r VMiK TWO SATUIIDAY, JANUAIIV IT, 1020. TrIE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m The Evening Herald T Editor FBED SOULE City Editor t ' PmblUhed dally except Sunday by tkm Herald Publishing Company of DUMtb. Falls, at HE Fourth Stroet. RUred at the postofflco at Klam iXk Falls, Oro., for transmission thru Ik malls as second-class matter. labacrlptlon terms by mail to any Mdress In ttio" United States: 5 00 .GO m year Da month YOU WILL OLDER BE 1 Member of tho Associated Press r,The Associated Press Is exclusively titled to the use for republication m All ma.m tfar.fttf.fcna rrmlltpll tn it r not otherwise credited In this pa- 5, art and also local news published rein. j ,.A11 rlghta of republication ot spo-J kUl 'dispatches herein are also reserv- 4. 5 k 8ATUKDAV, JANUARY 17, 1020. .t 5,500,000 ACRES TO BE ADDED TO FORESTS 1G.- Five MISSOULA. Mont.. Jan, and a half million acres of privately'? owned and state owned timber lands may be added to the national forests Ki ef district one. If the national forest- ry program, soon to bo presented, is adopted by congress, the service may receive these lands by exchange on pufcriase. J In, tho first district there are 2,-. 801,283 acres of privately ownedi lands t-whicb-T are located within the national forests. In addition, the states of Montana and Idaho ownl Z75.860 acres in tne national lorcsts. There are also 2,136,007 acres or forest land outside the national for ests and privately owned which are desirable for national forestry pur poses, while the two states have title to 289,240 acres ot such land. Life insurance requires a yearly payment fre- i quenlly during a long term of years, and the differ- once between the premium at your present age and jj. the premium at an age a year older Would amount to a sizable sum as the years pass. Thc'rock-bottom price is now available to you. ( Have you yet adjusted your family's protection jj: to the present scale of living costs? Has your busi- ne"ss been made safe by business insurance? 'Have t you covered your inheritance taxes? Save money by insuring, pr taking more insur ance, before your age changes! And by all means learn about our new policy and its special protective features protects you and your family if you be come disabled, and, in addition, protects them if you go. Accidental death DOUBLES the amount of the insurance. THE MUTUAL LIFE IS THE OLDEST LEGAL RESERVE COMPANY IN AMERICA. ITS FIN ANCIAL STRENGTH IS IMPREGNABLE, ITS SERVICE IS UNEXCELLED, AND ITS POLICIES CONTAIN, THE BEST THAT THE SCIENCE OF LIFE INSURANCE .HAS YET DEVISED. Let us fix up your insurance needs at the rate for your present age. It's worth doing ! Get the best. Ask Geo. C. Ulrich V ''iMtAIDSvAKE COY1 T. IX)TJIS,Mo., Jan. 16.- When young women freshmen of Washing ton University, numbering 150, were questioned recently whether they favored cheek-to-cheek dancing they overwhelmingly 'decided it was in sanitary, and. should be barred: Ono hundred, and forty-five of them de- "The Insurance Man" District Manager for The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Office over the First State and Savings Bank ; AAAAAAA i"A'i-W':'MZZ$$$4.$4$$ Jclded that it gave tho deadly germ a chance to do its worst, but there were five who 'Noted along tho lines that they didn't care whether the germ worked or struck, It was "all the same to them." . . . . F, 1 1 B N E HD MEAD Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. AMWWVMWVVVVVVVVVAVWvVSAAVSVViMSAV AT THE Mondale Theatre , TONIGHT SPECIAL SINGING AT EACH SHOW BOZCMAN, Mont., Jan. 17. "Wo 'are becoming a nation ot farm rent ;ors." Elwood Mead, chairman of tho J California Land Settlement hoard. told delegates to tho Montana Stato Farmers institute hero yesterday In urging "a planned rural develop ment" based on tho theory used in establishing stato farm projects in California. "More than half tho land in Kansas, Nobrnska, and Oklahoma is farmed by tenants," ho said. "There are less pcoplo on 'farms in some counties in Missouri, Illinois and Iowa than there were ten years ago'. Prof. Hobs and EdMth Wharton give vivid pictures of tho depleted life In rural Now England. Last year I spent six months studying tho agri cultural conditions in tho southern st,atca along tho Atlantic seaboard, and camo away profoundly do- pressed." Largo areas of land aro being rt'S'VJarMVVAAAVVVX. QUICKLY CONQUERS CONSTIPATION Don't lot constipa tion poison your blood and curtail your energy. If CARL'S ITTLE IVER V, your liver and bow- IrTERS Jl ftlH ,lnn't wnrlr tlrnn. orly, take CARL'S LITTLE LIVER (4 L I FT E IIS today and your troublo will cease, For dizziness, lack of appetite, head aclio nnd blotchy skin nothing can ctjual tliom, Piiroly vego tablo,' Small Pill Small Dose Small prlco. At tho Star Drug Co. bought by corporations who Intend peopling It with European tenants," Dr. Mead said. "Thoy seek to create lUtlo Bwedonn, Donmnrkn and Po lands, anil thus cstabllHh''tbnnntry ha 11 permanent Institution j" hp con tinued. "Such arrangements already exist In many states. Thai is not democracy. It menus political un rest nnd disorder na nn ultlmnto re suit." Hero Is what Dr. Mend recom recem mended: 1. (Irbuptng ot farm owners Into organized communities. i!. Farms largo enough to give n living Incomo to' (ho owner nnd lila family. 3. A credit system for develop ment In which tho 'amount ot mnney tho stato would lond ttottlors would ho known; also "tho amount which tho settlor must furnish to bo tic copted. 4, Practical ndylco and direction In tho Improvement ot farms and for organizing to co-opornto. "American farms nro under capitalized," ho said. "Lacking money and credit, beglnnors buy poor cows, work with poor tools and live In poor houses, and that moans poor returnji. Unless enough money Is provided to put tho farm on 11 pay ing basis it Is best not to lend any." Co-operation, Dr. Mend said, is the only foundation for a modem rural community. "It provides common Interests," ho asserted. "It creates local pride. It puts nn ond to tho migratory habit, and strengthens the doslro for a pormnnout homo and progress In social exlstonco. Co operation Is a bond that will over come difference of language and racial habit. That Is Bhown In Cali fornia, whore 13 nationalities work together and danco togothor In tho social hall ot tho Durham colony." ' Durham colony Is tho successful land sottlomont project established by tho stato ot California soveral years ago. CUI1AX SCO A It RIXA Kl. GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. 17. No more shipments of crudo or raw sug ar from Cuba nro expected to nrrlvo In (lalveston betoro tho latter part of January, it Is announced by offi cials of tho sugar roflnory at Sugar- land, to which shipments are consign ed Soveral cargoes had boon oxpoctcd to reach horo early In January hut theso aro said io have bcon delayed nnd will not reach hero until tho latter part of tho month. During tho first wook of Docombor 28.001' bags of now Cuban sugar woro deliv ered through this port. than (nor to back FINANCING THE FARMER lITH even greater Interest unit activity hnfom the First National Hunk l i: the buMlnesa of tanning In ttilt locality. You may bo finding It imciwary to nmku mldllloim anil Improvements n mlvanre of your Hpilng opninlloiiB In which wo can lend a helping hand, Como In and talk thtuKH over. K. It. Itenmc.N, I'lCHlilcnt 'A. M. Collier, Vlto.l'i. il.lrnl John M. Mihiio, Vlei'-l'rcshli'iiL lit'tllo ltogii, Canhtcr 14 the First National Bank & m KLAMATH FALLS OREQON IllllllWi xssxr M-4'','.,,-.,-''v',,M' REX CAFE 1 i 1 V -$1.00 '5 $1100 Sunday Special Dinner- MENU Olympla Ojster Cocktail Houp Crvnm ot Chicken a la Iloyalu ItellHllCH California Ulpe Olivet' 1)111 I'll Ides Halml Waldorr with Whipped Cream Your ehoUt) of Chicken I'attlon 11 la Toulouxo FrlciHseo of Young Chicken, Peasant Style ' ltoaiit Spring Chicken, OyHtur DreSHlng, Ulhlut Sauce ' VKitnMi'N MuHhed Potatoes Stnwed Sugar Corn i)i:ssi:it'rs Your cholro of CalilnetiPuildlni: Vanilla Sauce llot Mluco I'lo Custard 1'lu Cnfo Nolr -M'-... AWAY WITH THOSE AND PAINS Keep, Sloan's Llnunent bandy to 1 pnt the "feel ftood" back Into the system ALL It need hf ju'it one trial a httle.applied without tulUtig, lot , nh fptnttrales to convince ou of its merit in relieving tciatlca, lum "bago,'"rieuriIgia( ' lame ' rnueclra, stiff ness, bruises, paim, achct, and ttraic, the. af ter-efTccti of , exposure. ' The congestion'! scattered, prompt ly, cleanly, without effort, econcmically. You become a regular user of Sloan's Liniment, adding your enthusiasm to that of jts many thousands of other friends the world over, who keep it handy." Three sizes at aU druggists 35c., 70c., $.140. . , , t t j MWVWMWMWVWWWAAAA, J. H. Garrett & Son Automobile Experts ; 522-538 S. Sixth St When at last Spring arrives, ybu will wish thaj you had fixed your car sdoner; so we are suggesting that you bring it in to us to-day and let our expert me chanics start to wdrk dn it. We have a modern and complete 'repair shop and can assure you of service and depend able work. !l4-M,t' Jewel Cafe, 1 Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00 ISi'MHII ' Plcculllll llaby lleetu I. ROW Mock Turtle, Amerlcalnu T HAIjAD , f Matinee Halad ' Choice of ' T IlonRt Country Hum n la Rothnclilld .. & llclglan Hare, Fried Huiiiluy (IiltH . T FrlcasHi-e of Chicken with Small I'.iHtrlei X Klamath Hon Turkey, Cranberry Jelly 4 vi:(ir,T,itiii:H , Martha WaHhlngtou Potatoes Creamed ilrmmolx HproutH Choice of Hot Apple Turnovur, Nutmeg S.iuco Iloston Cream I'lo Vanllm Illanc Mango, Fruit Sauco M44MH4f,' ft'- Thrift and Little Things Who are the men and women' that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 WWWWWAAMMAAMMMAMMMMll