides with n nolKhbor
in tho war waged on him by hor own
family. ICathorino Adams as 1'enu
lopo's snoblsh slstor-ln-lnw, Arthur
Hoyt as n penniless English lord, nnd
othor mombers ot tho cast also nro
entitlod to credit. Tho scenes ot tho
play nro laid In tho Adirondack!) nnd
most of tho action takes placo out-of-doors.
Tho North Carolina Stato College
or Women hns added a course In
journalism to Its curriculum
For tho first twenty yonrs of Its
existence, no woman was admitted
to tho library of tho British museum.
Tho Women's City Club of Wash
ington, D. C, Is plnnning to build a
new homo at a costwof about $3G0,-
Buy and keep handy a bottlo of
J paln-relleving Sloan's Liniment
YOU need, it when the unexpected
rheumatic twinge starts the -
pains and aches following ex
posure sciatica, lumbago, sore mus-'
clcs, stiff joints, neuralgia. Forgot all
about buying another bottle and keep
ing it handy, didn't youf Get It today
play safe you may need it tonightl
This famous counter-irritant pent
halts without rubbine and scatters the
congestion. The, pain or ache It soon
relieved, leaving no plaster or poultice
mussincss, no stained skin. Thousands
of regular users keep it handy for
emergency they don't suffer need
lessly. Three sizes i at all druggists
35c, 70c., $1.40. V O .
Friday and Saturday
January 23-24
rSm' NSH!P' (Ti. immortal
A,n -i n Pir fine n. hit
W r "Ho 7 n p du..
g! nenry waasworcn ignyeuvw
FACTS, No. 402
Highways are tho natural
agencies of a commonwealth's
development. Lack of them
presents a formidable barrlor
to progress. All thoughts aro
now turned to tho (improvement
of public highways and tho
peoplo aro insistent that thoy
no paved with,
The Liberty Theatre
Friday and Saturday
reckard Dassengers
ta .xi-auto service anj Baggage
Winter Schedule anywiihius in tiim city
.. ' , Crf. . QUICK HKRVICM
Peli can Bay and Shipping- iucahonaiu.i; hatks
, ton, $L00 phonk m
One or four
g St - hSSw WesternTraiisfcrCo.
All main Klamath Falls,
Orants Pass and Ashland
streets nro paved with War-ronlto-DItullthlc,
all over 10
years in sorvlco.
.. .
.. .
4 -
1000 Coyote Skins
800 Mink Skins
"We will pay the highest Cash Price for Furs.
'Call or send them in at once, either by Parcels
Postor Express, and send the bill with them.
I Eagle Peel Room
" 44MM4'l'4'44'4t '!