The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 17, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ivuh: Tiutr.u
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Mary Pickf ord
" Pollyanna "
Tlie novel by Eleanor H. Porter
Sunday and Monday
Two complete Matinees Sunday, starting at 1:30
and 3.30 p. m.
The" particular duty of the company to its cus
tomers is to render satisfactory service; to its em
ployees, to maintain loyalty by fair treatment; to
those who own its securities, to maintain integrity of
their investment, and to others of the common
wealth, under whose rules and regulations it oper
ates, to convey lio information that it is giving them
better service lot less money than can be obtained
in any other way, even under government or muni
cipal ownership. Our business is founded on an
economic basis, and if wisely administered and not
hampered by unfair treatment can continue mutu
ally beneficial to the customer, to labor, to capital
and the commonwealth. '
California-Oregon Power Co.
Effective Jan. 1, 1920
Storage Charges will be as follews:
Live Storage, $7.50 Per Month
Dead Storage, $5.00 Per Month
Klamath Garage Men's Association
. A ., .. A . A !.
A A A A A A A A A A A '
V V V S V v V V V V V V
t 1000 Coyote Skins
i 800 Mink Skins
We will pay the highest Cash Price for Furs.'
jl: Call or send them in at once, either by Parcels
i Post or Express, and send the bill with them.
t t
t Eagle Peel Room i
r i 4
nr- it r 01
" m . (cnT ''itMr "IP
m-m Mku 1
kri&j&t DomGsticVcience1)eparimen't
AHfti II
Whenever You Make Mayonnaise Dressing Remember
Dremilngs for Hnlndri have on tliolr
fnlltljtlil Intl flftftl ftlt tin. I annnnliltiirn
wi..-.i.w,, ,i,ti, Wll null niJIIIllJIllllfjOt
Thorn nrii in ri ii v illfrnriint rmnhlnii.
lions, lint all of Hi oho aru variations
of threw foundation formulno, which
tiro Pruncli drosilng, muyonnulsu,
and cooked dressing, Tho iiiohI popu
liir niid'COiiiiiionly used Is tho French
drcsnliig. Ilollod or cooked dressing
Is preferred by those who do not
enro for tlio flnvor of oil, and It la
n vory convenient salmi dressing, for
it call ho proimrod In iuantltluH, and
If kept In a cool place will keep
nicely for nuvornl weeks, Mnyonnnlso
dressing In considered by inuny
Honiowhnt difficult to prepare. Tlio
fnct In that It In really vory simple,
and tho reason for failures can tiBUal-
ly ho tracoil to lack of caro In buy
ing all tho ingredients of nliout tlio
hiiiiio loinponituro, or lidding tho oil
too quickly or In too largo a quan
tity. Oho V.kk Yolk Absorbs Only
Oik; Cup of Oil
Ono egg yolk will only ubsorb a
cupfil of oil. If moro than that
quantity la used, tho dressing will
separate, olthor whllo mixing or
Bhortly after, when net nsldo. It la
essential that tho oil and egg 'o f
nliout tho same tompcraturo. This
does not necessarily moan ico cold,
but cool. If oil Is kept In tlio re
frigerator and becomes so cold It is
thick and cloudy, It will bo almost
linposslblo to mnko a satisfactory
Tho seasonings and acid should
ho added to tlio woll-bcalen yolk of
egg, usIiib n small ks bcator. Heat
well and add a teaspoonful of oil aud
continiio beating; ndd oil, a tea-
spoonful at a tlmo, about four times.
beatliiB vigorously alltlio tlmo. Then
ndd oil by tho tablespoonful until all
has been used.
Ily mldlng tho nccld to tho egg
yolks boforo tho oil Is used, tho egg
boajor may bo used from tho begin
ning ,nnd tho larger surface, over
which tho oil Is spread lessons tho
liability of tho mlxturo to curdle. U,
ns will sometime happen, tho mnyon
nalBo should begin to curdlo, put It
Your Favorite Salad 'Dressing? Presto! it is here!
French Dressing
One-half teaspoon salt, ono-fourth
teaspoon poppor, two tablespoons
vinegar, ono-fourth cup "olive oil.
Mix nB directed. A fow drops of
onion Julco may bo ndded.
Viiiiilgx'ttu Dressing
Onc-hnlf cup French drgsslnB, two
enpers chopped, ono smnll "sour pickle
chopped, one-fourth teaspoon pars
ley chopped, fow drops onion Julco,
ono-liulf teaspoon green poppor chop
pod. This Bniico is used on aspara
gus, stuffed tomatoos, or fish salad.
Hoqiicfoi t Dressing
One-half cup French dressing, two
tnblcapoons .mashed Roquefort
chcego, ono-fourth teaspoon paprika.
Tills dressing is suitablo for all green
Pnrislun Dressing
Ono-hnlt cup Fronch dressing,
throe stuffed olives chopped flue,
two green onions chopped fino, ono
toaapoon groon poppors chopped,
llttlo Worcestershire sauce. Mix. and
lot this, dressing stand about an hour
boforo serving.
Thousand Island Salad Dressing
Put Into. a small Blasa fruit Jiir
ono-hnlt cup olivo oil, tho Julco of
one-half, lemon, ono-hnlf orange, ono
teaspoon grated onion pulp, one
fourth teaspoon each salt and pap
rika, ono teaspoon Worcestershire
sauco, ono-fourth tonspoon mustard
nnd threo sprigs of parsloy choppod
fino. Put on n. rubbor nnd tho cover
and shako vigorously until woll
mixed and croamy; then pour at
onco ovor tho salad Ingredients, This
la suitablo for tomatoes, asparagus,
peas, bonus, spinach, lcttuco, endive,
Plain Louis Dressing
Cfno-hnlf cup Fronch dressing, ono
fourth cup tomato catsup, ono-hnlf
tonspoon Worcestorshlro sauce,
onion Juice. Mix woll. This sauco
la ii sod for shollflsh salads, such ns
crnb, lobster, shrimps, or oystors.
Slajoniialso Dressing
Ono yolk of egg, one-half toaspoon
salt, ono-fourth ionspoon white pop
por or paprlkn, onp-hnlf .teaspoon
'dry'nniBtard, two tablespoons vino
gar or lomon Julco, throo-fourths cup
of oil, two tablespoons of hot wntor.
Heat tho yolk of egg; add soason-
Con tiacictl fy
Domestic Science Mrecior
' Sfei jjy faur to, I
nnldo and begin tho process over
again ulth a fresh egg yolk. When
this has become smooth and thick,
tho curdled dressing may bo added a
little nt u tlmo.
JMnyonnalso when woll made Is
smooth and thick and glossy In np
pcaranco. Thin dressing can bo kopt
for Home tlmo withou BopartlnB. It
may bo colored In various wavli for
decorative purposes. Hcd mayon
naise can bo mado by adding strain
ed tomato Julco or a vcgotablo color
Ihb to tho dressing, For green may
onnalso use the strained Julco of
spinach. Whllo mayonnaiso can bo
mado by using lemon Julco for tlid'
nold, ns It has a bleaching effect.
Adding either tho Btiffly boaten ogg
whllo or a little whipped cream will
also sorvo to make It white. If a
Jollied mayonnaiso Is desired, for
ench cup of dressing uso a teaBpoon
of gelatin dissolved In a llttlo cold
water and molted over hot water,
addltiB this to tho mayonnaiso after
It Is in Ixcd.
OimmI Oil Inquired for Perfect
French Dressing
Oil Ib tho main ingredient In a
French dressing, nnd If tho salad is
to bo perfect a good ollvo fill is ne
cessary. Other vpgetablo oils may
bo used for mayonnaiso, but a
French dressing will lack flnvor nnd
smocthnoos If mado of an inferior
oil. Ubo n sharp, pure vinegar for
a dressing to bo used ovor vege
tables, and lemon or grapefruit Juice
for fruit salad.
To preplro a French dressing, turn
all the Ingredients Into n small glass
fruit Jar, adjust tho rubber nnd .cover
and shako vigorously until well
blended and thickened. A perfect
emulsion will result, and the dress
ing should bo served at once, or It
will become thin and watery.
Cooked dressing somowhat re
semble.'! mayonnaiso andt is usually
mado of butter, although lf oil fs
...-u mu uuror is scarcely percop-
tlblo after It has been heated.
Tho following recipes for salad
dressings will bo variations of theso
threo basic principles:
Ings; beat ngirin; then add 'vinegar1
or lemon Juice. Beat well and Add
oil as directed. Finish with boiling
'water, beating In tho samo mannor
ns tho oil. Tho boiling water also
assists In preventing curdling after
the dressing has been allowed to
Russian Salntl Dressing
One-half cup ninyonnaiso dressing,
ono teaspoonful pimentos chopped
Cine, ono teaspoonful tarragon vine
gar, ono-fourth cup chill sauco, ono
teaspoonful groon poppers choppod
'fino, one-half teaspoonful paprika,
ono-fourth teaspoonful salt, one-half
rup ollvo oil. To tho mayonnaiso
dressing nnd .nbovo add an extra half
rup of oil, then tho chilli sauco, sea
sonlngs, vinegar and fine-hopped
Snuco Tartnro
To onc-hnlf cup mayonnaise sauco,
mado with mustnrd and a fow drops
of lomon Julco, add ono tablespoon
oach fine-chopped capers, olives and
cucumber pickles and one teaspoon
fine-chopped parsloy. This dressing
Is used for salad, cold m pat's, flab,
oyUers, otc.
Rich Louis Dressing
One-halt cup ninyonnaiso, one
third cup chill sauco, ono-hnlf cup
whipped cream. Mix mayonrtnlso
nnd chili sauco, then fold In tho
whipped cream.
Cooked Dressing
To make tho creamy bailed dress
ing, put ono teaspoonful of flour into
a sa'ucepan, add ono teaspoonful of
sugar, ono teaspoonful of salt, a
pinch of mustard, a pinch of paprika,
ono-fourth cupful of -wator, one
fourth cupful" of vinegar, and ono
woll-bonton egg. Stir and cook
slowly until tho mlxturo 'begins to
thicken; then romovo frdm tho stovn
anil ndd ono hooping toaspoonful of
That Liltle Girl Is Coming
Soon v
tV-..i- -
CHICKENS J26 South SixtK St!
FOR SALE Real Estate
FOIt BALE Six room, modern
holll'd. W'nll lficntnfl. linn Vlnu
largo lot. I'rice V2i".00, terms to
null. A real bargain, by owner.
1'hono SOU. 16-17
FOIt 8AMC Olt TIIADK I six room
house in Cottage Grove, Oro., lA
arm lot, for Klamath Falls property.
Call 19123 or nddres Jtobt. Cheyne,
Klamath Falls, Merrill Itmito. 12-17
FOIt SAM: Olon Nomn 160 acres
Cherry Crek valley and IC1 Cnpi
tan Meadows 160 acres Silver Ilutto
Fisher North Western Montana
Warm clilnook cllinate fino moun
tain water, excellent outsldo range,
and wonderful game country .Good
chanro for cattle, horses, sheop, hoga
and poultry near auto road and
shipping polwt. I'art cash te,rms on
balance Uped car as part payment,
Claude Ilpughlon, Modoc Point, Oro.
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
FOR SAM' I leather couch, rock
Ins chair, ladles writing deak, lib
rary table. 415 Washington St.16-19
FOH SAM: Groceries, flour nnd
feed nt low prices. Why pay more?
Spot Cash flasket Grocery. 822-824
Klamath Ave. 14-20
FOR BALE 100 owes Prlco Is
right. Phono 24R. 12-17
FOR SALE DIebold safe at a bar
Bain. Phone 25GW. 10-tf
FOIt HAI.I-; 350 tons splendid qual
ity lte & Meadow bay all Id feed
hams. Good water. Price JIB a ton,
12 mllci N East Klamath Falls
I". O. Uox S03 or Phone 11F11. 8-21
FOR SALE A light oak 8 drawer
flat lop desk In pxcollent condi
tion. Inquire Herald office. 31 tf
WANTED TO BUY 50-ft warehouse
lot'on Hack and pnvenjent. F. Hill
Hunter. Phono day 149J; nights
31. ' 1-19
Printing, Stationery and office
supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta
tionery company. 12C Main St. 9-tf
Demorest, Dentist, over
man's Store, 6th and Main.
WANTED A good roll top desk. In
quire Herald office. tf
Garbage removed phone 91.
Wo make n specialty nt Urn. life
and ncrldrnt InsuMnrp. Phone nil and
we'll do the rest. Cliilcote & Sm'lh
PHONK PEYTON for wood. 187
Surety bonds wtille to watt.
coto & Sntltn. B-s
I Inverted the Tire
Sole Idea O. S.
Patent No. 10m,
Hovuubtr ca UiJ.
CutTire Costs
with Sturges
Bring U3 nn old,
wont tire lil:e
we'll cover it
with a Sturges
Tiro Sole mado
cf new, live rub
ber, with heavy
non-sldd tread
and you'll have
the equal cf a
new tiro, which
locks like this,
rjuarantecd for
6,000 miles.
Fturics Tire Sol re
duce your Me tipsuce
on) Ii r. We ilj
1120 Main St. Phono 304
" Murphey's Feed & See Sre
JJ""""" ' OTll flH H-Cm CV mjXl trUTjUTj
FOH KENT Hoom for ono or two
men. Apply 203 Main street,
FOIli HUNT Furnished room, close
ln-for two gentlemen. Iteason-
nblo. I'hono 8011. 16-17
FOR RENT Four room furnished
apartment. Garage. References re
quired. 416 South Riverside, Phone
192M. . 14-tf
FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms for
housekeeping. 1313 Main. 6-17
LOST A man's black leather belt
with gold buckle, Initials S. S. Re
turn to Herald Office. tft
WANTED Hides, eggs and potatoes.
Spot Cash Basket Grocery. 822-824
Klamath Ave. . 14-20
WANTED A housekeeper. Apply
Room 2,'Swanson Building. 12-tf
WANTED A small second hand 2
wheel push cart. Inquire O. C. Her
ald office.' , ,6-tf
WANTED Many of the leading
newspaper men of the country, 'the.
men in the best paid positions got
their start on their home newspaper.
The all round training obtained' on
the smaller paper made the special
ists who guide the destinies of the
biggest publications of the country.
The Herald has an opening for a re- '
porter and will give local applicants
preference. The position Is open to
any young man who la active, bright,
able to gather news and write gram
matical' English. Apply to the City
Editor. 20-U
World's Greatest Phrenologist,
. Palmist and Medium.
Reads your entire life past,
present and future correctly, giv
ing names, dates and figures In bus
iness, love, law, marriage and dom
estic treubles: Tells you what you
are best adapted for and wAat to do
to better your conditions In life.
This lady "reads your hand as you
would an open book. A reading by
her will meet your highest expecta
tions, and you will be wiser and
happier, after consulting her, she
having the gift of removing all evil
Influences and placing you In an en
vironment of .happy thought -and
contentment. Readings: Sunday and
dally, 9 a.'m. to' 9:30 p.;ra. 'Located
at Roam 1, Moore Rooming House,
1313 Main St., between Broad i and
Spring Streets, one block eaatt of
White Pelican Hotel, KlamathfFalls,
Ore. 1-18-20
K ii Tr L - J jrti at
Notice is hereby-given that there
are funds In the county treasury for
the redemption of- Klamath County
general fund warrants proteated (pre
sented for payment but hot paid for
the want of funds) on or be f pre Sept.
17, 1913.
Interest on same will cease from
Dated at .Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 9th day of Jan. A. D. 1920.
9-10-12-13-1 Coun,ty Treasurer.
- .
More records Earl Shepherd. St
Winter Schedule
Short trips, 50c passen
ger; Pelican Bay or SJijp
pington, $1.50 ff or either 1
or 3 passengers. .
Rex Cafe. Phone 77
and Baggae
.a ftfj
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned will self at PUplo; auc
tion to the highest bidder tor 'cash In
hand, on Saturday, February 7.U920,
at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at O. K,. Livery
Darn, Sixth street, .Klamath Falls,
Oregon, ono black Jack, agqdj'about
eight years, weight about onq, thous
and pounds, to satisfy my , lien for
the board and care of Bald,!animul,
from November 1, 1919, at the' rate
of $lf per month.
Dated: January 17, 1920. . 4
M. J.